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Female-Female Competition in Bornean Orangutans   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The mostly solitary ranging of orangutans and the large areas over which they traverse have hampered quantification of Bornean orangutan ranging patterns and feeding competition. Because of their semisolitary existence, female orangutans have few competitive interactions among themselves. However, contest and scramble types of competition occur, and researchers consider both to be important for the species. Using 9 yr of data and >22,300 h of observation of adult female orangutans in Gunung Palung National Park in Indonesian Borneo, we examined both forms of competition. Based on our analyses, we have 4 conclusions: 1) Adult female orangutans have highly overlapping home ranges, and thus there is potential for scramble competition to impose a cost. 2) Adult female orangutans actively avoid each other, suggesting that scramble competition indeed imposes a cost. 3) Adult females have distinct core areas that overlap to a lesser degree than home ranges do. 4) Analyses of contest competition reveal a slight spatial component to female competition for the first time. Preliminary evidence for core area defense and passive range exclusion may be among the mechanisms responsible for maintaining distinct adult female core areas.  相似文献   

Testing predictions of socioecological models, specifically that the types of feeding competition and social relationships female primates exhibit are strongly influenced by the distribution, density, and quality of food resources, requires studies of closely related populations of subjects living under different ecological conditions. I examined feeding competition and the resulting female social relationships in mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, which has ecological conditions distinctive from those where other gorilla populations live. I observed 1 group of gorillas for 29 mo to examine the proportion of time spent foraging on fruit, the relationship between patch size and occupancy patterns of fruit trees, and agonistic interactions. Patch occupancy time while foraging in fruit trees decreased with increasing number of gorillas in a tree and decreasing tree size, suggesting that fruit trees represent limiting patches and can lead to intragroup scramble competition. Gorillas exhibited higher levels of aggression while feeding on fruit versus other food resources, which indicates intragroup contest competition. I observed a linear dominance hierarchy with no bidirectionality via displacements, and a similar hierarchy via aggression, though a notable proportion of the dyads contained 2-way interactions. However, most aggression was of low intensity (vocalizations) and the recipient typically ignored it. Despite differences in ecological conditions and diet between the Virunga Volcanoes and Bwindi, agonistic relationships among females are largely similar in the 2 populations and are best characterized as dispersal individualistic.  相似文献   

食物丰容对圈养猩猩行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于2007年2~4月对成都动物园圈养猩猩"铁里"进行了两个食物丰容试验,即用PVC+轮胎和圆木+轮胎试验,每期8 d,观察和记录了猩猩在丰容试验前、后以及两种丰容方式中的各种行为发生次数.结果 表明食物丰容有效地恢复了圈养猩猩的多种摄食行为,增加了猩猩的运动相关行为,减少了休息相关行为;但对刻板行为的影响不明显.  相似文献   

极小种群野生植物是亟需保护、最为濒危的植物, 研究极小种群野生植物物种重要值和竞争格局对保护与恢复具有重要实践意义。本文通过野外群落调查, 研究了湖北省分布的7种极小种群野生植物大别山五针松(Pinus fenzeliana var. dabeshanensis)、水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides)、峨眉含笑(Michelia wilsonii)、小勾儿茶(Berchemiella wilsonii)、长果秤锤树(Sinojackia dolichocarpa)、黄梅秤锤树(S. huangmeiensis)和庙台槭(Acer miaotaiense)的重要值及改进后的Hegyi竞争指数。结果表明: 从重要值来看, 水杉、长果秤锤树在各自所属的群落中具有较高的重要值及较低的变异系数, 为群落中的优势种; 庙台槭和黄梅秤锤树重要值较高, 为群落中的亚优势种; 大别山五针松、峨眉含笑、小勾儿茶重要值较低, 为群落伴生种。从改进后的Hegyi竞争指数来看, 湖北省7种极小种群野生植物受到的竞争压力的来源和强度存在较大差异, 大别山五针松、峨眉含笑、小勾儿茶、黄梅秤锤树主要受到种间竞争, 而水杉、长果秤锤树、庙台槭主要受到种内竞争, 因此在制定保护措施前要充分考虑物种间的竞争情况, 才能采取更有针对性的保护措施。  相似文献   

Via the current model on the evolutionary ecology of female social relationships, Sterck et al. (1997) argue that ecological conditions determine how competition over food resources affects female fitness. The relative importance of different modes of competition then affects female social relationships and dispersal patterns. I outline the model and review relevant data. There are 3 modes of feeding competition: within-group scramble (WGS), within-group contest (WGC), and between-group contest (BGC), which occur in various combinations in different populations of nonhuman primates. Ecological measures support predictions that limiting resources lead to WGS and clumped resources induce WGC. The ecological basis of BGC remains elusive, but it is probably linked to resource abundance. Tests of the proxies of feeding competition support the idea that short-term search substrates and increasing group size lead to WGS, while high-quality patches of intermediate size relative to group size lead to WGC. However, when tested across populations, independent measures of aggression rates do not always match the actual or presumed competitive regimes. This mismatch might be explained by confounding factors and the predominately indirect measures of feeding competition. Predicted relationships between feeding competition and female social relationships/dispersal are only partly supported. This might be attributed to the fact that few studies have taken ultimate approaches using mechanistic correlates of fitness (net energy gain) or lifetime reproductive success to measure consequences of feeding competition. But to resolve existing inconsistencies, additional factors need to be taken into account as well, for example, male sexual strategies may affect female feeding competition; constraints on group size may enforce female dispersal; and demography may alter rates of alliances. More explicitly, ultimate approaches are needed to test the consistency of the socioecological model.  相似文献   

For the past 20 years, field biologists have recognized Sumatran and Bornean orangutans as belonging to 2 separate subspecies. Primatologists have recently suggested that they may be full species and that the Bornean species could be divided into 3–5 subspecies. Statistical analyses of factors affecting the mortality, fertility, and well-being of captive orangutans have revealed some important differences between Bornean, Sumatran, and hybrid orangutans that could support the suggestion. Hybrid orangutans appeared to be genetically weaker, with much lower survival rates than pure subspecific individuals. The weakness also may have contributed to their higher rate of infant rejection. In addition, infertility was 3 times higher in Bornean orangutans than in Sumatran and hybrid orangutans.  相似文献   

Allogrooming contributes to the development and maintenance of social relationships, including those that involve alliances, in many primate species. Variation in relatedness, dominance rank, and other factors can produce variation in the value of others as grooming partners. Several models have been developed to account for variation in the distribution of grooming in relation to dominance ranks. These start from the premise that individuals are attracted to high-ranking partners, but time limits, direct competition, and prior grooming engagement between high-ranking individuals can constrain access to them. Sambrook et al. (1995) formalized some of these models and showed the importance of taking group size variation into account when assessing them. Chimpanzees form multimale communities in which males are the philopatric sex. Males commonly associate and groom with each other; they also form dominance hierarchies and form alliances that influence dominance ranks and mating success. Both male rank and the rank distance between partners are significantly correlated with the distribution of grooming between males in an extremely large chimpanzee community at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, that has more males than any other known community. High-ranking males had more grooming partners than mid- or low-ranking males. Grooming predominantly went up the dominance hierarchy, but was also concentrated among males that were close in rank. Rank and rank distance apparently both affected grooming independently of reciprocity in grooming and independently of the frequency with which males associated in temporary parties. However, the data do not clearly indicate how constraints on access to partners might have operated. Published data from a smaller chimpanzee community at Mahale show no rank or rank distance effect on male grooming. These results and earlier, conflicting findings on the association between dominance rank and grooming in male chimpanzees indicate that variation in group size, i.e., the number of males per community, probably influences the strength of any such effects, as happens for grooming between females in several cercopithecine species. Data on coalitions at Ngogo support the argument that high-ranking males are valuable social partners, and similarity in strategies of alliance formation may influence the distribution of grooming.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(2):312-318.e3
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Wild male Sumatran orangutans at two study sites engaged in homosexual behavior. These observations demonstrate that homosexual behavior is not an artifact of captivity or contact with humans. In separate instances, homosexual behavior was associated with affiliative and agonistic behaviors. These observations add orangutans to the list of primates in which homosexual behavior forms part of the natural repertoire of sexual or sociosexual behavior.  相似文献   

The nightly construction of arboreal sleeping platforms or “nests” has been observed among every great ape population studied to date. However, this behavior has never been reported in any other nonhuman primate and comparisons between ape and monkey sleep illuminate the link between sleeping substrates, positional behavior, and sleep efficiency. Here, we compare sleep depth and efficiency and night‐time positional behavior between a large‐bodied cercopithecoid (Papio papio) and a large‐bodied hominoid (Pongo spp.) at the Indianapolis Zoo. We used infrared videography to assess nightly sleep and awake behavioral states, gross body movements, and postures in baboons (N = 45 nights) and orangutans (N = 128 nights). We calculated the total waking time, total sleep time, sleep fragmentation (the number of brief awakenings ≥2 min/h), sleep motor activity (number of motor activity bouts per hour), sleep efficiency (sleep duration/time in bed), and percentage of time spent in each posture. By every measure, orangutans experienced overall deeper, more efficient sleep. Baboons were more likely to sleep in guarded, upright positions (weight bearing on their ischial callosities) and never opted to use additional materials to augment sleep environments, whereas orangutans slept in insouciant, relaxed positions on constructed sleeping materials. Our results suggest that relaxed sleeping postures may have been enabled by sleeping platforms as a behavioral facilitator to sleep, which could have allowed for greater sleep depth and next‐day cognitive capacities in both great apes and hominins. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:421–427, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Avoidance relations between male kin are a pervasive social phenomenon, yet the subject has received comparatively little treatment in the anthropological literature. When anthropologists have addressed it, they have usually done so indirectly, or put forward theories better suited to explaining other social phenomena. The most common explanations one comes across in the anthropological literature to account for avoidance relationships between male kin, or what I also describe as same-sex avoidance relations in the paper, are the incest taboo and Radcliffe-Brown's theory of respect. In contrast to these explanations, I propose to demonstrate that the reason male kin avoid each other in certain types of settings is not just to maintain a sense of authority and precedence as Radcliffe-Brown's theory implies, or to avoid contravening incest prohibitions, which as Robert Lowie pointed out long ago is incorrect. Rather, because closely related male kin should not compete with each other, as this would contravene the ideology of descent which demands loyalty to one's kin.  相似文献   

We examined agonistic interactions between adult females in wild, unprovisioned patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) and vervets (Cercopithecus aethiops). The dominance hierarchy of patas is far less clear than that of vervets. Patas had fewer interactions per dyad, fewer dyads with interactions, and a high percentage (18%) of reversals in which lower-ranking females won in agonistic interactions with higher-ranking females. Although the rank ordering of the kinds of interactions patas and vervets displayed is similar, with avoidance being the most frequently observed agonistic response to approaches by other females, patas were chased and supplanted more often than vervets were. The resources over which females were supplanted also differ between species. Supplants over food comprise smaller proportion of total supplants patas than for vervets. Patas appear to feed on less usurpable foods than vervets. We conclude that (1) Erythrocebus and Cercopithecus spp., except C. aethiops, should not be categorized with other Cercopithecinae, and C. aethiops should not be categorized with other Cercopithecus spp. and Erythrocebus, in discussions and analyses of relationships between females within groups and (2) ecological conditions, i.e., usurpability of foods, can override phylogenetic history as the selective pressure determining the nature of female competitive relationships within groups.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The organisation of an ant assemblage inhabiting an olive orchard in central Italy was analysed and patterns of dominance among ant species were described in order to assess (i) the relationship between thermal dependency and degree of behavioural dominance, and (ii) the relationship between dominance and discovery ability.
2. Activity patterns of the most abundant species on trees were examined in a sample of 120 trees during spring and summer. The degree of behavioural dominance and the ability of different species to discover new food sources were assessed using tuna baiting on a subset of 80 trees.
3. Different ant species showed contrasting patterns of activity. Some species (such as Lasius lasioides , Camponotus lateralis , and Camponotus piceus ) were most active during the warmer part of the day, while others restricted their activity to the cooler hours ( Camponotus aethiops and Plagiolepis pygmaea ). Some species (such as Crematogaster scutellaris ) were active irrespective of the time of day.
4. No clear relationship was observed between temperature of maximal activity and degree of behavioural dominance. There was, however, a positive relationship between behavioural dominance and thermal range of activity. A positive relationship between dominance and ability to find resources, with the most behaviourally dominant and aggressive species being most efficient in finding food items, was also observed.
5. The results support the idea that the temperature–dominance relationship is much more complex in Mediterranean-type habitats than in other ecosystems. Of particular interest is the positive dominance–discovery relationship. This finding contrasts with previous investigations, which reported a negative relationship between dominance and discovery ability and suggested that this pattern plays a role in promoting the coexistence of species in ant communities.  相似文献   

Food segregation in three species of portunid crabs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wu  R. S. S.  Shin  P. K. S. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,362(1-3):107-113
Gastric mills of 2,619 specimens of portunid crabs(Portunus pelagicus, P. sanguinolentus andCharybdis feriatus) in Tolo Harbour, Hong Kongwere examined. Of these, 1,498 containedrecognizable food items. A total of 34 food items wereidentified, 10 of which (29.4%) were common to thethree crab species. The principal food items werebivalves, decapods, fish and algae. However, thepercent frequency of occurrence of these food itemsdiffered significantly (ANOVA, p < 0.001) among thecrabs. In addition to these principalfood items, differences were noted in other dietarycategories: P. pelagicusand P. sanguinolentus fed on the brittle starOphiura kinbergi, whereas P.sanguinolentus and C. feriatus fed on detritusand gastropods. The diet of P. sanguinolentuswas found to be more similar to C. feriatus thanto P. pelagicus. Exploitation of different fooditems and selective feeding on common prey may reduceinter-specific competition for natural food resourcesand allow the three portunid crabs to co-exist in thesame habitat. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Brown trout, Salmo trutta, and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, have been introduced to freshwaters in Hokkaido, Japan. Today, it is recognized that these introduced salmonids have negative impacts on native salmonids such as white-spotted charr, Salvelinus leucomaenis, and masu salmon, O. masou. In particular, interspecific competition may be an important mechanism that could contribute to the exclusion for native salmonids. In this study, experimental pairwise contests were conducted to compare interference competitive ability between native and introduced salmonids. We demonstrated that brown trout were competitively superior to white-spotted charr and masu salmon whereas rainbow trout were superior to white-spotted charr. We suggest that introduced brown trout negatively impact both white-spotted charr and masu salmon, and introduced rainbow trout negatively impact white-spotted charr.  相似文献   

Grooming is the most common primate affiliative behaviour, and primates compete for accessing grooming partners. We studied a captive group of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) to evaluate the role of different types of competitive interactions in shaping the distribution of grooming among females. Mandrill females preferentially groomed high‐ranking individuals, but low‐ranking females were less able to do so. Interference in others’ grooming and a (consequent) reluctance of low‐ranking females to access dominant group mates occurred frequently and contributed to the observed pattern of grooming distribution, while takeovers of grooming partners was relatively rare. Interference in others’ affiliation was possibly used to prevent the formation of revolutionary alliances. Difficulties in accessing individuals already engaged in grooming exerted a strong but rank‐independent effect on grooming interactions. These results highlight the role of competition in determining access to preferred social partners.  相似文献   

中国粮食作物的野生近缘植物及其保存概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的主要粮食作物约有20种,它们的多数都有野生近缘植物.目前,中国保存的粮食作物野生近缘植物资源约1.5万份,分别保存在国家作物种质资源库和种质圃内.  相似文献   

Surplus male proboscis monkeys at the Singapore Zoo pose a considerable problem for maintenance and maximizing of exhibition potential. In 2008, a new exhibit was constructed to house and display a group of six proboscis monkey males born in Singapore Zoo. To document and monitor the all‐male group establishment in the new exhibit, we conducted observations on intragroup interactions between the monkeys, spatial use of their new exhibit, and visitor effects on their behavior. We found contact aggressive interactions between the monkeys to be consistently lower than noncontact aggressive interactions and by week six of introduction to the new exhibit, contact aggression was almost nonevident. Affiliative interactions also developed between individuals in the group, with an interface of aggressive and socioreconcilatory behavior influenced by food competition and a dominance hierarchy. This was evident from significantly higher overall aggression and affiliation during feeding times compared to nonfeeding times, and this was reduced when food competition was mitigated by modifying the feeding regime. We measured the groups’ spatial use of the exhibit and the relation to behavior, crowd size, and density. Our results showed that the proboscis monkeys utilized the available exhibit space, were largely unaffected by visitor crowd size and density, and were able to exhibit a variety of natural behaviors, including swimming. Our accomplishment in maintaining and displaying an all‐male group of proboscis monkeys in captivity provides viable options for more comprehensive captive management and breeding programs for this endangered species. Zoo Biol. 32:281‐290, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

邹书珍  尹才佳  杨茜  马龙  康迪 《植物研究》2023,43(1):140-149
研究干旱区森林立木竞争及空间分布格局,旨在为揭示干旱区森林恢复演替过程中竞争动态和格局形成驱动机制提供科学依据。经全面调查之后,依据时空互代原理选择了4个处于不同演替阶段,面积为0.25 hm2的大样地进行研究。采用Hegyi邻体密度模型研究立木竞争强度指数。采用Kriging法与Hegyi法相结合研究立木竞争的空间格局。采用一元和二元O-ring函数模型分别研究了乔木空间分布格局和乔木种间空间相关性。结果表明:在上述4个群落中油松(Pinus tabuliformis)种群密度分别为1 476、996、800、648株·hm-2,白桦(Betula platyphylla)种群密度为48、32、44、16株·hm-2,山杨(Populus davidiana)种群密度分别为64、28、24、12 株·hm-2。3种主要乔木的竞争指数由高到低依次为油松、白桦、山杨,各物种竞争指数均随演替阶段的增长而下降;演替后期,胸径2~15 cm油松个体减少明显,而胸径大于30 cm的个体数量有所增加;在所有演替阶段中,油松竞争指数均随着胸径的增加而下降;油松种群竞争空间格局为典型的非匀质斑块状格局。点格局分析结果表明,油松种群在0~5 m尺度呈现聚集分布,且与其他树种在5~15 m尺度存在空间负相关。本研究主要结论如下,黄土高原次生油松林群落中油松竞争指数高于其他物种。油松在各演替阶段均呈现出基于径级大小的竞争不对称性,演替后期油松群落自疏机制为限制小径级个体的生长。竞争的格局在水平空间尺度具有斑块性,随着演替的进行,高竞争斑块在数量、范围和强度上减小,但并不会消失。油松生态策略为小尺度聚集分布,与其他树种在5~15 m尺度空间负相关,这个尺度已经超过了经典的树冠竞争理论范畴,其背后的原因需要更加深入地研究。  相似文献   

Kin selection theory states that when resources are limited and all else is equal, individuals will direct competition away from kin. However, when competition between relatives is completely local, as is the case in granivorous insects whose larval stages spend their lives within a single seed, this can reduce or even negate the kin-selected benefits. Instead, an increase in competition may have the same detrimental effects on individuals that forage with kin as those that forage with non-kin. In a factorial experiment we assessed the effects of relatedness and competition over food on the survival and on fitness-related traits of the bruchid beetle Callosobruchus maculatus. Relatedness of competitors did not affect the survival of larvae. Larval survival substantially decreased with increasing larval density, and we found evidence that beetles maturing at a larger size were more adversely affected by competition, resulting in lower survival rates. Furthermore, females showed a reduction in their growth rate with increasing larval density, emerging smaller after the same development time. Males increased their growth rate, emerging earlier but at a similar size when food was more limited. Our results add to the growing number of studies that fail to show a relationship between relatedness and a reduction in competition between relatives in closed systems, and emphasize the importance of the scale at which competition between relatives occurs.  相似文献   

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