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The geographical distribution of the grass genusHelictotrichon in the Mediterranean Region is analysed and mapped for 33 taxa. Based on only a single life form (perennial herb), a variety of edaphically, climatically and altitudinally differently adapted species complexes has evolved in the area. Most of these complexes show west-east disjunctions and contain geographically, sometimes even edaphically vicarious taxa with complementary distribution. A transition from mesomorphic to xeromorphic habit occurred independently in different species groups and led to the establishment of the modern Mediterranean taxa which are in part highly polyploid derivatives of more mesophilic diploids. The significance of polyploidy, patterns of parapatric and sympatric distribution, biogeographical borders, and centres of species diversity are discussed in context with the history of the Mediterranean vegetation. New combinations are:Helictotrichon setaceum subsp.petzense, H. pratense subsp.lusitanicum, H. praetutianum.  相似文献   

Morphological data and results from scanning electron microscopy of seeds and pollen show thatNormania Lowe [syn.Solanum L. subg.Potatoe (G. Don)D'Arcy sect.Normania (Lowe)Bitter] (Solanaceae: Solaneae) should be considered as a distinct genus fromSolanum L. It has two species, one restricted to the island of Madeira [Normania triphylla (Lowe)Lowe] and the other to Tenerife and Gran Canaria [Normania nava (Webb & Berthel.)Franc.-Ort. & R. N. Lester]. These species are extremely rare and had not been found for about 100 years, untilN. nava was rediscovered in two different localities in Tenerife in 1973 and 1982.Normania triphylla was reported in two different places from northern Madeira in 1991. Both species have the highest conservation priority in the Macaronesian region.  相似文献   

Most species of the neotropical genusSiphocampylus are believed to be bird-pollinated. The pollination biology ofSiphocampylus sulfureus was studied in a montane region in SE Brazil. This species has features intermediate between ornithophilous and chiropterophilous syndromes: it presents a striking combination of yellowish flowers with strong odour (chiropterophilous features), and diurnal anthesis and sucrose-dominated nectar (ornithophilous features). Major pollinators were hummingbirds by day, and a phyllostomid bat by night.Siphocampylus sulfureus may be viewed as a recent derivate from the presumed ornithophilous stock within sect.Macrosiphon, and thus benefits from the activity of both diurnal and nocturnal vertebrate pollinators.Dedicated to DrIlse Silberbauer-Gottsberger and Prof. DrGerhard Gottsberger for their pioneer contribution to floral biology in Brazil.  相似文献   

A clone-bank ofSac I restriction fragments was constructed from the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) ofLobelia thuliniana E. B. Knox (Lobeliaceae). These cloned fragments and a set of 106 clones spanning the tobacco chloroplast genome were used as probes to determine the cpDNA restriction fragment arrangement forSac I and six other restriction enzymes (BamH I,EcoR V,Hind III,Nci I,Pst I, andXho I) and the chloroplast genome arrangement ofL. thuliniana relative to tobacco, which has been fully sequenced and is collinear with the hypothesized ancestral genome arrangement of angiosperms. The results confirm and refine our previous understanding of the chloroplast genome arrangement in the large single-copy region (LSC) and reveal (1) a roughly 11 kilobase (kb) expansion of the inverted repeat (IR) into the small single-copy region (SSC) and (2) apparent sequence divergence of the DNA segment inL. thuliniana that corresponds to ORF1901 in tobacco. The expansion of the IR into the SSC is present in all other examined members ofLobeliaceae, Cyphiaceae, andCampanulaceae, which indicates that the IR expansion was an early event in the cpDNA evolution of theCampanulales. The IR expansion into the SSC was not present inSphenoclea, which additionally supports exclusion of this genus from theCampanulaceae.  相似文献   

Two species ofPinguicula (P. submediterranea andP. mundi) are newly described from the south and east of the Iberian Peninsula. We analysed morphometric, cytogenetic, RAPD, ecological, and breeding system data to support the distinctness of these taxa.Pinguicula submediterranea andP. mundi are both hexaploid (2n = 48), a chromosome number previously not reported for the genus. Biometric, cytogenetical and molecular results distinguishP. submediterranea andP. mundi from otherPinguicula species, and from each other.Pinguicula mundi is predominantly outbreeding, whereasP. submediterranea both inbreeds and outbreeds.Pinguicula submediterranea andP. mundi appear to be isolated reproductively, although gene flow between the allopatricP. submediterranea andP. mundi is unlikely. BothP. submediterranea andP. mundi are threatened with extinction because suitable habitats are diminishing in size, or even disappearing, due to current aridity in the region.  相似文献   

During a survey of a north-western Mediterranean coastal lagoon, (the Etang de Thau, and at a nearby marine station, 1994–1998), six species of the genus Synchaetawere identified. The systematics of this illoricate genus is difficult and identification is virtually impossible in preserved material, although some indication may be obtained from an examination of the trophi after treatment with sodium hypochlorite. In this study, taxonomic characters (mastax, body morphology and egg size) were obtained from living material prior to preservation. We add some ecological observations: distribution of species (neither temperature nor salinity were found to be determining factors), co-existence (up to five species can co-occur) and consideration of trophic links (competition with tintinnids, copepod nauplii and cirripedes).  相似文献   

Hayataella (Rubiaceae) is a monotypic genus endemic to Taiwan that comprises H. michelloides. In recent years, Hayataella was considered to be synonymous with Ophiorrhiza; however, no specific data have been reported, and the systematic treatment of Hayataella has been unclear. To elucidate the systematic treatment of Hayataella, molecular phylogenetic analyses based on ITS of nrDNA, atpBrbcL, and trnK/matK of cpDNA were conducted with four Ophiorrhiza species. In the Bayesian and the most parsimonious trees, H. michelloides was included in the Ophiorrhiza clade. The monotypic status of Hayataella is, therefore, not considered appropriate, and the combination Ophiorrhiza michelloides (Masam.) H. S. Lo is supported.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of cytochrome c oxidasesubunit I (627bp) and mitochondrial controlregion (338bp aligned) sequences for all knownspecies of Allodontichthys wereperformed. Allodontichthys was recoveredas monophyletic, and A. hubbsi wassupported as the most primitive member of thegenus in all analyses. Combined-data analysessuggest that A. polylepis is sister to aclade comprising A. tamazulae and A. zonistius; however, a strict consensus of COIand control region cladograms results in acollapse of this node. The two species thatare broadly sympatric, A. hubbsi and A. tamazulae, are not sister taxa.Allodontichthys was found the sistergroup of a clade including Ilyodon andXenotaenia. These three genera are theonly goodeids to occupy high-gradient riversystems. Ilyodon and Allodontichthys share similar distributions;however, Allodontichthys exhibits greaterthan an order of magnitude more geneticvariation in COI than Ilyodon incomparisons of individuals from the samelocalities in the Ameca and Armeria drainagesystems. This is interpreted to mean Allodontichthys arrived in some westerndrainages significantly before Ilyodon.The Rio Coahuayana appears to be the center oforigin of the genus Allodontichthys. This river basin contains the most primitivemember of the genus, and appears to haveconnected with the Mesa Central, the center of endemism of the Goodeidae. A calibrated rateof molecular change in COI reveals Allodontichthys began diverging approximately6.2 million years ago (mya). Remainingspeciation in the group appears to haveoccurred about 2.7 to 3.3 mya. The hypothesisthat a hard polytomy comprising A. zonistius, A. polylepis, and A. tamazulae could be explained by speciation ofA. polylepis and A. tamazulae fromdifferent A. zonistius ancestors ispresented. Stream capture is evident but notfrequent in the history of Allodontichthys, and speciation does notclearly correlate with documented geologicactivity of the Mexican Transvolcanic Belt.  相似文献   

Newly founded colonies of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta compete intensely by brood raids, which result in a rapid reduction of colony density. Experimental plantings of colonies and analyses of sequential maps were used to examine the importance of spatial pattern in the dynamics of young populations. Colony positions were initially clumped in naturally founded cohorts, but were regular in most mature populations. Incipient colonies planted in clumped patterns were more likely to engage in brood raids than colonies planted in regular hexagonal patterns at the same average density. However, contrary to what would be expected if local crowding increased mortality, no significant increases in spatial regularity were observed during brood raiding either in the experimentally planted populations or in a natural population of more than 1200 incipient colonies. These results show that it may be difficult to infer the degree of past or current competition by passive analysis of spatial data even when field experiments show that the probability of mortality depends on local spacing.  相似文献   

JURY, S. L., 1987. A new species of the genus Torilis Adanson (Apiaceae). The name Torilis nodosa (L.) Gaertner has been shown to have been used to include two very distinct variants. Torilis nodosa is therefore typified, and the other variant described as a new species.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation in viviparid snails from the genus Mekongia in Thailand were examined across the different species, subspecies and geographical locations (river drainage systems). Using horizontal starch gel electrophoresis, 11 presumed allozyme loci (eight polymorphic) from eight enzyme systems were screened. Heterozygosity was moderately low (Hexp = 0.000–0.109, mean = 0.037). One population of Mekongia pongensis (Nong Khai) was monomorphic at all 11 examined loci in contrast to the other two populations, suggesting bottleneck within this population. Populations were more differentiated in the Mekongia sphaericula complex (FST = 0.587) than in either the Mekongia swainsoni complex (FST = 0.161) or M. pongensis species (FST = 0.073). Mekongia sphaericula sphaericula and Mekongia sphaericula extensa exhibited fixed allele differences at two loci, a high genetic distance (D = 0.265–0.300) and a potential polyphyletic relationship, suggesting two distinct lineages (species).  相似文献   

The generic segregates of the widespread fruticose genus Ramalina (mostly based on empirical data on morphology, cortex anatomy and secondary metabolites) are studied using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of nuclear LSU and ITS sequences. The species examined include the three species aggregates within Niebla from the western coasts of North America, all species except one assumed to belong to the same genus from Macaronesia and the Mediterranean basin, the type species of Dievernia and Ramalina, and representatives of the genus Fistulariella. The genus Niebla is strongly supported when restricted to species from the New World, and all species referred to it from Macaronesia and the Mediterranean basin belong to Ramalina (R. bourgeana, R. crispatula, R. cupularis, R. hamulosa, R. portosantana, R. rosacea, R. subwebbiana and R. webbii). No support is found for the genera Dievernia and Fistulariella. The internal topology of the large genus Ramalina is unresolved and needs further studies.  相似文献   

The two closely related speciesLycopsis variegata andAnchusa cretica, formerly placed inAnchusa subg.Rivinia, were compared with the type species ofLycopsis andAnchusa, on the basis of a set of macro and microcharacters. The presence of only two fertile stamens as well as other peculiar characters in flower structure, androecium, gynoecium, pollen and fruit, supports the institution of the new genusAnchusella, consisting ofA. variegata andA. cretica. Karyological and eco-chorological aspects are consistent with morphological data in pointing to the autonomy of this genus, which appears characterized by autapomorphic, advanced traits.  相似文献   

Osyris alba L. is a widespread dioecious hemiparasitic shrub of S Europe, N Africa, and SW Asia. Male inflorescences are multiflowered whereas each female inflorescence is reduced to a single flower with persistent enlarged bracts. Pollination is a prerequisite for fruit and seed development and wind is unlikely to be an effective means of pollen spread. In southern Italy pollen is transported by small unspecialized flies and beetles. Both male and female flowers produce an indistinguishable sweet odour. Male flowers are produced in large numbers and over a larger period than the females and provide pollen, nectar, and staminal hairs as rewards for pollinators. The presence and function of staminal hairs with tip cells inOsyris alba has been reported for the first time. Female flowers are rewardless, producing neither mature pollen, nectar nor staminal hairs, but possess three modified yellow indehiscent anthers containing no viable pollen which may provide a strong visual feeding stimulus for pollinators. It is suggested that pollinators are attracted by deceit to female flowers by mimicry of the males and the floral mimicry is, therefore, intraspecific and intersexual. The floral characteristics and flowering phenology of male and female plants are consistent with this kind of mimicry. The female flower possesses a tricarpellary ovary with three ovules of which only one develops. The single seed, containing a small embryo and a large, rich endosperm, is borne in a red fleshy bird-dispersed fruit. The reduction in seed number per flower to one highly nutrient-invested seed, together with a reduction of the multiflowered inflorescence to a solitary flower and the sequential production of ripe fruits over an extended fruiting season, suggest that the female function is markedly resource-limited. It is suggested that, although all the reproductive characteristics present inOsyris alba, as well as hemiparasitism, had probably evolved before the end of the tropical Tertiary, they are of adaptive advantage in the nutrient and water-limited environment of the Mediterranean maquis.  相似文献   

Three species of the genus Laboulbenia were recorded on Chydaeus bedeli (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Harpalini) from high-altitude localities in Asia. Laboulbenia obtusa was obtained from tarsi of the midlegs of the male hosts; Laboulbenia acrogeniodontis was on the margins of the elytra of the male and female hosts; and Laboulbenia polyphaga was on the elytra (near the apex) and the pronotum (at the base) of the male and female hosts. Each of the three species is distinct in the shape of the perithecia and the structure of the appendages.  相似文献   

Jan H. Stock 《Hydrobiologia》1988,169(3):279-292
The discovery of a new species ofRhipidogammarus, Rh. nivariae n. sp., in water supply shafts of Tenerife (Canary Islands), presents an interesting biogeographic problem. Up to now, members of the genus were known exclusively from stygohabitats in the peri-Mediterranean belt. Its sister-genus is found in very shallow waters of the Mediterranean, and on morphological grounds the genus seems to have got adapted only fairly recently to continental hypogean waters. The occurrence of a member ofRhipidogammarus on an oceanic island like Tenerife can be explained by one of the following two scenarios: (1) Tenerife is a fragment of the African plate, or (2) the island's volcanic outcrops arose from a very shallow submarine bank and drifted later into deeper waters.  相似文献   

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