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The natural abundance of 13C and 15N was measured in basidiocarps of at least 115 species in 88 genera of ectomycorrhizal, wood-decomposing and litter-decomposing fungi from Japan and Malaysia. The natural abundance of 13C and 15N was also measured in leaves, litter, soil and wood from three different sites. 15N and 13C were enriched in ectomycorrhizal and wood-decomposing fungi, respectively, relative to their substrates. Ectomycorrhizal and wood-decomposing fungi could be distinguished on the basis of their δ13C and δ15N signatures. Although there was high variability in the isotopic composition of fungi, the following isotope- enrichment factors (ε, mean±SD) of the fungi relative to substrates were observed:
εectomycorrhizal fungi/litter = 6.1±0.4‰15N
εectomycorrhizal fungi/wood = 1.4±0.8‰13C
εwood-decomposing fungi/wood = −0.6±0.7‰15N
εwood-decomposing fungi/wood = 3.5±0.9‰13C
The basis of isotope fractionation in C metabolism from wood to wood-decomposing fungus is discussed.  相似文献   

Gut contents of sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus showed higher C and N isotope values than the food before consumption. This enrichment was more pronounced in the hindgut than in the foregut, probably because of preferential assimilation of 12C and 14N along the gastro-intestinal tract. The results indicated that the shift towards higher values in the alimentary canal occurs in the first 2 h after feeding.  相似文献   

1. The variability in the stable isotope signatures of carbon and nitrogen (δ13C and δ15N) in different phytoplankton taxa was studied in one mesotrophic and three eutrophic lakes in south‐west Finland. The lakes were sampled on nine to 16 occasions over 2–4 years and most of the time were dominated by cyanobacteria and diatoms. A total of 151 taxon‐specific subsamples covering 18 different phytoplankton taxa could be isolated by filtration through a series of sieves and by flotation/sedimentation, followed by microscopical identification and screening for purity. 2. Substantial and systematic differences between phytoplankton taxa, seasons and lakes were observed for both δ13C and δ15N. The values of δ13C ranged from ?34.4‰ to ?5.9‰ and were lowest in chrysophytes (?34.4‰ to ?31.3‰) and diatoms (?30.6‰ to ?26.6‰). Cyanobacteria were most variable (?32.4‰ to ?5.9‰), including particularly high values in the nostocalean cyanobacterium Gloeotrichia echinulata (?14.4‰ to ?5.9‰). For δ13C, the taxon‐specific amplitude of temporal changes within a lake was usually <1–8‰ (<1–4‰ for microalgae alone and <1–8‰ for cyanobacteria alone), whereas the amplitude among taxa within a water sample was up to 31‰. 3. The values of δ15N ranged from ?2.1‰ to 12.8‰ and were high in chrysophytes, dinophytes and diatoms, but low in the nitrogen‐fixing cyanobacteria Anabaena spp., Aphanizomenon spp. and G. echinulata (?2.1‰ to 1.6‰). Chroococcalean cyanobacteria ranged from ?1.4‰ to 8.9‰. For δ15N, the taxon‐specific amplitude of temporal changes within a lake was 2–6‰, (2–6‰ for microalgae alone and 2–4‰ for cyanobacteria alone) and the amplitude among taxa within a water sample was up to 11‰. 4. The isotopic signatures of phytoplankton changed systematically with their physical and chemical environment, most notably with the concentrations of nutrients, but correlations were non‐systematic and site‐specific. 5. The substantial variability in the isotopic signatures of phytoplankton among taxa, seasons and lakes complicates the interpretation of isotopic signatures in lacustrine food webs. However, taxon‐specific values and seasonal patterns showed some consistency among years and may eventually be predictable.  相似文献   

Understanding ecosystem carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling under global change requires experiments maintaining natural interactions among soil structure, soil communities, nutrient availability, and plant growth. In model Douglas-fir ecosystems maintained for five growing seasons, elevated temperature and carbon dioxide (CO2) increased photosynthesis and increased C storage belowground but not aboveground. We hypothesized that interactions between N cycling and C fluxes through two main groups of microbes, mycorrhizal fungi (symbiotic with plants) and saprotrophic fungi (free-living), mediated ecosystem C storage. To quantify proportions of mycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi, we measured stable isotopes in fungivorous microarthropods that efficiently censused the fungal community. Fungivorous microarthropods consumed on average 35% mycorrhizal fungi and 65% saprotrophic fungi. Elevated temperature decreased C flux through mycorrhizal fungi by 7%, whereas elevated CO2 increased it by 4%. The dietary proportion of mycorrhizal fungi correlated across treatments with total plant biomass (n= 4, r2= 0.96, P= 0.021), but not with root biomass. This suggests that belowground allocation increased with increasing plant biomass, but that mycorrhizal fungi were stronger sinks for recent photosynthate than roots. Low N content of needles (0.8–1.1%) and A horizon soil (0.11%) coupled with high C : N ratios of A horizon soil (25–26) and litter (36–48) indicated severe N limitation. Elevated temperature treatments increased the saprotrophic decomposition of litter and lowered litter C : N ratios. Because of low N availability of this litter, its decomposition presumably increased N immobilization belowground, thereby restricting soil N availability for both mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth. Although increased photosynthesis with elevated CO2 increased allocation of C to ectomycorrhizal fungi, it did not benefit plant N status. Most N for plants and soil storage was derived from litter decomposition. N sequestration by mycorrhizal fungi and limited N release during litter decomposition by saprotrophic fungi restricted N supply to plants, thereby constraining plant growth response to the different treatments.  相似文献   

Aim Numerous studies have examined the climatic factors that influence the abundance of C4 species within the grass flora (C4 relative species richness) in various regions throughout the world, but very few have examined the relative abundance of C4 vs. C3 grasses (C4 relative abundance). We sought to determine the climatic factors that influence C4 relative abundance throughout Australia. Location Australia (including Tasmania). Methods We measured C4 relative abundance at 168 locations and measured δ13C (the abundance of 13C relative to 12C) of the bone collagen of 779 kangaroos collected throughout Australia, as bone collagen δ13C was assumed to be proportional to the relative abundance of C4 grasses in the diet. Results Both C4 relative abundance and kangaroo bone collagen δ13C were found to have a strong positive relationship with seasonal water availability, i.e. the distribution of rainfall in the C4 vs. C3 growing seasons (76% and 69% of deviance explained, respectively). There was clear evidence that seasonal water availability was a better predictor of both C4 relative abundance and bone collagen δ13C than other climate variables such as mean annual temperature and January daily minimum temperature. However, seasonal water availability appeared to be a relatively poor predictor of C4 relative species richness, which was most closely related to January daily minimum temperature (90% of deviance explained). Main conclusions Our results highlight the relatively poor relationship between C4 relative abundance and C4 relative species richness, and suggest that these two variables may be related to different climatic factors. They also suggest that caution is required when using C4 relative species richness to infer the relative biomass and productivity of C4 grasses on a global scale.  相似文献   

The distribution pattern of C3 and C4 grasses was studied in eight sites located between 350 m and 2100 m along an altitudinal gradient in Central Argentina. Of 139 taxa fifty-nine are C3 and eighty C4. Species of the C3 tribes (Stipeae, Poeae, Meliceae, Aveneae, Bromeae and Triticeae) and C3 Paniceae species increase in number at higher elevations; only one C3 species was found below 650 m. C4 Aristideae, Pappophoreae, Eragrostideae, Cynodonteae, Andropogoneae and Paniceae increase at lower altitudes. The floristic crossover point is at about 1500 m; the ground cover cross-over point is at about 1000 m. Analysis of the relationships between % C4 species along the gradient and nine climatic and environmental variables showed the highest correlation with July mean temperature, but all temperature variables show highly significant correlations with % C4. Correlation with annual rainfall is lower but also significant. These results are consistent with previous research showing the relative importance of C4 grasses as temperature increases. C3 species make a high contribution to relative grass coverage below the C3/C4 floristic crossover point but are rare below 1000 m.  相似文献   

The fate of immobilized N in soils is one of the great uncertainties in predicting C sequestration at increased CO2 and N deposition. In a dual isotope tracer experiment (13C, 15N) within a 4‐year CO2 enrichment (+200 ppmv) study with forest model ecosystems, we (i) quantified the effects of elevated CO2 on the partitioning of N; (ii) traced immobilized N into physically separated pools of soil organic matter (SOM) with turnover rates known from their 13C signals; and (iii) estimated the remobilization and thus, the bio‐availability of newly sequestered C and N. (1) CO2 enrichment significantly decreased NO3? concentrations in soil waters and export from 1.5 m deep lysimeters by 30–80%. Consequently, elevated CO2 increased the overall retention of N in the model ecosystems. (2) About 60–80% of added 15NH415NO3 were retained in soils. The clay fraction was the greatest sink for the immobilized 15N sequestering 50–60% of the total new soil N. SOM associated with clay contained only 25% of the total new soil C pool and had small C/N ratios (<13), indicating that it consists of humified organic matter with a relatively slow turn over rate. This implies that added 15N was mainly immobilized in stable mineral‐bound SOM pools. (3) Incubation of soils for 1 year showed that the remobilization of newly sequestered N was three to nine times smaller than that of newly sequestered C. Thus, inorganic inputs of N were stabilized more effectively in soils than C. Significantly less newly sequestered N was remobilized from soils previously exposed to elevated CO2. In summary, our results show firstly that a large fraction of inorganic N inputs becomes effectively immobilized in relative stable SOM pools and secondly that elevated CO2 can increase N retention in soils and hence it may tighten N cycling and diminish the risk of nitrate leaching to groundwater.  相似文献   

Comparative ecophysiology of C3 and C4 plants   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
Abstract. In this review we relate the physiological significance of C4 photosynthesis to plant performance in nature. We begin with an examination of the physiological consequences of the C4 pathway on photosynthesis, then discuss the ecophysiological performance of C4 plants in contrasting environments. We then compare the performance of C3 and C4 plants when they occur together in similar habitats, and finally discuss the distribution of C4 photosynthesis with respect to the physical environment, phylogeny, and life form.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of doubling atmospheric CO2 concentration, [CO2], on C and N allocation within pedunculate oak plants (Quercus robur L.) grown in containers under optimal water supply. A short-term dual 13CO2 and 15NO3? labelling experiment was carried out when the plants had formed their third growing flush. The 22-week exposure to 700 μl l?1 [CO2] stimulated plant growth and biomass accumulation (+53% as compared with the 350 μl l?1 [CO2] treatment) but decreased the root/shoot biomass ratio (-23%) and specific leaf area (-18%). Moreover, there was an increase in net CO2 assimilation rate (+37% on a leaf dry weight basis; +71% on a leaf area basis), and a decrease in both above- and below-ground CO2 respiration rates (-32 and -26%, respectively, on a dry mass basis) under elevated [CO2]. 13C acquisition, expressed on a plant mass basis or on a plant leaf area basis, was also markedly stimulated under elevated [CO2] both after the 12-h 13CO2 pulse phase and after the 60-h chase phase. Plant N content was increased under elevated CO2 (+36%), but not enough to compensate for the increase in plant C content (+53%). Thus, the plant C/N ratio was increased (+13%) and plant N concentration was decreased (-11%). There was no effect of elevated [CO2] on fine root-specific 15N uptake (amount of recently assimilated 15N per unit fine root dry mass), suggesting that modifications of plant N pools were merely linked to root size and not to root function. N concentration was decreased in the leaves of the first and second growing flushes and in the coarse roots, whereas it was unaffected by [CO2] in the stem and in the actively growing organs (fine roots and leaves of the third growth flush). Furthermore, leaf N content per unit area was unaffected by [CO2]. These results are consistent with the short-term optimization of N distribution within the plants with respect to growth and photosynthesis. Such an optimization might be achieved at the expense of the N pools in storage compartments (coarse roots, leaves of the first and second growth flushes). After the 60-h 13C chase phase, leaves of the first and second growth flushes were almost completely depleted in recent 13C under ambient [CO2], whereas these leaves retained important amounts of recently assimilated 13C (carbohydrate reserves?) under elevated [CO2].  相似文献   

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