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Complex biological dynamics often generate sequences of discrete events which can be described as a Markov process. The order of the underlying Markovian stochastic process is fundamental for characterizing statistical dependencies within sequences. As an example for this class of biological systems, we investigate the Markov order of sequences of microsaccadic eye movements from human observers. We calculate the integrated likelihood of a given sequence for various orders of the Markov process and use this in a Bayesian framework for statistical inference on the Markov order. Our analysis shows that data from most participants are best explained by a first-order Markov process. This is compatible with recent findings of a statistical coupling of subsequent microsaccade orientations. Our method might prove to be useful for a broad class of biological systems.  相似文献   

We compared two algorithms, which are used to assess the number of forward saccades in a reading task from records of eye movements. In one algorithm saccades are detected analysing the velocity of eye movements. The third derivate of eye position in time (jerk) is used in the second algorithm for the detection of saccades. Both algorithms were applied on the same set of data, recorded using 24 subjects reading a German text, which was presented on two different displays. Our subjects read the text at a mean reading speed of 258.5 word/min. Both algorithms were found to produce a similar rate of artefacts in the number of detected saccades (2.5%), provided the threshold for detection (velocity or jerk) is set at an appropriate level and the same level of threshold is applied to all data. In both algorithms, the rate of artefacts increases with increasing distance of the threshold from its optimum. Inter-individual variation of the rate of artefacts increases more pronounced in the algorithm based on jerks. Eye blinks were identified as a major source of artefacts. A remedy is proposed, by means of which the rate of artefacts can be reduced.  相似文献   

A review. Recently published articles concerning the problem of attention are discussed, the most popular psychophysiological concepts and neurophysiological models of attention are described, and correlation of spatial attention and saccadic eyes movements is shown. The evidence for reflection of attention mechanisms and saccade preparation in intensity and topography of the visual evoked potentials and event-related potentials is given. On the basis of the results obtained by the authors and literature data, the contribution of attention to preparation of a saccade and its programming is shown. Different kinds of attention are reflected in a complex of EEG potentials of various duration and polarity. The analysis of parameters and topography of these potentials can serve a tool for investigation of the attention mechanisms.  相似文献   

A positive correlation between sponge coverage and tannin concentrations in prop roots of Rhizophora mangle L. has previously been reported. However, the ecological role of tannins within the mangrove sponge association remains speculative. This study investigated whether tannins play a role in sponge recruitment and assessed tannin and polyphenol production in R. mangle roots in response to sponge colonization. We demonstrated in a field experiment using artificial substrates with different tannin concentrations that tannins are positively involved in larval recruitment of the sponge Tedania ignis and that roots significantly enhanced tannin and polyphenolic content in response to natural and experimental sponge fouling. Differential recruitment in response to tannins may have been the result of a behavioral response in sponge larvae. It is also possible that tannins affected the structure of the fouling microbial biofilm on the artificial substrate, or tannins affected the post-settlement dynamics of sponge recruits. Elevations in concentrations of tannins and polyphenolic compounds upon coverage with sponges, combined with differential recruitment of T. ignis in response to differences in tannin concentrations, may indicate a positive feedback in recruitment. This may in part explain the typical heterogeneity in sponge coverage and community composition among roots.  相似文献   

New computation methods for removing saccades in analysis of smooth pursuit eye movement characteristics were developed. They have removed saccades more completely than previous methods, and were very effective especially for noisy data recorded by the EOG method. The fully developed method was applicable to eye movement data in tracking of pseudo-random target movement as well as deterministic target movement. Furthermore, the methods were also useful for extracting the number and magnitudes of saccades more precisely.  相似文献   

We introduce a model of eye movements during categorical search, the task of finding and recognizing categorically defined targets. It extends a previous model of eye movements during search (target acquisition model, TAM) by using distances from an support vector machine classification boundary to create probability maps indicating pixel-by-pixel evidence for the target category in search images. Other additions include functionality enabling target-absent searches, and a fixation-based blurring of the search images now based on a mapping between visual and collicular space. We tested this model on images from a previously conducted variable set-size (6/13/20) present/absent search experiment where participants searched for categorically defined teddy bear targets among random category distractors. The model not only captured target-present/absent set-size effects, but also accurately predicted for all conditions the numbers of fixations made prior to search judgements. It also predicted the percentages of first eye movements during search landing on targets, a conservative measure of search guidance. Effects of set size on false negative and false positive errors were also captured, but error rates in general were overestimated. We conclude that visual features discriminating a target category from non-targets can be learned and used to guide eye movements during categorical search.  相似文献   

 What happens when the goal is changed before the movement is executed? Both the double-step and colliding saccade paradigms address this issue as they introduce a discrepancy between the retinal images of targets in space and the commands generated by the oculomotor system necessary to attain those targets. To maintain spatial accuracy under such conditions, transformations must update ‘retinal error’ as eye position changes, and must also accommodate neural transmission delays in the system so that retinal and eye position information are temporally aligned. Different hypotheses have been suggested to account for these phenomena, based on observations of dissociable cortical and subcortical compensatory mechanisms. We now demonstrate how a single compensatory mechanism can be invoked to explain both double-step and colliding saccade paradigm results, based on the use of a damped signal of change in position that is used in both cases to update retinal error and, thereby, account for intervening movements. We conclude that the collision effect is not an artifact, but instead reveals a compensatory mechanism for saccades whose targets appear near the onset of a preceding saccade. Received: 14 February 1996/Accepted in revised form: 17 September 1996  相似文献   

A simple instance of parallel computation in neural networks occurs when the eye orients to a novel visual target. Consideration of target-elicited saccadic eye movements opens the question of how spatial position is represented in the visual pathways involved in this response. It is argued that a point-for-point retinotopic coding of spatial position (the 'local sign' approach) is inadequate to account for the characteristics of the response. An alternative approach based on distributed coding is developed.  相似文献   

Gender differences of exploratory eye movements: a life span study   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Exploratory eye movements of normal subjects (39 male and 39 female) were recorded using an eye-mark recorder. Four parameters mean gazing time, total number of gazing points, mean scanning length, and total scanning length) were analyzed. Subjects were divided into three life spans as prepuberty (boys and girls), adult, and postpuberty. The mean gazing time of adult women was significantly longer than that of age-matched adult men, but not between men and women in prepuberty or postpuberty (postmenopausal older women and age-matched older men). The total number of gazing points of women was significantly smaller than that of men, but not significantly different between men and women in both prepuberty and postpuberty. Both the mean scanning length and total scanning length of adult women were shorter than those of age matched adult men, but no significant differences were found between men and women in both prepuberty and postpuberty. Furthermore, the mean gazing time of adult women was longer than that of men in prepuberty and postpuberty. The total scanning length of adult men was longer than that of women in both prepuberty and postpuberty. These findings suggest that gender differences of exploratory eye movements are observed only during the adult phase, which indicates that visual information processing may be regulated by gonadal hormones in humans.  相似文献   

This paper presents a neural-network-based system that can generate and control movements of the eyes. It was inspired by a number of experimental observations on the saccadic and gaze systems of monkeys and cats. Because of the generality of the approach undertaken, the system can be regarded as a demonstration of how parallel distributed processing principles, namely learning and attractor dynamics, can be integrated with experimental findings, as well as a biologically inspired controller for a dexterous robotic orientation device. The system is composed of three parts: a dynamic motor map, a push-pull circuitry, and a plant. The dynamics of the motor map is generated by a multi-layer network that was trained to compute a bidimensional temporal-spatial transformation. Simulation results indicate (1) that the system is able to reproduce some of the properties observed in the biological system at the neural and movement levels and (2) that the dynamics of the motor map remains stereotyped even when the motor map is subject to abnormal stimulation patterns. The latter result emphasizes the role of the topographic projection that connects the motor map to the push-pull circuitry in determining the features of the resulting movements.  相似文献   

The study of the encystation process of Entamoeba histolytica has been hampered by the lack of experimental means of inducing mature cysts in vitro. Previously we have found that cytoplasmic vesicles similar to the encystation vesicles of Entamoeba invadens are present in E. histolytica trophozoites only in amebas recovered from experimental amebic liver abscesses. Here we report that a monoclonal antibody (B4F2) that recognizes the cyst wall of E. invadens also identifies a 48 kDa protein in vesicles of E. histolytica trophozoites recovered from hepatic lesions. This protein is less expressed in trophozoites continuously cultured in axenical conditions. As previously reported for E. invadens, the B4F2 specific antigen was identified as enolase in liver-recovered E. histolytica, by two-dimensional electrophoresis, Western blot and mass spectrometry. In addition, the E. histolytica enolase mRNA was detected by RT PCR. The antigen was localized by immunoelectron microscopy in cytoplasmic vesicles of liver-recovered amebas. The B4F2 antibody also recognized the wall of mature E. histolytica cysts obtained from human samples. These results suggest that the enolase-containing vesicles are produced by E. histolytica amebas, when placed in the unfavorable liver environment that could be interpreted as an attempt to initiate the encystation process.  相似文献   

The feeding response to intracerebroventricular injection of neuropeptide Y or to starvation is greater in cold-adapted than in non-adapted rats, suggesting that with cold-adaptation the central sensitivity to this peptide is increased. Hypometabolism and hypothermia (which usually follow the administration of neuropeptide Y) cannot, however, be demonstrated in the course of cold-adaptation per se.  相似文献   

Bombesin: a possible role in wound repair   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During tissue regeneration and wound healing of the skin, migration, proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes are important processes. Here we assessed the effect of a neuropeptide, bombesin, on keratinocytes during regeneration from scratch wounding. Bombesin purified from amphibian skin, is homologous of mammalian gastrin-releasing peptide and is active in mammals. Its pharmacological effects mediate various physiological activities: hypertensive action, stimulating action on gastric secretion, hyperglycemic effect or increased insulin secretion. In vitro it shows a hyperproliferative effect on different experimental models and is involved in skin repair. The aim of this study was to elucidate the effect of Bombesin in an in vitro experimental model on a mechanically injured human keratinocyte monolayer. We evaluated different mediators involved in wound repair such as IL-8, TGFbeta, IL-1, COX-2, VEGF and Toll-like receptors 2 and 4 (TLR2 and TLR4). We also studied the effects of bombesin on cell proliferation and motility and its direct effect on wound repair by observing the wound closure after mechanical injury. The involvement of the bombesin receptors neuromedin receptor (NMBR) and gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRP-R) was also evaluated. Our data suggest that bombesin may have an important role in skin repair by regulating the expression of healing markers. It enhanced the expression of IL-8, TGFbeta, COX-2 and VEGF. It also enhanced the expression of TLR2, while TLR4 was not expressed. Bombesin also increased cell growth and migration. In addition, we showed that NMBR was more involved in our experimental model compared to GRP-R.  相似文献   

Control of eye movements is essential in accomplishing visual or perceptive tasks. The brain and central nervous system process retinal information and send nervous signals to the extraocular muscles, which exert forces that cause the eye to move. A model for the human extraocular plant, which consists of the nervous input signals, the extraocular muscles, the orbit and the globe, is proposed. The derivation is based on anatomical and physiological data as well as experiments concerned with a variety of eye movements under normal and abnormal conditions. The nervous activity controlling eye movements was estimated from electromyography and single unit studies of the extraocular nuclei. The equations describing muscle properties were discussed in a previous paper by the authors; these results were incorporated into the present model. The characteristics of the isolated globe and its visco-elastic interaction with the orbit were computed from length- tension curves and isotonic experiments. Simulations using the resulting representation accurately depicted the isotonic experiments on the isolated globe and on the total extraocular plant, the isometric forces during three different types of eye movements, and the weighted globe experiment. A future paper will show that the model accurately simulates normal eye movements of different types and amplitudes.  相似文献   

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