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To understand the synonymous codon usage pattern in mitochondrial genome of Antheraea assamensis, we analyzed the 13 mitochondrial protein‐coding genes of this species using a bioinformatic approach as no work was reported yet. The nucleotide composition analysis suggested that the percentages of A, T, G,and C were 33.73, 46.39, 9.7 and 10.17, respectively and the overall GC content was 19.86, that is, lower than 50% and the genes were AT rich. The mean effective number of codons of mitochondrial protein‐coding genes was 36.30 and it indicated low codon usage bias (CUB). Relative synonymous codon usage analysis suggested overrepresented and underrepresented codons in each gene and the pattern of codon usage was different among genes. Neutrality plot analysis revealed a narrow range of distribution for GC content at the third codon position and some points were diagonally distributed, suggesting both mutation pressure and natural selection influenced the CUB.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that recombination in the human p-arm pseudoautosomal region (p-PAR) is at least twenty times more frequent than the genomic average of approximately 1 cM/Mb, which may affect substitution patterns and rates in this region. Here I report the analysis of substitution patterns and rates in 10 human, chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan genes across the p-PAR. Between species silent divergence in the p-PAR forms a gradient, increasing toward the telomere. The correlation of silent divergence with distance from the p-PAR boundary is highly significant (rho = 0.911, P < 0.001). After exclusion of the CpG dinucleotides this correlation is still significant (rho = 0.89, P < 0.01), thus the substitution rate gradient cannot be explained solely by the differences in the extent of methylation across the p-PAR. Frequent recombination in the PAR may result in a relatively strong effect of biased gene conversion (BGC), which, because of the increased probability of fixation of the G or C nucleotides at (A or T)/(G or C) segregating sites, may affect substitution rates. BGC, however, does not seem to be the factor creating the substitution rate gradient in the p-PAR, because the only gradient is still detactable if only A<-->T and G<-->C substitutions are taken into account (rho = 0.82, P < 0.01). I hypothesize that the substitution rate gradient in the p-PAR is due to the mutagenic effect of recombination, which is very frequent in the distal human p-PAR and might be lower near the p-PAR boundary.  相似文献   

Analyses of spontaneous mutation have shown that total genome‐wide mutation rates are quantitatively similar for most prokaryotic organisms. However, this view is mainly based on organisms that grow best around neutral pH values (6.0–8.0). In particular, the whole‐genome mutation rate has not been determined for an acidophilic organism. Here, we have determined the genome‐wide rate of spontaneous mutation in the acidophilic Acidobacterium capsulatum using a direct and unbiased method: a mutation‐accumulation experiment followed by whole‐genome sequencing. Evaluation of 69 mutation accumulation lines of Acapsulatum after an average of ~2900 cell divisions yielded a base‐substitution mutation rate of 1.22 × 10−10 per site per generation or 4 × 10−4 per genome per generation, which is significantly lower than the consensus value (2.5−4.6 × 10−3) of mesothermophilic (~15–40°C) and neutrophilic (pH 6–8) prokaryotic organisms. However, the insertion‐deletion rate (0.43 × 10−10 per site per generation) is high relative to the base‐substitution mutation rate. Organisms with a similar effective population size and a similar expected effect of genetic drift should have similar mutation rates. Because selection operates on the total mutation rate, it is suggested that the relatively high insertion‐deletion rate may be balanced by a low base‐substitution rate in Acapsulatum, with selection operating on the total mutation rate.  相似文献   


Premise of the Study

As more plastomes are assembled, it is evident that rearrangements, losses, intergenic spacer expansion and contraction, and syntenic breaks within otherwise functioning plastids are more common than was thought previously, and such changes have developed independently in disparate lineages. However, to date, the magnoliids remain characterized by their highly conserved plastid genomes (plastomes).


Illumina HiSeq and MiSeq platforms were used to sequence the plastomes of Saruma henryi and those of representative species from each of the six taxonomic sections of Asarum. Sequenced plastomes were compared in a phylogenetic context provided by maximum likelihood and parsimony inferences made using an additional 18 publicly available plastomes from early‐diverging angiosperm lineages.

Key Results

In contrast to previously published magnoliid plastomes and the newly sequenced Saruma henryi plastome published here, Asarum plastomes have undergone extensive disruption and contain extremely lengthy AT‐repeat regions. The entirety of the small single copy region (SSC) of A. canadense and A. sieboldii var. sieboldii has been incorporated into the inverted repeat regions (IR), and the SSC of A. delavayi is only 14 bp long. All sampled Asarum plastomes share an inversion of a large portion of the large single copy region (LSC) such that trnE‐UUC is adjacent to the LSC‐IR boundary.


Plastome divergence in Asarum appears to be consistent with trends seen in highly rearranged plastomes of the monocots and eudicots. We propose that plastome instability in Asarum is due to repetitive motifs that serve as recombinatory substrates and reduce genome stability.  相似文献   

In the two collembolan species Orchesella cincta and Tomocerus minor the water content, haemolymph osmotic pressure and transpiration rate fluctuate with the feeding rhythm during each instar. The changes in water content, however, are due to changes in dry weight, because the absolute water weight stays constant during the instar.The intake of food is probably the cause of the increase in haemolymph osmotic pressure. Increase of osmotically active substances in the blood and/or blood volume reduction may be responsible for the rise in osmotic pressure. This change in osmotic pressure in turn may affect the responsiveness of the animals to water as well as their feeding behaviour.Changes in the epicuticle and in epidermal cell membranes may cause changes in the rate of transpiration. The high rate observed during ecdysis and during the mid-instar may explain the behaviour of the animals in varied water conditions.Dehydration during the instar causes an equivalent rise in osmotic pressure for both Tomocerus minor and Orchesella cincta. The water loss appears to involve the haemolymph. The physiological state of the animal does not influence the rise in osmotic pressure. There are no signs of any osmoregulation in the two species.  相似文献   

Early developmental conditions contribute to individual heterogeneity of both phenotypic traits and fitness components, ultimately affecting population dynamics. Although the demographic consequences of ontogenic growth are best quantified using an integrated measure of fitness, most analyses to date have instead studied individual fitness components in isolation. Here, we estimated phenotypic selection on weaning mass in female southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina by analyzing individual‐based data collected between 1986 and 2016 with capture–recapture and matrix projection models. In support of a hypothesis predicting a gradual decrease of weaning mass effects with time since weaning (the replacement hypothesis), we found that the estimated effects of weaning mass on future survival and recruitment probability was of intermediate duration (rather than transient or permanent). Heavier female offspring had improved odds of survival in early life and a higher probability to recruit at an early age. The positive link between weaning mass and recruitment age is noteworthy, considering that pre‐recruitment mortality already imposed a strong selective filter on the population, leaving only the most ‘robust’ individuals to reproduce. The selection gradient on asymptotic population growth rate, a measure of mean absolute fitness, was weaker than selection on first‐year survival and recruitment probabilities. Weaker selection on mean fitness occurs because weaning mass has little impact on adult survival, the fitness component to which the population growth of long‐lived species is most sensitive. These results highlight the need to interpret individual variation in phenotypic traits in a context that considers the demographic pathways between the trait and an inclusive proxy of individual fitness. Although variation in weaning mass do not translate to permanent survival differences among individuals in adulthood, it explains heterogeneity and positive covariation between survival and breeding in early life, which contribute to between‐individual variation in fitness.  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to affect the reproductive ecology of wildlife; however, we have yet to understand if and how species can adapt to the rapid pace of change. Clock genes are functional genes likely critical for adaptation to shifting seasonal conditions through shifts in timing cues. Many of these genes contain coding trinucleotide repeats, which offer the potential for higher rates of change than single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at coding sites, and, thus, may translate to faster rates of adaptation in changing environments. We characterized repeats in 22 clock genes across all annotated mammal species and evaluated the potential for selection on repeat motifs in three clock genes (NR1D1, CLOCK, and PER1) in three congeneric species pairs with different latitudinal range limits: Canada lynx and bobcat (Lynx canadensis and L. rufus), northern and southern flying squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus and G. volans), and white‐footed and deer mouse (Peromyscus leucopus and P. maniculatus). Signatures of positive selection were found in both the interspecific comparison of Canada lynx and bobcat, and intraspecific analyses in Canada lynx. Northern and southern flying squirrels showed differing frequencies at common CLOCK alleles and a signature of balancing selection. Regional excess homozygosity was found in the deer mouse at PER1 suggesting disruptive selection, and further analyses suggested balancing selection in the white‐footed mouse. These preliminary signatures of selection and the presence of trinucleotide repeats within many clock genes warrant further consideration of the importance of candidate gene motifs for adaptation to climate change.  相似文献   

Populations of Chlamydomonas founded by single cells were cultured in chemostats for 50 days, representing about 125 generations. The mean and variance of division rate was measured daily by withdrawing cells from the effluent and culturing them for 24 h on filtered effluent medium solidified with agar. Mean fitness did not change during the period of culture, and the behavior of neutral markers indicated that no substitutions of novel beneficial mutations occurred. However, the variance of fitness increased markedly at about the same rate in two replicate populations. The standardized rate, or mutational heritability, was Vm/VE = 4-5 x 10(-3) per generation. This is substantially greater than most other estimates for characters closely correlated with fitness. Moreover, it seems difficult to reconcile with the absence of any change in mean fitness. We investigated the possibility that frequency-dependent selection was created by spatial heterogeneity within the culture vessel by testing cell populations with different phenotypes from the top, bottom, and surface of the chemostats. However, the differentiation of these populations seemed to be attributable to phenotypic plasticity, with no evidence that their characteristics were heritable. Finally, we report an experiment in which lines were selected for about 100 generations on solid or liquid medium. These lines became specifically adapted to the medium on which they were cultured, showing that liquid and solid media, even when chemically identical, provide different conditions of growth for Chlamydomonas. The genetic variance appearing in the cultures was therefore attributed to conditionally neutral mutations that were not expressed in the chemostat. This implies that rates of accumulation of mutational variance measured in the culture environment itself (where this can be done) may greatly underestimate the variation available for a response through selection to environmental change. Moreover, it suggests that chemostat populations may be more dynamic and more diverse than is usually thought.  相似文献   

Avian feathers need to be replaced periodically to fulfill their functions, with natural, social, and sexual selection presumably driving the evolution of molting strategies. In temperate birds, a common pattern is to molt feathers immediately after the breeding season, the pre‐basic molt. However, some species undergo another molt in winter‐spring, the pre‐alternate molt. Using a sample of 188 European passerine species, Bayesian phylogenetic mixed models, and correlated evolution analyses, we tested whether the occurrence of the pre‐alternate molt was positively associated with proxies for sexual selection (sexual selection hypothesis) and nonsexual social selection (social selection hypothesis), and with factors related to feather wear (feather wear hypothesis) and time constraints on the pre‐basic molt (time constraints hypothesis). We found that the pre‐alternate molt was more frequent in migratory and less gregarious species inhabiting open/xeric habitats and feeding on the wing, and marginally more frequent in species with strong sexual selection and those showing a winter territorial behavior. Moreover, an increase in migratory behavior and sexual selection intensity preceded the acquisition of the pre‐alternate molt. These results provide support for the feather wear hypothesis, partial support for the sexual selection and time constraints hypotheses, and no support for the social selection hypothesis.  相似文献   

Recent studies have provided evidence for the dense localization of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in the anteroventral third ventricle (AV3V) region of the rat brain. This area is currently thought to be involved in the regulation of blood pressure and fluid and electrolyte balance. To investigate whether ANF may play a role in central cardiovascular regulation, the effects of microinjection of ANF into the preoptic suprachiasmatic nucleus (POSC), which is located in the AV3V region of the brain, were examined in the present study. Low doses of ANF (2–4 pmol) produced modest elevations in systolic and diastolic pressures, approximately 10–14%, and a small rise in HR of roughly 7%. Higher doses of ANF (20–40 pmol) produced significant increases in systolic (15–19%), mean arterial (12–14%) and pulse (25–36%) pressures. In addition, much larger increases in HR, approximately 20%, were produced by these higher doses of ANF. The onset of effects produced by ANF on BP and HR was seen 15–45 min after injection. Peak effects were usually observed approximately 60–150 min after onset, and the duration of the effect was 2–4 hours, after which time values usually returned to baseline. These studies indicate that ANF produces significant increases in BP and HR when injected at pmol doses into the POSC, and lends support to the idea that this peptide may play an important role in central cardiovascular regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

The variation in nucleotide sequence observed in the envelope (E) gene and the prM (precursor of M protein) region of different strains of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) was analysed. Presence of selective forces acting on these regions was investigated by computing the relative rates of synonymous (K s) and nonsynonymous (K a) substitutions. The ratioK s/K a was used as an indicator of the overall selective constraints on the amino acid sequence of JEV proteins. The possibility that different regions of the gene may be subject to varying selective pressures was tested by dividing the gene into three regions and estimating theK s/K a ratio for each region. On the basis of analysis of a limited number (17) of strains of JEV, evidence suggestive of positive selection acting on certain regions of the E gene of the virus, and in some cases on the entire gene, was obtained. Analysis ofK a diversity in the prM region of 46 JEV strains grouped into three genotypes revealed that strains included in genotype II were more heterogeneous than strains belonging to genotype I, while the differences between meanK a values for genotypes I and III and genotypes II and III were not statistically significant. Analysis of host-specific heterogeneity in the prM region revealed that pig isolates were more Xa-diverse than human isolates.  相似文献   

Nine men [24.6 (SEM 1.1) years] carried out isometric contractions (IC) of the right elbow flexors at 50% and 100% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). At 50% MVC they had to maintain IC until the limit time (isotonic IC: IIC50 and beyond for as long as possible (anisotonic IC: AIC50). At 100% MVC, IC was anisotonic since the decrease in force was immediate (AIC100). Measurements of the force, the integrated electromyogram (iEMG) and the heart rate (f c) were made during the entire period of contraction. There was a linear relationship between the iEMG increase and thef c increase for IIC50 and AIC100. This relationship was not found for AIC50. The role played by the peripheral information would seem to have become more important inf c regulation when the isotonic IC preceding the anisotonic IC was sufficiently long (submaximal IIC). It would seem that the idea of muscle exhaustion at the limit time was only relative, and depended greatly on the subject's motivation and his capacity to endure a certain degree of pain.  相似文献   

The unusual form of sexual signaling, the drumming producedby the wolf spider Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata, allows exceptionallydetailed studies of female preference patterns against signalcharacteristics. It is easy to manipulate the signals and touse large numbers of females in playback experiments. Malesof H. rubrofasciata produce drums by striking their abdomenagainst dry leaves on the ground. Drums travel not only as substrate-borne vibrations, but also as airborne acoustic signals.Females respond sooner to drums transferred as substrate borne,but the mode of signal transfer has no effect on female preferencefor different types of drums. We investigated the effects oftwo key components of the drums, duration and pulse rate, onfemale choice. Previous studies have shown that the durationof the drum is both repeatable within males and variable betweenmales. In contrast, pulse rate shows high within-male repeatabilitybut only little variability between males. Using playbacksof manipulated drums, we found that females preferred drumsof longer duration but that pulse rate had no effect on femalepreference. Our results suggest that drum duration may functionas an indicator of male quality for choosy females. Pulse rate,on the other hand, is less likely to be an important traitin intersexual selection. Female preference for drum durationwas open-ended within the natural variation of the drum durations,but it leveled off outside the normal range. Thus supernomalstimuli would not pay for males using this energetically demanding acoustic signal.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the persistenceof dioecy despite the reproductive advantages conferred to hermaphrodites,including greater efficiency at purging deleterious mutationsin the former. Dioecy can benefit from both mutation purgingand accelerated evolution by bringing together beneficial mutationsin the same individual via recombination and shuffling of genotypes.In addition, mathematical treatment has shown that sexual selectionis also capable of mitigating the cost of maintaining separatesexes by increasing the overall fitness of sexual populations,and genomic comparisons have shown that sexual selection canlead to accelerated evolution. Here, we examine the advantagesof dioecy versus hermaphroditism by comparing the rate of evolutionin sex-related genes and the rate of accumulation of deleteriousmutations using a large number of orthologs (11,493) in thedioecious Caenorhabditis remanei and the hermaphroditic Caenorhabditisbriggsae. We have used this data set to estimate the deleteriousmutation rate per generation, U, in both species and find thatalthough it is significantly higher in hermaphrodites, bothspecies are at least 2 orders of magnitude lower than the valuerequired to explain the persistence of sex by efficiency atpurging deleterious mutations alone. We also find that genesexpressed in sperm are evolving rapidly in both species; however,they show a greater increase in their rate of evolution relativeto genes expressed in other tissues in C. remanei, suggestingstronger sexual selection pressure acting on these genes indioecious species. Interestingly, the persistence of a signalof rapid evolution of sperm genes in C. briggsae suggests arecent evolutionary origin of hermaphrodism in this lineage.Our results provide empirical evidence of increased sexual selectionpressure in dioecious animals, supporting the possibility thatsexual selection may play an important role in the maintenanceof sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic research on Selaginellaceae has focused on the plastid gene rbcL, which in this family has unusually high substitution rates. Here we develop a molecular data set from the nuclear 26S ribosomal DNA gene with the aim of evaluating and extending the results of previous phylogenetic research. The 26S rDNA and the rbcL regions were sequenced for a sample of 23 species, which represent the main elements of species diversity in the family. The data were analysed independently and in combination using both maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. Although several between genome differences were found, the general pattern of relationships uncovered by all analyses was very similar. Results corroborate the previous study supporting new groupings not previously recognised on morphological grounds. Substitution rates in the 26S rDNA were also found to be high (26% informative) for the region analysed, but lower than for rbcL (37% informative). These data indicate that high substitution rates might be widespread in all three genomes (i.e., plastid, mitochondrion, and nucleus).  相似文献   

Xue BJ  He RR 《生理学报》2000,52(5):435-439
在36只麻醉Sprague-Dawley大鼠, 观察了最后区内微量注射辣椒素(10 μmol/L, 50 nl)对平均动脉压(MAP)、心率(HR)和肾交感神经放电(RSNA)的影响.实验结果如下:(1)最后区内注射辣椒素可引起 MAP、HR 和RSNA明显增加, 分别由12.34±0.53 kPa、 328.52±7.54 bpm 和100±0% 增至15.17±0.25 kPa (P<0.001)、 354.81±8.54 bpm (P<0.001) 和156.95±7.57% (P<0.001);(2) 静脉注射辣椒素受体阻断剂钌红(100 mmol/L, 0.2 ml) 后, 辣椒素的上述效应可被明显抑制;(3) 预先应用NMDA 受体阻断剂MK-801 (500 μg/kg, 0.2 ml, iv)也明显抑制辣椒素的兴奋效应.以上结果提示, 最后区微量注射辣椒素对血压、心率和肾交感神经放电有兴奋作用, 而此作用由辣椒素受体介导并有谷氨酸参与.  相似文献   

急性低氧对家兔血压心率微血管反应性及自由基的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 :探讨不同急性低氧下的血压、心率、微血管反应性和自由基的影响。方法 :实验采用家兔人工吸入含氧量为 12 .5 %和 8.5 %氮氧混合气体 (模拟 4 0 0 0m和 6 5 0 0m高原急性低氧 )。急性低氧时间分别为 5、10、15、2 0min ,观察血压、心率、微血管反应性和自由基影响。结果 :①急性低氧 5min时收缩压略有升高 ,以后变为降低 ;舒张压在急性低氧 2 0min后明显降低 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;②心率随急性低氧时间的延长变慢 ,尤其含氧量 8.5 %急性低氧组明显 (P <0 .0 5 )。③眼结膜微血管管径随急性低氧时间延长呈现扩张 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,血细胞流速减慢 (P <0 .0 5 ,P <0 .0 1)。④急性低氧 2 0min后SOD活力明显降低 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,MDA含量升高 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :急性低氧可使血压降低 ,心率减慢 ,微血管管径变大和血细胞流速减慢 ,同时体内自由基产生增加。  相似文献   

Congestive heart failure is associated with a loss of circadian and short-term variability in blood pressure and heart rate. In order to assess the contribution of elevated cardiac sympathetic activity to the disturbed cardiovascular regulation, we monitored blood pressure and heart rate in mice with cardiac overexpression of the β1-adrenoceptor prior to the development of overt heart failure. Telemetry transmitters for continuous monitoring of blood pressure and heart rate were implanted in 8 to 9-week-old wildtype and transgenic mice, derived from crosses of heterozygous transgenic (line β1TG4) and wildtype mice. Cardiovascular circadian patterns were analyzed under baseline conditions and during treatment with propranolol (500 mg/L in drinking water). Short-term variability was assessed by spectral analysis of beat-to-beat data sampled for 30 min at four circadian times. Transgenic β1TG4 mice showed an increase in 24 h heart rate, while blood pressure was not different from wildtype controls. Circadian patterns in blood pressure and heart were preserved in β1TG4 mice. Addition of propranolol to the animals' drinking water led to a reduction in heart rate and its 24 h variation in both strains of mice. Short-term variability in blood pressure was not different between wildtype and β1TG4 mice, but heart rate variability in the transgenic animals showed a rightward shift of the high-frequency component in the nocturnal activity period, suggesting an increase in respiratory frequency. In conclusion, the present study shows that both the circadian and the short-term regulation of blood pressure and heart rate are largely preserved in young, nonfailing β1-transgenic mice. This finding suggests that the loss of blood pressure and heart rate variability observed in human congestive heart failure cannot be attributed solely to sympathetic overactivity but reflects the loss of adrenergic responsiveness to changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system.  相似文献   

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