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So far, it is poorly understood how differential responses of avian seed dispersers and fruit predators to changes in habitat structure and fruit abundance along land-use gradients may translate into consequences for the seed dispersal of associated plants. We selected a gradient of habitat modification (forest, semi-natural, and rural habitat) characterized by decreasing tree cover and a high variation in local fruit availability. Along this gradient we quantified fruit removal by avian seed dispersers and fruit predators from 18 Sorbus aucuparia trees. We analyzed the relative importance of tree cover and fruit abundance in explaining species richness, abundance and fruit removal rates of both guilds from S. aucuparia trees. Species richness and abundance of seed dispersers decreased with decreasing tree cover, whereas fruit removal by seed dispersers decreased with decreasing fruit abundance independent of tree cover. Both variables had no effect on species richness, abundance and fruit removal by fruit predators. Consequently, seed dispersers dominated relative fruit removal in fruit-rich sites but the dispersal/predation ratio shifted in favor of predation in fruit-poor habitat patches. Our study demonstrates that variation in local habitat structure and fruit abundance can cause guild-specific responses. Such responses may result in a shift in fruit removal regimes and might affect the dispersal ability of dependent fruiting plants. Future studies should aim at possible consequences for plant recruitment and guild-specific responses of frugivores to disturbance gradients on the level of entire plant–frugivore associations.  相似文献   

The process of fragmentation can greatly influence plant–animal interactions. To assess the degree to which it affects the balance between two interactions of opposite sign, namely seed dispersal and post-dispersal seed predation, we selected 16 patches of chestnut forest in O Courel and El Bierzo, northwestern Spain. We assessed the effect of fragmentation over two different seed dispersal–predation systems using Helleborus foetidus and Ilex aquifolium as model species. In the first case, field experiments consisted of seed-offering trays with selective exclusion of rodents and ants in a two-way orthogonal design. In the second experiment, we placed experimental branches and trays on the floor to assess seed dispersal and predation. The interactions between several fragment traits and the relative contribution of rodents, ants and birds to seed removal were analyzed by means of generalized linear mixed models. Results show that for H. foetidus, differences in seed dispersal–predation were accounted for by patch shape, which affected mainly the dispersal phase. Major seed dispersal took place in patches with a smaller edge to core ratio and high plant cover (abandoned patches), whilst the latter also showed maximum seed predation. For I. aquifolium, fragmentation effects were significant only for seed predation, which was increased in abandoned patches. This shows that the effects of habitat fragmentation can emerge at different phases depending on specific traits of the interacting animals. It also highlights the importance of traditional land-use practices in species interactions.  相似文献   

Although mistletoe is typically viewed as a parasite of juniper in a two-way interaction, its role may become neutral or even mutualistic when their common avian seed dispersing agents are considered as a three-way interaction. In the study area, wintering avian frugivores forage on both one-seed juniper (Juniperus monosperma) berries and on the fruit of its associated mistletoe (Phoradendron juniperinum). Three major findings emerged from our studies that support a three-way interaction and the hypothesis of conditional interactions. First, mistletoes provide a stable resource for shared avian seed dispersers; junipers do not. Whereas juniper berry production varied 10- to 15-fold over the 3 years of our study, mistletoe fruit abundance did not vary significantly. Second, the abundance of avian seed dispersal agents, such as Townsend's solitaires (Myadestes townsendi), is strongly tied to the abundance of juniper berries in mast years and mistletoe fruits in all years. In fact, the best overall predictor of their common avian seed dispersal agents was the abundance of mistletoe; stands with mistletoe attracted up to 3 times more avian frugivores than stands with little or no mistletoe. Thus, mistletoe berries can serve as the main attractor for birds that disperse juniper berries. Third, in agreement with the hypothesis that mistletoe can benefit junipers by attracting and supporting greater populations of avian seed dispersal agents, the number of juniper seedlings was more than 2-fold greater in stands with high mistletoe density compared with stands that had little or no mistletoe. Results suggest that the occurrence of a three-way interaction, in the presence of environmental variation (in this case, annual variation in juniper berry crops), may change the ecological roles of associated species. A conceptual model is presented to illustrate how the role of mistletoe may range from parasitic to mutualistic, while the role of avian seed dispersers may conversely range from mutualistic to parasitic, the latter by acting as vectors for the spread of mistletoe.  相似文献   

Traveset  A. 《Plant Ecology》1993,107(1):191-203
Vertebrate frugivores often feed on fruits upon or within which insects also feed, yet little information exists on the potential magnitude of interactions between these consumers. The Mediterranean shrub Pistacia terebinthus, the birds that consume its fruits, and the wasps that feed upon its seeds are examined in this study. P. terebinthus produces a highly variable fraction of final-sized red fruits that never become mature (green-colored). Red fruits can be immature, parthenocarpic, aborted, or attacked by wasps, and their pulp is much less nutritious than that of mature fruits. A total of 20 bird species consumed the fruits in the study area. Legitimate dispersers accounted for 39% of the total fruit removal, while pulp eaters and seed predators accounted for the remainder. Birds strongly preferred the mature fruits (only 4% of the fruits consumed were red). The incidence of wasps in the seeds ranged from 0 to 42% of the crop in 1989 and from 0 to 24% in 1990. The influence of avian and insect frugivore guilds on each other appears to be quite low because of the narrow overlap in resource utilization by birds and wasps, and an overall low intensity of wasp seed predation. From an evolutionary perspective, the possible ability of wasps to preclude fruit maturation appears not to be attributable to the present interaction with avian frugivores.  相似文献   

Seed production of a population of 193 reproductive individuals of Euphorbia characias from the north-east Iberian peninsula was estimated at 155 000 seeds per year The dehiscence period lasts for four weeks The timing of ballistic dispersal is uniformly distributed throughout the day Seeds remain on the surface a mean time (± SE) of 52.3 ± 6.7 mm Several and species take the seeds in varying proportions Messor barbarus (0 225), a granivorous ant which eats the seeds, Aphaenogaster senilis (0 313), Pheidolc pallidula (0 296) and Tapinoma nigerrimum (0 162) which take the seeds to their nests but do not eat them Half a million ant foraging trips per day indicate a very strong short term influence of ants on fate of Euphorbia seeds Ants as a group have a dual role of predation and dispersal of Euphorbia characias seeds The characteristics of this Euphorbia (sclerophylly, diplochory, firmness of elaiosome, absence of subsidiary myrmecochorous features) better fit the syndrome described for Australian myrmecochores than the one proposed for European and North American myrmecochores  相似文献   

Aim Many theories of biodiversity and biogeography assume that species respond equally to variability in habitat area and isolation. This assumption does not allow for differential responses due to interspecific competition or other mechanisms, and therefore does not allow community composition to be predicted. As body size is relevant to area requirements and interspecific dominance, a natural experiment was conducted to quantify the differential responses of avian species abundance to variability in remnant area, isolation and forest cover based on average species body mass. Location Deciduous forest remnants of varying area and isolation throughout the State of Delaware, USA. Methods Forest remnants within stratified area and isolation classes were randomly selected for breeding bird surveys; total forest cover (ha) within 2 km of each survey point was subsequently determined as a covariate. Surveys were conducted within 100–150 m from the edge of each remnant and detected bird species were divided into five classes based on a log2‐transformation of body mass (very small, small, medium, large and very large). Assuming a negative binomial distribution, the abundance of detected individuals in each mass class was analysed using generalized linear models with remnant area, isolation, local forest cover and two‐way interactions specified as independent variables. The same analyses were conducted for individual species where sample size allowed. Results Very small, small and very large bodied species decreased in abundance with decreasing local forest cover and remnant area and with increasing remnant isolation, while large species increased in abundance. Medium‐sized species decreased in abundance with increasing forest cover, did not respond to remnant isolation and showed a concave, curvilinear response to increasing remnant area. Large and medium‐sized species were the most abundant birds in small, isolated remnants despite occurring in the largest remnants with the more abundant very small and small species, suggesting that communities are not randomly organized. Main conclusions Regardless of presumed habitat associations, large and medium‐sized species are of the appropriate size to be dominant competitors when forest resources are limiting, and thus may be considered ‘generalists’. The smallest species may be excluded entirely from small, isolated remnants even though such remnants meet their ecological needs; the needs of very large species are not met in small remnants. The applicability of biodiversity theories to community composition, species abundance and, by extension, to conservation, can be improved by incorporating differential responses based on body mass into their assumptions.  相似文献   

K. L. Evans 《Ibis》2004,146(1):1-13
Population declines are often attributed to either habitat change or increased predation rates, without a full consideration of the potential for these two factors to interact. This may lead to an inaccurate diagnosis of the causes of population decline and thus the selection of inappropriate management solutions. Here mechanisms through which habitat change and predation could interact are reviewed. Examples of how these may have contributed to population declines are provided, focusing on European farmland birds. However, very few appropriate studies have been conducted that allow the role of such interactions to be assessed accurately. To remedy this situation experimental designs that could detect the presence of interactive mechanisms are described. When habitat change and predation interact, conservation managers are provided with the opportunity to control predation impacts through habitat management rather than predator removal, which may provide a more cost-effective management strategy.  相似文献   

为了解栖息地片段化对鸟类巢捕食风险的影响,我们于2010年4-8月,在千岛湖地区选取16个岛屿,分别在岛屿边缘和内部区域用放置鸡蛋(大型卵)和鹌鹑(Coturnix japonica)蛋(小型卵)的方法进行人工模拟地面巢试验,研究不同体积大小鸟卵的巢捕食率及其差异,分析巢捕食率与岛屿面积、隔离度、形状指数和植物物种丰富...  相似文献   

Summary Little is known about the adaptive value of mast seeding, a common phenomenon in temperate trees and shrubs. Masting is likely to affect both seed dispersal and seed predation. In systems where similar taxa of animals are involved in these two processes, the consequences of mast seeding are likely to be particularly complicated. This study examined the effects of mast seeding in a cycad, Macrozamia communis, on the dispersal of seeds, the pattern of dispersion of seeds and post-dispersal predation on seeds. Dispersal of seeds by possums was poorer from source plants in a masting population than from source plants in an adjacent, non-masting population. This resulted in fewer seeds per seeding female plant in the masting plot being dispersed to favourable sites. We conclude that this is caused by the feeding behaviour and movements of possums in the masting site. The abundance of seeds in this site did not satiate the post-dispersal predators, native rats. In fact, more seeds in this site were eaten than in the nonmasting site. We suggest that the mast seeding observed in M. communis may not be adaptive, but is more likely a consequence of other factors which synchromize flowering within local populations.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Fish in Mediterranean streams survive through the summer in residual surface waters, encompassing a broad range of abiotic and biotic conditions. Yet, the extent to which fish assemblages may be shaped by functional heterogeneity in dry-season refugia is largely unknown. This study addresses this issue, by examining fish assemblage and population attributes, and predation patterns in residual summer habitats (12 pools and six runs) across a Mediterranean catchment in south-west Portugal.
2. Species richness was fairly constant among runs but increased with pool size, with the addition of exotics and rare natives to large pools resulting in nested subsets. The four most common species (chub, nase, loach and eel) were considered generalists in terms of their use of dry-season refugia. Conversely, rare species presented more specialised habitats, with barbel and exotics favouring pools and stickleback favouring runs.
3. Age and size of the two most common species varied among dry-season habitats. Age 0 chub were restricted to runs, where spawning stages (age 2 and older fish) were also more represented. Age 0 nase also concentrated in runs, but the individuals collected in pools exhibited greater growth. Conversely, age 2 and older nase were proportionally more abundant in pools, but with greater growth and better condition in runs.
4. The otter was the main fish predator, consuming fish of all species and size classes, irrespective of habitat. Otter activity concentrated in pools, where predation risk for cyprinids seemed to be much higher than in runs.
5. Dry-season refugia apparently vary in functional importance for different fish species and life stages, acting as complementary units in the landscape. Therefore, the presence of both pool and run refugia trough the summer dry season may play a critical role in promoting the persistence of native species in Mediterranean streams.  相似文献   

Understanding what governs community assembly and the maintenance of biodiversity is a central issue in ecology, but has been a continuing debate. A key question is the relative importance of habitat specialization (niche assembly) and dispersal limitation (dispersal assembly). In the middle of the Loess Plateau, northwestern China, we examined how species turnover in Liaodong oak (Quercus wutaishanica) forests differed between observed and randomized assemblies, and how this difference was affected by habitat specialization and dispersal limitation using variation partitioning. Results showed that expected species turnover based on individual randomization was significantly lower than the observed value (< 0.01). The turnover deviation significantly depended on the environmental and geographical distances (< 0.05). Environmental and spatial variables significantly explained approximately 40% of the species composition variation at all the three layers (< 0.05). However, their contributions varied among forest layers; the herb and shrub layers were dominated by environmental factors, whereas the canopy layer was dominated by spatial factors. Our results underscore the importance of synthetic models that integrate effects of both dispersal and niche assembly for understanding the community assembly. However, habitat specialization (niche assembly) may not always be the dominant process in community assembly, even under harsh environments. Community assembly may be in a trait‐dependent manner (e.g., forest layers in this study). Thus, taking more species traits into account would strengthen our confidence in the inferred assembly mechanisms.  相似文献   

Many organisms live in ephemeral habitats, making dispersal a vital element of life history. Here, we investigate how dispersal rate evolves in response to habitat persistence, mean habitat availability and landscape pattern. We show that dispersal rate is generally lowered by reduced habitat availability and by longer habitat persistence. However, for habitats that persist for an average of ten times the length of a generation, we show a clear non-monotonic relationship between habitat availability and dispersal rate. Some patterns of available habitat result in populations with dispersal polymorphisms. We explain these observations as a metapopulation effect, with the rate of evolution a function of both within-population and between-population selection pressures. Individuals in corridors evolve much lower dispersal rates than those in the mainland populations, especially within long, narrow corridors. We consider the implications of the results for conservation.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation is an important interaction in which predators feed on a shared prey as well as on each other. It occurs frequently between larval odonates in freshwater lentic communities, and understanding the factors influencing this interaction remains an important objective. An experiment carried out in mesocosms and utilizing a factorial design investigated the strength of intraguild interactions between the dragonfly, Sympetrum vicinum, and the damselfly, Enallagma civile, under two levels each of habitat complexity (high or low), prey abundance (high or low) and prey type (amphipods or blackworms). Effects of treatments on size, mortality and emergence of larval odonates were evaluated. Shared prey abundance had little impact on intraguild interactions, affecting only the mass of the intraguild prey E. civile. Habitat complexity affected the size of E. civile damselflies, as length and wet mass were significantly greater in low complexity mesocosms. Prey type seemed to be the most important factor in the experiment, influencing all response variables measured. When shared prey consisted of larger, more active blackworms, intraguild predation decreased, and E. civile damselflies experienced lower mortality, achieved greater length and mass, and had greater emergence success. Results of this study suggest that prey type and habitat complexity can be more important than prey abundance in mediating intraguild predation.  相似文献   

Identifying the ecological factors that shape parasite distributions remains a central goal in disease ecology. These factors include dispersal capability, environmental filters and geographic distance. Using 520 haemosporidian parasite genetic lineages recovered from 7,534 birds sampled across tropical and temperate South America, we tested (a) the latitudinal diversity gradient hypothesis and (b) the distance–decay relationship (decreasing proportion of shared species between communities with increasing geographic distance) for this host–parasite system. We then inferred the biogeographic processes influencing the diversity and distributions of this cosmopolitan group of parasites across South America. We found support for a latitudinal gradient in diversity for avian haemosporidian parasites, potentially mediated through higher avian host diversity towards the equator. Parasite similarity was correlated with climate similarity, geographic distance and host composition. Local diversification in Amazonian lineages followed by dispersal was the most frequent biogeographic events reconstructed for haemosporidian parasites. Combining macroecological patterns and biogeographic processes, our study reveals that haemosporidian parasites are capable of circumventing geographic barriers and dispersing across biomes, although constrained by environmental filtering. The contemporary diversity and distributions of haemosporidian parasites are mainly driven by historical (speciation) and ecological (dispersal) processes, whereas the parasite community assembly is largely governed by host composition and to a lesser extent by environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Trophic interactions, including “top‐down” predator‐prey interactions, are particularly important in influencing the structure of fish communities. While the varied impacts of piscivorous fish have been well investigated, the effects of fish‐eating birds on riverine fish behaviour and population dynamics still remain controversial, mainly because they are undervalued. Summer experiments were conducted in an experimental outdoor stream to evaluate the effects of avian predation threat, stream flow, and overhead cover on growth and behavioural tactics of wild juvenile chub (Leuciscus cephalus). Groups of fifteen chub maintained in riffle‐pool sequences were submitted to combinations of different conditions, namely absence or presence of a simulated fish‐eating bird, low or high flow, and absence or presence of medium or high cover. In the absence of predation threat, chub foraged in the riffles and maximized feeding opportunities. Under predation threat, they sheltered, foraged less and grew slowly and as expected, they increased their use of the riffles at high flow as water turbulence is an efficient shelter from birds but only in the absence of cover. In the presence of cover, fish sheltered exclusively under pool covers and were more prone to take risks at low flow because of higher costs in terms of lost feeding opportunities associated with these conditions. This result indicates that flow velocity altered cover use tactics through its impact on food supply, suggesting that it may affect the outcome of predator‐prey relationships. So, chub use cover in a flexible manner according to both the benefits in terms of predator avoidance and the costs in terms of lost feeding opportunities. A striking finding of the experiments is the drastic reduction in the range of growth variances amongst fish when they are maintained under predation threat, suggesting a homogenization of fitness between individuals. From all our results, we argue that in lowland streams, under summer field situations, fish‐eating birds may affect local prey population dynamics more through sub‐lethal effects on growth rates than directly through death rates.  相似文献   

Network structure in plant-animal systems has been widely investigated but the roles of functional traits of plants and animals in formation of mutualism and predation interactions and community structure are still not fully understood. In this study, we quantitatively assessed interaction strength of mutualism and predation between 5 tree species and 7 rodent species by using semi-natural enclosures in a subtropical forest in southwest China. Seeds with high handling-time and nutrition traits (for both rat and mouse species) or high tannin trait (for mouse species) show high mutualism but low predation with rodents; while seeds with low handling-time and low nutrition traits show high predation but low mutualism with rodents. Large-sized rat species are more linked to seeds with high handling-time and high nutrition traits, while small-sized mouse species are more connected with seeds with low handling-time, low nutrition value and high tannin traits. Anti-predation seed traits tend to increase chance of mutualism instead of reducing predation by rodents, suggesting formation of mutualism may be connected with that of predation. Our study demonstrates that seed and animal traits play significant roles in the formation of mutualism and predation and network structure of the seed-rodent dispersal system.  相似文献   

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