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Protein ubiquitination regulates diverse cellular processes in eukaryotic organisms,from growth and development to stress response.Proteins subjected to ubiquitination can be found in virtually all subcellular locations and organelles,including peroxisomes,singlemembrane and highly dynamic organelles ubiquitous in eukaryotes.Peroxisomes contain metabolic functions essential to plants and animals such as lipid catabolism,detoxification of reactive oxygen species(ROS),biosynthesis of vital hormone...  相似文献   

亚硫酸盐氧化酶(SO)作为目前发现的钼酶家族成员之一,在哺乳动物硫化物的脱毒、嘌呤代谢等过程中起着非常重要的作用。然而,很少有关于高等植物SO的表达和调控机制的研究报道。本研究中,我们用半定量RT-PCR和组织化学方法对拟南芥中SO基因AtSO的表达调控进行了初步研究。结果表明,AtSO在拟南芥的地上部分如茎、叶、花和未成熟荚果中有较高的表达水平,而在根部表达水平较低。在对分离的该基因上游1562-bp的启动子区域进行生物信息学分析时,鉴定出一些可能的调控元件如光调控元件(LRE)。转基因植株中AtSO启动子驱动下的GUS基因(uidA)表达结果表明:AtSO的表达主要在植物的地上组织,表达具有光依赖性,且表达水平受亚硫酸盐的诱导增高。这一结果对进一步研究SO在植物对光周期和亚硫酸盐胁迫应答反应中的作用提供线索。  相似文献   

为明确亚硫酸氧化酶(sulfite oxidase,SO)基因的结构特征和进化关系及其在玉米不同组织器官发育过程中的表达和分布特性,采用RACE技术克隆了玉米SO基因(ZmSO)的全长cDNA。序列分析表明,获得的ZmSO全长1 492bp,其中5′-UTR 160bp,3′-UTR 138bp,开放阅读框为1 194bp,编码397个氨基酸组成的蛋白质。对该基因编码氨基酸保守结构域的分析发现,ZmSO包含1个钼辅因子结合域、1个自身二聚化域和1个过氧化物体靶信号序列。系统进化分析显示,SO在进化上较为保守,玉米与其它植物的SO相似性较高。荧光定量RT-PCR分析表明,在玉米成株期,根、茎、叶、雄花和幼穗中,ZmSO在根部表达丰度最低,在叶片和幼穗中表达量较高。酶活性测定结果显示,不同器官中SO活性与其mRNA转录水平上的表达趋势相似。  相似文献   

It was found that Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans has sulfite:ubiquinone oxidoreductase and ubiquinol oxidase activities in the cells. Ubiquinol oxidase was purified from plasma membranes of strain NB1-3 in a nearly homogeneous state. A purified enzyme showed absorption peaks at 419 and 595 nm in the oxidized form and at 442 and 605 nm in the reduced form. Pyridine ferrohaemochrome prepared from the enzyme showed an α-peak characteristic of haem a at 587 nm, indicating that the enzyme contains haem a as a component. The CO difference spectrum of ubiquinol oxidase showed two peaks at 428 nm and 595 nm, and a trough at 446 nm, suggesting the existence of an aa 3-type cytochrome in the enzyme. Ubiquinol oxidase was composed of three subunits with apparent molecular masses of 57 kDa, 34 kDa, and 23 kDa. The optimum pH and temperature for ubiquinol oxidation were pH 6.0 and 30 °C. The activity was completely inhibited by sodium cyanide at 1.0 mM. In contrast, the activity was inhibited weakly by antimycin A1 and myxothiazol, which are inhibitors of mitochondrial bc 1 complex. Quinone analog 2-heptyl-4-hydoroxyquinoline N-oxide (HOQNO) strongly inhibited ubiquinol oxidase activity. Nickel and tungstate (0.1 mM), which are used as a bacteriostatic agent for A. thiooxidans-dependent concrete corrosion, inhibited ubiquinol oxidase activity 100 and 70% respectively.  相似文献   

Sulfite is produced as a toxic intermediate during Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans sulfur oxidation. A. ferrooxidans D3-2, which posseses the highest copper bioleaching activity, is more resistant to sulfite than other A. ferrooxidans strains, including ATCC 23270. When sulfite oxidase was purified homogeneously from strain D3-2, the oxidized and reduced forms of the purified sulfite oxidase absorption spectra corresponded to those of A. ferrooxidans aa 3-type cytochrome c oxidase. The confirmed molecular weights of the α-subunit (52.5 kDa), the β-subunit (25 kDa), and the γ-subunit (20 kDa) of the purified sulfite oxidase and the N-terminal amino acid sequences of the γ-subunit of sulfite oxidase (AAKKG) corresponded to those of A. ferrooxidans ATCC 23270 cytochrome c oxidase. The sulfite oxidase activities of the iron- and sulfur-grown A. ferrooxidans D3-2 were much higher than those cytochrome c oxidases purified from A. ferrooxidans strains ATCC 23270, MON-1 and AP19-3. The activities of sulfite oxidase purified from iron- and sulfur-grown strain D3-2 were completely inhibited by an antibody raised against a purified A. ferrooxidans MON-1 aa 3-type cytochrome c oxidase. This is the first report to indicate that aa 3-type cytochrome c oxidase catalyzed sulfite oxidation in A. ferrooxidans.  相似文献   

Methods were developed for isolating highly-purified peroxisomes under iso-osmotic conditions from 3 plant parts, namely cotyledons of cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) seedlings, endosperm of castor bean ( Ricinus communis L.) seedlings and leaves of mature spinach ( Spinaca oleracea L.) plants. Purification was achieved by sedimentation of the organelles into metrizamide gradients centrifuged in a vertical rotor (VTi 50). Gradients consisted of an upper transition layer (1:1 mixture of homogenizing medium and 0.25 M metrizamide), a linear 0.25–0.76 M metrizamide gradient and a 0.76 M metrizamide pad. Peroxisomes from all 3 plant parts were recovered in a major band at a density ranging from 1.24 to 1.27 g cm−3, which is a density range similar to that for peroxisomes isolated in sucrose gradients. The percent of the total gradient cytochrome c oxidase (mitochondria marker) activity recovered in peroxisome fractions ranged from 1.5% in endosperm to 2.8% in leaves, while a plastid marker (chlorophyll or galactosyl transferase activity) ranged from undetectable in leaf peroxisome fractions to 3.6% in endosperm peroxisome fractions. Intactness of the peroxisomes was judged to be 69%, 89% and 78% for the cotyledon, endosperm and leaf peroxisomes, respectively. Isolated peroxisomes were stable for at least 5 h in metrizamide medium. Microscopic (bright-field and transmission electron microscopy) assessments verified that the peroxisomes were morphologically intact and fractions were essentially free of contaminating organelles. Metrizamide is an excellent iso-osmotic medium for purifying peroxisomes from these plant organs and tissue.  相似文献   

Sulfite oxidizing activities are known since years in animals, microorganisms, and also plants. Among plants, the only enzyme well characterized on molecular and biochemical level is the molybdoenzyme sulfite oxidase (SO). It oxidizes sulfite using molecular oxygen as electron acceptor, leading to the production of sulfate and hydrogen peroxide. The latter reaction product seems to be the reason why plant SO is localized in peroxisomes, because peroxisomal catalase is able to decompose hydrogen peroxide. On the other hand, we have indications for an additional reaction taking place in peroxisomes: sulfite can be nonenzymatically oxidized by hydrogen peroxide. This will promote the detoxification of hydrogen peroxide especially in the case of high amounts of sulfite. Hence we assume that SO could possibly serve as "safety valve" for detoxifying excess amounts of sulfite and protecting the cell from sulfitolysis. Supportive evidence for this assumption comes from experiments where we fumigated transgenic poplar plants overexpressing ARABIDOPSIS SO with SO(2) gas. In this paper, we try to explain sulfite oxidation in its co-regulation with sulfate assimilation and summarize other sulfite oxidizing activities described in plants. Finally we discuss the importance of sulfite detoxification in plants.  相似文献   

The mechanisms involved in the inhibitory effects of antilipolytic agents on rat liver peroxisomal fatty acid oxidative activity have been explored. Treatment of fasting rats with antilipolytic drugs (either 3,5-dimethylpyrazole (12 mg/kg body weight) or Acipimox (25 mg/kg body weight)) resulted in a decrease in free fatty acid and glucose plasma levels within 5–10 and in a significant increase in the plasma glucagon to insulin ratio within 15. Changes in the fatty acid oxidative activity appeared with a 2.5–3 h delay and were then very rapid (a 30–40% decrease in the activity occured in additional 2 h). Many peroxisomal enzyme activities (including non-β-oxidative activities such as uricase and D-amino acid oxidase) exhibited similar changes with the same delay. Simultaneously with the enzyme changes, at the electron microscope level many autophagic vacuoles were detected in the liver cells, often containing peroxisomal structures. Glutamine, an inhibitor of proteolysis in vivo, prevented the decrease in enzyme activities. It was concluded that the decrease in peroxisomal enzyme activities may be the consequence of enhanced peroxisome degradation due to the stimulation of autophagic processes in liver cells.  相似文献   

Although rice (Oryza sativa L.) produces little glycine betaine (GB), it has two betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH; EC gene homologs (OsBADH1 and OsBADH2). We found that OsBADH1 catalyzes the oxidation of acetaldehyde efficiently, while the activity of OsBADH2 is extremely low. The accumulation of OsBADH1 mRNA decreases following submergence treatment, but quickly recovers after re-aeration. We confirmed that OsBADH1 localizes in peroxisomes. In this paper, a possible physiological function of OsBADH1 in the oxidation of acetaldehyde produced by catalase in rice plant peroxisomes is discussed.  相似文献   

The role of peroxisomes in isoprenoid metabolism, especially in plants, has been questioned in several reports. A recent study of Sapir-Mir et al.1 revealed that the two isoforms of isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) isomerase, catalyzing the isomerisation of IPP to dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP) are found in the peroxisome. In this addendum, we provide additional data describing the peroxisomal localization of 5-phosphomevalonate kinase and mevalonate 5-diphosphate decarboxylase, the last two enzymes of the mevalonic acid pathway leading to IPP.2 This finding was reinforced in our latest report showing that a short isoform of farnesyl diphosphate, using IPP and DMAPP as substrates, is also targeted to the organelle.3 Therefore, the classical sequestration of isoprenoid biosynthesis between plastids and cytosol/ER can be revisited by including the peroxisome as an additional isoprenoid biosynthetic compartment within plant cells.  相似文献   

Aims: An evolution‐based strategy was designed to screen novel yeast strains impaired in sulfate assimilation. Specifically, molybdate and chromate resistance was used as selectable phenotype to select sulfate permease–deficient variants that unable to produce sulfites and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Methods and Results: Four Saccharomyces cerevisiae parent strains were induced to sporulate. After tetrad digestion, spore suspensions were observed under the microscope to monitor the conjugation of gametes. Then, the cell suspension was inoculated in tubes containing YPD medium supplemented with ammonium molybdate or potassium chromate. Forty‐four resistant strains were obtained and then tested in microvinifications. Three strains with a low sulfite production (SO2 <10 mg l?1) and with an impaired H2S production in grape must without added sulfites were selected. Conclusions: Our strategy enabled the selection of improved yeasts with desired oenological characteristics. Particularly, resistance to toxic analogues of sulfate allowed us to detect strains that unable to assimilate sulfates. Significance and Impact of the Study: This strategy that combines the sexual recombination of spores and application of a specific selective pressure provides a rapid screening method to generate genetic variants and select improved wine yeast strains with an impaired metabolism regarding the production of sulfites and H2S.  相似文献   

To examine the mechanism of starch degradation in legume cotyledons and the physiological role of α-glucosidase, mung bean seeds were germinated in the presence of Bay m 1099, an α-glucosidase inhibitor. Bay m 1099 (10 μg/ml medium), which minimized the growth deterioration of the mung bean seedlings, caused no changes in the overall rate of starch degradation and of soluble carbohydrate production in the cotyledons, although α-glucosidase activity had been completely suppressed. Total amylase and phosphorylase activities were not influenced by Bay m 1099. These results suggest that the mung bean α-glucosidase is less responsible for starch degradation, unlike wheat α-glucosidase [Konishi et al., Biosci. Biotech. Biochem., 58, 135-139 (1994)].  相似文献   

Growth of Hansenula polymorpha in shake flasks and chemostat cultures in the presence of methanol as the sole source of carbon and methylamine as the sole source of nitrogen was associated with the development of peroxisomes in the cells. The organelles were involved in the concurrent oxidation of these two compounds, since they contained both alcohol oxidase and amine oxidase, which are key enzymes in methanol and methylamine metabolism, respectively. In addition catalase was present. Peroxisomes with a completely crystalline substructure were observed in methanol-limited chemostat-grown cells. Amine oxidase probably formed an integral part of these crystalloids, whereas catalase was present in a freely diffusable form. Transfer of cells, grown in a methanol-limited chemostat in the presence of methylamine into glucose/ammonium sulphate media resulted in the loss of both alcohol oxidase and amine oxidase activity from the cells. This process was associated with degradation of the crystalline peroxisomes. However, when cells were transferred into glucose/methylamine media, amine oxidase activity only declined during 2 h after the transfer and thereafter increased again. This subsequent rise in amine oxidase activity was associated with the development of new peroxisomes in the cells in which degradation of the crystalline peroxisomes, originally present, continued. These newly formed organelles probably originated from peroxisomes which had not been affected by degradation. When in the methanollimited chemostat methylamine was replaced by ammonium sulphate, repression of the synthesis of amine oxidase was observed. However, inactivation of this enzyme or degradation of peroxisomes was not detected. The decrease of amine oxidase activity in the culture was accounted for by dilution of enzyme as a result of growth and washout.  相似文献   

PTS2 protein import into mammalian peroxisomes   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Peroxisome targeting signal (PTS)2 directs proteins from their site of synthesis in the cytosol to the lumen of the peroxisome. Unlike PTS1 which is present in the great majority of peroxisomal matrix proteins and whose import mechanics have been dissected in considerable detail, PTS2 is a relatively rare topogenic signal whose import mechanisms are far less well understood. However, as is the case for PTS1 proteins, an inability to import PTS2 proteins leads to human disease. In this report, we describe the biochemical characterization of mammalian PTS2 protein import using a semi-permeabilized cell system. We show that a PTS2-containing reporter molecule is taken up by peroxisomes in a reaction that is time-, temperature-, ATP-, and cytosol-dependent. Furthermore, the import process is specific, saturable, and requires action of the chaperone Hsc70, the cochaperone Hsp40, and the peroxins Pex5p and Pex14p. We also demonstrate peroxisomal translocation of PTS2 reporter/antibody complexes confirming the import competence of higher order structures. Importantly, cultured fibroblasts from patients with the rhizomelic form of chondrodysplasia punctata (RCDP) which are deficient for the PTS2 receptor protein, Pex7p, are unable to import the PTS2 reporter in this assay. The ability to monitor PTS2 import in vitro will permit, for the first time, a detailed comparison of the biochemical properties of PTS1 and PTS2 protein import.  相似文献   

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are bacterial carbon storage polymers used as renewable, biodegradable plastics. PHA production in plants may be a way to reduce industrial PHA production costs. We recently demonstrated a promising level of peroxisomal PHA production in the high biomass crop species sugarcane. However, further production strategies are needed to boost PHA accumulation closer to commercial targets. Through exogenous fatty acid feeding of Arabidopsis thaliana plants that contain peroxisome‐targeted PhaA, PhaB and PhaC enzymes from Cupriavidus necator, we show here that the availability of substrates derived from the β‐oxidation cycle limits peroxisomal polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) biosynthesis. Knockdown of peroxisomal citrate synthase activity using artificial microRNA increased PHB production levels approximately threefold. This work demonstrates that reduction of peroxisomal citrate synthase activity may be a valid metabolic engineering strategy for increasing PHA production in other plant species.  相似文献   

Sulfite oxidase, a soluble enzyme in mitochondrial intermembrane space, was synthesized as a precursor protein larger than the authentic enzyme when rat liver RNA was translated invitro using reticulocyte lysate. When the invitro translation products were incubated with isolated rat liver mitochondria, the precursor of sulfite oxidase was converted to the size of the mature enzyme. The invitro processed mature enzyme was no longer susceptible to externally added proteases and was extractable by a hypotonic treatment of the mitochondria, suggesting its location in the intermembrane space. When mitochondria were subfractionated, most of the processing activity was recovered in the mitoplast fraction. The import-processing activity of mitochondria was inhibited by CCCP, oligomycin, or atractyloside in the presence of KCN. These results suggest that the import of sulfite oxidase into mitochondrial intermembrane space requires the participation of inner membrane.  相似文献   

In plants, peroxisomes are the organelles involved in various metabolic processes and physiological functions including β-oxidation, mobilization of seed storage lipids, photorespiration, and hormone biosynthesis. We have recently shown that, in fungi and plants, peroxisomes play a vital role in biosynthesis of biotin, an essential cofactor required for various carboxylation and decarboxylation reactions. In fungi, the mutants defective in peroxisomal protein import exhibit biotin auxotrophy. The fungal BioF protein, a 7-keto-8-aminopelargonic acid (KAPA) synthase catalyzing the conversion of pimeloyl-CoA to KAPA in biotin biosynthesis, contains the peroxisomal targeting sequence 1 (PTS1), and its peroxisomal targeting is required for biotin biosynthesis. In plants, biotin biosynthesis is essential for embryo development. We have shown that the peroxisomal targeting sequences of the BioF proteins are conserved throughout the plant kingdom, and the Arabidopsis thaliana BioF protein is indeed localized in peroxisomes. Our findings suggest that peroxisomal localization of the BioF protein is evolutionarily conserved among eukaryotes, and required for biotin biosynthesis and plant growth and development.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes in higher plant cells are known to differentiate into at least three different classes, namely, glyoxysomes, leaf peroxisomes, and unspecialalized peroxisomes, dependending on the cell types. In germinating fatty seedlings, glyoxysomes that first appear in the etiolated cotyledonary cells are functionally transformed into leaf peroxisomes during greening. Subsequently, the organelles are transformed back into glyoxysomes during senescence of the cotyledons. Flexibility of function is a distinct feature of plant peroxisomes. This article briefly describes recent studies of the regulatory mechanisms involved in the changes of the function of plant peroxisomes.  相似文献   

The evolutionary origin of peroxisomes: an ER-peroxisome connection   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The peroxisome is an essential eukaryotic organelle, crucial for lipid metabolism and free radical detoxification, development, differentiation, and morphogenesis from yeasts to humans. Loss of peroxisomes invariably leads to fatal peroxisome biogenesis disorders in man. The evolutionary origin of peroxisomes remains unsolved; proposals for either a symbiogenetic or cellular membrane invagination event are unconclusive. To address this question, we have probed with a peroxisomal proteome, an "ensemble" of 19 representative eukaryotic complete genomes. Molecular phylogenetic and sequence comparison tools allowed us to identify four proteins as peroxisomal markers for unequivocal in silico peroxisome detection. We have then detected the Apicomplexa phylum as the first group of organisms devoid of peroxisomes, in the presence of mitochondria. Finally, we deliver evidence against a prokaryotic ancestor of peroxisomes: (1) the peroxisomal membrane is composed of purely eukaryotic bricks and is thus useful to trace the eukaryotes in their evolutionary paths and (2) the peroxisomal matrix protein import system shares mechanistic similarities with the endoplasmic reticulum/proteasome degradation process, indicating a common evolutionary history.  相似文献   

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