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A new genus of phyllidiid nudibranch, Reticulidia, is described.Distinguishing features are the reticulate pattern of smoothridges on the dorsum and the radially arranged, glandular discswhich make up the pharyngeal bulb. Additional features of theforegut are described and compared with other genera. The importanceof the alimentary system for the separation of genera withinthe Phyllidiidae is supported and its validity reinforced bythis new genus. One species, Reticulidia halgerda, is describedas new and differentiated from a second, sympatric species.Reticulidia is presently known from the eastern Indian Ocean,South China Sea and western Pacific Ocean. *Present address: Australian Biological and Environmental Survey,Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. GPO Box 1383,Canberra. ACT 2601. Australia. (Received 15 August 1989; accepted 8 January 1990)  相似文献   

Phyllidiopsis sinaiensis (Yonow, 1988), of which only one single preservedspecimen had been known, was rediscovered in the northern RedSea. The dorsal colour-pattern of living individuals is presented forthe first time, and the anatomy of P. sinaiensis is describedin detail. Major features of the holotype previously used tocharacterise the species are shown to be artifacts. Principaldistinguishing characters of P. sinaiensis include the centraltubercle ridge, large and multicompound, broad based, pink tubercles,bicoloured black and pink rhinophores, the very elongate muscularoesophageal segment, the distinct stomach and the extremelylong, convoluted prostate that is bound together by connectivetissue. In some specimens, the bases of the tubercles may fuseleading to a predominantely pink dorsum with only a few blacklines. Phyllidiopsis sinaiensis appears to be among the mostcommon nudibranchs in the Gulf of Aqaba. The fact that it has notbeen reported since its original collection in 1980 can be explainedby being confused with the externally similar, well-known speciesPhyllidiella pustulosa (Cuvier, 1804). A review of the phyllidiidfauna of the Red Sea reveals eleven valid species that can allbe identified with the key presented herein. With four out of elevenspecies, phyllidiid endemism (36%) is high in the Red Sea. This isin contrast to recent palaeobiological hypotheses of a post-glacial originof the Red Sea coral reef fauna.  相似文献   

A new species of Lithophaga is described as a small lithophaginemussel exclusively boring Madracis mir-abilis, M. decactis andM. formosa in Jamaica. The shell, musculature and pallial glandsshow modifications for live coral boring similar to those ofIndo-Pacific species of the genus. However, both the boringand posterior pallial glands are more primitive than other speciesexamined to date, interpreted as indicative of a more recentadaptation to life in a living coral habitat by this species. *Contribution No.359 of the Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory,University of the West Indies (Received 23 April 1985;  相似文献   

A new genus and species of Planorbidae, Kessneria papillosa n.gen.and sp. from the Northern Territory, Australia, are described.The new genus is morphologically most similar to Leichhardtia,another genus restricted to Northern Australia, from which itdiffers in a number of important shell and anatomical characters.The shell of the new genus differs from all other planorbidsin having a raised, papillate protoconch, and is also uniqueamongst Australian high-spired genera in being umbilicate and inhaving a sinuate outer lip. (Received 12 May 2000; accepted 25 September 2000)  相似文献   

Studies in recent years on chromosome number in freshwater snailsbelonging to the Bulinus truncatus/tropicus complex demonstratedthe occurrence in Kenya of one diploid species, B. tropicus,and 2 tetraploid species, B. truncatus and B. permembranaceus.Further observations are now described on the morphologies ofthe tetraploid species, and their distributions. Observations were made on B. truncatus from 26 localities (11newly reported) and B. permembranaceus from 26 localities (7newly reported), in respect of chromosome number, egg proteins,enzymes (5 systems), shell (10 variables measured), male genitalsystem (normal or aphallic) and radula (1st lateral tooth, sizeand mesocone shape). B. permembranaceus differs most clearly from B. truncatus inegg proteins, enzyme-loci and in lacking aphallic individuals.Mesocone shape is generally less angular in B. permembranaceus.The shell of B. permembranaceus grows larger, has the columellamore commonly concave and its spire is proportionally higherand more acute. To distinguish these tetraploid species fromthe partly sympatric B. tropicus, observations on chromosomenumber and biochemical characters are necessary. The tetraploids are allopatric, B. truncatus being found rarelyas high as 1900 m altitude, whereas B. permembranaceus occupiesthe altitude range 1940–2760 m. B. truncatus may be expandingits distribution in Kenya in man-made waterbodies, while B.permembranaceus possibly is restricted by adaptation to coolconditions and by interaction with B. tropicus. Differencesbetween B. truncatus and B. permembranaceus, both morphologicaland biochemical, indicate their origins lie in independent episodesof tetraploidy. *Member of External Scientific staff, Medical Research Council (Received 31 October 1988; accepted 6 December 1988)  相似文献   

The new species Spurilla columbina differs from its Europeancongeners in coloration and the shape of its cerata. Comparativedata derived from S. norvegica (Odhner, 1939), S. coerulescens(Laurillard, 1830) and S. verrucicornis (Costa, 1864) are tabulated. * T. E. Thompson died in a car accident 1 January 1990 (Received 10 January 1989; accepted 4 July 1989)  相似文献   

The abundance, life span, growth and production of the mud snailsHydrobia minoricensis, H. ulvae and H. ventrosa in a semi-naturallagoon system were studied by taking monthly samples at threesites during 1991 and 1992. The most abundant species, H. minoricensisoccurred at mean densities of 12834 to 26264 snails m–2(10.7 to 25.8g dry weigh m–2), depending on the site.The least abundant species, H. ulvae, occurred at mean densitiesof 185 to 353 snails m–2 (3.2 to 2.2g dry weight m–2).The numerical abundance and biomass of the three Hydrobia specieswere positively related to the biomass of benthic macroalgae(P<0.01). Although H. ulvae egg capsules were recorded throughoutthe year, newly hatched snailsof this species were not observed,in contrast to the other two species. The early spring and summercohorts of H. minoricensis and H. ventrosa seemed to be themost numerous. The average life spans of these two species wereestimated to be about 18 and 13 months respectively. Annualproduction estimates for the whole lagoon system were 29.0 (6.3),5.5 (0.8) and 5.2 (1.0)g dry weight (ash-free dry weight) m–2yr–1 for H. minoricensis, H. ulvae and H. ventrosa respectively.The annual P/B ratio was about 2 for H. minoricensis and H.ventrosa. (Received 5 July 1994; accepted 5 October 1994)  相似文献   

The Atlantic species of the marine bivalve genus Dacrydium arereviewed, with particular emphasis on their hinge and protoconchcharacters. The basic groundplan of a Dacrydium comprises afunctional primary ligament, a paired series of primary teeth,and a posterior row of secondary teeth separated from the latterby a secondary ligament; this can be transformed into a singleseries either by loss of the secondary ligament and mergingprimary and secondary teeth, or by loss of secondary teeth andligament through paedomorphosis. Twelve species are recognized, of which eleven are illustrated.One abyssal species is not separable morphologically from theIndian Ocean D. speculum Poutiers, 1989 and is new to the Atlantic;four new species (D. wareni, D. dauvini, D. filiferum and D.balgimi) are described; a Caribbean form which is hardly distinctfrom the Eastern Pacific D. elegantu-lum Soot-Ryen, 1955, isdescribed as a new subspecies D. e. hendersoni. The larvae are brooded in D. hyalinum (Mon-terosato, 1875),D. viviparum Ockelmann, 1983 and D. balgimi. The brooding specieshave larger larvae (protoconch 210 to 315 µm long) thanthe non-brooding (protoconch 120 to 150 µm long), andreach a smaller adult size (1.4 to 3 mm instead of 4.5–5mm). A phylogenetic reconstruction is attempted using parsimonyanalysis of hinge and shell characters as well as the brooding/nonbrooding character. (Received 22 October 1996; accepted 28 November 1996)  相似文献   

The morphology and ultrastructure of the cephalic tentaclesand eye (optic vesicle) of some patellid and a fissurellid limpetspecies are described. The epithelium of the tentacle bearsciliated cells which have neural connections suggesting a sensoryfunction. In patellid limpets the density of these cells variesbetween species, with the greatest density (18 ciliated tufts.100 µm–2) being recorded in the territorial limpet,Patella cochlear. The surface of the tentacle of a fissurellidlimpet, Fissurella mutabilis, is papillate, which contrastswith the smooth surface of a patellid tentacle. Ciliated tuftsare borne at the tip of most papillae. Movement of the tentacleis controlled by longitudinal muscle and a radial muscle-collagentissue association, which function as a muscular hydrostat.The eye of a patellid consists of a simple open vesicle anda retina which is comprised of one type of cell. By contrastthe optic vesicle of a fissurellid contains a lens, enclosedby a cornea and a retina which is composed of two types of cell,pigmented and photoreceptive. The ultrastructural features ofthe cells resemble those described for other molluscan eyes. (Received 5 June 1989; accepted 16 August 1989)  相似文献   

中国的光肩星天牛类群   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
吴蔚文  蒋书楠 《昆虫学报》1998,41(3):284-290
该文讨论我国光肩星天牛Anoplophoraglabrlpennis(Motschulsky)类群的外部形态和外生殖器的主要鉴别特征,寄主、地理分布、起源及其演化。光肩星天牛主要分布在山西吕梁山、太行山以东的广大平原地区,寄主广泛,主要有榆、复叶槭、杨、柳、五角枫等。黄斑星天牛主要分布在秦岭以北,山西吕粱山太行山以西的陕甘宁地区,向东已扩展到河南、河北;主要为害杨树,也为害柳、榆。四川星天牛主要分布于秦岭以南的西部地区,北限在陕西太白山到甘肃天水一带;主要为害柳。在秦岭以北到天水之间是黄斑星天牛和四川星天牛的重叠分布区,山西太行山两侧南北走向的狭长地带是光肩星天牛和黄肩星天牛重叠分布区,两个狭长地带交会处,大约在秦岭以北的陕西和(或)山西境内有三个种的重叠分布区域.在云、贵、川地区广泛分布着四川星天牛,至今还没有发现光肩星天牛、黄斑星天牛和蓝角星天牛,后者应该是一个值得怀疑的种。  相似文献   

A new species of Oxychilus Fitzinger from the Ligurian Apennines(Italy) is described. The new species is particularly characterizedby its penial complex which has a very slender proximal peniswith variable inner sculpture and a widened distal penis. Theproximal penis inner structure consists of a series of longitudinalpleats which may often be crenulated, undulated or fragmentedto form rows of papillae, providing new evidence to supportthe opinion that this is not a valid diagnostic character forseparating Oxychilus into the nominal subgenus and OrtiziusForcart. Consequently Ortizius is herein proposed as a juniorsynonym of Oxychilus s. str. (Received 5 July 1990; accepted 4 March 1991)  相似文献   

何继龙  储西平 《昆虫学报》1996,39(3):312-316
中国食蚜蝇属一新种记述(双翅目:食蚜蝇科)何继龙,储西平(上海农学院园林环境科学系上海201101)(江苏省农业科学院植物保护研究所南京210014)食蚜蝇属Syphus是Fabricius建立于1775年。此时的食蚜蝇属Syrphus(s.1.)是...  相似文献   

革伊螨属一新种(蜱螨亚纲:土革螨科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马立名  殷秀琴 《昆虫学报》1998,41(3):319-322
根据文献记载,革伊螨属Gamasiphis中国仅分布有美丽革伊螨G.pulchelus(Berlese,1887*)。马丹梅曾于1996年9月22日自辽宁省丹东市的土壤中采得美丽革伊螨6只标本(3♀♀和3)。本文记述该属1新种。文中测量单位为μm...  相似文献   

Diets in nature differed significantly among three species ofthe gastropod genus Drupa (Muricidae: Thaidinae) on a windward,seaward reef platform at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands. Nereidand eunicid polychaetes and vermetid gastropods were the mostimportant prey organisms. D. morum ate mainly Perinereis, Ceratonereisand eunicids; D. ricinus ate mainly Ceratonereis in protectedsites and Dendropoma near the exposed outer reef edge. Sizeof Drupa was correlated with that of vermetid but not polychaeteprey. The results are compared with data from studies of otherpredators on the same prey species at Enewetak, and with J.D. Taylor's data on the diets of Drupa species elsewhere inthe Indo-Pacific region. *Present address: Department of Zoology, University of California,Berkeley, California 94720. (Received 4 February 1989; accepted 6 March 1989)  相似文献   

新革螨属一新种(蜱螨亚纲:寄螨科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马立名  殷秀琴 《昆虫学报》1999,42(4):428-430
记述新革螨属一新种:陀螺新革螨Neogamasus turbinatus sp. nov.  相似文献   

中国优食蚜蝇属的研究及二新种记述(双翅目:食蚜蝇科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1研究历史与现状优食蚜蝇属Eupeodes是1877年由OstenSacken建立,但自从Matsumura于1917年建立后食蚜蝇属Metasyrphus以来的近70年中,许多作者均采用后一属名。Fluke[1]将该属分成2亚属,即后食蚜蝇亚属Me...  相似文献   

该文记述了中国虱蜻科虱蜡属1新种,即杨氏虱蜡Liposcelis yangi,并对2新记录 种,即暗褐虱齿 L.Brunnea Motschulsdy白虱齿 L.Pallens Badonnel,进行了再描述。  相似文献   

Species determination in the gastropod genus Conus, heretoforeexclusively based on shell morphology and color pattern, hasled to considerable uncertainty and disagreement. We proposethat qualitative and quantitative radular tooth characters arepotentially useful in differentiating species as well as geographicsubspecies and will improve the taxonomic base. Molluscivorousspecies of Conus, sometimes placed in the subgenera Cylinder, Textilia,Darioconus, and the nominal subgenus, are taxonomically amongthe most difficult. We thus examined intra- and interspecificvariation in radular morphology of 11 of these species, C. ammiralis,C. araneosus, C. bandanus, C. canonicus, C. episcopatus, C. marmoreus,C. nodulosus, C. omaria, C. pennaceus, C. textile, and C. victoriae,and intra- and interregional variations in radular morphologyof C. pennaceus from three geographic regions. Taxonomicallyuseful qualitative characters include presence/absence of one ortwo barbs and a blade, and whether the row of denticles comprisingthe serration is continuous or interrupted. Useful metric charactersinclude the ratios of first barb, second barb, blade, serration,shaft width and base width to tooth length, the ratio of toothlength to shell length, the ratio of shaft width to base width,and the degree of curvature of the teeth. Univariate analysisof variance (ANOVA and unplanned pairwise comparison tests)distinguished 53 of the 55 possible species pairs from eachother by at least one character. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)indicated statistically significant differences between thespecies in the other two pairs. In C. pennaceus, ANOVA and unplannedpairwise tests differentiated Hawaiian from Indian Ocean samples,and MANOVA differentiated those from Maldives and Sumatra. Thediscrete radular characters sort the 11 species into three groups,and these are consistent with the distribution patterns of thequantitative characters. Radular tooth characters are thus potentiallyuseful in differentiating species and subspecies and shouldbe combined with other character sets in generating future phylogenetichypotheses. 1 Present address: Department of Pathobiology, University of Pennsylvania,019104-6068, USA 2 Author for correspondence: e-mail: kohn{at}washington.edu (Received 23 October 1999; accepted 25 January 1999)  相似文献   

陈树椿  陈培昶 《昆虫学报》1999,42(3):300-302
记述了华枝属Sinophasma Günther一新种越北华枝Sinophasma vietnamense新种。描述了新种的外部形态特征,并与近似种比较区别,附主要特征图。  相似文献   

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