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Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) are two closely related viruses in the genus Tobamovirus, but they induce obviously different sizes of necrotic lesions in tobacco plants containing the N gene. Comparison of the symptoms produced by TMV, ToMV and a chimaeric virus (T/OMP), in which the TMV movement protein (MP) gene was replaced by the ToMV MP gene, showed T/OMP caused necrotic lesions that were similar in size to those of ToMV in tobacco plants containing the N gene. The coat protein and MP of the three viruses accumulated in planta with similar levels, and the replication level of TMV and T/OMP in protoplasts also had no difference. Comparison of the activities of defense-related enzymes (PAL, POD and PPO) induced by the three viruses also showed that the variability of enzyme activity induced by T/OMP was similar to that induced by TMV, but different from that induced by ToMV. The results indicate that the size difference of necrotic lesions induced by TMV and ToMV in tobacco plants containing the N gene results from the functional difference of their MP genes.  相似文献   

Summary Cell-to-cell communication in plants occurs through plasmodesmata, cytoplasmic channels that traverse the cell wall between neighboring cells. Plasmodesmata are also exploited by many viruses as an avenue for spread of viral progeny. In the case of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), a virally-encoded movement protein (MP) enables the virus to move through plasmodesmata during infection. We have used thin section electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry to examine the structure of plasmodesmata in transgenic tobacco plants expressing the TMV MP. We observed a change in structure of the plasmodesmata as the leaves age, both in control and MP expressing [MP(+)] plants. In addition, the plasmodesmata of older cells of MP(+) plants accumulate a fibrous material in the central cavity. The presence of the fibers is correlated with the ability to label plasmodesmata with anti-MP antibodies. The developmental stage of leaf tissue at which this material is observed is the stage at which an increase in the size exclusion limit of the plasmodesmata can be measured in MP(+) plants. Using cell fractionation and aqueous phase partitioning studies, we identified the plasma membrane and cell wall as the compartments with which the MP stably associates. The nature of the interaction between the MP and the plasma membrane was studied using sodium carbonate and Triton X-100 washes. The MP behaves as an integral membrane protein. Identifying the mechanism by which the MP associates with plasma membrane and plasmodesmata will lead to a better understanding of how the MP alters the function of the plasmodesmata.Abbreviations MP movement protein - TMV tobacco mosaic virus  相似文献   

To establish infection, plant viruses are evolutionarily empowered with the ability to spread intercellularly. Potyviruses represent the largest group of known plant-infecting RNA viruses, including many agriculturally important viruses. To better understand intercellular movement of potyviruses, we used turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) as a model and constructed a double-fluorescent (green and mCherry) protein-tagged TuMV infectious clone, which allows distinct observation of primary and secondary infected cells. We conducted a series of deletion and mutation analyses to characterize the role of TuMV coat protein (CP) in viral intercellular movement. TuMV CP has 288 amino acids and is composed of three domains: the N-terminus (amino acids 1–97), the core (amino acids 98–245), and the C-terminus (amino acids 246–288). We found that deletion of CP or its segments amino acids 51–199, amino acids 200–283, or amino acids 265–274 abolished the ability of TuMV to spread intercellularly but did not affect virus replication. Interestingly, deletion of amino acids 6–50 in the N-terminus domain resulted in the formation of aberrant virions but did not significantly compromise TuMV cell-to-cell and systemic movement. We identified the charged residues R178 and D222 within the core domain that are essential for virion formation and TuMV local and systemic transport in plants. Moreover, we found that trans-expression of the wild-type CP either by TuMV or through genetic transformation-based stable expression could not rescue the movement defect of CP mutants. Taken together these results suggest that TuMV CP is not essential for viral genome replication but is indispensable for viral intercellular transport where only the cis-expressed CP is functional.  相似文献   

We describe a simple fluorescent protein‐based method to investigate interactions with a viral movement protein in living cells that relies on the in vivo re‐localization of proteins in the presence of their interaction partners. We apply this method in combination with fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) to demonstrate that a domain of the Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) movement protein (MP) previously predicted to mediate protein:protein interactions is dispensable for these contacts. We suggest that this method can be generalized for analysis of other protein interactions in planta.  相似文献   

Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants expressing the 30-kDa movement protein of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV-MP) were employed to investigate the influence of a localized change in mesophyll-bundle sheath plasmodesmal size exclusion limit on photosynthetic performance and on carbon metabolism and allocation. Under conditions of saturating irradiance, tobacco plants expressing the TMV-MP were found to have higher photosynthetic CO2-response curves compared with vector control plants. However, this difference was significant only in the presence of elevated CO2 levels. Photosynthetic measurements made in the green-house, under endogenous growth conditions, revealed that there was little difference between TMV-MP-expressing and control tobacco plants. However, analysis of carbon metabolites within source leaves where a TMV-MP-induced increase in plasmodesmal size exclusion limit had recently taken place established that the levels of sucrose, glucose, fructose and starch were considerably elevated above those present in equivalent control leaves. Although expression of the TMV-MP did not alter total plant biomass, it reduced carbon allocation to the lower region of the stem and roots. This difference in biomass distribution was clearly evident in the lower root-to-shoot ratios for the TMV-MP transgenic plants. Microinjection (dye-coupling) studies established that the TMV-MP-associated reduction in photosynthate delivery (allocation) to the roots was not due to a direct effect on root cortical plasmodesmata. Rather, this change appeared to result from an alteration in phloem transport from young source leaves in which the TMV-MP had yet to exert its influence over plasmodesmal size exclusion limits. These results are discussed in terms of the rate-limiting steps involved in sucrose movement into the phloem.Abbreviations PFD photon flux density - SEL size exclusion limit - TMV-MP tobacco mosaic virus movement protein This work was supported by National Science Foundation grant No. DCB-9016756 (W.J.L.) and United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation grant No. 90-00070 (S.W. and W.J.L.). Special thanks are due to Bryce Falk for the use of pathogen-free green-house space at the University of California, Davis, Plant Pathology Greenhouse Facility, and to Robert Pearcy, for the use of his gas-exchange system. R.J.H. was on sabbatical leave from the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.  相似文献   

In addition to its influence on plasmodesmal function, tobacco mosaic virus movement protein (TMV‐MP) causes an alteration in carbon metabolism in source leaves and in resource partitioning among the various plant organs. The present study was aimed at characterizing the influence of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)‐MP on carbohydrate metabolism and transport in both tobacco and melon plants. Transgenic tobacco plants expressing the CMV‐MP had reduced levels of soluble sugars and starch in their source leaves and a significantly reduced root‐to‐shoot ratio in comparison with control plants. A novel virus‐vector system was employed to express the CMV‐coat protein (CP), the CMV‐MP or the TMV‐MP in melon plants. This set of experiments indicated that the viral MPs cause a significant elevation in the proportion of sucrose in the phloem sap collected from petioles of source leaves, whereas this sugar was at very low levels or even absent from the sap of control melon plants. The mode by which the CMV‐MP exerts its effect on phloem‐sap sugar composition is discussed in terms of possible alterations in the mechanism of phloem loading.  相似文献   

Summary. The intercellular communication by plasmodesmata (PD) is important for the growth and development of plants, and the transport of macromolecules through PD is likely to be regulated by developmental signals. While PD in the apical meristem transport macromolecules such as mRNAs, the branched PD in the mature leaf do not transport large macromolecules freely. The changes in PD during development might be important for sink-to-source changes in leaves, but the molecular mechanism is still unknown. Movement proteins (MPs) of the tobacco mosaic virus localize in the branched PD and increase the size exclusion limit, allowing transport of viral RNA. We developed a method for differential extraction of MP from isolated cell walls of transgenic tobacco leaves expressing MP or MP tagged with green-fluorescent protein. Lithium chloride at a concentration of 8 M removed filamentous structures in branched PD, the possible attachment site of MP. As some endogenous proteins were coeluted with MP by the treatment, this extraction method might be a powerful tool for investigating MP-interacting proteins in branched PD. Correspondence and reprints: Department of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo, Komaba 3-8-1, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan.  相似文献   

Cymbidium mosaic virus (CyMV) is the most prevalent virus infecting orchids. Here, we report the isolation of partial cDNA clones encoding the genomic RNA of CyMV. Like most of the polyadenylated monopartite positive-strand RNA viruses, the open reading frame (ORF) coding for the viral coat protein (CP) is located at the 3 end. The ORF predicts a polypeptide chain of 220 amino acids with a molecular weight of 23 600. Sequence comparison of this ORF to the CP sequences of potato virus X(PVX) and white clover mosaic virus (WCIMV) revealed a strong amino acid homology in the mid-portion of the CP, but the overall homology was low. The CyMV CP gene was placed downstream of a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and the chimaeric gene was transferred into Nicotiana benthamiana. Transgenic plants expressing the CyMV CP were protected against CyMV infection.  相似文献   

Tobacco mosaic virus protein in phosphate buffer pH 6.5–7.0 (I=0.1 M) shows endothermic polymerization accompanied by water release of the capsomers. At protein concentrations c 2 mg/ml the transition temperature is T *=20 ± 1 C. As indicated by the increase of the partial specific folume (V 2=0.0049 ± 0.0003 cm3/g) in going from A-protein to helical rods at pH 6.50, the assembly reaction is expected to be inhibited by high pressure; the corresponding isobars of the endothermic polymerization should be shifted to higher T * values.Turbidity measurements at pressures 1<p<1,500 bar are in agreement with the given hypothesis: both, double discs and helical rods are found to be dissociated at elevated pressure, the latter showing somewhat higher stability. At 700 bar the transition temperature of helix formation is shifted by 14 C to higher temperatures.Complete reversibility of the pressure dependent dissociation-association without hysteresis proves the process to represent a true equilibrium. At low temperatures and high pressures the association equilibrium is shifted to a molecular weight distribution with M w< M (A-protein). Increased co operativity in the transition A-protein helical rods, as well as an apparent inversion of the sign of the reaction volume at high temperatures and pressures are caused by pressure induced pH shifts. Adjusting the pH at high pressure to the value at ambient pressure allows to eliminate both effects.The product of association at high pressure differs in its conformation from the end product obtained from the endothermic polymerization at 1 bar and subsequent pressure application.  相似文献   

Despite decades of intensive studies, the failure to identify plasmodesmata (PD) localization sequences has constrained our understanding of Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) movement. Recently, we identified the first PD localization signal (major PLS) in the TMV movement protein (MP), which encompasses the first 50 amino acid residues of the MP. Although the major PLS is sufficient for PD targeting, the efficiency is lower than the full-length TMV MP. To address this efficiency gap, we identified two additional PLS domains encompassing amino acid residues 61 to 80, and 147 to 170 of the MP and showed that these two domains target to PD, but do not transit to adjacent cells. We also demonstrated that the MP61−80 fragment interacts with Arabidopsis synaptotagmin A, which was also shown to interact with the major TMV MP PLS. Therefore, our findings have provided new insights to more fully understand the mechanism underlying plasmodesmal targeting of TMV MP.  相似文献   

Nicotiana benthamiana plants were transformed with the movement protein (MP) gene of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), usingAgrobacterium-mediated transformation. Plants regenerated from the transformed cells accumulated 30-kDa MP and complemented the activity of TMV MP when infected with chimeric TMVs containing defective MR These transgenic plants displayed stunting, pale-green leaves, and starch accumulations, indicating that TMV MP altered the carbon partitioning for leaves involved in TMV cell-to-cell movement.  相似文献   

The coat protein of tobacco mosaic virus forms numerous aggregates, including the small A-protein, the disk, and two helical forms. The structures of the disk, the helical protein forms, and the virus are compared. Most of the differences are in the conformation of the chain between residues 89 and 113, which lies in the region of protein at the center of the virus, inside the RNA. It is disordered in the disk, but has a fixed conformation in the virus and the protein helices. The differences between the virus and the two helical protein forms are largely in the conformations of arginines and carboxylic acids in this region.  相似文献   

The influence of the 30 kDa movement protein of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV-MP) on carbon partitioning in trans-genie tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi) expressing the TMV-MP was investigated. Using reciprocal grafting of transgenic tobacco plants expressing this movement protein and vector control plants, as well as transgenic tobacco plants expressing the TMV-MP in phloem cells only, we showed that the interactive site involved in carbon allocation to roots is localized to the mesophyll tissue. Biomass partitioning experiments conducted on transgenic plants, in which various deletion mutant forms of the TMV-MP (two of which included deletions in the domain responsible for increasing the size exclusion limit) were expressed, revealed that the TMV-MP exerts its influence on carbon allocation via a mechanism that is completely independent of the TMV-MP-induced increase in the plasmodesmal size exclusion limit. Furthermore, small N- and C-terminal deletions in the MP revealed the complexity of the interactions likely to be involved between the MP and an endogenous regulatory mechanism. We propose that the TMV-MP interferes with an endogenous signal transduction pathway that involves macromolecular trafficking through plasmodesmata to regulate biomass partitioning between the source and various sink tissues.  相似文献   

Bacillus pumilus strain EN16 and Bacillus subtilis strain SW1 were tested for their systemic resistance and protection abilities against tobacco mosaic virus disease under greenhouse conditions. The results showed that strain EN16 and SW1 treatment significantly reduced mosaic symptoms and disease severity, resulting in 52 and 71% protection at 14 days of inoculation, respectively. A decreased amount of virus was detected in EN16- or SW1-treated tobacco plants by ELISA. Moreover, 5- and 7-day intervals between inducer treatment and pathogen inoculations were respectively required for strain EN16 and SW1 to induce optimal resistance. Further analysis on phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins in tobacco showed that the amounts of defense enzymes and PR proteins significantly increased in Bacillus-treated plants challenged with pathogen when compared to control.  相似文献   

Coat proteins (CPs) play critical roles in potyvirus cell-to-cell movement. However, the underlying mechanism controlling them remains unclear. Here, we show that substitutions of alanine, glutamic acid, or lysine for the conserved residue tryptophan at position 122 (W122) in tobacco vein banding mosaic virus (TVBMV) CP abolished virus cell-to-cell movement in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. In agroinfiltrated N. benthamiana leaf patches, both the CP and RNA accumulation levels of three W122 mutant viruses were significantly reduced compared with those of wild-type TVBMV, and CP accumulated to a low level similar to that of a replication-deficient mutant. The results of polyprotein transient expression experiments indicated that CP instability was responsible for the significantly low CP accumulation levels of the three W122 mutant viruses. The substitution of W122 did not affect CP plasmodesmata localization or virus particle formation; however, the substitution significantly reduced the number of virus particles. The wild-type TVBMV CP could complement the reduced replication and abolished cell-to-cell movement of the mutant viruses. When the codon for W122 was mutated to that for a different aromatic residue, phenylalanine or tyrosine, the resultant mutant viruses moved systemically and accumulated up to 80% of the wild-type TVBMV level. Similar results were obtained for the corresponding amino acids of W122 in the watermelon mosaic virus and potato virus Y CPs. Therefore, we conclude that the aromatic ring in W122 in the core domain of the potyviral CP is critical for cell-to-cell movement through the effects on CP stability and viral replication.  相似文献   

Functional studies of Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) infection using virus derivatives expressing functional, dysfunctional, and temperature-sensitive movement protein (MP) mutants indicated that the cell-to-cell transport of TMV RNA is functionally correlated with the association of MP with microtubules. However, the role of microtubules in the movement process during early infection remains unclear, since MP accumulates on microtubules rather late in infection and treatment of plants with microtubule-disrupting agents fails to strongly interfere with cell-to-cell movement of TMV RNA. To further test the role of microtubules in TMV cell-to-cell movement, we investigated TMV strain Ni2519, which is temperature-sensitive for movement. We demonstrate that the temperature-sensitive defect in movement is correlated with temperature-sensitive changes in the localization of MP to microtubules. Furthermore, we show that during early phases of recovery from non-permissive conditions, the MP localizes to microtubule-associated particles. Similar particles are found in cells at the leading front of spreading TMV infection sites. Initially mobile, the particles become immobile when MP starts to accumulate along the length of the particle-associated microtubules. Our observations confirm a role for microtubules in the spread of TMV infection and associate this role with microtubule-associated trafficking of MP-containing particles in cells engaged in the cell-to-cell movement of the TMV genome.  相似文献   

番茄的抗病基因Tm -2 2 与番茄花叶病毒 (ToMV)的移动蛋白MP基因是一对互作的基因 ,Tm- 2 2 基因和ToMV MP基因同时在烟草中表达 ,并分别获得单一基因整合的纯合转化体植株。病毒接种试验表明 ,Tm -2 2 基因转化体与Tm- 2 2 番茄对Tobamavirus病毒的特异抗性结果一致 ;Tm -2 2 转基因植株和ToMV MP转基因植株杂交试验及其农杆菌注射试验均证明 :(1)Tm -2 2 基因与ToMV- MP在转基因烟草上保持“基因对基因”的互作关系 ;(2 )在外源乙烯的参与下 ,ToMV的移动蛋白与Tm -2 2 基因编码蛋白的互作能够诱导转化体程序性细胞死亡。这一结果为今后研究Tm -2 2 与MP互作的分子机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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