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Significant differences exist in the frequencies with which age-sex classes of rhesus macaques engage in agonistic interactions with other age-sex classes. In the study reported here, individuals engaged in significantly more agonistic interactions within their own age-sex classes, but, adult females also showed significantly more aggression toward infants and young females whereas adult males directed significantly more aggression toward adolescent males. Infants directed aggression toward infants of both sexes, but adults showed significantly less aggression toward adults of the opposite sex. These findings are hypothesized to reflect (1) competitive conflict among those individuals in the group most similar to each other (members of the same age-sex class); (2) the protection and socialization of offspring by adult females; and (3) the modification of adolescent male aggressive expression by the selective interference of adult males. As a consequence of adult response to the agonistic behavior of adolescent males, maturing males (1) selectively target other older males, avoid aggression against females and immatures; (2) form alliances with other males; and (3) become progressively isolated from their matrilines.  相似文献   

The co-feeding relationships of immature Japanese monkeys in the provisioned situation were studied. The most frequent co-feeders for immature females were diversified as compared to those for immature males. The number of immature females who showed strong co-feeding relationships with their mothers gradually decreased with age in both high- and middle/low-ranking matrilines, but the percent decrease was greater for middle/low-ranking immatures. Almost all immature females who displayed strong co-feeding relationships with adult males were from middle/low-ranking matrilines. Strong co-feeding relationships with mothers among immature males from high-ranking matrilines remained until 4 years of age. In contrast, strong co-feeding relationships with mothers among middle/low-ranking immature males decreased rapidly in the first year of life, and most 1- to 4-year-olds showed no strong co-feeding relationships with other group members. It is considered that middle/low-ranking mothers may not provide their immatures with a secure base for obtaining food in the provisioned situation.  相似文献   

The roles of kinship in agonistic behavior and mate choice were evaluated in Brandt's voles (Microtus brandti). In chambers bedded with familiar or unfamiliar substrates, the aggressive behavior and social investigation towards adult unfamiliar same-sex siblings and non-siblings were examined, and no significant kin bias was found. Males sniffed and followed unfamiliar unrelated females significantly more than unfamiliar sibling sisters, but males did not show significant preferences in copulatory behavior and agonistic behavior. Females spent significantly more time copulating with unfamiliar unrelated males than with their unfamiliar sibling brothers, while they did not show a significant preference in social investigation between them. Our study shows that kinship might play a role in the inbreeding avoidance based on preweaning familiarity or/and phenotype matching, but the role of kinship in agonistic behavior remains unclear.  相似文献   

19 juvenile members of known genealogies in two wild baboon groups were studied over a 16-month period to compare the ontogeny of agonistic experience and dominance relations for males and females. Juveniles of all age-sex classes were disproportionately likely to receive aggression from and submit to adult males per unit of time spent in proximity. This pattern intensified with increasing juvenile age. With age, juvenile females more often submitted to unrelated adult females from higher-ranking families, whereas this was not true for juvenile males. All juveniles received aggression from older group members more often during feeding than was expected by chance. High rates of agonistic interaction with unrelated adult females accounted for old juvenile females (3–5.5 years-old) interacting agonistically more frequently than male age peers and young juveniles of either sex (1–2.5 years-old). Adult females were also more aggressive toward females among young juveniles, suggesting that adult females target females among juveniles for aggression and resistance to rank reversal. Within juvenile age groups, males dominated all females and all younger males, irrespective of maternal dominance status. Dominance relations among female age-peers were generally isomorphic with relations among their mothers. No juvenile targeted any older male for rank reversal. Males targeted all older females, whereas females typically targeted only older females from families lower-ranking than their own. The strong sexual dimorphism in adult body size in baboons may explain why juvenile males' dominance relations with peers and adult females are not structured along lines of family membership as is true for the less dimorphic macaques. Acquisition of higher agonistic status probably allows juveniles of both sexes to increase their success in within-group feeding competition during late stages of juvenility, which, in turn, could affect important life-history traits such as age at menarche and adult body size.  相似文献   

Social relationships play an important role in animal behavior. Bonds with kin provide indirect fitness benefits, and those with nonkin may furnish direct benefits. Adult male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) exhibit social bonds with maternal brothers as well as unrelated adult males, facilitating cooperative behavior, but it is unclear when these bonds develop. Prior studies suggest that social bonds emerge during adolescence. Alternatively, bonds may develop during adulthood when male chimpanzees can gain fitness benefits through alliances used to compete for dominance status. To investigate these possibilities and to determine who formed bonds, we studied the social relationships of adolescent and young adult male chimpanzees (N = 18) at Ngogo in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Adolescent male chimpanzees displayed social bonds with other males, and they did so as often as did young adult males. Adolescent and young adult males frequently joined subgroups with old males. They spent time in proximity to and grooming with old males, although they also did so with their age peers. Controlling for age and age difference, males formed strong association and proximity relationships with their maternal brothers and grooming relationships with their fathers. Grooming bonds between chimpanzee fathers and their adolescent and young adult sons have not been documented before and are unexpected because female chimpanzees mate with multiple males. How fathers recognize their sons and vice versa remains unclear but may be due to familiarity created by relationships earlier in development.  相似文献   

As a part of growing up, immature orangutans must acquire vast repertoires of skills and knowledge, a process that takes several years of observational social learning and subsequent practice. Adult female and male orangutans show behavioral differences including sex-specific foraging patterns and male-biased dispersal. We investigated how these differing life trajectories affect social interest and emerging ecological knowledge in immatures. We analyzed 15 years of detailed observational data on social learning, associations, and diet repertoires of 50 immatures (16 females and 34 males), from 2 orangutan populations. Specific to the feeding context, we found sex differences in the development of social interest: Throughout the dependency period, immature females direct most of their social attention at their mothers, whereas immature males show an increasing attentional preference for individuals other than their mothers. When attending to non-mother individuals, males show a significant bias toward immigrant individuals and a trend for a bias toward adult males. In contrast, females preferentially attend to neighboring residents. Accordingly, by the end of the dependency period, immature females show a larger dietary overlap with their mothers than do immature males. These results suggest that immature orangutans show attentional biases through which they learn from individuals with the most relevant ecological knowledge. Diversifying their skills and knowledge likely helps males when they move to a new area. In sum, our findings underline the importance of fine-grained social inputs for the acquisition of ecological knowledge and skills in orangutans and likely in other apes as well.

To understand the development and evolution of cognition of our closest relatives, we need to investigate their learning behavior during every-day life. This study finds that wild orangutan males and females differ in their social learning strategies and subsequent learning outcomes from an early age, underlining the general importance of, and the effects of sex on, social learning in non-human great apes.  相似文献   

Association partners of young chimpanzees at the Mahale Mountains National Park were analyzed. Juvenile and adolescent chimpanzees associated frequently with their mothers, although mother-offspring association decreased as the offspring grew up. Males tended to leave their mothers and associate with adult males, while females remained frequently associating with their mothers in early adolescence. In late adolescence and young adulthood, males usually associated with adult males and cycling adult females. Females may transfer into neighboring unit-groups in this stage. Although an immigrant female tended to be alone when her estrous cycle stopped, she associated with many individuals, in particular with adult males, when she resumed cycling. Some orphans were observed to associate frequently with particular adults. The findings were discussed in relation to the unique characteristics of chimpanzee social system.  相似文献   

Sex differences in the behavior of 2.5- to 4.5-year-old rhesus monkeys, living in two social groups approximating natural compositions, were studied over a period of 3 years. Both sexes interacted significantly more often with members of their own sex in agonistic and affiliative interactions even when total rates and durations for male and female subjects did not differ. Strong sexual segregation was also seen in proximity, nonspecific contact, and huddling partners. Males were more involved in play and sex than were females and engaged in these activities primarily with other males. Females did more grooming than males, but groomed both male and female partners. Females also appeared to interact with a wider age range of partners than did males. Although total participation in aggressive interactions did not differ between the two sexes, females used more active forms of agonistic expression than did males. These differences in the behavior of adolescent rhesus are hypothesized to lead to social bonding among adolescent males, while females remain bonded to their matri-lines, including younger males and some fully adult males associated with matrilineal relatives. Adolescent males emigrate from their natal groups but retain sociality and bond to males and females in new groups as they become adult. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In a troop of free-ranging baboons, infants played predominantly with each other, and played most with the infant of the highest-ranking female in their mothers' subgroup. The frequency of infant play appeared to be affected both by age and by the number and ages of other infants in the troop. Juveniles and subadults played more with their siblings than with other animals of their siblings' age. Juvenile and subadult females played primarily with infants, and played most with infants whose mothers ranked higher than their own. Juvenile and subadult males played most with like-sexed peers. The distribution of play partners among immatures illustrates how demographic and maturational factors, as well as those related to kinship, may reinforce or counteract one another during development.  相似文献   

In long–lived social mammals such as primates, individuals can benefit from social bonds with close kin, including their mothers. In the patrilocal chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes spp.) and bonobo (Pan paniscus), sexually mature males reside and reproduce in their natal groups and can retain post-dependency bonds with their mothers, while immatures of both sexes might also have their paternal grandmothers available. However, quantitative information on the proportion of males and immatures that co-reside with both types of these close female relatives is limited for both species. Combining genetic parentage determination and group composition data from five communities of wild chimpanzees and three communities of wild bonobos, we estimated the frequency of co-residence between (1) mature males and their mothers, and (2) immature males and females and their paternal grandmothers. We found that adult males resided twice as frequently with their mothers in bonobos than in chimpanzees, and that immature bonobos were three times more likely to possess a living paternal grandmother than were immature chimpanzees. Patterns of female and male survivorship from studbook records of captive individuals of both species suggest that mature bonobo females survive longer than their chimpanzee counterparts, possibly contributing to the differences observed in mother–son and grandmother–immature co-residency levels. Taking into account reports of bonobo mothers supporting their sons'' mating efforts and females sharing food with immatures other than their own offspring, our findings suggest that life history traits may facilitate maternal and grandmaternal support more in bonobos than in chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Despite the persistent use of the word "solitary" to describe nocturnal primate social behavior, increasing numbers of studies are revealing sophisticated levels of social interactions among nocturnal primates. This study explores the relationships among 11 adult Mysore slender lorises (Loris lydekkerianus lydekkerianus) studied over 10(1/2) months in Tamil Nadu, India. When all observations regarding dependent offspring are excluded, the animals spent on average 38% of their activity in various forms of neutral, affiliative, and agonistic behaviors. Affiliative behaviors were the most common type of social interaction, and males in general were more social than females. Low values for Cole's index (CI) of association emphasize that females rarely interacted with same-sex conspecifics, but commonly interacted with males. In turn, males also formed strong affiliative relationships with other adult males. This index also indicates that levels of affiliation are strongest among animals that share sleeping sites. The Hinde index (HI) suggests that males control proximity to females more than the reverse. A female's tolerance of multiple males in her home range and at a sleeping site may be related to high spatial variability of food resources. Such resources may constrain females with costly reproductive strategies (up to two sets of twins per annum) to a small home range. With their larger home ranges, males may be able to monopolize females by initiating social interactions, and also provide a benefit to females by contributing to parental care.  相似文献   

Dominance relationships among male chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania, were analyzed. Although all adolescent males were unequivocally subordinate to all adult males, dominance relationships within the age classes were much less clear. Especially among adolescent males, few pant-grunts or agonistic interactions occurred. While adolescent males frequently pant-grunted at adult males, these latter males, except the alpha and the youngest, rarely pant-grunted to one another. This suggests that a difference of social status exists between adolescent and adult males. Adult males rarely display overt dominance to one another probably because the presence of other males affects their interactions. Moreover, they seem to try to keep their dominance relationship ambiguous when making it overt is not advantageous to them. This may be a political way for males to coexist with one another in a unit-group.  相似文献   

It has been documented that social isolation imparts deleterious effects on gregarious rodents species,but caging in group imparts such effects on solitary rodents. This study was attempted at examining how kinship to affect body weight,behavioral interaction,mate choice and fitness when we caged male and female rat-like hamsters Tscheskia triton in pair,a solitary species. We found that females paired with nonsibling males became heavier than the females paired with sibling males,but both agonistic and amicable behavior between paired males and females did not differ between sibling and nonsibling groups. This indicated that kinship might reduce females' obesity in response to forced cohabitation,and dissociation might exist between physiological and behavioral responses. Furthermore,binary choice tests revealed that social familiarity between either siblings or nonsiblings decreased their investigating time spent in opposite sex conspecific of cage mates and/or their scents as compared with those of nonmates,suggesting effects of social association on mate and kin selection of the hamsters. On the other side,both females and males caged in pair with siblings show a preference between unfamiliar siblings or their scents and the counterparts of nonsiblings after two month separation,indicating that the kin recognition of the hamsters might also rely on phenotype matching. In addition,cohabitation (or permanent presence of fathers) elicited a lower survival of pups in nonsibling pairs than sibling pairs,but did not affect litter size,suggesting that kinship affects fitness when housing male and female ratlike hamsters together. Therefore,inbreeding might be adapted for rare and endangered animals.  相似文献   

Patterns of agonistic and nonagonistic behaviors were studied in a troop of wild pig-tailed macaques in West Sumatra, Indonesia. The animals were provisioned and the identities of all adult and adolescent individuals were known. The females could be divided into high-, mid-, and low-ranking subsets of individuals. Most grooming occurred within, instead of between members of these subsets. The members of each subset also tended to feed together at the baiting sites, and they probably represented groups of close kin. Among females, grooming appeared to be a conciliatory behavior and was generally performed by the subordinate partner, while mounting was performed by the dominant partner and appeared to be a reassertion of dominance. High-ranking males tended to form agonistic alliances with females and to exchange grooming with estrous females. Low-ranking males did not have such associations with females and were frequently the targets of agonistic alliances of females and juveniles. Mounting between males appeared to be a conciliatory behavior. It seemed effective since severe aggression between males was not observed. The subordinate partner mounted more frequently than the dominant one, but the direction of mounting was apparently controlled by the latter. This suggests that, among pig-tailed macaques, the dominant male plays an important role in the coexistence of males in the troop.  相似文献   

In four large aviaries, we studied social assortment and reproductive behaviour of female brown-headed cowbirds housed with males differing in age class and in corresponding levels of intrasexual interaction. Juvenile and adult females resided with either (1) adult males, (2) juvenile males, (3) adult and juvenile males, or (4) no males. We observed social behaviour of males and females from September 1999 through to the 2000 breeding season. Throughout the year, males in the different conditions showed different levels of social interaction, with adult males being most engaged in male-male interactions and juvenile males being least engaged in male-male interactions. Females in the four conditions differed in their associations with males and with other females. In conditions with adult males, females spent more time near males, approached males more often, and associated with females less. During the breeding season, females in conditions with more adult males copulated more and produced more fertile and viable eggs. In the condition where females were housed with juvenile males, they copulated less, laid fewer eggs and destroyed more of their eggs. Results indicate that throughout the year, females are sensitive to male age and behaviour in their social group, and that this sensitivity can have reproductive consequences. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Efe Pygmies in northeast Zaire exhibit features of social organization (small group size, flexible but predominantly patrilocal residence, close relations with kin, and pair bonds) that are common to many hunting and gathering societies. This study uses methods commonly employed in studies of nonhuman primates to investigate the associations of Efe men with other individuals as a function of their age, sex, and kinship, and it tests the hypothesis that Efe are patrilocal because hunting efficiency is improved by hunting with male relatives. The analyses of 376 hours of focal behavior observations on 16 Efe men and observations of 71 cooperative group hunts show that the majority of associations between Efe men were with other adult men. Men associated preferentially with kin over nonkin, and they associated with close kin more than with distant kin. Men's close relationships (what we call “Companionships” sensu Smuts' “Friendships” in baboons) were predominantly with other adult men, but each man who cohabited with a woman had his strongest Companionship by far with that woman. Neither the efficiency of hunts nor the hunting success of individual men were found to be related to the degree of relatedness of hunters nor the proportion of relatives on the hunt. Alternative hypotheses concerning the functional significance of patrilocality and male kin groups are considered. We conclude that strong affiliative bonds between male kin and between males and females may arise as much from the need for strong allies in the face of competitive social situations as from economic or ecological necessity.  相似文献   

The successful management of a captive gorilla population often necessitates the hand‐rearing of infants and their subsequent re‐integration into social groups of conspecifics. In the present study we quantified the changes in nearest‐neighbor associations in a group consisting of a silverback male, three adult females, and two sub‐adult females after the introduction of five hand‐reared infants. Additionally, we examined the associations among kin and non‐kin group members to determine whether genetic relatedness was a factor influencing the integration of the infants into the group and the subsequent patterns of association among infants and adults. Results showed that after the introduction, the silverback male spent >60% of his time in close proximity to an infant and 10% of his time within a “cluster” of infants. There was a significant change in a female's nearest‐neighbor associations; however, the change did not include an infant. The most significant finding among infants was a strong bias by each to associate with another infant. When the infants associated with an adult, three of the five associated most with the silverback male (P < 0.001), whereas the other two infants distributed their time among all the adults. The most significant change in behavior patterns was exhibited by one of the sub‐adult females who displayed parental behaviors 18% of the time compared to <1% for all other females. Adults and one sub‐adult female associated significantly more often with related infants compared to unrelated infants (P < 0.025), and the infants showed a bias to associate with another related infant (P < 0.0001). Results of an infant's association with an adult showed that three of the five infants preferred to associate with a related adult (P < 0.0001). An individual's age, sex, and behavioral profile may have also influenced association patterns among group members. These findings lend strong support to the importance of peer groups and the presence of a silverback male for facilitating the integration of hand‐reared infants into established adult groups. Zoo Biol 18:261–278, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

不同性别和年龄的大仓鼠对黄鼬气味的反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将雌性成体和雌雄亚成体大仓鼠 (Cricetulustriton)长期 (4周 )暴露给过量的黄鼬 (Mustelasibirica)肛腺分泌物 ,观察其行为和生理状态的变化 ,并通过与我们以前有关黄鼬气味对成年雄鼠影响的研究结果进行比较 ,表明黄鼬气味对不同性别和不同年龄大仓鼠的胁迫效应和生殖抑制存在差异。发现黄鼬气味对雌性大仓鼠的影响较雄性小 ,对亚成体的影响较成体小 ,这与雌性和未成年动物对各种胁迫因素的反应更敏感的普遍现象相反。在成年鼠中 ,雌雄鼠的攻击行为都受到黄鼬气味的抑制 ;但天敌气味使雌性的胁腺膨大 ,对胁腺标记和肾上腺大小无影响 ;成年雄鼠的肾上腺膨大 ,胁腺萎缩 ,标记减少。在亚成体中 ,除了雄性胁腺受到抑制(与成年雄鼠相同 )外 ,雌雄鼠的肾上腺和雌性的胁腺未受影响。亚成体实验鼠的体重都比对照组低 ,但成年鼠的体重未受影响。另外 ,与以往对其它鼠类的研究结果一致 ,天敌气味并不影响成年鼠的生殖器官 ,却抑制了未成年雄鼠的附睾和未成年雌鼠的子宫。这些差异可能和生理基础的性二态以及可能面临的被捕食风险大小有关  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(5):1482-1495
In an individually marked population in southeastern Peru, males and females of the polygynous, colonial yellow-rumped cacique delayed successful breeding until they were 3 years old. Adolescent (2-year-old) females competed for nest sites, built nests, laid fertile eggs, incubated, and sometimes fed nestlings, but always abandoned nests before they fledged young. Females that completed nests during their adolescent years were also more successful in establishing nest sites the following year. Adolescent females that failed to establish nest sites and those that lost nests to predators tended to leave the study area altogether. By attempting to nest early, adolescent females may facilitate future nesting attempts by forming coalitions with other females and assessing nest site quality in an area. Adolescent males, on the other hand, avoided aggressive interactions with other males, but were very aggressive towards adult females and fledglings. Adolescent males attacked females in nests, chased females to and from the colony, pecked and mounted recent fledglings, and, rarely, pulled nestlings out of nests. This harassment resulted in the death of nestlings and fledglings and was energetically costly to females, which often fought adolescent males while defending their young. Adolescent males preferentially harassed nestling-feeding females, avoided egg-laying females and were never observed attempting to mate with females. Adult males rarely interfered during any of these interactions. Such anti-social behaviour may function as a way of practising adult behaviour, as a means of eliminating future competitors, or may be an epiphenomenon of rising hormone levels and therefore of no adaptive significance.  相似文献   

Male mate-guarding episodes ('consortships'), are taxonomically widespread, yet costly to individual males. Consequently, males should bias consortships toward females with whom the probability of conception is high. We combined data on consortships with visual scoring of sexual swellings and assays of fecal estrogen concentrations (fE) in a wild population of baboons (Papio cynocephalus) to test the hypotheses that sexual swellings are reliable indicators of (1) within-cycle timing of ovulation, (2) differences in conception probability among females that differ in maturational stage, and (3) conceptive versus non-conceptive cycles of parous females. We also evaluated whether adult males might rely on swellings or other estrogen-dependent signals (e.g., fE) for mate-guarding decisions. We found that sexual swellings reflected conception probability within and among cycles. Adult males limited their consortships to the turgescent phase of cycles, and consorted more with adult females than with newly cycling adolescents. The highest ranking (alpha) males discriminated more than did males of other ranks; they (1) limited their consortships to the 5-day peri-ovulatory period, (2) consorted more with adult than with adolescent females, and (3) consorted more with adult females on conceptive cycles than on non-conceptive cycles, all to a greater extent than did males of other ranks. Male mate choice based on sexual swellings and other estrogenic cues of fertility may result in sexual selection on these female traits and enhance dominance-based reproductive skew in males. Alpha males are the least constrained in their mating behavior and can best take advantage of these cues to mate selectively.  相似文献   

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