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Primate social grouping is understood as an adaptive strategy for mitigating environmental selection pressures, but the relative importance of various pressures may vary. Physiological measures of well-being can show their short-term impacts and suggest their relative importance and capacity to provide ultimate or proximate control of group size. I examined correlations between pressures commonly proposed as causes of social grouping (foraging success, intergroup and intragroup agonism, and predation risk) and individual levels of fecal cortisol, a hormonal stress measure, in a free-ranging population of Lemur catta. I collected behavioral data on 45 female Lemur catta at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar, over 3 seasons (August 1999-July 2000) and determined individual cortisol levels from 474 fecal samples. Neither predator alarm rates nor intragroup agonism rates correlated with cortisol levels in any season. However, females with low daily food intake and high rates of escalated intergroup defense exhibited higher cortisol levels. The data suggest that acquisition and defense of food resources are principal challenges in Lemur catta, and may be important factors determining social grouping and other behavioral or life history adaptations.  相似文献   

Testing predictions of socioecological models, specifically that the types of feeding competition and social relationships female primates exhibit are strongly influenced by the distribution, density, and quality of food resources, requires studies of closely related populations of subjects living under different ecological conditions. I examined feeding competition and the resulting female social relationships in mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, which has ecological conditions distinctive from those where other gorilla populations live. I observed 1 group of gorillas for 29 mo to examine the proportion of time spent foraging on fruit, the relationship between patch size and occupancy patterns of fruit trees, and agonistic interactions. Patch occupancy time while foraging in fruit trees decreased with increasing number of gorillas in a tree and decreasing tree size, suggesting that fruit trees represent limiting patches and can lead to intragroup scramble competition. Gorillas exhibited higher levels of aggression while feeding on fruit versus other food resources, which indicates intragroup contest competition. I observed a linear dominance hierarchy with no bidirectionality via displacements, and a similar hierarchy via aggression, though a notable proportion of the dyads contained 2-way interactions. However, most aggression was of low intensity (vocalizations) and the recipient typically ignored it. Despite differences in ecological conditions and diet between the Virunga Volcanoes and Bwindi, agonistic relationships among females are largely similar in the 2 populations and are best characterized as dispersal individualistic.  相似文献   

Observations of infant kidnapping among group-living rhesus macaques and anecdotal evidence in the literature indicate that monkey mothers do not attempt to forcibly retrieve their infants from kidnappers even though kidnapping may have potentially fatal consequences for the infant. Based on the available evidence, the potential risk of injury to the mother and/or the infant in case of precipitated conflict with the kidnapper may conceivably account for the lack of maternal intervention during kidnapping. Although this hypothesis requires further testing, maternal refrainment from intervention seems to be a maladaptive response in cases of long-lasting kidnappings by nonlactating females because the infant's life is at stake and the cost of the loss of an infant is presumably higher than the potential risk of injury in a fight.  相似文献   

Fatal attack on an infant by an adult female tonkean macaque   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a fatal attack on a 10-month-old female infant by an adult female Tonkean macaque (Macaca tonkeana)in a semi-free-ranging group. During an intense conflict involving many group members, an adult female, the second most dominant in the group, attacked the infant of a lower-ranking female. The attacker remained near the victim for approximately 20 min, grabbing and biting it repeatedly, until the mother retrieved the infant. She died 2 days later. An autopsy revealed no lethal injury;the main cause of death was starvation or dehydration or both. We discuss social conditions under which a fatal attack by an adult female might occur.  相似文献   

Eight discrete cranial traits are used as biological indicators to investigate the effect of social group fission on intragroup genetic change leading to intergroup differentiation in Macaca mulatta. The timing of discrete cranial trait frequency change and group fission coincide, indicating a possible causal relationship between fission and genetic change. A significant change in the male mating population during and after fission is proposed as the mechanism causing intragroup genetic change, along with the effects of fluctuations in segregation ratios.  相似文献   

An adult male orangutan, housed with two adult females, intervened in female-female aggressive interactions at least seven times over a 4.5-year period. Five of these seven episodes involved multiple interventions rather than a single act. One series of interventions was directly observed during an ongoing study of spatial relationships, and six other episodes were described in the zoo records. The intervention that was observed directly began with one female displacing the other, after which the male located himself between the two females. He remained nearer the displaced female than he did to the other female. These seven episodes demonstrate the male's mediation and regulation of intragroup aggression. Whereas the opportunities for the control of aggression are limited in the wild, the conditions of captivity likely allowed for the expression of this behavior pattern.  相似文献   

The female of a new species of Halticoptera is described from a single specimen from Britain, and the male and female of a second new species are described from material from Britain and Czechoslovakia. Halticop-terina triannulata is recorded from Britain for the first time.  相似文献   

Data on nearest neighbours and aggressive behaviour were collected within rutting groups of semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer t. tarandus L.) in a 1300-ha pasture in Finnish Lapland, and wild forest reindeer (Rangifer t. fennicus Lönnb.) in a 15-ha enclosure in Central Finland. Adult cows of forest reindeer charged yearling males, yearling females and calves in that order of decreasing frequency. Semi-domesticated reindeer cows rushed yearling females more often than they did one another. One suggested influence of antagonism by cows were the observed intragroup associations of yearling females. Cows were tolerant toward their own yearling females, but not toward their own yearling males. Although no maternal aggression toward calves was found, male calves moved away more often from their mothers than did female calves during the post-rut period.  相似文献   

Various theories emphasize that intergroup competition should affect intragroup cooperation and social relationships, especially if the cost of intergroup competition outweighs that of intragroup competition. This cost of intergroup competition may be quantified by changes in physiological status, such as in the steroid hormones cortisol (C) and testosterone (T), which rise or are depressed during periods of energetic stress, respectively. Here we tested for changes in urinary C and T after intergroup encounters (IGEs) among wild red‐tailed monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius), a species that experiences frequent intergroup feeding competition, at the Ngogo station in Kibale National Park, Uganda. We assayed 108 urine samples, of which 36 were collected after IGEs, from 23 individuals in four social groups. Bayesian multilevel models controlling for various confounds revealed that IGEs increased C and decreased T relative to baseline, consistent with an energetic cost to IGEs. The C change was more apparent in samples collected early after IGEs, suggesting an anticipatory increase, whereas the T change was stronger in later samples, suggesting sustained energetic trade‐offs. Hormone responses were not affected by the IGE outcome. This cost to intergroup competition, together with little evidence for intragroup competition in redtails and other guenons, establishes an interesting test case for theories emphasizing the effect of intergroup competition on intragroup cooperation.  相似文献   

We investigated sex differences in the social behavior of immature Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) in the light of sex-specifically different life-courses and Hanuman langur characteristics, such as the individualistic dominance hierarchy and the rarity of intragroup coalitions among adult females. We observed four immature female and four immature male langurs—all members of the same free-ranging multimale multifemale group in Ramnagar, South Nepal—from November 1992 to February 1993 for 288 hr via focal-animal and instantaneous sampling techniques. Immature females spent significantly more time in proximity to other group members than immature males did. They had more physical contact and groomed more. Other immature females were their preferred social partners. Immature males also preferred like-aged females. They restricted their relationships with other immature males to proximity and occasional grooming. Monitoring was directed especially toward adult males. Female behavior can be interpreted as oriented toward integration into the female social network and their age-inverted dominance hierarchy. Males seem to prepare for leaving their natal group and for future strong intrasexual competition.  相似文献   

A new species of Carpophilus is described from males and females taken in Florida, U.S.A. A lectotype male and paralectotype female are chosen for Carpophilus ophthalmicus, and a new species is described from material misidentified as ophthalmicus.  相似文献   

Has Predation Shaped the Social Systems of Arboreal Primates?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
I studied antipredator behavior in two species of monkeys to elucidate the role of predation in shaping the social systems of arboreal primates. I compared the responses of monkeys to auditory and visual contact with predators to response elicited by sound playback experiments using the recorded calls of predators. Changes in vigilance and aggregation persisting up to 30 min after predator encounter occurred in both cases. Measures of vigilance shed light on individual perceptions of risk, while aggregation measures—intragroup spatial cohesion and polyspecific associations—permit direct inference about the protective benefits of grouping for the monkeys. They responded to real predator encounters and simulations in similar ways. Thus, sound playbacks of predator vocalizations are effective to simulate predator proximity. Contrary to predictions, predator encounters did not lead invariably to increased cohesion within groups or to increased time spent vigilant. Moreover, behavior in polyspecific associations was no different from that in single-species groups. Only red colobus encountering chimpanzees behaved as predicted by increasing vigilance and intragroup cohesion. The red colobus social system may have developed to protect against chimpanzee attack. In contrast, red-tailed monkey encounters with raptors and chimpanzees involved no change in time spent vigilant, coupled with decreases in intragroup cohesion. I conclude that predation is not a uniform selective pressure and patterns of social behavior within groups do not predict antipredator behavior.  相似文献   

J. H. Epler 《Hydrobiologia》1996,318(1-3):3-11
The males of three new species of Oukuriella Epler are described from Costa Rica. The genus had been previously recorded only from South America. Oukuriella annamae sp. nov. has genitalia similar to O. albistyla Epler, but differs in having transverse bands on abdominal segments In, IV, VI and VII, a lower AR, no humeral setae and fewer dorsocentral setae. Oukuriella costaricense sp. nov. differs from other described species in the genus by its brown abdomen, unnotched posterior margin of tergite IX and distinctive superior volsella, with its sharply bent, thin upper arm directed medially, and digitus small and directed caudad. Oukuriella rushi sp. nov. has apices of femora tipped with brown, a brown abdomen and distinctive superior volsella, with upper arm shorter and broader, and digitus longer then O. costaricense. The female of Oukuriella costaricense is also described. This is the first female described for the genus. Based on male and female genitalia, Oukuriella is closely related to Epedilum Townes and Zavreliella Kieffer. A key is provided to separate the males of the six described species.  相似文献   

The fatal kidnapping of a Japanese macaque infant is described. Kidnapping was followed by a long period (10 weeks) of co-mothering. Quantitative recording showed that both the biological mother (a 8-year-old, low-ranking, multiparous female) and the kidnapper (a 4-year-old, high-ranking female with no maternal experience) displayed an affectionate style of mothering and never responded negatively to the infant's demands for contact. Given the large maternal investment on the part of the kidnapper, we suggest that the fatal outcome for the infant was not the result of reproductive competition. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Male, female and larva of Padunia alpina sp. n. are described from central Japan. Padunia forcipata Martynov is redescribed and another species, Padunia sp. PA, known only in the female sex, is characterized.  相似文献   

A.D Harrison 《水生昆虫》2013,35(3):219-236
Four new genera are described for four new species of Chironomidae from southern Africa. Paradoxocladius mangoldi (Orthocladiinae) is based on all life stages, Lunditendipes tropicum (Chironominae) on male adults, Xestotendipes sufflavus (Chironominae) on male and female adults, and Zuluchironomus demoori (Chironominae) on male and female adults. A highly apomorphic larva with a cleft mid-mentum, possibly belonging to Z. demoori, is also described. Some ecological details are given.  相似文献   

This study is a preliminary assessment of the potential of long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) calls to operate in systems of within-group spacing. Covariation in the rate of occurrence of calls with party spread, size, and activity among wild individuals of one group suggested that four classes of calls may function in intragroup spacing. Two of them are “clear” calls of long duration and pronounced frequency modulation. Calling rate increased with party spread for low- and high-frequency variants of these calls during resting and feeding respectively, suggesting possible utility in maintenance of spatial relations over moderately long distances. A third “harsh” call was negatively correlated with party spread during foraging and may thus function to increase dispersion among foraging individuals. Another harsh call with a tonal onset was unique among all calls in the vocal repertoire in being more frequently performed by lone, isolated individuals than by macaques accompanied by others, suggesting a possible function in reestablishing contact that has been severed. The functional significance of these calls with respect to their acoustic structures is discussed. Macaques that use calls to regulate intragroup spacing can control communication distance and direction by their choice of acoustically different vocalizations. This choice may be affected not only by varying environmental constraints on sound transmission, but also by social and ecological factors such as intragroup competition.  相似文献   

B.P. Stark 《水生昆虫》2013,35(4):305-310
A new species of perlid, Anacroneuria takutu sp. n., from Guyana is described and a new record of A. arawak Stark is given. Two additional species of Anacroneuria, represented only by female specimens, are described under informal designations.  相似文献   

Models of optimal primate group size suggest that group formation and growth arise to benefit individual fitness, but that size is limited by costs. The ecological constraints hypothesis posits that group formation and growth is driven by protection from predation or the advantages of group foraging, while an upper limit on group size is constrained by travel costs and intragroup competition for food or other critical resources. Socioecological models also predict that individual reproductive success, hypothesized to decrease with increasing group size, also places an upper limit on the number of individuals in a group. Our analysis of 23 yr of group composition data on mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata) from a single Panamanian study site on Barro Colorado Island not only corroborates the socioecological model but also shows that female reproductive success increased, whereas that of males decreased, with the less female-biased sex ratios in larger groups. We suggest that the conflict of interest between the sexes over adult sex ratio, particularly the male proportion in a group, in combination with ecological factors, is an important determinant of group size and composition.  相似文献   

The larvae of Anatatha lignea (Butler) were found consuming the brown surface of synthetic logs on which the shiitake mushroom, Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler, formed a thick mycelial coat. Fungivory has been rarely reported in the Noctuidae, and this is the first record of fungivory from the genus Anatatha. The female genitalia and the immature stages of A. lignea are illustrated and described for the first time. Its lectotype is designated and illustrated, and details of the species’ biology is given. The female genitalia of A. misae Sugi, a species closely related to A. lignea, are illustrated and described for the first time.  相似文献   

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