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The tropomyosin-related kinase (Trk) family of neurotrophin receptors, TrkA, TrkB and TrkC, has been implicated in the growth and survival of human cancers. Here we report that Trks are frequently overexpressed in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) from patients and human liver cancer cell lines. To unravel the underlying molecular mechanism(s) for this phenomenon, DNA methylation patterns of CpG islands in TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC genes were examined in normal and cancer cell lines derived from liver. A good correlation was observed between promoter hypermethylation and lower expression of TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC genes, which was supported by the data that inhibiting DNA methylation with 5-azacytidine restored expression of those genes in normal liver cell lines. Furthermore, Trks promoted the proliferation of HepG2 and induced expression of the metastatic regulator, Twist. These results suggest that Trks may contribute to growth and metastasis of liver cancer.  相似文献   

Embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells, which are malignant stem cells of teratocarcinoma, have numerous morphological and biochemical properties in common with pluripotent stem cells such as embryonic stem (ES) cells. However, three EC cell lines (F9, P19 and PCC3) show different developmental potential and self‐renewal capacity from those of ES cells. All three EC cell lines maintain self‐renewal capacity in serum containing medium without Leukemia Inhibitory factor (LIF) or feeder layer, and show limited differentiation capacity into restricted lineage and cell types. To reveal the underlying mechanism of these characteristics, we took the approach of characterizing extrinsic factors derived from EC cells on the self‐renewal capacity and pluripotency of mouse ES cells. Here we demonstrate that EC cell lines F9 and P19 produce factor(s) maintaining the undifferentiated state of mouse ES cells via an unidentified signal pathway, while P19 and PCC3 cells produce self‐renewal factors of ES cells other than LIF that were able to activate the STAT3 signal; however, inhibition of STAT3 activation with Janus kinase inhibitor shows only partial impairment on the maintenance of the undifferentiated state of ES cells. Thus, these factors present in EC cells‐derived conditioned medium may be responsible for the self‐renewal capacity of EC and ES cells independently of LIF signaling.  相似文献   

Brachyury (T) is involved in mesoderm induction during early mouse development. T expression in embryonal carcinoma P19 cells, which differentiate into mesoderm derivatives in vitro, was studied. Endogenous T expression in P19 cells was transiently induced when the cells were allowed to form aggregates. This expression was enhanced by dimethyl sulfoxide. In situ hybridization showed that T expressing cells formed clusters on the aggregates. Transfection of plasmids encoding reporter genes under the control of the upstream region of T showed that the sequence up to -351 bp can resemble the differentiation-dependent expression of T in P19 cells. To define the promoter region regulating T expression, transgenic mice carrying LacZ under the control of the upstream region were prepared. The region up to -351 bp is sufficient to direct the expression in the primitive streak and tail-bud. The upstream region up to -2400 bp does not support expression in the notochord. The sequence between -987 and -585 bp enhances expression in the primitive streak and tail-bud. In the tail-bud where new cells for elongation of the anteroposterior axis were continuously supplied, the sequence up to -987 bp drove lacZ expression in gut endoderm and prospective neuroectoderm as well as in mesoderm derivatives.  相似文献   

姚晨  李红东  郭政 《生物信息学》2011,9(2):102-105
DNA甲基化是影响基因表达的重要因素之一。DNA甲基化芯片已广泛应用于寻找癌症的标志物,但是目前还没有研究对这些标志物的重复性进行评价。另外,DNA甲基化对基因表达的影响也存在争议。在本文中,通过分析肾细胞癌的两套甲基化数据,发现它们的差异甲基化基因的方向高度的一致,证明通过甲基化芯片获得的甲基化标记有很高的重复性。进一步分析甲基化基因对应的表达改变,发现肾细胞癌中高甲基化的基因显著影响表达下调,而低甲基化的基因与表达改变无显著关系。最后,通过功能分析,找到了三个同时发生甲基化和表达改变的通路。针对这些通路研究DNA甲基化抑制剂,可能有助于肾细胞癌的靶向治疗。  相似文献   

童童  王连荣 《微生物学报》2017,57(11):1688-1697
为了适应复杂多变的生存环境,微生物通常需要在保证基因组序列不变的前提下不断调整胞内代谢网络。表观调控可以在不改变DNA序列的情况下对基因表达进行调控,因此成为细菌中重要的调控方式。作为一种DNA修饰,DNA甲基化修饰是生物体中最常见的表观调控工具。在本文中我们全面、深入解析了两种孤儿甲基转移酶:DNA腺嘌呤甲基转移酶(DNA adenine methyltransferase,Dam)和细胞周期调控甲基转移酶(Cell cycle-regulated methyltransferase,Ccr M)在原核生物中的表观调控功能。我们主要探讨了DNA甲基化参与的细胞生理过程包括DNA复制起始、DNA错配修复、基因表达调控、致病性和相变异等方面。同时,我们结合三维基因组研究技术基因组结构捕获(Chromosome conformation capture,3C)技术和新型DNA磷硫酰化修饰讨论了该领域的发展前景。  相似文献   

Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) represents one of the most common head and neck cancer that with dire prognosis due partly to the lack of reliable prognostic biomarker. Here, we aimed to develop a CpG site–based prognostic signature through which we could accurately predict overall survival (OS) of patients with OSCC. We obtained OSCC-related DNA methylation and gene expression data sets from the public accessible Gene Expression Omnibus. Correlations between methylation level of CpG sites and OS of patients with OSCC were assessed by univariate Cox regression analysis followed by robust likelihood-based survival analysis on those CpG sites with permutation P < 0.05 for further screening the optimal CpG sites for OSCC OS prediction based on the risk score formula that composed of the methylation level of optimal CpG sites weighted by their regression coefficients. Besides, differential expression genes (DEGs) and differential methylation genes (DMGs) in OSCC samples compared with normal samples were obtained and shared genes were considered as vital genes in OSCC tumorgenesis and progression. As a result, two CpG sites including cg17892178 and cg17378966 that located in NID2 and IDO1, respectively, were identified as the optimal prognostic signatures for OSCC OS. In addition, 12 overlapping genes between DEGs and DMGs that closely associated with inflammation or blood and tissue development–related biological processes were obtained. In conclusions, this study should provide valuable signatures for OSCC diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

Mature microRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small non-coding RNAs involved in posttranslational gene silencing. Previous studies found that downregulation of miRNAs is a common feature observed in solid tumors, including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We employed a genome-wide approach to test the hypothesis that DNA methylation alterations in miRNA host genes may cause deregulated miRNA expression in HCC. We analyzed tumor and adjacent non-tumor tissues from 62 Taiwanese HCC cases using Infinium HumanMethylation27 DNA Analysis BeadChips that include 254 CpG sites covering 110 miRNAs from 64 host genes. Expression levels of three identified miRNAs (miR-10a, miR-10b and miR-196b) were measured in a subset of 37 HCC tumor and non-tumor tissues. After Bonferroni adjustment, a total of 54 CpG sites from 27 host genes significantly differed in DNA methylation levels between tumor and adjacent non-tumor tissues with 53 sites significantly hypermethylated in tumor tissues. Among the 54 significant CpG sites, 15 sites had more than 2-fold tumor/non-tumor changes, 17 sites had differences > 10%, and 10 sites had both features [including 8 significantly hypermethylated CpG sites in the host genes of miR-10a, miR-10b and miR-196b (HOXB4, HOXD4 and HOXA9, respectively)]. Significant downregulation of miR-10a was observed in tumor compared with non-tumor tissues (0.50 vs. 1.73, p = 0.031). The concordance for HOXB4 methylation alteration and dysregulation of miR-10a was 73.5%. No significant change was observed for miR-10b expression. Unexpectedly, miR-196b was significantly upregulated in tumor compared with non-tumor tissues (p = 0.0001). These data suggest that aberrant DNA methylation may lead to dysregulation of miR-10a in HCC tumor tissues.  相似文献   

Jiang H  Sun B  Wang W  Zhang Z  Gao F  Shi G  Cui B  Kong X  He Z  Ding X  Kuang Y  Fei J  Sun YJ  Feng Y  Jin Y 《Cell research》2007,17(9):792-803
Parthenogenetic embryonic stem (pES) cells provide a valuable in vitro model system for studying the molecular mechanisms that underlie genomic imprinting. However, the pluripotency of pES cells and the expression profiles of paternally expressed imprinted genes have not been fully explored. In this study, three mouse pES cell lines were established and the differentiation potential of these cells in extended culture was evaluated. The undifferentiated cells had a normal karyotype and homozygous genome, and expressed ES-cell-specific molecular markers. The cells remained undifferentiated after more than 50 passages and exhibited pluripotent differentiation capacity. All three lines of the established ES cells produced teratomas; two lines of ES cells produced chimeras and germline transmission. Furthermore, activation of the paternally expressed imprinted genes Snrpn, U2afl-rsl, Peg3, Impact, Zfp127, Dlkl and Mest in these cells was detected. Some paternally expressed imprinted genes were found to be expressed in the blastocyst stage of parthenogenetically activated embryos in vitro and their expression level increased with extended pES cell culture. Furthermore, our data show that the activation of these paternally expressed imprinted genes in pES cells was associated with a change in the methylation of the related differentially methylated regions. These findings provide direct evidence for the pluripotency of pES cells and demonstrate the association between the DNA methylation pattern and the activa- tion of paternally expressed imprinted genes in pES cells. Thus, the established ES cell lines provide a valuable model for studying epigenetic regulation in mammalian development.  相似文献   

Mature microRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small non-coding RNAs involved in posttranslational gene silencing. Previous studies found that downregulation of miRNAs is a common feature observed in solid tumors, including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We employed a genome-wide approach to test the hypothesis that DNA methylation alterations in miRNA host genes may cause deregulated miRNA expression in HCC. We analyzed tumor and adjacent non-tumor tissues from 62 Taiwanese HCC cases using Infinium HumanMethylation27 DNA Analysis BeadChips that include 254 CpG sites covering 110 miRNAs from 64 host genes. Expression levels of three identified miRNAs (miR-10a, miR-10b and miR-196b) were measured in a subset of 37 HCC tumor and non-tumor tissues. After Bonferroni adjustment, a total of 54 CpG sites from 27 host genes significantly differed in DNA methylation levels between tumor and adjacent non-tumor tissues with 53 sites significantly hypermethylated in tumor tissues. Among the 54 significant CpG sites, 15 sites had more than 2-fold tumor/non-tumor changes, 17 sites had differences > 10%, and 10 sites had both features [including 8 significantly hypermethylated CpG sites in the host genes of miR-10a, miR-10b and miR-196b (HOXB4, HOXD4 and HOXA9, respectively)]. Significant downregulation of miR-10a was observed in tumor compared with non-tumor tissues (0.50 vs. 1.73, p = 0.031). The concordance for HOXB4 methylation alteration and dysregulation of miR-10a was 73.5%. No significant change was observed for miR-10b expression. Unexpectedly, miR-196b was significantly upregulated in tumor compared with non-tumor tissues (p = 0.0001). These data suggest that aberrant DNA methylation may lead to dysregulation of miR-10a in HCC tumor tissues.  相似文献   

Despite thousands of articles about 5-methylcytosine (m(5)C) residues in vertebrate DNA, there is still controversy concerning the role of genomic m(5)C in normal vertebrate development. Inverse correlations between expression and methylation are seen for many gene regulatory regions [Heard et al., 1997; Attwood et al., 2002; Plass and Soloway, 2002] although much vertebrate DNA methylation is in repeated sequences [Ehrlich et al., 1982]. At the heart of this debate is whether vertebrate DNA methylation has mainly a protective role in limiting expression of foreign DNA elements and endogenous transposons [Walsh and Bestor, 1999] or also is important in the regulation of the expression of diverse vertebrate genes involved in differentiation [Attwood et al., 2002]. Enough thorough studies have now been reported to show that many tissue- or development-specific changes in methylation at vertebrate promoters, enhancers, or insulators regulate expression and are not simply inconsequential byproducts of expression differences. One line of evidence comes from mutants with inherited alterations in genes encoding DNA methyltransferases and from rodents or humans with somatically acquired changes in DNA methylation that illustrate the disease-producing effects of abnormal methylation. Another type of evidence derives from studies of in vivo correlations between tissue-specific changes in DNA methylation and gene expression coupled with experiments demonstrating cause-and-effect associations between DNA hyper- or hypomethylation and gene expression. In this review, I summarize some of the strong evidence from both types of studies. Taken together, these studies demonstrate that DNA methylation in mammals modulates expression of many genes during development, causing major changes in or important fine-tuning of expression. Also, I discuss previously established and newly hypothesized mechanisms for this epigenetic control.  相似文献   

Pluripotent human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have the distinguishing feature of innate capacity to allow indefinite self-renewal. This attribute continues until specific constraints or restrictions, such as DNA methylation, are imposed on the genome, usually accompanied by differentiation. With the aim of utilizing DNA methylation as a sign of early differentiation, we probed the genomic regions of hESCs, particularly focusing on stem cell marker (SCM) genes to identify regulatory sequences that display differentiation-sensitive alterations in DNA methylation. We show that the promoter regions of OCT4 and NANOG, but not SOX2, REX1 and FOXD3, undergo significant methylation during hESCs differentiation in which SCM genes are substantially repressed. Thus, following exposure to differentiation stimuli, OCT4 and NANOG gene loci are modified relatively rapidly by DNA methylation. Accordingly, we propose that the DNA methylation states of OCT4 and NANOG sequences may be utilized as barometers to determine the extent of hESC differentiation.  相似文献   

王萍  房静远 《生命科学》2009,(2):291-294
线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)遗传信息量虽小,却控制着线粒体一些最基本的性质,对细胞及其功能有着重要影响。mtDNA的损伤与衰老、肿瘤等疾病的发生有关。DNA甲基化是调节基因表达的重要方式之一。mtDNA基因的表达受核DNA(nuclear DNA,nDNA)的调控,mtDNA和nDNA协同作用参与机体代谢调节和发病。本文就近年来mtDNA与DNA甲基化的关系作一综述。  相似文献   

Summary A human cell line has been established from a transplantable xenografted human testicular tumor, which, both in the original tumor and in the xenograft, exhibited the histological characteristics of an undifferentiated malignant teratoma (embryonal cell carcinoma). The cells in culture were undifferentiated by biochemical, morphological, and ultrastructural criteria, growing as small islands of cells that tended to form aggregates at high density. The cells showed some variation in chromosome number with 30 to 40% of the cells having a normal human karyotype. The cells expressed high levels of alkaline phosphatase, which by heat inactivation and inhibition studies was 40 to 50% placental type alkaline phosphatase. None of the cultures produced human chorionic gonadotrophin, alphafetoprotein, carcinoembryonic antigen, or fibronectin, although at high cell densities plasminogen activator could be detected at low levels. Cell surface studies showed that the cells shared antigens with the murine embryonal carcinoma cell line F9, expressedβ 2-microglobulin at very low and variable levels, and bound the lectin peanut agglutinin. These studies suggest that this cell line has some of the characteristics described for murine embryonal carcinoma cell lines.  相似文献   

DNA methylation plays an important role in the etiology and pathogenesis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). The current study aimed to identify aberrantly methylated-differentially expressed genes (DEGs) by a comprehensive bioinformatics analysis. In addition, we screened for DEGs affected by DNA methylation modification and further investigated their prognostic values for HNSCC. We included microarray data of DNA methylation (GSE25093 and GSE33202) and gene expression (GSE23036 and GSE58911) from Gene Expression Omnibus. Aberrantly methylated-DEGs were analyzed with R software. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) RNA sequencing and DNA methylation (Illumina HumanMethylation450) databases were utilized for validation. In total, 27 aberrantly methylated genes accompanied by altered expression were identified. After confirmation by The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database, 2 hypermethylated-low-expression genes (FAM135B and ZNF610) and 2 hypomethylated-high-expression genes (HOXA9 and DCC) were identified. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve confirmed the diagnostic value of these four methylated genes for HNSCC. Multivariate Cox proportional hazards analysis showed that FAM135B methylation was a favorable independent prognostic biomarker for overall survival of HNSCC patients.  相似文献   

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