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Urodele amphibians are highly regenerative animals. After partial removal of the brain in urodeles, ependymal cells around the wound surface proliferate, differentiate into neurons and glias and finally regenerate the lost tissue. In contrast to urodeles, this type of brain regeneration is restricted only to the larval stages in anuran amphibians (frogs). In adult frogs, whereas ependymal cells proliferate in response to brain injury, they cannot migrate and close the wound surface, resulting in the failure of regeneration. Therefore frogs, in particular Xenopus, provide us with at least two modes to study brain regeneration. One is to study normal regeneration by using regenerative larvae. In this type of study, the requirement of reconnection between a regenerating brain and sensory neurons was demonstrated. Functional restoration of a regenerated telencephalon was also easily evaluated because Xenopus shows simple responses to the stimulus of a food odor. The other mode is to compare regenerative larvae and non-regenerative adults. By using this mode, it is suggested that there are regeneration-competent cells even in the non-regenerative adult brain, and that immobility of those cells might cause the failure of regeneration. Here we review studies that have led to these conclusions.  相似文献   

Sound source perception refers to the auditory system's ability to parse incoming sensory information into coherent representations of distinct sound sources in the environment. Such abilities are no doubt key to successful communication in many taxa, but we know little about their function in animal communication systems. For anuran amphibians (frogs and toads), social and reproductive behaviors depend on a listener's ability to hear and identify sound signals amid high levels of background noise in acoustically cluttered environments. Recent neuroethological studies are revealing how frogs parse these complex acoustic scenes to identify individual calls in noisy breeding choruses. Current evidence highlights some interesting similarities and differences in how the auditory systems of frogs and other vertebrates (most notably birds and mammals) perform auditory scene analysis.  相似文献   

The primary role of the respiratory system is to ensure adequate tissue oxygenation, eliminate carbon dioxide and help to regulate acid-base status. To maintain this homeostasis, amphibians possess an array of receptors located at peripheral and central chemoreceptive sites that sense respiration-related variables in both internal and external environments. As in mammals, input from these receptors is integrated at central rhythmogenic and pattern-forming elements in the medulla in a manner that meets the demands determined by the environment within the constraints of the behavior and breathing pattern of the animal. Also as in mammals, while outputs from areas in the midbrain may modulate respiration directly, they do not play a significant role in the production of the normal respiratory rhythm. However, despite these similarities, the breathing patterns of the two classes are different: mammals maintain homeostasis of arterial blood gases through rhythmic and continuous breathing, whereas amphibians display an intermittent pattern of aerial respiration. While the latter is also often rhythmic, it allows a degree of fluctuation in key respiratory variables that has led some to suggest that control is not as tight in these animals. In this review we will focus specifically on recent advances in studies of the control of ventilation in anuran amphibians. This is the group of amphibians that has attracted the most recent attention from respiratory physiologists.  相似文献   

Circulating hormone levels can mediate changes in the quality of courtship signals by males and/or mate choice by females and may thus play an important role in the evolution of courtship signals. Costs associated with shifts in hormone levels of males, for example, could effectively stabilize directional selection by females on male signals. Alternatively, if hormone levels affect the selection of mates by females, then variation in hormone levels among females could contribute to the maintenance of variability in the quality of males' signals. Here, I review what is known regarding the effects of hormone levels on the quality of acoustic signals produced by males and on the choice of mates by females in anuran amphibians. Surprisingly, despite the long history of anuran amphibians as model organisms for studying acoustic communication and physiology, we know very little about how variation in circulating hormone levels contributes to variation in the vocal quality of males. Proposed relationships between androgen levels and vocal quality depicted in recent models, for example, are subject to the same criticisms raised for similar models proposed in relation to birds, namely that the evidence for graded effects of androgens on vocal performance is often weak or not rigorously tested and responses seen in one species are often not observed in other species. Although several studies offer intriguing support for graded effects of hormones on calling behavior, additional comparative studies will be required to understand these relationships. Recent studies indicate that hormones may also mediate changes in anuran females' choice of mates, suggesting that the hormone levels of females can influence the evolution of males' mating signals. No studies to date have concurrently addressed the potential complexity of hormone-behavior relationships from the perspective of sender as well as receiver, nor have any studies addressed the costs that are potentially associated with changes in circulating hormone levels in anurans (i.e., life-history tradeoffs associated with elevations in circulating androgens in males). The mechanisms involved in hormonally induced changes in signal production and selectivity also require further investigation. Anuran amphibians are, in many ways, conducive to investigating such questions.  相似文献   

Desnitskiĭ AG 《Ontogenez》2004,35(3):165-170
A review of the recent published data on ontogenesis of direct developing and marsupial frogs. The development of these representatives of anuran amphibians seems to be evolutionary advanced and considerably differs from the development of species traditionally used in amphibian embryology.  相似文献   

Anuran amphibians can regenerate the retina through differentiation of stem cells in the ciliary marginal zone and through transdifferentiation of the retinal pigmented epithelium. By contrast, the regeneration of the lens has been demonstrated only in larvae of species belonging to the Xenopus genus, where the lens regenerates through transdifferentiation of the outer cornea. Retinal pigmented epithelium to neural retina and outer cornea to lens transdifferentiation processes are triggered and sustained by signaling molecules belonging to the family of the fibroblast growth factor. Both during retina and lens regeneration there is a re-activation of many of the genes which are activated during development of the eye, even though the spatial and temporal pattern of gene expression is not a simple repetition of that found in development.  相似文献   

Basal activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-interrenal (HPI)axis changes over development in larval amphibians, but developmentof the responsiveness of this axis to an external stressor hasnot been studied. We compared developmental changes in whole-bodycorticosterone content of two anuran amphibian species, Ranapipiens (family Ranidae) and Xenopus laevis (family Pipidae).We also examined developmental changes in the responsivenessof the HPI axis by subjecting tadpoles of different developmentalstages to a laboratory shaking/confinement stress and to ACTHinjection. We measured whole-body corticosterone content asan indicator of the activity of the HPI axis. Whole-body corticosteronecontent of R. pipiens remained low during premetamorphosis andprometamorphosis but increased dramatically at metamorphic climaxand remained elevated in juvenile frogs. By contrast, whole-bodycorticosterone content of X. laevis was highest during premetamorphosis,declined at the onset of prometamorphosis, increased at metamorphicclimax and remained at climax levels in juvenile frogs. Premetamorphicand prometamorphic tadpoles of both species showed strong corticosteroneresponses to both shaking stress and ACTH injection. The magnitudeand pattern of response differed among developmental stages,with premetamorphic tadpoles of both species showing greaterresponsiveness to stress and ACTH. Our results show that interrenalresponsiveness is developed in premetamorphic tadpoles, suggestingthat at these stages tadpoles are capable of mounting an increasein stress hormone production in response to changes in the externalenvironment. Our results also highlight the importance of comparativestudies in understanding the development of the stress axis.  相似文献   

The cortical bones of mammals, birds, and reptiles are composed of a complex of woven bone and lamellar bone (fibrolamellar bone) organized into a variety of different patterns; however, it remains unclear whether amphibians possess similar structures. Importantly, to understand the evolutionary process of limb bones in tetrapods, it is necessary to compare the bone structure of amphibians (aquatic to terrestrial) with that of amniotes (mostly terrestrial). Therefore, this study compared the cortical bones in the long bones of several frog species before and after metamorphosis. Using micro-computed tomography (CT), we found that the cortical bones in the fibrolamellar bone of Xenopus tropicalis (Pipoidea superfamily) and Lithobates catesbeianus (Ranoidea superfamily) froglets are dense, whereas those of Ceratophrys cranwelli (Hyloidea superfamily) are porous. To clarify whether these features are common to their superfamily or sister group, four other frog species were examined. Histochemical analyses revealed porous cortical bones in C. ornata and Lepidobatrachus laevis (belonging to the same family, Ceratophryidae, as C. cranwelli). However, the cortical bones of Dryophytes japonicus (Hylidae, a sister group of Ceratophryidae in the Hyloidea superfamily), Microhyla okinavensis (Microhylidae, independent of the Hyloidea superfamily), and Pleurodeles waltl, a newt as an outgroup of anurans, are dense with no observed cavities. Our findings demonstrate that at least three members of the Ceratophryidae family have porous cortical bones similar to those of reptiles, birds, and mammals, suggesting that the process of fibrolamellar bone formation arose evolutionarily in amphibians and is conserved in the common ancestor of amniotes.  相似文献   

Locomotory speed correlates with muscle mass (determining force and stride rate), limb length (stride rate and distance), and laterally compressed body trunk (force and stride distance). To delineate generalization of the locomotory-morphometric relationships specifically in anuran amphibians, we investigated take-off speed and the three morphological variables from seven species, Rana nigromaculata, R. rugosa, and Bombina orientalis, Eleuthrodectilus fitzingeri, E. diastema, Bufo typhonius, Colostethus flotator and Physalaemus pustulosus. The fastest jumper E. fitzingeri (3.41 m s(-1)) showed 2.49-fold greater speed than the slowest B. typhonius. Take-off speed correlated well with both thigh muscle mass relative to body mass and hindlimb length relative to snout-vent length (HL/SVL), but poorly correlated with the inter-ilial width relative to SVL. The best morphological predictor was HL/SVL (speed=-3.28+3.916 HL/SVL, r=0.968, P<0.0001), suggesting that anuran take-off speed is portrayed well with high gear and acceleration distance characterized by hindlimbs.  相似文献   

The unity and diversity of developmental processes in the vertebrate limb have singular importance in the interpretation of evolutionary hypotheses of tetrapod diversification. In anurans, the intraordinal diversity of forelimbs seems to be related to the fusion of distal carpals, whereas proximal carpals are invariable. However, there are different ontogenetic pathways involved in the differentiation of proximal carpals. This study presents a comparative analysis of early developmental features in one archeobatrachian and 23 neobatrachian species representing five families and explores the variability in the differentiation of carpal cartilages. We found new evidence supporting the presence of an embryonic intermedium that incorporates with the ulnare. Difference between the pipid Xenopus and the neobatrachians is interpreted as a change in the rate of differentiation of Distal Carpal 5 that does not affect the developmental pattern of digits. The developmental variability exhibited by the intermedium, radiale, and Element Y is combined in patterns that converge on the same adult carpal morphology among neobatrachians; these patterns appear to contain potentially useful phylogenetic information.  相似文献   

The thermal dependence of performance capacity was assessed in two anuran amphibians: Bufo boreas (western toad) and Rana pipiens (leopard frog). Quantitative measurements of performance showed that Bufo could sustain slow rates of walking for 10 min and cover greater distances than Rana, which initially jumped more vigorously but fatigued within 5 min. Changes in performance with changes in body temperature were virtually instantaneous, and performance exhibited no acclimation over 7 days. Within the range of temperatures studied, performance capacity increased with increasing body temperature and reached a maximum at 28 C in Bufo and 20 to 29 C in Rana. Performance capacity and the underlying metabolic processes had a similar thermal dependence within a species. The behavioural capacity for activity is apparently maximal for both species at body temperatures normally encountered in the field. Anuran behaviours requiring sustained activity (migration to breeding sites, mating, foraging) must therefore be markedly temperature-sensitive.  相似文献   

I. Das    M. Coe 《Journal of Zoology》1994,233(3):417-427
The morphology of the jaw and palatine surfaces of eight species of metamorphosed anuran amphibians ( Microhyla ornata, M. rubra, Uperodon systoma, Tomopterna rolandae, Polypedates maculatus, Rana cyanophlycris, R. crassa and R. hexadactyla ) from a locality in south India, were examined by scanning electron microscopy. A relationship was observed between dentition (or its absence) and diet. In large prey feeders, there is a strong tendency towards the development of large secondary (or even tertiary) cusps, while myrmecophagous and termitophagous species lack teeth.
In the largely folivorous adults of Rana hexadactyla , secondary cusps are reduced to faint ridges and the tooth is cylindro-conical (as opposed to the recurved teeth with apices oriented lingually or distally in the insectivorous species). Although the phylogenetic relationships within members of the community are largely unknown, the oral armature is reflective of diet, and may represent adaptive suites.  相似文献   

1.  Maximal oxygen consumption rates ( [(V)\dot]\textO\text2 \dot V_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} } max; units, ml/g·h) were determined for four species of amphibians representing four families with habitat preferences varying from aquatic to terrestrial. Measured [(V)\dot]\textO\text2 \dot V_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} } max were:Xenopus laevis (aquatic), 1.33±0.16;Rana pipiens (semi-terrestrial), 0.54±0.10;Bufo cognatus (terrestrial), 1.91±0.26; andScaphiopus couchii (terrestrial), 1.91±0.26.
2.  In order to assess possible cardiovascular bases for these interspecific differences, heart rate increments (differences between resting and active heart rates) and ventricle weights were measured to evaluate differential cardiac outputs. In order to assess possible differential blood oxygen capacities, hematocrits and hemoglobin concentrations were measured. Blood volumes were determined to assess total blood oxygen storage capacities.
3.  Ventricle weights were statisticaly significantly different (p<0.01) between=" all=">B. cognatus>S. couchii>X. laevis>R. pipiens. These differences were closely positively correlated with the maximal metabolic rates of the species (Fig. 3a).
4.  There were no differences in heart rate increments between the four species (Fig. 2).
5.  Blood oxygen capacities were directly correlated with hemoglobin concentrations (Fig. 1). There were no interspecific differences in the amounts of oxygen bound per gram of hemoglobin (1.3 ml O2/g Hb). Blood oxygen capacities were significantly different in the following sequence;X. laevis >S. couchii andB. cognatus>R. pipiens.
6.  X. laevis had statistically significantly greater hematocrits than did the other three species.R. pipiens had significantly lower mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentrations.
7.  Blood volumes were statistically significantly different between all species examined,S. couchii>B. cognatus>X. laevis>R. pipiens.
8.  It is suggested that greater maximal oxygen consumption rates in anurans are correlated with 1) increased cardiac outputs based upon increased stroke volumes, 2) increased blood oxygen capacities due to either increased mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration or increased hematocrit. Increased selective pressure for aerobic metabolism is also closely positively correlated with maximal blood oxygen storage capabilities.

Among anuran amphibians (frogs and toads), there are two types of polyandry: simultaneous polyandry, where sperm from multiple males compete to fertilize eggs, and sequential polyandry, where eggs from a single female are fertilized by multiple males in a series of temporally separate mating events, and sperm competition is absent. Here we review the occurrence of sequential polyandry in anuran amphibians, outline theoretical explanations for the evolution of this mating system and discuss potential evolutionary implications. Sequential polyandry has been reported in a limited number of anurans, but its widespread taxonomic and geographic distribution suggests it may be common. There have been no empirical studies that have explicitly investigated the evolutionary consequences of sequential polyandry in anurans, but species with this mating pattern share an array of behavioural, morphological and physiological characteristics, suggesting that there has been common sexual selection on their reproductive system. Sequential polyandry may have a number of adaptive benefits, including spreading the risk of brood failure in unpredictable environments, insuring against male infertility, or providing genetic benefits, either through good genes, intrinsic compatibility or genetic diversity effects. Anurans with sequential polyandry provide untapped opportunities for innovative research approaches that will contribute significantly to understanding anuran evolution and also, more broadly, to the development of sexual‐selection and life‐history theory.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to explore systematically the midbrain of unanesthetized, decerebrate anuran amphibians (bullfrogs), using chemical and electrical stimulation and midbrain transections to identify sites capable of exciting and inhibiting breathing. Ventilation was measured as fictive motor output from the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve and the laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve. The results of our transection studies suggest that, under resting conditions, the net effect of inputs from sites within the rostral half of the midbrain is to increase fictive breathing frequency, whereas inputs from sites within the caudal half of the midbrain have no net effect on fictive breathing frequency but appear to act on the medullary central rhythm generator to produce episodic breathing. The results of our stimulation experiments indicate that the principal sites in the midbrain that are capable of exciting or inhibiting the fictive frequency of lung ventilation, and potentially clustering breaths into episodes, appear to be those primarily involved in visual and auditory integration, motor functions, and attentional state.  相似文献   

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