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Agonistic dominance in male baboons: An alternative view   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data on baboons have generated both the concepts normally associated with male dominance hierarchies among primates and the tests of their significance. The priority-of-access model has been used to predict the relationship between dominance rank and resource acquisition. While the correlation between these two factors, or between rank and measures of reproductive success, has varied among different primate species, most recent baboon field-workers have interpreted their results to be consistent with the model. Based on 1200 hr of observation of a troop of savannah baboons near Gilgil, Kenya, this paper presents data on male agonistic interactions and on male acquisition of resources. Predictions of the priority-of-access model are tested and an inverse relationship is found between agonistic dominance rank and acquisition of two limited resources, estrous females and meat. The importance of the residency status of males is explored and an alternative hypothesis is presented to account for the anomalous pattern in the data. The relationship of male reproductive success and dominance rank is evaluated in light of the data on these baboons and the “residency” hypothesis.  相似文献   

In a wide variety of animal species, females produce vocalizations just before, during, or immediately after copulation. Observational and experimental evidence indicates that these copulation calls are sexually selected traits, functioning to promote competition between males for access to the calling female. In this paper, we present an acoustic analysis of variation in the form of copulation calls of female yellow baboons, Papio cynocephalus cynocephalus. In particular, we examine whether information about three factors-the calling female's reproductive state, the occurrence or absence of ejaculation, and the dominance rank of the mating male-is encoded in call structure and hence is potentially available to male receivers attending to the signal. Although several features of copulation calls were correlated with each of these factors, when all three were included in multiple regressions only reproductive state and rank of the mating male had independent effects on call form. These findings indicate that female copulation calls in this species signal information about the proximity to ovulation of the calling female and also the relative competitive strength of her mating partner.  相似文献   

A nonsurgical embryo recovery procedure, developed to allow the economical acquisition of cleavage stage baboon embryos, has been successfully used for 4 years. With this technique, 498 eggs have been recovered from 979 uterine flushes (50.9%) on 71 baboons. Of 467 eggs recovered from mated baboons, 290 (62.1%) were fertilized. Papio anubis females provided a higher percentage of fertilized eggs (75.3%) than did Papio hamadryas (47.8%) or Papio cynocephalus (44.3%) females following exposure to males during estrus, although sexual preference may be responsible for the reduced fertilization rate in the P. cynocephalus females. Recovery rates from individual baboons ranged from 0% (n = 11) to between 66% and 93% for ten baboons from each of which 12–33 eggs have been recovered. Fertilized eggs were at the two-cell (n = 23) to blastocyst (n = 53) stage at recovery 1–6 days postdeturgescence (PD) of the sex skin, with morulae (n = 84) being the most frequent cell stage recovered (30%). The optimum time for performing the procedure was the third day PD, when 113 (40%) embryos were recovered. The abilities of baboons to become pregnant and to provide fertilized embryos were significantly related (P < 0.005), allowing the embryo recovery technique to be used as a screening procedure for evaluating baboon fertility.  相似文献   

We take advantage of an array of hybrid baboons (Papio anubis x Papio hamadryas) living in the same social group to explore the causes and consequences of different male mating strategies. Male hamadryas hold one-male units and exhibit a sustained, intense interest in adult females, regardless of the latter's reproductive state. Anubis baboons, by contrast, live in multi-male, multi-female groups where males compete for females only when the latter are estrous. These two taxa interbreed to form a hybrid zone in the Awash National Park, Ethiopia, where previous work has suggested that hybrid males have intermediate and ineffective behavior. Here, we first examine male mating strategies with respect to morphological and genetic measures of ancestry. We found significant relationships between behavioral measures and morphology; males with more hamadryas-like morphology had more hamadryas-like behavior. However, genetic ancestry was not related to behavior, and in both cases intermediates displayed a previously unreported level of behavioral variation. Furthermore, male behavior was unrelated to natal group. Second, we evaluated reproductive success by microsatellite-based paternity testing. The highest reproductive success was found for individuals exhibiting intermediate behaviors. Moreover, over nine years, some genetically and morphologically intermediate males had high reproductive success. We conclude that the behavior of hybrid males is therefore unlikely to be an absolute barrier to admixture in the region.  相似文献   

Morphometric and hormonal measures were collected from 21 captive savanna baboons (Papio cynocephalus) maintained at the Tulane National Primate Research Center in order to determine age-related patterns in leptin levels over the life course as well as their relationships to body composition and adrenal and gonadal steroids. Comparison of leptin levels between peri-pubertal, adolescent, young adult, and fully mature males show lower levels among adolescent as compared with young adult males (P = 0.05 by Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA). In addition, abdominal fat varied among age groups (P = 0.003 by Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA) with the peri-pubertal animals lower than the adolescents, young adults, and prime adults. However leptin was not related to any measure of body composition, including abdominal fat, or to adrenal hormones (dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate, and cortisol) or gonadal hormones (testosterone and estradiol). Age-related changes in leptin appear similar to those reported for captive rhesus macaques, while the failure to find an association between leptin and abdominal fat is interestingly different. These results confirm elevated levels of leptin in captive baboons compared with their wild counterparts and suggest that they result from changes in fetal development.  相似文献   

At least three diurnal primate taxa are still present in Eritrea, NE Africa: hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas), olive baboons (Papio h. anubis) and grivet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops aethiops). However, information on status and distribution of primates and their habitats in Eritrea is outdated and incomplete. We conducted a primate survey, focussing on hamadryas baboons, to obtain data which will be integrated in a national wildlife management and conservation plan in Eritrea. We obtained information about the geographical distribution and abundance of baboons, their altitudinal range, habitat quality of their home-ranges, aggregation sizes at sleeping cliffs and predator presence. We described habitat quality via the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), a vegetation classification of Landsat MSS satellite data. Hamadryas and olive baboons are still present in Eritrea in ample numbers. Their geographical distributions in 1997 and 1998 did not deviate significantly from their historical distributions. An estimated 15,000 Papio hamadryas hamadryas lived in the 25,000-km2 area of survey (0.58 baboons/km2). Population densities of hamadryas baboons in many parts of the survey area are higher than at Kummer's (1968) study site in Ethiopia. Hamadryas baboons live at all altitudes in four of five ecogeographical zones of Eritrea. Olive baboons replaced them in the western lowlands. Both baboon taxa tend to select better quality habitats, characterized by a higher normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) than the average for the respective ecogeographical zones. Hamadryas baboons show a greater ecological plasticity than olive baboons, which are confined to riverbeds with extended gallery forest. By the end of 1999, a hybrid zone could not be confirmed.  相似文献   

The fatal kidnapping of a 5-day-old baboon (Papio cynocephalus) in Amboseli National Park, Kenya, is described. Although pulling and rough handling of primate infants by nonmothers are frequently observed, records of fatal intragroup kidnappings are rare. In the instance described here, the mother, a healthy, primiparous female, did not retrieve the infant from the kidnapper, a higher-ranking juvenile female of the same group, until he died 3 days later, presumably from starvation or dehydration. This incident is compared with other fatal intragroup kidnappings in nonhuman primates and related to adaptive interpretations.  相似文献   

Though baboons have been considered an appropriate non-human primate model for studying human reproductive and endocrine development. the overall similarity of reproductive maturation between the two species is unclear. This paper examines the role of testicular and adrenal hormones for pubertal changes in a cross-sectional sample of 21 captive male savanna baboons. Morphometric and hormonal indices demonstrate changes in size and gonadal function, but not adrenal function, during pubertal maturation among baboons. Results also indicate that gonadal, but not adrenal, androgens are related to morphometric variables. We conclude that savanna baboons do not make an appropriate evolutionary model of human pubertal maturation.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies were conducted in the Lake Langano area in the Rift Valley of Ethiopia to determine the occurrence of schistosomiasis and assess factors involved in its transmission. Microscopic examination of faecal specimens from free ranging Papio anubis (anubis baboon) troops from Bishan Gari and Burka Dita forest reserves revealed Schistosoma mansoni eggs with a prevalence of 12.1% (11/91) and 26.2%(34/130), respectively. The eggs were viable as confirmed by miracidial hatching and infectivity tests. Out of the total 12 communities (three schools, five villages and one herdsmen community) surveyed for schistosomiasis around Lake Langano, individuals excreting S. mansoni eggs were found in nine communities with prevalence of infection ranging from 1.4 to 43%. The intensity of infection ranged from 24 EPG (eggs per gram of faeces) to 243 EPG. Excretion of viable eggs by the baboons indicate that they play a role in maintenance of S. mansoni infection in the locality. The detection of S. mansoni eggs in young children, collection of cercarial-infected Biomphalaria pfeifferi in water bodies, and establishment of S. mansoni infection in lab-bred mice have confirmed establishment of transmission foci in Kime area, south-east of Lake Langano. However, the lake itself does not seem to support transmission of schistosomiasis since no snails were found along the shore of the Lake. Further investigations are indicated to fully elucidate the role baboons play in the epidemiology of schistosomiasis in the Rift Valley of Ethiopia. The risk of introduction of water-based development projects in these new endemic foci in relation to S. mansoni infection in the baboons is discussed.  相似文献   

Water contents of various body compartments were estimated within 9 h of birth in eight baboon neonates and at a mean of 29 days (27-32 days) in seven baboons. All animals were normally grown and delivered spontaneously at term. There was no difference in mean antipyrine space, corrected bromide space, intracellular water, interstitial water, and plasma and blood volumes observed on day 1 and day 29. Mean estimate of red cell volume was lower on day 29 than on day 1.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate several factors that influence female reproduction in a large troop of wild olive baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis) based on 4 consecutive years of demographic data. Interbirth intervals were significantly shorter for females whose infants died before their next conception than for females whose infants survived. High-ranking mothers of surviving infants had significantly shorter birth intervals than comparable low-ranking mothers, independent of maternal age. This occurred mainly because the interval from resumption of cycling to conception was significantly shorter for high-vs. low-ranking females. Dominance rank did not influence sex ratio at birth, infant survival in the first 2 years, or adult female mortality. Age was also significantly related to interbirth intervals, with older females having shorter intervals. Primiparous females had consistently longer reproductive intervals than did multiparous females, but this difference reached statistical significance only for females whose infants died before the next conception. Primiparous females also experienced significantly higher infant mortality. Data on body size and estrous cycle length indicated no differences between high- and low-ranking females. Nutritional and stress-related mechanisms that may underlie the reproductive advantages of high rank are discussed.  相似文献   

Maternal condition during pregnancy is known to influence fetal viability. Recently, primatologists have suggested that certain characteristics of the fetus may influence maternal condition as well. For example, among captive pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) mothers of female infants may be at greater risk of injury during their pregnancies than mothers of male infants. Analysis of the rates of aggression, submission, competition, and wounding among free-ranging pregnant baboons (Papio cynocephalus) in Amboseli National Park generally fail to support these findings, but several other factors such as maternal dominance rank, environmental conditions during pregnancy, maternal parity, and fetal age correlate with aggression, submission, competition, and injuries sustained by pregnant female baboons.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess the nature of somatomedin-C (SM-C) in baboon (Papio cynocephalus) blood and to compare various methods for estimating SM-C concentrations. Parallel dose-response curves were obtained with normal baboon serum, normal human serum, and purified SM-C. Recovery of purified SM-C added to baboon serum over a wide dosage range (n = 17) was 111 ± 12%, with slightly better recovery at higher potencies. Chromatography of normal baboon serum on Sephadex G-200 at neutral pH produced a profile similar to that observed in the human, as did samples chromatographed on Sephadex G-50 in acid. Although the SM-C content in acid chromatographed plasma was approximately 2.5 times higher than in native unprocessed plasma, there was excellent correlation between the values (r = 0.9143, p < 0.0001). The SM-C in baboon plasma which had been preincubated with glycine HCl was approximately twice that of unprocessed plasma, but the correlation between the two methods was excellent (r = 0.9593, p < 0.0001). The correlation between values obtained after simple acid-ethanol extraction and those observed in unextracted plasma were also significant (r = 0.7689, p < 0.0001). Following a series of four injections of human growth hormone (hGH) to a normal baboon, plasma SM-C rose approximately sevenfold above the initial concentration and returned to basal levels five days after the final injection. These studies show that although the radioimmunoassay (RIA) for SM-C in unprocessed baboon plasma does not measure all of the SM-C present, it provides a reliable index of the total SM-C concentration and reflects GH status in the baboon.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test the hypothesis that among unrelated male baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis) in single-gender social groups there is no significant association between dominance status and allogrooming performance. The hypothesis was tested using behavioral measures obtained by focal animal sampling techniques. The results indicate that unrelated male baboons established well-defined linear dominance hierarchies, formed allogrooming relationships with one another, and exhibited a nonrandom distribution of allogrooming; however, there were no significant relationships between dominance rank and the frequency of allogrooming. We further tested our results by grouping individuals into three dominance status classes (high, middle, and low) and comparing the classes. Analysis of variance demonstrated no significant differences in rates of allogrooming by dominance class. These results suggest that dominance did not account for the variation in observed allogrooming behavior: Dominance status did not appear to determine the frequency with which animals groomed others, the number of grooming partners, or frequency of grooming that any individual received in comparison to that performed. High-ranking animals did not have significantly more grooming partners than low-ranking animals, and there appeared to be little competition within the groups for subordinates to groom high-ranking animals. When age, kinship, and group tenure are controlled, performance and reception of allogrooming are not strongly associated with dominance in single-gender social groups of male anubis baboons.  相似文献   

Infant handling has been documented in numerous species. Among cercopithecines, interaction motivations are reported to range from aunting to kidnapping; these interactions are often distressful for both mother and infant. Here we examine handling by adult female yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus cynocephalus) at the Tana River National Primate Reserve, Kenya, using a relatively new, computer-intensive statistical approach of permutation/randomization tests to deal with repeated measures effects and a skewed sample. We hypothesized 1) a tendency for handlers to handle the infants of females ranked similarly or lower than themselves, and 2) more successful infant handling by higher-ranked females, particularly with very young infants. We collected focal data on 23 females (11 mother-infant pairs) over an 11-mo period, with a total of 303 attempted and/or successful "handles" utilized in the permutation analyses. The general patterns apparent in the data seemed to support our hypotheses. However, the permutation tests showed that while females are somewhat more likely to attempt to handle the infants of females ranked "same or lower" than themselves, lower-ranked females are able to prevent more than three-fourths of the attempted interactions, and there is no statistically significant trend for females to successfully handle these infants. Further refinement of the analyses showed no significant tendencies for females to handle those infants ranked "lower" or "immediately lower" than themselves, casting doubt on the significant finding for "same or lower" attempts. Further, there was no significant effect for higher-ranked females to successfully handle an infant during its first month. Thus, rank does not seem to offer any privileges in terms of handling an infant in this population. We believe the permutation tests are an effective way to analyze repeated measures data and offer a more sensitive analysis tool for determining true significance.  相似文献   

Teeth represent an essential component of the foraging apparatus for any mammal, and tooth wear can have significant implications for survival and reproduction. This study focuses on tooth wear in wild baboons in Amboseli, southern Kenya. We obtained mandibular and maxillary tooth impressions from 95 baboons and analyzed digital images of replicas made from these impressions. We measured tooth wear as the percent dentine exposure (PDE, the percent of the occlusal surface on which dentine was exposed), and we examined the relationship of PDE to age, behavior, and life history variables. We found that PDE increased significantly with age for both sexes in all three molar types. In females, we also tested the hypotheses that long‐term patterns of feeding behavior, social dominance rank, and one measure of maternal investment (the cumulative number of months that a female had dependent infants during her lifetime) would predict tooth wear when we controlled for age. The hypothesis that feeding behavior predicted tooth wear was supported. The percent of feeding time spent consuming grass corms predicted PDE when controlling for age. However, PDE was not associated with social dominance rank or maternal investment. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Solitary and paired adult (nine) and subadult (one) male chacma baboons, Papio ursinus, were observed over a period of years living in part of a wooded desert canyon not used by adjacent troops. These extratroop males were silent when alone and gave only one alarm vocalization, the “wa-hoo” call, when paired. The space occupied by them is unsuitable for use by troops according to criteria for adequate sleeping sites and access to water. But the foods available to them, especially figs, but also other fruits and fresh acacia seeds, were abundant. These foods are more highly preferred by baboons than those foods available to troop members. Troop members deplete these resources and shift to less preferred foods with lower water content and longer processing times. All of the adult members of the troop adjacent to these isolated males were infected with a skin disease. Isolated males were not so afflicted and so cannot have originated from, or ever been a part of, this troop. They probably moved to the space where they were observed from other inland troops, traveling to their current home range along the narrow canyon river course.  相似文献   

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