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This study investigated the use of erythrocyte enzymes as indicators of the presence or absence of gene flow between the sibling species G. crassicaudatus and G. garnettii. Fifty-five animals deriving from 14 different source populations were included in the analyses. In addition to hemoglobin, eight enzyme systems were examined: acid phosphatase, adenylate kinase, carbonic anhydrase II, esterase D, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, peptidase A, and peptidase B. of these, adenylate kinase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, hemoglobin, peptidase A, and peptidase B showed no interspecific or intraspecific variation. Esterase D was polymorphic in certain populations of G. crassicaudatus but not in others or in G. garnettii. Acid phosphatase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase were polymorphic in G. garnettii but monomorphic in all G. crassicaudatus populations. The taxa showed fixation for different alleles at the carbonic anhydrase II locus, indicating a lack of gene exchange between the taxa. We suggest that acid phosphatase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, and carbonic anhydrase II may be used as genetic markers in the identification of these two taxa.  相似文献   

Long distance vocalizations have been shown to be good indicators of genetic species in primates. Here the loud calls of two recently identified greater galago taxa —Galago crassicaudatus andG. garnettii — are compared and analyzed statistically. Observed differences in call structures are investigated further as potential indicators of differences in the structures of habitats frequented by the two species. Although the calls share a repetitive structure, and show similar dominant frequency bands (1,000 – 1,500 Hz), they differ significantly in the number of units per call, unit duration, inter-unit interval, highest frequency, lowest frequency, dominant frequency band, first harmonic, and call duration. The duration of theG. crassicaudatus call is more than twice that ofG. garnettii. Strong intraspecific consistency is seen in the most energetic frequency bands (dominant frequency band and first harmonic), and durations of the individual units and inter-unit intervals. Information important to species recognition is thus most likely to be contained in these features. Individual recognition may be encoded in the relative emphasis of higher level harmonics. The frequency structures of the calls will reflect requirements for acoustical transmission in a forest environment, as well as structural constraints imposed by body size. Higher frequencies detected in theG. garnettii call (up to 8,500 Hz) may have a functional significance related to distance estimation, or may simply be a reflection of smaller body size. The greater modulation of theG. garnettii call suggests that its habitat constitutes a denser or more turbulent medium for sound transmission than does the habitat ofG. crassicaudatus.  相似文献   

The social organization of Galago garnettii was studied for the first time and the study included data from two different sites in the coastal forests of Kenya. A combination of mark-recapture and radio-tracking techniques was used to investigate patterns of inter- and intrasexual home range overlap. Patterns of range use were established by radio tracking focal individuals. Adult females of different ages shared highly overlapping ranges, while like-aged females showed little range overlap. Females matured and had their first infants in their natal ranges. Adult males' ranges were larger than those of females and overlapped them extensively. Resident adult males showed little range overlap with each other, unless they were of different ages. Turnover of males was frequent in both populations. Males probably dispersed from their natal ranges. Adults rarely slept together. The social organization of G. garnettii is relatively similar to that of the closely related G. crassicaudatus of southern Africa but contrasts with that of its sympatric congener, G. zanzibaricus. The differences and similarities between these three species are discussed in relation to diet and body size.  相似文献   

A marked morphological and genetical discontinuity among the greater galagos points to the existence of two genetical species within the taxon, Galago crassicaudatus E. Geofl'roy 1812. This contribution investigates the conditions surrounding this speciation event, and places it within a phylogenetic context. Information pertaining to body size, litter size, sexual dimorphism, locomotor mode and karyotypic structure is assessed. It is hypothesized that G. crassicaudatus diverged from its more gracile sibling, G. garnettii, approximately 2 million years ago, in respotise lo the increasing aridification of Africa that accompanied the Northern Hemisphere Pleistocene glaciations.  相似文献   

Eighteen years of birth records for three species of Galago at the Duke University Primate Center were examined to determine the effects of isolation of pregnant females on neonatal mortality rates. Isolation significantly decreased neonatal mortality rates in all three species over neonatal mortality rates in infants born to unisolated females. The frequency of cannibalism of infants did not differ between isolated and unisolated females. Secondary sex ratio differed significantly from 1:1 for all three species, but higher mortality in males in the first 10 days of life resulted in sex ratios that did not differ from 1:1 in G. garnettii and G. crassicaudatus.  相似文献   

The present study examined interspecies, intersexual, and age-related changes in size of the vomeronasal neuroepithelium (VNNE) of two species of greater bushbabies (genus Otolemur, Infraorder Lorisiformes, Suborder Strepsirrhini). Tissue blocks containing the vomeronasal organs of nine O. crassicaudatus (8 adults, 1 neonate) and ten O. garnettii (9 adults, 1 neonate) were studied by means of serial paraffin sectioning and computer-based reconstruction of VNNE volume. In addition, the immunoreactivity of the VNNE to two neuronal markers, neuron-specific beta tubulin (BT) and olfactory marker protein (OMP) was compared between species, sexes, and ages. Results indicated that a clear VNNE is present at birth in both species, and OMP immunoreactivity was verified in O. garnettii at birth. Male and female adults of both species showed OMP-immunoreactive and BT-immunoreactive neurons in the VNNE. Immunohistochemical findings indicated that all males and the youngest females had the thickest VNNE, especially at the marginal junctions with the receptor-free epithelium. Results of a 2-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA, species x sex) revealed no significant differences in VNNE length or volume between species, but O. crassicaudatus had significantly (p < 0.05) greater palatal length. Significant (p < 0.05) differences also were found between sexes in VNNE volume, but no significant differences in palatal length or VNNE length. The distribution of VNNE volume against age indicated that the sex differences were more pronounced in O. crassicaudatus than O. garnettii. For both species and sexes, distribution of VNNE volume against age suggested an age-related reduction in volume. These findings demonstrate postnatal plasticity in VNNE size in Otolemur that is reminiscent of that found for olfactory structures in some rodents. Bushbabies or other strepsirrhine primates may offer an opportunity for further understanding of behavioral correlates of VNNE postnatal plasticity, which may represent primitive functional characteristics of the order Primates.  相似文献   

Information concerning habitat, body size, reproductive status, and diet was recorded from 348 greater galagos, captured at six different localities in Tanzania and southern Africa between 1953 and 1955. The localities extended from Pemba Island in the north to Chikwawa, Malawi, in the south and varied broadly in the same order in degree of climatic aridity— from well-watered clove and coconut plantations to seasonally very dry woodland. Animals from the three northern localities fell within the geographic range of Galago garnettii,while the rest were assumed to be G. crassicaudatus.Statistical analysis of body size parameters confirmed this allocation. Data on fetal occurrence, vaginal and labial condition, and lactation indicate a restricted breeding season for both species, with peak proportions in estrus in August in G. garnettiiand in May-July in G. crassicaudatus.Gut content data indicate a variety of foods, with a preponderance in the northern localities of soft fruit such as mango, pawpaw, and coconut pulp; gum was a major carbohydrate source in the southernmost localities. Contrary to expectations, tooth damage, in the form of both loss and breakage, was much more prevalent in G. garnettiithan in G. crassicaudatus.The teeth most commonly lost were the upper incisors— perhaps because of the high acid and sugar content of a frugivorous diet. The high incidence of breakage of the lower incisors and upper canines indicates the inclusion of hard-shelled food sources in the diet of G. garnettii.  相似文献   

A comparative bioacustic analysis of vocalizations of the prosimian subfamily Galaginae revealed that morphologically similar sibling taxa within the main groups of the lesser galagos and the greater galagos can be reliably identified phenotypically on the basis of the acoustic structure of their loud call or advertisement call. Results confirm the separation of two distinct species of greater galagos, Galago crassicaudatus and Galago garnettii, and strongly suggest the discrimination of three distinct species from the senegalensis lesser bushbaby group, Galago senegalensis, Galago moholi and Galao zanzibaricus. An investigation of the ontogenetic development of the loud call indicated that it is derived from the infant's isolation call, displaying in all studied bushbaby taxa a fairly similar acoustic pattern. Shared acoustic characters of the loud call among the different taxa as well as the infant's isolation call were used to propose a hypothesis about the phylogenetic affinities in bushbabies. The results seem to be supported by recent fossil records.  相似文献   

Two sympatric species of galago,Galago zanzibaricus andG. garnettii, differed significantly in diet (judged mainly by fecal analysis) and substrate use at each of two coastal forest sites in Kenya. The larger-bodiedG. garnettii tended to use branches of a bigger diameter and to be found higher in the canopy than the smallerG. zanzibaricus. The latter species spent most of its time in the thick undergrowth. The larger species ate more fruit than the smaller. There were differences between the species in the type of invertebrate prey remains found in the feces. It is suggested that the differences in habitat use were influenced by the different body sizes of the two galagos, which so enabled these closely related species to coexist. Order of authorship is alphabetical.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal distributions of Chironomus crassicaudatus, Chironomus decorus, Glyptotendipes paripes, Cryptochironomus fulvus and Tanypodinae midge larvae and selected associated environmental variables (physico-chemical variables of water, sediment chemistry and algal composition) were studied for one year in natural Lake Monroe and man-made Konomac Lake in central Florida. Ordination analysis (CCA with variation partitioning) showed that in each lake, sediment variables were the most important environmental variables. However, the most important proportion of species variability in pooled data from both lakes was explained by lake-specific combinations of water, sediment and algal variables. Chironomid larvae were ordinated with increasing depth as follows: G. paripes, C. fulvus, C. crassicaudatus, Tanypodinae, and C. decorus. This trend was similar for both lakes individually as well as for the pooled data. As water depth increased, organic matter content and associated metals concentrations in sediment increased. Glyptotendipes paripes displayed significant, negative correlation with water depth and sediment total carbon content, while C. decorus showed a significant positive correlation with these variables; C. crassicaudatus did not show any significant correlation with either of these variables. The algal composition in the pooled data from both lakes was another important factor affecting the larval distributions. The proportion of G. paripes and C. decorus larvae increased with filamentous algal density, and C. crassicaudatus larvae with increasing Cyanobacteria. Although both study lakes were very shallow, the effect of water depth (alone or shared with environmental variables) on chironomid larval community composition was substantially higher than the seasonality (sampling month) effect.  相似文献   

Measurements of volar (hand) pad area were made for 244 specimens, representing 12 species and 4 genera of galagos (sub-family Galaginae). When corrected for body weight, statistically significant differences were identified, at both the genus and species levels in the areas of the volar pads. Most informative, in terms of taxonomic differences, were measurements of two of the five pads; interdigjtal pad number 4 and thenar pad number 5. Closely related species were distinguishable on the basis of these measurements. The thick-tailed galago (Otolemur crassicaudatus) was separate from Garnett's galago (O. garnettii) and the specific status of the silver greater galago (O. argentatus) was supported. Likewise, the two needle-clawed galagos (Euoticus elegantulus andE. pallidus), recently separated on mitochodrial DNA grounds, were found to differ significantly in their volar pad morphology. These studies show that comparative studies of volar hand pad morphology provide a novel approach to the re-assessment of galago taxonomy, and may be applicable also in taxonomic studies of other prosimian groups.  相似文献   

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (E. C.: phenotypes and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (E. C.: phenotypes were determined by starch-gel electrophoresis of red cell hemolysates of Galago crassicaudatus subspp., Propithecus verreauxi, Lemur spp., Hapalemur griseus, and Macaca mulatta. A single glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) phenotype was found in each species. A single 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD) phenotype was found in Lemur spp., Hapalemur griseus, and Galago crassicaudatus argentatus. In a group of six Propithecus verreauxi, three 6PGD phenotypes, PGD A, PGD AB, and PGD B, were found. Three phenotypes, PGD A, PGD AB, and PGD B, were found in 38 G. c. crassicaudatus. The three phenotypes in each species are apparently the products of two codominant autosomal alleles, PGDA and PGDB. The frequency of PGDA in G. c. crassicaudatus is 0.263. A population of 260 free-ranging macaques displays a polymorphism at the 6PGD locus. Three phenotypes, PGD A, PGD AB, and PGD B, were found. These also appear to be controlled by two codominant autosomal alleles, PGDA and PGDB the frequency of PGDA = 0.913. Additional analysis of three well-defined troops within the macaque population indicated that there are no significant differences between the troops or within the population at the 6PGD locus.  相似文献   

Two species of galagos (G. senegalensis moholi andG. garnettii) were subjected to dehydration and starvation stress in order to determine whether, as is common in other animals, these hypometabolic prosimians would lower their metabolic rate even further. Dehydration was confirmed by losses in body mass, a decrease in fecal water content and a rise in urine osmolality. At the height of dehydration, 20 to 25% reduction in body mass, 30 to 40% reduction in fecal water content and urine osmolality ranging from 1.8 to 3.5 Osmol kg−1 H2O, were recorded in some of the animals. Basal metabolic rate of 0.536 ml O2 (g·h)−1 inG. s. moholi and 0.302 ml O2 (g·h)−1 inG. garnettii were recorded, representing 50 to 42% reduction in metabolic rate, respectively, compared with mass specific values. In none of the tested animals did we observe significant reduction in basal metabolism during dehydration/starvation stress compared with the rates observed during the control period. Basal metabolism in the bushbabies seems to have reached the lowest level and no further adjustment is apparently possible as a strategy for energy saving during starvation and/or dehydration stress.  相似文献   

Serum progesterone concentrations in Galago crassicaudatus were quantified at 3-week intervals throughout the 136-day pregnancy. Progesterone concentrations were significantly elevated over those of nonpregnant controls as early as 6 weeks after conception. Progesterone continued to increase throughout gestation. The progesterone profile in pregnant G. crassicaudatus quantitatively resembles that of chimpanzees and qualitatively resembles that of humans. In two animals that aborted, progesterone concentrations after abortion decreased to values comparable to those seen in nonpregnant animals.  相似文献   

The outer epidermal hair structure of bushbabies or galagos varies considerably between genera and species. Comparative morphology can therefore be useful in taxonomic studies, particularly when assessing the true status of newly nominated or misclassified species. Quantitative measurements of outer epidermal hair scales (scale frequency and scale complexity) were made for populations representing 13 taxa within the subfamily Galagoninae. Intraspecific variations in both measures of hair morphology were relatively minor. By contrast, significant interspecific differences were observed, even between closely related, well-established species (e.g. in the greater galagosOtolemur crassicaudatus andO. garnettii and lesser galagosGalago senegalensis andGalago moholi). Assessment of scale frequency resulted in the recognition of all species of the greater and needle-clawed galago genera and added support for nomination to species status of two former subspecies (O. argentatus andE. pallidus). Similar divisions were made in the lesser and dwarf galagos with respect to scale complexity. Possible explanations for the differences in outer epidermal hair scales are discussed. Characteristics of outer epidermal hair scales provide a useful guide to species identity in the subfamily Galagoninae, and the same may prove to be true for other groups of nocturnal mammals.  相似文献   

The reproductive patterns (birth seasonality, litter size, litters per year) of two sympatric species of galago (Galago zanzibaricus and G. garnettii) were studied in a coastal forest in Kenya for a two-year period. Trap-retrap and radio tracking methods were employed. G. zanzibaricus has one infant twice per year; G. garnettii has one infant once per year. Both species are seasonal breeders. These East African galagos are intermediate in reproductive patterns when compared with galagos from South African woodland (G. senegalensis moholi and G. crassicaudatus umbrosis) and West African rainforest (G. alleni and G. demidovii). Climatic patterns (total annual rainfall, seasonal variability of rainfall, variability in total annual rainfall, and annual temperature variability) are also compared for the three regions. Climatically, East Africa is intermediate between West and South Africa in total annual rainfall and in seasonality of rainfall, but not in year-to-year variability in rainfall. East Africa shows the highest variability in annual rainfall. South Africa has the coldest dry seasons and highest variability in temperatures. The results of this study suggest that “r-selection” and “K-selection” do not provide adequate explanations of galago reproductive patterns.  相似文献   

The penile morphologies of nocturnal prosimians are complex and vary considerably between genera and species. Accordingly, comparative morphology can be useful in taxonomic studies, particularly when assessing the status of newly discovered species. I measured features of penile morphology—surface area of the glans penis; shape and size of the keratinized spines on the glans—for populations representing 14 species within the subfamily Galagoninae. Intraspecific variations in penile morphology were relatively minor. By contrast, there are significant differences in several morphological features among closely related, sympatric species, e.g., in the greater bush babies (Otolemur crassicaudatus and O. garnettii) and lesser bush babies (Galago senegalensis and Galago moholi). Assessment of glans area resulted in the recognition of a second needle-clawed form: Euoticus pallidus. Similar divisions exist in the dwarf and greater bush babies with respect to proportional spiny area and characteristics of spine size. I constructed a key based on the presence/absence of certain features—penile spines, dermal markings on the glans, penile lappets—as well as the shape of the baculum and possession of different spinal morphotypes. This key may be used to identify all 14 species of bush babies. Penile morphologies provide a useful guide to specific identity in the Galagoninae, which may be true also for other groups of nocturnal mammals.  相似文献   

The extent to which sex ratio bias is a common reproductive characteristic of prosimians has not been well established. The present study analyzed reproduction in 13 breeding groups of captive prosimians for evidence of birth sex ratio bias. A substantial male bias was demonstrated in nongregarious, but not gregarious, breeding groups. Analyses of birth sex ratios of individual mothers suggested that the observed bias did not result from the tendency of a few mothers to overproduce males, but rather from a small but reliable excess of male births in general. An examination of infant mortality revealed that male Otolemur garnettii and Microcebus murinus infants were more vulnerable to preweaning mortality, whereas female Eulemur fulvus albifrons infants were more vulnerable. An analysis of birth order by sex found that mothers of one group (O. garnettii) tended to produce males initially and females later. Additionally, a distinct pattern of birth seasonality was noted among Malagasy prosimians that was absent in the African prosimians. Greater length of period of sexual receptivity for nongregarious females as compared to gregarious females is proposed as a possible mechanism of male birth sex ratio bias. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation is to determine the functional significance of a fused mandibular symphysis, characteristic of all Anthropoidea. The trait may date to the origins of the suborder. A histological study of 11 prosimian species determined the anatomy of the symphysis. A cinefluorographic film ofGalago crassicaudatus mastication was studied to identify movements at the symphysis. A similar pattern of fibrocartilage and ligaments characterizes all prosimians studied. These tissues are arranged to resist (a) movements seen during mastication inG. crassicaudatus, i.e., antero-posterior shear and spreading of the inferior borders of the symphysis and (b) hypothesized dorso-ventral shear resulting from the transfer of force from the balancing side muscles to the bite point. Partial fusion of the symphysis was found in the folivorous speciesLemur fulvus, L. macaco, Propithecus verreauxi, andHapalemur griseus. Only those tissues associated with resisting occlusally or dorso-ventrally directed forces were calcifying or ossifying. This research suggests that the added occlusal force necessary for leaf-eating has resulted in the evolution of varying degrees of symphyseal fusion in the above species. It is suggested that the protoanthropoids also ate tough foods that required relatively large bite forces.  相似文献   

The extent of fusion in facial sutures has implications for topics ranging from biomechanics to phylogeny reconstruction. An unfortunate limitation of studying sutural fusion in skeletal specimens is that it is difficult to assess whether apparently patent sutures are in fact fused internally. Both histology and microcomputed tomography (CT) are potential tools for solving this, but relatively few studies have attempted to discern the limits of micro CT for visualization of microanatomical structures. We examined microanatomical aspects of facial sutures in adult cadaveric samples from captive bushbabies. Premaxillary and nasopremaxillary sutures were examined in serially sectioned snouts of four greater bushbabies (Otolemur garnettii) and four lesser bushbabies (Galago moholi). Sections containing sutures with osseous bridging were rated as “fused,” and the presence or absence of grooves on the external side was recorded. One bushbaby was studied using micro CT prior to physical sectioning. O. garnettii and two of the G. moholi show multiple foci of fusion. Histological examination confirmed that sutural fusion is limited to the internal surface in numerous sections, resulting in an external notch. Such points of internal fusion could be clearly visualized in raw CT slices. The presence of such notches suggests that external examination can underestimate the degree of suture fusion. Thus, microanatomical evidence may be needed to fully assess biomechanical correlates and phylogenetic interpretations based on fusion of facial sutures. Our results also indicate micro CT may be a useful tool to obtain this evidence. Am J Phys Anthropol 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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