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The limiting factor for fitness in female primates is the acquisition of high-quality food, i.e., food that is high in energy and nutrients, such as protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Reproductive status can influence female feeding patterns, e.g., lactating females in some primate species consume greater quantities of food and specific nutrients than do nonlactating females. We examined the energy intake, ingestion rate, and composition of the diet in female white-faced capuchins in 3 reproductive states: lactating, gestating, and cycling. We observed 12 reproductively active females for 7 mo and compared their energy intake, ingestion rates, and intake rates of nutrients: protein, fat, sugar, and fiber. Lactating females took in significantly more energy per hour while feeding than pregnant and cycling females did. Lactating females also ingested significantly more food items per hour, but they did not spend more time eating than other females did, and they did not differ in the composition of their diet as measured by insect consumption and proportion of protein. Pregnant and cycling females did not differ from each other in any of the measures. We predicted that as the infants aged and began to move independently to forage and play, their mothers’ energy intake rates would decrease in concert with decreased energy demands by the infant. We found a statistically significant relationship between these 2 factors, with infant age explaining 75.4% of variation in mothers’ energy intake, supporting previous studies that found lactation to be the most energetically expensive reproductive state.  相似文献   

Summary We examined within- and between-group differences in aspects of feeding and nutrient intake among adult females of a single population of baboons (Papio cynocephalus) in Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Differences in time spent feeding, daily energy and protein intake and feeding efficiency (nutrient intake per minute spent feeding) reflected differences in resource base, reproductive condition and parity. Baboons that partially fed from a lodge garbage dump spent less than half the time feeding than those that were feeding totally in the wild. During this greatly reduced feeding time, the garbage-feeding group had a similar daily energy intake and only a slightly lower daily protein intake relative to wild-feeding baboons. Consequently, the feeding efficiency of the semi-provisioned baboons was appreciably higher than that of the non-provisioned baboons. For the totally wild-feeding baboons, samples were large enough to permit analyses of feeding time and nutrient intake during different reproductive states and parity. Females spent more time feeding and had higher daily energy and protein intake when they were pregnant or lactating than when they were sexually cycling. Nulliparous females spent more time feeding than their multiparous counterparts. The daily energy intake of nulliparous females was higher than that of their multiparous counterparts, but their daily protein intakes did not differ significantly. Pregnant or lactating and nulliparous females had higher feeding efficiency than their sexually cycling and multiparous counterparts. The two nulliparous females in the garbage-feeding group spent more time feeding but did not take in more energy or protein per day than their multiparous counterparts.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of age, sex, and season on the nutritional strategies of a group of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei) in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda. Through observations of food intake of individual gorillas and nutritional analyses of dietary components over different seasons and environments, we estimated nutrient intake and evaluated diet adequacy. Our results suggest that the nutritional costs of reproduction and growth affect nutrient intake; growing juveniles and adult females ate more food and more protein per kilogram of metabolic body mass than did silverbacks. The diets of silverback males, adult females, and juveniles contained similar concentrations of protein, fiber, and sugar, indicating that adult females and juveniles did not select higher protein foods than silverbacks but rather consumed more dry matter to ingest more protein. Juveniles consumed more minerals (Ca, P, Mg, K, Fe, Zn, Mn, Mo) per kilogram of body mass than adult females and silverback males, and juveniles consumed diets with higher concentrations of phosphorous, iron, and zinc, indicating that the foods they ate contained higher concentrations of these minerals. Seasonally, the amount of food consumed on a dry weight basis did not vary, but with increased frugivory, dietary concentrations of protein and fiber decreased and those of water-soluble carbohydrates increased. Energy intake did not change over the year. With the exception of sodium, gorillas ate diets that exceeded human nutrient requirements. A better understanding of the relative importance of food quantity and quality for different age–sex classes provides insights into the ways in which gorillas may be limited by food resources when faced with environmental heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Food selection was studied in free living green iguanas (Iguana iguana) throughout the year in a semiarid environment, Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles). Food intake was determined by direct observations and converted into biomass intake. Comparison between intake and biomass availability of the various food items revealed that the lizards were selective, and that changes in seasonal food availability led to periodic switching of food plants. The extent to which nutrient constraints determine iguana feeding ecology was investigated. Potential constraints were the requirements for water, digestible crude protein, and metabolizable energy. By using a linear programming model that incorporates characteristics of the food (chemical composition, energy content, item size) and requirements and constraints of the green iguanas (nutrient and energy requirements digestive tract capacity, feeding rate) it was possible to identify which factors determine food choice over the year. During the dry period, when the iguanas had no access to drinking water they consumed flowers to increase water intake, though the amount of flowers consumed was too low to cover maintenance requirements for either energy or protein. After the young leaf flush, following the early rains in May, the biomass increased, free surface water was available during showers, and the linear programming solutions indicate that food selection conformed to the protein maximization criterion. Reproduction in green iguanas shows an annual cycle, in which oviposition takes place at the end of the dry season, when intake is below maintenance levels. Females show a 8–10 month gap between acquisition of most of the protein required for egg synthesis and the act of laying. Thus, as in avian and mammalian herbivores, food availability during a period prior to the energy and protein demanding reproductive season of iguanas determines reproductive success.  相似文献   

Nutrient intake of animals is influenced by an interplay of external and internal factors, such as food availability and reproductive state, respectively. We used the nutritional geometry framework to analyze individual-based data on energy and nutrient intake in relation to reproductive state in a population of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta tcheliensis), which live in a harsh high-latitude habitat, the Taihangshan mountains of China, and exhibit strong reproductive seasonality. We combined data over a 3-year period on food availability, diets, reproductive output, and components of maternal investment to understand how Taihangshan macaques respond to variation in food availability and nutrition in reproduction. Our results show there was high interannual variation in availability of an important staple source of fat and carbohydrates (nonprotein energy), seeds of oak (Quercus spp). Despite this variability in seed availability skewing the dietary macronutrient ratios considerably (from 12.96% to 30.12% dietary energy from protein), total metabolizable energy intake was maintained across years during pregnancy. Lactating females had higher mean daily energy intakes than pregnant females. As in pregnant females, energy intake was maintained constant across years, but only when seed availability enabled the contribution of available protein to energy intake to be maintained between 15.32% (2013) and 17.97% (2015). In 2014, when seeds were scarce, lactating females had a shortfall in energy intake compared with 2013 and 2015. This corresponded with a reduction in the number of females giving birth (11 out of 23), but there was no interannual difference in survival rates. Compared to 2013 and 2015, in 2014 females had greater weight loss (drew on body reserves), moved less, and spent more time nursing their offspring. We discuss implications of these results for range limitation in Taihangshan macaques.  相似文献   

Abstract Reproduction has been shown to be costly in viviparous skinks, both in terms of survival and in terms of growth and future reproductive output. One possible source of such costs could be a reduction in food intake, with an associated reduction in energy available for maintenance and future reproduction. Therefore, I compared food intake in male and female southern water skinks (Eulamprus tympanum), to determine whether food intake was reduced during reproduction in either sex. In addition, I measured the relationship between reduction in food intake and the total volume of offspring or testis. A reduction in food intake proportional to the volume of offspring suggests that costs associated with reduced energy intake may be fecundity dependent. Food intake was estimated using the total volume of stomach contents of individuals. Females ate significantly less (mean volume of stomach contents = 0.13mL) than males (mean = 0.36mL) just before parturition in January, when embryos were largest. After parturition, females ate significantly more than males. Otherwise, there were no significant differences between the food intake of males and females. Females reduced food intake by eating smaller food items. Females with relatively large numbers of ova or embryos ate relatively less, and therefore decreased food intake in females may be a fecundity-dependent cost of reproduction in these lizards. Males did not reduce food intake during periods when testes were enlarged and mating occurred. Decreased food intake during reproduction is probably an important source of reproductive costs to females of these viviparous lizards, but does not appear to be important in males.  相似文献   

The theory of evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS) in asymmetric contests predicts that the propensity of an individual to expose itself to risk during contests depends on the individual's resource-holding-potential (RHP) and on the value of the disputed resource (V) for the individual compared with that for an opponent. If encounters of a territory owner with individuals of high RHP and high food demands (V) increase in frequency, one should expect a decrease in total aggressiveness of the territory owner, and in consequence a decrease of its territory size. Such a decrease should result in a lower amount of food consumed by the territory owner. Using natural variability in RHP and V in Gerris lacustris, I experimentally tested these predictions. The average prey item has higher value (V) for reproductive female water striders (which probably transform most of their food into eggs), than for nonreproductive females and for males. Because males are smaller, they have lower RHP than females, as RHP depends on size. Thus the reproductive females are the class of individuals of high RHP and high food demands (high V). Most nonreproductive females defend food-based territories. I observed two groups of water striders in a seminatural laboratory setting. As predicted, there was a negative correlation between the rate of encounter with reproductive females and size of the territory, and a positive correlation between territory size and number of Drosophila flies consumed by the owner. Territories were smaller in the group with high rates of encounter between territory owners and reproductive females. Territory owners caught the same number of Drosophila flies as non-territorial individuals in this group. In contrast, in the group with fewer encounters between territory owners and reproductive females, territories were larger, and territory owners gained more food than non territorial water striders.  相似文献   

Daily energy intake of adult female mammals is influenced by environmental conditions and physiological requirements, including reproduction. We examined the effects of fruit availability on macronutrient and metabolisable energy (ME) intake by adult female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) of the Kanyawara community in Kibale National Park, Uganda, from January 2014 through June 2015. Drupe fruits were abundant for 4 months, whereas the other 14 months were dominated by fig fruits. The mean daily intake of food (dry matter) and ME did not differ between drupe‐months and fig‐months. However, foraging costs were higher during fig‐months, as indicated by a 20% increase in feeding time. Furthermore, during drupe‐months female chimpanzees ingested more water‐soluble carbohydrates and lipids, and less available protein and neutral detergent fibre. Although ME intake did not differ consistently between drupe‐months and fig‐months, they consumed more on days when ripe fruit dominated the diet than when leaves and pithy stems dominated the diet. Our data suggest that differences in diet quality between drupes and figs can have important effects on frugivore foraging and that they influence net energy gain more by their effects on macronutrient composition or foraging cost than by their direct impact on energy intake.  相似文献   

Abstract Food consumption and reproduction were compared through two gonotrophic cycles in female brown-banded cockroaches, Supella longipalpa (F.), fed a standard rat food diet which had been serially diluted with methyl cellulose, alpha cellulose or dextrin. Females did not increase daily intake to compensate for dilution, and reproductive rate was highly dependent upon the degree of dilution of the diet. With increasing dextrin concentrations, digestibility increased, but reproductive rate, size and mass of oothecae, and efficiency of food utilization progressively decreased.
On diets containing 75% rat food and 25% methyl cellulose, females consumed minimal amounts of food and 80% of the females did not mate or produce oothecae within 30 days. On identical diets containing 25% alpha cellulose, food digestibility decreased and females ate significantly more than females fed 25% methyl cellulose, but less than females fed rat food. Many (65%) females fed 25% alpha cellulose produced oothecae which were smaller and took longer to form than in control females fed on rat food. At concentrations higher than 50% of either methyl or alpha cellulose daily intake was further reduced and females died rapidly.  相似文献   

The energetic costs of reproduction have an important influence on the life histories of female primates. At present, however, the interplay of female reproductive state, food availability, and strategies aimed at maintaining energy balance has been described for only a few species, limiting our ability to understand intra- and interspecific variation in female life histories. We assessed how female mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata) are affected by reproductive seasonality, and whether they alter their behavior to cope with the energetic demands of reproduction. From August 2013 to July 2015 we measured the reproductive state, behavior (1100 h of focal animal observations), and energetic condition (312 urine samples collected for C-peptide analysis) of 7 adult females, and assessed food availability (weekly phenological sampling of 397 food trees). Female behavior did not vary with reproductive state or reproductive seasonality. There were, however, differences in how females responded to variation in food availability according to reproductive state. Cycling and gestating females spent more time feeding than lactating females, and cycling females less time resting than females in other reproductive states, when food was more available. C-peptide concentrations were unaffected by either individual or overall variation in reproductive state, except for cycling females, whose concentrations increased during periods of high food availability. The energetic condition of female mantled howlers is broadly maintained over different stages of reproduction, but is sensitive to variation in food availability.  相似文献   

An ecological study on the choice of microhabitat and diet of small mammals was carried out in Maynugus irrigation field of the Tigray region in northern Ethiopia. Abundance of rodents was high during the reproductive phase of the agricultural plants. Mastomys erythroleucus occurred more frequently in vegetable fields, whereas Arvicanthis dembeensis was more frequent in habitats with monocot plants. Scrotal males and reproductive females consumed more food by weight than abdominal males and quiescent females. Arvicanthis dembeensis consumed more food than M. erythroleucus. Both the species consumed more food during the main rainy season. All the cultivated plants were attacked by these rodents with a degree of difference in relation to season, species, sex, age and sexual condition. As rodent attack was more intense during the fruiting phase of the plants, rodent control management should be carried out during the flowering phase.  相似文献   

In most mammals, the energetic costs of lactation significantly increase a female's daily energy requirements. Previous research indicates that such energetic costs may be met through changes in increased food consumption ranging from around 35 % to 150 %. In this paper, changes in food intake during lactation are measured in the red panda (Ailurus fulgens), a species of the order Carnivora which possesses a digestive system suited for a carnivorous diet but yet exclusively feeds on bamboo. Four feeding characteristics were studied: duration of feeding bouts, number of bamboo leaves consumed per mouthful, number of bamboo leaves consumed per minute, and interval between mouthfuls of bamboo. In three lactating females, three of four feeding behaviors significantly increased up to 200 % above the rate observed during non-lactation. Males showed no change in feeding behavior during the same reproductive months with identical available foods. Red pandas appear to suffer a more severe energetic cost during lactation (at least with respect to food consumption) than other mammals previously studied. This may relate to their inefficient digestive capacity to process a herbivorous diet of bamboo. The data presented here suggest that general discussions of the relative costs of reproduction and in turn parental investment should include a female's relative digestive efficiency during stressful reproductive periods.  相似文献   

We have found that whether a female German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.), is kept alone or in the presence of another female has a major impact on how fast it reproduces and how much it eats. By the sixth day of adulthood, females paired since adult eclosion had substantially larger o?cytes than did females isolated during the same time, and females paired with intact females, or with ones rendered incapable of feeding, consumed more rat chow in the first six days of adulthood than did isolated females. The stimulatory effect of pairing on reproduction was, however, partially independent of feeding because the o?cytes of solitary and paired females differed in size on day 6 even when they were given, and had consumed, the same amount of food. This result was confirmed with analysis of covariance using the total food intake of a female as the covariate in the analysis. A female's social condition probably influenced the development of its o?cytes by affecting the quantity of juvenile hormone synthesized by its corpora allata. The corpora allata of paired females produced more hormone than did those of isolated ones, even when all females had consumed an equivalent amount of food. Moreover, females treated with a juvenile hormone analog, fenoxycarb, reproduced more quickly than identically reared and fed control females, showing that juvenile hormone could influence reproduction independently of feeding. We conclude that both group rearing and food intake accelerate o?cyte development by diminishing the brain's inhibition on the synthesis of juvenile hormone.  相似文献   

Summary Patterns of resource allocation in the dioecious Rumex acetosa and R. acetosella were investigated. Males were found to allocate more to reproduction during flower production than females, whereas females invested considerably more in reproduction during seed production. Altogether, females allocated both a higher total amount and a higher proportion of energy to reproduction than did males. By regression analysis, the influence of plant size on reproductive effort was examined separately for males and females. The results indicated that while reproductive effort is sometimes lower for tall plants than for small plants, size-independent effects have a greater influence on reproductive effort than size distribution. An analysis of variance was conducted to investigate the effects of population, season, sex and their interactions on plant size, and an analysis of covariance was used to study differences in resource allocation patterns. Different interaction effects were found to be most important in the two species of Rumex.  相似文献   

Three species of the fresh water carnivore hydra, H. littoralis, H. pseudoligactis, and C. viridissima present a graduation in size with the first species the largest and albino Chlorohydra the smallest. When presented with a daily overabundance of food (artemia), considerable variation in food intake and gross efficiency of growth (proportion of food energy consumed that is turned into new protoplasm or buds) existed among the species. The degree of association between size of species and food intake was highly significant. However, budding efficiency among the species was found to be independent of food intake (when the effects of species size were eliminated) and of species size (when the effects of food intake were removed). However, species with high (low) efficiencies have significantly higher (lower) reproductive rates. A lowering of the temperature from 25° to 15° C. increased the size of the species, increased food intake, but decreased reproductive rate. In all species except H. pseudoligactis a corresponding increase in the production of bud energy with no change in efficiency also occurred. On the other hand, lowering of the temperature for H. pseudoligactis significantly lowered reproductive efficiency but had no effect on the total calorific output of buds. This species, in constrast to the others, appears to have a compensatory ability to adjust its efficiency to maintain a high calorific output when temperature increases. It was also found that albino Chlorohydra have budding efficiencies of around 35 percent which are not influenced by changes in food intake or light. Normal green hydras, however, have efficiencies which range from 40 to 62 percent above their albino counterparts when fed once a day and once every two days in light respectively. It it concluded first, that the symbiotic algae in the gastrodermals cells of green hydra contribute quantitatively in the order of the above amounts to the growth process in this species, and second, that green hydras have the ablity to increase their growth efficiency when food intake is reduced thus reducing the drop in calorific but output that normally occurs in the albino (control) form.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2003,24(4):187-193
In food-limited populations, the presence of extra food resources can influence the way individuals allocate energy to growth and reproduction. We experimentally increased food available to cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) near the northern limit of their range over a 2-year period and tested the hypothesis that seasonal growth rates would be enhanced by supplemental food during winter and spring when natural food levels are low. We also examined whether additional food resources were allocated to somatic growth or reproductive effort by pregnant and lactating females. The effect of supplemental food on growth varied with mass and season, but did not influence the growth rates of most cotton rats during spring and winter. In winter, small animals on supplemented grids had higher growth rates than small animals on control grids, but females in spring had lower growth rates under supplemented conditions. Growth rates of supplemented cotton rats were enhanced in summer. Northern cotton rat populations may use season-specific foraging strategies, maximizing energy intake during the reproductive season and minimizing time spent foraging in winter. Adult females invest extra resources in reproduction rather than in somatic growth. Pregnant females receiving supplemental food had higher growth rates than control females, and dependent pups (≤ 1 month of age) born to supplemented mothers had higher growth rates than those born to control mothers. Increased body size seems to confer an advantage during the reproductive season, but has no concomitant advantage to overwinter survival.  相似文献   

We examined diet and diel energy intake of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, of different lengths captured by electrofishing between 1991 and 1997 in the Lee's Ferry tailwater, Colorado River, below Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona. Trout diets reflected a depauperate food base and indicated limited potential of different fish size-groups to partition food resources. As evidenced by relative stomach volumes of ingested matter, mid-sized and large trout tended to consume more algae than did small fish, suggesting that they consumed diets of lower nutritional quality. An energy intake model indicated that median consumers among mid-sized and large fish generally failed annually to surpass estimated maintenance energy requirements and that median consumers among mid-sized trout failed to meet or exceed maintenance requirements during all seasons. In contrast, median consumers among small trout met or surpassed maintenance energy requirements during most years and in summer. Results support a hypothesis that larger rainbow trout in lotic systems are food-limited more often than smaller fish.  相似文献   

A prediction of the seasonal investment hypothesis is that overall energy investment needs to be greater for young being produced at colder temperatures. Then, that energy cost is lower as temperature becomes warmer. To evaluate this assumption, I performed a series of measures of food intake and reproductive output throughout four successive bouts of lactation in striped hamsters (Cricetulus barabensis) exposed to a constant warm temperature (Warm, 21°C) or exposed to consecutive decreases in ambient temperatures from warm to cold (Warm-Cold, 30-0°C). Warm hamsters showed similar asymptotic food intake, litter size and mass over the course of four successive bouts of lactation. Warm-Cold females consumed more food, but raised lighter litters during the third bout than first bout of lactation. Ambient temperatures had significant effects on energy budget and reproductive output, by which resting metabolic rate, nonshivering thermogenesis and activity of cytochrome c oxidase (EC of brown adipose tissue were increased, but reproductive output was decreased with declines of temperatures. These findings suggest that a trade-off occurs between different components of energy expenditure during the successive course of four bouts of lactation. Seasonal hamsters decrease their reproductive output, but increase the energy spent on thermogenesis as the ambient temperature becomes colder. It may also indicate that temperature has a direct effect on metabolism, leading to an increase in overall energy expenditure at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

Callitrichid females are often described as energetically constrained. We examined the energy budgets of 10 female wild golden lion tamarins (GLTs, Leontopithecus rosalia) in an effort to understand how energy intake and expenditure might influence physical condition and therefore reproductive performance. We used focal animal sampling to record behavioral data and conducted energy analyses of foods consumed by GLTs to estimate intake and expenditure. We used two-tailed Wilcoxon signed-rank tests to compare intake in the reproductive vs. nonreproductive period and expenditure in the reproductive vs. nonreproductive period. Energy intake decreased during the reproductive period compared to the nonreproductive period. While total expenditure did not vary significantly across the two periods, females spent more time and therefore expended significantly more energy engaged in energetically inexpensive behaviors (i.e., sleeping or being stationary) during the reproductive period compared to the nonreproductive period. We suggest that reproductive female GLTs may adopt a reproductive strategy that includes high intake prior to pregnancy and lactation, and energy conservation during pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   

We compared food intake, body mass and body composition of male and female black ducks (Anas rubripes) during winter (January-March). Birds were fed the same complete diet ad libitum on consecutive days each week without fasting (control; nine male; nine female) or with either short fasts (2 day x week(-1); nine male; nine female), or long fasts (4 day x week(-1); eleven male; twelve female). We continued treatments through spring (March-May) to measure the effect of intermittent fasts on body mass and egg production. Daily food intake of fasted birds was up to four times that of unfasted birds. Weekly food intake of males was similar among treatments (364 g x kg(-1) x week(-1)) but fasted females consumed more than unfasted females in January (363 g x kg(-1) x week(-1) vs. 225 g x kg(-1) x week(-1)). Although both sexes lost 10-14% body mass, fasted females lost less mass and lipid than unfasted females during winter. Total body nitrogen was conserved over winter in both sexes even though the heart and spleen lost mass while the reproductive tract and liver gained mass. Intermittent fasting increased liver, intestinal tissue and digesta mass of females but not of males. Fasting delayed egg production in spring but did not affect size, fertility or hatching of the clutch. Females on long fasts were still heavier than controls after laying eggs. Thus black ducks combine flexibility of food intake with plasticity of digestive tract, liver and adipose tissue when food supply is interrupted during winter. Females modulate body mass for survival and defer reproduction when food supply is interrupted in spring.  相似文献   

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