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Swedish equine dental practices have empirically found that the prevalence of infundibular caries as a primary disorder in the first permanent premolar teeth (P2) of the horse upper jaw has increased during the last 10 years. A previously unknown bacterial species, Streptococcus devriesei (CCUG 47155T), which is related to Streptococcus mutans, has recently been isolated from these carious lesions. To understand the aetiology of caries in horses, it is essential to elucidate the relationship between S. devriesei and P2 infundibular caries.  相似文献   

Much of a human molar's morphology is concentrated on its occlusal surface. In view of embryologists' recent attention on the determination of crown morphology by enamel knots that initiate cusp formation, we were interested in the arrangement of cusp apices in the definitive tooth. Computer-assisted image analysis was used to measure intercusp distances and angles on permanent maxillary M1 and M2 in a sample of 160 contemporary North American whites. The intent was to generate normative data and to compare the size and variability gradients from M1 to M2. There is little sexual dimorphism in intercusp distances or angles, even though the conventional mesiodistal (MD) and buccolingual (BL) crown size is 2.0% and 4.0% larger in males, respectively, in these same teeth. Dimensions decreased in size and increased in variability from M1 to M2, but differentially. Cusps of the trigon were more stable between teeth, especially the paracone-protocone relationship. Principal components analysis on the six M1 distances disclosed only one eigenvalue above 1.0, indicating that overall crown size itself is the paramount controlling factor in this tooth that almost invariably exhibits a hypocone. In contrast, four components were extracted from among the 12 angular cusp relationships in M1. These axes of variation may prove useful in studies of intergroup differences. A shape difference occurs in M2, depending on whether the hypocone is present; when absent, the metacone is moved lingually, creating more of an isosceles arrangement for the cusps of the trigon. Statistically, correlations are low between occlusal intercusp relationships and conventional crown diameters measured at the margins of the crowns that form later. Weak statistical dependence between cusp relationships and traditional MD and BL diameters suggest that separate stage- and location-specific molecular signals control these different parts (and different stages) of crown formation.  相似文献   

The complete primary structure of the major hemoglobin component from the adult European lynx (Lynx lynx) is presented. Presence of two hemoglobin components and three chains, A, B, and , identified by gel electrophoresis. The purification of the globin chains achieved by ion-exchange chromatography. The globin chains were digested with trypsin. The peptide generated were purified by reversed-phase HPLC. Sequencing of the native chains up to 42 cycles and of the tryptic peptides were deduced by Edman degradation in liquid- and gasphase sequencer. The primary structure established aligned with those of human Hb-A. The comparison of lynx globin chains with other representatives of the Felidae, lion, tiger, jaguar, leopard, and cat revealed high homology.Deceased on May 27, 1989.  相似文献   

The complete primary structure of the major hemoglobin component from the adult European lynx (Lynx lynx) is presented. Presence of two hemoglobin components and three chains, βA, βB, and α, identified by gel electrophoresis. The purification of the globin chains achieved by ion-exchange chromatography. The globin chains were digested with trypsin. The peptide generated were purified by reversed-phase HPLC. Sequencing of the native chains up to 42 cycles and of the tryptic peptides were deduced by Edman degradation in liquid- and gasphase sequencer. The primary structure established aligned with those of human Hb-A. The comparison of lynx globin chains with other representatives of the Felidae, lion, tiger, jaguar, leopard, and cat revealed high homology.  相似文献   

This investigation of modern human mandibular premolar root variation tests the hypothesis that population-specific mandibular single-rooted premolar root size can predict a predisposition to root morphological complexity. Mandibular postcanines were examined and quantified from dental radiographs in a globally spread sample of 1,615 modern humans. Multirooted premolars and a fused molar root phenotype were investigated as probes into greater than, and less than, the normative root number. Twelve questions were addressed concerning root structure of mandibular premolars and second molars. A direct correlation was found between single-rooted mandibular premolar size and the predisposition to multirootedness. This correlation infers the following: 1) that postcanine primordia size during root formation predisposes to the development of more, or less, than the normative postcanine root number; and 2) that the epigenetic effect of tooth primordium size per se influences the induction of interradicular processes, which divides the root during its development. This simple developmental model helps explain the following observations: 1) population-specific variation in postcanine root number; 2) sexual dimorphism for multirooted mandibular premolar prevalence; 3) why microdont teeth are single-rooted; 4) the hierarchy of developmental canalization of interradicular processes; 5) megadont-hominin to late-hominin mandibular premolar root number transition; and 6) the fluctuation of mandibular premolar root number in primate evolutionary history.  相似文献   

We present new data on the prevalence and patterning of the maxillary premolar accessory ridge (MxPAR), a common but understudied morphological dental trait that is expressed as a linear elevation extending from the buccal cusp ridge to the medial sulcus of maxillary premolar teeth. A total of 579 sets of dental casts, representing six ethnic groups, were scored using the five‐grade system proposed by Burnett et al. (2010). The frequency and distribution of the MxPAR were determined by tooth type, sex, side, locus and ethnicity, and the applicability of the scoring system was assessed. The MxPAR was found in approximately two‐thirds of premolar teeth, more often on second than first premolars, and more often on the distal aspect of the occlusal surface than the mesial. There was some evidence that more pronounced forms of the feature occurred more often in males than females, and that there may be some directionality in its expression between sides. Variation was also noted in the frequency of occurrence and degree of expression of the MxPAR between ethnic groups. Intra‐ and inter‐observer concordance rates for scoring the MxPAR were low, confirming that it was difficult to score the trait identically on two different occasions. Our findings have clarified the distribution of the MxPAR within the dentition and between ethnic groups, and highlighted the need for researchers to carry out thorough replicability studies and to decide on an appropriate breakpoint for determining presence or absence of this feature before embarking on genetic studies or bio‐distance analyses. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:19–30, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The significance of a gradient in enamel thickness along the human permanent molar row has been debated in the literature. Some attribute increased enamel thickness from first to third molars to greater bite force during chewing. Others argue that thicker third molar enamel relates to a smaller crown size facilitated by a reduced dentin component. Thus, differences in morphology, not function, explains enamel thickness. This study draws on these different interpretive models to assess enamel thickness along the entire human deciduous tooth row. Average enamel thickness (AET), the area and proportion of crown enamel and dentin, and a crown size proxy are calculated for incisors, canines, and molars. Allometric scaling relationships are assessed within each tooth class, and then comparisons are undertaken along the row. Generally, AET was correlated with crown size and scaled with isometry, except for second molars which scaled with positive allometry. Mean AET increased along the row and was greater on molars, where bite forces are reported to be higher. Second molars combined the largest crown size with the thickest enamel and the smallest proportion of dentin, which is consistent with a reduction in the potential for cusp fracture under high bite forces. Resistance to wear may also account for some enamel thickness variation between tooth classes. Dental reduction did not explain the trend in AET from central to lateral incisors, or from first to second molars. The gradient in AET along the deciduous tooth row is partly consistent with a functional interpretation of enamel thickness. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:518–525, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of allometry on the shape of dm2 and M1 crown outlines and to examine whether the trajectory and magnitude of scaling are shared between species. The sample included 160 recent Homo sapiens, 28 Upper Paleolithic H. sapiens, 10 early H. sapiens, and 33 H. neanderthalensis (Neandertal) individuals. Of these, 97 were dm2/M1 pairs from the same individuals. A two‐block partial least squares analysis of paired individuals revealed a significant correlation in crown shape between dm2 and M1. A principal component analysis confirmed that Neandertal and H. sapiens dm2 and M1 shapes differ significantly and that this difference is primarily related to hypocone size and projection. Allometry accounted for a small but significant proportion of the total morphological variance. We found the magnitude of the allometric effect to be significantly stronger in Neandertals than in H. sapiens. Procrustes distances were significantly different between the two tooth classes in Neandertals, but not among H. sapiens groups. Nevertheless, we could not reject the null hypothesis that the two species share the same allometric trajectory. Although size clearly contributes to the unique shape of the Neandertal dm2 and M1, the largest H. sapiens teeth do not exhibit the most Neandertal‐like morphology. Hence, additional factors must contribute to the differences in dm2 and M1 crown shape between these two species. We suggest an investigation of the role of timing and rate of development on the shapes of the dm2 and M1 may provide further answers. Am J Phys Anthropol 154:104–114, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

General models of plant vascular architecture, based on scaling of pipe diameters to remove the length dependence of hydraulic resistance within the xylem, have attracted strong interest. However, these models have neglected to consider the leaf, an important hydraulic component; they assume all leaves to have similar hydraulic properties, including similar pipe diameters in the petiole. We examine the scaling of the leaf xylem in 10 temperate oak species, an important hydraulic component. The mean hydraulic diameter of petiole xylem vessels varied by 30% among the 10 oak species. Conduit diameters narrowed from the petiole to the midrib to the secondary veins, consistent with resistance minimization, but the power function scaling exponent differed from that predicted for stems. Leaf size was an organizing trait within and across species. These findings indicate that leaf vasculature needs to be included in whole-plant scaling models, for these to accurately reflect and predict whole-plant transport and its implications for performance and ecology.  相似文献   

The combination of diverse materials and complex geometry makes stress distribution analysis in teeth very complicated. Simulation in a computerized model might enable a study of the simultaneous interaction of the many variables. A 3D solid model of a human maxillary premolar was prepared and exported into a 3D-finite element model (FEM). Additionally, a generic class II MOD cavity preparation and restoration was simulated in the FEM model by a proper choice of the mesh volumes. A validation procedure of the FEM model was executed based on a comparison of theoretical calculations and experimental data. Different rigidities were assigned to the adhesive system and restorative materials. Two different stress conditions were simulated: (a) stresses arising from the polymerization shrinkage and (b) stresses resulting from shrinkage stress in combination with vertical occlusal loading. Three different cases were analyzed: a sound tooth, a tooth with a class II MOD cavity, adhesively restored with a high (25 GPa) and one with a low (12.5GPa) elastic modulus composite. The cusp movements induced by polymerization stress and (over)-functional occlusal loading were evaluated. While cusp displacement was higher for the more rigid composites due to the pre-stressing from polymerization shrinkage, cusp movements turned out to be lower for the more flexible composites in case the restored tooth which was stressed by the occlusal loading.This preliminary study by 3D FEA on adhesively restored teeth with a class II MOD cavity indicated that Young's modulus values of the restorative materials play an essential role in the success of the restoration. Premature failure due to stresses arising from polymerization shrinkage and occlusal loading can be prevented by proper selection and combination of materials.  相似文献   

Orliac, M. J., Antoine, P. ‐O., Ducrocq, S. (2010). Phylogenetic relationships of the Suidae (Mammalia, Cetartiodactyla): new insights on the relationships within Suoidea. —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 315–330. In most analyses, both molecular and morphological phylogenies of the Cetartiodactyla support the monophyly of Suoidea. However, the evolutionary history of this superfamily remains poorly known primarily due to long‐lasting debates about the taxonomic content and relationships of the suoid families and subfamilies. Despite their crucial position in the reconstruction of the phylogeny of Cetartiodactyla, Suoidea themselves have received little attention in those phylogenies, and no extensive analysis of the group has been performed so far. We therefore examine the phylogeny of the Suidae through the first phylogenetic analysis of Suoidea, including recent and fossil representatives of all four putative families. The results support the monophyly of the traditional suid subfamilies and indicate the Sanitheriidae as sister taxon to the Suidae clade. The evolutionary history within Suidae reveals its complexity, with major convergences involving important morphological structures such as the auditory region or the upper male canine. Divergent signals gathered from either dental or cranio‐mandibular features are responsible for two long‐lasting unresolved issues within Suoidea: the question of the relationships between ‘Old World’ and ‘New World’ peccaries remaining unsolved, as well as the position and familial status of the mid‐Tertiary tayassuid Perchoerus.  相似文献   

The Msx2-interacting nuclear target protein (MINT) is a nuclear matrix protein that regulates the development of many tissues. However, little is known regarding the role of MINT in tooth development. In this study, we prepared polyclonal antibodies against MINT, and found that that MINT was expressed in different cells at each stage of tooth germ development by immunohistochemistry. The role of MINT in tooth development was further illustrated by the misshapen and severely hypoplastic tooth organ in the cultured mandibular explants of MINT deficient mice. From the initiation to cap stage, the differences between mutants and wild-type molars were more and more distinguished histologically. In the MINT-deficient mandibular explants, the tooth germ was reduced in the overall size and lacked enamel knot, with abnormal dental lamina and collapsed stellate reticulum. Furthermore, the BrdU incorporation experiment showed that the proliferation activity was significantly reduced in MINT-deficient dental epithelium. Our results suggest that MINT plays an important role in tooth development, in particular, epithelial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

In awake supine normal subjects, dimensional changes of the oropharyngeal airway were measured during exposure to negative intraluminal pressures. The pressure was generated 1) "actively" by subjects inspiring against an externally occluded airway or 2) "passively" by external suction at the mouth during voluntary glottic closure with no inspiratory effort. Airway dimensions were imaged with X-ray fluoroscopy and anteroposterior diameters measured at levels corresponding to cervical vertebra 3 and 4 (C3 and C4). Cephalad axial displacement of the hyoid bone (CDHY) was also measured. During the "active" maneuver, airway diameters and position were maintained at resting levels despite airway pressure up to -15 cmH2O. In contrast, during the passive maneuver at -15 cmH2O, C3 was only 15 +/- 9% and C4 only 47 +/- 8% of control; CDHY was 5.6 +/- 1.8 mm. In three subjects airway wall apposition occurred and persisted until an active inspiratory effort. We conclude that, in the absence of inspiratory effort, negative oropharyngeal airway pressures result in marked narrowing and cephalad displacement of the upper airway, even during wakefulness. Therefore, our data suggest that the complex interaction of upper airway and thoracic muscle activity is critical in determining the effective compliance and patency of the upper airway, which is readily collapsible even in normal subjects.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the time and amplitude characteristics of the negative N200 and positive P300 components of visual evoked potentials recorded at symmetric points of the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital areas of the right and left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex has been performed in subjects with or without the skill of operating a computer. Subjects inexperienced in an operator’s work exhibited an interhemispheric difference in the time and amplitude characteristics of the studied components. In subjects that had the skill of operating a computer, the interhemispheric difference was little, which suggests that the cortex plays only a small role in the cerebral control of this activity.  相似文献   

植物生源要素的化学计量比在生物地球化学循环以及植物生理代谢中具有极为重要的作用。迄今为止, 对植物叶片的N、P元素与其他生源要素含量间相关关系的研究较少, 限制了生态化学计量学的应用广度。为了解金沙江干热河谷地区植物叶片中各种生源要素间的异速增长关系, 该研究通过对当地51个样方中107个样本的测量, 探索个体水平、物种水平和样方水平上各生源要素间的异速增长关系。结果显示: 叶片中各元素的比例N:P:K:S:Fe:Ca为100.00:6.64:88.20:11.59:2.48:91.64, N、P含量分别为11.21和0.744 mg·g -1, 明显低于全国平均值, 而N:P与全国平均值相当, 表明植物生长受到N、P的双重限制。各种生源要素间存在正相关增长关系, 在个体水平上, 植物叶片中N-P大致呈等速增长关系, Fe与Ca元素相对于N、P、K的增长速率显著大于1, Fe的增长速率最大, 依次为Fe > Ca > P > N > S > K; 物种水平上Fe与Ca相对于N、P、K的增长速率显著大于1; 样方水平上, Fe元素相对于N、P、K的增长速率依旧显著大于1, 但Ca、S相对于N的增长速率显著大于1, 元素增长速率为Fe > Ca > P > S > K > N, 其中N相对于P的异速增长斜率与2/3极为接近, K相对于P的异速增长斜率接近3/4。个体水平和样方水平上各种元素间的相关关系以及拟合优度不一致, 表明群落构建在介导不同层次上元素关系中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

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