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We have purified a cofactor protein previously shown (Pollard, T. D., and Korn, E. D. (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 4691-4697) to be required for actin activation of the Mg2+-ATPase activity of Acanthamoeba myosin I. The purified cofactor protein is a novel myosin kinase that phosphorylates the single heavy chain, but neither of the two light chains, of Acanthamoeba myosin I. Phosphorylation of Acanthamoeba myosin I by the purified cofactor protein requires ATP and Mg2+ but is Ca2+-independent. The Mg2+-ATPase activity of phosphorylated Acanthamoeba myosin I is highly activated by F-actin in the absence of cofactor protein. Actin-activated Mg2+-ATPase activity is lost when phosphorylated Acanthamoeba myosin I is dephosphorylated by platelet phosphatase. Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation have no effect on the (K+,EDTA)-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase activities of Acanthamoeba myosin I. These results show that cofactor protein is an Acanthamoeba myosin I heavy chain kinase and that phosphorylation of the heavy chain of this myosin is required for actin activation of its Mg2+-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Myosin purified from a murine myeloid leukaemia cell line (M1) that had been incubated with [32P]orthophosphate incorporated 32P into the heavy, but not the light, chain. When the heavy chain was dephosphorylated by bacterial alkaline phosphatase, myosin that had low actin-activated ATPase activity gained higher activity only in the presence of the light-chain kinase. In the absence of the light-chain kinase, however, the Mg2+-stimulated ATPase activity of myosin was not activated by actin, regardless of phosphatase treatment. These results indicate that the activity of M1 myosin ATPase is regulated by phosphorylation of both the light and heavy chains. A scheme for this regulation by phosphorylation is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The interactions were analyzed between actin, myosin, and a recently discovered high molecular weight actin-binding protein (Hartwig, J. H., and Stossel, T. P. (1975) J. Biol Chem.250,5696-5705) of rabbit alveolar macrophages. Purified rabbit alveolar macrophage or rabbit skeletal muscle F-actins did not activate the Mg2+ATPase activity of purified rabbit alveolar macrophage myosin unless an additional cofactor, partially purified from macrophage extracts, was added. The Mg2+ATPase activity of cofactor-activated macrophage actomyosin was as high as 0.6 mumol of Pi/mg of myosin protein/min at 37 degrees. The macrophage cofactor increased the Mg2+ATPase activity of rabbit skeletal muscle actomyosin, and calcium regulated the Mg2+ATPase activity of cofactor-activited muscle actomyosin in the presence of muscle troponins and tropomyosin. However, the Mg2+ATPase activity of macrophage actomyosin in the presence of the cofactor was inhibited by muscle control proteins, both in the presence and absence of calcium. The Mg2+ATPase activity of the macrophage actomyosin plus cofactor, whether assembled from purified components or studied in a complex collected from crude macrophage extracts, was not influenced by the presence of absence of calcium ions. Therefore, as described for Acanthamoeba castellanii myosin (Pollard, T. D., and Korn, E. D. (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 4691-4697), rabbit alveolar macrophage myosin requires a cofactor for activation of its Mg2+ATPase activity by F-actin; and no evidence was found for participation of calcium ions in the regulation of this activity.In macrophage extracts containing 0.34 M sucrose, 0.5 mM ATP, and 0.05 M KCl at pH 7.0,the actin-binding protein bound F-actin into bundles with interconnecting bridges. Purified macrophage actin-binding protein in 0.1 M KCl at pH 7.0 also bound purified macrophage F-actin into filament bundles. Macrophage myosin bound to F-actin in the absence but not the presence of Mg2+ATP, but the actin-binding protein did not bind to macrophage myosin in either the presence or absence of Mg2+ATP.  相似文献   

In an attempt to elucidate the Ca2+-regulated mechanism of motility in Physarum plasmodia, we improved the preparation method for myosin B and pure myosin. The obtained results are as follows: 1. We obtained two types of myosin B which are distinguishable from each other with respect to their sensitivity to Ca2+. The inactive type of myosin B had low superprecipitation activities both in the presence and in the absence of Ca2+. The active type showed very high superprecipitation activity in EGTA, and the activity was conspicuously inhibited by Ca2+. The active type was converted into the inactive type by treatment with potato acid phosphatase. Also the inactive type or the phosphatase-treated active type was converted into the active type upon reacting with ATP-gamma-S. 2. In the reaction with ATP-gamma-S, only the myosin HC of myosin B was phosphorylated. The phosphorylation was independent of Ca2+ and calmodulin, and the extent was about 1 mol/mol HC. 3. The Ca2+ sensitivity in the superprecipitation of the active type was not decreased by adding an excess amount of F-actin. Besides, the actin-activated Mg2+-ATPase activity of purified phosphorylated myosin was not Ca2+-sensitive. Therefore, presence of a Ca2+-dependent inhibitory factor(s) that could bind to myosin was suggested. 4. The Mg2+-ATPase activity of purified phosphorylated myosin was 7-8 times enhanced by F-actin, but that of dephosphorylated myosin was hardly activated at all. 5. In a gel filtration in 0.5 M KCl, phosphorylated myosin was eluted behind dephosphorylated myosin. Electron microscopy applying the rotary-shadow method showed significant difference in flexibility in the tail between phosphorylated and dephosphorylated myosin molecules. 6. In 40 mM KCl and 5-10 mM MgCl2, phosphorylated myosin formed thick filaments, but dephosphorylated myosin did not, whether there was ATP or not. The above results clearly show that the phosphorylation of myosin HC is indispensable to ATP-induced superprecipitation, the actin-activated Mg2+-ATPase activity, and the formation of thick filaments of myosin. A myosin-linked factor(s) that inhibits an actin-myosin interaction in a Ca2+-dependent manner may exist.  相似文献   

Insulin-secretory granules isolated from a pancreatic islet-cell tumour by centrifugation on Percoll density gradients exhibited a membrane-associated Mg(2+)-dependent ATPase activity. In granule suspensions incubated in iso-osmotic media, activity was increased 2-3-fold by carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone, the combination of valinomycin, nigericin and K(2)SO(4) or by the addition of a detergent. Permeant anions also increased Mg(2+)-dependent ATPase activity under iso-osmotic conditions when combined with K(+) and nigericin, or NH(4) (+). It was deduced that a major component of the activity was coupled to the translocation of protons into the granule interior. The granule membrane appeared poorly permeable to H(+), K(+), NH(4) (+) and SO(4) (2-) but permeable, in increasing order, to phosphate or acetate, Cl(-), I(-) and SCN(-). Like the proton-translocating ATPase of mammalian mitochondria the granule enzyme when membrane-bound was inhibited by up to 85% by tributyltin or NN'-dicyclohexylcarbodi-imide and was solubilized in a tributyltin-insensitive form after extraction with dichloromethane. It was clearly not a mitochondrial contaminant as evidence by the distribution of marker proteins on density gradients. Unlike mitochondrial activity it was insensitive to oligomycin, efrapeptin, atractyloside, azide and oxyanions. Its properties, however, were indistinguishable from those of the proton-translocating ATPase found in the chromaffin granules of the adrenal medulla. Moreover, insulin granules and chromaffin granules exhibited similar levels of activity. This indicated that in spite of the differences in their internal composition, granules from tissues involved in polypeptide and amine hormone secretion possess catalytic components in common. Only a minor role for the ATPase in amine transport in insulin granules was apparent. Rather, its presence here may relate to the process of secretory vesicle morphogenesis or to the exocytotic mechanism.  相似文献   

Calcium ions produce a 3-4-fold stimulation of the actin-activated ATPase activities of phosphorylated myosin from bovine pulmonary artery or chicken gizzard at 37 degrees C and at physiological ionic strengths, 0.12-0.16 M. Actins from either chicken gizzard or rabbit skeletal muscle stimulate the activity of phosphorylated myosin in a Ca2+-dependent manner, indicating that the Ca2+ sensitivity involves myosin or a protein associated with it. Partial loss of Ca2+ sensitivity upon treatment of phosphorylated gizzard myosin with low concentrations of chymotrypsin and the lack of any change on similar treatment of actin supports the above conclusion. Although both actins enhance ATPase activity, activation by gizzard actin exhibits Ca2+ dependence at higher temperatures or lower ionic strengths than does activation by skeletal muscle actin. The Ca2+ dependence of the activity of phosphorylated heavy meromyosin is about half that of myosin and is affected differently by temperature, ionic strength and Mg2+, being independent of temperature and optimal at lower concentrations of NaCl. Raising the concentration of Mg2+ above 2-3 mM inhibits the activity of heavy meromyosin but stimulates that of myosin, indicating that Mg2+ and Ca2+ activate myosin at different binding sites.  相似文献   

Actin-stimulated myosin Mg2+-ATPase inhibition by brain protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A low-molecular-weight protein, isolated from bovine brain, inhibits the actin-stimulated Mg-ATPase activity of myosin from striated muscle. This inhibition is probably related to its ability to cause actin to revert from its polymerized to its depolymerized state and to prevent the polymerization of actin. Its effect on the polymeric state of the actin has been demonstrated by viscosity studies. DNase inhibition assay, and electron microscopy. Heavy meromyosin can overcome the effect of the brain protein and stimulate the polymerization of actin. The inhibition of ATPase activity is in part dependent upon the relative amounts of brain protein, actin, and myosin. The apparent molecular weight of the brain protein is approximately 20,000 daltons. It appears to be a heat-labile glycoprotein containing 5-6% carbohydrate.  相似文献   

We succeeded in expressing the recombinant full-length myosin Va (M5Full) and studied its regulation mechanism. The actin-activated ATPase activity of M5Full was significantly activated by Ca(2+), whereas the truncated myosin Va without C-terminal globular domain is not regulated by Ca(2+) and constitutively active. Sedimentation analysis showed that the sedimentation coefficient of M5Full undergoes a Ca(2+)-induced conformational transition from 14S to 11S. Electron microscopy revealed that at low ionic strength, M5Full showed an extended conformation in high Ca(2+) while it formed a folded shape in the presence of EGTA, in which the tail domain was folded back towards the head-neck region. Furthermore, we found that the motor domain of myosin Va folds back to the neck domain in Ca(2+) while the head-neck domain is more extended in EGTA. It is thought that the association of the motor domain to the neck inhibits the binding of the tail to the neck thus destabilizing a folded conformation in Ca(2+). This conformational transition is closely correlated to the actin-activated ATPase activity. These results suggest that the tail and neck domain play a role in the Ca(2+) dependent regulation of myosin Va.  相似文献   

Treatment of liver plasma membranes with phospholipase A2 or high doses of concanavalin A enhances the activity of Mg2+ATPase assayed at temperatures greater than 30 degrees C. The effects of the two treatments are not additive. Both the removal of phospholipids and binding of the lectin increase the degree of polarization of fluorescence of the lipid-soluble fluorophores, diphenylhexatriene and beta-parinaric acid, suggesting that decreased lipid fluidity may activate Mg2+-ATPase. In fact modification of lipid fluidity by reconstitution of phospholipase-treated membranes with phosphatidylcholines of defined fatty acid composition or by addition of cis-vaccenic acid showed a strong inverse correlation between Mg2+ATPase activity and lipid fluidity as monitored by fluorescence polarization. However, despite the ability of concanavalin A to nonspecifically order membrane lipid, its effect on Mg2+ATPase is apparently not mediated in this manner because other enzyme-activating lectins such as Ricinus communis agglutinin and wheat germ agglutinin are without effect on lipid fluidity. The facts that lectins of lower valency than tetravalent native concanavalin A such as divalent succinyl concanavalin A are far less effective in activating the enzyme and that paraformaldehyde treatment also activates suggests that cross-linking of membrane proteins is responsible. Hence, the diminution in activity of this membrane enzyme due to the disordering effect of heat in the physiological temperature range can be counteracted by isothermally increasing the order of either membrane lipid or protein.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical work on the cooperative equilibrium binding of myosin subfragment-1-ADP to regulated actin, as influenced by Ca2+, is extended here to the cooperative steady-state ATPase activity of myosin subfragment-1 on regulated actin. Exact solution of the general steady-state problem will require Monte Carlo calculations. Three interrelated special cases are discussed in some detail and sample computer (not Monte Carlo) solutions are given. The eventual objective is to apply these considerations to in vitro experimental data and to in vivo muscle models.  相似文献   

Ca2+ and tropomyosin are required for activation of ATPase activity of phosphorylated gizzard myosin by gizzard actin at less than 1 mM Mg2+, relatively low Ca2+ concentrations (1 microM), producing half-maximal activation. At higher concentrations, Mg2+ will replace Ca2+, 4 mM Mg2+ increasing activity to the same extent as does Ca2+ and abolishing the Ca2+ dependence. Above about 1 mM Mg2+, tropomyosin is no longer required for activation by actin, activity being dependent on Ca2+ between 1 and 4 mM Mg2+, but independent of [Ca2+] above 4 mM Mg2+. Phosphorylation of the 20,000-Da light chain of gizzard myosin is required for activation of ATPase activity by actin from chicken gizzard or rabbit skeletal muscle at all concentrations of Mg2+ employed. The effect of adding or removing Ca2+ is fully reversible and cannot be attributed either to irreversible inactivation of actin or myosin or to dephosphorylation. After preincubating in the absence of Ca2+, activity is restored either by adding micromolar concentrations of this cation or by raising the concentration of Mg2+ to 8 mM. Similarly, the inhibition found in the absence of tropomyosin is fully reversed by subsequent addition of this protein. Replacing gizzard actin with skeletal actin alters the pattern of activation by Ca2+ at concentrations of Mg2+ less than 1 mM. Full activation is obtained with or without Ca2+ in the presence of tropomyosin, while in its absence Ca2+ is required but produces only partial activation. Without tropomyosin, the range of Mg2+ concentrations over which activity is Ca2+-dependent is restricted to lower values with skeletal than with gizzard actin. The activity of skeletal muscle myosin is activated by the gizzard actin-tropomyosin complex without Ca2+, although Ca2+ slightly increases activity. The Ca2+ sensitivity of reconstituted gizzard actomyosin is partially retained by hybrid actomyosin containing gizzard myosin and skeletal actin, but less Ca2+ dependence is retained in the hybrid containing skeletal myosin and gizzard actin.  相似文献   

The Mg2+ATPase activity of liver plasma membranes decreases markedly with increasing temperature above 30 degrees. This negative temperature dependency is counteracted by the binding of wheat germ agglutinin, concanavalin A, or Ricinus communis agglutinin (at concentrations greater than or equal 0.5 mg/ml) to membranes prior to assay of the enzyme. With one of these lectins bound, the enzyme has a single energy of activation between 20 degrees and 45 degrees. The binding of dimeric succinyl concanavalin A, soybean agglutinin, fucose-binding lectin from Lotus tetragonolobus, or the leucoagglutinin from Phaseolus vulgaris does not alter the temperature dependency of the enzyme. The latter two lectins, however, do prevent the concanavalin A-induced activation of the enzyme at 37 degrees. At saturating substrate concentrations, the enzyme is not inhibited by any of the lectins tested over a wide range of concentrations. Cytochalasin B and colchicine separately or in combination have little influence on the lectin-induced enhancement of enzyme activity. Chlorpromazine and vinblastine sulfate each partially prevent the activation and in combination do so completely. Treatment of the membranes with the detergent Lubrol-PX or phospholipase A prevents activation of the enzyme by concanavalin A. The results are consistent with a restriction by the lectin of an environment which is normally too disordered for maximal enzyme activity above 30 degrees.  相似文献   

Intense illumination isolated, intact, spinach chloroplasts triggers the well known proton-pumping Mg2+ ATPase activity of coupling factor, which can be assayed in subsequently lysed chloroplasts by monitoring ATP-driven quenching of 9-aminoacridine fluorescence. The light-triggered ATPase activity decays slowing in the dark and is inhibited by N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. After osmotic lysis and washing of the chloroplasts, preillumination no longer triggers maximal proton-pumping ATPase until methylviologen and dithiothreitol are added to the medium. It is suggested that intact organelles contain soluble or loosely bound cofactors necessary for light-triggering of coupling factor ATPase. On osmotic lysis, these endogenous cofactors are diluted or inactivated and must be replaced by addition of a dithiol reagent and an electron acceptor.  相似文献   

The actin-activated Mg2+-ATPase activity of smooth muscle myosin was measured in 85 mM KCl, 6 mM MgCl2 in the absence of tropomyosin. The activity was dependent on myosin concentration. Vmax increased as myosin concentration was increased, while the Ka (the apparent dissociation constant for actin) remained the same. The extent of filament formation was also correlated with myosin concentration and most of the myosin monomers existed in 10S conformation. These results suggest that myosin concentration influences the actin-activated Mg2+-ATPase activity by changing the 10S-6S-filaments equilibrium.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (2B3) directed against the calmodulin-binding (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-dependent ATPase from pig stomach smooth muscle was prepared. This antibody reacts with a 130,000-Mr protein that co-migrates on SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis with the calmodulin-binding (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase purified from smooth muscle by calmodulin affinity chromatography. The antibody causes partial inhibition of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity in plasma membranes from pig stomach smooth muscle, in pig erythrocytes and human erythrocytes. It appears to be directed against a specific functionally important site of the plasmalemmal Ca2+-transport ATPase and acts as a competitive inhibitor of ATP binding. Binding of the antibody does not change the Km of the ATPase for Ca2+ and its inhibitory effect is not altered by the presence of calmodulin. No inhibition of (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity or of the oxalate-stimulated Ca2+ uptake was observed in a pig smooth-muscle vesicle preparation enriched in endoplasmic reticulum. These results confirm the existence in smooth muscle of two different types of Ca2+-transport ATPase: a calmodulin-binding (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase located in the plasma membrane and a second one confined to the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

1. Dynein proteins were solubilized from demembranated cilia of Paramecium by extraction at high ionic strength. 2. Mg2+-dependent ATPase (EC activity of crude dynein extracts was inhibited by micromolar concentrations of Ca2+ ions. 3. Sepharose 4B chromatography of the crude extracts yields three dynein fractions. The major fraction contains a single protein and is insensitive to Ca2+ ions. Two other fractions, both heterogeneous in composition, show opposing Ca2+ ion sensitivity expressed as a Ca2+ dependent alteration in MgATP2- dependent ATPase activity. The Ca2+ ion sensitive forms show altered electrophoretic mobility on native polyacrylamide gels in the presence and absence of Ca2+ ions. 4. The data provides evidence for a Ca2+ ion dependent concomitant alteration in both molecular form and hydrolytic activity of the dyneins. The results are discussed in terms of a possible molecular mechanism for Ca ion regulation of ciliary activity in terms of the sliding microtubule model.  相似文献   

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