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Specific binding sites for potassium, which may be components of the carriers for active transport for K in Chlorella, were characterized by their capacity to bind rubidium. A dense suspension was allowed to take up Rb86 from a low concentration of Rb86 and a high concentration of ions which saturate non-specific sites. The amount bound was derived from the increase in the external concentration of Rb86 following addition of excess potassium. The sites were heterogeneous. The average affinity of Rb and various other ions for the sites was determined by plotting the degree of displacement of Rb86 against log molar concentration of the individual ions. Interpolation gave the concentration for 50 per cent displacement of Rb, which is inversely related to affinity. The order of affinity was not changed when the cells were frozen, or boiled either in water or in 70 per cent ethanol. The affinity is maximal for ions with a crystalline radius of 1.3 to 1.5 A and a high polarizability, and is not related to the hydrated radius or valency. It is suggested that binding groups in a site are rigidly arranged, the irregular space between them being 2.6 to 3.0 A across, so that affinity is high for ions of this diameter and high polarizability.  相似文献   

We applied the whole-cell patch-clamp technique to study the inhibitory effect of copper ions (Cu) on the activity of Kv1.3 channels expressed in human lymphocytes. Application of Cu reversibly inhibited the currents to about 10% of the control value in a concentration-dependent manner with the half blocking concentration of 5.28+/-0.5 microM and the Hill's coefficient of 3.83+/-0.18. The inhibitory effect was saturated at 10 microM concentration. The inhibition was time-dependent and it was correlated in time with a significant slowing of the current activation rate. In contrast the voltage dependence of activation was not changed by Cu as well as the inactivation kinetics. The inhibitory effect of Cu was voltage-independent. It was also unaffected by changing the extracellular pH in the range from 6.4 to 8.4, raising the extracellular potassium concentration to 150 mM and by changing the holding potential from -90 to -60 mV. The inhibitory effect of Cu was not changed in the presence of an equivalent concentration of Zn. Altogether, obtained data suggest that Cu inhibits Kv1.3 channels by a different mechanism than Zn and that Cu and Zn act on different binding sites. The inhibitory effect of Cu was probably due to a specific binding of Cu on binding sites on the channels. Possible physiological significance of the Cu-induced inhibition of Kv1.3 channels is discussed.  相似文献   

Thermosensitive fts mutants of Escherichia coli belonging to seven previously identified genetic classes (ftsA to ftsG) were studied from a physiological standpoint. These mutants immediately stopped dividing and formed multinucleated filaments when the temperature was shifted to 41 C. Macromolecular syntheses (deoxyribonucleic acid), ribonucleic acid, cell mass, and murein) continued exponentially for at least 40 to 120 min. The number of surviving bacteria remained constant during the time of incubation, and this number began to decrease exponentially, as the rate of cell mass increase leveled off from the initial rate. The recovery of cell division at 30 C in these filamentous cells was studied after 60 min of incubation at 41 C. The existence of three types of mutants was shown. The ftsA and ftsE mutants resumed cell division without new protein synthesis; ftsD mutants resumed cell division only if new protein synthesis occured, while ftsB, C, F and G mutants did not resume cell division at all. No alteration in the cell envelope was detected by the method used here, although the ftsA, B, D, F and G mutations, in contrast with ftsC and E, caused an increased resistance to penicillin G. It was also shown that the recA mutation did not suppress the effect of the fts mutations and that none of the lysogenic fts mutants induced prophage multiplication while forming filaments. The effects of osmotic pressure and salts which rescue the mutant phenotype is described.  相似文献   

Magnetic cobalt ferrite/silica nanoparticles (MSNs) and methyl functionalized MSNs (methyl‐MSNs) were used to enhance lipid production in Chlorella vulgaris culture through enhancement of gas‐water mass transfer and increased dissolved concentration of CO2. Methyl‐MSNs enhanced CO2–water mass transfer rate better than MSNs, and 0.3 wt% methyl‐MSNs are more effective than 0.1 wt% MSNs. In the cultivation experiment, 0.3 wt% methyl‐MSNs yielded the highest dry cell weight and subsequently, the highest mass transfer rate. However, enhancement of mass transfer rate did not increase lipid content. The volumetric lipid productivity in C. vulgaris culture depends not only on intracellular lipid content but also on the cell mass concentration. Consequently, 0.1 wt% methyl‐MSNs yielded the highest volumetric lipid productivity in C. vulgaris cultivation. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 34:929–933, 2018  相似文献   

Mutational analysis of amino acid residues lining the thapsigargin (TG) binding cavity at the interface of the membrane surface and cytosolic headpiece was performed in the Ca(2+) ATPase (SERCA-1). Specific mutations such as F256V, I765A, and Y837A reduce not only the apparent affinity of the ATPase for TG but also the maximal inhibitory effect. The effect of mutations is dependent on the type and size of the substitute side chain, indicating that hydrophobic partitioning of TG and complementary molecular shapes are involved not only in binding but also in the inhibitory mechanism. A major factor determining the inhibitory effect of bound TG is its interference with conformational changes that are required for the progress of the ATPase cycle. Most prominent and specific is the TG interference with a wide displacement of the Phe-256 side chain that is associated with the E2 to E1.2Ca(2+) transition. The specificity of the TG inhibitory mechanism is emphasized by the finding that the F256V mutation does not interfere at all with the effect of 2,5-di-(t-butyl)-hydroquinone, which is another SERCA inhibitor bound by hydrophobic partitioning. The specificity of the inhibitory mechanism is also emphasized by the observation that within the concentration range producing total inhibition of wild-type SERCA-1, TG produces a 4-fold stimulation of the P-glycoprotein (multidrug transporter) ATPase.  相似文献   

Maksymiec  W. 《Photosynthetica》1998,34(3):321-342
Copper (Cu) is a heavy metal which in recent studies has been attributed an increasing role in metabolic processes of plant cells. It is an indispensable component of oxidative enzymes or of particular structural components of cells. At elevated concentrations, Cu can act strongly on chromatin, the photosynthetic apparatus, growth, and senescence processes. The mechanisms of the metal toxicity depending largely on the growth stage of treated plants are presented in this review.  相似文献   

Effect of copper on cellular processes in higher plants   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Copper (Cu) is a heavy metal which in recent studies has been attributed an increasing role in metabolic processes of plant cells. It is an indispensable component of oxidative enzymes or of particular structural components of cells. At elevated concentrations, Cu can act strongly on chromatin, the photosynthetic apparatus, growth, and senescence processes. The mechanisms of the metal toxicity depending largely on the growth stage of treated plants are presented in this review.  相似文献   

Phospholipids and cellular division of Escherichia coli   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

Aims: This study aimed to investigate the effect of copper sulfate (from 0 to 8 mmol kg?1) on radial growth rate and lag time of two moulds responsible for vine grapes spoilage: Penicillium expansum strain 25·03 and Botrytis cinerea, strains BC1 and BC2. Methods and results: A new model was developed to describe tailing and shoulders in the inhibition curves. Because of tailing, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), was not defined as the concentration at which no growth was observed, but as the concentration at which the lag time was infinite. The concentrations at which μ = μopt/2, (Cu50), were in the range of 2·2–2·6 mmol kg?1. Radial growth rate of P. expansum and the reciprocal of the lag time were linearly correlated (r = 0·84). In contrast, in the range 0–4 mmol kg?1, an inhibition of growth of B. cinerea was observed whereas germination remained unaffected (i.e. the lag time was constant). In the range 4–8 mmol kg?1, the radial growth rate of B. cinerea was almost constant (c. 1 mm day?1), but germination was inhibited (i.e. the lag time was increased). Conclusions: The MIC values were 4·7 mmol kg?1 for P. expansum, 8·2 and 7·3 mmol kg?1 for B. cinerea strain BC1 and BC2, respectively, demonstrating that some isolates of these moulds are resistant to copper. Significance and Impact of the Study: Copper concentrations at 4 mmol kg?1 would be sufficient to control the development of these isolates, but the toxicity of copper should be extended to other isolates and evaluated in vineyards.  相似文献   

The chlorophyll a fluorescence in Chlorella pyrenoidosa can be enhanced by 4–9% if the excitation light beam is parallel to an external magnetic field or decreased by 4–9% if the light beam is oriented perpendicular to a magnetic field of about 16 kgauss or more. These effects cannot be explained in terms of the small changes in light absorption which are also observed. It is suggested that these observations are due to a reorientation of pigment molecules in the magnetic field.  相似文献   

The patterns of diurnal variations in pigmentation and optical cross-section were compared for two cyclostat cultures of Chlorella pyrenoidosa, where the dynamics of the photoperiod differed. Populations were light-limited, nutrient rich and growing on an 8:16 light-dark (LD) cycle. One light regime was an 8 h sine function of the light period (sinusoidal culture), while the second had an 1 h sine function super-imposed on the 8 hour sine function (oscillating sinusoidal culture). Hourly samples were taken throughout a 12 h period including the light period. Determinations were made of chlorophyll (Chl) a and b abundance, in vivo absorption spectra, cell number and volume and used to derive both cell-specific (cell) and optical chlorophyll specific (chl) cross sections, as well as the absorption efficiency, Q, of the cells. The results indicate that C. pyrenoidosa is capable of adapting to dynamics in light intensity within an 8 h photoperiod. The sinusoidal culture showed a constant decrease in the Chl a/b ratio of 28% while the total Chl content per cell increased slightly and chl and Q remained constant, suggesting coordinated changes in reaction centers and light harvesting complexes. Over the oscillating photoperiod, however, the second culture displayed a diurnal variation in Chl a/b ratio, a 20% increase in chl and an apparent oscillation in Q. These observations suggest that an oscillating photoperiod promoted the capability of Chl molecules to collect light and that the fractional area of all Chl molecules exposed to the photon flux is inversely related to the photon flux.  相似文献   

Specific photoaffinity labelling of inhibitory adenosine receptors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
N6(L-phenylisopropyl)adenosine (L-PIA) and N6(3-iodo-4-azido benzyl)-adenosine (IAzBA) inhibit the adenylate cyclase activity in synaptic membranes of chick cerebellum via Ri adenosine receptors. [3H]L-PIA and [125I]AzBA bind to these membranes with Kd values of approximately 1 nM and Bmax values of approximately 1000 fmol/mg protein. Photolysis of [125I]AzBA bound to synaptic membranes results in the specific incorporation of radioactivity into a protein with Mr = 36,000. This photoincorporation is blocked by simultaneous exposure to L-PIA, theophylline, an adenosine receptor antagonist, or Gpp(NH)p, but not by cytosine, suggesting that the 36,000 dalton protein is the Ri adenosine receptor or a subunit of the receptor that contains the adenosine binding site.  相似文献   

Based on the analyzed conformation of a chymotrypsin inhibitor H-delta Phe-Phe-OMe, we have designed a series of diastereomeric phenylalanylphenylalanine methyl esters and derivatives as possible inhibitors. Among the peptides synthesized, H-D-Phe-L-Phe-OMe was found to be very resistant to chymotrypsin in spite of its L-Phe-OMe structure at the C-terminus. It inhibited the enzyme fairly strongly and competitively with Ki = 9.0 x 10(-5) M in the assay using Ac-Tyr-OEt as a substrate. The measurements of the NOEs in high-resolution 1H-NMR analyses indicated the presence of the hydrophobic core built by the intramolecular interaction between the D-Phe-phenyl and ester-methyl groups. It was suggested that this core interacts with the chymotrypsin S2 site (Trp215) and Phe2 with the S1 site. The backbone structure of this dipeptide was assumed to be in an inhibitory conformation that fits the active center of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effects of ethanol and substrate sugars (glucose, fructose, and mixtures of glucose plus fructose) on the growth of two strains of Saccharomyces yeast have been compared at equivalent values of overall water activity aw. For one yeast strain (UQM 66Y), the inhibition by both ethanol and sugars was almost identical at equivalent values of aw. For the second strain (UQM 70Y), the inhibition by ethanol was significantly greater. The results imply that the mode of action of ethanol on yeast growth can be divided into non-specific effects, which are characterized by reduced water activity, and specific effects, where the solvent acts against the cell membranes and particular enzymes. Sugar molecules, on the other hand, act almost totally in a non-specific manner.  相似文献   

It was found that when Chlorella pyrenoidosa was grown on cysteine as the sole sulfur source, it lost the ability to grow photoautotrophically. When grown in the presence of glucose, cysteine-grown cells displayed a doubling time in the light or dark of 45 h, which is identical to that of cells grown on glucose and SO4 in the dark. This suggests that cells grown on cysteine as sole sulfur source can only grow heterotrophically. In support of this hypothesis, it was found that cysteine-grown cells were defective both in vivo and in vitro in CO2 fixation, although O2 evolution in such cells was normal. Assays of the enzymes of the Calvin cycle indicated that the deficit in CO2 fixation could be ascribed to a lowered phosphoribulokinase activity. A total lipid analysis of Chlorella grown on cysteine revealed that such cells showed a 100-fold deficiency in the purportedly chloroplast-associated 6-sulfoquinovsyl diglyceride. This agrees with earlier reports that cysteine could not serve as a precursor of sulfolipid in Chlorella. No other polar lipid was affected. Large amounts of triglyceride, however, were found in cysteine-grown cells. The biosynthesis of triglyceride provides a means of utilizing reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide reducing equivalents not being used for CO2 fixation.  相似文献   

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