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We studied the evolution of colour polymorphism in diurnal raptors, owls and nightjars, the avian taxa in which this trait is most widespread, in relation to species ecological niche width and diet. Two main mechanisms have been put forward to explain the maintenance of polymorphism, namely apostatic selection and disruptive selection. The niche variation hypothesis states that species with broader ecological niches should be more variable compared with those with narrow niches because of the action of disruptive selection; the apostatic selection hypothesis conversely suggests that intraspecific colour variation should be promoted in predators by prey forming an avoidance image for the more common colour morph. Our aim was to determine if colour polymorphism occurrence was associated with broad ecological niches as predicted by the niche variation hypothesis, or with predation on intelligent and sharp‐sighted prey as predicted by the avoidance image hypothesis. Pairwise comparisons were made between pairs of closely related species differing in variables expected to influence the occurrence of polymorphism. We found that polymorphic species of all three groups showed wider and more continuous distribution ranges, frequented many different habitats, both open and closed, and lived in seasonally alternating dry/wet climates. Polymorphic species were more migratory compared with monomorphic ones, and they showed an activity pattern covering both day and night. Conversely, colour polymorphism was not higher in species preying on birds and mammals. All these findings support the hypothesis that colour polymorphism evolved in bird species with wider niche breadth and not in species preying on intelligent prey. Therefore, we propose that disruptive selection may be the main mechanism maintaining colour polymorphism in these bird groups by favouring different morphs in different environmental conditions. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 82 , 237–248.  相似文献   

Lizards are ideal for studying colour polymorphism, because some species are polymorphic and the morphs often have different ecological or reproductive strategies. We studied the feeding habits of six polymorphic populations of Podarcis muralis to test whether morphs differed in their diet. Some taxa were selected in a similar way by all morphs, but selection on other taxa varied and was characteristic of each morph. Diet was most different for the red and yellow morphs. Two hypotheses could explain these differences: active segregation in the trophic niche or active segregation in space dependent on spatial heterogeneity in prey availability. The former is improbable because P. muralis is considered an opportunistic feeder, whereas the latter could occur if the morphs adopted alternative territorial strategies with consequent spatial segregation.  相似文献   

Dietary conservatism may facilitate the initial evolution of aposematism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It has generally been assumed that warningly coloured organisms pay a cost associated with their increased visibility, because naïve predators notice and eat them. This cost is offset by their enhanced protection from educated predators who associate the colour pattern with unprofitability. However, some studies have suggested that avoidance of novel prey by avian predators ("dietary conservatism") can actually place novel colour morphs at a selective advantage over familiar ones, even when they are highly conspicuous. To test this idea, we experimentally simulated the appearance of a single novel-coloured mutant in small populations (20 individuals) of palatable artificial prey. The colour morph frequencies in each "generation" were determined by the relative survival of the previous generation under predation by birds. We used wild-caught European robins Erithacus rubecula foraging on pastry "prey" of different colours. The aim was to test whether prey selection by predators prevented or facilitated the novel colour morph persisting in the prey population over successive generations. We found that the novel colour morph quickly increased to fixation in 14/40 prey "populations", and at least once each in 8 of the 10 birds tested. Novel mutants of the classic aposematic colours (red and yellow) reached fixation most frequently, but even the green and blue novel morphs both increased to fixation in 2/40 trials. Novel colours reached fixation significantly faster than could be accounted for by drift, indicating active avoidance by the birds. These results suggest that a novel colour morph arising in a prey population can persist and increase under the selective pressure imposed by predators, even to the local exclusion of the original morph, despite being fully palatable. The consequences of this finding are discussed in relation to receiver psychology, the evolution of aposematism and the existence of polymorphism in Müllerian mimics.  相似文献   

Phenotypic polymorphisms in natural systems are often maintained by ecological selection, but only if niche segregation between morphs exists. Polymorphism for eyed-side direction is rare among the approximately 700 species of flatfish (Pleuronectiformes), and the evolutionary mechanisms that maintain it are unknown. Platichthys stellatus (starry flounder) is a polymorphic pleuronectid flatfish exhibiting large, clinal variation in proportion of left-eyed (sinistral) morphs, from 50% in California to 100% in Japan. Here I examined multiple traits related to swimming and foraging performance between sinistral and dextral morphs of P. stellatus from 12 sites to investigate if the two morphs differ in ways that may affect function and ecology. Direction of body asymmetry was correlated with several other characters: on an average, dextral morphs had longer, wider caudal peduncles, shorter snouts and fewer gill rakers than sinistral morphs. Although the differences were small in magnitude, they were consistent in direction across samples, implying that dextral and sinistral starry flounder may be targeting different prey types. Morphological differences between morphs were greatest in samples where the chances of competitive interactions between them were the greatest. These results suggest that the two morphs are not ecologically identical, may represent a rare example of divergent selection maintaining polymorphism of asymmetric forms, and that correlational selection between body asymmetry and other characters may be driven by competitive interactions between sinistral and dextral flatfish. This study is one of very few that demonstrates the ecological significance of direction in a species with polymorphic asymmetric forms.  相似文献   

Juveniles of the common red rock crab of the Northeastern Pacific, Cancer productus, display a stunning diversity of colours and patterns, while adults all have the same drab colouration. Although this is widely known, key questions remain: (1) Does the frequency of different juvenile colours or patterns vary among collection sites or seasonally? (2) Does juvenile colour polymorphism reflect genetic heterogeneity or phenotypic plasticity in response to variable environmental conditions? (3) Do juveniles of different colours or patterns prefer substrata of different heterogeneity or brightness? We therefore: (i) described the variation in colour and pattern of juvenile C. productus; (ii) tested for associations between colour/pattern morphs and crab size, collection site, and season, in the field; (iii) conducted preliminary tests for habitat preferences (background colour, substratum type, light level) of different colour/pattern morphs in laboratory experiments, and (iv) tested the effect of diet (mussels versus shrimp) and feeding rate (high versus low) on juvenile colour/pattern. We describe 30 phenotypes that embrace a wide range of colour and pattern variants. The proportions of these phenotypes did not vary significantly among four collection sites, but they did vary significantly with season: over the summer and fall, juvenile colour and pattern variation was gradually replaced by the uniform adult colouration. The number of crabs displaying adult colouration also increased with crab size. Laboratory experiments suggest no significant preferences of different juvenile morphs for different backgrounds, substrata, or light levels. Diet (mussels versus shrimp) and feeding frequency had no effect on colour/pattern. Collectively, these results, although limited in scope, are not consistent with two likely hypotheses that could explain the extensive colour and pattern variation in juvenile C. productus: (i) selection for background matching by different cryptic forms and (ii) direct effects of diet or feeding rate on colour or pattern. Most probably, the large variety of different juvenile morphs is a result of frequency-dependent selection in which abundant variants are attacked disproportionately often and rarer forms are favoured. Juvenile colour polymorphism in C. productus may reduce the vulnerability to visual predators, impede the formation of a search image, and consequently decrease the risk of predation during the juvenile stages.  相似文献   

Conspicuous warning coloration helps to protect prey because it signals to potential predators that the prey is unprofitable. However, such signals only work once predators have come to associate the conspicuous colour with the unprofitability of the prey. The evolution of warning coloration is generally considered to be paradoxical, because it has traditionally been assumed that the first brightly coloured individuals would be at an immediate selective disadvantage because of their greater conspicuousness to predators that are naïve to the meaning of the signal. As a result, it has been difficult to understand how a novel conspicuous colour morph could ever avoid rapid extinction, and instead survive and spread in the population until predators have become educated about the signal. In the present study, we experimentally simulated the appearance of a single novel coloured mutant in small populations (20 individuals) of palatable artificial pastry "prey". The colour morph frequencies in each "generation" of prey (presented on successive days of a trial) were determined by the relative survival of the previous generation under predation by free-living birds. We found that the novel colour morphs regularly persisted and increased from a starting frequency of 1/20 to reach fixation (100%), despite being fully palatable, even when the novel morph was much more conspicuous against the background than the familiar morph. This was true for both green (not normally considered a warning colour) and red (a classic warning colour) novel morphs. Novel colours reached fixation significantly faster than could be accounted for by random drift, indicating differential predation in relation to prey colour by the birds. Our experiments show that the immediate demise of a fully palatable new prey morph is not an inevitable outcome of predator behaviour, because even very conspicuous prey can gain protection from conservative foragers, simply by being novel.  相似文献   

In positive frequency-dependent predation, predation risk of an individual prey correlates positively with the frequency of that prey type. In a number of small-scale experiments individual predators have shown frequency-dependent behaviour, often leading to the conclusion that a population of such predators could maintain prey polymorphism. Using simulations, I studied the dynamics of frequency-dependent predation and prey polymorphism. The model suggests that persistence of prey polymorphism decreases with increasing number of predators that show frequency-dependent behaviour, questioning conclusions about polymorphism based on experiments with few predators. In addition, prey population size, prey crypsis, difference in crypsis between prey morphs and the way the behaviour was adjusted affected the persistence of polymorphism. Under some circumstances prey population remained polymorphic for a shorter time under frequency-dependent than under frequency-independent predation. This suggests that although positive frequency-dependent predator behaviour may maintain prey polymorphism, it is not a sufficient condition for persistent prey polymorphism.  相似文献   

Intraspecific body colour variation is common in many animal species. Predation could be a key selective agent giving rise to variation in body colour, and such variation could be due to genetics (polymorphisms) or phenotypic plasticity (polyphenisms). In this study we examined the degree of colour polymorphism and polyphenism in background colour matching in larvae of the damselfly Coenagrion armatum. In addition, we tested if predation risk is reduced when larvae are exposed to a matching compared to a non-matching background. By raising families of larvae at three different background colours we showed that polymorphism explained about 20 % of the total variation and polyphenism about 35 %. In a predation experiment with fish, we showed that larvae with a body colour matching the background had a higher survival success compared to larvae with a non-matching background colour. We suggest that the background matching is adaptive in terms of survival from predation and that colour diversity is maintained because of spatial and temporal variation in the background experienced by damselfly larvae under field conditions.  相似文献   

Visible genetic polymorphism is a common feature of many species. In most cases, the mechanism(s) underlying the maintenance of such variation remain obscure although apostatic selection has often been suggested. Here, we explore individual-based evolutionary models to understand what features of predator–prey relationships may lead to patterns of exuberant polymorphism similar to those observed in the wild. When all morphs are equally visible, the number of evolved morphs increases with the strength of apostatic selection although even with powerful selection the number morphs is still relatively small. The introduction of dietary wariness increases the number of morphs substantially, even when apostatic selection is absent. When one morph is more cryptic the number of evolved morphs is fewer. The cryptic morph reaches high frequency in the population and other morphs are each at lower frequencies. Decreasing the predation intensity enhances the number of evolved morphs in all models. Dietary wariness is a critical factor missing from earlier models and it may provide a general solution to the problem of polymorphisms involving many morphs. Apostatic selection is shown to be neither a necessary, nor a sufficient, requirement for the maintenance of exuberant polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Conspicuous body colouration in sedentary predators such as orb web spiders seems paradoxical as potential prey can see and avoid the webs. Several studies have demonstrated that rather than deterring prey, the colours act as sensory traps for flower‐seeking insects. In chromatically polymorphic species, the existence of more than one colour morph may lead to differing levels of prey attraction. To explore these issues, we studied a neotropical orb web spider, Verrucosa arenata, which shows colour polymorphism with predominantly white or yellow abdomen colours. We asked whether a particular morph is dominant in the population, and whether a particular morph is associated with enhanced foraging success and body condition. Here we showed that although yellow morphs attracted more prey, white morphs were in better body condition. We showed that model prey such as honeybees are able to discriminate between the morphs. We discuss these findings in relation to the functional significance of bright body colouration and colour polymorphism in spiders.  相似文献   

Blood pythons in northeastern Sumatra display a series of discrete colour morphs, even among hatchlings within a single clutch. The first step towards understanding the maintenance of this polymorphism is to test the null hypothesis that colour variation in this species has no major biological correlates. Data on >2,000 blood pythons killed for the commercial leather industry enabled us to test, and reject, this hypothesis. The four colour morphs differed significantly in most of the traits that we measured, including temporal and spatial abundances, sex ratios, age structures, mean adult body sizes, body shapes (tail length and body mass relative to snout-vent length), energy stores, numbers of gut parasites, prey types, feeding frequencies and clutch sizes. The causal basis for these associations remains unclear, but is likely to involve three processes: direct effects of colour, linkages between genes for colour and other traits, and correlated spatial heterogeneity in colour, morphology and ecology. The colour polymorphism may be maintained by frequency-dependent selection and genotype-specific habitat selection, because these sedentary ambush predators are under strong selection for effective camouflage to hide them from both predators and potential prey. In support of this hypothesis, similar colour polymorphisms have evolved independently in several other snake taxa that rely upon ambush predation. Received: 18 December 1997 / Accepted: 23 March 1998  相似文献   

Polymorphism in the nuptial colouration of male Threespine sticklebacks ( Garterosteus aculeatus L.) was studied. In Lake Wapato in Eastern Washington, approximately 14% of the breeding males develop typical red nuptial colouration while others develop various colours which were grouped into a non-red category. The hypothesis was tested that red males are adaptive in Lake Wapato as a result of sexual selection and differential egg predation.
In a series of mate preference tests, females demonstrated a significant preference for red males over non-red males. In a second experiment, using artiticially coloured non-red males, it was shown that the females are responding to the red colouration alone. This evidence suggests that one of the selective pressures maintaining the red morph is sexual selection.
In a stomach analysis of male and female sticklebacks collected from a breeding colony it was found that 51 % of the fish examined had stickleback eggs in their stomachs. Both male and female sticklebacks eat a large number of eggs; however, males eat significantly more eggs than females. Eggs were found to be most susceptible to predation during their first four days of development. Given that red ventral colouration has threat value, red males may also be adaptive because of a reduction in egg predation within their territories in contrast to non-red males.
One of the selective forces against red males is probably differential predation by trout ( Salmo gairdneri ). This trout predation has been shown to be extensive in Lake Wapato. The opposing selective forces discussed in this paper cannot maintain the polymorphism; they are only components of fitness of the colour morphs.  相似文献   

Chitons are very common molluscs on European rocky shores. They are common prey of fish and crabs and often display several colour morphs within a given habitat. Predation is one of the potential mechanisms accounting for chiton colour polymorphism. The colour variation is considered to provide a camouflage protection through a match with the substratum surface typology. However, the effectiveness of chiton polymorphism as a predation defence requires further investigation. Previously we found a relationship between chiton colour morphs and substrate characteristics, with chitons most commonly found on substrates that were of similar colour to their shells. Here, we examined whether each morph displayed an active choice for matching the substratum. Next, we assessed if the predation success of the intertidal common crab Carcinus maenas varied significantly with the absence/presence of an apparent camouflage effect created between the chiton colour morph and the substratum type. The present study indicates that chiton colour morphs probably actively choose substratum types where they blend in. Carcinus maenas was able to prey on all Lepidochitona cinereus colour morphs, regardless of the substrate camouflage effect. Surprisingly, the predation frequency was higher on camouflaged chitons than on contrasting chitons. It was concluded that chiton camouflage is probably not a defence mechanism against predation by the crab C. maenas, and that chiton colour polymorphism is probably promoted by other, more visual predators.  相似文献   

There is good experimental evidence that predators often remove disproportionately more of the common prey types. This 'apostatic selection' could maintain colour polymorphisms within prey species. In nature, morphs of many species appear to match components in the background, but most of the experiments that have tested apostatic selection have used prey that were conspicuous. In work described in this paper, wild birds at one site were presented a random order of 51 experiments. Seventeen frequencies of orange and grey pastry prey were presented on each of three types of background: a hessian sheet scattered with either orange and grey stones (the 'matching' background), or lilac and yellow stones, or green stones (two sorts of 'control' background). Each experiment consisted of four trials in succession and the numbers of the two colours eaten in each trial were recorded when about half the total prey had been eaten. Two methods of graphical analysis revealed that apostatic selection occurred on the prey on all three backgrounds, but was strongest in the grey/orange one. This last result must have been caused by some effect of the match between prey and background colour, and behavioural explanations are suggested. It is unclear whether the prey were exhibiting 'crypsis' or 'masquerade'.  相似文献   

Negative frequency‐dependent selection (NFDS), where rare types are favoured by selection, can maintain diversity. However, the ecological processes that mediate NFDS are often not known. Male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) exhibit extreme diversity of colour patterning and, in a previous field experiment, rare morphs had a survival advantage. Here, we test the hypothesis that predators impose NFDS because they are efficient at capturing familiar prey morphs, but are less efficient at capturing unfamiliar morphs. Over a series of trials, we presented Rivulus hartii, a natural predator of guppies, with male guppies with the same colour patterning (A trials); then, for a second series of trials, we presented the rivulus with guppies with a new colour pattern (B trials). The success of rivulus at capturing guppies on the first attack increased over successive A trials. First attack success decreased significantly for the early B trials, and then increased during successive B trials, eventually reaching the same level as in the best A trials. This experiment demonstrates that learning, perhaps through long‐term search image formation, plays a role in predation success on familiar vs. unfamiliar prey morphs. These results support the hypothesis that predator learning contributes to the maintenance of the extreme male guppy polymorphism seen in nature.  相似文献   

Variable selection, including spatio-temporal variation, frequency-dependent selection and differential selection due to habitat choice, may maintain polymorphism in heterogeneous environments. We studied predation as a selective agent on colour polymorphism of the aquatic isopod I baltica. Variable predation on this species can arise from at least three sources. First, apostatic selection was studied by testing the formation of preferences on colour morphs in the perch, a common predator of I baltica. Such acquired preferences should induce apostatic selection. While our results indicate some acquired preferences, there was significant heterogeneity in the behaviour of predator individuals. Second, temporal variation in selection can arise due to habitat shift from the green algae juvenile habitat to the bladderwrack adult habitat, and the consequent change in the crypsis of the morphs. Different crypsis between sexes probably promoted high predation mortality among females in the juvenile habitat. The high rate of male mortality during the breeding period, on the other hand, was presumably due to their high mate-searching activity. Third, the sex-dependent habitat choice of I baltica leads to sexual differences in the susceptibility of morphs to predation. Predators preferred the white-spotted morph over the uniform one in males but not in females, supporting the 'dimorphic niche' hypothesis as an explanation of sexual differences in morph frequencies. Finally, no evidence was found that the colouration patterns were under sexual selection. We therefore conclude diat variable predation is the most promising explanation for the maintenance of polymorphism in I. baltica.  相似文献   

Variation in mating preferences coupled with selective predation may allow for the maintenance of alternative mating strategies. Males of the South American live‐bearing fish Poecilia parae fall in one of five discrete morphs: red, yellow, blue, stripe‐coloured tail (parae) and female mimic (immaculata). Field surveys indicate that the red and yellow morphs are the rarest and that their rarity is consistent across years. We explored the role of variable female mating preference and selective predation by visual predators in explaining the rarity of red and yellow males, and more generally, the maintenance of this extreme colour polymorphism. We presented wild‐caught P. parae females and Aequidens tetramerus, the most common cichlid predator, with the five male colour morphs in separate trials to determine mating and prey preferences, respectively. We found that a large proportion of females shared a strong preference for the rare carotenoid‐based red and yellow males, but a distinct group also preferred the blue and parae morphs. The cichlid predator strongly preferred red and yellow males as prey. Together, these results suggest that the interaction between premating sexual selection favouring and predation acting against the red and yellow morphs may explain their rarity in the wild. The trade‐off between sexual and natural selection, accompanied by variation in female mating preferences, may therefore facilitate the maintenance of the striking colour polymorphism in P. parae.  相似文献   

Warning coloration is a widespread strategy to alert predators about prey unprofitability. The success of this strategy partly depends on predators being able to learn and recognize certain signals as indicators of toxicity, and theory predicts that this is easier if signals converge on similar colours. However, the diversity in warning signal form is astonishing, contradicting predictions. Here, we quantified ladybird signal diversity with respect to avian vision, measuring how unique and discernible each signal is from one another. In addition, we measured signal conspicuousness against a series of backgrounds, namely an average green, average brown, and where we collected each species, to determine whether signals are more contrasting against the ladybirds’ local substrates than compared to average ones. This allowed us to establish whether there are local adaptations in conspicuousness that promote signal diversity. We found that while ladybird signals are unique and recognizable, specialist species are more contrasting against the background they are most commonly found on. However, overall our study suggests that warning signals have evolved to be effective against a wide range of natural backgrounds, partly explaining the success of this strategy in nature.  相似文献   

Frequency-dependent predation, crypsis and aposematic coloration   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Frequency-dependent predation may maintain or prevent colour pattern polymorphisms in prey, and can be caused by a variety of biological phenomena, including perceptual processes (search images), optimal foraging and learning. Most species are preyed upon by more than one predator species, which are likely to differ in foraging styles, perceptual and learning abilities. Depending upon the interaction between predator vision, background and colour pattern parameters, certain morphs may be actively maintained in some conditions and not in others, even with the same predators. More than one kind of predator will also affect stability, and only slight changes in conditions can cause a transition between polymorphism and monomorphism. Frequency-dependent selection is not a panacea for the explanation of variation in animal colour patterns, although it may be important in some systems.  相似文献   

Many predators and parasites eavesdrop on the communication signals of their prey. Eavesdropping is typically studied as dyadic predator–prey species interactions; yet in nature, most predators target multiple prey species and most prey must evade multiple predator species. The impact of predator communities on prey signal evolution is not well understood. Predators could converge in their preferences for conspicuous signal properties, generating competition among predators and natural selection on particular prey signal features. Alternatively, predator species could vary in their preferences for prey signal properties, resulting in sensory-based niche partitioning of prey resources. In the Neotropics, many substrate-gleaning bats use the mate-attraction songs of male katydids to locate them as prey. We studied mechanisms of niche partitioning in four substrate-gleaning bat species and found they are similar in morphology, echolocation signal design and prey-handling ability, but each species preferred different acoustic features of male song in 12 sympatric katydid species. This divergence in predator preference probably contributes to the coexistence of many substrate-gleaning bat species in the Neotropics, and the substantial diversity in the mate-attraction signals of katydids. Our results provide insight into how multiple eavesdropping predator species might influence prey signal evolution through sensory-based niche partitioning.  相似文献   

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