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The synthesis and the study of new mononucleoside phosphoramidate diesters bearing S-acyl-2-thioethyl (SATE) groups and an alkylamino residue are reported. The studied compounds appear to be able to deliver the corresponding 5′-mononucleotide inside the cells, and could be considered as prototypes for a new kind of mononucleotide prodrugs (pronucleotides).  相似文献   

LC/MS assays were developed to determine the plasma and intracellular concentrations of two aryl phosphoramidate prodrugs of the nucleotide analog 9-[2-R-(phosphonomethoxy)propyl]adenine. LC/MS was used to demonstrate the presence of high concentrations of PMPA in peripheral blood mononucleocytes following oral administration of prodrugs in dogs. High concentrations of PMPA and active metabolite were detected in MT-2 cells incubated with prodrug using an ion-pairing LC/MS assay.  相似文献   

三个新2,2—二甲基苯并二氢吡喃类化合物的分离与鉴定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从中药三叉苦(Evodia lepta(Spreng.)Merr.)的地上部分分离鉴定了4个化合物。通过光谱解析和结构沟通的方法确定了它们的结构。其中3个为新化合物,依次命名为leptin A(Ⅰ)、leptin B(Ⅱ)和leptin C(Ⅲ)。另外一个已知化合物为异吴茱萸酮酚(Ⅳ)。  相似文献   

Synthesis, biological activities and decomposition kinetics of novel phosphotriester derivatives of 3'-azido-2',3'-dideoxythymidine (AZT) bearing a S-tButyl-2-thioethyl (tBuSATE) group and L-tyrosinyl residues are reported. All the derivatives appeared to be potent inhibitors of HIV-1 replication in various cell culture experiments. The proposed decomposition process of these mixed phosphotriesters may involve successively an esterase and then a phosphodiesterase activation.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the long‐standing issue of how many loci are needed to infer accurate phylogenetic relationships, and whether loci with particular attributes (e.g., parsimony informativeness, variability, gene tree resolution) outperform others. To do so, we use an empirical data set consisting of the seven species of chickadees (Aves: Paridae), an analytically tractable, recently diverged group, and well‐studied ecologically but lacking a nuclear phylogeny. We estimate relationships using 40 nuclear loci and mitochondrial DNA using four coalescent‐based species tree inference methods (BEST, *BEAST, STEM, STELLS). Collectively, our analyses contrast with previous studies and support a sister relationship between the Black‐capped and Carolina Chickadee, two superficially similar species that hybridize along a long zone of contact. Gene flow is a potential source of conflict between nuclear and mitochondrial gene trees, yet we find a significant, albeit low, signal of gene flow. Our results suggest that relatively few loci with high information content may be sufficient for estimating an accurate species tree, but that substantially more loci are necessary for accurate parameter estimation. We provide an empirical reference point for researchers designing sampling protocols with the purpose of inferring phylogenies and population parameters of closely related taxa.  相似文献   

血卟啉衍生物(Hpd)和组蛋白经照光产生一种新荧光物质.其发射波长为460nm,激发波长为370nm.当照光在43℃高温情况下进行时,高温对Hpd的光动力学效应有协同作用.用牛血清白蛋白、血红蛋白,核糖核酸酶、胰蛋白酶及培养的中国仓鼠细胞代替组蛋白均能生成新荧光物质.而所测试的半胱氨酸、酪氨酸、苯丙氨酸、赖氨酸及组氨酸中.唯有组氨酸可产生相似的荧光物质.这种荧光物质推测是Hpd与组蛋白中组氨酸所形成的一种加成物.形成新荧光物质的光化学反应机制主要是单线态氧(~1O_2)的氧化作用.  相似文献   

本文记载我国长蝽科杆长蝽亚科(Blissinae)三个新种。文中所用长度单位均为毫米。 粗壮巨股长蝽Macropes robustus新种(图2,4,5) 体长5.7—5.8,较粗壮,胸部宽平,翅淡色的种类。头及触角黑,后者第1、2节及第3节前半有时较淡,复眼远离前胸。头长0.65,宽0.76,触角各节长0.15:0.42:0.40:0.66。前胸背板(图2)黑,最后缘处略淡;形状宽扁平坦,前缘显著后凹,侧缘基部两侧平行,在后叶横缢前向外略拱,背板在胝区后部最宽,胝区宽大,中央微下陷,有少数刻点,毛较浓密,半直立;前胸长1.54,后缘宽1.30,胝区最大宽1.45。小盾片长0.47,宽0.67,无粉被区域“1”形,隆起不显。爪片及革片底色淡黄白,各脉色略  相似文献   

Two new species, Strumeta brevistriata and Strumeta nigella are described and figured.  相似文献   

Rhipidocladum longispiculatum, a woody bamboo from the montane forests of Colombia, is described and illustrated. A classification of Rhipidocladum into three sections is proposed based on differences in internode structure, culm leaves, fimbriae of the foliage leaf sheaths, inflorescences, spikelet bracts, and foliar anatomy and micromorphology. Rhipidocladum section Rhipidocladum is distinguished by the zigzag rachis of the inflorescence and obtuse spikelet bracts, and includes only one species, R. harmonicum. Section Didymogonyx is characterized by alternating long and short internodes, and includes R. longispiculatum and R. geminatum. Section Racemiflorum is distinguished by its relatively long culm leaf blades, racemiform inflorescences, and mucronate or aristate spikelet bracts; the remainder of the species of the genus are classified within this section. A review of morphology, foliar anatomy, and micromorphology of the Arthrostylidiinae, the subtribe to which Rhipidocladum belongs, is presented. The problem of generic classification within the subtribe is discussed with respect to its mosaic pattern of morphological and anatomical variation.  相似文献   

Two new species, Asiadacus triangularis and Asiadacus nigrescens are described and figured.  相似文献   

叶海兔属Petalifera Gray,1847是海兔科Aplysiidae的一群小型种类,除了分布于地中海,大西洋的Petalifera petalifera Rang,1828曾被认为是环热带分布种外,见于世界各热带、亚热带海域潮间带—潮下带浅水区的海草间、石头下。在我国,张玺(1935)报道过分布于黄、渤海区,生活在潮间带大叶藻Zostera marina上的一种斑叶海兔Petalifera punctulata。作者在青岛沿岸潮间带大叶藻上又发现2种,一种是分布于日本南部沿岸的枝叶海兔Petalifera ramosa,在我国为首次记录、另一种命名为青岛斑叶海兔Petalifera qingdaonensis是新种。  相似文献   

盘蚧科(Lecanodiaspididae)系1959年Borchsenius主要根据臀裂的存在,从链蚧科(Asterolecaniidae)中分出来,建立的新科。当时所取科名是Lecaniodiaspididae,共包括7个属:1)Lecaniodiaspis Targioni-Tozzetti(1869);2)Prosopophora Douglas(1892);3)Mallococcus Maskell(1898);4)Amorphococcus Green(1902);5)Anomalococcus Green(1902);6)Psoraleococcus Borchsenius(1959);7)Cosmoccus Borchsenius(1959)。 Morrison和Morrison(1966)和Williams及Kosztarab(1970)考证Signoret(1870)的著作第272页,由于笔误把属名写成Lecaniodiaspis,但是1869年的著作却拼写成  相似文献   

本文记述中国蚜虫1新属——丁化长管蚜属Chitinosiphum,模式种为丁化长管蚜C.abdomenigrum,sp.nov.,其寄主为瑞苓草Saussurea nigrescens Maxim,产地为中国陕西。  相似文献   

The phosphoramidate technology we have developed has been recently applied to BVdU, leading to NB1011 (NewBiotics Inc., California), a novel potential anticancer compound recently entered into phase 2 of the clinical trials for colon cancer. We report in this work a new series of derivatives containing naphthol as aryl masking group on the phosphate moiety, which has shown a significant increase in anticancer activity in preliminary biological evaluations.  相似文献   

Abstract  A new genus Chouicoenosia and two new species C. recta and C. curva are described. The holotype of C. recta is deposited in the Department of Biology, Shenyang Normal College, and the rest of the type specimens are kept in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

本文建立膜翅目叶蜂科1新亚科:巨基叶蜂亚科Megabelesesinaesubfam.nov.,该亚科包括2个族:巨基叶蜂族Megabelesesinitrib.nov.和枝膜叶蜂族CladiuchiniBen-son,同时描述了2新属新种:白角横脊叶蜂Tripidobelesesalbicornisgen.etsp.nov.青蓝柄基叶蜂Conobelesesmetalicusgen.etsp.nov.;在枝膜叶蜂属下建立1个新亚属:Acladiuchasubgen.nov.,包括白唇木兰叶蜂CladiuchamagnoliaeXiao;并编制了巨基叶蜂亚科族属检索表。  相似文献   

本文记述同翅目蚧总科粉蚧科一新属一新种。即异星粉蚧属Heteroheliococcus gen.nov.,内蒙异星粉蚧H.innermongolicus sp.nov.。新种模式标本保存在山西农业大学蚧虫研究中心。  相似文献   

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