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AegPNA and aepPNA monomeric units bearing the N7-guanine nucleobase as a substitute for C+ have been demonstrated to bind to a GC base-pair of a duplex in a pH-independent manner when placed in the third strand. The aepPNA backbone exerts a preference for binding in the antiparallel Hoogsteen mode over the parallel Hoogsteen mode.  相似文献   

Introduction of methylene bridges in aegPNA and apgPNA molecules give rise to cyclic five and six membered ring structures. Synthesis of a new six membered cyclic PNA monomer, aminopipecolyl PNA (pipPNA) is reported. Incorporation of pipPNA into PNA oligomers and comparative binding with target DNA sequences is studied.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotides containing 7-deazapurines or 9-deazapurines with propynyl groups at the 7- or 9-position were prepared. The stabilizing effect of the propynyl group was studied on DNA duplexes, hairpins and triplexes.  相似文献   

本文采用热变性温度法Tm测定了我国自行分离和建立的脑膜炎奈瑟氏菌10个血清群菌株的DNAG Cmol%,其含量范围在50.3~52.4之间。结果表明10个血清群菌株的DNAG Cmol%含量符合脑膜炎奈瑟氏菌种的特性。数据的建立为进一步脑膜炎奈瑟氏菌的标准化提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

Abstract— Ribosomes, isolated from brain tissue of mice of various ages, were tested for their ability to participate in cell-free protein synthesis and to bind polyuridylic acid. Although protein synthesis was markedly reduced by ribosomal preparations obtained from increasingly older animals, no significant differences could be measured with respect to template RNA binding. Similar binding properties were also measured with ribosomal subunits purified from young and mature brain cell ribonucleoprotein particles. In addition, no differences could be detected in the relative firmness of template RNA binding that could explain the maturation-dependent loss in ribosomal activity.  相似文献   

nnature,agroupofprokaryoticorganismshastheabilitytoreducedinitrogentoammonia,whichcanbeusedbyotherorganisms.Thefunctionalmach...  相似文献   

A binding assay for muscarinic cholinergic receptors has been developed using labelled dexetimide as ligand and a filtration technique. The main features of this assay are its stereospecific nature, the very high affinity of the ligand for the specific receptors sitcs and its very low affinity for non-specific binding sites. The latter point was further investigated using labelled levitimide, the inactive enantiomer. The binding was found to be neither stereospecific nor saturable and displacement by both enantiomers revealed a particular curve with a very flattened course. Kinetic experiments with [3H]dexetimide suggest the occurrence of a heterogenous population of muscarinic receptors in the rat striatum. A study of the regional distribution of muscarinic receptors in rat brain showed a high concentration in the dopaminergic areas, the cortex and the hippocampus, but practically none in the cerebellum. The subcellular distribution pattern revealed a marked enrichment of [3H]dexetimide stereospecific binding sites in the microsomal fraction of rat striatum and hippocampus. Such a distribution was not found with [3H]levitimide. All the characteristics of this binding assay make dexetimide a very appropriate ligand for labelling muscarinic receptors in vitro as well as in vivo.  相似文献   

—The conversion of plasma glucose into brain proteins in vivo was measured in rats after various periods of food deprivation. Rates of flow of glucose carbon into both soluble and insoluble brain proteins were calculated from the curve representing the decrease of plasma [14C]-glucose specific activity with time, and from the specific activity of brain protein 180 min after intravenous injection of a tracer dose of d -[14C]-glucose. Compared to the post-absorptive rats, food deprivation for 72 h caused a 30 per cent reduction in the rate of flow of glucose carbon into soluble brain proteins but did not affect the flow into insoluble proteins. Results of experiments in which the soluble brain proteins were separated by isoelectric focusing suggest that prolonged fasting in adult rats causes substantial differences in the conversion of glucose to different proteins.  相似文献   

—Saturation binding studies with [3H]leu-enk ([tyrosyl-3, 5-3H(N)]5leu-enkephalin) revealed the presence of high and low affinity binding sites in a paniculate fraction derived from rat striatum. The binding of [3H]leu-enk to the high affinity component (KD= 2.0 ± 0.3 nM) was sensitive to morphine and levorphanol, while the binding to the low affinity component (KD= 21 ± 2 nM) was not. Incubation of the membranes, prior to assay for 30 min at 37°C, followed by centrifugation at 27, 000 g for 20 min in order to pellet the membranes allowed the detection of a factor, present in the high speed supernatant, which caused a dose-dependent inhibition of the binding of [3H]leu-enk to the morphine-sensitive and insensitive binding components. Investigations into the nature of the morphine-insensitive binding component demonstrated that it was an artifact since it was not detectable when bound and free ligand were separated by centrifugation. Furthermore, [3H]leu-enk bound to Whatman glass fiber filters, used to collect bound ligand, in a morphine-insensitive manner, and under conditions where the binding of [3H]leu-enk to the morphine sensitive component diluted proportionally with serial dilutions of the membranes, the binding to the morphine-insensitive component did not. The factor present in the high speed supernatant did not dialyze and its effects were mimicked by either trypsin or soybean trypsin inhibitor, but not by bovine serum albumin. The apparent inhibition of the binding of [3H]leu-enk to these binding components is probably not of biological significance, but the fact that the artifactual morphine insensitive binding component of striatal membranes has been shown to decrease by 20–30% following lesions of the substantia nigra suggests that the influence of this endogenous factor must be controlled for.  相似文献   

Leaf resistance (RL) of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana to water vapor transfer was determined with a resistance hygrometer. The diurnal leaf-resistance change followed a normal pattern (i.e., low in light and higher in dark) when plants were pretreated with cool thermoperiods or with thermoperiods having little diurnal temperature fluctuation. Large diurnal temperature fluctuations (30-18, 26-15 C) resulted in apparent nocturnal stomatal opening. Nocturnal stomatal opening was more apparent than real since leaf-resistance measurements indicated day stomatal closing rather than complete night opening. Low nocturnal leaf resistances ( < 10 sec/cm) were not measured in the dark; however, resistances tended to decrease toward the end of the dark period indicating some degree of nocturnal stomatal opening. Leaf resistances were generally higher than those reported for nonsucculent plants. The data suggested that gaseous diffusion (Q) into or out of the leaves of K. blossfeldiana would be adequately described by an equation of the form, Q = D Δ e RL−1. There was little or no indication that physiological long days (15 min of 660 mμ light in the middle of a 16-hr dark period), which prevented flowering and reduced organic acid accumulation, significantly affected leaf resistance. It was concluded that the photoperiod response effects of dark CO2 fixation were probably not due to leaf-resistance changes and, therefore, not due to stomatal aperture changes.  相似文献   

The promethazine-sensitive binding of [3H]mepyramine to a membrane fraction from guinea-pig whole brain is saturable with a dissociation constant of 1.7 × 10-9M. The maximum amount of [3H]mepyramine binding varied widely between preparations, range 122–365 pmol/g protein, with a mean value of 227 ± 52 pmol/g protein. The inhibition of [3H]mepyramine binding by a number of drugs correlated closely with their potency as histamine H1 antagonists. (+) Chlorpheniramine was 240-fold more potent as an inhibitor of [3H]mepyramine binding than (-)-chlorpheniramine. All antagonists inhibited the binding of [3H]mepyramine to the same extent, but the Hill coefficients characterising the inhibition curves did not all approximate to unity, the value expected for a simple antagonist-receptor equilibrium. The distribution of histamine H1 receptors, defined by the promethazine-sensitive binding of [3H]mepyramine, in 11 different brain regions was uneven with the largest amounts in cerebellum, superior and inferior colliculus and hypothalamus and the smallest in caudate nucleus, brain stem and spinal cord.  相似文献   

用^3HTdR掺入法研究了经N^7+重离子注入贯穿处理的82579小麦和8812小麦种胚的DNA合成动态。结果发现,未经N^7+重离子任何处理的两个小麦品种的对照种胚,在萌发早期(20h内)仅存在一个DNA合成峰(于萌发的第14h),而经过N^7+重离子注入和贯穿处理的小麦种胚则存在两个DNA合成峰(分别于萌发的8-10h和14-16h),该种子经DNA修复合成的抑制剂咖啡因处理后,第一个DNA合  相似文献   

为研究小鼠体内l-细胞期受精卵蛋白激酶A(PKA)对M/G1期进程的影响,应用热稳定性抑制剂PKI显微注射入l-细胞期受精卵内,观察M期促进因子(MPF)及PKA活性变化以及MPF调节亚基Cyclin B含量情况。发现PKI显微注射后PKA活性低,而MPF活性在hCG后27.5h即达高峰,较对照组提前30分钟。PKI达一定浓度则MPF活性不下降,出现M/G1阻滞;与此同时Western blotting法显示PKI注射后Cyclin B含量在M末期相当于M中期水平。结果表明,PKI显微注射抑制PKA活性后MPF活性呈高峰值,高浓度PKI显微注射可引起M/Gl阻滞,其机制与PKI干扰了Cyclin B降解有关。  相似文献   

为研究轮虫通过母体效应诱导能否产生行为响应, 以萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)为例, 研究其反捕食漂浮行为响应的母体效应。通过控制轮虫母体在捕食者诱导液中的暴露时间及带卵状态, 收集母体产生的后代, 再将这些后代再次用捕食者诱导液处理, 观察后代的漂浮行为及形态特征。研究发现: 暴露于捕食者诱导液诱导较长时间的母体产生的后代个体, 当再次暴露于捕食者诱导液时, 其产生的行为响应强于没有母体暴露经历的后代; 母体暴露时间越长, 后代形态和行为响应均更加强烈。研究显示萼花臂尾轮虫可通过母体效应产生漂浮行为响应。  相似文献   

利用TdR-N_2O同步法分别获得P15高表达的MLIK6和表达空载体的MLC2的M期细胞和G_1期细胞,~3H-TdR掺入结果显示,与对照组细胞MLC2相比,实验组细胞MLIK6从G_1期进入S期时间延长2h,并且掺入强度明显减弱,DNA合成被抑制。进一步观察了P15~(INK4B)对G_1/S相关调控蛋白的影响,在M期细胞释放8h(晚G_1期细胞)后,与对照组MLC2细胞相比,实验组MLIK6细胞中CyclinD1,CyclinE,Cdk4,C-Myc蛋白水平均降低。相反,P27~(KIP1)的表达却上升。同时探讨了MAPK信号在P15~(INK4B)阻抑A375细胞G_1/S转换中的作用与相关性,结果显示晚G_1期的MLIK6细胞中ERK1,ERK2水平变化不大,而具有活性的P-ERK1和P-ERK2均表现出下降。上述实验表明,P15~(INK4B)可能通过作用于G_1期相关的周期调节蛋白和抑制ERK1和ERK2活性,阻滞G_1/S转换与抑制DNA合成。  相似文献   

Successive spraying with DDT suspensions of the adults of a wild colony of Drosophila melanogaster and the progeny of survivors enhanced the resistance to that insecticide.
The rate at which resistance increased depended on: (1) the relative proportion of resistants to susceptible individuals, or (2) the intensity of selection as measured by the concentration of DDT, the proportion killed or on both. The resistance of the populations of the insects fluctuated considerably whether subjected to successive sprayings or not, and in one sprayed series there was some indication of a rhythm with peaks of susceptibility occurring at regular intervals.
Enhanced resistance may show a change of slope in the probit log concentration regression line, leading to different relative values at different levels of mortality, or by a parallel shift of the regression line. The former appears to be a preliminary stage of selection and indicates a change in the frequency distribution within a population.
Increasing the concentration of DDT, slowly or rapidly, may have enhanced resistances at an increased rate, but the series sprayed with the lower initial concentration reached finally the same end point, as judged by the values of log lc . 50.
During the course of these experiments the insects developed sensitivity to carbon dioxide (used in anaesthesis). Its bearing on our work is considered in Part II.  相似文献   

[3H]Mepyramine binds with high affinity to membranes from brain of human, rat, guinea-pig, rabbit and mouse with drug specificity indicating an association with histamine H1receptors. Considerable species differences occur in the affinity of [3H]mepyramine, with guinea-pig and human having 34 times greater affinity than rat, mouse or rabbit. The greater affinity of [3H]mepyramine in guinea-pig than in rat is attributable both to faster association and slower dissociation rates in guinea-pig. Species differences in affinity for H1 receptor sites occur for some antihistamines but not for others. Some tricyclic antidepressant and neuroleptic drugs are extremely potent inhibitors of [3H]mepyramine binding, exceeding in potency any H1 antihistamines examined. The tricyclic antidepressant doxepin and the neuroleptic clozapine are the most potent of all drugs examined in competing for [3H]mepyramine binding. The regional distribution of specific [3H]mepyramine binding differs considerably in the various species examined.  相似文献   

Abstract— The subcellular distribution of binding sites for tritiated quinuclidinyl benzylate ([3H]QNB) was studied in cow retina. Primary fractions showing higher specific activity than homogenate were P2 (synaptosomal-mitochondrial) and P3 (microsomal). P2 was subfractionated on a Ficoll gradient with the P2B subfraction exhibiting the greatest enrichment in [3H]QNB binding. Similar subfractionation of P2 on a discontinuous sucrose gradient showed that fractions of particles banding in 0.8m and in the 0.8-1.0 m -sucrose interface also exhibit the greatest enrichment of [3H]QNB binding. When subjected to Scatchard analysis, this reaction shows a density of sites equal to 0.212-0.294 pmol per mg of protein. By plotting the apparent dissociation constant (KD) values vs protein concentration a‘true’KD value of 0.73 nM was obtained. Only one set of binding sites was found using three different concentrations of protein. The reaction was specificially antagonized by atropine (DI50= 7 nM) and scopolamine (DI50= 9 nM) whereas carbamylcholine and d-tubocurarine exhibited DI50's of 0.4 and 0.15 mM, respectively. For P3 the binding of [3H]QNB is characterized by one set of binding sites with ni= 0.250 pmol per mg of protein and an apparent KD of 8.2 nM, and a DI50 for atropine of 15 nM. The [3H]QNB binding sites showed a subcellular distribution similar to that of acetylcholinesterase and choline acetyltransferase. P1 fractions accounted for 40–60% of the total activity of the three cholinergic markers. Purification of the crude P1 yielded an additional fraction in which the cholinergic markers showed an enrichment with respect to homogenate and P1. Synaptosomes isolated from this fraction exhibited the unusual ultrastructure expected from nerve endings in the outer synaptic layer of retina. The possible location of the muscarinic cholinergic transmitter system in the vertebrate retina is discussed.  相似文献   

NPY receptors are identified in calf frontal cortex and hippocampus membrane preparations by binding of N-[propionyl-3H] neuropeptide Y. Saturation and competition binding data with PYY, NPY-(18–36) and NPY itself fit with a single class of sites: for the radioligand KD = 1.4 ± 0.5 nM, Bmax = 434 ± 180 fmol/mg protein in frontal cortex, KD = 0.7 ± 0.2 nM, Bmax = 267 ± 50 fmol/mg protein in hippocampus. Competition curves of the Y1-subtype selective agonist [Leu31, Pro34]NPY are biphasic in both membrane preparations: high affinity sites (i.e. Y1-subtype) amount to 80% in frontal cortex and 23% in hippocampus. The remaining sites are of the Y2-subtype. Out of 23 Conus venom preparations, 17 inhibit the binding of [3H]NPY in both membrane preparations, but only two of them (from Conus aulicus and C. pennaceus) do so with high potency (ic50 < 5 μg protein/ml). Only one venom preparation (from C. mercator) had weak discriminatory properties (ic50Y2/ic50Y1 = 6). Venom from C. anemone increased the [3H]NPY binding 5-fold and with an ic50 of 15–18 μg protein/ml. This binding occurred to the venom itself and was unrelated to the NPY receptors since it was equally potent when displaced by [Leu31, Pro34]NPY, NPY-(18–36), PYY and NPY. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd  相似文献   

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