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We compared the 2DE coupled to MALDI‐TOF‐MS and ESI‐MS/MS analysis (2DE‐MS) and the on‐line 2D nanoLC, followed by nanoESI‐MS/MS analysis (2DLC‐MS), for the separation and identification of proteins in high abundance protein‐depleted human plasma. Identification of proteins in the plasma by the two methods demonstrated that the majority of the identified protein set was unique to each method. Therefore, if a comprehensive coverage of the proteome identification is desired, it is ideal to apply both methods. The 2DE‐MS method is amenable to protein spot‐based quantitation, whereas the 2DLC‐MS method may provide an advantage of the high throughput application.  相似文献   


Nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinases of mammals are hexamers of two sorts of randomly associated highly homologous subunits of 152 residues each and, therefore exist in cell as NDP kinase isoforms. The catalytic properties and three-dimensional structures of the isoforms are very similar. The physiological meaning of the existence of the isoforms in cells remained unclear, but studying recombinant rat NDP kinases a and β, each containing only one sort of subunits, we discovered that, in contrast to the isoenzyme β, NDP kinase α is able to interact with the complex between bleached rhodopsin and G-protein transducin in retinal rod membranes at lowered pH values (Orlov et al. FEBS Lett. 389, 186–190, 1996). In order to search for possible molecular basis of such differences between these isoenzymes, a detailed comparative study of their intrinsic fluorescence properties in a large range of solvent conditions was performed in this work. The isoenzymes α and β both contain the same three tryptophan (Trp78, 133, 1nd 149) and four tyrosine (Tyr 52, 67, 147, and 151) residues per subunit, but exhibit pronounced differences in their fluorescence properties (both in spectral positions and shape and quantum yield values) and behave differently under pH titration. Whereas NDP kinase a undergoes spectral changes in the pH range 5–7 with the mid-point at 6.2, no unequivocal indication of a structural change of NDP kinase β under pH titration from 9 to 5 was obtained. Since the pH dependencies obtained for fluorescence of isoenzyme α resembles the dependence of its binding to the rhodopsin-transducin complex it was suggested that the differences between the NDP kinase isoenzymes α and β in the pH-induced behavior, revealed by the fluorescence spectroscopy, and the differences in their ability to interact with rhodopsin-transducin complex may have the same physical nature, that would be a physico-chemical reason of possible functional dissimilarity of NDP kinase isoforms in cell. An additional analysis of three-dimensional structure of homologous NDP kinases revealed that the source of the differences in fluorescence properties and pH-titration behavior between the isoenzymes α and β may be due to the difference in their global electrostatic charges, rather than to any structural differences between them at neutral pH. The unusually high positive electrostatic potential at he deeply buried active site Tyr52 makes possible that it exists in deprotonated tyrosinate form at neutral and moderately acidic solution. Such a possibility may account for rather unusual fluorescence properties of NDP kinase α: (i) rather long-wavelength emission of NDP kinase a at ca. 340 nm at pH ca. 8 at extremely low accessibility to external quenchers and, possibly, (ii) an unusually high quantum yield value (ca. 0.42).  相似文献   

Oligoribonucleotides containing 4‐thiouridine were prepared using the Fpmp group for protection of the 2′‐OH. Two uridine derivatives with the 1,2,4‐triazolyl and the 2‐nitrophenyl groups at position 4 were used to obtain 4‐thiouridine by postsynthetic substitution with sodium hydrogen sulfide. Both uridine derivatives allow the preparation of the desired oligonucleotides in good yields.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of theα subunit of the sodium channel by protein kinase C   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The alpha subunit of the purified voltage-sensitive sodium channel from rat brain is rapidly phosphorylated to the extent of 3-4 mol phosphate/mol by purified protein kinase C. The alpha subunit of the native sodium channel in synaptosomal membranes is also phosphorylated by added protein kinase C as assessed by specific immunoprecipitation and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of labeled membranes. Our results suggest coordinate regulation of sodium channel phosphorylation state by cAMP-dependent and calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinases.  相似文献   

Thiopurine drug therapy has been reported to lead to a variable increase in red cell TPMT activity that may alter effective dose and therapeutic outcome. The aim of this study was to correlate Variable Number Tandem Repeat (VNTR) in the promoter region of the TPMT gene with induction of red cell TPMT activity in patients treated with azathioprine (AZA). In 58 patients, TPMT activity measured at 3 months was not significantly induced on average above pre‐therapy levels. Individual patients showed variation in TPMT activity pre‐ and post‐AZA therapy, however changes in TPMT activity were not predicted by VNTR configuration. In conclusion, TPMT promoter VNTRs are unlikely to play a significant role in changes in TPMT activity in response to AZA therapy.  相似文献   

Arginine kinase (AK) is a member of a large family of phosphoryl transfer enzymes called phosphagen (guanidino) kinases. AKs are present in certain protozoans, sponges, cnidarians, and both lophotrochozoan and ecdysozoan protostomes. Another phosphagen kinase, creatine kinase (CK), is found in sponges, cnidarians, and both deuterostome and protostome groups but does not appear to be present in protozoans. To probe the early evolution of phosphagen kinases, we have amplified the cDNAs for AKs from three choanoflagellates and from the hexactinellid sponge Aphrocallistes beatrix and the demosponges Suberites fuscus and Microciona prolifera. Phylogenetic analysis using maximum likelihood of these choanoflagellate and sponge AKs with other AK sequences revealed that the AK from the choanoflagellate Monosiga brevicollis clusters with the AK from the glass sponge Aphrocallistes and is part of a larger cluster containing AKs from the demosponges Suberites and Microciona as well as basal and protostome invertebrates. In contrast, AKs from Codonosiga gracilis and Monosiga ovata form a distinct cluster apart from all other AK sequences. tBLASTn searches of the recently released M. brevicollis genome database showed that this species has three unique AK genes—one virtually identical to the M. brevicollis cDNA and the other two showing great similarity to C. gracilis and M. ovata AKs. Three distinct AK genes are likely present in choanoflagellates. Two of these AKs display extensive similarity to both CKs and an AK from sponges. Previous work has shown CK evolved from an AK-like ancestor prior to the divergence of sponges. The present results provide evidence suggesting that the initial gene duplication event(s) leading to the CK lineage may have occurred before the divergence of the choanoflagellate and animal lineages.  相似文献   

The reduction of electroencephalographic (EEG) slow‐wave activity (SWA) (EEG power density between 0.75–4.5 Hz) and spindle frequency activity, together with an increase in involuntary awakenings during sleep, represent the hallmarks of human sleep alterations with age. It has been assumed that this decrease in non‐rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep consolidation reflects an age‐related attenuation of the sleep homeostatic drive. To test this hypothesis, we measured sleep EEG characteristics (i.e., SWA, sleep spindles) in healthy older volunteers in response to high (sleep deprivation protocol) and low sleep pressure (nap protocol) conditions. Despite the fact that the older volunteers had impaired sleep consolidation and reduced SWA levels, their relative SWA response to both high and low sleep pressure conditions was similar to that of younger persons. Only in frontal brain regions did we find an age‐related diminished SWA response to high sleep pressure. On the other hand, we have clear evidence that the circadian regulation of sleep during the 40 h nap protocol was changed such that the circadian arousal signal in the evening was weaker in the older study participants. More sleep occurred during the wake maintenance zone, and subjective sleepiness ratings in the late afternoon and evening were higher than in younger participants. In addition, we found a diminished melatonin secretion and a reduced circadian modulation of REM sleep and spindle frequency—the latter was phase‐advanced relative to the circadian melatonin profile. Therefore, we favor the hypothesis that age‐related changes in sleep are due to weaker circadian regulation of sleep and wakefulness. Our data suggest that manipulations of the circadian timing system, rather than the sleep homeostat, may offer a potential strategy to alleviate age‐related decrements in sleep and daytime alertness levels.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors represent the largest class of drug targets, but genetic variation within G protein-coupled receptors leads to variable drug responses and, thereby, compromises their therapeutic application. One of the most intensely studied examples is a hyperfunctional variant of the human β1-adrenoceptor that carries an arginine at position 389 in helix 8 (Arg-389-ADRB1). However, the mechanism underlying the higher efficacy of the Arg-389 variant remained unclear to date. Despite its hyperfunctionality, we found the Arg-389 variant of ADRB1 to be hyperphosphorylated upon continuous stimulation with norepinephrine compared with the Gly-389 variant. Using ADRB1 sensors to monitor activation kinetics by fluorescence resonance energy transfer, Arg-389-ADRB1 exerted faster activation speed and arrestin recruitment than the Gly-389 variant. Both activation speed and arrestin recruitment depended on phosphorylation of the receptor, as shown by knockdown of G protein-coupled receptor kinases and phosphorylation-deficient ADRB1 mutants. Structural modeling of the human β1-adrenoceptor suggested interaction of the side chain of Arg-389 with opposing amino acid residues in helix 1. Site-directed mutagenesis of Lys-85 and Thr-86 in helix 1 revealed that this interaction indeed determined ADRB1 activation kinetics. Taken together, these findings indicate that differences in interhelical interaction regulate the different activation speed and efficacy of ADRB1 variants.  相似文献   

The most common lesion in DNA is an abasic site resulting from glycolytic cleavage of a base. In a number of cellular studies, abasic sites preferentially code for dATP insertion (the “A rule”). In some cases frameshifts are also common. X-ray structures with abasic sites in oligonucleotides have been reported for several microbial and human DNA polymerases (pols), e.g. Dpo4, RB69, KlenTaq, yeast pol ι, human (h) pol ι, and human pol β. We reported previously that hpol η is a major pol involved in abasic site bypass (Choi, J.-Y., Lim, S., Kim, E. J., Jo, A., and Guengerich, F. P. (2010 J. Mol. Biol. 404, 34–44). hpol η inserted all four dNTPs in steady-state and pre-steady-state assays, preferentially inserting A and G. In LC-MS analysis of primer-template pairs, A and G were inserted but little C or T was inserted. Frameshifts were observed when an appropriate pyrimidine was positioned 5′ to the abasic site in the template. In x-ray structures of hpol η with a non-hydrolyzable analog of dATP or dGTP opposite an abasic site, H-bonding was observed between the phosphate 5′ to the abasic site and water H-bonded to N1 and N6 of A and N1 and O6 of G nucleoside triphosphate analogs, offering an explanation for what appears to be a “purine rule.” A structure was also obtained for an A inserted and bonded in the primer opposite the abasic site, but it did not pair with a 5′ T in the template. We conclude that hpol η, a major copying enzyme with abasic sites, follows a purine rule, which can also lead to frameshifts. The phenomenon can be explained with H-bonds.  相似文献   

Modulation of the physiologically influential Na+,K+-ATPase is a complex process involving a wide variety of factors. To determine the possible effects of the protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) inhibitors dephostatin and Et-3,4-dephostatin on human and pig, renal cells and enzymatic extracts, we treated our samples (15 min–24 h) with those PTP inhibitors (0–100 μM). PTP inhibitors were found to possess a concentration-dependent inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase activity in both human and pig samples. The inhibition was similarly demonstrated on all cellular, microsomal fraction and purified Na+,K+-ATPase levels. Despite rigorous activity recovery attempts, the PTP inhibitors’ effects were sustained on Na+,K+-ATPase activity. Western blotting experiments revealed the expression of both α1- and β1-subunits in both human and pig tissues. α1-Subunits possessed higher tyrosine phosphorylation levels with higher concentrations of PTP inhibitors. Meanwhile, serine/threonine residues of both α1- and β1-subunits demonstrated diminished phosphorylation levels upon dephostatin treatment. Accordingly, we provide evidence that Na+,K+-ATPase can be regulated through tyrosine phosphorylation of primarily their α1-subunits, using PTP inhibitors.  相似文献   



We aimed to test the antiproliferative effect of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) on vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) from bypass surgery patients and the role of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1).

Methodology/Principal Findings

VSMC were isolated from remaining internal mammary artery from patients who underwent bypass surgery. Cell proliferation and DNA fragmentation were assessed by ELISA. Protein expression was assessed by Western blot. ASA inhibited BrdU incorporation at 2 mM. Anti-TGF-β1 was able to reverse this effect. ASA (2 mM) induced TGF-β1 secretion; however it was unable to induce Smad activation. ASA increased p38MAPK phosphorylation in a TGF-β1-independent manner. Anti-CD105 (endoglin) was unable to reverse the antiproliferative effect of ASA. Pre-surgical serum levels of TGF-β1 in patients who took at antiplatelet doses ASA were assessed by ELISA and remained unchanged.


In vitro antiproliferative effects of aspirin (at antiinflammatory concentration) on human VSMC obtained from bypass patients are mediated by TGF-β1 and p38MAPK. Pre-surgical serum levels of TGF- β1 from bypass patients who took aspirin at antiplatelet doses did not change.  相似文献   



Protein kinase Cα (PKCα) is one of the predominant PKC isoforms that phosphorylate cardiac troponin. PKCα is implicated in heart failure and serves as a potential therapeutic target, however, the exact consequences for contractile function in human myocardium are unclear. This study aimed to investigate the effects of PKCα phosphorylation of cardiac troponin (cTn) on myofilament function in human failing cardiomyocytes and to resolve the potential targets involved.

Methods and Results

Endogenous cTn from permeabilized cardiomyocytes from patients with end-stage idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy was exchanged (∼69%) with PKCα-treated recombinant human cTn (cTn (DD+PKCα)). This complex has Ser23/24 on cTnI mutated into aspartic acids (D) to rule out in vitro cross-phosphorylation of the PKA sites by PKCα. Isometric force was measured at various [Ca2+] after exchange. The maximal force (Fmax) in the cTn (DD+PKCα) group (17.1±1.9 kN/m2) was significantly reduced compared to the cTn (DD) group (26.1±1.9 kN/m2). Exchange of endogenous cTn with cTn (DD+PKCα) increased Ca2+-sensitivity of force (pCa50 = 5.59±0.02) compared to cTn (DD) (pCa50 = 5.51±0.02). In contrast, subsequent PKCα treatment of the cells exchanged with cTn (DD+PKCα) reduced pCa50 to 5.45±0.02. Two PKCα-phosphorylated residues were identified with mass spectrometry: Ser198 on cTnI and Ser179 on cTnT, although phosphorylation of Ser198 is very low. Using mass spectrometry based-multiple reaction monitoring, the extent of phosphorylation of the cTnI sites was quantified before and after treatment with PKCα and showed the highest phosphorylation increase on Thr143.


PKCα-mediated phosphorylation of the cTn complex decreases Fmax and increases myofilament Ca2+-sensitivity, while subsequent treatment with PKCα in situ decreased myofilament Ca2+-sensitivity. The known PKC sites as well as two sites which have not been previously linked to PKCα are phosphorylated in human cTn complex treated with PKCα with a high degree of specificity for Thr143.  相似文献   

Engineered overexpression of protein kinase Cα (PKCα) was previously shown to endow nonmotile MCF-10A human breast cells with aggressive motility. A traceable mutant of PKCα (Abeyweera, T. P., and Rotenberg, S. A. (2007) Biochemistry 46, 2364–2370) revealed that α6-tubulin is phosphorylated in cells expressing traceable PKCα and in vitro by wild type PKCα. Gain-of-function, single site mutations (Ser → Asp) were constructed at each PKC consensus site in α6-tubulin (Ser158, Ser165, Ser241, and Thr337) to simulate phosphorylation. Following expression of each construct in MCF-10A cells, motility assays identified Ser165 as the only site in α6-tubulin whose pseudophosphorylation reproduced the motile behavior engendered by PKCα. Expression of a phosphorylation-resistant mutant (S165N-α6-tubulin) resulted in suppression of MCF-10A cell motility stimulated either by expression of PKCα or by treatment with PKCα-selective activator diacylglycerol-lactone. MCF-10A cells treated with diacylglycerol-lactone showed strong phosphorylation of endogenous α-tubulin that could be blocked when S165N-α6-tubulin was expressed. The S165N mutant also inhibited intrinsically motile human breast tumor cells that express high endogenous PKCα levels (MDA-MB-231 cells) or lack PKCα and other conventional isoforms (MDA-MB-468 cells). Comparison of Myc-tagged wild type α6-tubulin and S165N-α6-tubulin expressed in MDA-MB-468 cells demonstrated that Ser165 is also a major site of phosphorylation for endogenously active, nonconventional PKC isoforms. PKC-stimulated motility of MCF-10A cells was nocodazole-sensitive, thereby implicating microtubule elongation in the mechanism. These findings support a model in which PKC phosphorylates α-tubulin at Ser165, leading to microtubule elongation and motility.  相似文献   

Synthesis of pyrimidine derivatives with a side‐chain attached to the C‐6 of pyrimidine ring (6–14) is reported. Target compounds 8 and 12 were subjected to in vitro phosphorylation tests, determination of their binding affinities to herpes simplex virus (HSV‐1) thymidine kinase (TK) and catalytic turnover constants. Fluorinated pyrimidine derivative 12 (40 µM) exhibited better binding affinity for HSV‐1 TK than acyclovir (ACV, 170 µM) and ganciclovir (GCV, 48 µM). Catalytic turnover constant (k cat) of 12 (0.08 s? 1) was close to the k cat values of ACV (0.10 s? 1) and GCV (0.10 s? 1). Furthermore, compounds 8 and 12 showed no cytotoxic effects in HSV‐1 TK‐transduced and non‐transduced cell lines. Besides, compounds 8 and 12 did not exhibit antiviral or cytostatic activities against several viruses and malignant tumor cell lines that were evaluated. The new fluorinated pyrimidine derivative 16 that is phosphorylated by HSV‐1 TK could be developed as non‐toxic PET‐tracer molecule. Thus, 18F labelling of the precursor 14 was performed by nucleophilic substitution using [18F] tetrabutylammonium fluoride as the fluorinating reagent.  相似文献   

Dehalogenases are environmentally important enzymes that detoxify organohalogens by cleaving their carbon-halogen bonds. Many microbial genomes harbour enzyme families containing dehalogenases, but a sequence-based identification of genuine dehalogenases with high confidence is challenging because of the low sequence conservation among these enzymes. Furthermore, these protein families harbour a rich diversity of other enzymes including esterases and phosphatases. Reliable sequence determinants are necessary to harness genome sequencing-efforts for accelerating the discovery of novel dehalogenases with improved or modified activities. In an attempt to extract dehalogenase sequence fingerprints, 103 uncharacterized potential dehalogenase candidates belonging to the α/β hydrolase (ABH) and haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (HAD) superfamilies were screened for dehalogenase, esterase and phosphatase activity. In this first biochemical screen, 1 haloalkane dehalogenase, 1 fluoroacetate dehalogenase and 5 l -2-haloacid dehalogenases were found (success rate 7%), as well as 19 esterases and 31 phosphatases. Using this functional data, we refined the sequence-based dehalogenase selection criteria and applied them to a second functional screen, which identified novel dehalogenase activity in 13 out of only 24 proteins (54%), increasing the success rate eightfold. Four new l -2-haloacid dehalogenases from the HAD superfamily were found to hydrolyse fluoroacetate, an activity never previously ascribed to enzymes in this superfamily.  相似文献   


224 subjects from 5 different racial/ethnic groups responded to a dating questionnaire. There are both sex and racial/ethnic differences in frequency of cross‐ethnic dating in Hawaii and in attitudes (as reported by Ss) of parents and close friends toward within‐and across‐ethnic dating. Females date within their own groups more frequently than males and also report stronger support of within‐ and lesser support of across‐group dating by significant others. Racial/ethnic differences are substantial, with groups higher in mean income being more supportive of within‐group dating, being more accepted by other groups, and being less accepting of dating other groups. Amount of actual intergroup dating was related, in part, to group differences in income, with the two groups lowest in income (Filipinos and Hawaiians/Part Hawaiians) showing the highest amount of cross‐ethnic dating, but with the association breaking down in the upper income groups, possibly because of group differences in group size and in length of residence. The results are remarkably similar to those reported earlier on within‐ and across‐group marriage in Hawaii.  相似文献   

The regioselective synthesis of 4‐nitroindazole N 1‐ and N 2‐(βd‐ribonucleosides) (8, 9, 1b and 2b) is described. The N 1‐regioisomers are formed under thermodynamic control of the glycosylation reaction [fusion reaction or Silyl Hilbert‐Johnson glycosylation for 48 h (66%)], while the kinetic control (Silyl Hilbert‐Johnson glycosylation for 5 h) afforded only the N 2‐isomer (64%). The structures of the nucleosides 1b and 2b were assigned by single crystal X‐ray analyses. The 4‐amino‐N 1‐(βd‐ribofuranosyl)‐1H‐indazole (3b) was obtained from the nitro nucleoside 1b by catalytic hydrogenation. Compound 3b shows fluorescence while the 4‐nitroindazole nucleosides 1b and 2b do not possess this property.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450c17, a steroidogenic enzyme encoded by the CYP17A1 gene, catalyzes the steroid 17α-hydroxylation needed for glucocorticoid synthesis, which may or may not be followed by 17,20 lyase activity needed for sex steroid synthesis. Whether or not P450c17 catalyzes 17,20 lyase activity is determined by three post-translational mechanisms influencing availability of reducing equivalents donated by P450 oxidoreductase (POR). These are increased amounts of POR, the allosteric action of cytochrome b5 to promote POR-P450c17 interaction, and Ser/Thr phosphorylation of P450c17, which also appears to promote POR-P450c17 interaction. The kinase(s) that phosphorylates P450c17 is unknown. In a series of kinase inhibition experiments, the pyridinyl imidazole drugs SB202190 and SB203580 inhibited 17,20 lyase but not 17α-hydroxylase activity in human adrenocortical HCI-H295A cells, suggesting an action on p38α or p38β. Co-transfection of non-steroidogenic COS-1 cells with P450c17 and p38 expression vectors showed that p38α, but not p38β, conferred 17,20 lyase activity on P450c17. Antiserum to P450c17 co-immunoprecipitated P450c17 and both p38 isoforms; however, knockdown of p38α, but not knockdown of p38β, inhibited 17,20 lyase activity in NCI-H295A cells. Bacterially expressed human P450c17 was phosphorylated by p38α in vitro at a non-canonical site, conferring increased 17,20 lyase activity. This phosphorylation increased the maximum velocity, but not the Michaelis constant, of the 17,20 lyase reaction. p38α phosphorylates P450c17 in a fashion that confers increased 17,20 lyase activity, implying that the production of adrenal androgens (adrenarche) is a regulated event.  相似文献   

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