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Oligonucleotides functionalized with an aldehyde group are the key intermediates used for the preparation of peptide-oligonucleotide conjugates through the formation of an oxime linkage. Herein, we describe a brief overview of various synthetic protocols developed in our laboratory for the preparation of aldehyde containing oligonucleotides and their subsequent conjugation with peptides.  相似文献   


Dimethylthiuram disulfide (DTD) has been developed as an efficient thiolation reagent during automated synthesis of oligonucleotides using phosphoramidite chemistry. Simultaneous thiolation and capping was accomplished by mixing DTD with capping solution B, which saved 20% of solvent consumption and compressed the four-step synthesis cycle to three. Large-scale (1 mmol) synthesis of phosphorothioate oligonucleotides has been demonstrated with excellent yield and purity.  相似文献   


A novel photocleavable universal support for the automated solid phase synthesis of oligonucleotides is described. The linker between the growing oligonucleotide chain and CPG support contains a nucleophilic amine protected with a photocleavable group. On exposure to UV light, this group is detached and the free amine affords cleavage of the oligonucleotide from the support. The use of long wavelength UV light avoids damage to the DNA.  相似文献   

端粒酶及其抑制剂的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周远  龚兴国   《生物工程学报》2001,17(6):604-607
细胞分裂中染色体因其末端的DNA不能完全复制而短缩,使细胞逐渐失去增殖能力,导致细胞衰老、死亡。端粒酶的活化可延长染色体的末端DNA,维护基因组的稳定。端粒酶活性的异常表达,又会使细胞永生化或转化成癌细胞。因此,端粒酶在控制细胞寿命方面有重要作用,端粒酶活性抑制剂有望成为治疗肿瘤的新药物。  相似文献   

我们用改进了的寡聚核苷酸诱导突变法,将两个单一限制性内切酶位点引入人胰岛素前体B链与C链连接处附近,及C链与A铁连接处附近。用含U模板法将B链第30个残基密码子ACC改成ACG,从而引入MluⅠ位点。用修改了的缺口双链DNA突变法,将A链第4个残基密码于GAG改成CTG,引入了一个PstⅠ位点。突变效率的为17%-36%。这个突变体在人胰岛素前体结构及蛋白质折叠的研究中,将有利于更换不同的C-肽。  相似文献   

Thermodynamics of interaction of phthalocyanine‐oligonucleotide conjugates with single‐ and double‐stranded DNA resulting in formation of duplexes and triplexes was measured by UV melting method. It was shown that a phthalocyanine moiety of conjugates stabilized the formation of duplexes and triplexes.  相似文献   

王娟 《现代生物医学进展》2007,7(6):923-925,937
端粒酶几乎在所有的人类癌细胞中均异常表达,它的持久活性对肿瘤的增殖是必需的。因此,抑制端粒酶活性代表了一种新的癌症治疗机制。端粒酶全酶复合物有多处可以做为抑制剂的靶点,包括hTR、hTERT、引物锚定位点等。本文对以端粒酶RNA模板区为靶点的抗肿瘤药物设计策略进行了综述,包括对该区域进行点突变、使用反义寡核苷酸封闭模板区、改变端粒酶RNA空间构象等,并探讨了目前抑制端粒酶活性研究中存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

高危型人乳头瘤病毒(Human papillomavims,HPV)是宫颈癌的主要致病因子。利用Arraydesigner2.0和BLAST等生物学软件对10种型别的人乳头瘤病毒全基因组序列进行分析,设计高特异性、熔解温度(Tm)和GC含量相近的60mer HPV型特异性寡核苷酸探针,用于HPV检测芯片的制备,并对其中四型最常见HPV病毒(HPV6,11,16,18)探针的有效性进行初步验证,结果表明设计所得的探针型特异性好,可以应用于HPV的检测与分型。  相似文献   

端粒缩短见于星形细胞瘤发展过程中,但其长度在胶质母细胞瘤/细胞系相对稳定,提示胶质瘤细胞内存在端粒修复机制的可能性.为证实此点,利用端粒重复片段扩增技术(TRAP),对8株人/大鼠多形胶质母细胞系的蛋白提取液中端粒酶活性加以测定.结果显示:8例胶质瘤样本的反应液均可见端粒PCR扩增片段;用无DNase的RNase事先处理蛋白提取液,可明显降低或消除PCR产物的出现,说明TRAP反应中的PCR扩增是在端粒酶的介导下进行而非DNA污染或其它端粒修复因子所致.从而不但建立起检测人癌细胞内端粒酶活性的可靠方法,也为针对端粒酶的胶质母细胞瘤生物/药物治疗提供了实验依据.  相似文献   

Cathepsins L (catL) and B play an important role in tumor progression and have been considered promising therapeutic targets in the development of novel anticancer agents. Using a bioactivity‐guided fractionation, a series of triterpenoids was identified as a new class of competitive inhibitors towards cathepsin L with affinity values in micromolar range. Among the 14 compounds evaluated, the most promising were 3‐epiursolic acid ( 3 ), 3‐(hydroxyimino)oleanolic acid ( 9 ), and 3‐(hydroxyimino)masticadienoic acid ( 13 ) with IC50 values of 6.5, 2.4, and 2.6 μM on catL, respectively. Most of the evaluated triterpenoids do not inhibit cathepsin B. Thus, the evaluated compounds exhibit a great potential to help in the design of new inhibitors with enhanced potency and affinity towards catL. Docking studies were performed in order to gain insight on the binding mode and SAR of these compounds.  相似文献   

寡核苷酸芯片在微生物检测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近几年来发展起来的基因组研究技术———基因芯片技术为微生物检测提供了一种强有力的手段。目前国内外已广泛地开展了利用寡核苷酸芯片对多种微生物 (主要是病毒和细菌 ,少量有真菌 )进行相关检测的研究 ,并在对微生物病原体检测、种类鉴定、功能基因检测、基因分型、突变检测、基因组监测等方面获得了成功。由于寡核苷酸探针具有可根据研究需要任意设计、特异性高等特点 ,寡核苷酸芯片在微生物检测中有着巨大的应用价值 ,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

端粒酶抑制剂   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
端粒酶被激活被认为是发生恶性肿瘤的主要因素,其激活及表达程度与肿瘤的发生和转移密切相关,因此端粒酶是肿瘤靶向治疗的理想靶点。研究和开发端粒酶抑制剂将为肿瘤治疗揭开新的篇章。端粒酶全酶复合物有很多可以做抑制剂的靶点,包括hTR(端粒酶RNA成分)、hTERT(端粒酶逆转录催化亚单位)、引物锚定位点、全酶的组装和那些招募端粒酶到端粒的因子。  相似文献   


The 6-(levulinyloxymethyl)-3-methoxy-2-nitrobenzoyl (LMMoNBz) and 2-(levulinyloxymethyl)-5-methoxy-4-nitrobenzoyl (LMMpNBz) groups were developed as novel base-labile protection for the 5′-hydroxy function in solid-phase oligonucleotide synthesis. A comparative study of the LMMoNBz, LMMpNBz and 2-(levulinyloxymethyl)-5-nitrobenzoyl (LMNBz) protecting groups for oligonucleotide synthesis proved strong feasibility for the LMMoNBz group.  相似文献   

Strategies Targeting Telomerase Inhibition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

端粒酶是一种由RNA和蛋白质组成的RNA酶,依其自身序列逆转录合成端粒序列并添加到染色体末端,以保证细胞分裂的稳定性。近年来的研究已证实端粒酶的激活是许多恶性肿瘤发生的先决条件。p16基因作为一种重要的抑癌基因,其编码产物P16蛋白可通过p16-cyclinD/CDK-pRB途径调控细胞周期。在多种肿瘤中均出现p16基因表达异常,其表达缺失与人类肿瘤的发生发展关系密切。就端粒酶活性与p16基因表达在人类癌组织中的相关性及其可能作用机制进行总结分析。  相似文献   


Oligodeoxynucleotides with RNA cleavage activity 1) were conjugated with amines and peptides by solid phase fragment condensation (SPFC). It was found that 29 mer DNA enzyme conjugated with spermine at its 5′-end showed higher affinity to the target RNA sequence and 40 times higher activity of cleavage than native DNA enzyme. It is also to be noted that conjugate DNA enzymes showed increased resistance against nuclease digestion  相似文献   

A novel series of 2-chloroquinazoline derivatives had been synthesized and their anti-proliferation activities against the four EGFR high-expressing cells A549, NCI-H1975, AGS and HepG2 cell lines were evaluated. The preliminary SAR study of the scaffold of new compounds showed that the compounds with a chlorine substituent on R3 had a better anti-proliferation activity than those substituted by hydrogen atom or vinyl group. Among them, 2-chloro-N-[2-chloro-4-(3-chloro-4-fluoroanilino)quinazolin-6-yl]acetamide (10b) had the best activity, and the corresponding IC50 were 3.68, 10.06, 1.73 and 2.04 μM, respectively. And compound 10b had better or equivalent activity against four cell lines than Gefitinib. The activity of the compound 10b on the EGFR enzyme was subsequently tested. The Wound Healing of A549, AGS and HepG2 cells by this compound showed that the compound can inhibit the migration of cancer cells. Finally, the action channel of the compound 10b was supported by western blotting experiments. It provides useful information for the design of EGFR-TK inhibitors.  相似文献   

In line with the paradigm, that antisense oligonucleotides should contain minimal structural modifications, in order to minimize the risk of toxicity and antigenicity, we describe here the preparation and the properties of oligonucleotides modified to contain, in addition to phosphodiester bonds, a small number of phosphoramidate internucleotide linkages substituted with aminoethoxyethyl groups in order to convey protection against exo‐ and endonucleases. Prolonged stability was, in fact, found in model experiments with respective enzymes, as well as in studies done in human blood serum. Regardless of number and position of phosphoramidate linkages, the modified oligonucleotides showed only a slight decrease of Tm in hybridization studies with complementary oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

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