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A simple way to incorporate the solvent–peptide interaction in any available theory of the helix–coil transition is developed. The competition between the intramolecular hydrogen bonding and the solvent–polymer hydrogen bonding is considered in multi-component solvents where some of the components have hydrogen-bonding capacity. Molecular averages are computed by using the theory of Lifson and Roig. The experimental data of Yang are analyzed, and the range of acceptable values of the equilibrium constants of hydrogen bond formation is deduced. The enthalpy of the transition in multicomponent solvents is calculated.  相似文献   

A theoretical study of effects of excluded volume intermolecular interactions on the sharpness of helix–coil transitions in solutions of polyamino acids or simple proteins indicates that the transition width may vary appreciably as a function of polymer concentration. The analysis is based on a second virial approximation for the excess free energy of mixing of a solution of polymers of varying degrees of helicity. The virial coefficients involved are roughly estimated on the basis of gross polymer geometry. For large N (degree of polymerization) the transition is found, typically to sharpen with increasing concentration, becoming second order and then first order at sufficiently high concentrations. The critical polymer concentration is found to be roughly of the order N?1.2 ??0?1 for an “all or none” model and of order σ1/2 N?0.2 ??0?1 for a model with continuously variable degree of helicity (??0 is the volume of a single helical molecule and σ1/2 the normalized statistical weight of a helix–coil interface). In the second case for N ~ 103 and σ ~ 10?2–10?4, the predicted critical concentration is in the range 10?1–10?3 g/cm.3 Comparison is made with experiments on solutions of poly(γ-benzyl-L glutamate).  相似文献   

In this paper two points are considered: the methods of evaluating the helical content θ and the calculation of the parameters of the transition from experimental data and its interpretation. The parameter ΔH obtained is in good agreement with the calorimetric one and v is found to be independent of temperature and solvent and in agreement with the ordinarily accepted value for poly(γ-benzyl-L -glutamate). The different methods of estimating θ are discussed for both polypeptides.  相似文献   

The thermal triple helix–coil transition of covalently bridged collagenlike peptides with repeating sequences of (Ala-Gly-Pro)n, n = 5–15, was studied optically. The peptides were soluble in water/acetic acid (99:1) and were found to form triple-helical structures in this solvent system beginning with n = 8. The thermodynamic analysis of the transition equilibrium curves for n = 9–13 yielded the parameters ΔH°s = ?7.0 kJ per tripeptide unit, ΔS°s = ?23.1 J deg?1 mol?1 per tripeptide unit for the coil-to-helix transition, and the apparent nucleation parameter σ ? 5 × 10?2. It was suggested through double-jump temperature experiments that the rate-limiting step during refolding is not only influenced by the difficulties of nucleation, but also by cistrans isomerization of the Gly-Pro peptide bond.  相似文献   

Hajime Noguchi 《Biopolymers》1966,4(10):1105-1113
Water-insoluble films of poly-L -lysine, crosslinked with formaldehyde, were suspended in aqueous media and their relative lengths measured as a function of pH. A sharp transition of the polymer was observed in the pH range which corresponded with that observed in polylysine solutions by optical rotation or dilatometry. In NaBr and NaCl solutions the coiled form of the polylysine film shrinks with increasing salt concentration, but in NaHCO3 solution the extent of the contraction is larger, and the coil–helix transition of polylysine occurs at lower pH when NaHCO3 is added to the medium. If one assumes the formation of amino carbamate in this case, this phenomenon can be well explained. Urea does break up the hydrogen bonds in helical polylysine film, but not completely. This result is interesting compared with that obtained for poly(L -glutamic acid). After the coil–helix transition region was found by film experiments, the volume change associated with the coil-to-helix transition was measured and found to be about 1–l.5 ml. per amino residue after taking electrostatic interaction into consideration. This value is nearly same as that obtained for poly(L -glutamic acid). By contrast, the value for poly-γ-benzyl-L -glutamate was reported to be ?0.077 ml./mole of repeating unit. So it is still necessary to determine the magnitude and direction of the volume change for various kinds of polypeptides.  相似文献   

The lattice model of Flory has been extended in order to consider equilibrium between isotropic and nematic phases containing helix–coil type chains. Nearly complete exclusion of coil sequences from the lyotropic nematic phase produces an enhanced cooperativity in the helix–coil transition. In poor solvents this enhancement begins to occur at concentrations typical of some experiments.  相似文献   

M. Ya. Azbel 《Biopolymers》1980,19(1):95-109
We show that the fine oscillatory structure of the DNA melting curve can be used to determine explicitly the nucleotide composition and the order of certain domains within the DNA. If DNA is specifically fragmented, the order of fragments can be learned directly from a comparison of the differential melting curves of the nonfragmented and fragmented DNA. The indicated information may complement exact methods of DNA sequencing. The proposed analysis is applied to bacteriophage ?X-174, whose melting curve is known. Compared to the known ?X-174 DNA sequence, the results of the analysis are found to be very accurate.  相似文献   

NMR measurements of poly(γ-benzyl-L -glutamate) are reported in several different strengths of magnetic field to determine the relaxation time of the helix–coil transition. Nmr spectra of various samples had line shapes varying from the double to single, depending on the extent of the polydispersity of the sample. This result indicated that the correct line shape of a polypeptide is obscured in the overlapping of multipeaks, which are due to the heterogeneity of the molecular weight in the sample. Thus, the conventional line-shape analysis could not be applied to the kinetic study of the helix–coil transition of polypeptides without consideration of this polydispersity effect on the line shape. To overcome this difficulty, we measured linewidths of nmr spectra for fairly monodisperse samples, using various nmr spectrometers, having field strengths from 60 to 220 MHz. The results were analyzed by a quadratic equation, which involves an additional term proportional to the frequency difference of two sites. The equation differs from the conventional quadratic equation, usually utilized in the case of the fast-exchange limit, only in this additional term. This modification is required to evaluate correctly the unusual broadening of the linewidth resulting from the polydispersity effect and to determine the relaxation time reflected in nmr. Nmr spectra of three samples (DP-35, 85, and 250) were measured by 220-, 100-, and 60-MHz spectrometers in trifluoroacetic acid/chloroform at 28°C and linewidths were analyzed. Relaxation times of the helix–coil transition obtained at the transition midpoint are 2.5 × 10?4, 7 × 10?4, and 1.1 × 10?3 sec, for DP-35, 85, and 250, respectively.  相似文献   

The thermal denaturation method was employed to study the effect of Ca2+ and Mn2+ ions on the DNA helix–coil transition parameters at Na+ concentrations of 10?3–10?1M. At low ion concentrations, thermal stability increases, the melting range passes through a maximum, and the denaturation curves become asymmetric. These changes are quantitatively similar for Mn2+ and Ca2+ ions. With a further increase in the concentration of bivalent ions, the conformational transition temperatures pass through a maximum, and the melting range first tends to saturation and then rapidly decreases to 1–2°C. The Mn2+ concentrations, at which the above effects occur, are an order of magnitude lower than the Ca2+ concentrations. Comparison of experimental results and calculation in terms of the ligand theory permitted estimation of binding constants characterizing association between Mn2+ and Ca2+ ions and bases of native and denatured DNA. We show that, unlike the interaction with phosphates, bivalent ion–DNA base binding is weakly dependent on monovalent ion concentration in the solution.  相似文献   

L. C. Klotz 《Biopolymers》1969,7(2):265-273
Formulas are derived which relate the maximum slope of the helix-coil transition in synthetic polynucleotides to the stacking free energy and to the exponent k in the expression for the probability of ring closure for polymer chains. The exact value of k has not yet been determined. By use of the derived formulas, it is then shown that estimates of the stacking free energy are sensitive enough to the value chosen for k, so that exact values of these energies must await a precise determination of k.  相似文献   

M. Ya. Azbel 《Biopolymers》1980,19(7):1311-1313
Helix–coil transition in very long DNA (containing hundreds of thousands of nucleotides or more) is considered. Certain statistical information about DNA nucleotide sequence is obtained.  相似文献   

Transient electric birefringence of poly(L -α,γ-diaminobutyric acid hydrochloride) in methanol/water mixtures has been measured over a wide range of field strengths and solvent compositions and at different polymer concentrations and temperatures. The molar ellipticity at 222 nm and the specific Kerr constant underwent an abrupt change between 75 and 80 vol % methanol at 25°C, accompanied by a solvent-induced helix–coil transition. Anomalous birefringence transients were observed between 78 and 80 vol% methanol above threshold field strengths. The double logarithmic plots of the steady-state specific birefringence versus the square of field strength for different solvent compositions and polymer concentrations could be superimposed by shifting them horizontally along the abscissa and vertically along the ordinate except for the range where anomalous transients were observed. The threshold field strength could be estimated from the point at which a downward deviation occurred. It increased with increasing polymer concentration and with increasing methanol content on the verge of the transition region. The results were interpreted as indicating that a conformational change from the charged helix to the charged coil is induced by high fields in this system, as in the case of poly(L -lysine hydrobromide) in methanol/water mixtures.  相似文献   

M. Bixon  S. Lifson 《Biopolymers》1967,5(6):509-514
The nucleation of a helical sequence from a random chain of the polypeptide molecule as well as the nucleation of a random-coil sequence from the helical conformation of the molecule are considered simultaneously in evaluating the partition function of the system. This partition function is then used for a comparative analysis of the theories of Zimm and Bragg, Gibbs and DiMarzio, and Lifson and Roig. It is shown that while all three account properly for the essential nature of the nucleation phenomenon the first considers in detail the random-coil nucleation, the second emphasizes the details of the helix nucleation, while the third neglects the fine details of both in a symmetric way.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of reduced water activity on the pressure-stability of double-stranded DNA polymers, poly[d(A-T)] and poly[d(I-C)]. Water activity was modulated by the addition of ethylene glycol and glycerol. The ionic strength of the medium was such that pressure had a destabilising effect on the polymers in the absence of cosolvents. The molar volume change of the heat-induced helix to coil transition (ΔVT) becomes more positive as the activity of water was reduced, suggesting that the pressure-induced denaturation of DNA polymers would not occur at very low water activity. This would imply that water plays a crucial role in the pressure denaturation of DNA, much like that in pressure denaturation of proteins where the driving force of the process is the penetration of water molecules into the protein core [Hummer et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1998, 95, 1552–1555].  相似文献   

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