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The synthesis on solid phase of a peptide sequence (GGRGRS) related to an integrin adhesion site as well as the preparation of some hydrophobic derivatives is described.

The incorporation of these peptides to the surface of liposomes was carried out either through the NGPE (N-glutaryl dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline) carboxyl-group or mixing hydrophobic peptide derivatives with lipids since the beginning of the process. The influence of these factors on the entrapment yield of 5-FUR (5-fluorouridine) was determined. Best results, calculated as percentage of drug encapsulation, were obtained when the peptide was linked to preformed liposomes via an NGPE-amide bond. On the contrary, the presence of these hydrophobic peptides on the bilayers decreases the overall yield of encapsulation of 5-FUR. Nevertheless, considering drug/lipid relationship and scaling-up requirements it seems that the use of myristoyl peptide derivative should be the procedure of choice.

Physicochemical studies carried out with the peptides indicated that the presence of hydrophobic moieties linked to the parent peptide increases the tendency to self aggregation as detected through fluorescence studies using DPH (1, 6 diphenyl hexatriene) as marker, reducing in this way the efficiency of incorporation of hydrophobic peptides to the surface of liposomes.  相似文献   


Liposomes encapsulating the bisphosphonate clodronate can be used for the transient suppression of macrophage functions. Given the important role of macrophages in various disorders, the application of clodronate liposomes has been studied in several models of rheumatoid arthritis, neurological disorders such as experimental allergic encephalomyelitis and spinal cord injury, autoantibody mediated disorders such as immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and for the improvement of the efficacy of gene transfer and drug targeting.  相似文献   

坐骨神经结扎后大鼠背根神经节和脊髓CGRP表达的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的研究大鼠坐骨神经结扎后降钙素基因相关肽(calcitoningene-relatedpeptide,CGRP)表达变化。方法SD大鼠随机分为假手术对照组和坐骨神经结扎组,实验组结扎后分别存活1、3、5、7、14、21和28d(n=8),免疫荧光(双标法)和免疫组织化学(SABC法)观察术后不同时间点CGRP和NGF在坐骨神经、背根神经节(dorsalrootganglion,DRG)和脊髓的表达变化,Westernblot结合图像分析技术对不同时间的变化进行定量测定。结果术后1d结扎远端坐骨神经内NGF大量堆积,持续到28d仍高于正常。结扎后7dDRG内CGRP阳性细胞百分率减少,持续到28d仍低于正常;结扎后14d脊髓后角CGRP下降,28d仍低于正常,各时间点脊髓前角CGRP表达未见明显变化。结论神经结扎可导致DRG和脊髓后角的CGRP表达下调,可能与靶源性的NGF来源减少有关。  相似文献   

应用过氧化物酶标记的链霉卵白素免疫细胞化学技术对鳜、大口黑鲈、尼罗非鲫、短盖巨脂鲤、鲇、黄颡鱼、黄鳝和乌鳢等8种有胃真骨鱼消化道粘膜中降钙素免疫活性内分泌细胞进行了免疫细胞化学定位及形态学比较.结果表明,在尼罗非鲫、鳜和大口黑鲈消化道的任何部位均未见到阳性反应。另外5种鱼消化道的不同部位可不同程度地见到阳性细胞,其中黄颡鱼的整个消化道均有降钙素免疫活性的阳性反应;黄鳝和乌鳢的肠道中则无阳性反应,但在它们的胃以及黄鳝的食道中见到阳性细胞;鲇除食道中没有发现阳性细胞外,消化道各段中均有阳性细胞的存在;短盖巨脂鲤则仅在食道中发现阳性细胞。降钙素免疫活性细胞在肠道中的形态大多为长校形,胞体膨大,胞核是空油状,有两个相对的胞突分别伸向肠腔和基膜;胃中的降钙素细胞在位于胃上皮细胞之间时形状多为较短的梭形,而位于胃腺中时其形状较前者更加粗、短,胞突短小,常常呈不规则形状沿胃腺管边缘分布。  相似文献   

本实验采用免疫组织化学ABC-GDN法和地高辛标记寡核苷酸探针原位杂交技术,研究了降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)及其mRNA在恒河猴内的表达。结果显示CGRP分布于恒河猴肺内各级支气管粘膜上皮的神经内分泌细胞(NEC)和神经上皮样小体(NEB)中。CGRP杂交阳性细胞的分布与免疫组织化学的结果相同。CGRP mRNA杂交信号均匀分布于整个细胞质,而CGRP免疫反应物仅在神经内分泌细胞的基部更明显,说  相似文献   

Surface modification of liposomes with amphiphilic flexible polymers significantly prolongs their circulation time in blood and reduces uptake by cells of the reticuloendothelial system (RES). Several polymers have already been shown to provide steric protection to liposomes. Still more polymers are expected to serve this purpose, thus broadening the variability of properties of long-circulating liposomes. Poly[N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide] (poly (HPMA)) seems to have some properties similar to polyethylene glycol (PEG), the most widely used polymer in liposome surface modification, including flexibility, hydrophilicity and low immunogenicity, which suggest that it may also function as an efficient steric protector of liposomes. Semitelechelic poly(HPMA) with single- or double-oleic acid hydrophobic terminus were synthesized and incorporated into the surface of liposomes composed of phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol. These poly(HPMA)-modified liposomes provided strong steric protection for liposomes, increasing their circulation time and decreasing liver accumulation in experimental mice. Poly(HPMA)-modified liposomes may become a useful addition to a family of long-circulating liposomes with potential to be used as a drug delivery system.  相似文献   

目的探讨降钙素对去势兔的假体四周骨组织形态计量学的影响.方法将30只全髋置换(THA)模型的骨质疏松症雌兔随机分成实验组和对照组,实验组给予降钙素治疗,持续半年;所有动物术后24周处死,分别行假体四周骨组织形态计量学分析.结果假体四周骨组织形态计量学显示,实验组骨吸收指标Oc.No/Tb.Pm、ES/BS较对照组有显著下降(P<0.01);假体四周骨量参数BV/TV及Tb.Th,实验组明显较对照组增多(P<0.01);成骨参数OV/BV、成骨细胞数量参数OB%及OB/1cm均较对照组有明显升高(P<0.05);骨形成速率参数BFR(T)及%L.Pm较对照组有明显升高(P<0.05).两组间,矿化沉积率MAR及矿化延迟时间MLT均无显著性差异(P﹥0.05).结论鲑鱼降钙素能抑制假体四周骨质的骨吸收,减少骨丢失,降低骨转化率;促进假体四周骨形成,增加骨量;改善假体四周骨微结构,提高骨质量.有利于提高假体四周骨质的生物力学性能,防止假体松动.  相似文献   

A simple methodology based on the differential pulse polarography (DPP) was developed for non-destructive monitoring of drug release from liposomes. The methodology was also capable of determining not only the released material that remained free in the liposomal suspension but also the amount of the drug which was eventually adsorbed on the vesicles surface after its release from the liposomes. Based on this methodology the release kinetics of encapsulated chlorothiazide in 5 mg ml?1 DRV liposomes was studied at 37°C at pH 7.4. The results were compared to those obtained by centrifuging the DRV sample and measuring the free drug in the supernatant solution with UV-spectroscopy. Approximately 70% of the initially encapsulated drug were released within 24 h of which ca. 46% were subsequently adsorbed on vesicles' surface.  相似文献   

The active loading of liposomes with dopamine in response to an ammonium sulfate gradient was studied. This method can be regarded as a mean to more efficiently improve the liposomal dopamine/lipids ratio in comparison to conventional methods of liposome preparation. Trapping efficiency of dopamine into liposomes exhibiting a transmembrane ammonium sulfate gradient was shown to be dependent on liposome lipid composition, lipid concentration and temperature. Dopamine-containing liposomes with α-tocopherol in the lipid bilayer were shown to be stable at least for three weeks. It has been found that intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of conventionally prepared dopamine-containing liposomes as well as liposomes with increased dopamine/lipid ratio may efficiently suppress the expression of parkinsonian symptoms in C57BL/6 mice with experimental parkinsonian syndrome. On the other hand, only through increasing of liposomal dopamine/lipid ratio the complete compensation of dopamine deficiency in the mice brain was achieved. The obtained data may be considered as biochemical evidence in favor of liposomes' ability to act as a carrier system for the delivery of dopamine into the brain.  相似文献   

为研究全脑缺血再灌流后纹状体边缘区内降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)和谷氨酸脱羧酶(GAD)等神经递质的表达变化。在两侧颈总动脉和椎动脉结扎造成的大鼠全脑缺血模型上,用免疫组织化学方法观察纹状体边缘区内CGRP和GAD等免疫阳性反应的分布,结果显示正常大鼠脑纹状体内有CGRP和GAD阳性神经纤维的分布,全脑缺血再灌流1天后,边缘区中的CGRP免疫阳性反应逐渐增强,在第5天时达到最高峰,全脑缺血再灌流后1天,可见边缘区部位的GAD免疫阳性反应增强,但以后边缘区内的GAD免疫反应阳性物质逐渐减少,缺血再灌流5天后,边缘区中GAD免疫阳性反应的表达基本消失。研究结果表明全脑缺血后边缘区中的CGRP反应逐渐增强,这种变化可能和脑缺血后动物的学习记忆能力下降有关。  相似文献   

The effect of piperine on the fertilization of eggs with sperm was investigated in female hamsters. They were intragastrically treated with piperine at doses of 50 and 100mg/kg BW from day 1 through day 4 of the oestrous cycle. During piperine treatment, these females were superovulated and artificially inseminated (AI) with spermatozoa from untreated male hamsters at 12h after hCG injection. The fertilization and growth of embryos were examined at various times after AI. In control hamsters, the percent fertilization increased with time, from 27.4±3.3% at 9h after AI to 75.3±9.6 at 24h after AI. Administration of piperine to the superovulated animals markedly enhanced the percent fertilization at 9h after AI. It was increased to 85.4±4.1 and 82.8±4.8% by piperine at doses of 50 and 100mg/kg BW, respectively. However, examination of the embryos retrieved 48h after AI revealed no differences in the stage of embryonic development among different groups of animals. The possibility that this effect was due to the direct action of vanillic acid, a major piperine metabolite, was testedin vitroDirect exposure of spermatozoa to vanillic acid at doses 25–100mg% did not significantly affect their motility, percent acrosome reaction or fertilizing ability. This suggests that the enhancement of fertilization by piperine treatment was not related to the secretion of vanillic acid into the oviduct.  相似文献   


In order to evaluate the usefulness of liposomes as possible vaccine vehicles (oral and subcutaneous), the stability of liposomes in buffer, plasma and saliva at 25 and 37°C was analyzed via fluorescence and enzymatic methodology. The tested mixtures included [EggPC/Chol] 1 : 1 (mixture I), [EggPC/Chol/SM] 1 : 1 : 1 (mixture II), [EggPC/Chol/SM/GM typeIII] 1 : 1 : 1 : 0.14 (mixture III), [EggPC/Chol/SM/GM1] 1 : 1 : 1 : 0.14 (mixture IV) and [DIAPC/DMPC] 1 : 1 non polymerized (mixture V) and polymerized (mixture VI); all mole ratio. Liposome mixtures I and II were more stable in buffer at 25°C. On the other hand, mixtures III and IV were more stable in plasma at 37°C; mixture VI was more stable in plasma at 37°C than in buffer or saliva. Mixtures IV and V liposomes were both stable in saliva for at least one hour. Blood and feces anti-GM1 response to antigen associated liposomes after subcutaneous and oral administration was also examined. After mixture IV mice immunization, no detectable anti-ganglioside GM1 antibody response was detected. Negative stain transmission electron microscopy, shows that liposomes containing SM, GM1, GM typeIII and DIAPC : DMPC were twice the size of those made with EggPC/Chol. The hydrophobicity factor expressed as A(570/500) was obtained using the probe merocynine 540 (MC540). The order of fluidity increased from: mixture II<mixture I<mixture III<mixture IV<mixtureV<mixture VI. Although the high hydrophobicity factor for polymerizable lipids there are other factors like stability must be taken into account according to the administration via selected. Also, the hydrophilicity of the groups protruding from the membrane interphase into the solution in the case of subcutaneous inoculation is very relevant and for oral administration stability is the property to take into account, as long as they have to last through the different fluids of the gastrointestinal tract. The results obtained suggest that liposomes that showed stability in saliva and plasma at 37°C containing GM1, GM typeIII or DIAPC/DMPC would serve effectively as a delivery vehicle for oral and subcutaneous non-viral vaccines.  相似文献   

人及大鼠胃、小肠CGRP的定位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验选用成年健康男性尸体和成年雄性Wistar大鼠各4例,死后迅速取胃、小肠各段组织.用免疫组织化学PAP法,对CGRP在人及大鼠胃、小肠中的分布进行了研究.结果表明:胃粘膜内可见CGRP免疫反应阳性的内分泌细胞,其数量人多于大鼠;胃、小肠各段均可见CGRP免疫反应阳性神经纤维分布;大鼠小肠粘膜下层及内环、外纵肌间可见单个存在的CGRP免疫反应阳性神经细胞.这些结果表明,胃和小肠中的CGRP有两种来源,即来源于神经和内分泌细胞.文内还对CGRP在胃和小肠中的可能功能进行了讨论.  相似文献   

大鼠鼻粘膜肽能神经末梢分布的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用免疫组化技术(ABC法)系统研究了大鼠鼻粘膜9种肽能神经末梢分布的特征,这9种神经肽分别是P物质(substanceP,SP),神经激肽A(neurokininA,NKA),神经激肽B(neurokininB,NKB),降钙素基因相关肽(calcitoningene-relatedpeptide,CGRP),血管活性肠多肽(vasoactiveintestinalpolypeptide,VIP),神经肽Y(neuropeptideY,NPY),甘丙肽(galanin,GAL),生长抑素(somatostatin,SOM)及神经降压素(neurotensin,NT),同时选择与鼻粘膜神经肽(NP)作用密切相关的三叉神经节(TG)细胞进行上述NP的定位。用重组PSP65质粒(400SOMcDNA)制备SOMmRNA单链探针,以地高辛精标记,在鼻粘膜及TG细胞进行SOMmRNA的原位杂交组化研究。结果提示大鼠鼻粘膜有丰富的肽能神经末梢;TG细胞含有多种NP并且可以合成SOM。该研究结果对重新认识鼻粘膜神经分布规律有一定意义。  相似文献   

提高菜心离体植株再生频率的研究   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
AgNO3与ABA 相配合,在离体培养条件下从3个菜心(Brassica parachinensisBail.)品种(“49-19”、“60D”和“70D”)获得了高频率的植株再生。结果表明:在试验的3种外植体中,子叶-子叶柄再生能力最强。实生苗龄及接种方式影响植株再生频率。MS附加不同浓度的BAP和NAA,BAP 2 m g/L与NAA 1 m g/L配合效果最好,植株再生频率可达26.8% 。培养基中单独添加AgNO3 或ABA 均能促进植株再生,且AgNO3 作用优于ABA。AgNO3(4 m g/L)和ABA(0.5 m g/L)相配合获得了更高的植株再生频率:“49-19”达89% ,“60D”达84.3% ,“70D”达86% 。组织学研究表明,在本实验条件下菜心离体培养植株再生方式为外植体直接出芽。不定芽起源于子叶柄切口端维管组织的薄壁细胞;由此种细胞分裂形成分生细胞团,继而分化成芽。试管苗移入盆中获得成熟植株  相似文献   

采用FITC标记的未经修饰的和经过修饰的两种19-mer反义寡聚核苷酸序列(ODN19和S-ODN19)作为转染物质,用流式细胞技术(FCM)研究比较几种常用阳性脂质体介导的寡聚核苷酸转染HeLa细胞的效果及适宜的转染时间。未经化学修饰的ODN19转染结果显示,LipofectAmine和DM-RIE-C增强转染的作用相对较强,而其他两种脂质体的作用并不明显。对于经过修饰的S-ODN19转染而言,四种阳性脂质体均具有增强S-ODN19转染作用,但以LipofectAmine的效果最为明显,其转染效果(FITC均值为5203.11)为无脂质体介导对照的数十倍。四种阳性脂质体的增强转染作用排序为:LipofectAmine>FuGENE6>Lipofectin>DM-RIR-C。另外,在用FuGENE6介导寡聚核苷酸转染时,采用4小时转染时间可获较好转染效果。  相似文献   

用还原型辅酶Ⅱ黄递酶组织化学和一氧化氮合酶(NOS)免疫细胞化学技术研究了成年爪蛙(Xenopuslaevis)鼻粘膜NOS的阳性结构。嗅上皮中嗅感觉神经元和支持细胞,以及固有层中的神经束、血管和粘膜下腺均呈还原型辅酶Ⅱ黄递酶阳性染色。在嗅上皮中,未见Ⅰ型或Ⅱ型NOS抗体免疫反应阳性结构,但鼻内侧窦和内侧窦口顶嗅上皮中的嗅感觉神经元见有Ⅲ型NOS强免疫反应。在固有层中,Ⅰ型或Ⅲ型NOS免疫反应性存在于神经束和血管中,未见于粘膜下腺的腺泡中。结果表明,不同异型的NOS存在于爪蛙鼻粘膜中,提示一氧化氮可能参与爪蛙的化学感觉活动。  相似文献   

本实验观察了冠脉内注射降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP0.3μg/kg)对正常及不同程度冠脉狭窄犬的心功能的影响。结果表明正常犬冠脉内注射CGRP后,平均动脉压(MAP)下降1.2kPa(P<0.05),同时,心率(HR)、心输出量(CO)、左室收缩压峰值(LVSP)均不同程度增加;左室舒张末压(LVEDP)轻度降低。在中度狭窄30min后,冠脉内注射CGRP对HR、MAP无明显影响;而重度狭窄后注射CGRP,MAP由狭窄时降低逐渐增高,HR由增快而变慢。CO、LVSP均显著增高,LVEDP降低,此作用较冠脉狭窄前更为明显。提示CGRP扩张冠脉动脉,增加冠脉血流量和心排血量,增强心肌收缩力,对缺血心脏功能有保护作用。  相似文献   

鱼类消化道具有吸收外源生长激素的能力   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用草鱼生长激素夹心式酶联免疫吸附测定法(ELISA),研究了重组鲤生长激素(rcGH)经胃或肠灌注后,胡子鲶、大口鲶和银鲫血清GH水平的变化规律。胡子鲶、大口鲶直肠分别灌注rcGH(1μg/g和5μg/g)后,血清GH水平迅速升高,而在对照组胡子鲶和大口鲶血清中未检测到内源性的GH,预示处理组血清GH水平的迅速升高是由rcGH从小肠内转移进血液引起的。胡子鲶胃内灌注rcGH(25μg/g)后,在  相似文献   

目的 观察清道夫受体A(scavenger receprorA,SR-A)在鼻NK/T细胞淋巴瘤间质中的表达,探讨其意义。方法 对鼻NK/T细胞淋巴瘤,鼻B细胞淋巴瘤以及鼻部炎症的石蜡标本进行HE染色和SP免疫组织化学染色检测SR-A的表达。结果 SR-A蛋白在鼻NK/T细胞淋巴瘤,鼻B细胞淋巴瘤和鼻部炎症中阳性率分别为92.7%,29.2%和6.25%。统计学分析发现,鼻NK/T细胞淋巴瘤中SR-A的表达与B细胞淋巴瘤和炎症中SR-A的表达均有显著差异(P〈0.001)。结论 SR-A可能在鼻NK/T细胞淋巴瘤的诊断及鉴别诊断中有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

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