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RNA interference (RNAi) silences gene expression via short interfering 21-23 mer double-stranded RNA (siRNA) segments that guide cognate mRNA degradation in a sequence-specific manner. On the other hand, HIV-1 decoy TAR RNA are known to competitively interact with the HIV-1 Tat protein, to downregulate the enhanced gene expression from the long terminal repeat (LTR) promoters. Here we report that a novel expression construct, encoding both HIV-1 decoy TAR and Vif siRNA, as a single RNA substrate, was expressed under the control of the human U6 promoter, and later the TAR and siRNA were cleaved into their respective separate RNA by the endogenous RNase III-like enzyme. Each of the cleaved HIV-1 anti-genes then synergistically contributed toward enhancing the inhibition efficacy (>80%) of HIV-1 replication in transduced Jurkat cells. These results suggest that targeting HIV-1 mRNA with simultaneously expressed intracellular decoy TAR and Vif-siRNA could lead to an effective gene therapy strategy for the control and management of HIV-AIDS.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic observations of epidermal and cortical cells of the root tips of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grown in 192 mm NaCl and aged in 192 mm NaCl + 0.2 mm CaSO4 revealed marked condensation of chromatin in the nuclei which was not observed in freshly cut tissue grown in the presence of 192 mM NaCl. Other changes due to salinity were observed, such as the increase of the number of ribosomes and of mitochondria and the appearance of translucent areas in slightly swollen mitochondria. The mechanism by which the nuclear changes occurred or their meaning for cell function are not understood.  相似文献   

HIV-1进攻靶细胞的机制及相应环节抑制剂   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
HIV-1是导致获得性免疫缺陷综合症(AIDS)的流行最广、破坏力最强的病毒。HIV-1分两个步骤特异性地进攻CD4^ 细胞:一是利用表面糖蛋白gp120和靶细胞膜上的受体结合;二是通过跨膜糖蛋白gp41使病毒的包膜和靶细胞的质膜发生融合,经过上述步骤,病毒的核心蛋白和遗传物质得以进入人体,然其中进行复制,遇时,细胞膜的稳定性被破坏,细胞的内外环境失去平衡,最终导致细胞死亡。HIV-1进攻靶细胞的机制研究所取得的成就为研制安全有效的抗HIV/AIDS药物提供了新的思路和方向。  相似文献   

Discrete localization of stain in pericanalicular granules was found in 10 µ frozen sections of formol-phosphate-sucrose-fixed liver stained by the Gomori acid phosphatase technique and examined in the light microscope. The staining patterns, before and after treatment with Triton X-100 and lecithinase, were identical with those previously reported for formol-calcium-fixed material treated in the same way, and it can be assumed that the stained granules are identical with "lysosomes." Examination in the light microscope of the staining patterns and lead penetration in fixed blocks and slices of various dimensions showed nuclear staining and other artefacts to be present, produced by the different rates of penetration of the various components of the staining medium into the tissue. A uniform pericanalicular staining pattern could be obtained, however, with slices not more than 50 µ thick, into which the staining medium could penetrate rapidly from both faces. The staining pattern produced in 50 µ slices was the same both at pH 5.0 and pH 6.2, and was not altered by subsequent embedding of the stained material in butyl methacrylate. Electron microscopy showed the fine structure of fixed 50 µ frozen slices to be well preserved, but it deteriorated badly when they were incubated in the normal Gomori medium at pH 5.0 before postfixing in osmium tetroxide. After incubation in the Gomori medium at pH 6.2, the detailed morphology was substantially maintained. In both cases lead phosphate, the reaction product, was found in the pericanalicular regions of the cell, but only in the vacuolated dense bodies and never in the microbodies. Not every vacuolated dense body contained lead, and stained and unstained bodies were sometimes seen adjacent to each other. This heterogeneous distribution of stain within a morphologically homogeneous group of particles is consistent with de Duve's suggestion (9) that there is a heterogeneous distribution of enzymes within the lysosome population. It is concluded from these investigations that the vacuolated dense bodies seen in the electron microscope are the morphological counterparts of the "lysosomes" defined biochemically by de Duve.  相似文献   

HIV—1核蛋白p24在昆虫细胞中的表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢云  董明 《病毒学报》1997,13(3):202-207
将完整的HIV-1 p24基因克隆到杆状病毒转移质粒中,使用重组转移质粒与野生型杆状病毒DNA共转染Sf9昆虫细胞,经筛选获得带有编码p24基因的重组杆状病毒。重组杆状病毒感染Sf9细胞后在细胞中表达了HIV核蛋白p24。其重组蛋白的分子量为24kD。此重组糖蛋白在免疫荧光,免疫印染和酶联免疫实验中都能被人HIV-1阳性血清和单克隆抗体所识别。  相似文献   

中国首例人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV-1)A亚型毒株的鉴定   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
中国首例人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV-1)A亚型毒株的鉴定苏玲邢辉羊海涛1罗小光2邵一鸣(中国预防医学科学院艾滋病参比实验室,北京100050)关键词人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV),艾滋病(AIDS),亚型,套式聚合酶链式反应(nested-PCR),序列分...  相似文献   

Starfish follicle cells, treated with concanavalin A (Con A), continued to produce 1-methyl-adenine (1-MeAde), an inducer of starfish oocyte maturation, after rinsing with artificial seawater (ASW). On the other hand, they ceased to produce the substance if treated with methyl α-Dmannoside (αMM). These cells produced again 1-MeAde when re-stimulated with Con A after removal of αMM. An optical study with fluorescein revealed that Con A bound to the cells was not dissociated by rinsing with ASW, but was removed if the cells were treated with αMM. These results suggest that continuous binding of Con A to the surface of the follicle cells is essential for the production of 1-MeAde.  相似文献   

The feasibility of estimating phytoplankton carbon and RNA concentrations from measurements of ATP and chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations was studied using chemostat populations of the marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) Fryxell & Hasle (= T. fluviatilis Hustedt). C:ATP and RNA:ATP ratios were studied for six additional marine species in batch culture representing five classes of phytoplankton. Statistical analyses revealed that both the growth rate and the factor limiting growth (NO3-, NH4+, PO43- or light) could alter C:ATP, RNA: ATP, C:chl a and RNA:chl a ratios by amounts which were large compared to measurement error. An analysis of variance of the batch culture results indicated that both species and the source of inorganic nitrogen (NO3-, or NH4+) had a significant effect on C:ATP and RNA:ATP ratios. Light had less of an influence on C:ATP and RNA:ATP ratios than on C:chl a and RNA:chl a ratios, and for this reason we feel that phytoplankton C and RNA concentrations can be estimated with greater reliability from ATP than from chl a measurements. The range of C:ATP and RNA:ATP values found for T. weissflogii under a variety of growth conditions was similar to that for the six additional species grown in batch culture, suggesting that this range of values is indicative of the extremes likely to occur in living cells. Our results and additional data in the literature indicate that phytoplankton C and RNA concentrations can be estimated to within a factor of two by multiplying ATP concentrations by 311 and 35, respectively, in N limited systems, and by 341 and 36, respectively in PO43- limited systems.  相似文献   

将中国株HIV-1B亚型的gag全基因序列,克隆到杆状病毒表达载体pfastbacI中,构建了重组质粒pfastGag,利用细菌/杆状病毒表达系统筛选重组杆状病毒,在昆虫细胞中高效表达了HIV-1Gag蛋白。通过改造原核表达载体pBV220和pET28,构建了一种新的通用型温控原核表达载体质粒pVV5,该载体携带PrPl串联温控启功子及His—Tag纯化标签,利于目的蛋白表达与纯化。将HIV-1gag基因的1148一1857编码序列,分别插入到pVV5b、pET28b的相应位点,构建了重组表达质粒pEG1b、pEG7b,二者在不同受体菌中,表达重组蛋白的量分别占全菌体蛋白总量的42%和28%。利用IMAC金属螯合层析柱,对包涵体中的重组p24蛋白进行纯化,纯度超过80%;纯化后的重组蛋白可与HIV-1型标准阳性血清发生较强的免疫学反应。  相似文献   

We designed a new, artificial seawater (Ace 25) in order to grow bulk cultures of Acetabularia acetabulum (L.) Silva with a minimum of labor. To this end, we modified the traditional recipe for cell growth (Müller's medium as modified by Schweiger et al.) We eliminated five of the inorganic chemicals and determined the optimum concentration for 16 of the remaining 18 inorganic chemicals from modified Müller's seawater. Ace 25 enables growth of A. acetabulum from the beginning of the juvenile phase through gametangial formation in 11 weeks at high cell densities without medium replenishment. This represents a 98% reduction in the seawater volume required to mature each cell, a 30–40% reduction of the duration of the life cycle, an estimated 80% reduction in labor, and a 50–95% reduction in the space required for culturing A. acetabulum as compared with traditional procedures. These improvements may facilitate studies that require large numbers of cells such as population studies, genetics, and biochemistry, contribute to understanding the nutritional requirements of marine algae, and extend the use of this cell to those who lack the space or manpower to grow the cells in the traditional manner.  相似文献   

Lines of Chinese hamster ovary cells resistant to the lectins concanavalin A (Con A) and phytohemagglutinin-P (PHA-P) have been isolated and characterized. Lines were isolated by a stepwise, a single-step, or a cycling single-step procedure, from both mutagen-treated and untreated cultures. The resistant lines showed a higher efficiency of colony formation in the presence of the appropriate lectin than did the wild-type parental line. The cell lines resistant to Con A did not exhibit any detectable cross resistance to PHA-P, nor did the PHA-resistant cells exhibit cross resistance to Con A. The toxicity of Con A from the wild-type and Con A-resistant lines was reduced in the presence of methyl α-D-glucopyranoside; this effect was not seen with the PHA-resistant line. Using 125I-labeled Con A, it was found that Con A was bound preferentially to the surface of intact cells, and that the amount of labeled Con A bound to intact cells was similar for the wild-type and lectin-resistant lines. The Con A-resistant lines were found to be more susceptible to the toxic effects of a number of different compounds, including cyclic AMP and its dibutyryl derivative, sodium butyrate, high concentrations of glucose, phenethyl alcohol, phenol, ouabain, and testosterone. It appears that, in these lines, acquisition of resistance to Con A gave rise to pleiotropic effects which were detected by changes in the sensitivity of the cells to a variety of agents.  相似文献   

1. Rats killed in a variety of ways (broken neck, nembutal, anoxia, electrocution) may undergo extensive bubble formation when subsequently decompressed from atmospheric pressure to simulated altitudes of 50,000 feet. On autopsy at sea level, large numbers of bubbles are found throughout the vascular system in the majority of animals. These bubbles appear to originate in small vessels deep within muscular regions, later spreading widely in arterial and venous systems. Dead rabbits and frogs also bubble profusely on decompression. 2. Bubble formation in dead animals is attributed primarily to the accumulation of CO2, derived from residual cellular respiration after death, and from anaerobic glycolysis with attendant decomposition of bicarbonates in blood and tissue fluids. If anaerobic glycolysis is inhibited by using sodium iodoacetate as a lethal agent, bubble formation is greatly reduced or lacking on subsequent decompression. 3. Experiments in vitro suggest that high concentrations of CO2 favor bubble formation by reducing the degree of mechanical disturbance necessary. 4. Administration of CO2 in high concentrations to living frogs lowers the minimum altitude (pressure equivalent) at which bubble formation occurs, with exercise, in untreated animals. Pre-treatment with CO2 also reduces the degree of muscular activity necessary for bubbles to form in frogs at higher altitudes. 5. Analyses have been made of the gas content of bubbles taken directly from the large veins of decompressed frogs and rats. In living animals the figures obtained indicate rapid equilibration with gas tensions in the blood. Bubbles taken from decompressed dead rats may contain 60–80 per cent CO2. 6. The bearing of these experiments on the mechanisms of bubble initiation and growth in normal living animals is discussed. Reasons are given for suggesting that CO2, due largely to its high dissolved concentration in localized active regions, may be an outstanding factor in the initiation and early growth of bubbles which in later stages are expanded and maintained principally by nitrogen.  相似文献   

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