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Although the multiple interacting genes affecting complex traits can readily be dissected, how much genotype-environment interactions contribute to variation in complex traits remains elusive. A recent study that quantified several behavioral phenotypes on the same mouse strains in different laboratories decades apart, shows that some behavioral differences between laboratories remain greatly replicable, whereas others are less robust over time. This report, together with studies from Drosophila, stresses the importance of understanding genotype-environment interactions.  相似文献   

Trees are large organisms that structure forest ecosystems by providing an environment for an enormous diversity of animal, microbial and plant species. As these species use trees as their common hosts, many are likely to interact with each other directly or indirectly. From studies on herbaceous plant species we know that microbes can affect the interaction of plants with herbivorous insects, for example via changes in plant metabolite profiles. The consequences of fungal colonization for tree-insect interactions are, however, barely known, despite the importance of these ecological communities. In this review we explore the interaction of leaf-inhabiting pathogenic and endophytic fungi with trees and the consequences for tree-living insect herbivores. We discuss molecular, physiological, chemical, biochemical and ecological aspects of tree-fungus interactions and summarize the current knowledge on the direct and indirect effects of tree-inhabiting fungi on insect herbivores.Our mechanistic understanding of the tripartite interaction of trees with leaf-inhabiting fungi and insect herbivores is still in its infancy. We are currently facing substantial drawbacks in experimental methodology that prevent us from revealing the effect of one single fungal species on a particular insect herbivore species and vice versa. Future studies applying a versatile toolbox of modern molecular, chemical analytical and ecological techniques in combined laboratory and field experiments will unequivocally lead to a better understanding of fungus-tree-insect interactions.  相似文献   

The Na,K-ATPase is composed of multiple isoforms and the isoform distribution varies with the tissue and during development. The α1 isoform for example, is the major isoform in the kidney and many other tissues, while the α2 isoform is the predominate one in skeletal muscle. All three isoforms are found in the brain although in adult rodent brain, the α3 isoform is located essentially in neurons while the α2 isoform is found in astrocytes and some limited neuronal populations. Interestingly the α4 isoform is found exclusively in the mid region of the sperm tail. The distribution of the isoforms of the Na,K-ATPase has been extensively studied in many tissues and during development. The examples cited above provide some indication to the diversity of Na,K-ATPase isoform expression. In order to understand the significance of this distribution, we have developed animals which lack the α1, α2, and α3 isoforms. It is anticipated that these studies will provide insight into the role that these isoforms play in driving various biological processes in specific tissues. Here we describe some of our studies which deal with the behavioral aspects of the α1, α2, and α3 deficient mice, particularly those that are haploinsufficient in one isoform i.e. lacking one functional gene for the α1, α2, or α3 isoforms. Such studies are important as two human diseases are associated with deficiency in the α2 and α3 isoforms. These are Familial Hemiplegic Migraine type 2 and Rapid-Onset Dystonia Parkinsonism, these diseases result from α2 and α3 isoform haploinsufficiency, respectively. We find that the haploinsufficiency of both α2 and α3 isoforms result in behavioral defects.  相似文献   

The photochemistry of ortho-nitrobenzaldehyde dissolved in tetrahydrofuran was studied by means of femtosecond UV/Vis and IR spectroscopy. Comparison was made of the spectral and temporal signatures for ~400 nm and ~260 nm excitation. The 400 nm excitation promotes NBA to its lowest excited singlet state of nπ* character whereas for 260 nm an upper excited state of ππ* character is addressed. On the picosecond time scale, the molecule undergoes hydrogen transfer, yielding a ketene intermediate, internal conversion recovering the starting material, and intersystem crossing. Time constants and yields of these processes are virtually not affected by the excitation wavelength. For 400 nm excitation a ~100 fs decay component seen in the 260 nm experiment is absent, indicating that this component is due to a ππ* → nπ* internal conversion. In contrast to its formation, the decay of the ketene intermediate is influenced by the excitation wavelength. This can be attributed to different amounts of vibrational excitation.  相似文献   

The application of payment for ecosystem services schemes to dryland areas has been limited, particularly for schemes that seek to improve the grassland upon which resource users in these landscapes depend. The high levels of climatic and resource variability, strength of informal institutions governing resource use and contested nature of resource decline are examples of defining characteristics that may challenge the application of more conventional payment for ecosystem services schemes in dryland contexts. We used a social–ecological systems framework to (i) help identify design criteria for effective and efficient payment for ecosystem services schemes in drylands under a pastoral land-use, and (ii) explore the applicability of the framework to dryland areas. Using eco-compensation schemes in the Chinese governed areas of the Eurasian steppe as a case study, we found that the framework adequately identified the need for non-equilibrium dynamics to be incorporated into scheme design. However, the framework was less able to explicitly enunciate the importance of micro-economics and cultural values for scheme viability. In contexts like the Eurasian steppe where some level of grazing may maximise the species richness of grasslands, acknowledging history of use in the resource unit subsystem component of the framework, not just the user subsystem component, would improve the framework. The explicit incorporation of contested issues into the framework is also needed, as dryland areas have a history of being misunderstood by non-dryland cultures, researchers and policymakers. We conclude that tailoring a general diagnostic tool towards the specific social–ecological attributes of the drylands under a pastoral land-use will improve the ability of payment for ecosystem services schemes to reach their conservation aims.  相似文献   

Species are groups of organisms, marked out by reproductive (replicative) properties. Monophyletic taxa are groups of species, marked out by synapomorphies. In Nelson’s analysis, monophyly and synapomorphy are identical relations. Monophyly and synapomorphy, however, are not equivalent relations. Monophyly is epistemically not accessible, whereas synapomorphy is epistemically accessible through character analysis. Monophyly originates with speciation, the two sister‐species that come into being through the splitting of the ancestral species lineage forming a monophyletic taxon at the lowest level of inclusiveness. Synapomorphy provides the empirical evidence for monophyly, inferred from character analysis in the context of a three‐taxon statement. If synapomorphy and monophyly were equivalent, phylogenetic systematists should find a single tree, instead of multiple equally parsimonious trees. Understanding synapomorphy as the relevant evidence for phylogenetic inference reveals a category mistake in contemporary phylogenetics: the treatment of morphological characters mapped onto molecular trees as synapomorphies and homoplasies. The mapping of morphological characters onto nodes of a molecular tree results in an empirically empty procedure for synapomorphy discovery. Morphological synapomorphies and homoplasies can only be discovered by morphological and combined analyses. The use of morphology in phylogenetic inference in general is defended by examples from Laurales and Squamata in particular. To make empirical evidence scientifically relevant in order to search for concordance, or dis‐concordance, of phylogenetic signal, is certainly more fruitful for phylogenetics than the uncritical mapping of morphological traits on a molecular scaffold. © The Willi Hennig Society 2010.  相似文献   

The immune mechanisms which determine the infection duration induced by pathogens targeting pulmonary macrophages are poorly known. To explore the impact of such pathogens, it is indispensable to integrate the various immune mechanisms and to take into account the variability in pathogen virulence and host susceptibility. In this context, mathematical models complement experimentation and are powerful tools to represent and explore the complex mechanisms involved in the infection and immune dynamics. We developed an original mathematical model in which we detailed the interactions between the macrophages and the pathogen, the orientation of the adaptive response and the cytokine regulations. We applied our model to the Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome virus (PRRSv), a major concern for the swine industry. We extracted value ranges for the model parameters from modelling and experimental studies on respiratory pathogens. We identified the most influential parameters through a sensitivity analysis. We defined a parameter set, the reference scenario, resulting in a realistic and representative immune response to PRRSv infection. We then defined scenarios corresponding to graduated levels of strain virulence and host susceptibility around the reference scenario. We observed that high levels of antiviral cytokines and a dominant cellular response were associated with either short, the usual assumption, or long infection durations, depending on the immune mechanisms involved. To identify these mechanisms, we need to combine the levels of antiviral cytokines, including , and . The latter is a good indicator of the infected macrophage level, both combined provide the adaptive response orientation. Available PRRSv vaccines lack efficiency. By integrating the main interactions between the complex immune mechanisms, this modelling framework could be used to help designing more efficient vaccination strategies.  相似文献   

π–π Interactions play an important role in the stability of protein structures. In the present study, we have analyzed the influence of π–π interactions in eNOS and nNOS proteins. The contribution of these π–π interacting residues in sequential separation, secondary structure involvement, solvent accessibility and stabilization centers has been evaluated. π–π interactions stabilize the core regions within eNOS and nNOS proteins. π–π interacting residues are evolutionary conserved. There is a significant number of π–π interactions in spite of the lesser natural occurrences of π-residues in eNOS and nNOS proteins. In addition to π–π interactions, π residues also form π–π networks in both eNOS and nNOS proteins which might play an important role in the structural stability of these protein structures.  相似文献   

Producing food, transportation, and energy for seven billion people has led to large and widespread increases in the use of synthetic nitrogen (N) fertilizers and fossil fuel combustion, resulting in a leakage of N into the environment as various forms of air and water pollution. The global N cycle is more severely altered by human activity than the global carbon (C) cycle, and reactive N dynamics affect all aspects of climate change considerations, including mitigation, adaptation, and impacts. In this special issue of Biogeochemistry, we present a review of the climate–nitrogen interactions based on a technical report for the United States National Climate Assessment presented as individual papers for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, agriculture and human health within the US. We provide a brief overview of each of the paper’s main points and conclusions is presented in this foreword summary.  相似文献   

The effects of exogenous reducing agents on a number of biological properties of purified Chlamydia trachomatis LGV-434 and Chlamydia psittaci meningopneumonitis elementary bodies (EBs) have been examined in an attempt to identify in vitro correlates of early events in the differentiation of the infectious EB to the replicative cell type, the reticulate body (RB). Treatment of EBs with dithiothreitol elicited a number of changes normally associated with differentiation to the RB. EBs in the presence of 10 mM dithiothreitol displayed enhanced rates of [14C]glutamate oxidation, reduced infectivity, and decreased osmotic stability, and their Machiavello staining properties changed to those characteristic of the RB. A true differentiation of EB to RB did not take place under these conditions, since EBs treated in this manner and examined by transmission electron microscopy did not demonstrate increased size or decreased electron density as do isolated RBs. Additional studies were initiated to identify the macromolecules involved in this process. With polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting procedures with monoclonal and polyclonal monospecific antibodies, the chlamydial major outer membrane protein was found to be the predominant component that varied under reducing versus nonreducing conditions. Furthermore, the extent of disulfide-mediated cross-linking of the major outer membrane protein varied between the infective and replicative forms of the C. trachomatis LGV-434 life cycle. Implications of disulfide interactions in the life cycle of chlamydiae are discussed.  相似文献   

Metal ions and metal coordination compounds bind to nucleic acids in a variety of ways, ranging from weak electrostatic interactions via hydrogen bonding and/or van der Waals forces to strong covalent binding. Metal ions naturally take part in the formation and the degradation of nucleic acids, and the propensity of certain metal coordination compounds to bind to nucleic acids, notably DNA, is enploited in cancer chemotherapy. Moreover, metal compounds have a wide potential as chemical probes for nucleic acid structures and as tools for nucleic acid processing.  相似文献   

The Mps1 protein kinase is an intriguing and controversial player in centriole assembly. Originally shown to control duplication of the budding yeast spindle pole body, Mps1 is present in eukaryotes from yeast to humans, the nematode C. elegans being a notable exception, and has also been shown to regulate the spindle checkpoint and an increasing number of cellular functions relating to genomic stability. While its function in the spindle checkpoint appears to be both universally conserved and essential in most organisms, conservation of its originally described function in spindle pole duplication has proven controversial, and it is less clear whether Mps1 is essential for centrosome duplication outside of budding yeast. Recent studies of Mps1 have identified at least two distinct functions for Mps1 in centriole assembly, while simultaneously supporting the notion that Mps1 is dispensable for the process. However, the fact that at least one centrosomal substrate of Mps1 is conserved from yeast to humans down to the phosphorylation site, combined with evidence demonstrating the exquisite control exerted over centrosomal Mps1 levels suggest that the notion of being essential may not be the most important of distinctions.  相似文献   

Beneficial actions of nitric oxide (NO) in failing myocardium have frequently been overshadowed by poorly documented negative inotropic effects mainly derived from in vitro cardiac preparations. NO's beneficial actions include control of myocardial energetics and improvement of left ventricular (LV) diastolic distensibility. In isolated cardiomyocytes, administration of NO increases their diastolic cell length consistent with a rightward shift of the passive length-tension relation. This shift is explained by cGMP-induced phosphorylation of troponin I, which prevents calcium-independent diastolic cross-bridge cycling and concomitant diastolic stiffening of the myocardium. Similar improvements in diastolic stiffness have been observed in isolated guinea pig hearts, in pacing-induced heart failure dogs, and in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy or aortic stenosis and have been shown to result in higher LV preload reserve and stroke work. NO also controls myocardial energetics through its effects on mitochondrial respiration, oxygen consumption, and substrate utilization. The effects of NO on diastolic LV performance appear to be synergistic with its effects on myocardial energetics through prevention of myocardial energy wastage induced by LV contraction against late-systolic reflected arterial pressure waves and through prevention of diastolic LV stiffening, which is essential for the maintenance of adequate subendocardial coronary perfusion. A drop in these concerted actions of NO on diastolic LV distensibility and on myocardial energetics could well be instrumental for the relentless deterioration of failing myocardium.  相似文献   

Most bird species endure a high mortality at fledging, and selection should favour parental behaviour diminishing these costs. Post-fledging parental care varies greatly among species and is often linked to parent–offspring recognition. In the Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), fledglings need to return to the natal nest to be fed by their parents until independence. Rejections of fledglings by non-parent adults may be fairly violent, and parents are expected to recognize and help their chicks at the time of first return. However, previous cross-fostering experiments pointed out that parents are not able to recognize their chicks up to 15 days before fledging. In this paper, we study the behaviour of both parents and juveniles at fledging. We found that parents answered significantly more to their fledgling's calls than to those of others. Compared to silent juveniles, juveniles that called before landing were more likely to be accepted by their parents. No such pattern was observed with foreign juveniles, indicating that fledglings’ voice may carry individual identity. Furthermore, fledglings found their way back to the natal nest faster when parents attended the natal nest and reacted to their offspring's calls than when they were absent or inactive. Such interactions may therefore diminish juvenile mortality at fledging.  相似文献   

The ability to design and tailor-make antibodies to meet the biophysical demands required by the vast range of current and future antibody-based applications within biotechnology and biomedicine will be essential. In this proof-of-concept study, we have for the first time tailored human recombinant scFv antibodies for site-specific photocoupling through the use of an unnatural amino acid (UAA) and the dock’n’flash technology. In more detail, we have successfully explored the possibility to expand the genetic code of E. coli and introduced the photoreactive UAA p-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine (pBpa), and showed that the mutated scFv antibody could be expressed in E. coli with retained structural and functional properties, as well as binding affinity. The pBpa group was then used for affinity capture of the mutated antibody by β-cyclodextrin (β-CD), which provided the hydrogen atoms to be abstracted in the subsequent photocoupling process upon irradiation at 365 nm. The results showed that the pBpa mutated antibody could be site-specifically photocoupled to free and surface (array) immobilized β-CD. Taken together, this paves the way for novel means of tailoring recombinant scFv antibodies for site-specific photochemical-based tagging, functionalization and immobilization in numerous applications.  相似文献   


In two recent studies, energy transfer was reported in certain phthalocyanine–carotenoid dyads between the optically forbidden first excited state of carotenoids (Car S1) and phthalocyanines (Pcs) in the direction Pc → Car S1 (Kloz et al., J Am Chem Soc 133:7007–7015, 2011) as well as in the direction Car S1 → Pc (Liao et al., J Phys Chem A 115:4082–4091, 2011). In this article, we show that the extent of this energy transfer in both directions is closely correlated in these dyads. This correlation and the additional observation that Car S1 is instantaneously populated after Pc excitation provides evidence that in these compounds excitonic interactions can occur. Besides pure energy transfer and electron transfer, this is the third type of tetrapyrrole–carotenoid interaction that has been shown to occur in these model compounds and that has previously been proposed as a photosynthetic regulation mechanism. We discuss the implications of these models for photosynthetic regulation. The findings are also discussed in the context of a model in which both electronic states are disordered and in which the strength of the electronic coupling determines whether energy transfer, excitonic coupling, or electron transfer occurs.


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