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Studies from our laboratory have suggested a role for ferrous iron in the metabolism of arachidonic acid and demonstrated that inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis exert their effect by complexing with the heme group of cyclooxygenase. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a potent competitive inhibitor of arachidonic acid metabolism by sheep vesicular gland prostaglandin synthetase. In this study we have evaluated the effect of exogenously added DHA on platelet function and arachidonic acid metabolism. DHA at 150 microM concentration inhibited aggregation of platelets to 450 microM arachidonic acid. At this concentration DHA also inhibited the second wave of the platelet response to the action of agonists such as epinephrine, adenosine diphosphate and thrombin. Inhibition induced by this fatty acid could be overcome by the agonists at higher concentrations. DHA inhibited the conversion of labeled arachidonic acid to thromboxane by intact, washed platelet suspensions. However, platelets in plasma incubated first with DHA then washed and stirred with labeled arachidonate generated as much thromboxane as control platelets. These results suggest that the polyenoic acids, if released in sufficient quantities in the vicinity of cyclooxygenase, could effectively compete for the heme site and inhibit the conversion of arachidonic acid.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte (RBC) fatty acid compositions from populations with stable dietary habits but large variations in RBC-arachidonic (AA) and RBC-docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) provided us with insight into relationships between DHA and AA. It also enabled us to estimate the maternal RBC-DHA (mRBC-DHA) status that corresponded with no decrease in mRBC-DHA during pregnancy, or in infant (i) RBC-DHA or mRBC-DHA during the first 3 months postpartum (DHA-equilibrium) while exclusively breastfeeding. At delivery, iRBC-AA is uniformly high and independent of mRBC-AA. Infants born to mothers with low RBC-DHA exhibit higher, but infants born to mothers with high RBC-DHA exhibit lower RBC-DHA than their mothers. This switch from ‘biomagnification’ into ‘bioattenuation’ occurs at 6 g% mRBC-DHA. At 6 g%, mRBC-DHA is stable throughout pregnancy, corresponds with postpartum infant DHA-equilibrium of 6 and 0.4 g% DHA in mature milk, but results in postpartum depletion of mRBC-DHA to 5 g%. Postpartum maternal DHA-equilibrium is reached at 8 g% mRBC-DHA, corresponding with 1 g% DHA in mature milk and 7 g% iRBC-DHA at delivery that increases to 8 g% during lactation. This 8 g% RBC-DHA concurs with the lowest risks of cardiovascular and psychiatric diseases in adults. RBC-data from 1866 infants, males and (non-)pregnant females indicated AA vs. DHA synergism at low RBC-DHA, but antagonism at high RBC-DHA. These data, together with high intakes of AA and DHA from our Paleolithic diet, suggest that bioattenuation of DHA during pregnancy and postnatal antagonism between AA and DHA are the physiological standard for humans across the life cycle.  相似文献   

The marine organism Moritella marina MP-1 produces the polyunsaturated fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). While the basic metabolic pathway for DHA production in this organism has been identified, the impact of growth conditions on DHA production is largely unknown. This study examines the effect of supplemental carbon, nitrogen and salts, growth temperature and media composition and pH on DHA and biomass production and the fatty acid profile. The addition of supplemental nitrogen significantly increased the overall DHA titer via an increase in biomass production. Supplemental glucose or glycerol increased biomass production, but decreased the amount of DHA per biomass, resulting in no net change in the DHA titer. Acidification of the baseline media pH to 6.0 increased DHA per biomass. Changes in growth temperature or provision of supplemental sodium or magnesium chloride did not increase DHA titer. This organism was also shown to grow on defined minimal media. For both media types, glycerol enabled more DHA production per biomass than glucose. Combination of these growth findings into marine broth supplemented with glycerol, yeast extract, and tryptone at pH?6.0 resulted in a final titer of 82?±?5 mg/L, a nearly eightfold increase relative to the titer of 11?±?1 mg/L seen in the unsupplemented marine broth. The relative distribution of other fatty acids was relatively robust to growth condition, but the presence of glycerol resulted in a significant increase in myristic acid (C14:0) and decrease in palmitic acid (C16:0). In summary, DHA production by M. marina MP-1 can be increased more than fivefold by changing the growth media. Metabolic engineering of this organism to increase the amount of DHA produced per biomass could result in additional increases in titer.  相似文献   

Coronary arterial tissues obtained from mammalian hearts are known to develop spontaneous phasic contractions. The aim of the present study was to investigate the vasodilatory effects of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on the rhythmic contractions of isolated human coronary arterial (HCA) preparations obtained from the recipient hearts of patients undergoing cardiac transplantation. Results from 8 hearts show that: (i) most HCA tissues displayed spontaneous rhythmic phasic contractions with a cycle length around 10 min in the absence or presence of PGF2alpha or elevated [K+]0 (20 mM); (ii) the rhythmic activity could be suppressed by a free fatty acid DHA (30 microM); (iii) high [K+]0 (20 and 80 mM) could induce sustained tonic contraction in addition to phasic contractions in HCA tissues, the tonic contraction could be antagonized by L-type Ca(2+) channel blockers or by DHA (depending on [K+]0); (iv) a digitalis substance ouabain also could induce tonic contraction and suppress phasic contraction; (v) in isolated HCA vascular smooth muscle cells, DHA increased the magnitude of outward voltage-gated K+ (IKV) currents and the inwardly rectifying IK1 currents. Enhancement of K+ currents could be related to vasorelaxation induced by DHA in HCA preparations. Further studies on the effects of DHA on various ionic currents and intracellular Ca(2+) transient are needed to clarify the Ca(2+)-dependent and the Ca(2+)-independent actions of DHA in HCA.  相似文献   

One goal in the field of brain polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) metabolism is to translate the many studies that have been conducted in vitro and in animal models to the clinical setting. Doing so should elucidate the role of PUFAs in the human brain, and effects of diet, drugs, disease and genetics on this role. This review discusses new in vivo radiotracer kinetic and neuroimaging techniques that allow us to do this, with a focus on docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). We illustrate how brain PUFA metabolism is influenced by graded reductions in dietary n-3 PUFA content in unanesthetized rats. We also show how kinetic tracer techniques in rodents have helped to identify mechanisms of action of mood stabilizers used in bipolar disorder, how DHA participates in neurotransmission, and how brain DHA metabolism is regulated by calcium-independent iPLA2β. In humans, regional rates of brain DHA metabolism can be quantitatively imaged with positron emission tomography following intravenous injection of [1-11C]DHA.  相似文献   

A commercial lipase preparation from Rhizopus niveus was used to concentrate the omega-3 fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) component in fish oil. The DHA content of cod-liver oil was 9.64% (w/w) of total fatty acids. Enzymatic digestion conditions were established which produced a DHA content in the monoglycerides fraction of 29.17% (w/w) of total fatty acid, triglyceride, and diglyceride components were 5.72, 9.95, and 15316%, respectively.  相似文献   

Thraustochytrids have recently emerged as a promising source for docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) production due to their high growth rate and oil content. In this study, two thraustochytrid isolates, Aurantiochytrium sp. PKU#SW7 and Thraustochytriidae sp. PKU#Mn16 were used for DHA production. Following growth parameters were optimized to maximize DHA production: temperature, pH, salinity, and glucose concentration. Both isolates achieved the highest DHA yield at the cultivation temperature of 28 °C, pH 6, 100 % seawater, and 2 % glucose. A DHA yield of 1.395 g/l and 1.426 g/l was achieved under the optimized culture conditions. Further investigation revealed that both isolates possess simple fatty acids profiles with palmitic acid and DHA as their dominant constituents, accounting for ~79 % of total fatty acids. To date, very few studies have focused on the DHA distribution in various lipid fractions which is an important factor for identifying strains with a potential for industrial DHA production. In the present study, the lipids profiles of each strain both revealed that the majority of DHA was distributed in neutral lipids (NLs), and the DHA distribution in NLs of PKU#SW7 was exclusively in the form of triacylglycerols (TAGs) which suggest that PKU#SW7 could be utilized as an alternative source of DHA for dietary supplements. The fermentation process established for both strains also indicating that Aurantiochytrium sp. PKU#SW7 was more suitable for cultivation in fermenter. In addition, the high percentage of saturated fatty acids produced by the two thraustochytrids indicates their potential application in biodiesel production. Overall, our findings suggest that two thraustochytrid isolates are suitable candidates for biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Non-enzymatic acyl migration could be counter-productive for the preparation of structured phospholipids with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) at a designated position. Therefore enzymatic approaches have been developed to investigate acyl migration. First, acyl migration from sn-2 to sn-1 position has been set into relief by a three step enzymatic method using a typo-selective lipase, a phospholipase A2 and a non-selective lipase. The effect of reaction temperature on acyl migration from sn-2 to sn-1 was monitored: lowering the reaction temperature from 40 to 30°C allowed a reduction of DHA migration rate of 40%. Secondly, acyl migration from sn-1 to sn-2 position was negligible. This last result was obtained through the study of structured phosphatidylcholine selective deacylation using a phospholipase A2.  相似文献   

We investigated essential fatty acids (EFA) and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCP) in maternal and fetal brain as a function of EFA/LCP availability to the feto-maternal unit in mice. Diets varying in parent EFA, arachidonic acid (AA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) were administered from day 3 prior to conception till day 15 of pregnancy. We concentrated on DHA, AA, Mead acid, and EFA-index [(omega-3+omega-6)/(omega-7+omega-9)] in maternal erythrocytes, maternal brain, and fetal brain. It was found that erythrocyte EFA/LCP sensitively reflects declining EFA/LCP status in pregnancy, although this decline was not apparent in maternal brain. Differences in erythrocyte EFA/LCP coincided with larger differences in fetal brain EFA/LCP as compared to EFA/LCP in maternal brain. Both maternal and fetal brains were affected by short-term EFA/LCP intake, but the developing fetal brain proved most sensitive. The inverse relationship between fetal brain AA and DHA suggests the need of a maternal dietary DHA/AA balance, at least in mice.  相似文献   

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) has long been recognized for its beneficial effect in humans, but its biosynthetic pathway has not been clearly established until recently. According to Sprecher, in mammals, DHA is synthesized via a retro-conversion process in peroxisomes-the aerobic delta4 desaturation-independent pathway. Recent identification of a Thraustochytrium delta4 desaturase indicates that delta4 desaturation is indeed involved in DHA synthesis in Thraustochytrium. More interestingly, an alternative pathway for DHA biosynthesis-the anaerobic polyketide synthase pathway was also reported recently to occur in Schizochytrium, another member of the Thraustochytriidae. This mini-review attempts to assess the latest research on these distinct pathways for DHA biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Maternal docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) supplies the developing fetus during pregnancy; however, the mechanisms are unclear. We utilized pregnant rats to determine rates of DHA accretion, tissue unesterified DHA uptake and whole-body DHA synthesis-secretion. Female rats maintained on a DHA-free, 2% α-linolenic acid diet were either:1) sacrificed at 56 days for baseline measures, 2) mated and sacrificed at 14–18 days of pregnancy or 3) or sacrificed at 14–18 days as age-matched virgin controls. Maternal brain, adipose, liver and whole body fatty acid concentrations was determined for balance analysis, and kinetic modeling was used to determine brain and liver plasma unesterified DHA uptake and whole-body DHA synthesis-secretion rates. Total liver DHA was significantly higher in pregnant (95±5 μmol) versus non-pregnant (49±5) rats with no differences in whole-body DHA synthesis-secretion rates. However, liver uptake of plasma unesterified DHA was 3.8-fold higher in pregnant animals compared to non-pregnant controls, and periuterine adipose DHA was lower in pregnant (0.89±0.09 μmol/g) versus non-pregnant (1.26±0.06) rats. In conclusion, higher liver DHA accretion during pregnancy appears to be driven by higher unesterified DHA uptake, potentially via DHA mobilization from periuterine adipose for delivery to the fetus during the brain growth spurt.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that enrichment of the diet with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) enriched egg yolk powder could modify specifically the (n-3) fatty acids content of rat plasma, red blood cells and heart membranes. Dose-dependent effect of DHA was studied in rats supplemented during 4 weeks. Three groups of adult male rats, DHA10, DHA35 and DHA60 (n = 5 each), had their diet supplemented with 10 mg, 35 mg or 60 mg DHA/kg body weight/day, respectively. Fatty acid composition of membranes and plasma lipids were determined. A significant dose-dependent increase in DHA was observed in all three types of samples. Arachidonic acid (AA) levels did not change in heart and red blood cell membranes whereas it increased significantly in plasma with the DHA35 diet. These results contrast with that previously reported for fish oil supplementation where a decrease in AA levels was reported. Hence, DHA enriched egg yolk supplementation leads to a specific accretion of DHA without competition on AA status.  相似文献   

Environmental and medium factors were investigated as basic data for optimizing DHA production when usingThraustochytrium aureum. To study the effect of environmental conditions, the rotation speed and culture temperature were, changed. Plus the trend of the growth characteristics, lipid content in the biomass, and DHA content in lipids were evaluated according to various initial glucose concentrations. The biomass, lipid, and DHA analyses showed that the physiological characteristics ofT. aureum were closely related with the environmental and medium conditions, as in the case of other marine microorganisms. For example, a low rotation speed of 50 rpm lowered the cell growth rate as well as the DHA content in the lipids. A low temperature had a negative effect on the cell growth, yet a positive effect on the lipid content in the biomass. Different initial glucose concentrations had no effect on the lipid content in the biomass or DHA content in the lipids, yet did affect the cell growth. Accordingly, these results show that environmental and medium factors must be synthetically considered in order to optimize DHA production when usingT. aureum.  相似文献   

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6 n-3) is an essential fatty acid required for the normal function of several tissues, especially the brain. Previous studies suggested that lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC) is a preferred carrier of DHA to the brain, although the pathways of the formation of DHA-containing lysophospholipids in plasma have not been delineated. We propose that endothelial lipase (EL), a phospholipase A1 that plays an important role in the metabolism of high density lipoproteins, may be responsible for the generation of DHA lysophospholipids in plasma. Here we studied the substrate specificity of EL using deuterium-labeled phospholipids with different polar head groups, as well as DHA-enriched natural phospholipids to test this hypothesis. Glycerol-stabilized phospholipids were treated with recombinant EL, and the products were analyzed by liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. EL showed the polar head group specificity in the order of phosphatidylethanolamine>phosphatidylcholine>phosphatidylserine>phosphatidic acid. Within the same phospholipid class, the enzyme showed preference for the species containing DHA at the sn-2 position, and was inactive in the hydrolysis of phospholipids containing an ether linkage. Since EL is known to be secreted by the cells of blood-brain barrier, we suggest that it plays an important role in the delivery of DHA lysophospholipid carriers to the brain.  相似文献   

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) must be consumed in the diet or synthesized from n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) precursors. However, the effect of dietary DHA on the metabolic pathway is not fully understood. Presently, 21-day-old Long Evans rats were weaned onto one of four dietary protocols: 1) 8 weeks of 2% ALA (ALA), 2) 6 weeks ALA followed by 2 weeks of 2% ALA + 2% DHA (DHA), 3) 4 weeks ALA followed by 4 weeks DHA and 4) 8 weeks of DHA. After the feeding period, 2H5-ALA and 13C20-eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) were co-infused and blood was collected over 3 h for determination of whole-body synthesis-secretion kinetics. The synthesis-secretion coefficient (ml/min, means ± SEM) for EPA (0.238±0.104 vs. 0.021±0.001) and DPAn-3 (0.194±0.060 vs. 0.020±0.008) synthesis from plasma unesterified ALA, and DPAn-3 from plasma unesterified EPA (2.04±0.89 vs. 0.163±0.025) were higher (P<.05) after 2 weeks compared to 8 weeks of DHA feeding. The daily synthesis-secretion rate (nmol/d) of DHA from EPA was highest after 4 weeks of DHA feeding (843±409) compared to no DHA (70±22). Liver gene expression of ELOVL2 and FADS2 were lower (P<.05) after 4 vs. 8 weeks of DHA. Higher synthesis-secretion kinetics after 2 and 4 weeks of DHA feeding suggests an increased throughput of the PUFA metabolic pathway. Furthermore, these findings may lead to novel dietary strategies to maximize DHA levels while minimizing dietary requirements.  相似文献   

The amount and distribution of [(13)C]docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in plasma, platelet, and erythrocyte lipid classes were followed as a function of time (1 to 72 h) in young adults after ingestion of a single dose of [(13)C]DHA esterified in a phosphatidylcholine (PC), in using gas chromatography combustion;-isotope ratio mass spectrometry. [(13)C]DHA first appeared in plasma non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and triglycerides (TG), with a maximal appearance at 6 h and a further decline, then being delayed 3-fold compared to [(13)C]DHA ingested in triglycerides. Lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) was also enriched in [(13)C]DHA, due mainly to earlier hepatic secretion, and plateaued at 6 h, whereas phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) containing [(13)C]DHA plateaued at 9 h. The labeling of erythrocyte and platelet phospholipids exhibited different kinetics, probably involving different metabolic pathways for [(13)C]DHA incorporation in cell membranes. Computation of the relative contribution of LPC and NEFA for delivery of [(13)C]DHA to blood cells showed that the supply to platelets occurred through NEFA. In contrast, [(13)C]DHA was carried by both LPC and NEFA to erythrocytes, which differs from what was previously been observed after intake of triglycerides labeled with [(13)C]DHA where LPC was the only source of [(13)C]DHA for erythrocytes.We conclude that the lipid form of ingested DHA affects markedly its kinetics and partly its metabolic fate.  相似文献   

Exogenous DHA is converted by human platelets to 14- and 11- HDHE and by human neutrophils mainly to 7- HDHE . Human platelets prelabeled with 14C-DHA, 14C-EPA and 14C-AA and stimulated with thrombin release and metabolize DHA only in trace amounts as compared to EPA and AA. 14C-DHA is incorporated into the 2-position of platelet phospholipids and occurs predominantly in phosphatidylethanolamine. DHA and EPA were also incorporated by dietary means into phospholipids of platelets and neutrophils. In resting platelets free DHA as well as free AA and EPA are not detectable. In platelets stimulated ex vivo with thrombin DHA is not significantly released which is in contrast to EPA and AA. After stimulation, 14- HDHE is found only in trace amounts as compared to 12-HETE and 12- HEPE . In DHA enriched neutrophils formation of HDHEs cannot be demonstrated after stimulation with ionophore A 23187. We conclude that even after dietary enrichment of DHA in phospholipids of platelets and neutrophils the level of free DHA and/or formation of HDHEs might be too low to substantially affect arachidonic acid metabolism and related functions of these cells.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible beneficial effects of diet supplementation with a highly concentrated and purified docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) formula on human sperm function. We performed a prospective, randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled intervention study. One-hundred eighty human semen samples from sixty infertile patients recruited in a private assisted reproduction center were included. All samples were examined according to World Health Organization guidelines. We analyzed macroscopic and microscopic sperm parameters, oxidative stress, apoptosis, lipid peroxidation, mitochondrial membrane potential and DNA fragmentation before and after supplementation with different DHA daily doses (0.5, 1 and 2?g) or placebo for 1 and 3 months. No differences were found in traditional sperm parameters except for progressive sperm motility, with a significant increase after DHA ingestion after the first month with 1 or 2?g doses and after 3 months with 0.5?g of DHA. This effect was more evident in asthenozoospermic patients. No differences were found in any molecular semen parameter except oxidative stress, in which a slight benefit was observed after DHA treatment. In conclusion, this study support previous indications that highlight the importance of DHA supplementation as a means of improving sperm quality in asthenozoospermic men.  相似文献   

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