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The phylogenetic relationships of the lower worm group Acoela were investigated using newly obtained nuclear 18S rDNA sequences from 16 acoels in combination with 16 acoel sequences available on GenBank from other laboratories. Parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses of the molecular data supported the concept that the Acoela is monophyletic; however, the gene tree produced by these analyses conflicts with the current taxonomic system for the Acoela in several family-level groupings. Most notable is the apparent polyphyly of the largest family of acoels, the Convolutidae. DNA analysis grouped together species of small-bodied convolutids in one clade, while large-bodied convolutids grouped in a separate clade with other large-bodied acoels. Despite such conflicts, the branching pattern in the gene tree is well supported by morphological characters of sperm and body-wall musculature.  相似文献   

Molecular sequence data, morphological characters of spermatozoa, and newly obtained morphological characters of penis musculature are used here to revise the systematics of the family Convolutidae (Acoela). Species having isodiametric penes with non-anastomosing longitudinal muscles are transferred to the family Isodiametridae fam. nov. Species with longitudinal penis muscle fibres that anastomose or cross-over each other remain in the Convolutidae. Some species of the genera Convoluta and Conaperta (Convolutidae) are transferred to the genus Isodiametra gen. nov. (Isodiametridae fam. nov.). The genus Stomatricha (Otocelididae) is transferred to the family Convolutidae. Convoluta opisthandropora (Convolutidae) is transferred to the genus Pseudohaplogonaria (Haploposthiidae). Aphanostoma sanguineum (Convolutidae) is transferred to the genus Pseudactinoposthia (Actinoposthiidae).  相似文献   

One of the main characters used in acoel taxonomy is the male copulatory organ. Despite this, ultrastructural studies of this structure are scarce. We studied the ultrastructure of the copulatory organ in eight species of acoels belonging to the taxon Childia. Members of Childia possess a well-developed conical or cylindrical stylet-like structure composed of needles. Immunogold cytochemistry of tubulin was used to determine the composition of the needles. Stylet-like structures of Childia species at the ultrastructural level are basically similar. Stylet needles show intracellular differentiations. As shown both by ultrastructural and immunocytochemical methods, the stylet needles, in all species studied, are composed of long, parallel microtubules, either tightly packed or polymerized. We report unusual polymerization of microtubules, resulting in formation of a honeycomb-like structure in cross section. Variations of ultrastructure among Childia species include numbers and arrangement of stylet needles, shape of needles, needle compactness, microtubule polymerization, direction of stylet growth, and presence/absence of different types of granules. The stylet-like structures are homologous within Childia, but are likely to prove nonhomologous with the other needle-like structures found in acoel copulatory organs. Stylets in Platyhelminthes are not homologous with stylet-like structures in acoels.  相似文献   

Species of the genus Hofstenia are voracious predators and among the largest and most colorful of the Acoela. They are known from Japan, the Red Sea, the North Atlantic islands of Bermuda and the Bahamas, and the Caribbean and in a variety of habitats including the rocky intertidal, among Thalassia sea grass, on filamentous algae and decaying mangrove leaves. Certain color morphs associated with each of these habitats seem to have confused the taxonomy of the group. While brown-and-white banding and spotting patterns of Hofstenia miamia and Hofstenia giselae are distinctive for species associated with mangrove leaves and Thallasia sp. and are likely to be cryptic for these specific environments, we find some evidence to suggest that the coloration is mimicry of a nudibranch with aposematic coloration. The common plan in these patterns is one with three variously solid or spotted lighter cross bands on a dark background. Our examination of museum type material and live specimens of Hofstenia collected from Bahamas, Belize, Bermuda, and Panama revealed no internal morphological differences between the Hofstenia species occurring in the Caribbean. Similarly, our analyses of 18S and 28S molecular sequence data revealed no significant differences among specimens. Accordingly, we declare that Hofstenia giselae is a junior synonym of Hofstenia miamia, the three-banded panther worm. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Handling editor: K. Martons  相似文献   

Acoel sperm characters proved useful in deciphering acoel taxonomy. The phylogenetic value of sperm characters in closely related sub-groups or in a monophyletic taxon has not yet been assessed. We have investigated sperm ultrastructure in seven members of the monophyletic taxon Childia sensu (Tekle et al. J Zool Sys Evol Res 43(1):72–90, 2005) and in their closest relatives, the Mecynostomidae (four taxa). All members of Childia examined show little variation in their sperm ultrastructure. The common characters of Childia taxa are: 9 + 1 axoneme structure, the presence of six distal cytoplasmic microtubules in the absence of axial or cortical ones, long nucleus and extensive nucleus–flagella overlap. We have identified a new set of cytoplasmic microtubules lying in the centriolar end of the sperm cell, distal microtubules. The origin and phylogenetic significance of this character is discussed. The types and arrangement of cytoplasmic granules could be used as phylogenetic characters at a low taxonomic level. A loose membrane amorphous core type of granule was found to be a synapomorphy for the following clade within the taxon Childia: C. crassum + C. groenlandica + C. vivipara + C. brachyposthium + C. macroposthium. Sausage shaped granules are plesiomorphic among the taxa examined. The rest of the granule characters were found to be homoplasious. Sperm ultrastructural characters have again proven their concordance with molecular phylogeny. The only morphological synapomorphies known for the sister taxa Childia–Mecynostomidae, in the molecular phylogeny, are characters derived from sperm ultrastructure: distal microtubules arranged in two groups of three microtubules each and a 9 + 1 axoneme structure. The spermatozoa of Childia and Mecynostomidae show 9 + 1 axoneme configuration, seemingly similar to the 9 + ‘1’ axoneme pattern of the Platyhelminthes—Trepaxonemata. Using electron-microscope immunocytochemistry, we have demonstrated that, unlike the central cylinder of trepaxonematans, the central cylinder of the 9 + 1 axonemal pattern in acoels is immunoreactive to tubulin and contains a single central microtubule. Therefore, the 9 + 1 patterns in acoels and trepaxonematans are homoplasious.  相似文献   

Systematics of the Acoela is particularly difficult because of the paucity of readily discernible morphological features. In other soft-bodied worms, sclerotized structures, such as copulatory stylets, provide important characters that can be seen in whole mounts, but acoels generally lack such features. Among the few sclerotized structures in acoels are bursal nozzles-tubiform outlets on the seminal bursae that are believed to be conduits (spermatic ducts) through which allosperm are transported to the oocytes. Early classifications of the Acoela used features of the female reproductive system, including bursal nozzles, for distinguishing major groups, but the current system essentially ignores them as too plastic to provide higher-level distinctions. We used confocal and electron microscopy to further characterize bursal nozzles in five acoel species, and found all composed of actin-reinforced extensions of stacked, flat mesenchymal cells. In Notocelis gullmarensis, Aphanostoma bruscai, and Daku woorimensis, the nozzle is a stiffened region of the same cells forming the wall of the bursa. By contrast, in Wulguru cuspidata cells forming the nozzle are distinct from those of the bursa. The so-called bursal cap of A. bruscai and D. woorimensis has small sclerotized disjunct units within it, also composed of stacked, flat, actin-reinforced cells. The nozzle of W. cuspidata, prominent like that of other convolutid acoels, is relatively complex, its actin-reinforced cells sandwiched with secretory cells and its base bearing a "sorting apparatus" of egg-shaped cells that send narrow processes inside the spermatic duct. Cases of sperm inside the nozzle corroborate its assumed role in reproduction. Whereas most nozzles sit at the end of the bursa facing the ovary, in species of Pseudmecynostomum and purportedly in a few other acoels, they sit between the female pore and the bursa, constituting what we call a vaginal nozzle. All bursal nozzles of acoels show a common ground pattern indicating common ancestry, but certain features discerned through electron and confocal microscopy show promise of providing synapomorphies for grouping some species.  相似文献   

The oogenesis of the acoel Actinoposthia beklemischevi can be divided into a previtellogenic and a vitellogenic stage. Maturing oocytes are surrounded by accessory cells (a.c.) that produce electrondense granules, the content of which is released into the space between the oocyte and a.c. and gives rise to a thin primary egg envelope. The a.c. may also contribute to yolk synthesis by transferring low molecular weight precursors to the oocyte. Two types of inclusion are produced in maturing oocytes. Type I inclusions are small, roundish granules produced by the Golgi complex. They have a proteinaceous non-polyphenolic content which is discharged in the intercellular space and produce a thicker secondary egg envelope. Type I inclusions represent eggshell-forming granules (EFGs). Type II inclusions are variably sized globules progressively changing their shape from round to crescent. They appear to be produced by the ER, contain glycoproteins and remain scattered throughout the cytoplasm in large oocytes. Type II inclusions represent yolk. The main features of oogenesis in Actinoposthia are: (a) EFGs have a non-polyphenolic composition; (b) the egg envelope has a double origin and is not sclerotinized; (c) yolk production appears to be autosynthetic. The present ultrastructural findings are compared with those from other Acoelomorpha and Turbellaria.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure and distribution of receptor cells near the mouth and (where present) the pharynx of Hofstenia miamia, Proporus bermudensis, Conaperta thela, and Convoluta convoluta (Acoela) were investigated by transmission electron microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy of specimens stained with a fluorescence marker for actin. Five types of monociliary receptors were identified: (1) non‐collared receptors with a single long and narrow ciliary rootlet; (2) non‐collared receptors with a wide main ciliary rootlet and a smaller posterior rootlet; (3) non‐collared receptors with a single wide and hollow ciliary rootlet with a granulated core; (4) Collar (?) receptors with obliquely radial filament bundles in the cell apex and with a single hollow ciliary rootlet composed of numerous strand‐like elements; and (5) Collar receptors lacking a striated rootlet but with a granular body (swallow's nest rootlet). While H. miamia bears the first two receptor types, P. bermudensis has receptors of type 1, 3 and 5, and Cona. thela and Conv. convoluta have receptors of type 3, 4 and 5. The density of receptors is generally highest at the anterior body tip, regardless of where the mouth is located. Most receptor types occur scattered over the whole body but type 2 receptors of H. miamia are restricted to the pharynx and mouth region. The lack of a common receptor type specific for the mouth and pharynx of the investigated species points to an independent origin of the pharynges in Hofsteniidae and in Proporidae and of the mouth tube in Convolutidae. Moreover, the homology of the so‐called collar receptors in Acoela with typical collar receptors in other invertebrates is questioned.  相似文献   

In an effort to understand the phylogeny of the Platyhelminthes, the patterns of body-wall musculature of flatworms were studied using fluorescence microscopy and Alexa-488-labeled phalloidin. Species of the Catenulida have a simple orthogonal gridwork of longitudinal and circular muscles. Members of the Rhabditophora have the same gridwork of musculature, but also have diagonal muscles over their entire body. Although a few species of Acoelomorpha possessed a simple orthogonal grid of musculature, most species typically have distinctly different patterns of dorsal and ventral body-wall musculature that include sets of longitudinal, circular, U-shaped, and several kinds of diagonal muscles. Several distinct patterns of musculature were identified, including 8 patterns in 11 families of acoels. These patterns have proven to be useful in clarifying the phylogeny of the Acoelomorpha, particularly with regard to the higher acoels. Patterns of musculature as well as other morphological characters are used here for revisions of acoel systematics, including the return of Eumecynostomum sanguineum (Mecynostomidae) to the genus Aphanostoma (Convolutidae), the revision of the family Childiidae, and the formation of a new family, Actinoposthiidae.  相似文献   

从基因组DNA的提取、研究的基因片段、PCR引物选用、扩增条件以及叶蝉科不同阶元的分子系统发育分析等方面,综述叶蝉科(半翅目:叶蝉科)昆虫分子系统发育的研究进展。目前角顶叶蝉类的研究成果相对较多,大叶蝉亚科次之,其余类群的研究较少或无。线粒体基因与核基因序列联合分析以及线粒体全序列分析以及基因序列与形态数据相结合分析,分子鉴定叶蝉与共生菌之间的协同进化的研究,将是叶蝉分子系统学未来发展的主要研究手段。  相似文献   

Abstract. This study is focused on the formation and function of sagittocysts, which are secretions typical of members of the acoel family Sagittiferidae. The needle-shaped sagittocysts are produced in specialized gland cells (sagittocytes) whose distal necks are often surrounded by muscle mantles. Contraction of the muscle mantle ejects the sagittocyst. We establish a model for the development of sagittocytes and muscle mantles out of the stem cell pool of the new acoel species Symsagittifera corsicae . We used various techniques, especially interference and phase-contrast microscopy of living specimens as well as labeling of the body-wall musculature, for species characterization. In addition to the morphological features, we provide the third complete sequence of the 18S rDNA gene in the family Sagittiferidae.  相似文献   

Abstract. Alpha‐level taxonomy in the bryozoan order Cheilostomata relies almost exclusively on hard‐part morphology. Geographical, ecophenotypic, and intracolony variation often make it difficult to distinguish intra‐ from interspecific variation and to recognize taxonomically informative characters. DNA sequences provide a source of data independent of morphology by which to gauge the relative reliability of various morphological characters for taxonomy. We present a case study involving a limited number of specimens of Rhynchozoon sp. from Ketchikan, Alaska to show the utility of DNA data in identifying genetic lineages for subsequent morphological analysis. The study illustrates that the use of genetic data need not involve massive, broad‐scale phylogenetic studies to address problems in invertebrate α‐level taxonomy. Phylogeny reconstruction with a 430‐bp fragment of the 16S mitochondrial ribosomal RNA gene showed two moderately diverged clades, here termed Rhynchozoon clades A and B, separated by an average genetic distance of 2.38% (K2P+Γ). Comparison of voucher specimens by scanning electron microscopy showed two congruent, morphologically distinct forms (forms A and B, respectively) distinguishable by a polythetic suite of characters including degree of frontal costation, range of spine number, number of beads on the primary orifice, number of areolar pores, and peri‐orificial sculpturing. Orifice shape and ovicell form proved not to be good diagnostic characters. The status of the two forms as biological species is unclear, although maintenance of distinct suites of morphological characters in the two mitochondrial lineages suggests they may be reproductively isolated from one another. For Rhynchozoon form B, which tends to have a highly costate frontal wall, we suggest a resurrection of the name Rhynchozoon tumulosum, which had been previously synonymized with R. rostratum. Rhynchozoon form A may be conspecific with “Rhynchozoon sp. A” previously reported from Washington state.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the flame bulbs and capillaries of the protonephridia of Dactylogyrus (probably anchoratus) from Carassius auratus in southeastern Australia, and of an unidentified ancyrocephaline from the marine teleost Priacanthus macracanthus in southern Queensland is described. The cilia of the flame are anchored in the terminal cell by means of basal bodies without distinct rootlets. The nucleus of the terminal cell is basal, and (in Dactylogyrus) partly lateral to the basal bodies. The weir consists of a row of internal and a row of external ribs (rods) connected by a ‘membrane’. The external ribs are continuations of the cytoplasm of a thick-walled ‘cytoplasmic cylinder’ (proximal canal cell) which tightly surrounds most of the flame and contains a septate junction; the internal ribs are continuous with the terminal cell. Internal leptotriches arise from the perikaryon of the terminal cell, and, in the ancyrocephaline, also from the internal ribs. The wall of the protonephridial capillaries contains a septate junction, a reticulum of interconnected spaces and, in the ancyrocephaline, also lamellae. Lateral flames are common in the capillaries of Dactylogyrus.  相似文献   

We describe the serotonergic and cholinergic nervous system of the asexually reproducing acoel Convolutriloba longifissura Bartolomaeus & Balzer, 1997 by means of immunohistochemistry, conventional histochemistry and transmission electron microscopy. Immunocytochemical staining for serotonin revealed neurons in the brain, in a pair of ventral main longitudinal cords, in two pairs of smaller dorsal longitudinal nerve cords, and in a submuscular nerve net. The brain comprises a ventral-anterior commissure and a less intensely stained dorsal commissure joined together by connectives into a three-ringed scaffold from which the longitudinal nerves extend. We followed the regeneration of the serotonergic part of the nervous system up to the second day after fission. Within this time period, the offspring reestablished bilateral symmetry in the nervous system and developed full motor control. The presence of aminergic cell bodies associated with the main lateral nerve cords of C. longifissura shows that the acoelan nervous system is more similar to that of other platyhelminths (triclads, rhabditophorans) than previously assumed. The presence of serotonergic cell bodies along the main nerve cord correlates with the capacity for asexual reproduction via fissioning. We also describe the single fission mode of C. hastifera Winsor 1990, which brings the modes of asexual reproduction employed by members of the Convolutrilobinae to three.  相似文献   

Of the seven genera which we have recognised within the Archiloa genus complex sensu Karling (1966) the cosmopolitan genus Archilina is the most primitive and is characterised only by plesiomorphic characters, and has to be considered paraphyletic. All other species of the Archiloa genus complex are hypothesized to be derived from Archilina-like ancestors through different evolutionary lineages. One lineage led to the genera Archiloa, Inaloa, Archilopsis and Monocelopsis, taxa found in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. These genera are monophyletic and their relationships are analyzed. The genera Mesoda (Brazil) and Tajikina (Northern Pacific) can be considered as two other separate lineages. Similarly, within what we now consider as the genus Archilina different lineages can be recognized in different regions.  相似文献   

Using characters discernible through electron microscopy, we redefine the organ traditionally identified as the frontal organ in acoelomorph turbellarians as being a collection of two to several large mucus-secreting glands whose necks emerge together through a frontal pore at the exact apical pole of the body, i.e. at the point where the pattern of epidermal ciliary rootlets converges. Representatives that we have studied of each of the acoel families Paratomellidae, Diopisthoporidae, Solenofilomorphidae, Convolutidae, Otocelidae, and Mecynostomidae, as well as a representative of the Nemertodermatida, have such glands. Up to five additional types of glands that open anteriorly outside of the frontal pore, some of which are indistinguishable from glands of the general body wall, could be seen in the nemertodermatid, in Hesiolicium inops (Paratomellidae), and in representatives of the latter four acoel families. In Paratomella, three different types of glands open in diffuse fashion in a frontal glandular complex reminiscent of that in the Macrostomida.Sensory elements near the frontal pore appear to be independent of the gland necks, and so the organ cannot be considered a sensory organ.The frontal organ, as described above, appears very likely to be homologous within the Acoelomorpha, and represents another strong (although unrooted) autapomorphy for this line of turbellarian evolution.  相似文献   

Sperm ultrastructure of four acotylean (Idioplana atlantica, Armatoplana leptalea, Styloplanocera fasciata, Melloplana ferruginea) and three cotylean polyclads (Pseudoceros bicolor, Phrikoceros mopsus, Enchiridium evelinae) was investigated. All spermatozoa are biflagellate, exhibiting a 9+"1" axoneme pattern. All acotylean axonemes originate and extend within the sperm shaft, and once exiting the shaft, remain attached to it. The flagella of all cotylean spermatozoa exit the shaft immediately and remain free. Structures shared by all species include: an elongated nucleus, in acotyleans located only in the posterior part of the shaft, whereas in cotyleans it extends along the entire sperm body; mitochondria along with small and large dense bodies arranged in a specific pattern; and a ring of microtubules that extends along the entire sperm shaft just beneath the cell membrane. A unique spermatozoon has been found in E. evelinae, where round vesicle-like structures fill the anterior part of the nucleus, and a different type of large dense bodies is present. The spermatozoa of all studied species exhibit numerous characters (axoneme/flagella position, distribution and position of large and small dense bodies, of mitochondria, presence of nuclear vesicles) that may be of phylogenetic value at the family and higher taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

Ulf Jondelius 《Hydrobiologia》1991,227(1):299-305
Anoplodiera voluta Westblad, Seritia elegans (Westblad) and Wahlia macrostylifera Westblad are species of the family Umagillidae living in the intestine of the holothurian Parastichopus tremulus. In all three species, part of the epidermis is unciliated, but unlike unciliated epidermis in the major parasitic flat-worm groups, it is cellular and has intraepithelial nuclei. The surface of the unciliated cells in A. voluta is convex with the cells separated by lateral gaps. The cells have two distinct regions: the basal, organelle-rich part and the apical part which contains few identifiable organelles except vesicles. In W. macrostylifera the unciliated cells have a flat surface and, between them, narrower gaps that in some cases widen to paracellular compartments below the cell surface. Apically the cells contain electron-dense vesicles, often in contact with the surface. S. elegans has unciliated cells separated by gaps. In all these species, apical vesicles indicate secretory activity. Comparison of the epidermis of these three species with the neodermis of the major parasitic flatworm groups within the Neodermata does not support a close relationship of the three to the Neodermata.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within Hydrophilidae were examined by analyses of separate and combined nuclear and mitochondrial markers (28S rRNA, 18S rRNA, 16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, COI and COII genes). The preferred (Bayesian) tree topology suggests a sister group relationship between Spercheidae and Hydrophilidae, supporting the ‘hydrophilid lineage’; Epimetopidae are placed on the base of the ‘helophorid branch’, the monophyly of Sphaeridiinae is highly supported, nested deeply within Hydrophilidae closest to Enochrus, making Hydrophilinae and Acidocerini paraphyletic; Hydrobius appears as sister taxon to (Hydrochara Hydrophilus) without a closer relationship to Acidocerini; the hydrophiloid–histeroid sister group relationship is confirmed. The topology of several taxa remains contradictory, and requires further investigations with a larger taxon sampling and additional molecular markers.  相似文献   

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