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罗汉果全基因组Survey分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗汉果是广西特有药用及甜料植物,其主要成分之一甜苷V作为天然、非糖甜味剂,具有广阔的开发前景,但罗汉果目前完全来自于栽培,适生区狭窄,连作障碍严重,加之含量低导致甜苷V生产成本居高不下,严重限制了其应用。为了减少盲目性,在大规模全基因组深度测序之前,先做低覆盖度的基因组Survey测序,评价基因组的大小及复杂程度,以确定适合该植物全基因组的测序研究策略。该研究采用第二代高通量测序技术(Illumina Hiseq TM 2000)首次测定了罗汉果基因组大小,并利用生物信息学方法估计罗汉果杂合率、重复序列和GC含量等基因组信息。结果表明:(1)获得了18.1 Gb罗汉果基因组测序数据,基因组大小估计为344.95 Mb左右,测序深度为52×;(2)从K-mer分布曲线发现罗汉果基因组有明显的杂合峰,杂合率达1.5%,基因组高杂合导致组装的结果中Contig N50和Scaffold N50的长度比预期的要短很多,还造成GC平均深度及含量分布明显异常,存在一个低深度分布区域。基因组主峰后面有微弱的重复峰,说明罗汉果存在较多的重复序列;(3)由于罗汉果存在高杂合率和重复序列较多的特点,该基因组测序分析仅采用全基因组鸟枪法(WGS)策略不合适,为了更好地对全基因组进行序列拼接和组装,可尝试结合采用Fosmid-to-Fosmid或BAC-to-BAC策略。该研究结果对于揭示罗汉果产量、有效成分含量、发育及抗病虫的分子机制,以及通过分子育种来提高甜苷V含量和降低生产成本具有重要意义,为全基因组测序策略的选择提供了依据。  相似文献   

樟树全基因组调查   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
樟树是我国特有的珍贵用材和经济树种,富含多糖多酚、萜类等次生代谢物质,是香精香料、油脂化工和医药等的重要原料树种。本研究采用高通量测序技术(Illumina HiseqTM2000)首次测定了樟树基因组大小,并利用生物信息方法估计樟树杂合率、重复序列情况和GC含量等基因组信息,为全基因组测序策略的选择提供依据。主要结论如下:(1)樟树基因组大小粗略估计为760 Mb左右;(2)樟树基因组有较高的杂合率和一定的重复,杂合率约为0.65%;(3)由于樟树杂合率较高,全基因组鸟枪法策略不适合该基因组测序分析,可尝试使用BAC-to-BAC策略或fosmid策略,有利于樟树基因组的序列拼接和组装。  相似文献   

太行菊(Opisthopappus taihangensis)、长裂太行菊(O.longilobus),为太行山特有多年生崖壁草本植物,菊科(Compositae)重要野生资源,具有较高的经济与生态价值。为确定适合两物种的全基因组测序策略,该研究利用流式细胞法和高通量测序技术,分析两物种基因组大小、杂合率、重复序列及GC含量等信息。结果表明:(1)流式细胞法估算太行菊基因组大小约为2.1 Gb,长裂太行菊基因组大小约为2.4 Gb。(2)高通量测序修正后太行菊基因组大小为3.13 Gb,重复序列比例为84.35%,杂合度为0.99%,GC含量为36.56%;长裂太行菊基因组为3.18 Gb,重复序列比例为83.83%,杂合度为1.17%,GC含量为36.62%。(3)初步组装后GC含量分布及平均深度存在异常,出现分层现象,可能是两物种基因组杂合率较高所致。综上结果表明,太行菊、长裂太行菊均属于高重复、高杂合、大基因组的复杂基因组,建议使用Illumina+PacBio测序组装策略,进行全基因组测序分析。  相似文献   

本研究采用高通量测序技术(Illumina Hiseq ~(TM)2000)首次对世界名贵园林花卉马缨杜鹃(Rhododendron delavayi)进行了基因组大小的测定,并评估了马缨杜鹃的GC含量、杂合率和序列重复度等信息参数,为马缨杜鹃全基因组测序策略的选择提供了有据参考。全基因组扫描结果如下:马缨杜鹃的基因组大小约为698 Mb,杂合率较高约为1.25%,GC含量约为39%,且具有一定的基因组序列重复度。研究表明:马缨杜鹃的全基因组测序分析不宜采用全基因组鸟枪法(WGS),可尝试WGS与fosmid或BAC-to-BAC相结合的测序策略,亦或采用杂合组装软件进行序列拼装,以提高全基因组序列的拼装质量。  相似文献   

李江莹  陆添权  杨俊波  田波 《广西植物》2021,41(11):1897-1904
印度血桐与中平树是大戟科血桐属植物,该属植物具有多种药用价值,被广泛应用于民间医学中许多疾病的治疗,这两种植物种子中含有的神经酸也引起了研究者的高度关注。为确定适合印度血桐与中平树的全基因组测序研究策略,该研究采用二代高通量测序技术,结合生物信息学的方法首次测定了印度血桐与中平树的基因组大小、杂合率、重复率等基因组信息并初步分析了两种材料的SSR序列特征。结果表明:(1)印度血桐与中平树的基因组大小分别为986.84和946.23 M。(2)印度血桐与中平树的杂合率分别为0.75%和0.65%,重复序列比例分别为73.02%和71.5%。(3)通过对2种材料基因组序列的SSR特征分析,在印度血桐中共鉴定了4 499 185个SSR,在中平树中共鉴定了4 969 098个SSR。该研究结果为印度血桐与中平树SSR分子标记的筛选、开发以及全基因组深度测序提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

评价濒危植物四合木(Tetraena mongolica)基因组的大小及复杂程度,开展基因组研究可揭示四合木的超旱生机制,进一步挖掘其特色基因资源。为更好破解四合木的全基因组信息,采用第二代高通量测序技术的基因组Survey分析技术开展四合木基因组大小估测研究,并利用生物信息学方法估计了四合木杂合率、重复序列和GC含量等基因组信息。结果表明:四合木基因组大小为1 079.25 Mb,修正后的基因组大小为1 065.84Mb,杂合率为0.76%,重复序列比例为75.25%,GC含量为33.57%。在经过四合木基因组初步组装后,获得3502 126条contigs,总计682 Mb,其N50为187 bp,推测四合木基因组属于同源四倍体复杂基因组,全基因组测序组装难度较大。由于四合木的高杂合率,后续可采用第三代高通量测序技术(单分子测序)同时结合染色质区域捕获技术,有望最终获得高质量的四合木全基因图谱。  相似文献   

马鞍藤(Ipomoea pes-caprae(L.)R. Br.)是甘薯的近缘野生种之一,为热带、亚热带海滩生长的多年生藤蔓植物,作为沿海地区的园林绿化植物之一,具有较强的耐盐性。马鞍藤基因组学的研究可为耐盐甘薯种质创制提供信息参考。本试验调查了马鞍藤基因组大小和特征概况,为后续全基因组精细图谱绘制打下基础。研究以已知基因组大小的三裂叶薯(Ipomoea triloba L.)为对照,运用流式细胞术对马鞍藤基因组大小进行初步预估;使用二代高通量测序技术(Illumina Hiseq2500)对马鞍藤基因组进行survey评估,测序深度30×,利用生物信息学方法估算马鞍藤GC含量(即鸟嘌呤和胞嘧啶所占比例)、杂合率、重复序列等基因组概况。结果表明:流式细胞术估算马鞍藤基因组大小为1012.704±17.37 Mb;经全基因组Survey测定获得马鞍藤有效数据为21.71 Gb,基因组大小经修正后估算为1041.65 Mbp;通过K-mer分布曲线估算马鞍藤基因组中重复序列所占比率为74.52%,杂合率为0.99%;经初步组装后,GC平均深度及含量分布存在异常,出现分层的现象,这可能与马鞍藤基因组杂合率较高有关。本试验首次报导甘薯属耐盐植物马鞍藤基因组大小及特征信息,为马鞍藤进一步的全基因组深度测序和甘薯耐盐基因挖掘打下基础。  相似文献   

大麻状罗布麻的全基因组分析和SSR标记开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大麻状罗布麻是重要的经济和生态作物,由于基因组数据匮乏和分子标记少而限制其遗传研究工作的开展。本研究利用Illumina测序平台对大麻状罗布麻的基因组大小进行测定,通过生物信息学方法对其基因组杂合度和重复序列等基本信息进行预估,并做了基因组的初步组装,在此基础上对其基因组序列进行了SSR查找。研究结果表明,总测序量为31.94 Gb,测序质量正常(Q20≥90%,Q30≥85%),与NCBI核苷酸数据库(NT)比对显示样本不存在外源污染;K-mer分析(K=17)结果显示,大麻状罗布麻基因组大小为239.02 Mbp,杂合率为0.56%,重复序列占全基因组比例为36.72%,初步预估大麻状罗布麻基因组为复杂基因组;采用K-mer=41进行基因组初步组装,共获得273336条contigs,N50为3838 bp,总长为222723253 bp,进一步将contigs进行连接、延长,组装得到224587条scaffolds,N50为6421 bp,总长为226378236 bp;此外,对基因组数据进行SSR分子遗传标记分析,共鉴定出117511个SSR,不同类型核苷酸重复差异较大,单核苷酸重复最多,六核苷酸重复最少。该研究为后续全基因组de novo测序及组装策略提供依据。  相似文献   

金缕梅科(Hamamelidaceae)银缕梅属(Parrotia C.A.Mey.)仅包含银缕梅(Parrotia subaequalis(H.T.Chang)R.M.Hao&H.T.Wei)和波斯铁木(Parrotia persica(DC.)C.A.Mey.)两种落叶阔叶乔木,其中银缕梅是我国华东地区特有的Ⅰ级濒危珍稀保护植物,属东亚第三纪孑遗成分;其姊妹种波斯铁木则间断分布于伊朗北部,属北极第三纪孑遗植物类群。本研究首次利用流式细胞术和K-mer分析方法对银缕梅属两姊妹种的基因组大小进行了测定,建立和优化了以萝卜(Raphanus sativus L.‘Saxa’)为内标、WPB(Woody plant buffer)为细胞核解离液的两种植物单倍体基因组的DNA含量(DNA C值)流式测定的适宜体系,旨在为金缕梅科银缕梅属植物的全基因组测序、基因组学研究、种质资源开发和利用以及物种保育等提供前期基础数据参考;同时也可为金缕梅科其他属、种的基因组大小测定提供借鉴。主要研究结果如下:(1)通过流式测定银缕梅基因组大小约为971.45±13.91 Mb,波斯铁木基因组大小约为890.52±24.69 Mb;(2)K-mer分析估测银缕梅基因组大小为951.70 Mb,杂合率为1.740%,重复序列比例为77.50%;波斯铁木基因组大小为858.50 Mb,杂合率为0.695%,重复序列占74.30%;(3)银缕梅属于高杂合和高重复基因组,波斯铁木则属于微杂合和高重复基因组。本研究的结果为银缕梅属植物后续基于DNA三代高通量测序技术的全基因组测序、组装及去冗余处理等工作提供了重要的数据参考。  相似文献   

黄唇鱼(Bahaba flavolabiata)为国家二级重点保护野生动物、IUCN(世界自然保护联盟)红色名录的极度濒危物种(CR)。基于其样本数量极其有限,全基因组研究可以提供大量与重要性状相关的功能基因和分子标记,从而揭示其重要生命现象的遗传机制。采用二代测序技术于2018年5月完成了黄唇鱼基因组精细图的测序,分析结果表明,测序得到约202 Gb的高质量数据,总测序深度约为317×;组装得到的基因组大小为637.43 Mb,Contig N50约为88 Kb,Scaffold N50约为4.65 Mb;重复序列约142.72 Mb,占比22.39%,预测得到23743个基因、920个t RNA、85个rRNA、176个假基因;98.46%的基因可以注释到NR、GO等数据库中;有67个基因家族是黄唇鱼所特有的。本研究从单碱基错误率、核心基因完整性及二代Reads比对分析3个方面对黄唇鱼基因组精细图的组装结果进行了评估,结果显示所组装的基因区的完整性较好。黄唇鱼基因组序列图谱的绘制完成,对于黄唇鱼自然资源的保护和种质资源挖掘具有极其重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) is a perennial grass in the Poaceae family with high tolerance and one of the best forage plants. Despite its economic importance, the inheritance information of P. purpureum has remained largely unknown. To obtain the whole reference genome, we first conducted a genome survey of P. purpureum. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) was used to perform the de novo whole genome sequencing. As a result, the estimated genome size of elephant grass was 2.01 Gb, with 71.36% repetitive elements. The heterozygosity was 1.02%, which indicates a highly heterozygous genome. The retroelements (9.36%) were the most repetitive elements, followed by DNA transposons (3.66%). In the meantime, 83,706 high-quality genomic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, in which the greatest SSR unit length was 3, were developed. Thirty pairs of SSR markers were randomly selected to verify the efficiency and all of them yielded clear amplification products, among which 28 pairs (93.3%) of the primers showed polymorphism. The genome data obtained in this research provided a large amount of gene resources for further investigating Pennisetum species.  相似文献   

Yellow drum (Nibea albiflora) is an important fish species in capture fishery and aquaculture in East Asia. We herein report the first and near‐complete genome assembly of an ultra‐homologous gynogenic female yellow drum using Illumina short sequencing reads. In summary, a total of 154.2 Gb of raw reads were generated via whole‐genome sequencing and were assembled to 565.3 Mb genome with a contig N50 size of 50.3 kb and scaffold N50 size of 2.2 Mb (BUSCO completeness of 97.7%), accounting for 97.3%–98.6% of the estimated genome size of this fish. We further identified 22,448 genes using combined methods of ab initio prediction, RNAseq annotation, and protein homology searching, of which 21,614 (96.3%) were functionally annotated in NCBI nr, trEMBL, SwissProt, and KOG databases. We also investigated the nucleotide diversity (around 1/390) of aquacultured individuals and found the genetic diversity of the aquacultured population decreased due to inbreeding. Evolutionary analyses illustrated significantly expanded and extracted gene families, such as myosin and sodium: neurotransmitter symporter (SNF), could help explain swimming motility of yellow drum. The presented genome will be an important resource for future studies on population genetics, conservation, understanding of evolutionary history and genetic breeding of the yellow drum and other Nibea species.  相似文献   

微生物全基因组鸟枪法测序   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗春清  杨焕明 《遗传》2002,24(3):310-314
全基因组测序主要有二种策略,一种是分级鸟枪法测序,另一种是全基因组鸟枪法测序。微生物是一种十分重要的遗传资源,运用全基因组鸟枪法可以方便、快捷地完成其基因组的测序任务。本文对微生物全基因组鸟枪法测序中文库构建、插入片段的长短比例、反应投入量、拼接以及补洞等问题作了较细致的描述,有些步骤作了举例说明。 Abstract:Two strategies introduced for whole genome sequencing,one is clone by clone method,the other is whole genome shotgun sequencing,for microbes which are very important to us,whole genome shotgun sequencing method is very convenient.In this article we discussed the library construction、long-to-short-ratio of insert,、total number of reads should be sequenced、assembly and gap filling technologies of the whole microbial genome shotgun sequencing method while some examples presented.  相似文献   

The mosquito, Aedes aegypti, is the primary, worldwide arthropod vector for the yellow fever and dengue viruses. As it is also one of the most tractable mosquito species for laboratory studies, it has been and remains one of the most intensively studied arthropod species. This has resulted in the development of detailed genetic and physical maps for Ae. aegypti and considerable insight into its genome organization. The research community is well-advanced in developing important molecular tools that will facilitate a whole genome sequencing effort. This includes generation of BAC clone end sequences, physical mapping of selected BAC clones and generation of EST sequences. Whole genome sequence information for Ae. aegypti will provide important insight into mosquito chromosome evolution and allow for the identification of genes and gene function. These functions may be common to all mosquitoes or perhaps unique to individual species, possibly specific to host-seeking and blood-feeding behaviors, as well as the innate immune response to pathogens encountered during blood-feeding. This information will be invaluable to the global effort to develop novel strategies for preventing arthropod-borne disease transmission.  相似文献   

Butterflies have been of great interest to naturalists for centuries, and the study of butterflies has been an integral part of ecology and evolution ever since Darwin proposed his theory of natural selection in 1859. There are > 18 000 butterfly species worldwide, showing great diversity in morphological traits and ecological niches. Compared with butterfly diversity, however, patterns of genome size variation in butterflies remain poorly understood, especially in a phylogenetic context. Here, we sequenced and assembled the mitogenomes of 68 butterflies and measured the genome sizes (C-values) of 67 of them. We also assembled 10 mitogenomes using reads from GenBank. Among the assembled 78 mitogenomes, those from 59 species, 23 genera and one subfamily are reported for the first time. Combining with published data of mitogenomes and genome size, we explored the patterns in genome size variation for 106 butterfly species in a phylogenetic context based on analyses of mitogenomes from 264 species covering six families. Our results show that the genome size of butterflies has a 6.4-fold variation ranging from 0.203 pg (199 Mb) (Nymphalidae: Heliconius xanthocles) to 1.287 pg (1253 Mb) (Papilionidae: Parnassius orleans). Within families, the largest variation was found in Papilionidae (5.9-fold: 0.22–1.29 pg), followed by Nymphalidae (4.8-fold: 0.2–0.95 pg), Pieridae (4.4-fold: 0.22–0.97 pg), Hesperiidae (2.2-fold: 0.3–0.66 pg), Lycaenidae (2.6-fold: 0.39–1.02 pg) and Rioidinidae (1.8-fold: 0.48–0.87 pg). Our data also suggest that butterflies have an ancestral genome size of c. 0.5 pg, and some ancestral genome size increase or decrease events along different subfamilies or tribes produce the diversity of genome size variation in diverse butterflies. Our data provide novel insights into patterns of genome size variation in butterflies and are an important reference for future genome sequencing programmes.  相似文献   

An integrated physical and genetic map of the rice genome   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Rice was chosen as a model organism for genome sequencing because of its economic importance, small genome size, and syntenic relationship with other cereal species. We have constructed a bacterial artificial chromosome fingerprint–based physical map of the rice genome to facilitate the whole-genome sequencing of rice. Most of the rice genome (~90.6%) was anchored genetically by overgo hybridization, DNA gel blot hybridization, and in silico anchoring. Genome sequencing data also were integrated into the rice physical map. Comparison of the genetic and physical maps reveals that recombination is suppressed severely in centromeric regions as well as on the short arms of chromosomes 4 and 10. This integrated high-resolution physical map of the rice genome will greatly facilitate whole-genome sequencing by helping to identify a minimum tiling path of clones to sequence. Furthermore, the physical map will aid map-based cloning of agronomically important genes and will provide an important tool for the comparative analysis of grass genomes.  相似文献   

Despite its industrial importance, the yeast species Dekkera (Brettanomyces) bruxellensis has remained poorly understood at the genetic level. In this study we describe whole genome sequencing and analysis for a prevalent wine spoilage strain, AWRI1499. The 12.7 Mb assembly, consisting of 324 contigs in 99 scaffolds (super-contigs) at 26-fold coverage, exhibits a relatively high density of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Haplotype sampling for 1.2% of open reading frames suggested that the D. bruxellensis AWRI1499 genome is comprised of a moderately heterozygous diploid genome, in combination with a divergent haploid genome. Gene content analysis revealed enrichment in membrane proteins, particularly transporters, along with oxidoreductase enzymes. Availability of this assembly and annotation provides a resource for further investigation of genomic organization in this species, and functional characterization of genes that may confer important phenotypic traits.  相似文献   

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