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产己酸细菌的研究Ⅳ.产己酸细菌与产甲烷菌的混合培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将克氏梭菌和嗜树木甲烷短杆菌混合培养,同时用溴代磺酸乙烷抑制甲烷的产生作为对照,发现己酸产量基本相同,加入产甲烷菌并未使克氏梭菌的己酸产量有所增加。  相似文献   

己酸菌所生成的己酸是生产浓香型白酒主体香气己酸乙酯的主要成分,将其应用于白酒的生产,可提高白酒的香气和质量.从我省富裕酒厂的窖泥中分离到一株高产己酸的菌株,通过发酵条件的研究,该菌株己酸最高产量可达540mg/100ml。  相似文献   

为了考察过量表达苹果酸酶对于E.coli NZN111(ldhA::Kan pfl::Cam)厌氧发酵产丁二酸的影响, 将连接有苹果酸酶基因sfcA的表达载体pTrc99a-sfcA转化进NZN111中, 构建了重组NZN111(pTrc99a-sfcA)。0.5 mmol/L IPTG诱导8 h后, 测定的苹果酸酶比酶活为30.67 u/mg, 比受体菌提高了140倍。采用两阶段发酵模式, 结果表明: 过量表达的苹果酸酶在NZN111体内催化了从丙酮酸到苹果酸的逆向反应, 丁二酸是发酵过程中积累的主要有机酸, 且当加入0.7 mmol/L IPTG诱导, 初始葡萄糖糖浓度为18.5 g/L时, 选择对数生长期后期的菌种以10%的接种量转入厌氧发酵, 发酵结束时发酵液中丁二酸的浓度为12.84 g/L, 对葡萄糖的收率为69.43%, 乙酸为0.58 g/L, 二者浓度比为22:1, 没有检测到甲酸和乳酸。构建的菌种具有高产丁二酸和副产物极少的优点, 在同类菌种中处于先进水平。  相似文献   

研究了单相和两相发酵体系中甲基单胞菌(Methylomonas)Z201细胞的生长和环氧丙烷的合成。在单相发酵体系中,底物丙烯和产物环氧丙烷抑制细胞生长,水相中环氧丙烷的浓度达到13mmol/L。在两相发酵体系中,十六烷作为生长底物甲烷以及反应底物丙烯和分子氧的“储器”,减小了丙烯对细胞生长的抑制作用,水相和十六烷相中环氧丙烷的浓度分别达到1.7mmol/L和2.6mmol/L。同休止细胞相比,单相和两相发酵体系中辅酶NADH的原位再生使生长细胞的操作稳定性显著提高,尤为两相体系为甚。  相似文献   

本文运用实时荧光定量PCR的技术对菌株进行stx1基因、stx2基因、eaeA毒力基因检测;并对stx阳性、eaeA阳性的菌株进行O抗原基因rfbE(O157)、wzx(O26)、wbdI(O111)、ihp1(O145)、wzx(O103)检测。探究了实验室保存的94株非O157:H7大肠杆菌是否存在产志贺毒素菌株(STEC)存在;结果表明94株大肠杆菌中检出3株含有stx基因、12株含有eaeA基因;对stx和eaeA阳性菌株O抗原基因试验,检出2株含有wzx(O26)基;这2株大肠杆菌血清凝集试验结果为阳性。研究结果显示,实时荧光定量PCR技术具有特异性强,灵敏度高等特点,可用于产志贺毒素菌株(STEC)前期筛查。  相似文献   

红豆杉细胞两相培养生产紫杉醇的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了两相培养系统中红豆杉细胞的生长与代谢规律,经40天培养,细胞生物量为17.85g/L(干重),紫杉醇产量为30.19mg/L。  相似文献   

以雷公藤(Tripterygium wilfordii)不定根为材料,通过两相培养技术,研究有机溶剂邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)不同浓度及培养时间对雷公藤不定根生长及次生代谢产物含量的影响。结果显示,DBP浓度为6%、培养至第6 d时,不定根增长量达1.14 g/瓶,为对照(1.08 g/瓶)的1.06倍;DBP浓度为2%、培养至第8 d时,内酯醇含量达74.96μg/g,为对照(53.67μg/g)的1.40倍;DBP浓度为2%、培养至第2 d时,所收获的内酯醇总产量最高(0.40 mg/瓶),且为对照(0.27 mg/瓶)的1.48倍。本研究结果表明,在培养基中添加一定浓度DBP,虽然适合雷公藤内酯醇的形成,但不适合雷公藤生物碱的形成;不论添加DBP浓度大小、培养时间长短,不定根中吉碱和次碱含量及每瓶总产量均低于对照。  相似文献   

目的 使用DGGE和实时荧光定量PCR分析酸菜发酵液中乳酸菌的动态改变。方法 采集传统天然发酵1~8周的酸菜发酵液50 mL,抽提基因组DNA,使用DGGE对乳酸菌菌群进行多样性、相似性研究和优势菌的鉴定,实时荧光定量PCR测定乳酸菌含量。结果 发酵周期加长,乳酸菌的含量随之也逐渐增大。清酒乳杆菌是酸菜自然发酵过程中的优势菌型,鼠李糖乳杆菌主要存在于发酵初期,发酵的中期(3~5周)、后期(6~8周)明显减少,同时发酵后期植物乳杆菌成为优势菌并完成全部发酵过程。发酵周期延长后,香农多样性指数和丰富度较高,出现先下降后上升的趋势,在第7周达到最大值。结论 在DNA水平上,DGGE和实时定量PCR检测了酸菜发酵液中乳酸菌的含量,进行菌群结构的动态分析,明确优势菌型,为实现酸菜标准化生产提供理论依据。  相似文献   

中药在提取炮制后残留大量生物质被简单堆弃,而其中的木质纤维素等生物质能被微生物有效利用降解,筛选到16株对木质纤维素有降解效果的菌株,对其中8株降解效果明显功能菌株进行了深入研究,经16(18)S rDNA鉴定发现5株细菌主要为Bacillus属、Streptomyces属和Enterobacter属,3株真菌为Ascomycete属、Aspergillus属和Trichosporon属;利用8株菌固相发酵中药废弃物,通过监测堆体温度、pH等参数,发现细菌类在发酵初期能迅速提高堆体温度,而真菌类发酵腐熟过程较缓慢,提示利用细菌-真菌联合组成降解菌系是提高中药废弃物固相发酵的重要手段。  相似文献   

实时PCR技术在植物研究上的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实时PCR是在常规PCR基础上运用荧光共振能量转移现象,加入荧光标记探针,巧妙地把核酸扩增、杂交、光谱分析和实时检测技术结合在一起的一项新技术,具有快速、灵敏、特异性强、定量准确等特点,广泛应用于医学、检验检疫、军事、农业、基础研究等领域。着重就实时PCR技术的特性及在植物上的应用进行了讨论,并与目前常用的相关技术进行了比较。  相似文献   

Strains of Lactobacillus plantarum were grown and stored in cherry (ChJ), pineapple (PJ), carrot (CJ), and tomato (TJ) juices to mimic the chemical composition of the respective matrices. Wheat flour hydrolysate (WFH), whey milk (W), and MRS broth were also used as representatives of other ecosystems. The growth rates and cell densities of L. plantarum strains during fermentation (24 h at 30°C) and storage (21 days at 4°C) differed only in part, being mainly influenced by the matrix. ChJ and PJ were the most stressful juices for growth and survival. Overall, the growth in juices was negatively correlated with the initial concentration of malic acid and carbohydrates. The consumption of malic acid was noticeable for all juices, but mainly during fermentation and storage of ChJ. Decreases of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA)—with the concomitant increase of their respective branched alcohols—and His and increases of Glu and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were the main traits of the catabolism of free amino acids (FAA), which were mainly evident under less acidic conditions (CJ and TJ). The increase of Tyr was found only during storage of ChJ. Some aldehydes (e.g., 3-methyl-butanal) were reduced to the corresponding alcohols (e.g., 3-methyl-1-butanol). After both fermentation and storage, acetic acid increased in all fermented juices, which implied the activation of the acetate kinase route. Diacetyl was the ketone found at the highest level, and butyric acid increased in almost all fermented juices. Data were processed through multidimensional statistical analyses. Except for CJ, the juices (mainly ChJ) seemed to induce specific metabolic traits, which differed in part among the strains. This study provided more in-depth knowledge on the metabolic mechanisms of growth and maintenance of L. plantarum in vegetable and fruit habitats, which also provided helpful information to select the most suitable starters for fermentation of targeted matrices.  相似文献   

利用废弃物发酵法生产聚羟基烷酸PHAs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聚羟基烷酸(PHAs)是一种可降解聚合物,与石化塑料相比它具有生物降解性及生物相容性等优点,在不久的将来必然有广阔的应用前景。生产PHAs的主要方法是发酵法,在过去的几十年里传统的深层发酵法生产PHAs的工艺已经得到深入的研究,近些年固态发酵法生产PHAs也吸引了越来越多研究者的关注。  相似文献   

用葡聚糖 T-500(Dextran T-500)和聚乙二醇(PEG-3350)两相体系制备南极红酵母(Rhodotorula sp.)菌株 NJ298 的质膜.首先在 2 mmol/L KCl 浓度下,选用5种不同的聚合物浓度(5.6%、5.8%、6.0%、6.2%、6.4%,W/W),研究了 NJ298 质膜在两相体系中的分配情况,在此基础上进一步研究了 KCl 浓度(2 mmol/L、4 mmol/L、6 mmol/L、8 mmol/L、10 mmol/L)对 NJ298 质膜的纯度及得率的影响.结果表明,选用6.0%聚合物浓度,4 mmol/LKCl 的两相分配体系,分离3次可得到相对纯度在 78.2%的南极红酵母质膜组分,标志酶鉴定及磷钨酸染色电镜检测均表明获得了高纯度密实的正向型的质膜囊泡.这为进一步研究该菌株的南极极端环境适应机制奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Algae are currently used for production of niche products and are becoming increasingly interesting for the production of bulk commodities, such as biodiesel. For the production of these goods to become economically feasible, production costs will have to be lowered by one order of magnitude. The application of two-phase systems could be used to lower production costs. These systems circumvent the costly step of cell harvesting, whilst the product is extracted and prepared for downstream processing. The mechanism of extraction is a fundamental aspect of the practical question whether two-phase systems can be applied for in situ extraction, viz, simultaneous growth, product formation and extraction, or as a separate downstream processing step. Three possible mechanisms are discussed; 1) product excretion 2) cell permeabilization, and 3) cell death. It was shown that in the case of product excretion, the application of two-phase systems for in situ extraction can be very valuable. With permeabilization and cell death, in situ extraction is not ideal, but the application of two-phase systems as downstream extraction steps can be part of a well-designed biorefinery process. In this way, processing costs can be decreased while the product is mildly and selectively extracted.Thus far none of the algal strains used in two-phase systems have been shown to excrete their product; the output has always been the result of cell death. Two-phase systems can be a good approach as a downstream processing step for these species. For future applications of two-phase in situ extraction in algal production processes, either new species that show product excretion should be discovered, or existing species should be modified to induce product excretion.  相似文献   

McNamee R 《Biometrics》2004,60(3):783-792
Two-phase designs for estimation of prevalence, where the first-phase classification is fallible and the second is accurate but relatively expensive, are not necessarily justified on efficiency grounds. However, they might be advantageous for dual-purpose studies, for example where prevalence estimation is followed by a clinical trial or case-control study, if they can identify cases of disease for the second study in a cost-effective way. Alternatively, they may be justified on ethical grounds if they can identify more, previously undetected but treatable cases of disease, than a simple random sample design. An approach to sampling is proposed, which formally combines the goals of efficient prevalence estimation and case detection by setting different notional study costs for investigating cases and noncases. Two variants of the method are compared with an "ethical" two-phase scheme proposed by Shrout and Newman (1989, Biometrics 45, 549-555), and with the most efficient scheme for prevalence estimation alone, in terms of the standard error of the prevalence estimate, the expected number of cases, and the fraction of cases among second-phase subjects, given a fixed budget. One variant yields the highest fraction and expected number of cases but also the largest standard errors. The other yields a higher fraction than Shrout and Newman's scheme and a similar number of cases but appears to do so more efficiently.  相似文献   

废弃食用油脂生物合成鼠李糖脂研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
碳源的成本过高限制了鼠李糖脂的工业化生产及应用,废弃食用油脂作为一种廉价易得的碳源,越来越多的研究者开始关注用它发酵生产鼠李糖脂.废弃食用油脂的种类、投加量对鼠李糖脂的产量、结构、性质均会产生影响,目前研究中用废弃食用油脂作碳源,鼠李糖脂产量最高可达24.61g/L、表面张力最低达到24mN/m、产物CMC最低可达40.19mg/L.此外,本文还总结了菌株、氮源、微量元素、pH、溶氧及培养方式等因素对废弃食用油脂生产鼠李糖脂的影响,并展望了利用废弃食用油脂生产鼠李糖脂实现产业化的重点研究方向.  相似文献   

Bioconversion of cinnamyl alcohol to cinnamaldehyde was carried out in an aqueous-organic two-phase reaction system by the repeated use of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase (HLADH) and NAD + with coenzyme regeneration. Both HLADH and the coenzyme were efficiently entrapped in the aqueous phase, while the substrate was supplied successively from the organic phase and the product was accumulated in the organic phase. Optimum conditions for cinnamaldehyde production in the aqueous-organic two-phase system were also examined, including substrate concentration, pH, and organic solvent type. Under suitable conditions, both HLADH and NAD + in the aqueous-organic two-phase system could be reused, and NAD + cycling numbers of 3040 were obtained after repeated operation for 40 λh.  相似文献   

本文根据果蔬脆片工艺流程分析,建议采用生物活性污泥法为主,结合过滤、气浮等物理手段,对生产过程的污水进行有效处理,以达到国家相关排放标准.  相似文献   

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