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Brain CCK receptors are structurally distinct from pancreas CCK receptors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Brain and pancreas cholecystokinin (CCK) receptors differ markedly in their selectivity for CCK analogs. To determine the size and subunit structure of the brain CCK receptor and compare it to that of the pancreas, 125I-CCK33 was covalently cross-linked with ultraviolet light to its receptor on mouse brain particles and purified pancreatic plasma membranes. When CCK was crosslinked to brain membranes, a single consistent major labeled protein band of Mr = 55,000 was observed in both the presence and the absence of DTT. These data with brain receptors contrast to results with pancreatic receptors where two bands of Mr = 120,000 and 80,000 are labeled in the absence and presence of DTT, respectively. These studies indicate, therefore, that the brain and pancreas CCK receptors are structurally and functionally distinct.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to confirm the presence of CCK receptor subtypes in calf pancreas and establish their cellular localization. Using specific antibodies against CCKA and CCKB receptors, somatostatin, glucagon and insulin, we were able to confirm by Western blot the presence of both CCK receptor protein subtypes in the calf pancreas as a 80-85-kDa CCKA receptor and 40-45-kDa CCKB receptor. By immunofluorescence, the CCKB receptor colocalizes with the islets' somatostatin delta cells, confirming what was previously shown in other species, as well as on ductal cells. We could not reproduce in the calf its colocalization with glucagon alpha cells as observed in human and rat. Any specific localization of CCKA receptors with our multiple antibodies failed. Our observation that the CCKB receptor subtype is specifically localized on pancreatic delta cells as well as on ductal cells lets us support the hypothesis that in this species, CCK could be involved in somatostatin metabolism as well as hydrelatic secretion; its effect on enzyme secretion would be indirect.  相似文献   

A purinergic receptor was identified in human myometrium membranes using 5'-N-[3H]ethylcarboxamide-adenosine [( 3H] NECA) as radioligand. Scatchard analysis of the binding data gave a Kd of 123 nM with 2.3 pmol ligand bound/mg protein. Displacement studies indicated that the binding site had the characteristics of the A2 adenosine receptors and some of those of the P2 purinoceptors since it was inhibited by two slowly degradable ATP derivatives with IC50 values comparable to that of NECA. The receptor was solubilized with sodium cholate and its binding properties were the same as those of the membrane-bound form. No -SH group appeared to be essential for the binding activity. By density gradient centrifugation the purinergic receptor-detergent complex was estimated to have an apparent molecular mass of 95 kDa.  相似文献   

Solubilization and characterization of CCK receptors from mouse pancreas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To study the characteristics of the CCK receptor, plasma membranes were prepared from mouse pancreatic acini, and CCK receptors solubilized with 1% digitonin. To measure hormone binding, the solubilized receptors were incubated with 125I-CCK at 4 degrees C and the hormone-receptor complex was precipitated with 10% polyethylene glycol. Specific 125I-CCK binding by the solubilized CCK receptor was compared to that by the plasma membrane-bound CCK receptor. Both the solubilized and the membrane-bound receptor displayed optimal binding at an acidic pH (between 6.0 and 7.0) and showed a similar sensitivity to monovalent and divalent cations. The solubilized receptors preserved their relative specificity for CCK molecules: CCK-8 greater than CCK-33 greater than desulfated CCK-8 greater than CCK-4. However, the soluble CCK receptor had a lower binding affinity than plasma membrane-bound receptor. Solubilized receptors preserved their relative specificity for inhibitors of CCK binding and action: dibutyryl cyclic GMP greater than N-CBZ-tryptophan greater than proglumide. Solubilized receptors had affinities for these antagonists that were similar to receptors on intact plasma membranes. These data indicate, therefore, that the specific binding properties of the CCK receptor are inherent to the solubilized glycoprotein molecules.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding guinea-pig uterine substance P (SP) receptor has been isolated using the homology screening approach. Northern blot analysis reveals that the corresponding mRNA, of approx. 4.8 kb, is expressed in all tissues tested, but predominantly in the uteri of non-pregnant animals; during pregnancy its expression is reduced. The guinea-pig SP receptor was expressed in COS-7 cells and demonstrated relative ligand affinity in the order: SP much greater than neurokinin A greater than neurokinin B.  相似文献   

Molecular size of the 5-HT3 receptor solubilized from NCB 20 cells.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The 5-HT3 hydroxytryptamine receptor from NCB 20 cells was solubilized and the molecular and hydrodynamic properties of the receptor were investigated. The receptor was identified by binding of the radioligand 3-NN'-[3H]dimethyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octanyl indol-3-yl carboxylate ester [( 3H]Q ICS 205-930) to NCB 20 membranes (Bmax = 1.19 +/- 0.31 pmol/mg of protein; Kd = 0.43 +/- 0.076 nM) and was optimally solubilized with 0.5% deoxycholate. [3H]Q ICS 205-930 labelled one population of sites in solution (Bmax = 1.11 +/- 0.4 pmol/mg of protein; Kd = 0.48 +/- 0.06 nM; n = 4). The characteristics of [3H]Q ICS 205-930 binding were essentially unchanged by solubilization, and competition for [3H]Q ICS 205-930 binding by a series of 5-HT3 agonists and antagonists was consistent with binding to a 5-HT3 receptor site and was similar to that observed for 5-HT3 receptors solubilized from rat brain [McKernan, Quirk, Jackson & Ragan (1990) J. Neurochem. 54, 924-930]. Some physical properties of the solubilized receptor were investigated. The molecular size (Stokes radius) of the [3H]Q ICS 205-930-binding site was measured by gel-exclusion chromatography in a buffer containing 0.2% Lubrol and 0.5 M-NaCl and was determined as 4.81 +/- 0.15 nm (mean +/- S.E.M.; n = 6). Sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation was also performed under the same detergent and salt conditions to determine the partial specific volume (v) of the detergent-receptor site complex. This was found to be 0.794 ml.g-1. Sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation was carried out in both 1H2O and 2H2O to allow correction for detergent binding to the receptor. The Mr of the 5-HT3 receptor under these conditions was calculated as 249,000 +/- 18,000 (n = 3). The size and physical properties of the 5-HT3 receptor are similar to those observed for members of the family of ligand-gated ion channels.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that expression of the gastrin receptor, CCK2R, in pancreatic acini of transgenic ElasCCK2 mice induced alteration of acinar morphology and differentiation, increased sensitivity to a carcinogen and development of preneoplastic lesions and tumours. Reg proteins are suggested to be involved in pancreatic cancer and in regeneration of endocrine pancreas. Reg I gene is a known target of gastrin. We examined whether an expression of CCK2R in the pancreatic acini of ElasCCK2 mice is linked to induction of Reg proteins expression. We analyzed Reg expression by Western-blot and immunohistochemistry in pancreas from ElasCCK2 and control mice. Islet neogenesis, glucose homeostasis, insulin secretion and content were also evaluated. Reg I is exclusively produced in acini in ElasCCK2 and control mice. In tumoral pancreas, Reg I and Reg III proteins are expressed in duct-like cells in preneoplastic lesions or in the periphery of tumours and in adjacent acini. The expression of Reg III proteins is increased in ElasCCK2 pancreas before the development of preneoplastic lesions in a subpopulation of islet cells and in small islet-like cell clusters dispersed within the acinar tissue. Several criteria of an enhanced neogenesis are fulfilled in ElasCCK2 pancreas. Moreover, ElasCCK2 mice have an improved response to glucose load, an increased insulin secretion and a doubling of insulin content compared to control mice. We show that Reg proteins are targets of CCK2R activation and are induced during early steps of carcinogenesis in ElasCCK2 mice pancreas. Alterations of exocrine tissue homeostasis in ElasCCK2 pancreas concomitantly activate regenerative responses of the endocrine pancreas possibly linked to paracrine actions of Reg III proteins.  相似文献   

The physical-chemical properties of the nuclear estrogen receptor from MCF-7 cells were determined. The receptor was solubilized by micrococcal nuclease. Nuclei were isolated from cells previously exposed to 10 nM [3H]estradiol. The amount of receptor released was parallel to the extent of chromatin solubilized, which suggested that the receptor is homogeneously distributed on the chromatin. Following mild nuclease digestion the excised receptor sedimented as an abundant 6-7 S form and as a less abundant approximately 12 S species. The 6-7 S form represented the receptor excised in association with linker DNA, while the approximately 12 S may represent receptor bound to linker DNA which remained associated with the nucleosome. Increasing the extensiveness of digestion resulted in one receptor form sedimenting at 5.6 S. Additional digestion with DNase I did not affect the sedimentation coefficient of the receptor. Sedimentation of the micrococcal nuclease hydrolysate in a 0.4 M KCl sucrose gradient resulted in a 4.2 S receptor form. The same receptor form was extracted from undigested nuclei with 0.4 M KCl. Using Sephadex G-200 column chromatography we have determined the Stokes radii (Rs), molecular weight (Mr) and frictional ratio (f/fo) for the 5.6 S and 4.2 S receptor forms. For the 5.6 S form: Rs = 7.04 nm, Mr = 163,000 and (f/fo) = 1.80. For the 4.2 S receptor, Rs = 4.45 nm, Mr = 77,000 and (f/fo) = 1.46. The ability of the nuclease solubilized 5.6 S receptor to bind DNA was tested using DNA-cellulose column and highly polymerized DNA. About 40% of the applied receptor bound to the column and could be eluted by high salt concentrated buffer. The 5.6 S receptor form was sedimented on sucrose gradient by the highly polymerized DNA. These results suggested that the receptor is bound in chromatin as a dimer or as a monomer in association with other protein(s) which complexed it with DNA.  相似文献   

The properties of high affinity CCK8 binding sites of guinea-pig and rat brain cortex were compared using [3H]pCCK8. Large differences were observed, with the KD value being significantly higher in the rat (KD = 1.25 nM) than in guinea-pig brain (KD = 0.18 nM). Both sites exhibited different specificities for various CCK8 analogues, the selectivity factors KI rat/KI guinea-pig varied from 0.9 for CCK4 to 64 for cyclic CCK8-related compounds. Significant differences in the inhibition of [3H]pCCK8 binding by monovalent and nucleotides cations were also observed. These results could be explained by a difference in receptor environment or by a species difference in the proportion of CCK8 receptor-subtypes.  相似文献   

E Hazum 《Biochemistry》1987,26(22):7011-7014
The interaction of 125I-buserelin, a superactive agonist of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), with solubilized GnRH receptor was studied. The highest specific binding of 125I-buserelin to solubilized GnRH receptor is evident at 4 degrees C, and equilibrium is reached after 2 h of incubation. The soluble receptor retained 100% of the original binding activity when kept at 4 or 22 degrees C for 60 min. Mono- and divalent cations inhibited, in a concentration-dependent manner, the binding of 125I-buserelin to solubilized GnRH receptor. Monovalent cations require higher concentrations than divalent cations to inhibit the binding. Since the order of potency within the divalent cations was identical with that of their association constants to dicarboxylic compounds, it is suggested that there are at least two carboxylic groups of the receptor that participate in the binding of the hormone. The carboxyl groups of sialic acid residues are not absolutely required for GnRH binding since the binding of 125I-buserelin to solubilized GnRH receptor was only slightly affected by pretreatment with neuraminidase and wheat germ agglutinin. The finding that polylysines stimulate luteinizing hormone (LH) release from pituitary cell cultures with the same efficacy as GnRH suggests that simple charge interactions can induce LH release. According to these results, we propose that the driving force for the formation of the hormone-receptor complex is an ionic interaction between the positively charged amino acid arginine in position 8 and the carboxyl groups in the binding site.  相似文献   

The GABAA/benzodiazepine receptor has been solubilized from membrane preparations of bovine cerebral cortex and has been reconstituted, in a functionally active form, into phospholipid vesicles. In preliminary experiments, the receptor was labeled with the photoactive benzodiazepine [3H]flunitrazepam prior to solubilization. A peptide of apparent molecular weight 53,500 was specifically labeled by this method, and this was used as a marker for the receptor during the reconstitution procedures. The labeled protein was solubilized with approximately 40% efficiency by 1% beta-octyl glucoside. Reconstitution was achieved by mixing the solubilized proteins with a 4:1 mixture of soybean asolectin and bovine brain phospholipids, followed by chromatography on Sephadex G-50-80 to remove detergent. The incorporation of the GABAA receptor into membrane vesicles has been verified by sucrose gradient centrifugation in which the [3H]-flunitrazepam-labeled peptide comigrated with [14C]phosphatidylcholine used as a lipid marker. Vesicles prepared without labeled markers retained the ability to bind both [3H]flunitrazepam and the GABA analogue [3H]muscimol. Furthermore, the binding parameters were very similar to those measured using native membrane preparations. A novel fluorescence technique has been used to measure chloride transport mediated by the GABAA receptor in reconstituted vesicles. Chloride influx was rapidly stimulated in the presence of micromolar concentrations of muscimol and was blocked by preincubation of the membranes with muscimol (desensitization). Flux was also blocked by pretreatment with the competitive GABAA receptor blocker bicuculline or with the noncompetitive GABAA receptor antagonist picrotoxin.  相似文献   

Insulin receptors were solubilized from rat liver microsomes by the nonionic detergent Triton X-100. After gel filtration of the extract on Sepharose CL-6B, two insulin-binding species (peak I and peak II) were obtained. The structure and binding properties of both peaks were characterized. Gel filtration yielded Stokes radii of 9.2 nm (peak I) and 8.0 nm (peak II). Both peaks were glycoproteins. At 4 degrees C peak I showed optimal insulin binding at pH 8.0 and high ionic strength. In contrast, peak II had its binding optimum at pH 7.0 and low ionic strength, where peak I binding was minimal. For peak I the change in insulin binding under different conditions of pH and ionic strength was due to a change in receptor affinity only. For peak II an additional change in receptor number was found. Both peaks yielded non-linear Scatchard plots under most of the buffer conditions examined. At their binding optima at 4 degrees C the high affinity dissociation constants were 0.50 nM (peak I) and 0.55 nM (peak II). Sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of peak I revealed five receptor bands with Mr 400 000, 365 000, 320 000, 290 000, and 245 000 under non-reducing conditions. For peak II two major receptor bands with Mr 210 000 and 115 000 were found. The peak II receptor bands were also obtained after mild reduction of peak I. After complete reduction both peaks showed one major receptor band with Mr 130 000. The reductive generation of the peak II receptor together with molecular mass estimations suggest that the peak I receptor is the disulfide-linked dimer of the peak II receptor. Thus, Triton extracts from rat liver microsomes contain two receptor species, which are related, but differ considerably in their size and insulin-binding properties.  相似文献   

The experiments described in this paper were undertaken to examine the requirements of NADPH-cytochrome c reductase and phosphatidylcholine for hepatic steroid 5 alpha-reduction, previously proposed by Golf and Graef (Golf, S. W. and Graef, V. (1978) J. Steroid Biochem. 9, 369-371). To determine how NADPH-cytochrome c reductase participates in hepatic 5 alpha-reductase activity, antibodies against the purified NADPH-cytochrome c reductase were added to 5 alpha-reductase preparation solubilized from rat liver microsomes. Whereas both NADPH-cytochrome c reductase and progesterone 16 alpha-hydroxylase in the preparation were inhibited by the antiserum, the inhibitory effect on 5 alpha-reductase activity was not observed. In addition, chromatography of the polyethylene glycol fraction active in 5 alpha-reduction on DEAE-cellulose resulted in the complete separation of 5 alpha-reductase activity from NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity. Unlike NADPH-cytochrome c reductase, phosphatidylcholine increased the activity of the partially purified 5 alpha-reductase about 2.5 fold. Phosphatidylserine also enhanced the activity to an extent identical for phosphatidylcholine. Phosphatidic acid and lysophosphatidylcholine were stimulatory to lesser extents.  相似文献   

In this study we solubilized and characterized the receptor for the major egg yolk protein precursor, vitellogenin (Vg), from the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. The receptor was solubilized from vitellogenic ovary membranes using octyl-β- -glucoside (OG). Under equilibrium binding conditions, [35S]Vg bound with high affinity (Kd = 2.8 × 10−8 M) to a single class of binding sites in solubilized ovary extracts. The solubilized receptor was present in ovarian extracts and bound selectively A. aegypti Vg and its storage form, vitellin (Vn). The receptor preparation was heat and trypsin sensitive. Binding of Vg to its receptor could be inhibited as well dissociated with suramin. The receptor was visualized by ligand-blotting as a 205 kDa protein under non-reducing conditions. It did not share immunological cross-reactivity with antibodies to chicken and locust Vg receptors. Vitellogenin, Vn and its purified subunits competed for binding to the receptor in the order, Vg ≈ Vn > Vn large subunit > Vn small subunit. Binding of dephosphorylated Vg was significantly reduced. Deglycosylated Vg, on the other hand, formed high molecular weight aggregates resulting in artifactually high binding which indicates importance of glycosylation for the stability of Vg molecule. During egg maturation, the number of receptor binding sites in ovaries correlated with the rate of Vg uptake and peaked between 24–30 h after which it reduced to no binding by 48 h post blood meal.  相似文献   

The enzyme GDPmannose: dolichyl monophosphate mannosyltransferase has been solubilized and purified from mice liver mitochondrial outer membranes. The purification combines detergent extraction of purified outer membranes using Nonidet P-40, with subsequent ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. At this stage, a 400-fold purification is obtained. The partially purified mannosyltransferase is activated choline-containing lipids such as phosphatidylcholine, lysophatidylcholine and sphingomyelin. The reaction is dependent upon the addition of exogenous dolichyl monophosphate. The sole reaction product has been identified as dolichyl posphate-mannose. The partially purified mannosyltrasnferase exhibits a Km of 1.33 μM for GDPmannose. Enzyme activity, eluted from DEAE-cellulose, could be further purified after incorporation into sphingomyelin vesicles containing dolichyl monophosphate followed by a sucrose density gradient certrifugation. The mannosyltransferase activity is completely associated with the liposomes at the top of the gradient. Significant stabilization and purification (approx. 1600-fold) of enzyme activity associated with these liposomes is obtained. Furthermore, the reconstitution of this purified enzyme within specific liposomes provides a good model membrane to investigate the molecular requirement of this mitochondrial mannosyltransferase.  相似文献   

The thyrotropin receptor from bovine thyroid plasma membranes has been solubilized using lithium diiodosalicylate, and an assay to measure thyrotropin binding to the solubilized receptor has been developed. Both the solubilized thyrotropin receptor and the thyrotropin receptor on thyroid plasma membranes have effectively identical nonlinear Scatchard plots and negatively sloped Hill plots, i.e. both preparations have receptors which appear to exhibit a similar negatively cooperative relationship. Although the pH optimum of thyrotropin binding to the solubilized receptor is the same as that of the thyroid plasma membrane receptor, pH 6.0, the pH dependency curve of the solubilized receptor is slightly different in its outline. Thyrotropin binding to the solubilized receptor is less sensitive to salt inhibition than is binding to the thyroid plasma membrane receptor; however, optimal binding remains at 0 degrees. The relative affinities of thyrotropin and two glycoprotein hormones which can be considered structural analogs, luteinizing hormone and human chorionic gonadotropin, are 100:10:5, respectively, toward plasma membrane receptors, but 100:25:40 toward the solubilized receptors. The solubilized receptor preparation is heterogeneous in size in that it has binding components with molecular weights of 286,000, 160,000, 75,000, and 15,000 to 30,000. Tryptic digestion converts all three higher molecular weight components to the 15,000 to 30,000 molecular weight species, and the 15,000 to 30,000 molecular weight receptor component has all of the binding properties of the solubilized receptor preparation before tryptic digestion including an identical nonlinear Scatchard plot. It has the same size as and coelutes from Sephadex G-100 with a 15,000 to 30,000 molecular weight receptor released by tryptic digestion of bovine thyroid plasma membranes or tryptic digestion of bovine or dog thyroid cells in culture. The tryptic fragment of the solubilized receptor or preparations has been purified almost 250-fold by affinity chromatography on thyrotropin-Sepharose columns. The binding activity is lost when the solubilized thyrotropin receptor preparation is exposed to beads of neuraminidase-Sepharose or conconavalin A-Sepharose.  相似文献   

Monoiodotyrosine ([125I]ChTX) binds with high affinity to a single class of receptors present in bovine aortic smooth muscle sarcolemmal membranes that are functionally associated with the high-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel [maxi-K channel; Vázquez, J., et al. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 20902-20909]. Cross-linking experiments carried out with this preparation in the presence of [125I]ChTX and disuccinimidyl suberate indicate specific incorporation of radioactivity into a protein of Mr 35,000. The smooth muscle ChTX receptor can be solubilized in active form in the presence of selected detergents. Treatment of membranes with digitonin releases about 50% of the ChTX binding sites. The solubilized receptor retains the same biochemical and pharmacological properties that are characteristic of toxin interaction with membrane-bound receptors. The solubilized receptor binds specifically to wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose resin, suggesting that it is a glycoprotein. Functional ChTX binding sites can also be solubilized in 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylamino]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS). Sucrose density gradient centrifugation of either digitonin or CHAPS extracts indicates that the ChTX receptor has a high apparent sedimentation coefficient (s20,w = 23 and 18 S, respectively). Cross-linking experiments indicate that the appearance of the 35-kDa membrane protein correlates with ChTX binding activity after both wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose and sucrose density gradient centrifugation steps. Given the high apparent sedimentation coefficient of the ChTX receptor, the 35-kDa membrane protein may be a subunit of a higher molecular weight complex which forms the maxi-K channel in smooth muscle sarcolemma.  相似文献   

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