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The significance of nauplii versus copepodite stage V of Calanusfinmarchicus grazing and their effects on the structure of thefood web were investigated during two sampling periods of 7–8days in March and April in experimental mesocosms held in aNorwegian fjord over a 2 month period. The mesocosms were manipulatedby the addition of two different levels of inorganic nutrients(control versus enriched). During the ‘naupliar’period in March, the phytoplankton was characterized by a diatombloom while during the ‘copepodite’ period in April,it was in a post-bloom phase characterized by small-celled species,mainly Phaeocystis pouchetii. Phytoplankton, bacterial and protozooanbiomass and production rates were measured in addition to copepodbiomass. Copepod grazing was estimated by three different methods:(i) gut fluorescence; (ii) chlorophyll clearance from the water;and (iii) growth method measured as body carbon increase. Thetwo latter methods gave similar results for nauplii, but allthree gave different results for the copepodites. Independentsomatic growth, based on changes in abundance and individualcarbon content, and grazing estimates revealed an overall growthefficiency of 0.66 ± 0.20 (mean ± S.E.) for copepodites.Empirical carbon flow models were constructed, which indicatedthat the nauplii could not control either phytoplankton or protozoangrowth in either the control or in the enriched system. Ignoringrecycling and sedimentation, the fate of the primary productionfor the nauplii-dominated community was to be grazed by a diverseand abundant protozooplankton community. In the copepodite-dominatedcommunity, the copepods grazed >100% of the daily primaryproduction, and also grazed heavily on a protozooplankton communityof low biomass and diversity and presumably on detritus. Thefate of the primary production in the two different copepodscenarios followed predicted routes for ‘low meso-zooplankton’and for ‘high meso-zooplankton’ biomass systems,as suggested by Wassmann (Wassmann, 1998).  相似文献   

The carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) contents (%of dry weight) of some crustacean zooplankton were studied inthe Baltic Sea. The copepod Acartia sp. had a stable C and Ncontent (48.3 ± 0.8% C, 12.4 ± 0.2% N, C:N ratio4.5 ± 0.1). The P content was variable (1–2%),probably depending on developmental stage and season. Copepodsaccumulating fat, like Pseudocalanus minutus elongatus, hadhigher and more variable C content (50–60%), and lowerN and P content (7–12% N, 0.6–1.5% P). The highestC and lowest N and P contents were found in adult Limnocalanusmacrurus. However, the N:P ratio was apparently independentof fat content and between 14 and 27 for all copepods. The cladoceransBosmina longispina maritima and Evadne nordmanni had lower Ncontent (9.3–10.8%) and higher C:N ratio (5.1–5.7)than Acartia sp. The P content (1.2–1.4%) was similarto Acartia sp. and the N:P ratios (16–19) were in thelower range of that found for the copepods. The N:P ratio wasgenerally somewhat higher in the copepods than in seston, whichmost of the year had nearly Redfield C:N:P ratios. Potentially,nutrient recycling from crustacean zooplankton could enhanceN limitation of phytoplankton, but small stoichiometric differencessuggest that this effect is probably weak. The extent is dependenton the structure of the zooplankton community and the grossgrowth efficiencies. Acartia copepodites, which had nearly RedfieldN:P ratios, would have the opposite effect and enhance P limitationin late summer when seston N:P ratios increased.  相似文献   

Larval stages of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi rely on metazoanprey, such as Acartia tonsa nauplii and copepodites, to supporthigh growth rates. However, M. leidyi larvae <0.5 mm (totallength) had low retention efficiencies (REs) (proportion ofencountered prey actually ingested), 5.78 ± 2.6% (mean± SE), of nauplii and were often damaged by their encounters.REs of nauplii rapidly increased, 38.94 ± 3.73%, as larvaegrew to a size of  相似文献   

Synopsis Acará, Geophagus brasiliensis, and red-breasted bream, Tilapia rendalli, are important planktivorous cichlids in southern Brazilian lakes and reservoirs. In laboratory experiments, I quantified behavior and selectivity of different sizes of these two fish feeding on lake zooplankton. Feeding behavior depended on fish size. Fish < 30 mm were visual feeders. Fish 30–50 mm either visually fed or pump-filter fed depending on zooplankton size. Fish > 70 mm were pump-filter feeders. Replicate 1 h feeding trials revealed that, as the relative proportions of prey changed during an experiment, acará (30–42 mm, standard length) and tilapia (29–42 mm) shifted from visual feeding on large evasive copepods to filter feeding on small cladocerans and rotifers. Electivity and feeding rate increased with prey length, but were distinct for similar-sized cladocerans and copepods. Visual/filter-feeding fish had lowest electivities for small and poorly evasive rotifers and cyclopoid nauplii. They fed non-selectively on cyclopoid copepodites, had intermediate electivities for calanoid nauplii and small cladocerans, and had highest electivities for large cladocerans, cyclopoid adults, and calanoid copepodites and adults. Although belonging to different cichlid genera and native to South America and Africa, respectively, acará and red-breasted bream (= congo tilapia) exhibited similar selectivity for zooplankton. Apparently, few stereotyped feeding behaviors have evolved during the acquisition of microphagy in fish. Shift in feeding modes allows these two species to optimally exploit the variable and dynamic patchy distribution of planktonic resources.  相似文献   

Sommer U 《Oecologia》2009,159(1):207-215
The feeding selectivity and the growth and reproductive success of the copepod Acartia tonsa have been studied in mesocosms fertilized at different Si:N ratios (0–1.75:1) and, therefore, at different compositions of the phytoplankton communities. Phytoplankton composition showed a strong response to nutrient ratios, with diatoms comprising >90% at Si:N ratios >1:1 of total biomass as opposed to <20% at the lowest ratio. A. tonsa strongly preferred feeding on motile prey (flagellates and ciliates) to feeding on diatoms. Nevertheless, diatoms comprised a substantial part of the diet at the highest Si:N ratios. A. tonsa egg production and the final (after 4 weeks) abundance of adults and copepodites showed no response to Si:N ratios while nauplii production slightly increased with Si:N ratios. It is concluded that the frequently reported deleterious effect of diatoms on copepod reproduction is rather unusual when copepods are confronted with a naturally diverse phytoplankton assemblage instead of clonal cultures in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Observations made overseas of predation by blue mussels and zebra mussels on mesozooplankton (>200 μm) have raised concern within New Zealand that the Greenshell mussel, Perna canaliculus, which is cultured in large tonnages throughout hundreds of marine farms within the New Zealand coastal zone, could exert ecologically detrimental effects by preying on zooplankton. We conducted experiments at Clova Bay, Pelorus Sound in May 2002 to determine the rates that P. canaliculus ingests prey, up to and including the mesozooplankton size range. Single mussels from farms were incubated with seawater enriched with zooplankton (>60 μm) in gently circulated 15-l pails. Depletion of chlorophyll-a (chl-a), ciliate microzooplankton, and nauplii, copepodites, and adults of copepods was determined over 5 h, relative to controls with no mussels. Two experiments were made over consecutive days. Gut contents of these experimental mussels, and of mussels examined soon after collection from a farm, were described.Gut contents of experimental and of freshly collected mussels (standard shell length ∼90 mm) had numerous copepod parts, whole copepods and larval bivalves present. Experimental mussels cleared chl-a and ciliates from 59- to 137-l individual−1 day−1, respectively, averaged across the two experiments. Faster ciliate than chl-a clearance was probably caused by the high proportion (56%) of phytoplankton below the retention size for P. canaliculus (ca. 5 μm) and by faster ciliate grazing in controls than treatments. The average clearance rates of adult, copepodite, and naupliar copepod stages by mussels were 20, 31, and 49 l individual−1 day−1, respectively. The clearance rates of each copepod stage were not significantly different between the two experiments. Clearance of nauplii was significantly greater than of adults and copepodites, while adult and copepodite clearance rates were nearly significantly different. The mean lengths of the adult, copepodite, and naupliar copepods were 430, 265, and 165 μm, respectively. The decreasing clearance rates with increasing size and development of prey (from ciliates, through naupliar, copepodite to adult copepods), suggested that prey escape ability, related to body size and/or morphology, affected capture rates. Mussel faecal samples indicated complete digestion of the gut contents. Pseudofaecal samples showed very low rejection rates of mesozooplankton by mussels. The results are considered in context of current biophysical modelling studies of impacts of large mussel farms in New Zealand. Designs of future experiments to improve accuracy of estimates of mesozooplankton clearance rates by P. canaliculus are considered.  相似文献   

This study examined the relative contributions of bacterialand phytoplankton production to the pelagic carbon flow of LakeOkeechobee, a large and shallow subtropical lake. Due to thepredominance of cyanobacteria in this lake, we hypothesizedthat bacterial carbon flow would be larger than phytoplanktoncarbon flow to grazers. Using epifluorescent and light microscopyand radiotracer techniques, we measured the carbon biomass ofplanktonic functional groups and carbon flow between these groups.The functional groups that we used in this study included: picophytoplankton,autotrophic nanoflagellates (ANAN), microphytoplankton, bacteria,heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNAN), ciliates, microzooplankton(rotifers and copepod nauplii) and macrozooplankton (cladocerans,copepodites and adult copepods). Microphytoplankton dominatedthe carbon biomass of all plankton, whereas the calanoid copepod,Diaptomus, dominated the carbon biomass of the grazers. Phytoplanktoncarbon flow often was higher than bacterial carbon flow to grazers;however, bacterial carbon constituted a large percentage ofthe total carbon flow to grazers (33.7 ± 22.4%). Bacterialcarbon provided roughly one quarter of the carbon flow to macrozooplankton(27.1 ± 25.4%), whereas it provided half of the carbonflow to microzooplankton (57.4 ± 20.3%) and to protozoans(47.2 ± 25.8%). These results suggest that microbialpathways play an important role in the energetics of subtropicallake plankton communities. Although microbial loop pathwaysare important in many systems, direct bacterial carbon flowto macrozooplankton also may be important in copepod- and cyanobacteria-dominatedlakes.  相似文献   

The calanoid copepod, Eudiaplomus graciloides, was reared fromegg to adult on uni-algal diets (0.1. 0.5 and 2.5 mg dry wt1–1) using the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii,as food, or on a mixed diet consisting of Lake Esrom water filteredthrough a plankton net with pore size 45 µm and supplementedwith C. reinhardtii (2.5 mg dry wt 1–1). On the mixeddiet at 21.0°C growth in body dry wt (W, µg dry wt)was exponential, and the growth constants were 0.21 day–1in the early to mid juvenile stage (N1 - C4) and 0.11 day–1in the late juvenile to early adult stage (C4-A). At 14.5°Cthe corresponding growth rate constants were 0.10 and 0.08 day–1.Similar growth rates were found at uni-algal concentrationsof 0.5 and 2.5 mg dry wt I–1, and it was argued that thethreshold concentration for growth in Eudiaptomus was closeto 0.1 mg dry wt I–1. The clearance (C, ml h–1)of copepodites was measured on the uni-algal diets. The constantsof the regression (C = aWb) were: a = 0.125, b = 0.858 (2000C. reinhardtii ml–1), a = 0.068, b = 0.849 (10 000), a= 0.028, b = 0.875 (50 000). Ingestion rates were calculatedfrom the clearances and the average algal concentrations. Atthe three food levels the average daily rations were 30, 67and 125% of body dry wt. The respiration rate (R, nl O2 h–1)was measured in individuals reared on the mixed diet. The constantsof the regression (R = aWb) were: a = 4.82, b = 1.07 (nauplii,14.5°C), a = 4.17, b = 0.904 (copepodites and adults, 14.5°C),a = 6.87, b = 0.757 (copepodites and adults, 21.0°C). Nosignificant difference in the respiration rate of copepoditesreared on uni-algal diets and the mixed diet could be demonstrated.Energy budgets were calculated. The assimilation efficiencyand the gross growth efficiency of copepodites decreased markedlywith increasing food concentration, the net growth efficiencyvaried from an average of 0.44 at the lowest algal concentrationto 0.60 on the mixed diet. The results are discussed in relationto previous findings with both freshwater and marine copepods.  相似文献   

The reaction field of juvenile false percula clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) were studied when fed two different developmental stages (nauplii and adults) of the calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus annandalei. As the copepods undergo ontogenetic development, their morphologic and kinematic traits changes and may therefore influence the ability of the clownfish to identify and capture prey. The fish reacted to nauplii at shorter distances (15.2 ± 7.1 mm) compared to adult copepods (28.0 ± 9.8 mm). However, the fish reaction angle was significantly wider when offered nauplii (?25.3° to 64.4°) compared to adult copepods (?14.2° to 36.7°). This resulted in an equivalent attack rate on both prey items. Hence, even though nauplii are less apparent at greater distances, the fish counteract this partly by reacting to smaller prey items at a wider range. However, the carbon-specific ingestion rate was higher when offered adult copepods, which suggests adult copepods are a more rewarding prey.  相似文献   

Effects of enhanced ultraviolet B (UV-B, 280-320 nm) on copepods have gained particular attention in recent years. In this study, we investigated the effects of UV-B radiation on ingestion, fecundity, population dynamics and antioxidant enzyme activities of copepod Schmackeria inopinus exposed to varying doses of UV-B irradiance. Artificial UV-B radiation resulted in an increased mortality of nauplii, copepodites and adults with increasing UV-B doses. Nauplii and copepodites were more sensitive to UV-B radiation than adults, and adult males had a higher UV-B radiation susceptivity in comparison with adult females. Both ingestion rates and proportion of gravid females decreased with the increase of UV-B doses; and at the same time, we also observed that adult females had higher ingestion rates as compared with adult males. In comparison with the control, the abundance of the treatment significantly decreased. Antioxidant enzyme (GPx and GR) activities attained a significant increase at lower UV-B radiation doses when compared to the control, but declined at higher UV-B doses. These results suggested that enhanced UV-B radiation might change the species composition of copepods. Our study also showed that antioxidant enzymes might protect S. inopinus against UV-induced oxidative damage.  相似文献   

树皮是维管形成层以外的所有组织,其功能性状是反映植物生态适应策略的重要研究对象。为了揭示亚热带山地乔、灌木小枝树皮功能性状特征及其关联性,采用独立样本T检验和标准主轴回归方法对武夷山19种常见木本植物小枝树皮的主要功能性状的基本特征及其相关性进行了分析。结果发现:(1)树皮厚度、树皮密度与树皮含水量在乔、灌木之间无显著差异,其均值分别为(0.78±0.06)mm、(0.58±0.03)mg/cm3和(155.07±14.16)%。树皮碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)生态化学计量特征在乔、灌木之间差异也不显著,C、N、P平均值分别为(492.43±4.25)mg/g、(8.90±0.74)mg/g和(0.61±0.06)mg/g,树皮C∶N、C∶P与N∶P平均值分别为60.76±4.17、905.53±67.36与15.19±0.84。(2)树皮性状之间存在关联,其中树皮厚度与密度、密度与含水量均呈异速生长关系,而树皮厚度与含水量、氮含量与磷含量均呈等速生长关系。乔木树皮碳含量和磷含量间、灌木树皮密度和氮含量间均呈异速生长关系,乔木与灌木各性状间关系差异不显著。结果表明...  相似文献   

Planktonic predators and copepod abundance near the Dutch coast   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hypotheses that planktonic predators are responsible for thespring-summer decrease in copepod abundance and that the dominantpredator, Pleurobrachia pileus, is associated with high concentrationsof copepods were investigated at a station near the Dutch coast.Neither hypothesis was supported. Predators and copepods weresampled together with a 156 L ‘water box’ from lateApril through early July, including the season of P.pileus abundance.Using predators and copepods from the same box samples, hencefrom the same water parcel, feeding rates on copepod naupliiand copepodites + adults were measured onboard ship. Less than6% of the copepods, the sensitivity of the method, were removedper day. In additional shipboard feeding experiments net-caughtP.pileus were added to ambient copepod densities. By combiningwater volume cleared of copepods with ambient P.pileus densityin the sea, the predicted impact was 0–1.6% of copepodseaten per day from late April to early July. The hypothesisthat P.pileus associates with copepod concentrations was testedby comparing abundances of both groups from the same box samples.The correlations were not significant for any sample series.The ways measurement methods have restricted progress in understandingthe predatory impact of Pleurobrachia sp. are also considered.  相似文献   

A series of single-factor in situ experiments was conductedin a mesotrophic lake in Brandenburg, North Germany, to studythe predatory impact of Eudiaptomus graciloides (adults, copepodites,nauplii), cyclopoid copepods (adult Diacyclops bicuspidatus,Thermocyclops oithonoides) and daphnids (adult Daphnia hyalina,Daphnia cucullata) on the microbial community (bacteria, autotrophicpicoplankton, flagellates, ciliates). All zooplankton speciestested reduced the ciliate community significantly and ingestionrates were always higher for ciliates in the 20–55 µmsize category as compared to smaller ciliates (10–20 µm).Adult E.graciloides, which exhibited the highest predatory impacton ciliates, differed from cyclopoids and daphnids by theirability to decimate ciliates to very low abundances. Ingestionrates of ciliates by the crustacean zooplankton followed thesequence E.graciloides > daphnids = cyclopoids = copepodites.While top-down control was evident for ciliates, top-down effectsdown to the autotrophic picoplankton and flagellates were mostlyrestricted to Daphnia-dominated treatments. Top-down effectswere never strong enough to produce negative bacterial growthrates. For all zooplankton tested, clearance rates for ciliatesexceeded those for phytoplankton. Besides the potential of thecrustacean zooplankton to influence the structure of ciliatecommunities, ciliates may contribute to the energy demands ofcopepods and daphnids, especially when phytoplankton resourcesare limited.  相似文献   

Individual variability in development rates of the calanoidcopepod Eurytemora affinis was studied using previously publisheddata that are here normalised for the effects of food and temperature.The late-developing individuals died before reaching the adultstage. The development of individuals was studied using twodifferent stage aggregations. In the one case, the stages wereaggregated into four groups: early nauplii (N1–N3), laternauplii (N4–N6), early copepodites (C1–C3) and latercopepodites (C4–C5). In another case, only total nauplii(N1–N6) and total copepodites (C1–C5) were used.The distributions of development time in the first groups obtainedfrom the normalised data show distinct asymmetry. The gammadensity function is asymmetrical to fit the distributions ofdevelopment in the different groups under different experimentalconditions. For one experimental condition (103 cells ml–1,15°C) the development of E. affinis was simulated usingan age-within-stage model together with the fitted distributionsof moulting probabilities. We showed that the asymmetrical gammadistribution was an adequate parameterization of the transferprocess. It was also useful to simplify the life cycle representationby lumping developmental stages. However, the comparison ofthe simulated abundance with two life cycle representationsshowed another source of error due to the heterogeneity of stage-specificmortality rates. The error of the estimation increases in proportionto the difference of mortality rates between two successivestages.  相似文献   

Juvenile growth and development rates for Metridia pacifica,one of the dominant larger copepods in the subarctic Pacific,were investigated from March through October of 2001–2004in the northern Gulf of Alaska. The relationship between prosomelength (PL, µm) and dry weight (DW, µg) was determined:log10 DW = 3.29 x log10 PL – 8.75. The stage durationsof copepodites ranged from 3 to 52.5 days but were 8–15days under optimal condition. Seasonally, growth rates increasedfrom March to October and typically ranged between 0.004 and0.285 day–1, averaging 0.114 ± 0.007 day–1(mean ± SE). After standardization to 5°C (Q10 of2.7), growth rates averaged 0.083 ± 0.005 day–1and were significantly correlated to chlorophyll a, with saturatedgrowth rates of 0.149 day–1 for C1–C3, 0.102 day–1for C4–C5 and 0.136 day–1 for all stages combined.Measured juvenile growth rates were comparable with specificegg production rates in this species. The comparisons of ourrates in this study with those predicted by the global modelsof copepod growth rates suggested that further refinement ofthese models is required.  相似文献   

The predatory copepod Acanthocyclops americanus is commonly found in shallow ponds and lakes in Mexico. We tested the survivorship and reproduction-related variables of this copepod, isolated from Lake Huetzalin (Xochimilco, Mexico City), on four mixed diets comprising two algal concentrations (0.8 × 106 and 1.6 × 106 cells ml−1 of Scenedesmus acutus) and two rotifer densities (1 and 8 ind. ml−1 of Brachionus havanaensis). Survivorship patterns of naupliar and adult stages of A. americanus were evaluated at 24 ± 1°C. The demography experiments were initiated with five females and five males (1:1 ratio, 5th copepodites) into each of the 16 test [= 4 diet combinations × 4 replicates (cohorts)] jars containing 50 ml medium and with one of the chosen algal-rotifer diets. Data on the survival of naupliar and copepodites (up to V) showed a high death rate (80%) in A. americanus by the time nauplii reached the adult stage. The duration of developmental time for nauplii and the copepodite V (C-V) was about 28 days by which time A. americanus became adults. Food combination had a significant effect on both survival and duration of the naupliar and C-V but not on the development time in C-I, C-II, C-III, and C-IV. Naupliar stages showed highest life expectancy at low food levels (rotifers or alga). Adult male and female copepods showed better survival under higher availability of rotifers in the medium, while higher algal density resulted in steep mortality during the first days. Average adult lifespan and life expectancy of A. americanus varied from 19 to 23 days, depending on the diet combination. Age-specific reproductive output (m x ) of female A. americanus showed low reproduction (<10 offspring per female on any given day) when raised on low rotifer density, regardless of the algal concentration. On the other hand, enhanced offspring production (average of about 50 nauplii per female) was recorded when the rotifer density was higher (i.e., 8 ind. ml−1). Gross and net reproductive rates varied from 48 to 438 and 27 to 318 offspring per female, respectively. In general, higher availability of rotifers in the medium resulted in higher (8–10 times as compared to those in low rotifer density) gross and net reproductive rates. There was no significant difference in the generation time (13–14 days) in relation to the diet combination. The rate of population increase (r) (range: 0.29–0.69 per day) increased with greater abundance of B. havanaensis in the medium. Thus, our study showed that inclusion of animal protein in the diet is necessary for high population growth rates of A. americanus.  相似文献   

1. Development times and survival of nauplii and copepodites of the freshwater calanoid Eudiaptomus gracilis were measured on comparably sized Cryptomonas sp. and two strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardii under food saturated conditions (1 mg C L−1) to investigate the nutritional quality of these algae.
2.  Cryptomonas sp. supported complete ontogenesis of nauplii to adults, whereas both strains of C. reinhardii were inadequate for the development of nauplii and copepodites and resulted in high mortality. The nutritional deficiency of both strains of C. reinhardii was compensated for by Cryptomonas sp. when the latter constituted ≥50% of dietary carbon. Pulses of Cryptomonas sp. had a similar compensatory effect.
3. In comparison to Cryptomonas sp., both strains of C. reinhardii were deficient in the three highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs) stearidonic, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid. We manipulated the fatty acid content of C. reinhardii by externally adding these three HUFAs to the alga so that the fatty acid profile resembled that of Cryptomonas sp. This supplementation did not improve food quality, however, indicating that the nutritional deficiency of both strains of C. reinhardii for the ontogenesis of E. gracilis is not due to a lack of these three HUFAs.  相似文献   

The benthic harpacticoid copepodParamphiascella fulvofasciata Rosenfield & Coull was collected from holdfasts ofLaminaria hyperborea from a subtidal area of Helgoland (North Sea). All developmental stages ofP. fulvofasciata are raptorial feeders. The feeding of the nauplii is advanced by a marginal setule-crest of the labrum which prevents food-particles from being swept away. The oral appendages of the copepodites circumscribe a frustal space ventral to the mouth which facilitates uptake of food-particles. The nauplii are not able to swim and perform stalking movements with their antennal endopodites. Good swimming ability as well as digging-in-behaviour and negative phototaxis of the copepodites indicate epi- as well as inbenthic mode of life. Several life-cycle characters are described. Precopula lasts ca. one day. The mean egg-number is 27, and mean egg-diameter is 87 × 75 µm. The number of nauplii per egg (double)-sac amounts to 25–30. Developmental time at 19°C is 6–9 days (nauplii) and 20–24 days (copepodites). The whole developmental period lasts 28 days. The maximal lifespan in the laboratory is 193 days. Sex-ratio is almost balanced. Females produce egg-sacs more than 3.5 times during their life period. Seasonal effects on reproductive activity have not been detected in laboratory cultures.  相似文献   

We studied diel vertical migration of the calanoid copepod Acartiatonsa in a coastal meromiclic lake (Lake Nagada, Papua New Guinea).During the day, the animals migrate several metres below theoxycline to just above or into the sediments, and remain inanoxic water. Vertical migration patterns differ between ontogeneticstages; adults and larger copepodites do not occur in appreciablenumbers in the water samples during the day (deepest sampletaken at {small tilde}0.5 m above the sediment). Around sunset,the larger copepodites gradually appear in the water column,reaching the near-surface food layer (0–2 m) only wellafter sunset. Our results suggest that the evening ascent ofthe copepods in this tropical lake is related to relative changesin light intensity, and that there are age- and sex-relateddifferences in the responses to these stimuli.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the abundance of Triaenophorus crassus and Triaenophorus nodulosus procercoids in their copepod first intermediate host, Cyclops strenuus, and effects of infection on feeding behaviour, reproduction and survival of the host were studied experimentally. When exposed to the same number of coracidia, copepods harboured considerably less procercoids in the trials where ciliates or Artemia salina nauplii were given as alternative food items. The prevalence of infection was higher in adult copepods as compared with copepodite stage IV and stage V, and higher in stage V than in stage IV. The prevalences in adult females and males did not differ significantly from each other. The frequency of females carrying egg sacs was lower among infected than among exposed uninfected and unexposed copepods. The rate of feeding on Artemia nauplii remained at the same level in uninfected copepods, but decreased strongly in infected copepods during 7 days p.i. The survival of unexposed, exposed uninfected and infected copepods did not differ significantly from each other for the first 11 days post-exposure, but the mortality of infected copepods increased significantly after 3 weeks post-exposure. However, the rate of development and mortality of copepods might have been affected by the apparently arrested development of stage IV copepodites found in the experiment. Some of the contradictions between these results and earlier observations are suggested to be caused by the differences in the duration of exposure, intensity of infection and duration of observation post-exposure in the present study as compared with other experiments.  相似文献   

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