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The splenic sinuses in the spleens of 5 human beings and 7 albino rats have been studied in the light microscope and electron microscope after fixation in Dalton's fluid and Palade's fluid and embedding in n-butyl methacrylate. Splenic sinuses are tortuous vascular channels of large but variable diameter which represent the first venous vessels in the spleen and make up almost the entire red pulp in man and in rats. These vessels are composed of reticulo-endothelial cells flattened to endothelial form and sheathed by a netted reticulum. The luminal surface of the endothelium is made highly irregular by delicate and variable cytoplasmic protrusions, slender corridors separating adjacent endothelial cells, anastomotic openings to other sinuses, bulgings of entire cells, and even thrusts of endothelium spanning the sinai lumen. The supporting reticulum presents a well developed latticed appearance in tangential sections of sinuses, but in most cuts is punctate or linear. The reticulum is composed of strands without limiting membranes, which, in substance, are amorphous and resemble basement membrane. Material identical in appearance to the substance of the reticulum may be present in the endothelium, suggesting that the reticulum is formed by endothelial cells. The endothelium also contains deposits of presumed ferritin and hemosiderin. The extreme luminal bulgings of endothelium suggest production of circulating monocytes or lymphocytes by detachment of endothelial cells. Sinuses are patent and collapsed to varying degrees. Patent sinuses are separated by collapsed sinuses and these collapsed sinuses appear to constitute splenic (Billroth) cords.  相似文献   

黑星病菌在苹果叶片上的发育过程研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用电子显微镜技术,研究了苹果黑星病菌在苹果叶片上发育过程。扫描电子显微镜观察结果表明,接种后12 h 分生孢子即可萌发并形成附着胞,统计结果显示其孢子萌发率在6 h和12 h分别为83% 和95%,附着胞形成率在12 h和24 h 分别为93% 和95%。透射电子显微镜观察结果表明,黑星病菌侵入以后在寄主角质层下和表皮细胞之间扩展、定殖并可形成子座。接种后12d,病菌开始从子座上产生分生孢子梗和分生孢子,分生孢子梗顶端每产生一个单生的分生孢子就形成一个环痕并延伸其长度。分生孢子梗和分生孢子主要沿叶脉形成,在叶片上呈网状扩展,此时叶片表现明显的病害症状。  相似文献   

白刺珠心组织及其营养功能的超微结构观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白刺具厚珠心,珠心组织发达。原胚期,根据超微结构特征,珠心组织大体可区分为三层:外围不活跃细胞层、特化细胞层和胚囊外围解体细胞层。珠心细胞解体时,细胞壁首先以微纤丝状态分散,原生质不同程度破坏,并累积脂滴。近胚囊壁降解后,珠心细胞即成为开放细胞,原生质团游离到胚囊周围。胚囊壁在珠孔区和合点区间断,因之,珠心细胞的游离原生质团可直接迁入胚囊内。在胚囊壁和中央细胞质膜之间存在明显间隙区域,其中有大量壁旁体存在,是珠心细胞降解物质进入胚囊的另一重要途径。  相似文献   

在调查陕西、甘肃两省禾谷类三种病毒病:小麦线条花叶病毒病、小麦丛矮病毒病和玉米粗病毒病的发生危害基础上,采用超薄切片和电镜技术对发生在上述两省内的三种病毒进行了病毒粒子的直接观察。  相似文献   

Sections of the stenotele type of nematocyst of Chlorohydra hadleyi have revealed that the stenotele, upon firing, completely everts its stylets and spines and the long, thin tubule, much as the eversion of the tubule of the nematocyst of the jewel anemone (Picken, 1953; Robson, 1953). Alternative mechanisms for supplying the energy necessary to forcefully discharge the stenotele contents are discussed as well as the possible significance of several regions containing highly ordered periodic structure. The origin of nematocysts as kinetosomal derivatives is discussed as a possibility suggested by the symmetry of the stenotele contents and the structure, location, and function of the cnidocil.  相似文献   

Early interaction between two animal viruses, vaccinia and adenovirus 7, which multiply readily in L strain and HeLa cells, respectively, was examined in both whole mount preparations and in thin sections. To observe the association at the surface, cells carrying adsorbed virus were swelled under controlled conditions and then "stained" with neutral phosphotungstate. Each particle of both virus types becomes attached to the cell by several capsomeres and is then ingested by phagocytosis. Within the cell, near the surface, single particles or small clumps of adenovirus are lodged within vesicles. Deeper in the cytoplasm this virus is packed in large, numerous inclusions, whereas very close to the nuclear envelope only free particles are found. Vaccinia, on the other hand, either free or in vesicles, is always found in the cytoplasm, at some distance from the nucleus (11). Adsorption and intracellular disposition of these two viruses is discussed in relation to the infectious process.  相似文献   

杉木雄性不育株与可育株小孢子囊发育的电镜研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杉木雄性不育属“无花粉型”,败育从无也原细胞押分体时期、中层细胞增生,压迫小孢子母细胞,使之养分更加缺乏并引起减烽分裂异常。其表皮层和药室内壁细胞中具大量蛋白体,影响了绒毡层对小孢子发育的外源蛋白的供应;表皮层具膜状溶酶体,引起淀粉粒缺乏和酶系统代谢异常;绒毡层发育后期,缺少包被小泡,乌氏体及绒毡层膜,内质网少,短而光滑,严重影响了绒毡层对小孢子母细胞或小孢子养分和合成细胞壁物质的供给;  相似文献   

杉木雄性不育株与可育株小孢子囊发育的电镜研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杉木雄性不育属“无花粉型”,败育从无孢原细胞到四分体时期,中层细胞增生,压迫小孢子母细胞,使之养分更加缺乏并引起减数分裂异常。其表皮层和药室内壁细胞中具大量蛋白体,影响了绒毡层对小孢子发育的外源蛋白的供应;表皮层具膜状溶酶体,引起淀粉粒缺乏和酶系统代谢异常;绒毡层发育后期,缺少包被小泡、乌氏体及绒毡层膜,内质同少、短而光滑,严重影响了绒毡层对小孢子母细胞或小孢子养分和合成细胞壁物质的供给;线粒体发育异常,能量代谢减弱,导致小孢子母细胞或小孢子一系列生理活动紊乱及其原生质体解体。  相似文献   

Melanocytes and melanin granules have been studied by electron microscopy in normal human and cat skin, and in hyperplastic human skin lesions. The melanocytes have always been found as free cells within the epidermis,i.e., on the epidermal side of the dermal membrane. Melanocytes frequently rest on the dermal membrane or bulge towards the dermis. In such cases the uninterrupted dermal membrane is uniformly thin and smooth in appearance, in contrast with the regions alongside Malpighian cells, where it appears appreciably thicker and seemingly anchored to the basal cell layer. Two types of melanin granules have been distinguished according to their location in the melanocytes and to morphological characteristics which may only express different stages in the maturation of the granules: (a) light melanin granules in which a structure resembling a fine network is apparent; (b) dense melanin granules which, in osmium-fixed preparations, appear as uniformly dense masses surrounded by a coarsely granular, intensely osmiophilic shell. Treatment of sections of osmium-fixed tissues with potassium permanganate has revealed within the dense granules the existence of an organized framework in the form of a regular, crystalline-like lattice. It is suggested that this basic structure is protein in nature and may include the enzymatic system capable of producing melanin. The existence is reported of fine filaments located in the cytoplasm of melanocytes and morphologically distinct from the tonofilaments found in Malpighian cells.  相似文献   

本文报告了树肺脏的一般结构和超微结构。与人和灵长目相似,其肺实质也是由导气部和呼吸部构成。但不同的是其细支气管粘膜形成很高的皱襞。在电镜下Clara细胞电子密度高,顶部胞质中含有大量膜包颗粒,这些结构与大白鼠和家兔的结构相似。许多毛细血管外方都包绕着基膜和肺泡Ⅰ型上皮细胞的胞质。气血屏障由肺泡上皮细胞、融合的基膜和内皮细胞胞质构成。说明树肺脏不但是呼吸器官,也是一些激素和介质产生及代谢的重要器官。本文为研究树的正常生理功能及分类提供形态学资料。  相似文献   

Crystals are seen occasionally within the diameter of transversely sectioned collagen fibrils near the calcification front of newly formed bone.  相似文献   

Consecutive serial sections of polyhedra obtained from gipsy moth larvae infected with P. dispar virus revealed bundles of viral rods scattered and oriented at random within the polyhedral body. Each bundle was entirely surrounded by a dense, sharply defined membrane. The rods measured 18 to 22 mµ in diameter and averaged 280 mµ in length. No spherical viral particles were encountered. The effects of variable compression and periodic distortion of the sections on the appearance of the virus are discussed.  相似文献   

Thin sections of the rachis of regenerating follicles of pigmented fowl feathers and of mature non-pigmented seagull feather rachis, embedded in methacrylate and Araldite respectively, were studied in the electron microscope. The late stages of development of keratin fibrils were examined in OsO4-fixed follicle material, and after poststaining with lead hydroxide the keratin aggregates were found to be composed of fine microfibrils approximately 30 A in diameter apparently embedded in a matrix material which had absorbed the lead stain. The centre-to-centre separation of the microfibrils was of the order of 35 A. After bulk treatment by reduction with thioglycollic acid, OsO4 staining, and poststaining with lead hydroxide, a similar microfibrillar fine structure was observed in mature rachis. Only after lead staining could the microfibrils be delineated, and their diameter and separation were similar to that found in the keratin of the follicle. It is suggested that feather keratin resembles α-keratins in consisting of microfibrils embedded in an amorphous protein matrix. However, in comparison with α-keratins, the microfibrils are much smaller in diameter, their arrangement is less orderly, and on the basis of the reactions towards the electron staining procedures, the cystine content of the matrix appears to be not greatly different from that of the microfibrils. The significance of a microfibrillar constitution of feather keratin is discussed in relation to current structural models for this fibrous protein deduced from x-ray diffraction studies. The boundaries between the component cells of feather rachis are desmosomal in character and similar to those of related keratinous structures and a number of different types of cells; the melanin granules are dissimilar to those of mammalian epidermis in their apparent lack of melanin-protein lamellae.  相似文献   

Dawes , Clinton J., and Edwin Bowler . (U. of California, Los Angeles.) Light and electron microscope studies of the cell wall structure of the root hairs of Raphanus sativus. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(8): 561–565. Illus. 1959.—The structure and development of the cell wall of the root hair of Raphanus sativus were studied under the light and electron microscopes. The outer layer of the root hair consists of mucilage which covers the entire hair and forms a thick cap at the tip. Beneath the mucilage a thin cuticle covers the inner layers of the cell wall. These layers consist of cellulose microfibrils, varying in pattern, in a granular matrix, presumably pectic in nature. The microfibrils of the outer layer, apparently laid down at the tip, are reticulate in arrangement. In mature regions of the root hair, the wall is thickened by an inner layer of parallel and longitudinally orientated microfibrils. Pores in the cellulose wall are evident and increase in number and size near the base of the hair.  相似文献   

Kidney cells, predominantly from Cercopithecus monkeys but also from baboons, were infected in vitro with the SV40 virus. The infectious cycle was studied with the electron microscope by means of thin sections of cells fixed from 3 hours up to 11 days after infection. The frequency of virus formation and various nuclear and cytoplasmic lesions in relation to the infection are described. The virus particles appear in the nucleus in close contact with the chromatin. In a small number of cells they have been observed as early as 10 to 12 hours after infection, but most often they appear 24 to 48 hours afterward. Their mean diameter is 33 mµ. They have no membrane and are frequently arranged as crystal-like structures. In addition to the appearance of virus, one observes various lesions in the nucleoplasm and particularly in the nucleolus, which shows an early hypertrophy and produces unusual, dense condensations in contact with the nucleolonema. The importance of these nucleolar lesions and the relationship between the SV40 virus and the polyoma, common wart, and Shope papilloma viruses are discussed.  相似文献   

The dehydration of rat optic nerve has been studied by allowing specimens to become partially or fully dried before fixation and preparation for electron microscopy. A correlation is established between electron micrographs of the myelin sheath and corresponding small-angle x-ray diffraction patterns. The modifications of the optic nerve myelin layers during drying were very similar to those described in more detail for the myelin of frog sciatic nerve. The most striking difference was that the system of fine layers characteristic of the fully dried myelin was much more extensive in the case of the optic nerve, and the layer thickness was significantly greater than the corresponding layer in the frog sciatic nerve preparation. The significance of these correlations is discussed.  相似文献   

The dehydration of frog sciatic nerve has been studied by allowing specimens to become partially or fully dried before fixation and preparation for electron microscopy. Low magnification electron micrographs of OsO4-fixed preparations showed marked tissue shrinkage which could be correlated quantitatively with the loss of water during the preliminary drying. KMnO4-fixation appeared to cause a rehydration of the dried tissue. Higher magnification electron micrographs of the OsO4-fixed preparations showed a sequence of modifications of the myelin layers which could be correlated with changes in the small-angle x-ray diffraction data which were recorded during drying. An intermediate stage of drying was characterised by a partial collapse of layers and a disappearance of the intraperiod dense line in some regions of the myelin sheath. Continuity between collapsed and non-collapsed layers was maintained throughout the sheath. The fully dried preparation showed two main modifications of the myelin layers. In many regions the layers (principal layers) resembled those of normal preparations, but showed an intensification and frequently a doubling of the intraperiod dense line. In addition, there was a very extensive system of fine (40 A periodicity) dense layers, some of which could be demonstrated to be continuous with the principal layers. In such cases it was observed that two of the fine layers were related to each principal layer. The correlation between diffraction data and electron microscope data is discussed, and some speculations are made concerning the molecular significance of the observations.  相似文献   

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