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The herpes simplex 1 virus thymidine kinase (HSV1-tk) positron emission tomography (PET) reporter gene (PRG) or its mutant HSV1-sr39tk are used to investigate intracellular molecular events in cultured cells and for imaging intracellular molecular events and cell trafficking in living subjects. Two in vitro methods are available to assay gene expression of HSV1-tk or HSV1-sr39tk in cells or tissues. One method determines the level of HSV1-TK or HSV1-sr39TK enzyme activity in cell or tissue lysates by measuring the amount of the radiolabeled substrates that have been phosphorylated by these enzymes in a fixed amount of cell lysate protein after a fixed incubation time. The other method, called the 'cell-uptake assay', takes into account the natural uptake and efflux characteristics of the radiolabeled substrate by specific cells, in addition to the level of HSV1-TK or HSV1-sr39TK activity. Both of these assays can be used to validate molecular models in cultured cells, prior to studying them in living research subjects. Each of these assays can be completed in one day.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene has been cloned into a chimeric yeast plasmid cloning vehicle and transformed into appropriate yeast strains. Plasmids carrying the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene can be propagated as autonomously replicating plasmids, but no RNA specific to the thymidine kinase coding sequence was detected.  相似文献   

When thymidine kinase-deficient mouse cells "transformed" by in activated herpes simplex virus and expressing the viral thymidine kinase (TK) are grown in nonselective medium, there is an exponential decay in the proportion of cells that continue to express the viral enzyme. However, the viral TK can be reactivated at a frequency of approximately 1 cell in 10(6) in every population that has lost TK activity. When cells in which the viral TK has been reactivated are grown in nonselective medium, a decay in the expression of the viral enzyme occurs again at the same rate as in the initial transformed population. Studies on the reactivation of viral TK indicate that reappearance of the enzyme is not induced by the selective medium (HAT) used to detect cells in which the enzyme has reappeared. Furthermore, treatments known to induce latent viruses in other systems--eg, exposure of the cells to mutagens or cell fusion--do not affect the frequency with which viral TK is reactivated.  相似文献   

We have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the thymidine kinase gene of herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 2 strain 333. The sequence of the thymidine kinase gene exhibits an open translational reading frame of 1,128 nucleotides encoding a protein of 376 amino acids. The DNA sequence was compared with that of the HSV type 1 thymidine kinase gene from strain MP (S. L. McKnight, Nucleic Acids Res. 8:5949-5964, 1980) and from strain CL 101 (M. J. Wagner, J. A. Sharp, and W. C. Summers, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78:1441-1445, 1981) to assess the extent of intra- and intertypic variation for one viral gene. The nucleotides encoding the structural gene varied 1.7% between the two HSV type 1 strains and 19% between HSV type 1 and HSV type 2, which translated to differences in the amino acid sequence of the two proteins of 1.9 and 27%, respectively. The DNA encoding the 5' regulatory sequences appeared to be more conserved than the DNA coding for the structural gene, and the DNA at the 3' end of the gene was the least homologous.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) genome consists of two components, L (long) and S (short), that invert relative to each other during productive infection to generate four equimolar isomeric forms of viral DNA. Recent studies have indicated that this genome isomerization is the result of DNA replication-mediated homologous recombination between the large inverted repeat sequences that exist in the genome, rather than site-specific recombination through the terminal repeat a sequences present at the L-S junctions. However, there has never been an unequivocal demonstration of the dispensability of the latter element for this process using a recombinant virus whose genome lacks a sequences at its L-S junctions. This is because the genetic manipulations required to generate such a viral mutant are not possible using simple marker transfer, since the cleavage and encapsidation signals of the a sequence represent essential cis-acting elements which cannot be deleted outright from the viral DNA. To circumvent this problem, a simple two-step strategy was devised by which essential cis-acting sites like the a sequence can be readily deleted from their natural loci in large viral DNA genomes. This method involved initial duplication of the element at a neutral site in the viral DNA and subsequent deletion of the element from its native site. By using this approach, the a sequence at the L-S junction was rendered dispensable for virus replication through the insertion of a second copy into the thymidine kinase (TK) gene of the viral DNA; the original copies at the L-S junctions were then successfully deleted from this virus by conventional marker transfer. The final recombinant virus, HSV-1::L-S(delta)a, was found to be capable of undergoing normal levels of genome isomerization on the basis of the presence of equimolar concentrations of restriction fragments unique to each of the four isomeric forms of the viral DNA. Interestingly, only two of these genomic isomers could be packaged into virions. This restriction was the result of inversion of the L component during isomerization, which prevented two of the four isomers from having the cleavage and encapsidation signals of the a sequence in the TK gene in a packageable orientation. This phenomenon was exploited as a means of directly measuring the kinetics of HSV-1::L-S(delta)a genome isomerization. Following infection with virions containing just the two packaged genomic isomers, all four isomers were readily detected at a stage in infection coincident with the onset of DNA replication, indicating that the loss of the a sequence at the L-S junction had no adverse effect on the frequency of isomerization events in this virus. These results therefore validate the homologous recombination model of HSV-1 genome isomerization by directly demonstrating that the a sequence at the L-S junction is dispensable for this process. The strategy used to remove the a sequence from the HSV-1 genome in this work should be broadly applicable to studies of essential cis-acting elements in other large viral DNA molecules.  相似文献   

When employed as a transgene reporter, the herpes simplex type 1 virus (HSV1) thymidine kinase gene (tk) is ectopically expressed in mouse testis. The principal testicular mRNA lacks the 5'-end of the tk reading frame. As a result the principal translation products, P2 and P3, are N-terminally truncated. These co-migrate in SDS-PAGE with polypeptides synthesised during HSV1 infection that were previously thought to be initiated at methionine codons ATG46 and ATG60. Prompted by these observations we generated modified tk genes each carrying only one of the first three ATG codons. Transfected cells expressed both full-length enzyme (P1) and P2 when only ATG1 was unmodified, P2 and P3 when only ATG46 was unmodified or P2 and a fourth polypeptide (P4) when only ATG60 was unmodified. Our observations indicate that P3 is initiated at ATG46 rather than ATG60, while P2 is initiated at a non-ATG codon rather than ATG46 and P4 is initiated at ATG60. When either of two putative non-ATG initiation codons was modified P2 was no longer produced. Cells mainly expressing either P1 or P3 exhibited the same sensitivity to Ganciclovir as cells transfected with the unaltered tk gene. P1 and P3 both have TK activity while P4 probably has none.  相似文献   

According to the fact that CEA gene expressed only in lung adenocarcinoma but not in normal lung cells, a retroviral expression vector (pCEATK) of the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-TK) gene regulated by CEA promoter was constructed and introduced into CEA-producing human lung adenocarcinoma cells GL and non-CEA-producing HeLa cells. The expression of pCEATK and Ganciclovir (GCV) sensitivity of the transfected cells were tested in vitro and in vivo . pCEATK expressed only in CEA-producing GL cells but not in non-CEA-producing HeLa cells. The sensitivity to GCV of pCEATK-transfected GL was 992 times higher compared with that of the parental cell line and there was obvious "bystander effect" in vitro. HeLa cells transfected wtih pCEATK were still resistant to GCV. Injection of GCV resulted in significant regression of pCEATK-transfected GL tumors in nude mice. In addition, all mice with any fraction of GL cells expressing HSV-TK exhibited a significant reduction in tumor growth, including mice  相似文献   

INTRODUCTI0NHepatocellularcarcinoma(HCC)is0ne0fthem0stc0mm0nhumanmalignancies,causinganestimatedl,250,OOOdeatht0llperyearworldwide[1].Thep0orprognosisencounteredintreatment0fsuchcarcinomaismainlycausedbylatediagn0sisandinsufficiency0feffectivestrategies,especiallyforadvanced-stagedpatients.However,recentknowledge0fpathogenesisofHCCatm0lecularlevelprovidesanalternativeappr0achwhenc0nsideringgenetherapyastreatmelltf0rHCC.Am0ngthevari0usgenetherapystrategiesincancer)itwaJsrep0rtedthatth…  相似文献   

Of 18 mutants containing clustered point mutations within UL24 (an open reading frame that overlaps the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene on the opposite strand), 15 formed small plaques and were substantially impaired for virus growth in cell culture. Mutations conferring the small plaque phenotype disrupt regions of UL24 that share considerable sequence similarity with open reading frames common to herpesviruses of mammals and birds. We infer that UL24 is expressed and important for virus growth in cell culture and suggest that possible effects on UL24 should be considered in studies of thymidine kinase-deficient mutants.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 2 thymidine kinase gene has been mapped to a position colinear with the herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase gene and cloned within a 4.0-kilobase fragment in pBR 322.  相似文献   

The biological activity of in vitro methylated HSV-TK DNA was analysed after microinjection into thymidine kinase negative rat 2 cells. It was found that the fully methylated DNA (Hpa II methylase) was as active as the non methylated control DNA for about 48 hours after injection. DNA reextraction experiments and blot analysis showed that DNA demethylation was not the reason for the observed TK activity. With prolonged cultivation time the methylated DNA becomes rapidly inactive and 100 hrs after injection thymidine incorporation was no longer detectable in the recipient cells. In transformed cells, obtained after coinjection with SV40 DNA, the HSV-DNA was partially demethylated and inactive. Addition of 5-azacytidine to the culture medium induced further demethylation and reactivation of the thymidine kinase gene.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic mRNA which codes for the herpes simplex virus specific thymidine kinase (TK) is polyadenylated and is 14.5s in size. This corresponds to an RNA of 1400 nucleotides. The TK polypeptide is about 42,000 daltons, which requires 1100 nucleotide. We conclude that the cytoplasmic mRNA is monocistronic. The reticulocyte lysate cell-free translation system synthesizes enzymatically active HSV-TK which can be assayed with high specificity and sensitivity by use of 125I-iododeoxycytidine as a substrate.  相似文献   

A simple procedure for preparation of an affinity resin with 3''-amino thymidine linked to the carboxyl residues on 6-amino-hexanoic agarose is described. We have used this column for a rapid and simple purification of the thymidine kinase encoded by the herpes simplex virus type 1 genome. This resin has two major advantages over the most widely use used resin made with thymidine-p-nitrophenyl phosphate: first it is easily obtainable, and second, it is not subject to destruction by phosphodiesterases. The two resins are very similar in behavior and the resin made with amino thymidine has allowed us to prepare large quantities of highly purified HSV TK for crystallization studies.  相似文献   

The potentials and limitations of negative-selection systems based on the human herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase type-1 (HSVtk) gene, which causes sensitivity to the nucleoside analog ganciclovir, were examined in tobacco as a model system. There were great differences between individual HSVtk+ transgenic plants in ganciclovir sensitivity. Inhibition of growth while under selection correlated with HSVtk-tianscnpt levels. Negative selection against HSVtk+ transformants at the level of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation using a ganciclo-vir/kanamycin double-selection medium (the positive selection marker neomycin phosphotransferase-II gene was in the transformation vector) resulted in a three- to six-fold reduction in the frequency of kanamycin-resistant shoots. The efficiency of negative selection in this case was limited due to the great variation in HSVtk expression, i.e., the frequently occurring transformants with low, or no, ganciclovir sensitivity escaping negative selection. Two independently constructed HSVtk genes showed the same variability of the phenotype in Nicotiana tabacum transformants. Distinct phenotypes, ranging from no regeneration through abnormal or delayed regeneration, were observed when leaf segments were placed on shoot-inducing medium supplemented with 10–6–10–3 M ganciclovir. The highest HSVtk mRNA and ganciclovir sensitivity levels were observed in plants which were transformed with the pSLJ882 chimeric construct. The pSLJ882 plant expression vector carried the coding sequence of HSVtk, whereas plasmid pCX305.1 carried an HSVtk construct retaining the untranslated 5 leader and viral 3 regions. The pCX305.1 transformants showed, at most, a delayed formation of shoots with thin stems and very narrow leaves. Ganciclovir sensitivity showed typical Mendelian segregation. A gene-dosage effect was also seen at the seedling level in the progeny of two transgenic lines.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV 1) thymidine kinase (TK) exhibits an extensive substrate diversity for nucleobases and sugar moieties, in contrast to other TKs. This substrate diversity is the crucial molecular basis of selective antiviral and suicide gene therapy. The mechanisms of substrate binding of HSV 1 TK were studied by means of site-directed mutagenesis combined with isothermal calorimetric measurements and guided by theoretical calculations and sequence comparison. The results show the link between the exceptionally broad substrate diversity of HSV 1 TK and the presence of structural features such as the residue triad His-58/Met-128/Tyr-172. The mutation of Met-128 into a Phe and the double mutant M128F/Y172F result in mutants that have lost their activity. However, by exchanging His to form the triple mutant H58L/M128F/Y172F, the enzyme regains activity. Strikingly, this triple mutant becomes resistant toward acyclovir. Furthermore, we give evidence for the importance of Glu-225 of the flexible LID region for the catalytic reaction. The data presented give new insights to understand mechanisms ruling substrate diversity and thus are crucial for both the development of new antiviral drugs and engineering of mutant TKs apt to accept novel substrate analogs for gene therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

A mouse cell line (LP1-1) was established from the murine L cells deficient in thymidine kinase (L-M(TK )) by prolonged selective culture on the hypoxanthine-aminopterine-thymidine (HAT) medium following transfection with the thymidine kinase gene of herpes simplex virus type-I (HSVTK). Southern blot analysis has shown that the viral TK gene was integrated into one of the chromosomal loci by a single copy. From this established cell line, the 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) resistant revertant was brought out at a frequency of 1×10–6 and from these BrdU resistant revertants (LP1BU), one out of 1×105 cells could return to the HAT-resistant phenotype. The established LP1-1 cell line showed a typical biphasic nature of DNA synthesis as determined by the 3H-thymidine incorporation test. The activity of thymidine kinase was shown to be equivalent to that of the DNA polymerase- when the whole nuclear fraction or the nuclear matrix were used for examination. These results indicate that the transfected viral TK gene can be expressed under the normal cell-cycle regulation and its gene product can act as a component of the multienzyme complex which is responsible for DNA replication.  相似文献   

Most antiherpes therapies exploit the large substrate acceptance of herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase (TK(HSV1)) relative to the human isoenzyme. The enzyme selectively phosphorylates nucleoside analogs that can either inhibit viral DNA polymerase or cause toxic effects when incorporated into viral DNA. To relate structural properties of TK(HSV1) ligands to their chemical reactivity we have carried out ab initio quantum chemistry calculations within the density functional theory framework in combination with biochemical studies. Calculations have focused on a set of ligands carrying a representative set of the large spectrum of sugar-mimicking moieties and for which structural information of the TK(HSV1)-ligand complex is available. The k(cat) values of these ligands have been measured under the same experimental conditions using an UV spectrophotometric assay. The calculations point to the crucial role of electric dipole moment of ligands and its interaction with the negatively charged residue Glu(225). A striking correlation is found between the energetics associated with this interaction and the k(cat) values measured under homogeneous conditions. This finding uncovers a fundamental aspect of the mechanism governing substrate diversity and catalytic turnover and thus represents a significant step toward the rational design of novel and powerful prodrugs for antiviral and TK(HSV1)-linked suicide gene therapies.  相似文献   

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