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The potential contribution of maternal age to tetrahydrocannabinol's (THC) in utero effects in rats was studied. Pregnant animals were intubated with 25, 10 or 0 mg/kg of THC from gestation day six to parturition. Animals in the 10 and 0 mg/kg groups were pair fed to those given the 25 mg/kg dose. Each series of doses was administered to females three, four or six months of age. THC lowered maternal weight gain and weights of offspring at birth and at 21 days of age, but did not affect litter size, spontaneous alternation or passive avoidance learning in offspring. Increased maternal age was associated with smaller litter size and lower birth weight and weight at 21 days, but did not interact significantly with THC.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of inspiratory airway obstruction on lung fluid balance in newborn lambs. We studied seven 2- to 4-wk-old lambs that were sedated with chloral hydrate and allowed to breathe 30-40% O2 spontaneously through an endotracheal tube. We measured lung lymph flow, lymph and plasma protein concentrations, pulmonary arterial and left atrial pressures, mean and phasic pleural pressures and airway pressures, and cardiac output during a 2-h base-line period and then during a 2- to 3-h period of inspiratory airway obstruction produced by partially occluding the inspiratory limb of a nonrebreathing valve attached to the endotracheal tube. During inspiratory airway obstruction, both pleural and airway pressures decreased 5 Torr, whereas pulmonary arterial and left atrial pressures each decreased 4 Torr. As a result, calculated filtration pressure remained unchanged. Inspiratory airway obstruction had no effect on steady-state lung lymph flow or the lymph protein concentration relative to that of plasma. We conclude that in the spontaneously breathing lamb, any decrease in interstitial pressure resulting from inspiratory airway obstruction is offset by a decrease in microvascular hydrostatic pressure so that net fluid filtration remains unchanged.  相似文献   

Active immunisation of lambs early in life with inhibin can advance puberty and increase ovulation rate but these effects appear not to be mediated through changes in FSH concentrations. The aims of this study were to advance puberty in ewe lambs and determine if increased plasma concentrations of gonadotropins are responsible for the advancement of puberty. Ewe lambs were immunised at 3, 7 and 15 weeks of age against either a synthetic inhibin alpha subunit peptide 1–32 conjugated to human serum albumin (HSA), or an inhibin preparation purified from porcine follicular fluid (porcine monoclonal purified inhibin; pMPI), or HSA alone (control immunogen).Immunisation with inhibin alpha peptide 1–32 produced antibodies which bound iodinated native bovine inhibin and advanced puberty (time of first ovulation) and increased ovulation rate but did not significantly increase plasma FSH concentrations, although LH concentrations were lower (P < 0.01) on a number of occasions. In contrast, immunisation with pMPI significantly (P < 0.01) increased FSH and LH concentrations following the first booster immunisation, although FSH was only transiently elevated. Despite these increases in gonadotropins, no advancement of puberty was observed in PMPI immunised ewe lambs.This study confirms that active immunisation of ewe lambs early in life against inhibin advances puberty via a mechanism which does not significantly increase plasma gonadotrophin concentrations. Immunisation to advance puberty also results in persistent increases in ovulation rates in later breeding seasons.  相似文献   

There is general acceptance that mixing sows during the first 3 weeks of gestation is detrimental to embryo development and survival. However, there is a paucity of data describing the influence of group housing and remixing during the first 14 days of gestation on pregnancy outcomes. Using 96 purebred maternal (Large White)/terminal (Duroc) line gilts, the current study determined the effects of regrouping, and the timing of regrouping, during the pre-implantation period on embryo mortality. The study was conducted in 2 blocks, with 12 gilts allocated to each of 4 treatments in each block. At 175 days of age, the combination of PG600 and 20 min of daily physical boar contact was used to stimulate puberty, with boar contact resuming 12 days after first detection of oestrus and gilts receiving two artificial inseminations (AIs), 24 h apart, at their second oestrus. After their first AI gilts were allocated to one of four treatment groups (n=12 gilts/treatment). Gilts in one treatment group were housed individually in stalls (STALL). The remaining gilts continued to be housed in their pre-AI groups and were either not remixed (NOMIX), or remixed to form new groups on day 3/4 (RMIXD3/4) or day 8/9 (RMIXD8/9) of gestation (day 0=day of first detection of second oestrus and first insemination). Group-housed gilts were housed in groups of 6, with a space allowance of 2.4 m2/gilt. All gilts were fed once a day (2.2 kg/gilt). Reproductive tracts were collected on day 26.6+/-0.13 of gestation, and the number of corpora lutea (CL) and viable embryos counted. Pregnancy rate was similar across all treatments, averaging 94.5% across the four treatment groups. The number of embryos present on day 26 of gestation was unaffected by housing treatments (P>0.05); gilts in the STALL, NOMIX, RMIXD3/4 and RMIXD8/9 groups possessed 13.2+/-0.67, 12.9+/-0.66, 14.1+/-0.46 and 13.8+/-0.57 embryos, respectively. Similarly, embryo survival rates were 0.91+/-0.04, 0.85+/-0.04, 0.91+/-0.02 and 0.87+/-0.05 for the STALL, NOMIX, RMIXD3.4 and RMIXD8/9 groups, respectively (P>0.05). In conclusion, the current data indicate that individually housing gilts immediately after their first AI does not improve embryo survival. There also appear to be no adverse effects on embryo development or survival when group-housed, mated gilts are remixed during the first 10 days of gestation.  相似文献   

Cholesterol is critical for several cellular functions and essential for normal fetal development. Therefore, its metabolism is tightly controlled during all life stages. The liver X receptors-alpha (LXRalpha; NR1H3) and -beta (LXRbeta; NR1H2) are nuclear receptors that are of key relevance in coordinating cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism. The aim of this study was to elucidate whether fetal cholesterol metabolism can be influenced in utero via pharmacological activation of LXR and whether this would have long-term effects on cholesterol homeostasis. Administration of the LXR agonist T0901317 to pregnant mice via their diet (0.015% wt/wt) led to induced fetal hepatic expression levels of the cholesterol transporter genes Abcg5/g8 and Abca1, higher plasma cholesterol levels, and lower hepatic cholesterol levels compared with controls. These profound changes during fetal development did not affect cholesterol metabolism in adulthood nor did they influence coping with a high-fat/high-cholesterol diet. This study shows that the LXR system is functional in fetal mice and susceptible to pharmacological activation. Despite massive changes in fetal cholesterol metabolism, regulatory mechanisms involved in cholesterol metabolism return to a "normal" state in offspring and allow coping with a high-fat/high-cholesterol diet.  相似文献   

The aggrecanase ADAMTS5 (A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase with ThromboSpondin type 1 motifs, member 5) and the cleavage of its substrate versican have been implicated in the development of heart valves. Furthermore, ADAMTS5 deficiency was shown to protect against diet‐induced obesity, a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the potential role of ADAMTS5 in cardiac function using ADAMTS5‐deficient (Adamts5?/?) mice and their wild‐type (Adamts5+/+) counterparts exposed to a standard‐fat or a high‐fat diet (HFD). Eight‐weeks‐old Adamts5?/? and Adamts5+/+ mice were exposed to each diet for 15 weeks. Cardiac function and electrophysiology were analyzed by transthoracic echocardiogram and electrocardiogram at the end of the study. Cleavage of versican, as detected by the appearance of the DPEEAE neo‐epitope on western blotting with protein extracts, was defective in the heart of HFD‐treated Adamts5?/? as compared with Adamts5+/+ mice. ADAMTS5 deficiency led to statistically significant increases in diastolic posterior wall thickness (0.94 ± 0.023 vs. 0.82 ± 0.036 mm; P = 0.0056) and left ventricle volume (47 ± 4.5 vs. 31 ± 2.5 μL; P = 0.0043) in comparison to Adamts5+/+ mice, but only in animals on a HFD. Cardiac function parameters such as ejection fraction, fractional shortening, and stroke volume were unaffected by ADAMTS5 deficiency or diet. Electrocardiogram analysis revealed no ADAMTS5‐specific changes in either diet group. Thus, in the absence of ADAMTS5, cleavage of versican in the cardiac extracellular matrix is impaired, but cardiac function, even upon exposure to a HFD, is not markedly affected.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the relationship between Neospora caninum infection prior to pregnancy, as determined through maternal serology, and the subsequent occurrence of abortion in dairy cattle. Special emphasis was placed on pregnancy losses in the first trimester of pregnancy. Neospora caninum antibodies were analyzed by commercial ELISA in 2773 pregnant animals (2022 parous cows and 751 heifers) from six herds. The mean seroprevalence of antibodies to N. caninum in the herds was 15.1% (n = 419). From gestation Day 34 to the 90th day of pregnancy, there were 183 abortions (6.6% of all pregnancies) (23 in Neospora positive animals). After 90 days of pregnancy, the number of abortions was 146 (5.3%); 126 occurring during the second and 20 during the third trimester of pregnancy (105 in Neospora positive animals). Multiple logistic regression analyses were performed on data from each animal using abortion before or after 90 days of pregnancy as the dependent variable, and Neospora positivity, herd, pregnancy season, and parity (parous or nonparous) as independent factors. No significant effects of Neospora positivity and herd were found on the abortion rate before 90 days of pregnancy. Based on the odds ratio, the abortion rate was 4 times higher (P < 0.0001) in animals that became pregnant in the warm than in the cool period, and 3.7 times higher (P < 0.0001) in parous than in nonparous animals. Neospora positivity was the only variable included in the logistic regression model for abortions occurring after 90 days of pregnancy. Seropositivity in an animal increased the probability of abortion by an odds ratio of 18.9 (P < 0.0001; 95% confidence interval 12.9-27.8). Season, parity, and herd showed no effect. The results of the present study suggest that chronic N. caninum infection prior to pregnancy appears not to affect the early fetal period, but does have a significant abortive effect after 90 days of gestation.  相似文献   

Catheterized intestinal loops may be a valuable model to elucidate key components of the host response to various treatments within the small intestine of ruminants. We examined whether catheterizing ileal loops in sheep affected the overall health of animals and intestinal function, whether a bacterial treatment could be introduced into the loops through the catheters, and whether broad-spectrum antibiotics could sterilize the loops. Escherichia coli cells transformed to express the GFP gene were introduced readily into the loops through the catheters, and GFP E. coli cells were localized within the injected loops. Catheterized loops, interspaces, and intact ileum exhibited no abnormalities in tissue appearance or electrical resistance. Expression of the IFNγ, IL1α, IL4, IL6, IL12p40, IL18, TGFβ1, and TNFα cytokine genes did not differ significantly among the intact ileum, catheterized loops, and interspaces, nor did the expression of the gene for inducible nitric oxide synthase. Broad-spectrum antibiotics administered during surgery did not sterilize the loops or interspaces and did not substantively change the composition of the microbiota. However, antibiotics reduced the overall number of bacterial cells within the loop and the relative abundance of community constituents. We concluded that catheterization of intestinal loops did not adversely affect health or loop function in sheep. Furthermore, allowing animals to recover fully from surgery and to clear pharmaceuticals will remove any confounding effects due to these factors, making catheterized intestinal loops a feasible model for studying host responses in ruminants.  相似文献   

The cause of fertility differences between ewe lambs and adult ewes following natural oestrus were studied in Romneys. Insemination was determined by anterior vaginal swabbing. Fertilized ewe-lamb ova were returned to donor animals along with one matched fertilized adult ewe ovum and lambings were recorded. Ewe-lamb ova were less likely (P<0.01) to survive to term compared with adult ewe ova. Insemination failure, fertilization failure and anovular oestrus were minor sources of reproductive wastage.It is concluded that reduced ovum quality appears to be the major cause of the lower fertility in naturally ovulating ewe lambs compared with adult ewes.  相似文献   

Yu F  Zhao J  Yang J  Gen B  Wang S  Feng X  Tang C  Chang L 《Regulatory peptides》2004,122(3):191-197
Salusin-alpha and -beta are newly found polypeptides that stimulate proliferation, hypotension and bradycardia in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and fibroblasts. Propresalusin mRNA is widespread, and positive stains for salusins have been observed in many human tissues such as endothelium and ventricular tissue. To investigate the bio-effect of salusins on cardiovascular function, 20 nmol/kg salusin-alpha or 2 nmol/kg salusin-beta was intravenously (i.v.) injected into rats, and isolated rat hearts were perfused with 10(-12) to 10(-7) mol/l salusin-alpha or -beta. (45)Ca(2+) uptake and (3)H-Leucine incorporation were determined in cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. Neither salusin-a nor -beta affected cardiac function in vivo or in vitro but salusin-beta decreased mean arterial blood pressure (MAP). The polypeptides' stimulation of (45)Ca(2+) uptake and (3)H-Leucine incorporation was concentration-dependent, and the incorporation was inhibited by nicardipine (Nic) and FK-506 [FK; an inhibitor of calcineurin (CaN)]. PD(98059) [PD; inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)] and chelerythrine [inhibitor of protein kinase C (PKC)] inhibited salusin-stimulated (3)H-Leucine incorporation. Endothelin-1 (ET) synergistically increased salusin-induced (45)Ca(2+) uptake. Our results suggest that salusin-alpha and -beta did not directly affect cardiac function in the rat heart but that they improved calcium uptake and protein synthesis in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes through the calcium, calcineurin, MAPK and PKC signal pathways. Salusins may be regulatory factors for myocardial growth and hypertrophy.  相似文献   

The optimum maternal investment per offspring is determined by the relationship between the investment per offspring and offspring fitness. In the European beewolf, Philanthus triangulum, a solitary mass-provisioning sphecid wasp, offspring size correlates with the amount of provisions. We investigated whether the reproductive success of adult males depends on body size in a way that would influence the allocation of parental investment. Since the mating success of P. triangulum males cannot be determined by observation in the field, we assessed the influence of male size on characteristics of their territories, territorial behaviour and life history traits. Territory size was weakly correlated with male size, but a measure of territory quality (number of female nests in the vicinity) was independent of male size. Neither the duration of ownership nor the intensity of scent marking was correlated with male size. Territory owners were slightly smaller than nonterritorial males. The absolute amount of fat was positively correlated with size but, owing to allometric relationships, the energetic equivalent of the fat store appeared to be independent of size. Life span was not significantly influenced by body size under four different conditions (with and without food in the laboratory, in an outdoor flight cage and in the field). We discuss the discrepancy between these results and other studies that have mostly reported advantages to large males. We suggest that in noncontact male-male interactions, as seen in the European beewolf, body size might not be the key determinant for success in contests. We conclude that there is no evidence for a strong size dependence of male reproductive success. Thus the reproductive success of male progeny probably does not depend on parental investment in a way that would influence the investment allocation of females. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Forty Assaf fattening lambs (initial age 13 to 15 weeks) offered a diet of barley straw and a commercial concentrate were used to assess the effect of naringin (a type of citrus flavonoid with proven antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties in monogastric animals) at a dose of 1.5 g/kg per dry matteron plasma lipid peroxidation thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), immune response, ruminal bacterial community and protection provided by the ruminal wall against subclinical acidosis. After 49 days of the experimental diets, lambs were subjected to a 4-h transportation stress period. As expected, TBARS values were significantly increased in all the lambs just after the transportation period, but no effect of naringin was observed. Although naringin lowered red blood cell count, neither the total white blood cells counts nor the production of IFN-γ were affected by naringin. No anti-inflammation activity preventing rumenitis was detected, but a clear effect on ruminal bacterial community was observed in lambs consuming naringin. Further experiments, using different doses of naringin might show health benefits of naringin supplementation in lambs, but a clear beneficial effect on health was not readily apparent in this study.  相似文献   

Activity and sucking behaviour during the first hour after birth, and rectal temperature were recorded in 297 lambs of 10 breeds: Scottish Blackface, Welsh and Cheviot (hill breeds); Oxford, Border Leicester, Southdown, Merino and Finn (lowland); Soay and Boreray Blackface (feral).Two components of behaviour were analysed; the time to stand following parturition and the time to reach the udder. There were significant breed differences in both components. Lambs stood for at least 3 min during the first hour except for about half the Leicesters and most Finns. The feral and hill breeds and the Oxfords reached the udder early; the remaining breeds were slow or unsuccessful. Failure to reach the udder was associated with a higher incidence of hypothermia, especially in Finns and Merinos.Weather (combined air temperature and windspeed) was correlated with udder-seeking success but not with the time to stand.Within breeds, birthweight affected the times to stand and reach the udder, but litter size did not, except through its effect on birthweight.The present results and other data from the same breeds showed that those breeds with effective udder-seeking behaviour also tended to have good resistance to hypothermia and low perinatal mortality.  相似文献   

We conducted a meta-analysis of 45 studies reporting basal metabolic rate (BMR) data for Homo sapiens and Pan troglodytes to determine the effects of sex, age, and latitude (a proxy for climate, in humans only). BMR was normalized for body size using fat-free mass in humans and body mass in chimpanzees. We found no effect of sex in either species and no age effect in chimpanzees. In humans, juveniles differed significantly from adults (ANCOVA: P < 0.001), and senescent adults differed significantly from adults younger than 50 years (P < 0.001). Europeans differed significantly from tropical populations (P < 0.001). On the basis of these observations, we derived new equations describing the relationship between BMR and body size, and used them to predict total daily energy expenditure (TEE) in four early hominin species. Our predictions concur with previous TEE estimates (i.e. Leonard and Robertson: Am J Phys Anthropol 102 (1997) 265-281), and support the conclusion that TEE increased greatly with H. erectus. Our results show that intraspecific variation in BMR does not affect TEE estimates for interspecific comparisons. Comparisons of more closely related groups such as humans and Neandertals, however, may benefit from consideration of this variation.  相似文献   

Several studies suggest that the concentration of immunoreactive (I) FSH measured in peripheral plasma by radioimmunoassay does not always reflect the level of bioactive (B) hormone capable of eliciting a biological response (e.g. oestradiol synthesis by Sertoli cells in vitro). The aim of this study was to measure both B-FSH and I-FSH concentrations in male and female sheep during the first year of life, and to relate this to pubertal development. The hypothesis being tested was that B-FSH is present in both male and female sheep during the prepubertal period and that discrete changes in B-FSH are associated with the onset of puberty. Eight ewe lambs and eight ram lambs were blood sampled fortnightly from 2 to 52 weeks of age. All samples were assayed for B-FSH and I-FSH content. Pubertal development was monitored in ewe lambs from behavioural oestrus and from plasma progesterone concentrations, and in ram lambs from penile and testicular development and from plasma testosterone concentrations. Mean I-FSH concentrations varied significantly with time after birth, in both females and males (P<0.01). In contrast, B-FSH was found to vary with time in females only (P<0.01). Around the expected time of puberty in ram lambs (i.e. at 30–40 weeks of age), and thereafter, I-FSH concentrations were undetectable (<0.2 ng ml−1), whereas the B-FSH concentrations were measurable at concentrations up to twice the assay detection limit (0.8 ng ml−1) until 38 weeks of age. In ewe lambs, but not ram lambs, there was a significant linear relationship between B-FSH and I-FSH values (R=0.595; P<0.005). When standardised about the time of puberty, B-FSH (P<0.05) but not I-FSH was significantly higher in ewe lambs that failed to reach puberty. No differences for either B-FSH or I-FSH between pubertal and non-pubertal ram lambs were noted. In summary, B-FSH was often measurable in plasma throughout prepubertal development in sheep and the concentrations often differed from those of I-FSH, especially in ram lambs. However, there appeared to be no discrete changes in B-FSH that could be directly related to specific pubertal events. It is concluded that although FSH may be a prerequisite for prepubertal testicular development and/or ovarian follicular growth, it is not a critical factor in determining whether puberty is attained during the first year of life in this seasonally breeding species.  相似文献   

Long-term memory can be critically important for animals in a variety of contexts, and yet the extreme reduction in body temperature in hibernating animals alters neurochemistry and may therefore impair brain function. Behavioural studies on memory impairment associated with hibernation have been almost exclusively conducted on ground squirrels (Rodentia) and provide conflicting results, including clear evidence for memory loss. Here, we for the first time tested memory retention after hibernation for a vertebrate outside rodents—bats (Chiroptera). In the light of the high mobility, ecology and long life of bats, we hypothesized that maintenance of consolidated memory through hibernation is under strong natural selection. We trained bats to find food in one out of three maze arms. After training, the pre-hibernation performance of all individuals was at 100 per cent correct decisions. After this pre-test, one group of bats was kept, with two interruptions, at 7°C for two months, while the other group was kept under conditions that prevented them from going into hibernation. The hibernated bats performed at the same high level as before hibernation and as the non-hibernated controls. Our data suggest that bats benefit from an as yet unknown neuroprotective mechanism to prevent memory loss in the cold brain.  相似文献   

The effects of Prostacyclin (PGI2) infusion on insulin secretion and glucose tolerance were investigated in 7 healthy subjects. PGI2 infusion caused no statistically significant changes of either glucose or insulin concentration, over the range 2.5–20 ng/Kg/min. A constant PGI2 infusion (10 ng/Kg/min) did not inhibit acute insulin responses to a glucose (20 g i.v.) pulse (response before PGI2 = 612±307%; during PGI2 = 515±468%, mean ± SD, mean change 3–5 min insulin, % basal; P=NS). Glucose disappearance rates were similar after the first and second glucose pulse.Thus, in contrast to PGE2, PGI2 does not affect insulin secretion nor glucose disposal at doses producing platelet and vascular changes. It is hypothesized that an altered PGI2/PGE2 balance in diabetes may represent a link between vascular, platelet and metabolic changes.  相似文献   

Visualizing mitochondria in living Dictyostelium discoideum cells using fluorescent dyes is often problematic due to variability in staining, metabolism of the dyes, and unknown potential effects of the dyes on mitochondrial function. We show that fluorescent labelling of mitochondria, using an N-terminal mitochondrial localization sequence derived from the D. discoideum protein GcvH1 (glycine cleavage system H1) attached to a red fluorescent protein enables clear mitochondrial imaging. We also show that this labelling has no effect upon mitochondria load or respiratory function.  相似文献   

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