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根田鼠的熟悉性及其自然动情下的配偶选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了在室内雌鼠自然动情条件下根田鼠两性个体配偶选择的3种熟悉性效应的5组实验结果,包括雌性对熟悉和陌生雄鼠、配偶和陌生雄鼠、配偶和熟悉雄鼠的择偶行为实验 , 雄性对熟悉和陌生雌鼠、配偶和陌生雌鼠的择偶行为实验。在实验前, 将1对性成熟的雌雄鼠 (非亲缘关系) 每天关养8 h 共8 d 建立熟悉性; 配对雌雄鼠至少生育1胎则为配偶关系。在 Y 形迷宫内的30 min 实验中, 两个被选择鼠分别以项链拴在横跨选择箱顶端中央的一根铁丝上, 限制它们在各自箱内活动; 而允许异性选择鼠从中立箱自由进入两个选择箱。记录选择鼠对异性被选择鼠的访问、社会探究、攻击、交配和友好行为的频次和时间。经Wilcoxon 关联样本 T 检验发现, 除交配行为不显著外, 雌性根田鼠均选择熟悉性较高的雄鼠; 而雄鼠不具这种选择性。该结果提示雌雄根田鼠的不同择偶行为也许就是反映该种婚配制度特征的直接行为过程。因此, 在择偶行为中, 雌性根田鼠表现的单配性倾向和雄鼠的多配性倾向, 只能以其婚配制度为一雄多雌制的假设来解释。我们的实验还说明在多配制田鼠中, 一雄多雌制与混交制在雌鼠择偶行为上是不同的, 而与单配制的相似或相近, 故简单地比较多配制与单配制则不能反映田鼠亚科动物婚配制度的多样性。  相似文献   

黑线仓鼠巢区的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
董维惠  侯希贤 《兽类学报》1989,9(2):103-109
1987年6—9月用标志重捕流放法在呼和浩特地区对黑线仓鼠的巢区进行了研究,雌、雄性的巢区分别为2720.6±576.0平方米和7684.1±1736.6平方米,活动距离分别为95.5±14.4米和135.9±12.4米。黑线仓鼠巢区和活动距离季节变化不明显,雄鼠巢区6—9月全部重叠,雌鼠巢区只有9月份不重叠,雌、雄性巢区彼此重叠。  相似文献   

鸟类婚配制度的生态学分类   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在Emlen和Oring鸟类婚配制度生态学分类系统的基础上,根据近年来鸟类行为生态学研究的成果,对鸟类的婚配制度进行了补充分类,并强调了应以进化稳定策略的观念来认识乌类的婚配制度。补充的鸟类婚配制度生态型包括:合作型一雄一雌制(cooperative monogamy)、临界型一雄一雌制(critical monogamy)、保卫雌性型一雄一雌制(female defense mognogamy)、从领域型一雄多雌制(poly-terri-tory polygyny)和社群繁殖制。合作型一雄一雌制的鸟 类雌雄个体爱力合作才保证繁殖的成功;临界型一悲欢离合一雌制鸟类雌雄个体都有多配倾向,但迫于生态压力必须共同抚育后代才能繁殖成功;保卫雌性型一雄一雌制的鸟 类通过保卫一个雌鸟不被其它雄鸟占有而保证繁殖成功,多领域型一雄多雌制的雄鸟通过占有多个领域而多个雌鸟交配;社群繁殖制的鸟 类由三个以上个体参与工部分参与繁殖,所有个体共同抚育一批后代,现有的鸟类婚配制度可以归为一雄一雌制(monogamy)、一雄多雌繁殖,所有个体共同抚育一批后代。现有的鸟类婚配制度可以归为一雄一雌制(polygyny)、一雌多雄制(polyandry)快速多窝型多配制(rapid-multiple-clutch polygamy)和社群繁殖制(social breeing systen)五大类型。  相似文献   

布氏田鼠标志种群的社群等级及其季节变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在内蒙古锡林郭勒地区,通过标志重捕、染色标记和直接观测法对布氏田鼠社群等级的季节变化进行了研究。结果表明:在繁殖季节,布氏田鼠洞群内存在明显的社群等级。越冬雄鼠在社群内社群序位最高,其次是越冬雌鼠、当年成体雌鼠、当年成体雄鼠,亚成体鼠和幼鼠的社群地位最低。在繁殖末期,越冬雄鼠的地位明显下降,而当年成体雄鼠的等级序位逐渐上升。在繁殖季节,当年雄鼠在洞群中的等级序位依然很低,很少能有机会进行有效的交配,有效交配主要由越冬雄鼠来完成,因而越冬雄鼠对种群繁殖的贡献较大。本实验倾向于支持该鼠的婚配制度为一雄多雌制的观点。  相似文献   

动物的婚配制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
婚配制度是动物种群个体为获得配偶普遍采取的一种行为策略。一般分为单配制、一雄多雌制、一雌多雄制和混交制。作为动物的一种进化稳定对策,婚配制度又具有一定的可塑性,有时可以逆转,有时又是兼性的。配偶外交配主要存在于单配制物种中特别是单配制鸟类中。其发现表明通过观察个体间联系来确定的“社会性婚配制度”和通过个体实际上的交配对象来描述的“遗传性婚配制度”有可能存在差异。婚配制度影响有害动物的不育控制,在存在繁殖性竞争的情况下,对单配制和一雄多雌制而言,不育效果最佳。  相似文献   

不同社群序位布氏田鼠的繁殖行为   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
陈国康  施大钊 《兽类学报》2003,23(3):220-224
在实验室条件下观察了捕自内蒙古草原的不同序位布氏田鼠的繁殖行为特征。结果表明, 雌鼠对雄性配偶存在着激烈的竞争, 高序位雌鼠获得被选择、交尾及产仔的机会最多, 较低序位雌鼠若被选择并且产仔, 则其序位将随之上升; 高序位雄鼠对各个序位雌鼠均可选择, 且在繁殖期间对同性个体表现很强的攻击性, 以获得更多的交配机会。在社群繁殖中高序位雌、雄个体的作用明显高于低序位个体, 这是布氏田鼠种群长期选择进化的生存策略。实验支持了布氏田鼠为混交制、一雄多雌的婚配制度推论。  相似文献   

幼小鼠对种内几种化学信息的识别和反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
范志勤  盖寒炎 《生态学报》1989,9(4):290-296
50年代以来,国际上相继开展了一些关于化学信息在小家鼠繁殖中作用的研究,并在实验室中揭示了一些反应:如集群雌鼠气味使雌鼠性周期延长的Lee-Boot效应,雌鼠气味能解除集群雌鼠对性周期的抑制、并促使它们同期发情的Whitten效应,以及陌生雄鼠气味中断妊娠的Bruce效应等等。但是,在成鼠间起作用的几种化学信息,是否能被幼鼠感受,对幼鼠的发育和性成熟是否产生影响,还是一个未知的问题。 影响小鼠发育的因素很多,除环境因子外,近来还出现了有关社群因素中外激素对小鼠性成熟影响的报道,发现雄鼠或给予雄激素的雌鼠有促进幼雌鼠性成熟的作用,范志勤发现父本气味和陌生雄鼠气味对幼雌鼠性成熟均有促进作用。但是,目前关于种内雌鼠气味、集群雌鼠气味、幼鼠气味影响性成熟的研究尚不多见。有关各种气味对性成熟效应的比较的报道亦少。本文的目的在于通过实验方法,阐明种内的几种化学信息,诸如父本、陌生雄性、雌性、集群雌性、幼雌等几种气味,对幼雌小鼠性成熟的影响,并据此了解幼鼠识别这几种信息的能力。  相似文献   

不同社群条件下雄性布氏田鼠的行为   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
张建军  施大钊 《兽类学报》2006,26(2):159-163
实验室内观察了布氏田鼠雄性个体之间在3 种不同社群条件下(社群1:2 只雄鼠;社群2:2 只雄鼠与1只非动情雌鼠,社群3:2 只雄鼠与1 只动情雌鼠)的相互行为,结果显示:(1)在嗅闻行为上,不论优势雄鼠还是从属雄鼠在3 组间都存在显著差异,它们的嗅闻频次都是在社群3 中最少、在社群2中居中,在社群1中嗅闻频次最多;(2)在攻击行为频次上,不论是优势雄鼠还是从属雄鼠在3 组中都不存在显著差异;(3)在上跳频次上,优势雄鼠在各组间存在显著差异,从属雄鼠在各组间不存在显著差异; (4) 在自我修饰行为频次上,不论是优势雄鼠还是从属雄鼠,在3 组之间不存在显著差异;(5)在相互友好行为上,3 组间存在显著差异。其中社群2 中的雄性之间的友好行为频次最高,社群3 中次之,社群1 中最低。结果表明,雄性之间的攻击行为并不因为雌性的存在而增强,反而会可能减少,我们推测这可能因为雄性要花费更多的时间用于社群探究和交配,从而减少了雄性之间的斗争。  相似文献   

利用无线电技术对达乌尔鼠兔巢区的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
达乌尔鼠兔是内蒙古草原斑块分布的一种害鼠。它们在斑块间的扩散对其种群调节和进化都有重要意义。文章对两个家族的达乌尔鼠兔进行了无线电遥测研究。它们的巢区面积从3138M2到17062M2,核心区面积从1292M2到7808M2。雄性—雌性巢区重叠面积比雌性—雌性巢区重叠面积大。该鼠的扩散和探索距离可达 200m.从9月开始鼠兔的活动就很活跃,尤其是探索活动和扩散。多数扩散个体在移居点很快消失。  相似文献   

为探究黄毛鼠的婚配制度,通过雌雄黄毛鼠对熟悉和陌生异性鼠的选择实验和遭遇实验,分析了熟悉性对两性间行为的影响.结果发现,选择实验中雌鼠对陌生雄鼠的关注频次比对熟悉雄鼠的更多;遭遇实验中尽管雌鼠探究和自身修饰行为、雄鼠的活动和攻击行为在遭遇熟悉或陌生异性鼠时有差异,但雌雄鼠的友好行为均无显著差异,暗示黄毛鼠是多配制,但需...  相似文献   

Joanna Gliwicz 《Ecography》1997,20(4):383-389
Home range characteristics and spatial organization of the root vole Microtus oeconomus were assessed by radio-tracking The aim of this paper is to test the assumption that each microtine species employs a certain modal spatial system around which there is considerable flexibility In the studied population the basic modes of spatial organization were female territoriality and male use of overlapping home ranges Female territories were significantly smaller and less diversified in size than male ranges The size of male home ranges was positively correlated with body mass Each female territory was overlapped by several male ranges, larger male ranges usually overlapped more female territories The above spatial organization suggests that the prevailing mating system in the root vole is promiscuity, and larger males have an access to more receptive females than have small-sized males
Departures from these basic modes were found among young mature females from summer cohort, forming clusters even at low density, and occasionally among females in locally crowded habitat patches, where they held overlapping home ranges A single male usually monopolized such a cluster, excluding other males from the area used by the females  相似文献   

Glenn A. Marvin 《Oecologia》1998,114(1):133-144
To investigate the possible influence of variation in ecological and demographic factors on the spatial organization of the terrestrial plethodontid salamander Plethodon kentucki, I conducted a 3-year capture-recapture study and determined home-range characteristics and spatial relationships of individuals at two field sites that differed in predominant cover type and population density. Home ranges of adults were fixed and the home ranges of same-sex adult neighbors were mostly exclusive. The spatial arrangement of adult home ranges exhibited overall regularity or regularity within aggregations, whereas the distribution of juvenile home ranges was usually random. Analysis of nearest-neighbor sex indicated a positive intersexual association of adult home ranges. Removal studies provided evidence for defense of adult home ranges only at the high-density site. The distribution of home ranges was influenced by the presence of cover objects, but there was no significant relationship between adult body size and percent of home-range area with cover. Males overlapped the home ranges of gravid females significantly more often than those of non-gravid females, indicating that the distribution of gravid females had a strong influence on the distribution of male home ranges. In laboratory tests, increased male-male aggression during the breeding season suggests that males may compete for access to mates. At the high-density site, larger males may have benefited by having greater reproductive success than smaller males because they were more dominant and their home ranges overlapped a greater number of gravid-female home ranges. My results indicate that habitat structure and population density may influence the spatial organization and mating system of P. kentucki. Received: 26 May 1997 / Accepted: 9 October 1997  相似文献   

M. Serena 《Journal of Zoology》1994,232(1):117-131
Radio-tracking and mark recapture methods were used to characterize the spatial organization and temporal activity patterns of free-ranging platypuses in southern Victoria. The study area supported an estimated 1.3-2.1 adult or subadult animals per kilometre of stream in the three summers sampled. The individual home ranges of 15 radio-tagged animals comprised 0.33-2.28 km of stream; animals foraging exclusively in the stream had significantly longer ranges (mean=1.40 km) than animals which also foraged in associated pond habitats (mean=0.64km). Home ranges of grown females overlapped with those of neighbouring grown females, subadult and adult males, and juveniles (相似文献   

The spatial patterns presented by the rodent Necromys lasiurus were studied through capture-mark-recapture in a grassland among Atlantic Coastal Forest fragments in Southeastern Brazil. Males moved farther than females. Males moved similar distances in the dry and wet seasons, whereas females moved significantly longer distances in the dry season. Home ranges sizes were estimated for 32 individuals, and varied from 0.02 to 0.52 ha. Males had larger home ranges than females when all data are pooled and in the wet season; in the dry season home ranges of both sexes were of similar sizes. Home range sizes did not vary significantly between seasons for either sex. Home ranges of males overlapped extensively among themselves and with females, whereas females showed mutually exclusive home ranges. The spatial patterns described here are consistent with the results found for this species in different habitats and they suggest that N. lasiurus has a promiscuous mating system.  相似文献   

We studied the mating system of the southern water skink, Eulamprus heatwolei, during spring and summer (encompassing the breeding season) in a population in southeastern Australia. We examined potential attributes that might influence the mating system and male reproductive success including home range size, physical proximity of adults and body size, and then genotyped all mothers, offspring and potential sires. Home range overlap of both sexes was extensive, with adult females sharing the greatest amount of space with each other and adult males the least amount of space with each other. However, not all adults hold home ranges. We classified approximately one quarter of adult males as home range holders and the rest as 'floaters'. Adult females occupy home ranges more than males, with approximately three-quarters classified as home range holders. Home range ownership is not correlated with body size for either sex, however, male body size is positively correlated with the number of adult female home ranges that his home range overlaps and adult male home ranges are larger than those of females. We used microsatellite genotyping to assign paternities to 55 offspring from 17 litters and then compared this data with our home range and behavioural observations. This species displays extreme levels of multiple paternity given the small mean clutch size of three. Multiple paternity was confirmed in 11 (64.7%) of 17 clutches but three other clutches (for a total of 82.4%) also may display multiple paternity. A total of 30 offspring from 12 litters were assigned to 10 of the 32 genotyped adult males from our study site. Of these 10 adult males, half were home range holders. Five complete clutches and a total of 25 out of the 55 offspring could not be positively assigned to any male surveyed as part of the study and were attributed to floater males or resident males adjacent to our study site that had not been genotyped. While sample sizes are small, neither male home range ownership nor body size is significantly correlated with the number of paternities a male obtained. Our study suggests a polygynous mating system for this species.  相似文献   

Reproductive consequences of male spacing patterns have received relatively little attention in nonterritorial mammals, in particular in group-living species, where most studies have focused on the relation between social rank and reproductive success. We investigated the effects of spacing pattern on male reproductive success within a social, nonterritorial, promiscuous population of stray cats, Felis catus. Male home ranges overlapped home ranges of many females, consistent with a promiscuous mating system. Furthermore, males with the largest home ranges included the most female home ranges; they successfully reproduced with these females and had the highest reproductive success. Home range size predicted male reproductive success even when controlling for the effect of social rank. However, males also reproduced with females whose home range did not overlap their home range, suggesting that males can make quick excursions outside their home range to find new mating opportunities. We conclude that, in group-living situations, a male's ability to maintain a large home range may be one of the principal causes of variation in mating success in the stray cat.  相似文献   

Heike Pröhl  Olaf Berke 《Oecologia》2001,129(4):534-542
In many species with a resource-based mating system, males defend resources to increase their attractiveness to females. In the strawberry poison frog, Dendrobates pumilio, suitable tadpole-rearing sites appear to be a limited resource for females. Territorial males have been suggested to defend tadpole-rearing sites to increase their access to females. In this study we investigate the spatial association between tadpole-rearing sites and the sexes as well as the spatial association of males and females. If strawberry poison frogs have resource defense polygyny, we expect males and females to be associated with tadpole-rearing sites and that females will deposit their offspring in tadpole-rearing sites inside the territories of their mates. To test this hypothesis, home range and core area sizes were calculated for both sexes and the association patterns were compared in two areas that differed in their abundance of tadpole-rearing sites. Home ranges and core areas of females were much larger than male home ranges. Females showed a clumped distribution in the vicinity of tadpole-rearing sites. Males were not clumped and were less associated with tadpole-rearing sites. Females generally did not use tadpole-rearing sites in the territory of their mates and we therefore conclude that males did not defend tadpole-rearing sites for females. Our data are consistent with the general assumption that female distribution is influenced by resource distribution and that male distribution depends on female distribution. Nevertheless, the distribution of D. pumilio females was also influenced by male spacing patterns. Males probably initially establish their core areas where female density is high and then females move among territories to sample males. Males compete vigorously for places with high female density, the defense of which is likely important for enhancing their mating success. In general, the spacing patterns did not differ between populations but the sex ratio was strongly female biased in the habitat with more tadpole-rearing sites, reflecting the direct reliance of females on these resources.  相似文献   

Summary Ecological interpretation of space use patterns often suffers from two methodological problems: inadequate number of captures per individual and pooling of data over time intervals. Insufficient sample size biases the computation of spatial areas, while pooling data over time intervals may mask shifts in space use due to changes in resource abundance. Radiotelemetry was used to alleviate these problems in an analysis of space use by the hispid cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus). Home range area was greater for males than females, was largest during summer and winter months, was positively correlated with body hass, and was negatively correlated with population dencity. Exclusivity of home range revealed a high degree of ntolerance (41% exclusivity) and was positively correlated with body mass for males. In addition, like-sex categories (male-male, female-female) were more exclusive than unlike sex categories (male-female).Habitat composition of home ranges of females was significantly different from that of males and from that available. This result suggested home ranges of females were responsive to habitat composition (and quality), while males may respond more to female occurrence than resource availability.Space-use patterns of the hispid cotton rat indicated a solitary existence with greater tolerance of individuals of the opposite sex. Home range size decreased as population size increased, whereas home range overlaps were not affected by population density. These results reinforced the view of a dominance hierarchy in this species and suggested the existence of a polygynous mating system.  相似文献   

The long-tailed mouse, Oligoryzomys longicaudatus (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae), is the major host of Andes hantavirus, the etiological agent of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in the south of Argentina and Chile. Studying the ecology of this species is necessary to understand how Andes hantavirus is maintained in nature. In this study, we examine the home range size and intra- and intersexual overlap degree of male and female O. longicaudatus in order to elucidate the mating system of this species. To our knowledge, this research provides the first documentation, obtained from a specific design, of spacing and mating systems in this species in Argentina. The study was conducted seasonally from April (autumn) 2012 to October (spring) 2013 in a shrubland habitat of Cholila, Andean region, Argentina. We studied spacing patterns using 59 and 51 home ranges established by adult males and females, respectively, in two 3.24 ha capture-marked and recapture grids. Significant differences between sexes in home range size and overlap degree were found. Male home ranges were always larger than those of females. We observed exclusive space use both among males and females (13.15 ± 18.67, and 3.60 ± 3.43%, respectively). Considering only those males that get access to receptive females (40%), average intersexual overlap value was about 30.82 ± 19.73%. Sexual differences in home range sizes and the spatial avoidance between breeding males, that would reflect intrasexual competition for receptive females, allows us to propose a polygynous mating system for O. longicaudatus.  相似文献   

During the breeding season, adult male capercaillies Tetrao urogallus display on leks in the early morning. During the day, they occupy more or less exclusive home ranges within 1 km of the lekking ground, but little is known about their movements and range use patterns during this period. In three spring seasons we monitored the daily movement of 15 radio-tagged adult males, associated with six different leks, in a coniferous forest of southeast Norway. The objective was to relate dynamics of male movement and spatial distribution to changes in food resource availability and mating-related activities. In late winter, males exhibited a pattern of short daily relocations (distance between bird locations in successive days) within small ranges. Relocation distances and home ranges then increased markedly during two weeks preceeding the main mating period. During the mating and post-mating periods, movements again decreased, followed by another short peak at the time when females with depredated nests return to the lek for remating. These temporal changes in range use were not related to changes in food resources and probably not to shifts in anti-predator behaviour, and they differed between age groups: The increase in relocation distance during the pre-mating period was most pronounced among young resident males (3 and 4 year-olds), and range area of older males were smaller and did not increase as much during this period. The observed age-related changes in space use may reflect an alternative mating strategy by young and subdominant males; they seek out females outside the lekking ground where competition from more dominant males is less intense.  相似文献   

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