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After sodium arsenite (100 microM) treatment, the synthesis of three major heat shock protein families (HSPs; Mr = 110,000, 87,000, and 70,000), as studied with one-dimensional gels, was enhanced twofold relative to that of unheated cells. The increase of unique HSPs, if studied with two-dimensional gels, would probably be much greater. In parallel, thermotolerance was observed as a 100,000-fold increase in survival from 10(-6) to 10(-1) after 4 hr at 43 degrees C, and as a thermotolerance ratio (TTR) of 2-3 at 10(-3) isosurvival for heating at 45.5 degrees C. Cycloheximide (CHM: 10 micrograms/ml) or puromycin (PUR: 100 micrograms/ml), which inhibited total protein synthesis and HSP synthesis by 95%, completely suppressed the development of thermotolerance when either drug was added after sodium arsenite treatment and removed prior to the subsequent heat treatment. Therefore, thermotolerance induced by arsenite treatment correlated with an increase in newly synthesized HSPs. However, with or without arsenite treatment, CHM or PUR added 2-6 hr before heating and left on during heating caused a 10,000-100,000-fold enhancement of survival when cells were heated at 43 degrees C for 4 hr, even though very little synthesis of heat shock proteins occurred. Moreover, these cells manifesting resistance to heating at 43 degrees C after CHM treatment were much different than those manifesting resistance to 43 degrees C after arsenite treatment. Arsenite-treated cells showed a great deal of thermotolerance (TTR of about 10) when they were heated at 45 degrees C after 5 hr of heating at 43 degrees C, compared with less thermotolerance (TTR of about 2) for the CHM-treated cells heated at 45 degrees C after 5 hr of heating at 43 degrees C. Therefore, there are two different phenomena. The first is thermotolerance after arsenite treatment (observed at 43 degrees C or 45.5 degrees C) that apparently requires synthesis of HSPs. The second is resistance to heat after CHM or PUR treatment before and during heating (observed at 43 degrees C with little resistance at 45.5 degrees C) that apparently does not require synthesis of HSPs. This phenomenon not requiring the synthesis of HSPs also was observed by the large increase in thermotolerance to 45 degrees C caused by heating at 43 degrees C, with or without CHM, after cells were incubated for 6 hr following arsenite pretreatment. For both phenomena, a model based on synthesis and redistribution of HSPs is presented.  相似文献   

Abstract. Stationary-phase Chinese hamster ovary cells were cultured in medium containing ferritin (-19% iron by weight) added at concentrations ranging from 0 to 128 μ g/ml. One set of cultures was unirradiated, and another set was exposed to 4.0 Gy of X-ray. Clonogenic cell survival was assessed in each set of cultures. In the absence of added ferritin, 4.0 Gy killed approximately 50% of the cells. In the absence of radiation, ferritin was not toxic at less than 48 μ g/ml; above 48 μ g/ml, toxicity increased with concentration. Apoferritin was not toxic at any concentration tested (up to 1000 μ g/ml). Although 32 μg/ ml ferritin, reflecting only a 3–6 fold increase in iron concentration over normal serum, was not toxic, it reduced the survival of X-irradiated cells by an additional 75%. These results indicate that a sublethal concentration of ferritin can be a potent radiosensitizer. This suggests the possibility that high body iron stores may increase susceptibility to radiation injury in humans.  相似文献   

To quantitatively relate heat killing and heat radiosensitization, asynchronous or G1 Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells at pH 7.1 or 6.75 were heated and/or X-irradiated 10 min later. Since no progression of G1 cells into S phase occurred during the heat and radiation treatments, cell cycle artifacts were minimized. However, results obtained for asynchronous and G1 cells were similar. Hyperthermic radiosensitization was expressed as the thermal enhancement factor (TEF), defined as the ratio of the D0 of the radiation survival curve to that of the D0 of the radiation survival curve for heat plus radiation. The TEF increased continuously with increased heat killing at 45.5 degrees C, and for a given amount of heat killing, the amount of heat radiosensitization was the same for both pH's. When cells were heated chronically at 42.4 degrees C at pH 7.4, the TEF increased initially to 2.0-2.5 and then returned to near 1.0 during continued heating as thermal tolerance developed for both heat killing and heat radiosensitization. However, the shoulder (Dq) of the radiation survival curve for heat plus radiation did not manifest thermal tolerance; i.e., it decreased continuously with increased heat killing, independent of temperature, pH, or the development of thermotolerance. These results suggest that heat killing and heat radiosensitization have a target(s) in common (TEF results), along with either a different target(s) or a difference in the manifestation of heat damage (Dq results). For clinical considerations, the interaction between heat and radiation was expressed as (1) the thermal enhancement ratio (TER), which is the dose of X rays alone divided by the dose of X rays combined with heat to obtain an isosurvival, e.g., 10(-4), and (2) the thermal gain factor (TGF), the ratio of the TER at pH 6.75 to the TER at pH 7.4. Since low pH reduced the rate of development of thermal tolerance during heating at low temperatures, low pH enhanced heat killing more at 42-42.5 degrees C than at 45.5 degrees C where thermal tolerance did not develop. Therefore, the increase in the TGF after chronic heating at 42-42.5 degrees C was greater than after acute heating at 45.5 degrees C, due primarily to the increase in heat killing causing an even greater increase in heat radiosensitization. These findings agree with animal experiments suggesting that in the clinic, a therapeutic gain for tumor cells at low pH may be greater for temperatures of 42-42.5 degrees C than of 45.5 degrees C.  相似文献   

The effects of the methylxanthine, caffeine, on heat sensitization was investigated using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Caffeine sensitized CHO cells to heat killing by reducing both the shoulder and the slope of the 44 degrees C survival curve. Heating was performed in suspension by addition of cells to preheated spinner flasks containing caffeine. Changes in intracellular free calcium levels, [Ca2+]i, were measured at 37 degrees C using the luminescent probe aequorin. Caffeine (1-5 mM) induced a transient increase in [Ca2+]i at 37 degrees C. The transient increase in [Ca2+]i was reduced 15-fold when 5 mM caffeine was added to aequorin-loaded cells suspended in Ca(2+)-free Hanks' balanced salt solution. However, 5 mM caffeine sensitized the cells to the same extent when they were suspended in either Ca(2+)-containing or Ca(2+)-free Hanks' balanced salt solution. The mechanism of heat sensitization by caffeine is still unknown.  相似文献   

Cell killing by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU), N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU), and methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) was measured in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells using the colony-formation assay. Cell killing by these agents was determined in exponentially growing asynchronous cells, in synchronous cells as a function of cell-cycle position and in nondividing cells. Distinct differences in the cytotoxic effect of the 4 alkylating agents were found in respect to dose-response, cell cycle phase-sensitivity and growth state. MNNG and MNU showed the same biphasic dose-survival relationship in exponentially growing cells, with an initial steep decline followed by a shallow component. The shallow component disappeared in growth-arrested cells. MNNG and MNU differed, however, in the cell-cycle age response. No cell-cycle phase difference was seen with MNNG, whereas cells in G1 seemed more sensitive to MNU than cells in S phase. MMS and ENU both showed shouldered dose-response curves for exponentially growing asynchronous cells, and the same cell-cycle pattern for synchronous cultures with cells in early S phase being the most sensitive. However, survival of nondividing cells versus dividing cells was reduced much more by MMS than by ENU. Caffeine, which interferes with the regulation of DNA synthesis and is known to modify cell killing by DNA-damaging agents, enhanced cell killing by all agents. It is concluded that there must be a number of factors which contribute to cell killing by monofunctional alkylating agents, and that besides alkylation of DNA reaction with other cellular macromolecules should be considered.  相似文献   

A whole-cell assay technique for DNA polymerase alpha and beta was used to measure the activities of both enzymes in Chinese hamster ovary cells after hyperthermic treatment at 43 degrees C in the presence or absence of 10 micrograms/ml cycloheximide (CHM). In the same experiments, the effect of CHM on heat killing and heat radiosensitization was also investigated. CHM treatment before and during heating protected the cells for all three end points, i.e., heat-induced cell killing, radiosensitization, and loss of cellular DNA polymerase activities.  相似文献   

ATPase activity of multidrug-resistance protein (P-glycoprotein, Pgp) from Chinese hamster ovary cells was studied. Catalytic characteristics were established for Pgp both in its natural plasma membrane environment and in purified reconstituted protein. Generally the two preparations of Pgp behaved similarly, and demonstrated low affinity for MgATP, low nucleotide specificity, preference for Mg-nucleotide, and pH optimum near 7.5. A high-affinity binding site involved in catalysis was not apparent. Effective covalent inactivators were NBD-C1, NEM, 8-azido-ATP, and 2-azido-ATP. DCCD, FITC, and pyridoxal phosphate were only weakly inhibitory. Lipid composition was found to affect the degree of drug stimulation of ATPase in purified reconstituted Pgp, suggesting that the lipid environment affects coupling between drug-binding and catalytic sites, and that Pgp expressed in different tissues could show different functional characteristics.  相似文献   

During 4 hr after puromycin (PUR: 20 micrograms/ml) treatment, the synthesis of three major heat shock protein families (HSPs: Mr = 110,000, 87,000, and 70,000) was enhanced 1.5-fold relative to that of untreated cells, as studied by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The increase of unique HSPs, if studied with two-dimensional gels, would probably be much greater. In parallel, thermotolerance was observed at 10(-3) isosurvival as a thermotolerance ratio (TTR) of either 2 or greater than 5 after heating at either 45.5 degrees C or 43 degrees C, respectively. However, thermotolerance was induced by only intermediate concentrations (3-30 micrograms/ml) of puromycin that inhibited protein synthesis by 15-80%; a high concentration of PUR (100 micrograms/ml) that inhibited protein synthesis by 95% did not induce either HSPs or thermotolerance. Also, thermotolerance was never induced by any concentration (0.01-10 micrograms/ml) of cycloheximide that inhibited protein synthesis by 5-94%. Furthermore, after PUR (20 micrograms/ml) treatment, the addition of cycloheximide (CHM: 10 micrograms/ml), at a concentration that reduces protein synthesis by 94%, inhibited both thermotolerance and synthesis of HSP families. Thus, thermotolerance induced by intermediate concentrations of PUR correlated with an increase in newly synthesized HSP families. This thermotolerance phenomenon was compared with another phenomenon termed heat resistance and observed when cells were heated at 43 degrees C in the presence of CHM or PUR immediately after a 2-hr pretreatment with CHM or PUR. Heat protection increased with inhibition of synthesis of both total protein and HSP families. Moreover, this heat protection decayed rapidly as the interval between pretreatment and heating increased to 1-2 hr, and did not have any obvious relationship to the synthesis of HSP families. Therefore, there are two distinctly different pathways for developing thermal resistance. The first is thermotolerance after intermediate concentrations of PUR treatment, and it requires incubation after treatment and apparently the synthesis of HSP families. The second is resistance to heat after CHM or PUR treatment immediately before and during heating at 43 degrees C, and it apparently does not require synthesis of HSP families. This second pathway not requiring the synthesis of HSP families also was observed by the increase in thermotolerance at 45.5 degrees C caused by heating at 43 degrees C after cells were incubated for 2-4 hr following pretreatment with an intermediate concentration of PUR.  相似文献   

We describe a method of collecting large quantities of mitotic cells from a population of Chinese hamster ovary cells which were exponentially growing on positively charged dextran microcarriers in suspension culture. These cells were treated for 2.5 h with colcemid, and mitotic cells were harvested from the oicrocarriers by increasing spinner velocity. A yield of 2–3% of the total population was obtained using this method; of the cells collected, 85–95% were in metaphase as determined by microscopic inspection. Both synchrony and cell viability were excellent in the selected population.  相似文献   

A method for the purification of centrosomes from cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells is described. The centrosomes produced by application of this method show good retention of their intracellular morphology: the centrioles are surrounded by an “osmiophilic halo” containing numerous pericentriolar or satellite bodies. The latter spherical structures are approx. 55 nm in diameter and possess a densely staining central core surrounded by an envelope of lighter material. The number of satellite bodies associated with the centrioles seems variable, as does their spatial disposition within the osmiophilic halo.  相似文献   

The microtubule nucleating capacity of chromosomes was tested in vitro in lysates of Chinese hamster ovary cells. Colcemid-blocked mitotic cells were lysed with the detergent Triton X-100, incubated with exogenous porcine brain tubulin, attached to electron microscope grids and observed as whole-mounts. Under suitable conditions, greater than 98% of the chromosomes gave rise to microtubules at their kinetochore regions, thus unequivocally demonstrating that chromosomes are competent to initiate specifically microtubule formation. The average number of microtubules that polymerized onto a chromosome was 8 +/- 5, and greater than 36% of the chromosomes had between 10 and 19 microtubules per kinetochore region. We conclude that under the lysis conditions employed, virtually all the chromosomes retain their kinetochores, and that the kinetochores retain a substantial fraction of their microtubule nucleating capacity.  相似文献   

Exocytosis of pinocytic contents by Chinese hamster ovary cells   总被引:19,自引:9,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The extent of exocytosis of pinocytic vesicle contents was studied in suspension-cultured Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) as a pinocytic content marker. HRP was shown to be internalized via fluid-phase pinocytosis in CHO cells. After an HRP pulse of 2.5-10 min a rapid decrease of 30-50% in cell-associated HRP activity was observed within 10-20 min at 37 degrees C. During this time the loss of cell-associated HRP was accompanied by an equivalent increase in extracellular HRP. After this rapid exocytosis of HRP, the remaining peroxidase activity decreased with a t1/2 of 6-8 h, the known lysosomal half-life of HRP. In pulse-chase experiments HRP was chased into a nonexocytic compartment. Based on cell fractionation and electron microscopic experiments, this nonexocytic compartment was identified as a lysosome and the compartment from which exocytosis occurs as a pinosome. The occurrence of pinocytic content exocytosis in cultured fibroblasts suggests that exocytosis of pinocytic vesicle contents is a general phenomenon.  相似文献   

O-Linked fucose in glycoproteins from Chinese hamster ovary cells   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
We report our discovery that many glycoproteins synthesizedby Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells contain fucose in O-glycosidiclinkage to polypeptide. To enrich for the possible presenceof O-linked fucose, we studied the lectin-resistant mutant ofCHO cells known as Lec1. Lec1 cells lack N-acetylglucosaminyltransferaseI and are therefore unable to synthesize complex-type N-linkedoligosaccharides. Lec1 cells were metabolically radiolabelledwith [6-3H]fucose and total glycoproteins were isolated. Glycopeptideswere prepared by proteolysis and fractionated by chromatographyon a column of concanavalin A (Con A)— Sepharose. Thesets of fractionated glycopeptides were treated with mild base/borohydrideto effect the ß-elimination reaction and release potentialO-linked fucosyl residues. The ß-elimination produced[3H]fucitol quantitatively from [3H]fucose-labelled glycopeptidesnot bound by Con A-Sepharose, whereas none was generated bytreatment of glycopeptides bound by the lectin. The total [3H]fucose-labelledglycoproteins from Lec1 cells were separated by SDS—PAGEand detected by fluorography. Treatment of selected bands ofdetectable glycoproteins with mild base/borohydride quantitativelygenerated [3H]fucitol. Pretreatment of the glycoproteins withN-glycanase prior to the SDS—PAGE method of analysis causedan enrichment in the percentage of radioactivity recovered as[3H]fucitol. Trypsin treatment of [3H]fucose-labelled intactCHO cells released glycopeptides that contained O-linked fucose,indicating that it is present in surface glycoproteins. Thesefindings demonstrate that many glycoproteins from CHO cellscontain O-linked fucosyl residues and raise new questions aboutits biosynthesis and possible function. fucose glycoproteins monosaccharide O-linked  相似文献   

Two paraquat-resistant clones, PR-1 and PR-2, were selected from CHO K1 cells pretreated with ethyl methanesulfonate. PR-1 and PR-2, routinely cultured in a normal medium without paraquat, were six fold more resistant to paraquat than the parental CHO K1 cells. There was no difference in the uptake of [3H]paraquat among PR-1, PR-2, and CHO K1 cells. Both PR-1 and PR-2 cells showed no cross resistance to free radical generating agents and no increase in total activity of superoxide dismutase. The activities of paraquat-dependent NADPH oxidase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase were significantly reduced in PR-1 and PR-2 cells, hence the rate of paraquat radical formation will be limited. In addition, an elevation of glutathione levels in PR-1 cells or an increase in glutathione S-transferase activity in PR-2 cells may also play a certain role in protective mechanisms against the toxicity of paraquat.  相似文献   


Radiation-induced apoptosis in chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines is characterized by endonucleolytic cleavage of cellular DNA and changes of cell morphology within hours after radiation exposure. We investigated the capacity of ebselen [2-phenyl-1,2-benzisoselenazol-3(2H)-one], a seleno-organic compound with selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity, to protect cells from radiation-induced apoptosis. This phenomenon was studied by the quantitation of apoptotic cells and DNA gel electrophoresis after 6 Gy X-ray exposure. We also measured the activity of GPx and membrane lipid peroxidation. It was observed that 20 µM ebselen efficiently blocked apoptotic cell formation and DNA fragmentation 48 h post irradiation. Furthermore the data demonstrated that lipid peroxides increased significantly in irradiated cells and ebselen inhibited this process by elevating the cellular GPx activity. The results presented here indicate the requirement of free radicals for radiation-induced apoptosis and ultimately may yield insight necessary for designing protocols to modulate the process of radiation-induced apoptosis with antioxidant agents that scavenge radiation-induced free radicals.  相似文献   

Effect of puromycin on DNA replication in Chinese hamster cells   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We have used autoradiography to examine the effect of puromycin on DNA replication in Chinese hamster cells aligned by treatment with fluorodeoxy-uridine. In the absence of puromycin the patterns of replication are consistent with those obtained previously by others (Cairns, 1966; Huberman &; Riggs, 1968). In particular, replication occurs in tandem clusters of replicons but not all replicons in a cluster appear to be activated at the same time.Puromycin decreases the over-all rate of synthesis of DNA per cell, but does not inhibit chain elongation as visualized in autoradiograms. It is suggested that puromycin inhibits the initiation of replication of replicons not yet activated. Puromycin prevents the joining of short stretches of radioactive DNA into longer pieces. This may be due to the inability to activate a few late replicating units within a cluster of replicons.  相似文献   

The preparative isolation of mitochondria from Chinese hamster ovary cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A "hybrid" discontinuous gradient consisting of 6% Percoll overlaid on metrizamide separated mitochondria from other organelles in a Chinese hamster ovary cell postnuclear supernatant in a single 15-min centrifugation. The mitochondrial preparation contained about 25% of the mitochondrial marker, cytochrome-c oxidase, in a form that was about 90% latent. Based on the postnuclear supernatant, cytochrome-c oxidase activity was enriched approximately 45-fold. Trace amounts of lysosomal, rough endoplasmic reticular, Golgi, peroxisomal, plasma membrane, and cytosolic markers were found in the preparation. Electron microscopy revealed that the preparation consisted almost exclusively of mitochondria with only minor amounts of contaminating organelles. Analysis of the mitochondrial preparation by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis demonstrated that the mitochondrial preparation had a unique protein profile compared to the postnuclear supernatant and other gradient interfaces. Separation of the mitochondria into membrane and lumenal (matrix) fractions by treatment with 100 mM Na2CO3, pH 11.5, also indicated that the mitochondria were intact; they were rich in lumenal proteins. The data indicate that the mitochondria represent maximally about 2.2% of Chinese hamster ovary cell postnuclear supernatant protein. These isolated mitochondria should prove useful for problems in molecular cell biology.  相似文献   

Lysosomes were isolated from Chinese hamster ovary cells by fractionation of a postnuclear supernatant in consecutive density gradients. By marker enzyme analysis, the preparation was 63-fold enriched for lysosomes compared to the homogenate and contained at most trace amounts of marker activities for plasma membrane, Golgi, endoplasmic reticulum, peroxisomes, cytosol, and mitochondria. The lysosomes were intact as indicated by greater than 95% latency of beta-hexosaminidase activity, and the yield was about 12% relative to the homogenate. By electron microscopy, the lysosomal preparation contained very few mitochondrial profiles. By cytochemistry, greater than 80% of the organelle profiles were positive for the native lysosomal marker, acid phosphatase, and profiles were positive for long-term internalized horseradish peroxidase, an endocytic marker for lysosomes. By sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the lysosomal preparation displayed a unique pattern of polypeptides and was devoid of mitochondrial contamination. Lysosomes were fractionated into membrane and lumenal compartments by Na2CO3 treatment. Each compartment contained 20-30 distinct electrophoretic species ranging from 18 to 200 kDa. Each polypeptide could be assigned to either the membrane or lumenal compartment. A comparison of silver-stained polypeptides with those metabolically labeled with [35S]methionine indicated that, with the possible exception of an 18-kDa species, all of the major lysosomal polypeptides in both compartments were derived by endogenous synthesis in these exponentially growing fibroblasts.  相似文献   

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