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Differences in morphology among bumblebee species sharing a nectar resource may lead to variation in foraging behaviour and efficiency. Less efficient bumblebees might opportunistically switch foraging strategies from legitimate visitation to secondary robbing when hole-biting primary robbers are present. We observed various aspects of pollination and nectar robbing ecology of Linaria vulgaris in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, with emphasis on the role of bumblebee proboscis length. Bees can extract nectar from a nectar spur legitimately, by entering the front of the flower, or illegitimately, by biting or reusing holes in the spur. Although L. vulgaris flowers are apparently adapted for pollination by long-tongued bees, short-tongued bees visited them legitimately for trace amounts of nectar but switched to secondary robbing in the presence of primary robbers. Longer-tongued bees removed more nectar in less time than did shorter-tongued bees, and were less likely to switch to secondary robbing even when ∼100% of flowers had been pierced. As the proportion of robbed flowers in the population increased, the relative number of legitimate visits decreased while the relative number of robbing visits increased. Robbing decreased nectar standing crop and increased the proportion of empty flowers per inflorescence. Despite these potentially detrimental effects of robbers, differences in inflorescence use among robbers and pollinators, and the placement of holes made by primary robbers, may mitigate negative effects of nectar robbing in L. vulgaris . We discuss some of the reasons that L. vulgaris pollination ecology and growth form might temper the potentially negative effect of nectar robbing.  相似文献   

Many orchid species are unusual in that they provide no nectar or pollen rewards for their pollinators. Absence of reward is expected to have a fundamental effect on pollinator visitation patterns. In particular the number of flowers visited per inflorescence is expected to be affected in both unrewarding and co-flowering rewarding species. We used arrays of artificial inflorescences, which could be either rewarding or unrewarding and were differentiated by their colour, to test how many flowers bumblebees visit in each type of inflorescence. The frequency of the two colours was varied, thus modelling the case where different frequencies of both an unrewarding and rewarding species were present in a patch. We found that bumblebees visited more flowers per rewarding inflorescence after they have experienced unrewarding or partially emptied rewarding inflorescences. We used these results to simulate pollen transfer and thus predict selfing rates on rewarding inflorescences. We found these increased when nectar depleted or when there was a greater proportion of unrewarding inflorescences in the patch. Conversely, we found that the number of flowers bumblebees visited on each unrewarding inflorescence did not significantly change through experiments. Selfing rates for unrewarding inflorescences were predicted to depend principally on the number of these inflorescences bumblebees visited rather than on the number of flowers they visit per inflorescence. This was because most visitors to orchids are supposed to be naive, and pollinators that commence foraging carrying no pollen will necessarily self any flower they pollinate on the first inflorescence they visit. Thus the average selfing rate is expected to increase as the sequence of inflorescences visited decreases in length.  相似文献   

James H. Marden 《Oecologia》1984,64(2):232-240
Summary On both artificial flowers in the laboratory and certain plant species in the field, bumblebees often closely approached flowers and then departed without probing for nectar. In laboratory experiments where nectar rewards were associated with subtle visual or olfactory cues, bumblebees approached and avoided non-rewarding flowers. Flowers that bees entered and probed for nectar contained rewards much more frequently than predicted by chance alone. When there were no external cues associated with nectar content, bees visited rewarding flowers by chance alone, provided rewarding flowers were not spatially clumped. In the field, bumblebees approached and rejected a large proportion of dogbane flowers and red clover inflorescences. On both species, flowers or inflorescences probed by bees contained more nectar than those rejected by bees or those that I chose at random. On fireweed and monkshood, bees rarely or never approached and rejected healthy-looking flowers. Predictions generated by an optimal foraging model were tested on data from four bumblebee species foraging on red clover. The model was highly successful in qualitatively predicting the relationship between handling time and proportion of inflorescences rejected by individual bees, and the relationship between threshold nectar content for acceptance by bees and average resource availability. Thus, bees appeared to use remotely perceived cues to maximize their rates of nectar intake.  相似文献   

Summary The stochastic, discrete analogue of the marginal value theorem predicts that as the cost of moving between plants increases, bees should increase the percentage of the available flowers which they visit per plant. This prediction was tested using two populations of Polemonium foliosissimum and their primary pollinators Bombus flavifrons and B. bifarius. The results of these tests were equivocal. Bees did not perform exactly as the marginal value theorem predicted they should to maximize their rate of net energy intake. Instead of visiting more flowers per plant as movement costs increased bees were observed to alter their behavior in other ways in an attempt to maximize their rate of net energy intake. They were demonstrated to be flying randomly with respect to direction, flying short flight distances relative to the plant spacing distances encountered, flying predominately between nearest neighbor plants, and to be visiting flowers of other plant species while enroute from one P. foliosissimum flower to another P. foliosissimum flower. Such behavioral flexibility strongly implies that optimal foraging models which predict a shift in any particular behavior in response to environmental conditions are too simplistic to accurately predict foraging behavior.  相似文献   

Red flowers are a defining character of the bird-pollination syndrome. Birds do not, however, innately prefer red, suggesting that rather than attracting birds, red flowers may serve to exclude other visitors (e.g., bumblebees). Bees are sometimes considered “blind” to red, but studies have in fact documented both blue and red preferences in various bee species. These mixed results may be an effect of overly simplistic lab settings. We hypothesized that bees might readily locate red flowers in a simple laboratory environment, but struggle to find the same flowers in a complex, foliated setting. We tested the effects of environmental complexity on visitation to red and blue artificial flowers and on the foraging rate of captive worker bumblebees (Bombus impatiens). Bees made significantly fewer visits to red flowers when foraging in a complex environment with artificial green foliage, suggesting that red becomes harder to locate in this context than in a simple, leafless environment. Bees also foraged more slowly, on average, in the complex environment, although the difference was apparent only among experienced bees. Our findings provide a possible explanation for previous laboratory tests finding no colour preference in bumblebees. This “contextual colour-blindness” of bees supports the hypothesis that red evolved as a mechanism for plants to avoid visitation by bees, favouring bird pollination instead.  相似文献   

The movement patterns of carpenter bees (Xylocopa micans) and bumblebees (Bombus pennsylvanicus) foraging for nectar on vertical inflorescences ofPontederia cordata were studied near Miami, Florida. The floral biology ofP. cordata is unique in several ways: (a) many short-lived flowers per inflorescence, (b) constant nectar production throughout the life span of each flower, and (c) abscence of vertical patterning of nectar and age of flowers. Inflorescences ranged between 3.5 and 15.8 cm long and had between 9 and 55 open flowers. Both carpenter bees and bumblebees arrived mostly on the bottom third of the inflorescence and left after visiting flowers on the top third of the inflorescence. The departure position from the inflorescence was higher up than observed in studies of other insect pollinators foraging on other speces of plants. This pattern of departure probably occurs in the absence of a vertical gradient of nectar or floral morphology.  相似文献   

Summary Two bumblebee species, Bombus bifarius and B. flavifrons, forage randomly with respect to direction when gathering pollen on Potentilla gracilis. Bees avoid revisiting flowers by being able to differentiate recently visited from unvisited flowers. This recognition occurs while bees are flying over open flowers and appears to be a response to the amount of available pollen within flowers. Random foraging with respect to direction is the optimal strategy when the probability of flower revisitation is low. Bumblebees appear to be moving preferentially between nearest neighbors, again as predicted by foraging theory. This behavior causes the establishment of pollen patches in the P. gracilis population. Unlike other pollinators studied in similar situations, bumblebees on P. gracilis do not forage utilizing an area-restricted searching behavior. Because floral reward quality can be assessed at low cost by bees foraging on P. gracilis, their tendency to move to nearby flowers even after encountering a poor quality blossom apparently yields a higher rate of net energy intake than does area-restricted searching. The data indicate that bumblebees exhibit great plasticity in foraging behavior and that they are able to forage efficiently under a wide range of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Bees foraging for nectar should choose different inflorescences from those foraging for both pollen and nectar, if inflorescences consist of differing proportions of male and female flowers, particularly if the sex phases of the flowers differ in nectar content as well as the occurrence of pollen. This study tested this prediction using worker honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) foraging on inflorescences of Lavandula stoechas. Female flowers contained about twice the volume of nectar of male flowers. As one would predict, bees foraging for nectar only chose inflorescences with disproportionately more female flowers: time spent on the inflorescence was correlated with the number of female flowers, but not with the number of male flowers. Inflorescence size was inversely correlated with the number of female flowers, and could be used as a morphological cue by these bees. Also as predicted, workers foraging for both pollen and nectar chose inflorescences with relatively greater numbers of both male and female flowers: time spent on these inflorescences was correlated with the number of male flowers, but not with the number of females flowers. A morphological cue inversely associated with such inflorescences is the size of the bract display. Choice of flowers within inflorescences was also influenced predictably, but preferences appeared to be based upon corolla size rather than directly on sex phase.  相似文献   

Graham H. Pyke 《Oecologia》1978,36(3):281-293
Summary The aims of this paper were to consider the coevolution between bumblebee movement patterns within plants and various properties of the plants such as the spatial distribution of their flowers, and to determine the extent to which the bumblebees and the plants can be considered to be maximally adaptive or optimal. Attention was restricted to plants which have flowers arranged on vertical inflorescences and to the bumblebees which visit these plants.It was found that the bumblebees tend to commence foraging at the bottom of each infloresence, that they tend to move from one flower to the closest vertically higher flower, that they miss flowers as they move upwards and that they tend to leave each inflorescence before reaching the top. It was also found for the four common plant species considered that nectar abundance per flower decreases with flower height on an inflorescence, that the flowers with receptive stigmas are restricted to the bottoms of the inflorescences while the flowers shedding pollen occur above them, and that the flowers are arranged approximately in spirals on the inflorescences.The pattern of movements of the bumblebees and the various properties of the plants appear to represent coevolved adaptations. Furthermore the bumblebees' movement patterns appear to be optimal in the sense that they result in the maximum net rate of energy gain to the bumblebees. Further studies are necessary, however, to determine whether or not the plants can be considered to be optimal.An exception to the above scheme is provided by a plant which is quite uncommon in the study area. This plant also has flowers on vertical inflorescences and appears to be pollinated by bumblebees. However, while the pattern of movements of the bumblebees on this plant species are extremely similar to those on the four common species, this plant species exhibits quite different properties from the other four. Two possible explanations for this exception are presented.  相似文献   

Female bees are usually confronted with a choice among severalflower species that differ in their location and abundance withinthe community, and in the efficiency with which their pollenand nectar can be harvested. We investigated the effects ofdistance and flower density of two flower species on pollencollection by providing nest locations for the mason bee Osmialignaria in natural settings. Distance weakly affected pollenuse; on average, bees nesting near a flower species tended tocollect more of its pollen than did bees nesting at a greaterdistance. Flower density did not predictably impact pollen use,and use did not track changes in density during the season.Bees consistently mixed pollen from more distant species, despitesubstantial added foraging costs, and also mixed when one specieswas an order of magnitude less abundant than the other. Beesrequire nectar as well as pollen to feed their offspring, andour preliminary data suggest that the efficiencies of pollenand nectar collection are inversely related between the twoflower species, which would favor visitation to both species.Bees appear to collect some pollen from the low-pollen, high-nectarplant while visiting it for nectar. Thus, a nectar-collectingconstraint may favor collecting pollen from mixtures of species.  相似文献   

The foraging behaviour literature contains three hypotheses concerned with hunting by expectation. These suggest possible rules animals use to decide when to leave particular feeding sites and search in other places for food. Predictions of the three hypotheses were tested experimentally by varying the quality of plants (amount and distribution of nectar) encountered by bumblebees (Bombus appositus). Results support only a rate expectation hypothesis. Bees left multiflowered plants when the amount of nectar found in the first flower was below a threshold volume. Bees stayed on plants if they received greater than the threshold volume. This threshold nectar volume is close to the amount predicted if a bee forages to maximize its rate of net energy intake.  相似文献   

Individual bumblebees were trained to choose between rewarded target flowers and non-rewarded distractor flowers in a controlled illumination laboratory. Bees learnt to discriminate similar colours, but with smaller colour distances the frequency of errors increased. This indicates that pollen transfer might occur between flowers with similar colours, even if these colours are distinguishable. The effect of similar colours on reducing foraging accuracy of bees is evident for colour distances high above discrimination threshold, which explains previous field observations showing that bees do not exhibit complete flower constancy unless flower colour between species is distinct. Bees tested in spectrally different illumination conditions experienced a significant decrease in their ability to discriminate between similar colours. The extent to which this happens differs in different areas of colour space, which is consistent with a von Kries-type model of colour constancy. We find that it would be beneficial for plant species to have highly distinctive colour signals to overcome limitations on the bees performance in reliably judging differences between similar colours. An exception to this finding was flowers that varied in shape, in which case bees used this cue to compensate for inaccuracies of colour vision.  相似文献   

Kudo G  Ishii HS  Hirabayashi Y  Ida TY 《Oecologia》2007,154(1):119-128
Floral color change has been recognized as a pollination strategy, but its relative effectiveness has been evaluated insufficiently with respect to other floral traits. In this study, effects of floral color change on the visitation pattern of bumblebees were empirically assessed using artificial flowers. Four inflorescence types were postulated as strategies of flowering behavior: type 1 has no retention of old flowers, resulting in a small display size; type 2 retains old flowers without nectar production; type 3 retains old flowers with nectar; and type 4 retains color-changed old flowers without nectar. Effects of these treatments varied depending on both the total display size (single versus multiple inflorescences) and the pattern of flower-opening. In the single inflorescence experiment, a large floral display due to the retention of old flowers (types 2–4) enhanced pollinator attraction, and the number of flower visits per stay decreased with color change (type 4), suggesting a decrease in geitonogamous pollination. Type-4 plants also reduced the foraging time of bees in comparison with type-2 plants. In the multiple inflorescence experiment, the retention of old flowers did not contribute to pollinator attraction. When flowering occurred sequentially within inflorescences, type-4 plants successfully decreased the number of visits and the foraging time in comparison with type-2 plants. In contrast, floral color change did not influence the number of visits, and it extended the foraging time when flowering occurred simultaneously within inflorescences but the opening of inflorescences progressed sequentially within a plant. Therefore, the effectiveness of floral color change is highly susceptible to the display size and flowering pattern within plants, and this may limit the versatility of the color change strategy in nature.  相似文献   

收益降低假说(declining reward hypothesis)认为熊蜂自下而上的访花顺序是对花蜜产量的直接响应,先访问下部花蜜产量高的花可以获得更多的收益;花开口方向假说认为自下而上访花是因为熊蜂更容易看见其上部的花朵。为了验证上述两个假说,我们于2008年8月在北京小龙门国家森林公园调查了红光熊蜂(Bombus ignitus)访问草乌(Aconitum kusnezoffii)直立和倒立顶生花序的访问顺序,测量了直立花序下部雌性阶段花和上部雄性阶段花花蜜的糖浓度、体积,计算了花蜜中的糖含量。结果表明,红光熊蜂在直立花序和倒立花序内均以向上运动为主,分别占总运动次数的62.77%和68.35%;直立花序下部雌性阶段花花蜜糖浓度比上部雄性阶段花低1.44%,但是花蜜体积和花蜜中的糖含量都显著高于雄性阶段的花。由于熊蜂访问倒立花序时先访问的是下部的低回报雄性阶段的花,然后再访问上部高回报的雌性阶段的花,这与收益降低假说矛盾,表明红光熊蜂自下而上访问草乌直立花序可能不是受到花蜜产量的调节。  相似文献   

Interactions between a plant species (Corydalis caseana), a bumble bee nectar robber (Bombus occidentalis), and a bumble bee pollinator (B. appositus) were studied. There were no significant differences between naturally robbed and unrobbed flowers in fruit set or mean seed set per fruit. Plots of C. caseana plants were subjected to treatments of robbing and no robbing using commercially available colonies of B. occidentalis. Robbers did not pollinate the flowers. Pollinator behavior was observed to determine (1) the number of bees attracted to each plot, (2) the number of inflorescences visited in a plot, (3) the number of flowers visited on each inflorescence, and (4) the distance flown between inflorescences. There were no significant differences in the number of inflorescences visited per bee or the number of flowers visited per inflorescence per bee when robbed and unrobbed treatments were compared. Of the parameters measured, only distance flown between inflorescences differed in the robbed and the unrobbed treatments. Bees flew significantly further between inflorescences in the robbed plots than in the unrobbed plots. The results indicate that the nectar robbers have no negative effect on fruit set or seed set in C. caseana and that they may cause increased pollen flow distances by changing the behavior of the pollinator.  相似文献   

Hummingbirds foraging in alpine meadows of central Colorado, United States, face a heterogeneous distribution of nectar rewards. This study investigated how variability in nectar resources caused by nectar-robbing bumblebees affected the foraging behavior of hummingbird pollinators and, subsequently, the reproductive success of a host plant (Ipomopsis aggregata). We presented hummingbirds with experimental arrays of I. aggregata and measured hummingbird foraging behavior as a function of known levels of nectar robbing. Hummingbirds visited significantly fewer plants with heavy nectar robbing (over 80% of available flowers robbed) and visited fewer flowers on those plants. These changes in hummingbird foraging behavior resulted in decreased percent fruit set as well as decreased total seed set in heavily robbed plants. These results indicate that hummingbird avoidance of nectar-robbed plants and flowers reduces plant fitness components. In addition, our results suggest that the mutualisms between pollinators and host plants may be affected by other species, such as nectar robbers. Received: 22 April 1998 / Accepted: 12 May 1998  相似文献   

M. W. Ramsey 《Oecologia》1988,76(1):119-124
Summary The effectiveness of nectarivorous birds, introduced honey bees and staphylined beetles as pollinators of Banksia menziesii was assessed. Staphylinids removed substantial amounts of pollen but did not deposit any onto stigmata. Abundance of beetles on inflorescences was related to the mean number of florets opening per day. Honey bees collecting pollen were more likely to effect pollination than those collecting nectar which only contacted stigmata when arriving or leaving an inflorescence. Nectar-foraging birds probed between florets 10.2±0.8 (±SE) times, contacting 8–16 stigmata during each probe. Bees visited inflorescences ten times more frequently than birds although they deposited only 25% of the pollen that birds did on stigmata. Fruit set was ten times greater on inflorescences visited by birds than on inflorescences visited by bees. Bees were capable of removing as much pollen as birds but, because of direct pollen transfer to birds when florets opened during foraging, actual removal was probably much less. Selection for floret opening during nectar foraging by birds may have resulted from pollen removal by non-pollinating animals, such as staphylinids.  相似文献   

Predators of pollinators can influence pollination services and plant fitness via both consumptive (reducing pollinator density) and non-consumptive (altering pollinator behaviour) effects. However, a better knowledge of the mechanisms underlying behaviourally mediated indirect effects of predators is necessary to properly understand their role in community dynamics. We used the tripartite relationship between bumblebees, predatory crab spiders and flowers to ask whether behaviourally mediated effects are localized to flowers harbouring predators, or whether bees extend their avoidance to entire plant species. In a tightly controlled laboratory environment, bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) were exposed to a random mixture of equally rewarding yellow and white artificial flowers, but foraging on yellow flowers was very risky: bees had a 25 per cent chance of receiving a simulated predation attempt by ‘robotic’ crab spiders. As bees learnt to avoid ‘dangerous’ flowers, their foraging preferences changed and they began to visit fewer yellow flowers than expected by chance. Bees avoided spider-free yellow flowers as well as dangerous yellow flowers when spiders were more difficult to detect (the colour of yellow spiders was indistinguishable from that of yellow flowers). Therefore, this interaction between bee learning and predator crypsis could lead flower species harbouring cryptic predators to suffer from reduced reproductive success.  相似文献   

The effect of nectar robbing on plant fitness is poorly understood and restricted to a few plant species. Furthermore, the available studies generally evaluate the effects of nectar robbing on female fitness, disregarding the male component. Here we measured the effects of the nectar-robbing bumblebees on male (measured as pollen analogue flow distance) and female (measured as seed production) reproductive success in the insect-dependent Polygala vayredae, a narrow endemic species from the pre-Pyrenees (Spain). Intense nectar robbing by bumblebees significantly reduced the nectar available to legitimate pollinators in the studied population, and this reduction affected both male and female fitness. Significant differences were observed in fluorescent dye dispersion between robbed and non-robbed flowers within the population. Fluorescent dyes from non-robbed flowers were dispersed to larger distances and over a larger number of flowers when compared with robbed ones. Moreover, significant differences were observed in both fruit set and seed ovule ratios between the two groups, with non-robbed flowers presenting higher reproductive outcomes. However, no effect on seed weight was detected among treatments. The data obtained suggest that in this species, nectar robbing has important indirect and negative effects on plant fecundity, through both male and female functions, due to a modification in the foraging behaviour of legitimate visitors.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Honeybees foraging on lavender have been shown to choose inflorescences that are larger and have more flowers. If they are selecting optimally then these inflorescences should yield higher net rates of energy gain. The number and distribution of flowers within inflorescences is a complex function of age, however, which might itself influence nectar quality and availability.
2. Sampling of the overnight nectar secretion of visited and unvisited inflorescences showed that younger inflorescences with more flowers produced more sugar per flower and had fewer unproductive flowers than other inflorescences, but the size of the inflorescence had no effects.
3. Overall display size attracted bees to inspect inflorescences, as inflorescences that were inspected but rejected were larger and/or had larger or more bracts than those that were ignored. Bees, however, accepted more productive inflorescences based on different cues: inflorescence age and number of flowers.
4. Inflorescence choice thus appeared to reflect a two-stage decision process based on different morphological criteria at each stage.  相似文献   

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