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In normal rats there is one taste bud on the apical surfaceof each fungiform papilla. These taste buds are innervated bythe chorda tympani proper nerve (CT). According to general consensus,after cutting the nerve the taste buds should disappear. Inthis study, performed on 24 rats divided in six groups, theCT nerve on the left side (singly denervated) and the combinedchorda-lingual (CT-L) nerve on the other side (doubly denervatedwere permanently interrupted. The animals were sacrificed after5, 10, 20, 35,60 and 100 days and their tongues serially sectionedfor light microscope examiation. Some papillae were examinedunder an electron microscope. The papillae were categorizedinto three groups: papillae with a normal looking taste bud,with an abnormal looking taste bud and without a taste bud.The results showed a substantial number of papillae with a normallooking taste bud present at all time intervals in all animals.More specifically, on the singly denervated side the proportionof normal looking taste buds stayed below 10% until day 60,when it increased to 15% and to 23% on day 100. The proportionof abnormal looking taste buds decreased from above 92% by day5 to 49% on day 100. The percentage of fungiform papillae withoutsigns of a taste bud was relatively low on the singly denervatedside at times (1, 5, 16, 29, 34 and 28%). On the doubly denervatedside fewer than than 4% normal looking taste buds were foundthroughout the time period. The proportion of abnormal lookingtaste buds decreased from {small tilde} 96% by day 5 to 35%on day 100. A significantly higher proportion of papillae withno taste bud was observed on this side from day 10 onwards.(1, 29, 32, 52, 60 and 63%). The reasons for the differencein tast bud number between the doubly and singly denervatedsides are unknown, but it is possible that collaterals fromother (non-gustatory) nerves have an ability, although limited,to induce and maintain fungiform taste buds. In other words,the capacity to induce taste bud formation is not limited exclusivelyto gustatory nerves.  相似文献   

Effects of gustatory nerve transection on salt taste have been studied extensively in rats and hamsters but have not been well explored in the mouse. We examined the effects of chorda tympani (CT) nerve transection on NaCl taste preferences and thresholds in outbred CD-1 mice using a high-throughput phenotyping method developed in our laboratory. To measure taste thresholds, mice were conditioned by oral self-administration of LiCl or NaCl and then presented with NaCl concentration series in 2-bottle preference tests. LiCl-conditioned and control NaCl-exposed mice were given bilateral transections of the CT nerve (LiCl-CTX, NaCl-CTX) or were left intact as controls (LiCl-CNT, NaCl-CNT). After recovery from surgery, mice received a concentration series of NaCl (0-300 mM) in 48-h 2-bottle tests. CT transection increased NaCl taste thresholds in LiCl-conditioned mice and eliminated avoidance of concentrated NaCl in control NaCl-exposed mice. This demonstrates that in mice, the CT nerve is important for detection and recognition of NaCl taste and is necessary for the normal avoidance of high concentrations of NaCl. The results of this experiment also show that the method of high-throughput phenotyping of salt taste thresholds is suitable for detecting changes in the taste periphery in mouse genetic studies.  相似文献   

During postnatal development, a relationship is established between the size of individual taste buds and number of innervating neurons. To determine whether rearrangement of neurons that innervate taste buds establishes this relationship, we labeled single taste buds at postnatal day 10 (P10) and again at either P15, P20, or P40 with retrograde fluorescent neuronal tracers. The number of single- and double-labeled geniculate ganglion cells was counted, and the respective taste bud volumes were measured for the three groups of rats. The current study replicates findings from an earlier report demonstrating that the larger the taste bud, the more geniculate ganglion cells that innervate it. This relationship between taste bud size and number of innervating neurons is not apparent until P40, when taste bud size reaches maturity. These findings are extended here by demonstrating that the number of neurons that innervate taste buds at P10, when taste bud size is small and relatively homogeneous, predicts the size that the respective taste bud will become at maturity. Moreover, while there is some neural rearrangement of taste bud innervation from P10 to P40, rearrangement does not impact the relationship between taste bud size and innervating neurons. That is, the neurons that maintain contact with taste buds from P10 through P40 accurately predict the mature taste bud size. Therefore, the size of the mature taste bud is determined by P10 and relates to the number of sensory neurons that innervate it at that age and the number of neurons that maintain contact with it throughout the first 40 days of postnatal development.  相似文献   

Summary Taste buds (TB) in the foliate, circumvallate and fungiform papillae of the rabbit tongue were examined with lectin histochemistry by means of light (LM) and electron (EM) microscopy. Biotin- and gold-labeled lectins were used for the detection of carbohydrate residues in TB cells and subcutaneous salivary glands. At the LM level, the lectins of soybean (SBA) and peanut (PNA) react with material of the foliate and circumvallate taste pores only after pretreatment of the section with neuraminidase. This indicates that the terminal trisaccharide sequences are as follows: Sialic acid-Gal-GalNAc in O-glycosylated glycoproteins or Sialic acid-Gal-GlcNAc in N-glycosylated glycoproteins. In fungiform taste buds the lectins of Dolichos biflorus (DBA) and Helix pomatia (HPA), also specific to GalNAc residues, are reactive without preincubation with neuraminidase. Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), specific to GlcNAc, reacts with TBs of all papillae; and the lectin from Ulex europaeus (UEA I), specific to fucose, binds to individual TB cells. The presence of sialic acid may protect mucus or other glycoproteins in TB cells and inside the taste pore from premature enzymatic degradation. In a post-embedding EM procedure on LR-White-embedded tissue sections, only gold-labeled HPA was found to bind especially on membrane surfaces of the microvilli which protrude into the taste pore; however HPA did not bind to the electron-dense mucus inside the taste pore. The mucus situated in the trough and at the top of the adjacent epithelial cells also is strongly HPA-positive, but is of different origin and composition than that found in the taste pore. These results demonstrate distinct carbohydrate histochemical differences between fungiform and circumvallate/foliate taste buds. The different configuration of galactosyl residues and the occurrence of mannose in circumvallate and foliate TBs leads to the suggestion that the lectin reactivities of TBs are not only due to the presence of mucins, but also to N-linked glycoproteins, possibly with a hormone-like, paraneuronal function. A possible relationship to v. Ebner glands in these papillae is discussed.  相似文献   

M Witt  I J Miller 《Histochemistry》1992,98(3):173-182
Taste buds (TB) in the foliate, circumvallate and fungiform papillae of the rabbit tongue were examined with lectin histochemistry by means of light (LM) and electron (EM) microscopy. Biotin- and gold-labeled lectins were used for the detection of carbohydrate residues in TB cells and subcutaneous salivary glands. At the LM level, the lectins of soybean (SBA) and peanut (PNA) react with material of the foliate and circumvallate taste pores only after pretreatment of the section with neuraminidase. This indicates that the terminal trisaccharide sequences are as follows: Sialic acid-Gal-GalNAc in O-glycosylated glycoproteins or Sialic acid-Gal-GlcNAc in N-glycosylated glycoproteins. In fungi-form taste buds the lectins of Dolichos biflorus (DBA) and Helix pomatia (HPA), also specific to GalNAc residues, are reactive without preincubation with neuraminidase. Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), specific to GlcNAc, reacts with TBs of all papillae; and the lectin from Ulex europaeus (UEA I), specific to fucose, binds to individual TB cells. The presence of sialic acid may protect mucus or other glycoproteins in TB cells and inside the taste pore from premature enzymatic degradation. In a post-embedding EM procedure on LR-White-embedded tissue sections, only gold-labeled HPA was found to bind especially on membrane surfaces of the microvilli which protrude into the taste pore; however HPA did not bind to the electron-dense mucus inside the taste pore. The mucus situated in the trough and at the top of the adjacent epithelial cells also is strongly HPA-positive, but is of different origin and composition than that found in the taste pore. These results demonstrate distinct carbohydrate histochemical differences between fungiform and circumvallate/foliate taste buds. The different configuration of galactosyl residues and the occurrence of mannose in circumvallate and foliate TBs leads to the suggestion that the lectin reactivities of TBs are not only due to the presence of mucins, but also to N-linked glycoproteins, possibly with a hormone-like paraneuronal function. A possible relationship to v. Ebner glands in these papillae is discussed.  相似文献   

Miller  Inglis J.  Jr; Reedy  Frank E.  Jr 《Chemical senses》1990,15(3):281-294
A method developed to quantify taste buds in living human subjectsto study the relationship between taste sensitivity and tastebud distribution was used to count the taste buds in 10 humansubjects; fungiform papillae were mapped in 12 subjects. Tastebuds were identified by staining taste pores with methyleneblue, and images of the papillae and their taste pores wereobtained with videomicroscopy and an image processor. Fungiformpapillae showed a 3.3-fold range in density, from 22.1 to 73.6papillae/cm2 with an average of 41.1 ± 16.8/cm2 (s.d.,n = 2). There was a 14-fold range in taste pore density, from36 to 511 pores/cm2 among subjects, with an average of 193 ±133/cm2 (s.d., n = 10). Fungiform papillae contained from 0to 22 taste pores, with an average per subject of 3.75 ±1.4 taste pores/papilla (s.d., n = 10). We hypothesize thatsome differences in human taste sensitivity may be related tothese variations in taste bud density.  相似文献   

A rat has {small tilde} 180 taste-bud-bearing fungiform papillaewhich form a unique individual pattern. This study deals withthe stability of this pattern. The results indicate that thepattern is stable over at least 1 year.  相似文献   

目的:探索大鼠咸味觉厌恶建立后外周鼓索神经(CT)对咸味觉及其他味觉刺激的电生理反应特性的改变。方法:将14只SD成年雄性大鼠分为咸味觉厌恶模型组(CTA)和对照组(n=7/group)。实验第1日给予大鼠30min的0.1mol/LNaCl饮食,随后CTA组和对照组大鼠分别腹腔注射2ml0.15mol/LLiCl和同等量生理盐水。在第2、3和4日,测量两组大鼠每天30min内对NaCl和蒸馏水饮用量。于第4日行为学测试后,分别记录CTA组大鼠和对照组大鼠CT对口内给予系列浓度NaCl溶液、0.3mol/LNaCl与0.1mmol/L阿米洛利(一种舌上皮钠通道阻断剂)混合液和其他四种基本味觉刺激溶液的电生理反应。结果:与对照组相比,CTA组大鼠CT对系列浓度NaCl和其他4种基本味觉刺激的电生理反应特性没有发生明显变化(P>0.05);舌上皮钠通道阻断剂阿米洛利强烈抑制CTA大鼠对NaCl的反应(P<0.01)。结论:条件性咸味觉厌恶模型大鼠CT对各种味觉刺激的电生理反应特性没有发生明显改变。  相似文献   

Electrophysiological measurements of nerve impulse frequencies were used to explore the organization of taste sensibilities in single fibers of the hamster chorda tympani nerve. Moderately intense taste solutions that are either very similar or easily discriminated were applied to the anterior lingual surface. 40 response profiles or 13 stimulus activation patterns were considered variables and examined with multivariate statistical techniques. Three kinds of response profiles were seen in fibers that varied in their overall sensitivity to taste solutions. One profile (S) showed selectivity for sweeteners, a second (N) showed selectivity for sodium salts, and a third (H) showed sensitivity to salts, acids, and other compounds. Hierarchical cluster analysis indicated that profiles fell into discrete classes. Responses to many pairs of effective stimuli were covariant across profiles within a class, but some acidic stimuli had more idiosyncratic effects. Factor analysis of profiles identified two common factors, accounting for 77% of the variance. A unipolar factor was identified with the N profile, and a bipolar factor was identified with the S profile and its opposite, the H profile. Three stimulus activation patterns were elicited by taste solutions that varied in intensity of effect. Hierarchical cluster analysis indicated that the patterns fell into discrete classes. Factor analysis of patterns identified three common unipolar factors accounting for 82% of the variance. Eight stimuli (MgSO4, NH4Cl, KCl, citric acid, acetic acid, urea, quinine HCl, HCl) selectively activated fibers with H profiles, three stimuli (fructose, Na saccharin, sucrose) selectively activated fibers with S profiles, and two stimuli (NaNO3, NaCl) activated fibers with N profiles more strongly than fibers with H profiles. Stimuli that evoke different patterns taste distinct to hamsters. Stimuli that evoke the same pattern taste more similar. It was concluded that the hundreds of peripheral taste neurons that innervate the anterior tongue play one of three functional roles, providing information about one of three features that are shared by different chemical solutions.  相似文献   

We have earlier shown that the taste-bud-bearing fungiform papillaeform a stable pattern on the tongue of rats. In this study theeffect of removal of the fungiform papillae in rats was investigated.The fungiform papillae on a 10 x 5-mm area on one side of thetongue were removed after mapping of both sides under an operatingmicroscope. Serial sections of five rat tongues within 1 dayof biopsy showed that all but one papilla were gone. After 4,6 and 12 months an average of seven papillae with taste-budswere found in the operated area, compared to 20, 26 and 23 inthe controls. Comparison of tongue maps before and after theseperiods showed that papillae had not migrated from areas outsidethe area of the biopsies. To test the assumption that the extentof biopsy determined the amount of regeneration, only the upperpart of the papillae with their taste buds were removed in 15rats. Complete regeneration of papillae and taste buds was obtainedwithin 14 days. The function of the regenerated taste buds wastested by bilateral recording from the chorda tympani propernerves. No difference in response amplitudes was observed betweenthe sides. When, however, the whole papilla including its basewas removed, neither the papilla nor the taste-bud regenerated.The results show that the ability of the fungiform papilla andthe taste-bud to regenerate after removal of the papilla isrelated to the extent of the biopsy. If the entire papilla includingits base is removed, it will not regenerate. If only the upperpart is removed, complete regeneration of both papilla and itstaste-bud will occur.  相似文献   

For most species and gustatory papillae denervation resultsin a virtual disappearance of taste buds. This is not the casefor hamster fungiform papillae, which contain taste buds thatsurvive denervation. To characterize these taste buds, in thisstudy, counts and measurements were made of all buds on theanterior 3 mm of the hamster tongue at 36 or 91 days after resectingthe chorda/lingual nerve. Taste bud numbers were, at both timeperiods, unaffected by denervation. However, bud dimensionswere affected with denervated buds 25–30% smaller thancontrol ones. Counts of taste bud cells indicated that decreasesin bud size may result from shrinkage, but not a loss of cells.Tritiated thymidine autoradiography was used to evaluate whetherdenervation influences the mitotic activity or the migratorypattern of bud cells. For every animal, the average number oflabelled cells per bud was slightly lower on the denervatedthan the control side of the tongue. However, when labelledcell positions were evaluated at 0.25, 3 and 6 days after thymidine,the distances from the sides of the bud increased at increasingtimes after injection for both the innervated and the denervatedbuds. Stem cells were located laterally or basally in the bud.Labelled cells that migrated into the centers of the buds werefew and seen only at 6 days post-injection time in both controland experimental buds. The moderate effects of denervation ontaste bud sizes and mitotic activities may indicate a generalizedatrophy. Remarkably intact were taste bud numbers and the migratorypatterns of cells, features of anterior tongue taste buds inthe hamster that are relatively invulnerable to resection ofthe chorda /lingual nerve.  相似文献   

Effects of chorda tympani nerve anesthesia on taste responses in the NST   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dinkins  ME; Travers  SP 《Chemical senses》1998,23(6):661-673
Human clinical and psychophysical observations suggest that the taste system is able to compensate for losses in peripheral nerve input, since patients do not commonly report decrements in whole mouth taste following chorda tympani nerve damage or anesthesia. Indeed, neurophysiological data from the rat nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) suggests that a release of inhibition (disinhibition) may occur centrally following chorda tympani nerve anesthesia. Our purpose was to study this possibility further. We recorded from 59 multi- and single- unit taste-responsive sites in the rat NST before, during and after recovery from chorda tympani nerve anesthesia. During anesthesia, average anterior tongue responses were eliminated but no compensatory increases in palatal or posterior tongue responses were observed. However, six individual sites displayed increased taste responsiveness during anesthesia. The average increase was 32.9%. Therefore, disinhibition of taste responses was observed, but infrequently and to a small degree in the NST At a subset of sites, chorda tympani-mediated responses decreased while greater superficial petrosal-mediated responses remained the same during anesthesia. Since this effect was accompanied by a decrease in spontaneous activity, we propose that taste compensation may result in part by a change in signal-to-noise ratio at a subset of sites.   相似文献   

Summary Taste buds were found to stain strongly and selectively in intact papillae with highly acidic dyes such as ponceau S. In intact tongues the taste buds in the fungiform, circumvallate and foliate papillae of the cynomolgus monkey and in the fungiform papillae of the rat as well as the taste discs in the fungiform papillae of the frog could be visualized. This method enables a rapid location and counting of taste buds in taste papillae without preparing histological sections. In cynomolgus tongue material fixed in formalin, the dyes penetrate into the buds. In fresh tongues only the taste pore region of the buds stains, which suggests that in vivo taste buds are impenetrable underneath the pore.  相似文献   

Chorda tympani nerve transection (CTX) results in morphological changes to fungiform papillae and associated taste buds. When transection occurs during neonatal development in the rat, the effects on fungiform taste bud and papillae structure are markedly more severe than observed following a comparable surgery in the adult rat. The present study examined the potential "sensitive period" for morphological modifications to tongue epithelium following CTX. Rats received unilateral transection at 65, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, or 5 days of age. With each descending age at the time of transection, the effects on the structural integrity of fungiform papillae were more severe. Significant losses in total number of taste buds and filiform-like papillae were observed when transection occurred 5-30 days of age. Significant reduction in the number of taste pores was indicated at every age of transection. Another group of rats received chorda tympani transection at 10, 25, or 65 days of age to determine if the time course of taste bud degeneration differed depending on the age of the rat at the time of transection. Taste bud volumes differed significantly from intact sides of the tongue at 2, 8, and 50 days post-transection after CTX at 65 days of age. Volume measurements did not differ 2 days post-transection after CTX at 10 or 25 days of age, but were significantly reduced at the other time points. Findings demonstrate a transitional period throughout development wherein fungiform papillae are highly dependent upon the chorda tympani for maintenance of morphological integrity.  相似文献   

Taste buds were found to stain strongly and selectively in intact papillae with highly acidic dyes such as ponceau S. In intact tongues the taste buds in the fungiform, circumvallate and foliate papillae of the cynomolgus monkey and in the fungiform papillae of the rat as well as the taste discs in the fungiform papillae of the frog could be visualized. This method enables a rapid location and counting of taste buds in taste papillae without preparing histological sections. In cynomolgus tongue material fixed in formalin, the dyes penetrate into the buds. In fresh tongues only the taste pore region of the buds stains, which suggests that in vivo taste buds are impenetrable underneath the pore.  相似文献   

We compared the electrical properties and gustatory response profiles of types Ia cell (mucus cell), Ib cell (wing cell), and II/III cell (receptor cell) in the taste disks of the frog fungiform papillae. The large depolarizing responses of all types of cell induced by 1 M NaCl were accompanied by a large decrease in the membrane resistance and had the same reversal potential of approximately +5 mV. The large depolarizing responses of all cell types for 1 mM acetic acid were accompanied by a small decrease in the membrane resistance. The small depolarizing responses of all cell types for 10 mM quinine-HCl (Q-HCl) were accompanied by an increase in the membrane resistance, but those for 1 M sucrose were accompanied by a decrease in the membrane resistance. The reversal potential of sucrose responses in all cell types were approximately +12 mV. Taken together, depolarizing responses of Ia, Ib, and II/III cells for each taste stimulus are likely to be generated by the same mechanisms. Gustatory depolarizing response profiles indicated that 1) each of Ia, Ib, and II/III cells responded 100% to 1 M NaCl and 1 mM acetic acid with depolarizing responses, 2) approximately 50% of each cell type responded to 10 mM Q-HCl with depolarizations, and 3) each approximately 40% of Ia and Ib cells and approximately 90% of II/III cells responded to 1 M sucrose with depolarizations. These results suggest that the receptor molecules for NaCl, acid, and Q-HCl stimuli are equivalently distributed on all cell types, but the receptor molecules for sugar stimuli are richer on II/III cells than on Ia and Ib cells. Type III cells having afferent synapses may play a main role in gustatory transduction and transmission.  相似文献   

HCl- and NaCl-induced hamster chorda tympani nerve responseswere recorded during voltage clamp of the lingual receptive field. Voltage perturbations did not influence responses to HCl. In contrast, responses to NaCl were decreased by submucosal-positive and increased by submucosal-negative voltage clamp. Responses to HCl were insensitive to the Na+ channel blockers,amiloride and benzamil, and to methylisobutylamiloride (MIA), anNa+/H+exchange blocker. Responses to NaCl were unaffected by MIA but weresuppressed by benzamil. Microfluorometric and imaging techniques wereused to monitor the relationship between external pH(pHo) and the intracellular pH(pHi) of fungiform papilla tastereceptor cells (TRCs) following2',7'-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein loading.TRC pHi responded rapidly andmonotonically to changes in pHo.This response was unaffected byNa+ removal or the presence ofamiloride, benzamil, or MIA. The neural records and the data fromisolated TRCs suggest that the principal transduction pathway for acidtaste in hamster is similar to that in rat. This may involve themonitoring of changes in TRC pHi mediated through amiloride-insensitiveH+ transport across TRC membranes.This is an example of cell monitoring of environmental pH through pHtracking, i.e., a linear change inpHi in response to a change inpHo, as has been proposed for carotid bodies. In taste, the H+transport sites may be concentrated on the basolateral membranes ofTRCs and, therefore, are responsive to an attenuatedH+ concentration from diffusion ofacids across the tight junctions.


Although it has been long accepted that innervation by a tastenerve is essential for maintenance of taste buds, it is notclear what role, if any, innervation plays in the morphogenesis oftaste papillae and taste bud development. The following studywas undertaken to determine what effects lack of sensory innervationhave on the development of taste papillae and the formationof taste buds in the mouse. Timed-pregnant female mice (n =3) at gestational day 12 (gd12) were anesthetized and a 1 µlsolution (1 µg/µl) of ß-bungarotoxin (ß-BTX),a neurotoxin that disrupts sensory and motor neuron development,was injected into the amniotic cavity of two embryos per dam.Two shams were injected with PBS. Fetuses were harvested atgd18, 1 day before birth, and four ß-BTX-injected embryos,two shams and two controls were fixed in buffered paraformaldehyde.Serial sections were examined for the presence and morphologyof taste papillae and taste buds. No nerve profiles were observedin ß-BTX-injected tongues. Although circumvallate papillaewere present on ß-BTX tongues, only five fungiform papillaecould be identified. Taste buds were present on a large percentageof fungiform papillae profiles (24% and on circumvallate papillaein sham and control fetuses; in contrast, no taste buds wereassociated with taste papillae in ß-BTX fetuses. Theseresults implicate a significant role for innervation in tastepapillae and taste bud morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of an array of neuropeptides and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase in the fungiform papillae of pigs and rats were studied by immunocytochemistry. Structural differences between the fungiform papillae of the two species were correlated to differences in the occurrence and distribution of neuropeptides. Calcitonin gene-related peptide-, substance P- and neurokinin A-containing fibers were numerous in the fungiform papillae of both species, although their distribution within the papilla differed. In the pig, the majority of these fibers ended within the taste buds, while in the rat numerous fibers also penetrated the adjacent epithelium. Galanin- and bombesin-immunoreactive nerve fibers could not be detected in the rat fungiform papillae, while in the pig many, but not all, of the fungiform papillae contained bombesin- and galanin-positive nerve fibers. Vasoactive intestinal peptide- and peptide histidine isoleucine-immunoreactive fibers occurred in the fungiform papillae of both species. A few neuropeptide Y-containing fibers and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase-positive (presumably adrenergic) fibers could be observed in the porcine papillae only.  相似文献   

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