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Lu  C; Zhang  J 《Journal of experimental botany》1998,49(327):1671-1679
Analyses of CO2 exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence were carried out to assess photosynthetic performance during senescence of maize leaves. Senescent leaves displayed a significant decrease in CO2 assimilatory capacity accompanied by a decrease in stomatal conductance and an increase in intercellular CO2 concentration. The analyses of fluorescence quenching under steady-state photosynthesis showed that senescence resulted in an increase in non-photochemical quenching and a decrease in photo-chemical quenching. It also resulted in a decrease in the efficiency of excitation energy capture by open PSII reaction centres and the quantum yield of PSII electron transport, but had very little effect on the maximal efficiency of PSII photochemistry. The results determined from the fast fluorescence induction kinetics indicated an increase in the proportion of QB-non-reducing PSII reaction centres and a decrease in the rate of QA reduction in senescent leaves. Theoretical analyses of fluorescence parameters under steady-state photosynthesis suggest that the increase in the non-photochemical quenching was due to an increase in the rate constant to thermal dissipation of excitation energy by PSII and that the decrease in the quantum yield of PSII electron transport was associated with a decrease in the rate constant of PSII photochemistry. Based on these results, it is suggested that the decrease in the quantum yield of PSII electron transport in senescent leaves was down-regulated by an increase in the proportion of QB-non-reducing PSII reaction centres and in the non-photochemical quenching. The photosynthetic electron transport would thus match the decreased demand for ATP and NADPH in carbon assimilation which was inhibited significantly in senescent leaves.Key words: Chlorophyll fluorescence, gas exchange, maize (Zea mays L.), photochemical and non-photochemical quenching, photosystem II photochemistry.   相似文献   

Abstract The effects of tropical solar radiation on the motility of the cyanobacteria Anabaena variabilis, Oscillatoria tenuis and two strains of Phormidium uncinatum were studied in Ghana (4.30°N). The percentages of motile filaments were drastically reduced by unfiltered solar radiation. Covering the organisms with various long pass or band pass filters (WG320, GG395 or UG5) revealed that the UV-B, UV-A and visible light components of the solar spectrum were all effective in impairing motility in these organisms. Only partial recovery was observed and only after short exposure times.  相似文献   

The work continues serial studies on short-term effects of medium-wave ultraviolet radiation (UV-B) at 12.5 kJ/m2 on plants. Special attention is paid to the rapid response of the antioxidant system. Free and conjugated forms of putrescine polyamines (putrescine, spermine, and spermidine), as well as those of cadaverine, are recognized to be constituents of the antioxidant system. These compounds were analyzed in plants 24 h after UV-B irradiation. Thellungiella salsuginea (Pallas) O.E.Schulz, Salvia officinalis L, Plantago major L., and Geum urbanum L. grown in aquatic culture under phytotron conditions were examined. The results support the hypothesis that putrescine plays the chief role in the plant defense response against medium-wave ultraviolet irradiation. Three of four plants manifested an increase in the content of this polyamine in leaves. It is the change that determines the enhanced total level of free polyamines. We failed to reveal a general tendency in dynamics of levels of conjugated forms of spermine, spermidine, and cadaverine; only conjugates of putrescine demonstrated a distinct increase. This study allows a conclusion that contributions of particular polyamines to the protective response primarily depend on the species to which the investigated plant belongs. It is likely that conjugated polyamines can be reserved as a pool necessary for rapid recovery of free polyamine levels.  相似文献   

Sun and shade leaves of several plant species from a neotropical forest were exposed to excessive light to evaluate the responses of photosystem I in comparison to those of photosystem II. Potential photosystem I activity was determined by means of the maximum P700 absorbance change around 810 nm (ΔA810max) in saturating far-red light. Leaf absorbance changes in dependence of increasing far-red light fluence rates were used to calculate a ‘saturation constant’, Ks, representing the far-red irradiance at which half of the maximal absorbance change (ΔA810max/2) was reached in the steady state. Photosystem II efficiency was assessed by measuring the ratio of variable to maximum chlorophyll fluorescence, Fv/Fm, in dark-adapted leaf samples. Strong illumination caused a high degree of photo-inhibition of photosystem II in all leaves, particularly in shade leaves. Exposure to 1800–2000 μ mol photons m2 s1 for 75 min did not substantially affect the potential activity of photosystem I in all species tested, but caused a more than 40-fold increase of Ks in shade leaves, and a three-fold increase of Ks in sun leaves. The increase in Ks was reversible during recovery under low light, and the recovery process was much faster in sun than in shade leaves. The novel effect of high-light stress on the light saturation of P700 oxidation described here may represent a complex reversible mechanism within photosystem I that regulates light-energy dissipation and thus protects photosystem I from photo-oxidative damage. Moreover, we show that under high-light stress a high proportion of P700 accumulates in the oxidized state, P700+. Presumably, conversion of excitation energy to heat by this cation radical may efficiently contribute to photoprotection.  相似文献   

A new species of the family Ancorabolidae Sars, 1909 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida), Arthropsyllus australis sp. n. was collected 1994 during 'Magellan Campaign' of RV 'Victor Hensen' and is described in the present paper. Its inclusion in the genus Arthropsyllus Sars, 1909 is justified by the diagnostic characters of the genus: lack of any dorsal or dorsolateral well-developed processes, body slightly depressed dorsoventrally, body somites with lateral epimeres except cephalothorax and last two abdominal somites. A. australis sp. n. differs from Arthropsyllus serratus Sars, 1909 in the shape of the rostrum, in having moderately-sized sensilla-bearing dorsal and dorsolateral projections on cephalothorax and body somites, and in several differences on mandible, maxillule, maxilla and swimming legs. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Tree seedlings developing in the understory of the tropical forest have to endure short periods of high-light stress when tree-fall gaps are formed, and direct solar radiation, including substantial UV light, reaches the leaves. In experiments simulating the opening of a tree-fall gap, the response of photosynthesis in leaves of shade-acclimated seedlings (Anacardium excelsum, Virola surinamensis, and Calophyllum longifolium) to exposure to direct sunlight (for 20-50 min) was investigated in Panama (9 degrees N). To assess the effects of solar UV-B radiation (280-320 nm), the sunlight was filtered through plastic films that selectively absorbed UV-B or transmitted the complete spectrum. The results document a strong inhibition of CO(2) assimilation by sun exposure. Light-limited and light-saturated rates of photosynthetic CO(2) uptake by the leaves were affected, which apparently occurred independently of a simultaneous inhibition of potential photosystem (PS) II efficiency. The ambient UV-B light substantially contributed to these effects. The photochemical capacity of PSI, measured as absorbance change at 810 nm in saturating far-red light, was not significantly affected by sun exposure of the seedlings. However, a decrease in the efficiency of P700 photooxidation by far-red light was observed, which was strongly promoted by solar UV-B radiation. The decrease in PSI efficiency may result from enhanced charge recombination in the reaction center, which might represent an incipient inactivation of PSI, but contributes to thermal dissipation of excessive light energy and thereby to photoprotection.  相似文献   

Extreme conditions, such as drought, high temperature, and solar irradiance intensity, are major factors limiting growth and productivity of grapevines. In a field experiment, kaolin particle film application on grapevine leaves was examined during two different summer conditions (in 2012 and 2013) with the aim to evaluate benefits of this practice against stressful conditions hindering photochemical processes. We used chlorophyll a fluorescence to investigate attached leaves. Two months after the application, during the hottest midday, the kaolin-treated plants showed by the JIP test significantly higher quantum yield of PSII photochemistry, flux ratios, maximum trapped excitation flux of PSI, absorption flux, electron transport flux, maximum trapped energy flux per cross section, and performance index than plants under control conditions in the warmer year. On the contrary, the treated plants showed a lower initial slope of relative variable fluorescence and a decrease in the absorption and electron transport per cross section. The JIP test showed higher efficiency of PSII in the plants treated with kaolin mainly in 2013 (higher temperature and drought). Our results supported the hypothesis that the accumulation of active PSII reaction centres was associated with decreased susceptibility to photoinhibition in the kaolin-treated plants and with more efficient photochemical quenching. Grapevines in the Douro Region seems to profit from the kaolin application.  相似文献   

Z. Hu  H. Li  S. Chen  Y. Yang 《Photosynthetica》2013,51(1):151-157
Chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence parameters and rapid light curves of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] were measured by pulse amplitude modulation fluorometry. Measurements were taken during different stages of soybean growth under field conditions with 20% enhancement in ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation. Results showed that supplemental UV-B radiation decreased Chl contents by 5.5% (P=0.048), 8.7% (P=0.046), and 10.5% (P=0.005) in seedling, in branching-flowering, and in pod-setting stages, respectively. In the branching-flowering and pod-setting stages, maximum quantum yield of photosystem (PS) II photochemistry (Fv/Fm) decreased by 6.1% (P=0.001) and 3.0% (P=0.009), respectively. Supplemental UV-B radiation significantly decreased the effective quantum yield (Y). The photosynthetic capacity at light saturation (Pm) also decreased in both the seedling and branching-flowering stages by 28.9% (P=0.007) and 15.5% (P=0.041), respectively. However, Y and Pm showed no significant difference in the trefoil and pod-setting stages with and without the UV treatment. The light saturation parameter (E k) decreased by 21.1% (P=0.000) and 23.2% (P=0.029) in the trefoil and seedling stages, respectively. Moreover, the initial slope (α) decreased by 21.1% (P=0.001) in the branching-flowering stage. Nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) in the seedling stage and photochemical quenching coefficient (qp) in the branching-flowering stage decreased significantly under UV-B treatments. The results of the present study suggest that supplemental UV-B radiation adversely affected Chl content and electron transport activity in PSII and consequently decreased the photosynthetic efficiency of soybean plants.  相似文献   

In the last decade, awareness of the harmful effects of solar ultraviolet radiation has increased. Modern lifestyles, outdoor occupations, sports and other activities make total sun avoidance impossible. Children spend more time outdoors than adults and there is compelling evidence that childhood is a particularly vulnerable time for the photocarcinogenic effects of the sun. Sun exposure among infants and pre-school age children is largely depend on the discretion of adult care providers. It is important to learn safe habits about sun-safety behaviours during the childhood. Children deserve to live and play in safe environments, and it is the responsibility of every adult to help children stay safe. Protecting children from excessive sun exposure is protection from sunburn today and other forms of sun damages, especially skin cancers, in the future.  相似文献   

The relationship between solar radiation capture and potential plant growth is of theoretical and practical importance. The key processes constraining the transduction of solar radiation into phyto-energy (i.e. free energy in phytomass) were reviewed to estimate potential solar-energy-use efficiency. Specifically, the out-put:input stoichiometries of photosynthesis and photorespiration in C(3) and C(4) systems, mobilization and translocation of photosynthate, and biosynthesis of major plant biochemical constituents were evaluated. The maintenance requirement, an area of important uncertainty, was also considered. For a hypothetical C(3) grain crop with a full canopy at 30°C and 350 ppm atmospheric [CO(2) ], theoretically potential efficiencies (based on extant plant metabolic reactions and pathways) were estimated at c. 0.041 J J(-1) incident total solar radiation, and c. 0.092 J J(-1) absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). At 20°C, the calculated potential efficiencies increased to 0.053 and 0.118 J J(-1) (incident total radiation and absorbed PAR, respectively). Estimates for a hypothetical C(4) cereal were c. 0.051 and c. 0.114 J J(-1), respectively. These values, which cannot be considered as precise, are less than some previous estimates, and the reasons for the differences are considered. Field-based data indicate that exceptional crops may attain a significant fraction of potential efficiency.  相似文献   

Drought stress has multiple effects on the photosynthetic apparatus. Herein, we aimed to study the effect of drought stress on fluorescence characteristics of PSII in leaves of Plectranthus scutellarioides and explore potentially underlying mechanisms. Plants of P. scutellarioides were grown in a greenhouse and subjected to drought (DS, drought-stressed) or daily irrigation (control group). Leaf chlorophyll (Chl) index and induction kinetics curves of Chl a fluorescence and the JIP-test were used to evaluate effects of drought lasting for 20 d. Our results showed that both the leaf and soil relative water content decreased with increasing treatment duration. The leaf Chl index was reduced to half in the DS plants compared with the control group after 20 d. The minimal fluorescence in the DS plants was higher than that in the control plants after 10 d of the treatment. Maximum photochemical efficiency and lateral reactivity decreased with increasing treatment duration in the DS plants. With the continuing treatment, values of absorption flux per reaction center (RC), trapped energy flux per RC, dissipated energy flux per RC, and electron transport flux per RC increased in the earlier stage in the DS plants, while obviously decreased at the later stage of the treatment. In conclusion, drought stress inhibited the electron transport and reduced PSII photochemical activity in leaves of P. scutellarioides.  相似文献   

Lu  C; Zhang  J 《Journal of experimental botany》1999,50(336):1199-1206
Modulated chlorophyll fluorescence, rapid fluorescence induction kinetics and the polyphasic fluorescence transients (OJIP) were used to evaluate PSII photochemistry in wheat plants exposed to water stress and/or heat stress (25-45C). Water stress showed no effects on the maximal quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm), the rapid fluorescence induction kinetics, and the polyphasic fluorescence transients in dark-adapted leaves, indicating that water stress had no effects on the primary photochemistry of PSII. However, in light-adapted leaves, water stress reduced the efficiency of excitation energycapture by open PSII reaction centres (F'v/F'm) and the quantum yield of PSII electron transport (PSII), increased the non-photochemical quenching (qN) and showed no effects on the photochemical quenching (qP). This suggests that water stress modified the PSII photochemistry in the light-adapted leaves and such modifications may be a mechanism to down-regulate the photosynthetic electron transport to match a decreased CO2 assimilation. In addition, water stress also modified the responses of PSII to heat stress. When temperature was above 35C, thermostability of PSII was strongly enhanced in water-stressed leaves, which was reflected in a less decrease in Fv/Fm, qP, F'v/F'm, and PSII in water-stressed leaves than in well-watered leaves. There were no significant variations in the above fluorescence parameters between moderately and severely water-stressed plants, indicating that the moderate water-stressed plants, indicating that the moderate water stress treatment caused the same effects on thermostability of PSII as the severe treatment. It was found that increased thermostability of PSII may be associated with an improvement of resistance of the O2-evolving complex and the reaction centres in water-stressed plants to high temperature.Key words: Chlorophyll fluorescence, heat stress, photosystem II photochemistry, water stress, wheat (Tritium aestivum L.).   相似文献   

Leaf discs of Capsicum annuum L. were illuminated in air enriched with 1% CO2 in the absence or presence of lincomycin, an inhibitor of chloroplast-encoded protein synthesis. The loss of functional photosystem (PS) II complexes with increase in cumulative light dose (photon exposure), assessed by the O2 yield per single-turnover flash, was greater in leaves of plants grown in low light than those in high light; it was also exacerbated in the presence of lincomycin. A single exponential decay can describe the relationship between the loss of functional PSII and increase in cumulative photon exposure. From this relationship we obtained both the maximum quantum yield of photoinactivation of PSII at limiting photon exposures and the coefficient k, interpreted as the probability of photoinactivation of PSII per unit photon exposure. Parallel measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence after light treatment showed that 1/Fo−1/Fm was linearly correlated with the functionality of PSII, where Fo and Fm are the chlorophyll fluorescence yields corresponding to open and closed PSII reaction centers, respectively. Using 1/Fo−1/Fm as a convenient indicator of PSII functionality, it was found that PSII is present in excess; only after the loss of about 40% functional PSII complexes did PSII begin to limit photosynthetic capacity in capsicum leaves.  相似文献   

Human exposure to harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation has important public health implications. Actual human exposure to solar UV radiation depends on ambient UV irradiance, and the latter is influenced by ground reflection. In urban areas with higher reflectivity, UV exposure occurs routinely. To discover the solar UV radiation regulation mechanism of vegetation, the spectral reflectance and transmittance of plant leaves were measured with a spectrophotometer. Typically, higher plants have low leaf reflectance (around 5%) and essentially zero transmittance throughout the UV region regardless of plant species and seasonal change. Accordingly, incident UV radiation decreases to 5% by being reflected and is reduced to zero by passing through a leaf. Therefore, stratified structures of vegetation are working as another terminator of UV rays, protecting whole terrestrial ecosystems, while vegetation at waterfronts contributes to protect aquatic ecosystems. It is possible to protect the human population from harmful UV radiation by urban landscape design of tree shade and the botanical environment. Even thin but uniformly distributed canopy is effective in attenuating UV radiation. To intercept diffuse radiation, UV screening by vertical structures such as hedges should be considered. Reflectivity of vegetation is around 2%, as foliage surfaces reduce incident UV radiation via reflection, while also eliminating it by transmittance. Accordingly, vegetation reduces incident UV radiation to around 2% by reflection. Vegetation influence on ambient UV radiation is broad-spectrum throughout the UV region. Only trees provide cool UV protective shade. Urban landscapes aimed at abating urban heat islands integrated with a reduction of human UV over-exposure would contribute to mitigation of climate change.  相似文献   

The effects of osmotic dehydration in wheat leaves ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Longchun No. 10) on the photochemical function and protein metabolism of PSII were studied with isolated thylakoid and PSII membranes. The results indicated that PSII was rather resistant to water stress as mild water deficit in leaves did nut significantly affect its activity. However, extreme stress conditions such as 40% decrease in relative water content (RWC) or 1.8 MPa in water potential (Ψ) caused ca 50% reduction in O2 evolution and ca 25% inhibition of DCIP (2.6-dichlorophenol indophenol) photoreduction of PSII. In addition, it was found that the inhibited DCIP photoreduction of PSII could not be reversed by DPC (2.2-diphenylcarbazide), a typical electron donor to PSII, suggesting that water stress did not affect electron donation to PSII. Urea-SDS-PAGE and western blot analysis showed that the steady slate levels of major PSII proteins, including the D1 and D2 proteins in the PSII reaction center, declined on a chlorophyll basis with increasing water stress, possibly as a result of increased degradation. In vitro translation experiments and quantitative analysis of chloroplast RNAs indicated that the potential synthesis of chloroplast proteins from their mRNAs was impaired by water stress. From the results it is concluded that the effects of water stress on PSII protein metabolism, especially on the reaction center proteins, may account for the damage to PSII photochemistry.  相似文献   

In etiolated pea and maize leaves illuminated after incubation at 38 degreesC, a new dark reaction was shown manifested in the bathochromic shift of spectral bands and accompanied by esterification of the product of protochlorophyllide photochemical reduction--Chld 684/676: Chld 684/676 --> Chl 688/680. After completion of the reaction a rapid (20-30 sec) quenching of the fluorescence of the reaction product (Chl 688/680) was observed. The reaction Chld 684/676 --> Chl 688/680 is inhibited under anaerobic conditions and in the presence of cyanide; the reaction accompanied by Chl 688/680 fluorescence quenching is not observed in pea mutants with impaired function of photosystem II reaction centers. The spectral properties of the formed Chl form with the absorption maximum at 680 nm, fluorescence quenching, and simultaneous synthesis of pheophytin suggest that the reaction is connected with the chlorophyll of photosystem II reaction center--P-680.  相似文献   

Green plant photosystem II (PSII) is involved in the light reactions of photosynthesis, which take place in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast. PSII is organized into large supercomplexes with variable amounts of membrane-bound peripheral antenna complexes. These supercomplexes are dimeric and contain usually 2-4 copies of trimeric LHCII complexes and have a further tendency to associate into megacomplexes or into crystalline domains, of which several types have been characterized. This review focuses on the overall composition and structure of the PSII supercomplex of green plants and its organization and interactions within the photosynthetic membrane. Further, we present the current knowledge how the thylakoid membrane is three-dimensionally organized within the chloroplast. We also discuss how the supramolecular organization in the thylakoid membrane and the PSII flexibility may play roles in various short-term regulatory mechanisms of green plant photosynthesis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosystem II.  相似文献   

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