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The segmental heritage of all vertebrates is evident in the character of the vertebral column. And yet, the extent to which direct translation of pattern from the somitic mesoderm and de novo cell and tissue interactions pattern the vertebral column remains a fundamental, unresolved issue. The elements of vertebral column pattern under debate include both segmental pattern and anteroposterior regional specificity. Understanding how vertebral segmentation and anteroposterior positional identity are patterned requires understanding vertebral column cellular and developmental biology. In this study, we characterized alignment of somites and vertebrae, distribution of individual sclerotome progeny along the anteroposterior axis and development of the axial skeleton in zebrafish. Our clonal analysis of zebrafish sclerotome shows that anterior and posterior somite domains are not lineage-restricted compartments with respect to distribution along the anteroposterior axis but support a 'leaky' resegmentation in development from somite to vertebral column. Alignment of somites with vertebrae suggests that the first two somites do not contribute to the vertebral column. Characterization of vertebral column development allowed examination of the relationship between vertebral formula and expression patterns of zebrafish Hox genes. Our results support co-localization of the anterior expression boundaries of zebrafish hoxc6 homologs with a cervical/thoracic transition and also suggest Hox-independent patterning of regionally specific posterior vertebrae.  相似文献   

Interest in developmental interactions involving the notochord and perinotochordal sheath led to a comparative investigation of these structures in three mouse mutants. Alcian blue or periodic acid-Schiff staining of 9 1/2-13 days' gestational age embryos revealed a supernumerary notochordal-like mass of cells or a deflected notochord in association with duplication of the neural tube in mice of the duplicitas posterior stock. The perinotochordal sheath and basement membrane of the accessory notochordal masses were frequently defective. Patch and Tail-short embryos were also utilized for study by means of light microscopy using Alcian blue staining. In Patch embryos, although the notochord was sometimes compressed dorso-ventrally, it had an intact perinotochordal sheath and a defined, but undulated, basement membrane. Mesenchymal cells between the notochord and neural tube were occasionally replaced by cell-free space. In contrast, in Tail-short embryos a poorly formed, lightly staining or totally absent notochordal sheath was revealed. Indeed, it was sometimes difficult to distinguish the notochord from surrounding mesenchymal cells. In both the Patch and Tail-short embryos the notochord was also deflected from its medial position. In the three mutants studied, the direct or indirect effect of gene action appeared to be on the notochord and perinotochordal sheath, and the important role of these structures in abnormal axial development was established.  相似文献   

Growth of the human vertebral column. An osteological study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R S Tulsi 《Acta anatomica》1971,79(4):570-580

Paleopathological data provide valuable information about health, longevity and mortality in earlier human populations. We investigated the incidence of spinal pathologies on 54 individuals (1045 vertebrae and 18 sacral bones) that belong to a medieval skeletal series discovered in the Dalheim monastery (Northwest Germany) and compared them with contemporary and recent populations. The skeletons were analyzed with anthropological methods (sex and age determination), by macroscopic inspection, and, if pathologies of the spine and the sacrum were visible, also by X-ray. We investigated evidence of trauma, specific and nonspecific infectious diseases, joint diseases, tumors, and congenital as well as metabolic disorders. Radiocarbon determination of four samples of different specimens was also undertaken revealing a historic dating of ca. 1050 AD. The most common pathological findings were degenerative changes of the spine found in 29 individuals (53.3%). Examples of infections of the spine were rare (0.8% of all vertebrae). There were no cases of traumatic injuries of the spine. The prevalence of spondylosis deformans, the most commonly found type of pathology was found to be higher in the lumbar region, in males as well as in individuals of low stature.  相似文献   

Modular theory predicts that hierarchical developmental processes generate hierarchical phenotypic units that are capable of independent modification. The vertebral column is an overtly modular structure, and its rapid phenotypic transformation in cetacean evolution provides a case study for modularity. Terrestrial mammals have five morphologically discrete vertebral series that are now known to be coincident with Hox gene expression patterns. Here, I present the hypothesis that in living Carnivora and Artiodactyla, and by inference in the terrestrial ancestors of whales, the series are themselves components of larger precaudal and caudal modular units. Column morphology in a series of fossil and living whales is used to predict the type and sequence of developmental changes responsible for modification of that ancestral pattern. Developmental innovations inferred include independent meristic additions to the precaudal column in basal archaeocetes and basilosaurids, stepwise homeotic reduction of the sacral series in protocetids, and dissociation of the caudal series into anterior tail and fluke subunits in basilosaurids. The most dramatic change was the novel association of lumbar and anterior caudal vertebrae in a module that crosses the precaudal/caudal boundary. This large unit is defined by shared patterns of vertebral morphology, count, and size in all living whales (Neoceti).  相似文献   

Patterns of vertebral variation across mammals have seldom been quantified, making it difficult to test hypotheses of covariation within the axial skeleton and mechanisms behind the high level of vertebral conservatism among mammals. We examined variation in vertebral counts within 42 species of mammals, representing monotremes, marsupials and major clades of placentals. These data show that xenarthrans and afrotherians have, on average, a high proportion of individuals with meristic deviations from species' median series counts. Monotremes, xenarthrans, afrotherians and primates show relatively high variation in thoracolumbar vertebral count. Among the clades sampled in our dataset, rodents are the least variable, with several species not showing any deviations from median vertebral counts, or vertebral anomalies such as asymmetric ribs or transitional vertebrae. Most mammals show significant correlations between sacral position and length of the rib cage; only a few show a correlation between sacral position and number of sternebrae. The former result is consistent with the hypothesis that adult axial skeletal structures patterned by distinct mesodermal tissues are modular and covary; the latter is not. Variable levels of correlation among these structures may indicate that the boundaries of prim/abaxial mesodermal precursors of the axial skeleton are not uniform across species. We do not find evidence for a higher frequency of vertebral anomalies in our sample of embryos or neonates than in post-natal individuals of any species, contrary to the hypothesis that stabilizing selection plays a major role in vertebral patterning.  相似文献   

Male and female chimpanzees from Gombe National Park, Tanzania (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) differ in live body weights but not in cranial capacity or fore-and hindlimb long bone lengths. Skeletal dimensions of the limbs and vertebral column indicate a mosaic of sex differences. Vertebral column measurements generally are greater in males. While linear measurements identify differences in the breadth and depth of the lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae, areal assessments show significant differences in weight-bearing surfaces throughout the thoracic and lumbar segments. These can be interpreted in terms of distribution of weight and body composition (i.e. amount of musculature).  相似文献   

Cervical vertebral elongation has been studied using serial cephalometric radiographs of 32 children examined regularly from 0.25 to 17 years. Mean vertebral body heights increased rapidly to about 2.5 years and then decelerated except for a spurt at about the age of peak height velocity. There were only small sex differences in vertebral body elongation to 12 years. From then to 15 years, the vertebral body heights in the girls exceeded those in the boys; later this sex difference was reversed. There was no pubertal spurt in disc elongation. The correlation coefficients were negative between vertebral body heights and the heights of adjoining intervertebral discs, e.g., body C3 and disc C3–4, but those between body heights or between disc heights were positive. The heights of adjacent cervical vertebral bodies were correlated more highly than the heights of non-adjacent bodies. There was a similar pattern of differences between correlation coefficients for the heights of adjacent and non-adjacent intervertebral discs.  相似文献   

Aggrecan is a large chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan whose expression is both cell-specific and developmentally regulated. Cloning and sequencing of the 1.8-kilobase genomic 5'-flanking sequence of the chick aggrecan gene revealed the presence of potential tissue-specific control elements including a consensus sequence found in the cartilage-associated silencers, CSIIS1 and CSIIS2, that were first characterized in the type II collagen promoter sequences, as well as numerous other cis elements. Transient transfections of chick sternal chondrocytes and fibroblasts with reporter plasmids bearing progressively deleted portions of the chick aggrecan promoter and enhancer region demonstrated cell type-specific promoter activity and identified a 420-base pair region in the genomic 5-flanking region responsible for negative regulation of the aggrecan gene. In this report, three complementary methods, DNase I footprinting assays, transient transfections, and electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA), provided an integral approach to better understand the regulation of the aggrecan gene. DNase I footprinting revealed that six regions of this genomic sequence bind to nuclear proteins in a tissue-specific manner. Transient transfection of reporter constructs bearing ablations of these protected sequences showed that four of the six protected sequences, which contain the sequence TCCTCC or TCCCCT, had repressor activities in transfected chick chondrocytes. Cross-competition EMSA using nuclear protein extracted from chondrocytes or fibroblasts explored the contributions of the different sequence elements in formation of DNA-protein complexes specific to cell type. This is the first parallel examination of the EMSA patterns for six functionally defined cis elements with highly similar sequences, using protein from primary cultured cells.  相似文献   

An analysis of measurements (anterior and posterior heights and middle body breadth) of 6,357 vertebrae and 336 sacral bones (length, superior breadth and promontory angle) of 539 adult persons from the 1st and the 2nd millennium burial grounds was performed. It was established that longitudinal and transversal measurements are rather weakly correlated. The factor of sex plays a major role in variability of vertebral measurements (up t0 40% from the total sum of factors). Certain sexual differences in a vertebral body form were also noted. The age has slight though significant influence (up to 8%) on vertebral body breadths, that was probably connected with age-related degenerative changes. The influence of the secular factor on vertebral variability was minimal. Only slight to moderate correlations with total body measurements were found. The conclusion was made that vertebral column measurements are of little value in interpopulational comparisons, at least for Europid samples, butthey could be of considerable interest for forensic anthropology.  相似文献   

The systems analysis of spinal X-ray films (SASXF) developed by the author solves the problem of an integral and, concurrently, detailed study of the spine of a patient on the basis of routine X-ray study. The examination of the patient gave rise to a patient's systems spinal model that considers the individual features of the vertebral column, which are most significant for a manual therapist's work. The standards of a X-ray study, a protocol form, and examination tools are described. An example of systems spinal model is given. The experience accumulated during studies of more than 2000 patients has shown that this procedure is highly effective in implementing medical manipulations by the methods of manual therapy.  相似文献   

The systems analysis of spinal X-ray films (SASXF) developed by the author solves the problem of an integral and, concurrently, detailed study of the spine of a patient on the basis of routine X-ray study. The examination of the patient gave rise to a patient's systems spinal model that considers the individual features of the vertebral column, which are most significant for a manual therapist's work. The standards of a X-ray study, a protocol form, and examination tools are described. An example of systems spinal model is given. The experience accumulated during studies of more than 2000 patients has shown that this procedure is highly effective in implementing medical manipulations by the methods of manual therapy.  相似文献   

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