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Vanadium binding substance has been partially purified through chromatographies on Sephadex G-25 and SE-Cellulose at pH 2.3. The binding substance was colorless, relatively stable and maintained vanadium ion. The vanadium ion in the substance existed in vanadyl form (VO(IV)). Furthermore, the substance had an apparent affinity for exogenous vanadium ion(V) and contained a reducing sugar.  相似文献   

We have isolated, by hydroxyapatite chromatography with a non ionic detergent and a high salt concentration, a non-glycosylated, membrane protein with a relative molecular weight of 34 kDa that had previously been found to be a major constituent of the membrane protein fraction showing ribosome-binding activity derived from rat liver rough microsomes (RM). The isolated 34 kDa protein (p34), when incorporated into a liposome model membrane, exhibited significant binding activity toward ribosomes, its binding properties being similar to those observed with intact RM. Immunochemical analyses using antibodies directed against p34 suggested that it is a membrane-embedded RM surface protein, which is specifically localized in ribosome-attached organelles and widely distributed among mammalian tissues. These results would constitute evidence that p34 is a likely candidate for an RM ribosome-binding protein.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, anti-Pisaster matrix-1 (anti-PM1) has been developed against an extracellular matrix antigen, Pisaster matrix-1 (PM1) found in embryos and larvae of the starfish Pisaster ochraceus . Pisaster matrix-1 was first observed in endodermal cells of the early gastrula, and shortly thereafter it was secreted into the blastocoel where it accumulated steadily during gastrulation. During the late gastrula stage it also appeared in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the gut lumen. Immunogold electron microscopy with anti-PM1 revealed that PM1 was found in condensations of ECM associated with blastocoel matrix fibers, in the trans Golgi network, in Golgi-associated vesicles in endoderm and mesenchyme cells and throughout the ECM lining the digestive tract of late gastrula and bipinnaria larvae. When blastula or early gastrula stage embryos were grown in the presence of the PM1 antibody, archenteron elongation, bending and mouth formation failed to occur. Pisaster matrix-1 stained with alcian blue and its assembly could be disrupted with the common inhibitor of O-linked glycosaminoglycan assembly, β-xyloside but not by tunicamycin. It was not sensitive to enzymes that degrade vertebrate proteoglycans. Pisaster matrix-1 is a large (600 kDa) proteoglycan-like glycosaminoglycan, secreted exclusively by endodermal and/or endodermally derived cells that may be necessary for morphogenesis of the mouth and digestive tract of Pisaster ochraceus embryos/larvae.  相似文献   

Morula, compartment, signet ring, orange, lymphocyte and amoebocyte (granular and agranular) cells have been identified in the blood of A. callosa; in addition, nephrocytes have been described. Blood cell lysates contain a yellow chromogen with spectrophotometric and fluorimetric properties similar to tunichrome. The fluorescent characteristics of each of the seven blood cell types were determined using microspectrofluorimetry. Vanadium in A. callosa blood cells is primarily associated with tunichrome extracts, although lesser amounts are measurable in blood plasma and blood cell residues; both vanadium and tunichrome concentrations are in the order morula greater than compartment greater than signet ring cells.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet A (UVA) irradiation of the dorsal skin of mice reduced the contact hypersensitivity (CHS) response and the density of epidermal Langerhans cells (LC). The roles of nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in these biological effects of UVA were investigated. Topical application of N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine acetate, an inhibitor of NO production, 2,2'-dipyridyl, an iron chelater, or 4-hydroxy-tempo, a superoxide dismutase mimicking agent, inhibited UVA-induced suppression of the CHS response. N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine acetate but not the ROS inhibitors prevented UVA from reducing LC numbers in the epidermis. This suggests that NO but not ROS produced in response to UVA mediates a depletion of LC from the epidermis, probably by signaling these cells to migrate from the skin. This could be responsible for UVA-induced immunosuppression. UVA-induced ROS can also cause immunosuppression, but by a different mechanism. Agents that inhibit or modulate NO or ROS production may be useful for preventing damage caused by the UVA component of sunlight to the skin immune system.  相似文献   

The isolation of a 'palmitone lipid' from Corynebacterium diphtheriae is described. The use of a temporary hydrophobic protecting group allows the obtaining of the lipid in free and pure form. Structural studies by chemical degradation and mass spectrometry allow one to propose structure Ic for this compound, namely 6-(2-tetradecyl 3-keto octadecanoyl)-alpha-D-trehalose. This structure was confirmed by chemical synthesis.  相似文献   

Human erythrocytes contain an unidentified plasma membrane redox system that can reduce extracellular monodehydroascorbate by using intracellular ascorbate (Asc) as an electron donor. Here we show that human erythrocyte membranes contain a cytochrome b(561) (Cyt b(561)) and hypothesize that it may be responsible for this activity. Of three evolutionarily closely related Cyts b(561), immunoblots of human erythrocyte membranes showed only the duodenal cytochrome b(561) (DCytb) isoform. DCytb was also found in guinea pig erythrocyte membranes but not in erythrocyte membranes from the mouse or rat. Mouse erythrocytes lost a majority of the DCytb in the late erythroblast stage during erythropoiesis. Absorption spectroscopy showed that human erythrocyte membranes contain an Asc-reducible b-type Cyt having the same spectral characteristics as recombinant DCytb and biphasic reduction kinetics, similar to those of the chromaffin granule Cyt b(561). In contrast, mouse erythrocytes did not exhibit Asc-reducible b-type Cyt activity. Furthermore, in contrast to mouse erythrocytes, human erythrocytes much more effectively preserved extracellular Asc and transferred electrons from intracellular Asc to extracellular ferricyanide. These results suggest that the DCytb present in human erythrocytes may contribute to their ability to reduce extracellular monodehydroascorbate.  相似文献   

A new fluorescent compound, factor(420) (F(420)), which is involved in the hydrogen metabolism of hydrogen-grown Methanobacterium strain M.o.H. has been isolated and purified. Acid hydrolysis of this compound with 6 m HCl for 24 hr releases a ninhydrin-positive compound (glutamic acid), an acid-stable chromophore, phosphate, and an ether-soluble phenolic component. Factor(420) may be reduced by either sodium dithionite or sodium borohydride at pH 7.3 with concomitant loss of its fluorescence and its major absorption peak at 420 nm. Crude cell-free extracts of strain M.o.H. reduce F(420) only under a hydrogen atmosphere. F(420) is photolabile aerobically in neutral and basic solutions, whereas the acid-stable chromophore is not photolabile under these conditions. An approximate molecular weight of 630 +/- 8% for F(420) was determined by Sephadex G-25 chromatography. At the present time, F(420) is proposed as a trivial name for the unknown fluorescent compound because of its strong absorption maximum of 420 nm at pH 7.  相似文献   

A panel of primary human cells and virus-transformed derivatives were tested for events that coincide with immortalization. In all primary and precrisis cells, two proteins of 92 and 150 kDa that shared an epitope with p53 were found; in most of their immortalized derivatives, however, they were absent. Expression of these proteins may be involved in senescence.  相似文献   

Partially permeabilized rat adipocytes with a high responsiveness to insulin were prepared by electroporation and used to study the effect of 1-(5-isoquinolinylsulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine (H-7) on insulin actions in adipocytes. H-7 is a well-documented inhibitor of several protein kinases, including protein kinase C; however, it does not rapidly enter adipocytes protected with the intact plasma membrane. The cells were suspended in Buffer X [4.74 mM NaCl, 118.0 mM KCl, 0.38 mM CaCl2, 1.00 mM EGTA, 1.19 mM Mg2SO4, 1.19 mM KH2PO4, 25.0 mM Hepes/K, 20 mg/ml bovine serum albumin, and 3 mM pyruvate/Na, pH 7.4] and electroporated six times with a Gene-Pulser (from Bio-Rad) set at 25 microF and 2 kV/cm. In cells electroporated as above, insulin stimulated (a) membrane-bound, cAMP phosphodiesterase approximately 2.6-fold when the hormone concentration was 10 nM and (b) glucose transport activity approximately 4.5-fold when the hormone concentration was raised to 100 nM. H-7 strongly inhibited the actions of insulin on both glucose transport (apparent Ki = 0.3 mM) and cAMP phosphodiesterase (apparent Ki = 1.2 mM) in electroporated adipocytes. H-7 also inhibited lipolysis in adipocytes; the apparent Ki value for the reaction in intact cells was 0.45 mM, and that in electroporated cells was 0.075 mM. It is suggested that a certain protein kinase or kinases that are significantly sensitive to H-7 may be involved in the insulin-dependent stimulation of glucose transport and that of phosphodiesterase. However, protein kinase C (or Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase) may not be involved, at least, in the hormonal action on phosphodiesterase since the apparent Ki value of H-7 for the reaction is too high.  相似文献   

The key role for mitochondria in mammalian apoptosis, a form of programmed cell death (PCD), is well established, but a similar role for plant mitochondria is just emerging. In order to unravel the molecular mechanisms linking plant mitochondria to the downstream events of PCD, we have developed an Arabidopsis cell-free system that can be used to monitor biochemical and morphological changes in isolated nuclei that are associated with PCD. Using this system, two activities that resulted in nuclear DNA degradation could be distinguished, both of which were facilitated by the addition of mitochondria. One activity mediated the generation of 30 kb DNA fragments within 3 h and chromatin condensation within 6 h, when nuclei were incubated with mitochondria alone. The second activity required cytosolic extract in addition to mitochondria and resulted in oligonucleosome-sized DNA cleavage after >12 h. Submitochondrial fractionation and pharmacological studies suggested the presence of an Mg2+-dependent nuclease activity in the intermembrane space, which is responsible for the former in vitro activity. The evolutionary conservation of the role of mitochondria in PCD in animals and plants is discussed.  相似文献   

We have determined the structures of six oligosaccharides isolated from human milk using a monoclonal antibody, MSW 113. The isolation involved affinity chromatography on a column of the immobilized monoclonal antibody and high-performance liquid chromatography. From the results of 500 and 600 mHz 1H NMR spectroscopy and fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry their structures were deduced to be: [formula; see text] Two of these oligosaccharides, numbers 4 and 5, have not previously been described. All of them bound to MSW 113, but their reactivities are weaker than those of sialyl-Le(a) oligosaccharides. The results indicate that MSW 113 reacts with oligosaccharides with the mono- and disialyl-Le(a), and other sialyl type 1 structures.  相似文献   

Three sialosphingolipids have been isolated from a lipid extract of gonads of the sea urchin Echinocardium cordatum by partition dialysis and DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. The structure of the sialosphingolipid containing sulfate group has been established. On the basis of the results of total and partial acid hydrolysis, methanolysis, methylation, periodate oxidation and enzymatic hydrolysis with neuraminidase the sulfated sialosphingolipid was identified as 8-sulfate-sialyl-alpha-(2 leads to 6)glucopyranosyl-(1 leads to 1)ceramide. The long-chain bases were mainly phytosphingosine and its C16 homologue. The fatty acids of the sialosphingolipid were the mixture of normal and alpha-hydroxy fatty acids, their compositions were analysed by gas-liquid chromatography.  相似文献   

A full-length complementary DNA clone from a normal human mammary epithelial cell (strain 184) encoding a 25-kilodalton protein, HME1, was isolated. Expression of HME1 RNA appears to be limited to epithelial cells. The HME1 sequence has extensive sequence homology with bovine 14-3-3 protein, which is an activator of tyrosine and tryptophan hydroxylase. However, the tissue distribution, arrangement of charged amino acids, and location of potential phosphorylation sites of HME1 differ from those of 14-3-3. Compared with normal mammary epithelial cells, expression of HME1 RNA was dramatically low in two cell lines derived from human mammary carcinoma that were examined, and in a line of normal mammary epithelial cells transformed by oncogenes. HME1 therefore appears to be a cellular differentiation marker that may be down-regulated during neoplastic transformation.  相似文献   

A galactofuranosyl-containing glycopeptide has been isolated from mycelium ofAscobolus furfuraceus by extraction with water. The glycoconjugate was purified by DEAE-cellulose chromatography followed by gel filtration. A molecular weight of about 20 000 was determined by the latter method using standard dextrans. Neutral sugars accounted for 94.5% of the glycopeptide and were characterized as mannose, galactose, and glucose. Glucosamine was estimated colorimetrically (1.8%). The molar ratio of Man:Gal:Glc:GlcNH2 was 68:32:16:2. A trace amount of total phosphorus (0.2%) was found. The predominant amino acids were threonine and serine. The peptide moiety was labeled with [14C]formaldehyde and the elution of radioactivity was coincident with sugar on gel filtration in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The peak of radioactivity was retarded on release of galactose by mild acid hydrolysis. These results confirm the sugar-peptide linkage.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin (PG) endoperoxide synthetase was purified until homogeneity had been attained. The pure enzyme displays both cyclooxygenase and peroxidase activity, in accordance with the work of MIYAMOTO et al. (J. biol. Chem. 252, 2629--2636 (1976)). This enzyme therefore converts arachidonic acid into PGH2. Glutathione S-transferases, in the presence of glutathione, convert PGH2 into a mixture of PGF2alpha, PGE2 and PGD2. A new transferase in sheep lung gives mainly PGF2alpha and PGD2. Isolation and properties of these enzymes will be discussed. Finally, progress will be reported on the isolation of a soluble enzyme from various rat organs such as lung and spleen, which forms almost exclusively prostaglandin D.  相似文献   

Papoyan A  Kochian LV 《Plant physiology》2004,136(3):3814-3823
Thlaspi caerulescens is a heavy metal hyperaccumulator plant species that is able to accumulate extremely high levels of zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) in its shoots (30,000 microg g(-1) Zn and 10,000 microg g(-1) Cd), and has been the subject of intense research as a model plant to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms of heavy metal hyperaccumulation and tolerance and as a source of genes for developing plant species better suited for the phytoremediation of metal-contaminated soils. In this study, we report on the results of a yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisae) complementation screen aimed at identifying candidate heavy metal tolerance genes in T. caerulescens. A number of Thlaspi genes that conferred Cd tolerance to yeast were identified, including possible metal-binding ligands from the metallothionein gene family, and a P-type ATPase that is a member of the P1B subfamily of purported heavy metal-translocating ATPases. A detailed characterization of the Thlaspi heavy metal ATPase, TcHMA4, demonstrated that it mediates yeast metal tolerance via active efflux of a number of different heavy metals (Cd, Zn, lead [Pb], and copper [Cu]) out of the cell. However, in T. caerulescens, based on differences in tissue-specific and metal-responsive expression of this transporter compared with its homolog in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), we suggest that it may not be involved in metal tolerance. Instead, we hypothesize that it may play a role in xylem loading of metals and thus could be a key player in the hyperaccumulation phenotype expressed in T. caerulescens. Additionally, evidence is presented showing that the C terminus of the TcHMA4 protein, which contains numerous possible heavy metal-binding His and Cys repeats residues, participates in heavy metal binding. When partial peptides from this C-terminal domain were expressed in yeast, they conferred an extremely high level of Cd tolerance and Cd hyperaccumulation. The possibilities for enhancing the metal tolerance and phytoremediation potential of higher plants via expression of these metal-binding peptides are also discussed.  相似文献   

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