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The cotyledons of Euphorbia lathyris L. take up sucrose andamino acids from the endosperm. The interaction between theuptake of sucrose and that of amino acids by cotyledons of intactseedlings was investigated. Sucrose (100 mol m–3) reducedvaline uptake to 75% of the control rate; the active uptakecomponent of valine uptake was reduced from 45 to 25 % of thetotal uptake rate. In a reverse experiment, 100 mol m–3valine inhibited sucrose uptake by 25%. At 500 mol m–3sucrose, valine uptake was completely restored to the controlrate, whereas high valine concentrations failed to restore sucroseuptake. The stimulation of valine uptake by sucrose is linkedto the role of sucrose as a primary respiratory substrate. Whenthe cotyledons were bathed in sucrose concentrations rangingfrom 0 to 100 mol m–3 (these concentrations are non-saturatingwith respect to sucrose uptake), a constant 1.8% of the sucrosetaken up was respired. The Km of the concentration-dependentsucrose oxidation (44±6 mol m–3) agreed reasonablywell with that for sucrose uptake (29±6 mol m–3).When the external sucrose concentration was increased from 100to 600 mol m–3, the sucrose uptake increased by 30% again,while sucrose oxidation was increased by 300%. This increasewas not due to an increased engagement of the alternative (cyanide-resistant)pathway for respiration. Alternative pathway, Euphorbia lathyris L., fermentation, seedling, sucrose uptake, valine uptake  相似文献   

To elucidate the mechanism responsible for the superior growthof a selected line of carrot cells (Daucus carota L. cv MS Yonsun)in medium that contained AIPO4, kinetic studies of the uptakeof phosphate and the efficiency of utilization of phosphatewere performed with the selected cells and the wild-type cells.When the two cell lines were grown in a medium with adequatesoluble phosphate (2 mM), there was no difference between theirgrowth rates. Rates of increase in fresh weight as a functionof increasing concentration of phosphate in the medium werealso identical between the cell lines, indicating that the efficiencyof utilization of phosphate by the selected cell line was similarto that by the wild-type cells. However, rate of uptake of phosphateby the selected cells under phosphate limited conditions (20µMNaH2PO4 at pH 5.6) was about 5-fold higher than that by thewild-type cells. Apparent Km values for the uptake of phosphatewere calculated to be 13.6 and 9.1 µM for the selectedand the wild-type cells, respectively. The Vmax valuewas estimatedto be 88.8 nmol per g fresh weight per min for the selectedcells and 28.2 for thewild-type cells. Thus, the selected cellshas an enhanced system for uptake of phosphate wherebytherewas an increase in the rate of the uptake without any dramaticchange in the affinity for phosphateions. (Received September 21, 1991; Accepted December 25, 1991)  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the purification of phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylase (EC [EC] ) and NADP-dependent malic enzyme (EC1.1.1.40 [EC] ) from sugar cane leaves. Each enzyme was purified tohomogeneity as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamidegel electro-phoresis, with about 30% yield. Phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylase was purified 54-fold. A molecular weight of 400,000and a homotetrameric structure were determined for the nativeenzyme. The purified carboxylase had a specific activity of20.0 {diaeresis}mol (mg protein)–1 min–1, and wasactivated by glucose-6-phosphate and inhibited by L-malate.Km values at pH 8.0 for phosphoenolpyruvate and bicarbonatewere 0.25 and O.l0 mM, respectively. NADP-malic enzyme, 356-foldpurified, exhibited a specific activity of 71.2 {diaeresis}mol(mg protein)–1 min–1 and was characterized as ahomotetramer with native molecular weight of 250,000. Purifiedmalic enzyme showed an absolute specificity for NADP+ and requireda divalent metal ion for activity. Km values of 0.33 and 0.008mM for L-malate and NADP+, respectively, were determined. Thisenzyme was inhibited by several organic acids, including ketoand amino acids; while succinate and citrate increased the enzymeactivity when assayed with 10{diaeresis}M L-malate. The effectsshown by amino acids and by citrate were dependent on pH, beinghigher at pH 8.0 than at pH 7.0. (Received October 26, 1988; Accepted February 3, 1989)  相似文献   

Aspects of the carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism of Acerpseudcplatanus, L cell suspension cultures grown on a syntheticmedium containing 2 per cent glucose and 1.0 mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxyaceticacid and kinetin either at 0.25 mg/l (low kinetin) or at 2.5mg/l (high kinetin) are described. High kinetin inhibits growthas measured by increase in cell number, packed-cell volume,and cell dry weight. Although not inhibitory to glucose utdization,high kinetin inhibits the O2 uptake of the cells. Such cellscontain only a trace amount of fructose and their rate of O2uptake can be raised to that of the low kinetin cells by a periodof fructose feeding. The O2 uptake of both kinds of cell issensitive to malonate but the stimulation of O2 uptake inducedby bis(hexafiuoroacetonyl)-acetone (‘1799’) at 0.2mM is much less with the high-kinetin than the low-kinetin cells.The enzymes phosphoglucoseiseomerase and glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase are much less active in the high-kinetin cells.Mitochondria isolated from both kinds of cells show good respiratorycontrol although slightly lower values for QO2(N), ADP/O ratioand control ratio are recorded with mitochondria from the highkinetin cells. Kinetin at 2.5 mg/l slightly reduces the ADP/Oratio of isolated mitochondria but at 4.0 mg/l their responseto ADP is completely suppressed. Extracellular hemicelluloseformed in presence of high kinetin has a reduced content ofgalactose and xylose and an increased content of glucose. Theseobservations indicate that the inhibition of respiration byhigh kinetin is mainly due to suppression of glucose conversionto other sugars rather than to inhibition of glycolysis or terminalrespiration. High kinetin decreases the rate of protein but not of amino-acidsynthesis. Suppression of the synthesis of particular proteinsmay be an important factor responsible for the reduced cellyield of the cultures in presence of high kinetin. The significanceof these observations to our understanding of the critical metaboliceffects of cytokinina is discussed. Acer pseudoplatanus cells release amino acids into their culturemedium early in the period of batch culture and largely reabsorbthem as incubation proceeds.  相似文献   

Pre-illumination of methionine-supplemented medium enhancedthe inactivation of the light dependent methionine sensitivemutant cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and, to a lesser extent,the wild-type cells, confirming that the photodamage is dueto production of toxic produces) in the medium. Exogenouslyadded catalase protected the mutant cells from growth inhibition.Starch gel electrophoresis showed lower catalase activity inthe mutant cells than the wild type. Catalase activity whichwas followed by measuring O2 evolution after the addition ofH2O2 to the cell suspensions was consistently lower in the mutantthan the wild type. The results indicate that light sensitivityin the presence of methionine expressed by this mutant is dueto reduced activity of catalase. (Received August 31, 1989; Accepted October 9, 1989)  相似文献   

The interactions between the assimilation and transport of nitrogenand carbon were investigated in barley and spinach leaves. Bothplants were fumigated with NH3 (1 mg m–3 and the contentof amino acids, sucrose and carbon intermediates of amino acidmetabolism were analysed in the leaves, apoplast and phloemsap. The following changes took place in the C- and N-metabolismof barley leaves during 5 h of fumigation with NH3 (a) The contentsof amino acids, especially glutamine, largely increased andthe contents of sucrose, 2-oxoglutarate, phosphoenolpyruvate,and glycerate-3-phosphate declined. (b) A decrease in the phophoenolpyruvatecontent was accompanied by an increased activity of phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylase. (c) The altered cytosolic concentrations of aminoacids and sucrose during NH3 fumigation correlated with similarchanges in the apoplast and phloem sap. The altered percentageof each amino acid relative to the total amino acid concentrationin the cytosol, caused by NH3 fumigation, is reflected in theapoplast and the phloem sap. The results indicate that the concentrations of amino acids in the cytosol determine their concentrationsin the phloem. Key words: Amino acids, ammonia fumigation, barley leaves, C: N partitioning, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, phloem sap, spinach leaves  相似文献   

The electrophysiological properties of the membrane of Nicotianatabacum var. Sarnsun cultured cells were determined using amicroelectrode technique in standard medium containing 1 mMKC1, 1 mM NaCl and 1 mu CaCl2 at pH 7. Tobacco callus was derivedfrom the pith (Em=–104.4%16.2 mV). The membrane potentialsof the callus cells did not show a symmetrical Gaussian distributionbut were scattered over a wide range. The percentage of highmembrane potential cells increased as the subculture was continueduntil about 11 months and then decreased. The response of themembrane potential to electric stimulus, ionic composition,metabolic inhibitors, sugars and amino acids was characteristicof high (Em=–{small tilde}–160 220 mV; H-cells)and low (Em=–80{small tilde}–90 mV; L-cells) membranepotential cells. The membrane potential of H-cells was largelydepolarized by addition of CN, carbonium cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone,decyclohexylcarbodiimide, and triphenyltin chloride and transientlydepolarized by addition of glucose, galactose, mannose or sucrose,and D-alanine, L-alanine or Llysine, but the membrane potentialof L-cells was not. (Received December 3, 1982; Accepted March 16, 1983)  相似文献   

The CO2-, H2O- and 16O2/18O2 isotopic-gas exchange and the fluorescencequenching by attached leaves of the wild-type and of the phytochrome-deficienttomato aurea mutant was compared in relation to water stressand the photon fluence rate. The chlorophyll content of aurealeaves was reduced and the ultra-structure of the chloroplastswas altered. Nevertheless, the maximum rate of net CO2 uptakein air by the yellow-green leaves of the aurea mutant was similarto that by the dark-green wild-type leaves. However, less O2was produced by the leaves of the aurea mutant than by leavesof the wild-type. This result indicates a reduced rate of photosyntheticelectron flux in aurea mutant leaves. No difference in bothphotochemical and non-photochemical fluorescence quenching wasfound between wild-type and aurea mutant leaves. Water stresswas correlated with a reversible decrease in the rates of bothnet CO2 uptake and transpiration by wild-type and aurea mutantleaves. The rate of gross 16O2 evolution by both wild-type andaurea mutant leaves was fairly unaffected by water stress. Thisresult shows that in both wild-type and aurea leaves, the photochemicalprocesses are highly resistant to water stress. The rate ofgross 18O2 uptake by wild-type leaves increased during waterstress when the photon fluence rate was high. Under the sameconditions, the rate of gross 18O2 uptake by aurea mutant leavesremained unchanged. The physiological significane of this differencewith respect to the (presumed) importance of oxygen reductionin photoprotection is discussed. Key words: Water stress, gas exchange, fluorescence quenching, Lycopersicon esculentum, mutant (tomato, aurea), energy dissipation  相似文献   

Vitamin B6 is essential for cellular functions and growth due to its involvement in important metabolic reactions. Humans and other mammals cannot synthesize vitamin B6 and thus must obtain this micronutrient from exogenous sources via intestinal absorption. The intestine, therefore, plays a central role in maintaining and regulating normal vitamin B6 homeostasis. Due to the water-soluble nature of vitamin B6 and the demonstration that transport of other water-soluble vitamins in intestinal epithelial cells involves specialized carrier-mediated mechanisms, we hypothesized that transport of vitamin B6 in these cells is also carrier mediated in nature. To test this hypothesis, we examined pyridoxine transport in a model system for human enterocytes, the human-derived intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cells. The results showed pyridoxine uptake to be 1) linear with time for up to 10 min of incubation and to occur with minimal metabolic alteration in the transported substrate, 2) temperature and energy dependent but Na+ independent, 3) pH dependent with higher uptake at acidic compared with alkaline pHs, 4) saturable as a function of concentration (at buffer pH 5.5 but not 7.4) with an apparent Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) of 11.99 ± 1.41 µM and a maximal velocity (Vmax) of 67.63 ± 3.87 pmol · mg protein-1 · 3 min-1, 5) inhibited by pyridoxine structural analogs (at buffer pH 5.5 but not 7.4) but not by unrelated compounds, and 6) inhibited in a competitive manner by amiloride with an apparent inhibitor constant (Ki) of 0.39 mM. We also examined the possible regulation of pyridoxine uptake by specific intracellular regulatory pathways. The results showed that whereas modulators of PKC, Ca+2/calmodulin (CaM), and nitric oxide (NO)-mediated pathways had no effect on pyridoxine uptake, modulators of PKA-mediated pathway were found to cause significant reduction in pyridoxine uptake. This reduction was mediated via a significant inhibition in the Vmax, but not the apparent Km, of the pyridoxine uptake process. These results demonstrate, for the first time, the involvement of a specialized carrier-mediated mechanism for pyridoxine uptake by intestinal epithelial cells. This system is pH dependent and amiloride sensitive and appears to be under the regulation of an intracellular PKA-mediated pathway. vitamin B6; intestinal transport; transport regulation; Caco-2 cell  相似文献   

An intensity/time study of the taste of selected amino acidswas carried out. Intensity, persistence and total gustatoryresponse were assessed at five concentrations. Ten amino acidswere assessed for sweetness and eleven amino acids were assessedfor bitterness, four amino acids being assessed for both sweetnessand bitterness. Both a linear function and a power function,I = Kcn (where I is taste intensity, c is concentration, K isa constant and n is the exponent of taste intensity), were fittedto the data. The accession efficiencies for taste recognitionand taste detection were found. Kinetic equations were usedto find Km, the affinity of the receptor site for the sapidmolecule. Limited relationships between chemical structure ofthe amino acids and their temporal properties were found.  相似文献   

Growth and nitrate reductase activity (NRA) of Atropa belladonnacells were studied in medium supplemented with NaNO3, NH4NO3,and amino acid precursors to tropane alkaloids. Growth and NRAwere stimulated by NH4+ and by proline, by proline plus ornithine,but not by glutamate, in NO3-containing medium. Testedamino acids inhibited neither utilization of inorganic nitrogennor growth. (Received September 30, 1988; Accepted August 28, 1989)  相似文献   

In the aquatic liverwort Riccia fluitans the regulation of theplasma membrane H+/amino acid symport has been investigated.Cytosolic pH (pHc), membrane potential (Em) and membrane conductancehave been measured and related to transport data, (i) The releaseof [14C]amino acids is strongly stimulated by cytosolic acidification,induced by the external addition of acetic acid, a decreasein external K+, and in the change from light to dark. On average,a decrease in pHc of 0.5 to 0.6 units corresponded with a 4-foldstimulation in amino acid efflux. (ii) External pH changes havefar less effect on substrate transport than the cytosolic pHshifts of the same order. (iii) The inwardly directed positivecurrent, induced by amino acids, is severely inhibited by cytosolicacidification. (iv) Fusicoccin (FC) stimulates amino acid uptakewithout considerable change in proton motive force. (v) Whenthe proton motive force is kept constant, the uptake of aminoacids into Riccia thalli is much lower than when the pump isdeactivated. It is suggested that both the proton pump activityand cytosolic pH are the dominant factors in the regulationof the H+/amino acid symport across the plasma membrane of Ricciafluitans, and it is concluded that the proton motive force isnot a reliable quantity to predict and interpret transport kinetics. Key words: Amino acid, cytosolic pH, pH-sensitive electrode, proton motive force, regulation, Riccia fluitans  相似文献   

The uptake of L-leucine into Vinca protoplasts was studied undervarious conditions. The uptake was highly pH-dependent, withthe optimal pH between 3.0 and 4.0. The uptake was also energydependent, since azide, 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP), carbonyl cyanidem-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP), and iodoacetate inhibited theuptake. Oligomycin, N,N'-dicycIohexyI carbodiimide (DCCD) andvanadate, but not ouabain, inhibited the uptake, suggestingthat ATPase for H+ electrogenic extrusion was necessary to theuptake of L-leucine. The uptake showed stereospecificity, butwas partially inhibited by other L-amino acids. A kinetic studyof the uptake showed that the uptake was multiphasic with threesaturable phases and one unsaturable phase which occurred atconcentrations of L-leucine over 1 mM. The Km values of thethree affinity sites were 1.4 x 10–3 M, 1.3 x 10–4M, 4.3 x 10–5 M; the maximum velocity values were 3.3x 10–8, 4.5 x 10–9, 1.8 x 10–9 mol/10 min/4x 106 cells. (Received April 18, 1981; Accepted August 25, 1981)  相似文献   

Phosphate reabsorption in the renal proximal tubule occurs mostly via the type IIa Na+-phosphate cotransporter (NaPi-IIa) in the brush border membrane (BBM). The activity and localization of NaPi-IIa are regulated, among other factors, by parathyroid hormone (PTH). NaPi-IIa interacts in vitro via its last three COOH-terminal amino acids with the PDZ protein Na+/H+-exchanger isoform 3 regulatory factor (NHERF)-1 (NHERF1). Renal phosphate reabsorption in Nherf1-deficient mice is altered, and NaPi-IIa expression in the BBM is reduced. In addition, it has been proposed that NHERF1 and NHERF2 are important for the coupling of PTH receptors (PTHRs) to phospholipase C (PLC) and the activation of the protein kinase C pathway. We tested the role of NHERF1 in the regulation of NaPi-IIa by PTH in Nherf1-deficient mice. Immunohistochemistry and Western blotting demonstrated that stimulation of apical and basolateral receptors with PTH-(1–34) led to internalization of NaPi-IIa in wild-type and Nherf1-deficient mice. Stimulation of only apical receptors with PTH-(3–34) failed to induce internalization in Nherf1-deficient mice. Expression and localization of apical PTHRs were similar in wild-type and Nherf1-deficient mice. Activation of the protein kinase C- and A-dependent pathways with 1,2-dioctanoyl-sn-glycerol or 8-bromo-cAMP induced normal internalization of NaPi-IIa in wild-type, as well as Nherf1-deficient, mice. Stimulation of PLC activity due to apical PTHRs was impaired in Nherf1-deficient mice. These data suggest that NHERF1 in the proximal tubule is important for PTH-induced internalization of NaPi-IIa and, specifically, couples the apical PTHR to PLC. phosphate cotransporter; PDZ protein; parathyroid hormone; proximal tubule  相似文献   

Protein kinase D inhibits plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchanger activity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The regulation of plasma membraneNa+/H+exchanger (NHE) activity by protein kinase D (PKD), a novel proteinkinase C- and phorbol ester-regulated kinase, was investigated. Todetermine the effect of PKD on NHE activity in vivo, intracellular pH(pHi) measurements were made inCOS-7 cells by microepifluorescence using the pH indicator cSNARF-1.Cells were transfected with empty vector (control), wild-type PKD, orits kinase-deficient mutant PKD-K618M, together with green fluorescentprotein (GFP). NHE activity, as reflected by the rate of acid efflux(JH), wasdetermined in single GFP-positive cells following intracellularacidification. Overexpression of wild-type PKD had no significanteffect on JH(3.48 ± 0.25 vs. 3.78 ± 0.24 mM/min in control atpHi 7.0). In contrast,overexpression of PKD-K618M increasedJH (5.31 ± 0.57 mM/min at pHi 7.0;P < 0.05 vs. control). Transfectionwith these constructs produced similar effects also in A-10 cells,indicating that native PKD may have an inhibitory effect on NHE in bothcell types, which is relieved by a dominant-negative action ofPKD-K618M. Exposure of COS-7 cells to phorbol ester significantlyincreased JH in control cells but failed to do so in cells overexpressing either wild-type PKD (due to inhibition by the overexpressed PKD) or PKD-K618M(because basal JHwas already near maximal). A fusion protein containing the cytosolicregulatory domain (amino acids 637-815) of NHE1 (the ubiquitousNHE isoform) was phosphorylated in vitro by wild-type PKD, but with lowstoichiometry. These data suggest that PKD inhibits NHE activity,probably through an indirect mechanism, and represents a novel pathwayin the regulation of the exchanger.


The marine green alga, Chlorococcum littorale, accumulated ironin its cells and showed high activity of plasma membrane ferricreductase under high-CO2 and iron-deficient conditions. Theseactivities disappeared upon exposure to ordinary air and byadding excess FeSO4. The iron uptake had high affinity for theFe(II) form (Km of 0.13 µM). Carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazoneand N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide significantly suppressed theiron uptake, suggesting that the Fe(II) uptake was driven byATPase. These results indicate that high CO2 and iron deficiencycooperatively induce the Fe(II) uptake and cell-surface ferricreductase activity. (Received October 20, 1997; Accepted January 29, 1998)  相似文献   

Salinity Reduces Water Use and Nitrate-N-use Efficiency of Citrus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five-month-old Cleopatra mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco)(CM) and Volkamer lemon (Citrus volkameriana Ten. and Pasq.)(VL) seedlings were grown in a glasshouse in 2·3-1 potsof Candler fine sand. Plants were irrigated with either non-saline(ECe = 0·23 dS m-1) or saline (6·13 dS m-1) waterusing 3:1 NaCl:CaCl2 solution over a 4-week period. A singleapplication of K15NO3 (19·64 atom % excess 15N) at 212mg N1-1, was substituted for a normal weekly fertilization after3 weeks and plants were harvested 7 d later. The transpirationrate, uptake of nitrogen, growth and nitrogen-use efficiency(NUE) on a dry weight basis (mg d. wt mg-1 N) of both specieswas reduced by salinity. Based on growth, water-use and chloride(Cl) accumulation in leaves, VL was more salt-sensitive thanCM, but 15N uptake was equally reduced by salinity in both species.Salinity reduced 15N uptake relatively more than shoot growthover the 7-d period, such that the 15NUE (mg d. wt µg-115N) of new shoot growth of both species increased. There wasno evidence of Cl antagonism of nitrate (NO3) uptake but totalplant 15NO3 uptake was positively correlated with whole planttranspiration in both species. Thus, it appears that reductionsin NO3 uptake are more strongly related to reduced water usethan to Cl antagonism from salt stress.Copyright 1993, 1999Academic Press Sodium, chloride, salinity, calcium, nitrate, 15NO3 uptake, nitrogen allocation, nitrogen-use efficiency, water use, Citrus reticulata, Citrus volkameriana  相似文献   

Earlier work has established that the saturable component ofuptake of RS-[214C]ABA by bean (Phaseolus coccineus L. cv. Prizewinner)root segments can be attributed to the action of a carrier.We now show that the carrier-mediated uptake is unaffected byRS-2-trans-ABA and lunularic acid and the unnatural R-ABA alsoappears to be ineffective. The specificity for S-ABA requiresthe halving of the Km value for ABA determined previously (2.6mmol m-3 for RS-; 1.3 mmol m-3 for S-ABA). The RS-1', 4'-cis-dioland RS-1'-deoxy ABA reduce the uptake of RS-[2-14C]ABA aboutas strongly as does unlabelled ABA, the K1 for 1'-deoxy ABAwas similar to the Km for ABA. The K1 for RS-1', 4'-trans-diolwas 15.7 mmol m-3. Consideration of the stereochemistry of thesecompounds suggests that the face of the ring of ABA away fromthe 1'-hydroxyl group interacts with the carrier site. Labelled material diffused out of undamaged root surfaces whichhad absorbed RS-[3H]ABA through an apical cut, suggesting thatABA is present in the apoplast. A simplified hypothesis is presented that can account for polartransport of ABA based on a gradient of a carrier in a tissuebut where the carrier is distributed uniformly on the apicaland basal ends of each cell. Key words: Uptake carrier, Abscisic acid, 1', 4'-Diol, Lunularic acid, Phaseolus coccineus, Polar-transport, Deoxyabscisic acid  相似文献   

Ammonia Uptake in the Alkalophilic Cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ammonia uptake was studied in the alkalophilic cyanobacteriumSpirulina platensis. In continuous cultures under optimal growthconditions ammonia supported optimal growth (doubling time of9.3 h), causing a reduction of glutamine synthetase activityto 25% of that found in cultures grown on NO3. Long term (20min) ammonia uptake assays were performed to study the dependencyon metabolism: 1) Ammonia uptake proceeded at the same ratesin the light and in the dark, the pH dependency pattern correlatingwith light-dependent O2 evolution and dark O2 consumption. 2)The uptake of ammonia was pH dependent with an optimum at pH9.3. 3) The uptake was totally dependent upon the activity ofglutamine synthetase and was completely inhibited by methoininesulfoximine. To study the mechanism by which NH4+/NH3 enters the cells, shortterm experiments (up to 1 min) were performed at pH 7.0 andpH 10.0: At pH 7.0 the uptake was slow and at a constant rate.At pH 10.0, the uptake did not saturate even at 1 mM ammoniaand the kinetics were biphasic, consisting of a fast componentlasting less than 5 seconds and of a subsequent slower component.The fast phase was insensitive to methionine sulfoximine, whereasthe slower phase was completely inhibited by this compound.We suggest that under optimal (alkaline) pH the entry of ammoniainto Spirulina cells is likely to be a pH driven diffusion process,continuously supported by its intracellular assimilation. 1Contribution number 35 of the Microalgal Biotechnology Laboratory. (Received September 19, 1988; Accepted January 16, 1989)  相似文献   

In apple fruit, active ATP-dependent microsomal Ca2$ uptakeand respiration-dependent mitochondrial Ca2$ uptake were observed. The mitochondrial Ca2$ uptake was depressed by the calmodulinantagonists chlorpromazine hydrochloride (CPZ) and N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalene-sulfonamidehydrochloride (W-7). The Ca2$-ATPase from apple mitochondriawas also inhibited by CPZ or W-7. The apparent Km value forCa2$ in mitochondrial Ca2$ uptake (Km=0.35 mM) was similar tothat of mitochondrial Ca2$-ATPase (Km=0.32 mM). The inhibitoryeffect of W-7 on the activity of the mitochondrial Ca2$ uptakewas closely correlated with the inhibition by W-7 of mitochondrialCa2$-ATPase (r=0.996). These findings indicate that the mitochondrialuptake of Ca2$ in apple fruit depends on the calmodulin-mediatedactivation of Ca2$-ATPase. The microsomal Ca2$ uptake was depressed by CPZ, suggestingthat the microsomal Ca2$ uptake may also be modulated by calmodulin. 1 Contribution No. C-72, Fruit Tree Research Station. (Received June 7, 1982; Accepted October 19, 1982)  相似文献   

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