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Gelhaus C  Fritsch J  Krause E  Leippe M 《Proteomics》2005,5(16):4213-4222
Since completion of genome sequencing of the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum, proteomic tools for the identification of parasite proteins have become particularly attractive as they allow a more thorough interpretation of these data. Recent advances in 2-D PAGE, MS, and bioinformatics have created great opportunities for mapping and characterization of protein populations. We employed these improvements in a proteomic approach for the analysis of proteins detected in two blood stages of P. falciparum, (i) in the schizont stage and (ii) in the merozoite stage. For the isolation of merozoites, we introduced a new protocol based on the preparation of clustered structures of merozoites upon treatment of cultures with the common cysteine proteinase inhibitor E64. Peptide mass fingerprints of excised and trypsinated protein spots, acquired by MALDI-TOF MS were generated to identify a variety of proteins. Moreover, prefractionation procedures were used to enrich and map low-abundance proteins in protein samples. The data demonstrate that classic proteomic analyses using 2-D PAGE are now feasible for P. falciparum and represent the first step in the direction of creating 2-D reference maps for this medically most relevant protozoon.  相似文献   

The development of the testis is essential for maturation of male mammals. A complete understanding of proteins expressed in the testis will provide biological information on many reproductive dysfunctions in males. The purposes of this study were to apply a proteomic approach to investigating protein composition and to establish a 2-D PAGE reference map for porcine testis proteins. MALDI-TOF MS was performed for protein identification. When 1 mg of total proteins was assayed by 2-D PAGE and stained with colloidal CBB, more than 400 proteins with a pI of pH 3-10 and M(r) of 10-200 kDa could be detected. Protein expression varied among individuals, with CV between 4.7 and 131.5%. A total of 447 protein spots were excised for identification, among which 337 spots were identified by searching the mass spectra against the NCBInr database. Identification of the remaining 110 spots was unsuccessful. A 2-D PAGE-based porcine testis protein database has been constructed on the basis of the results and will be published on the WWW. This database should be valuable for investigating the developmental biology and pathology of porcine testis.  相似文献   

Wheat flour proteins were studied to identify the cultivar-specific proteins and use them to identify cultivars in flours. Proteins extracted from flours of Japanese wheat (cultivars Hokushin, Horoshirikomugi, Kitanokaori and Kachikei 33) and Canadian wheat (Canada Western Red Spring Wheat No. 1; 1CW) were analyzed by 2-DE with IEF gels over three pH ranges: pH 4-7, pH 5-8, and pH 6-11. This system enabled detection of more than 1600 protein spots. We recognized that among 50 protein spots showing cultivar-dependent qualitative changes, 25 proteins were wheat cultivar specific. These 50 protein spots were analyzed by N-terminal Edman degradation microsequencing and MALDI-TOF-MS; 21 protein spots were storage proteins, such as gliadin and low-molecular mass glutenin subunit. Five protein spots were identified as dehydroascorbate reductase (Triticum aestivum), triticin precursor (T. aestivum), alpha-amylase inhibitor (Oryza sativa), DNA-binding with one finger (Dof) zinc family protein (O. sativa), and nonphototropic hypocotyl 1 (NPH1) protein (Avena sativa). The other protein spots appeared to be hypothetical proteins (O. sativa or Arabidopsis thaliana) or functional unknown proteins. These specific proteins can be used as markers to identify wheat cultivars in blended flour composed of two or three flours.  相似文献   

We analyzed the genetic structure and relationships of house mouse (Mus musculus) populations in the remote Atlantic archipelago of the Azores using nuclear sequences and microsatellites. We typed Btk and Zfy2 to confirm that the subspecies Mus musculus domesticus was the predominant genome in the archipelago. Nineteen microsatellite loci (one per autosome) were typed in a total of 380 individuals from all nine Azorean islands, the neighbouring Madeiran archipelago (Madeira and Porto Santo islands), and mainland Portugal. Levels of heterozygosity were high on the islands, arguing against population bottlenecking. The Azorean house mouse populations were differentiated from the Portuguese and Madeiran populations and no evidence of recent migration between the three was obtained. Within the Azores, the Eastern, Western, and Central island groups tended to act as separate genetic units for house mice, with some exceptions. In particular, there was evidence of recent migration events among islands of the Central island group, whose populations were relatively undifferentiated. Santa Maria had genetically distinctive mice, which may relate to its colonization history. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Huang SY  Lin JH  Chen YH  Chuang CK  Chiu YF  Chen MY  Chen HH  Lee WC 《Proteomics》2006,6(7):2217-2224
Serum is believed to harbor thousands of distinct proteins that are either actively secreted or leak from various blood cells or tissues. Exploring protein composition in serum may accelerate the discovery of novel protein biomarkers for specific economic traits in livestock species. This study analyzed serum protein composition to establish a 2-DE reference map, and monitored protein dynamics of single-comb White Leghorn hens at 8, 19 and 23 weeks after hatching. A total of 119 CBB-stained and 315 silver-stained serum protein spots were analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS. Of these, 98 CBB-stained and 94 silver-stained protein spots were significantly matched to existing chicken proteins. The identified spots represented 30 distinctive proteins in the serum of laying hens. To compare protein expression during development, expression levels of 47 protein spots were quantified by relative spot volume with Melanie 3 software. Ten protein spots increased and 3 protein spots decreased as hen age increased. Previous research has suggested that some of these proteins play critical roles in egg production. The differentially expressed proteins with unknown identities will be valuable candidates for further explorations of their roles in egg production of laying hens.  相似文献   

Zhang L  Xie J  Wang X  Liu X  Tang X  Cao R  Hu W  Nie S  Fan C  Liang S 《Proteomics》2005,5(17):4510-4524
To comprehensively identify proteins of liver plasma membrane (PM), we isolated PMs from mouse liver by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. An optimized extraction method for whole PM proteins and several methods of differential extraction expected to enrich hydrophobic membrane proteins were tested. The extracted PM proteins were separated by 2-DE, and were identified by MALDI-TOF-MS, and ESI-quadrupole-TOF MS. As the complementary method, 1-DE-MS/MS was also used to identify PM proteins. The optimized lysis buffer containing urea, thiourea, CHAPS and NP-40 was able to extract more PM proteins, and treatment of PM samples with chloroform/methanol and sodium carbonate led to enrichment of more hydrophobic PM proteins. From the mouse liver PM fraction, 175 non-redundant gene products were identified, of which 88 (about 50%) were integral membrane proteins with one to seven transmembrane domains. The remaining products were probably membrane-associated and cytosolic proteins. The function distribution of all the identified liver PM proteins was analyzed; 40% represented enzymes, 12% receptors and 9% proteins with unknown function.  相似文献   

Corrigan L  Jefferies C  Clive Lee T  Daly J 《Proteomics》2011,11(16):3415-3419
Serum depletion strategies are commonly implemented in order to remove abundant proteins, increasing the number of proteins detected in a biomarker study. The IgY spin columns used in this study bind 12 and 14 primate proteins, respectively. 1‐D SDS‐PAGE and 2‐DE revealed a suboptimal performance of the IgY spin columns. However, modification of the manufacturer's protocol, subjecting samples to two rounds of depletion, improved the number of proteins resolved by 2‐DE. With alteration of the manufacturer protocol, the Seppro® IgY14 spin column can produce depleted serum with an increased number of spots resolved by 2‐DE compared to untreated serum.  相似文献   

Functional characterization of muscle fibers relies on ATPase activity and on differential measurements of metabolic proteins, including mitochondrial and glycolytic enzymes, glucose, lactate and lactic acid transporters, calcium cycling proteins and components of the contractile machinery. The recent introduction of microarray technology has enabled detailed gene expression studies under different physiological and pathological conditions, thus generating novel hypotheses on muscle function. However, microarray approaches are limited by the incomplete genome coverage of currently available chips, and by poor correlation between mRNA concentration and protein expression level. We have used 2-DE and MS to build a reference map of proteins from rat mixed gastrocnemius and soleus muscle, and to assess qualitative and quantitative differences in protein distribution between these two functionally dissimilar muscles. More than 800 spots on each gel were detected by silver staining, of which 167 were excised, digested in-gel with trypsin and analyzed by ESI-MS/MS. One hundred and twenty eight distinct gene products were identified, including metabolic, transport and contractile proteins. Forty one spots displayed differences in relative expression level between mixed gastrocnemius and soleus samples. These data not only enable differentiation of functionally distinct slow-twitch and fast-twitch fiber types, but also provide tools for investigating muscle plasticity in response to physiological and environmental conditions such as aging or hypoxia.  相似文献   

Oocyte maturation is a complex process and a critical issue in assisted reproduction techniques (ART) in humans and other mammals. We used a sensitive 2‐D DIGE saturation labeling approach including an internal pooled standard for quantitative proteome profiling of immature versus in vitro matured bovine oocytes in six independent samples. The study comprised 48 2D gel images representing 24 DIGE experiments. From 250 ng sample analyzed per gel, quantitative analysis revealed an average of 2244 spots in pH 4–7 images and 1291 spots in pH 6–9 images. Thirty‐eight spots with different intensities were detected in total. Spots of a preparative gel from 2200 oocytes were identified by nano‐LC‐MS/MS analysis. The ten spots which could be unambiguously identified include the Ca2+‐binding protein translationally controlled tumor protein, enzymes of the Krebs and pentose phosphate cycles, clusterin, 14‐3‐3 ?, elongation factor‐1 gamma, and redox enzymes such as polymorphic forms of GST Mu 5 and peroxiredoxin‐3. The cellular distribution of two proteins was determined by confocal laser scanning microscopy. The interesting protein candidates identified by this study may help to improve the in vitro maturation process in order to increase the rate of successful in vitro fertilization and other ART in cattle and other mammals.  相似文献   

Humans have introduced many species onto remote oceanic islands. The house mouse (Mus musculus) is a human commensal and has consequently been transported to oceanic islands around the globe as an accidental stowaway. The history of these introductions can tell us not only about the mice themselves but also about the people that transported them. Following a phylogeographic approach, we used mitochondrial D‐loop sequence variation (within an 849‐ to 864‐bp fragment) to study house mouse colonization of the Azores. A total of 239 sequences were obtained from all nine islands, and interpretation was helped by previously published Iberian sequences and 66 newly generated Spanish sequences. A Bayesian analysis revealed presence in the Azores of most of the D‐loop clades previously described in the domesticus subspecies of the house mouse, suggesting a complex colonization history of the archipelago as a whole from multiple geographical origins, but much less heterogeneity (often single colonization?) within islands. The expected historical link with mainland Portugal was reflected in the pattern of D‐loop variation of some of the islands but not all. A more unexpected association with a distant North European source area was also detected in three islands, possibly reflecting human contact with the Azores prior to the 15th century discovery by Portuguese mariners. Widening the scope to colonization of the Macaronesian islands as a whole, human linkages between the Azores, Madeira, the Canaries, Portugal and Spain were revealed through the sharing of mouse sequences between these areas. From these and other data, we suggest mouse studies may help resolve historical uncertainties relating to the ‘Age of Discovery’.  相似文献   

The study of the parasitofauna of the house mouse Mus musculus (Rodentia: Muridae) Linnaeus is particularly important owing to its multiple relationships with humans – as a cosmopolitan, synanthropic rodent, bred for pets, food for other animals or laboratory animal. This article proposes and describes a new genus and species of the parasitic mite based on adult and immature stages from the house mouse. Glossicodex musculi gen. n., sp. n. is a medium‐sized demodecid mite (adult stages on average 199 µm in length) found in mouse tissue of the tongue. It is characterized by two large, hooked claws on each tarsus of the legs; the legs are relatively massive, consisting of large, non‐overlapping segments. The palps consist of three slender, clearly separated, relatively narrow segments, wherein their coxal segments are also quite narrow and spaced. Also, segments of the palps of larva and nymphs are clearly isolated, and on the terminal segment, trident claws that resemble legs' claws can be found. On the ventral side, in immature stages, triangular scuta, topped with sclerotized spur, can be also observed. Glossicodex musculi was noted in 10.8% of mice with a mean infection intensity of 2.2 parasites per host.  相似文献   

Fluorescent detection of proteins is a popular method of detection allying sensitivity, linearity and compatibility with mass spectrometry. Among the numerous methods described in the literature, staining with ruthenium II tris(bathophenanthroline disulfonate) is particularly cost-effective, but slightly cumbersome owing to difficulties in the preparation of the complex and complexity of staining protocols. We describe here the modifications on both aspects that allow to perform a higher contrast staining and offer a more robust method of complex preparation, thereby maximizing the advantages of the method.  相似文献   

A frequent cause of death in Friedreich's ataxia patients is cardiomyopathy, but the molecular alterations underlying this condition are unknown. We performed 2-DE to characterize the changes in protein expression of hearts using the muscle creatine kinase frataxin conditional knockout (KO) mouse. Pronounced changes in protein expression profile were observed in 9 week-old KO mice with severe cardiomyopathy. In contrast, only several proteins showed altered expression in asymptomatic 4 week-old KO mice. In hearts from frataxin KO mice, components of the iron-dependent complex-I and -II of the mitochondrial electron transport chain and enzymes involved in ATP homeostasis (creatine kinase, adenylate kinase) displayed decreased expression. Interestingly, the KO hearts exhibited increased expression of enzymes involved in the citric acid cycle, catabolism of branched-chain amino acids, ketone body utilization and pyruvate decarboxylation. This constitutes evidence of metabolic compensation due to decreased expression of electron transport proteins. There was also pronounced up-regulation of proteins involved in stress protection, such as a variety of chaperones, as well as altered expression of proteins involved in cellular structure, motility and general metabolism. This is the first report of the molecular changes at the protein level which could be involved in the cardiomyopathy of the frataxin KO mouse.  相似文献   

Many cellular functions are carried out by multiprotein complexes. The last five years of research have revealed that many G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) functions that are not mediated by G proteins involve protein networks, which interact with their intracellular domains. This review focuses on one family of GPCRs activated by serotonin, the 5-HT(2) receptor family, which comprises three closely related subtypes, the 5-HT(2A), the 5-HT(2B) and the 5-HT(2c) receptors. These receptors still raise particular interest, because a large number of psychoactive drugs including hallucinogens, anti-psychotics, anxiolytics and anti-depressants, mediate their action, at least in part, through activation of 5-HT(2) receptors. Recent studies based on two-hybrid screens, proteomic, biochemical and cell biology approaches, have shown that the C-terminal domains of 5-HT(2) receptors interact with intracellular proteins. To date, the protein network associated with the C-terminus of the 5-HT(2C) receptor has been the most extensively characterized, using a proteomic approach combining affinity chromatography, mass spectrometry and immunoblotting. It includes scaffolding proteins containing one or several PDZ domains, signalling proteins and proteins of the cytoskeleton. Data indicating that the protein complexes interacting with 5-HT(2) receptor C-termini tightly control receptor trafficking and receptor-mediated signalling will also be reviewed.  相似文献   

RS‐4‐(4‐Hydroxyphenyl)‐2‐butanol (rhododendrol, RD) was reported to induce leukoderma of the skin. To explore the mechanism underlying that effect, we previously showed that oxidation of RD with mushroom tyrosinase produces RD‐quinone, which is converted to secondary quinone products, and we suggested that those quinones are cytotoxic because they bind to cellular proteins and produce reactive oxygen species. We then confirmed that human tyrosinase can oxidize both enantiomers of RD. In this study, we examined the metabolism of RD in B16F1 melanoma cells in vitro. Using 4‐amino‐3‐hydroxy‐n‐butylbenzene as a specific indicator, we detected moderate levels of RD‐pheomelanin in B16F1 cells exposed to 0.3 to 0.5 mM RD for 72 h. We also confirmed the covalent binding of RD‐quinone to non‐protein thiols and proteins through cysteinyl residues. The covalent binding of RD‐quinone to proteins was 20‐ to 30‐fold greater than dopaquinone. These results suggest that the tyrosinase‐induced metabolism of RD causes melanocyte toxicity.  相似文献   

A novel ligand‐binding site with functional implications has been identified in phospholipase A2 (PLA2). The binding of non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory agent indomethacin at this site blocks both catalytic and anti‐coagulant actions of PLA2. A group IIA PLA2 has been isolated from Daboia russelli pulchella (Russell's viper) which is enzymatically active as well as induces a strong anti‐coagulant action. The binding studies have shown that indomethacin reduces the effects of both anti‐coagulant and pro‐inflammatory actions of PLA2. A group IIA PLA2 was co‐crystallized with indomethacin and the structure of the complex has been determined at 1.4 Å resolution. The structure determination has revealed the presence of an indomethacin molecule in the structure of PLA2 at a site which is distinct from the conventional substrate‐binding site. One of the carboxylic group oxygen atoms of indomethacin interacts with Asp 49 and His 48 through the catalytically important water molecule OW 18 while the second carboxylic oxygen atom forms an ionic interaction with the side chain of Lys 69. It is well known that the residues, His 48 and Asp 49 are essential for catalysis while Lys 69 is a part of the anti‐coagulant loop (residues, 54–77). Indomethacin binds in such a manner that it blocks the access to both, it works as a dual inhibitor for catalytic and anti‐coagulant actions of PLA2. This new binding site in PLA2 has been observed for the first time and indomethacin is the first compound that has been shown to bind at this novel site resulting in the prevention of anti‐coagulation and inflammation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Collagen‐type‐II‐induced arthritis (CIA) is an autoimmune disease, which involves a complex host systemic response including inflammatory and autoimmune reactions. CIA is milder in CD38?/? than in wild‐type (WT) mice. ProteoMiner‐equalized serum samples were subjected to 2D‐DiGE and MS‐MALDI‐TOF/TOF analyses to identify proteins that changed in their relative abundances in CD38?/? versus WT mice either with arthritis (CIA+), with no arthritis (CIA?), or with inflammation (complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA)‐treated mice). Multivariate analyses revealed that a multiprotein signature (n = 28) was able to discriminate CIA+ from CIA? mice, and WT from CD38?/? mice within each condition. Likewise, a distinct multiprotein signature (n = 16) was identified which differentiated CIA+ CD38?/? mice from CIA+ WT mice, and lastly, a third multiprotein signature (n = 18) indicated that CD38?/? and WT mice could be segregated in response to CFA treatment. Further analyses showed that the discriminative power to distinguish these groups was reached at protein species level and not at the protein level. Hence, the need to identify and quantify proteins at protein species level to better correlate proteome changes with disease processes. It is crucial for plasma proteomics at the low‐abundance protein species level to apply the ProteoMiner enrichment. All MS data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with identifiers PXD001788, PXD001799 and PXD002071 ( http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD001788 , http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD001799 and http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD002071 ).  相似文献   

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