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The progress of L-cells through the cell cycle in asynchronous and in synchronous culture has been studied at a concentration of actinomycin D which mediates an apparently‘nucleolar-specific’inhibition of RNA synthesis. Under such conditions, cells may be blocked or seriously delayed in the G1 and G2 phases of the cycle whilst the processes of DNA synthesis and mitosis once initiated, can still occur at control rates. The results show that the sensitivity of a cell to these blocks depends critically upon the position of that cell within the cycle at the time of drug addition. The possible mechanisms of the drug's action are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of actinomycin D on muscle cells development of the ascidian, Herdmania momus was studied ultrastructurally. No myofilament was formed when the drug was given at any stage before early tail-bud stage (stage 3). Some aggregates of myofilaments in various size were formed when the treatment was started at stage 4 (4.5 hr after fertilization at about 28°C). Above 60% of myofibrils of fully differentiated muscle cells were formed when the treatment was initiated at stage 5 (5 hr after fertilization). Muscle cells of the tadpoles treated from stage 7 (6 hr after fertilization), at which myofilaments were first detectable in normal development, differentiated almost normally. It is therefore suggested that most mRNAs for muscle proteins are synthesized preceding the onset of myofilament formation and are relatively stable. It is also suggested that mRNAs for myosin, actin and Z band materials are almost simultaneously synthesized. One of the characteristic features of the muscle cell development of the ascidian embryo is almost synchronous differentiation of relatively small numbers of cells (about 54–60 cells). The significance of these results is discussed in relation to mosaic natures of the muscle development.  相似文献   

The time sequence of nuclear pore frequency changes was determined for phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated human lymphocytes and for HeLa S-3 cells during the cell cycle. The number of nuclear pores/nucleus was calculated from the experimentally determined values of nuclear pores/µ2 and the nuclear surface. In the lymphocyte system the number of pores/nucleus approximately doubles during the 48 hr after PHA stimulation. The increase in pore frequency is biphasic and the first increase seems to be related to an increase in the rate of protein synthesis. The second increase in pores/nucleus appears to be correlated with the onset of DNA synthesis. In the HeLa cell system, we could also observe a biphasic change in pore formation. Nuclear pores are formed at the highest rate during the first hour after mitosis. A second increase in the rate of pore formation corresponds in time with an increase in the rate of nuclear acidic protein synthesis shortly before S phase. The total number of nuclear pores in HeLa cells doubles from ~2000 in G1 to ~4000 at the end of the cell cycle. The doubling of the nuclear volume and the number of nuclear pores might be correlated to the doubling of DNA content. Another correspondence with the nuclear pore number in S phase is found in the number of simultaneously replicating replication sites. This number may be fortuitous but leads to the rather speculative possibility that the nuclear pore might be the site of initiation and/or replication of DNA as well as the site of nucleocytoplasmic exchange. That is, the nuclear pore complex may have multiple functions.  相似文献   

HeLa cells synthesize heterogeneous nuclear RNA (HnRNA) in the G1, S, and G2 portions of the cell cycle. HnRNA prepared from these various periods was compared by RNA-DNA hybridization experiments. The results indicated that some of the HnRNA molecules were equivalent at all times in the cell cycle, but limitations in the sensitivity of the hydridization reactions, as well as in the spectrum of hybridizing molecules, restrict the conclusions that can be drawn from these comparisons.  相似文献   

Progression of the HeLa cell through its life cycle is accompanied by centriolar replication and pericentriolar changes that are in synchrony with DNA synthesis and mitosis. The first signs of preparation for replication occur during G1 at which time the two orthogonal centrioles separate. Replication by budding begins at/or near the initiation of DNA synthesis and is completed by G2. Pericentriolar changes which probably are causally related to spindle tubule formation occur at this time and include the appearance of vesicles, electron-opaque bodies, and an amorphous pericentriolar halo. These phenomena begin to disappear by late prophase, and the remainder of mitosis manifests decreasing centriolar and pericentriolar activity.  相似文献   

The "glucose-bleached" cells of Chlorella protothecoides, whoseplastids were profoundly degenerated containing no trace ofchlorophyll, were obtained by the method previously reported.Transferring the cells to the condition of re-generation ofchloroplasts (greening)—incubation in the light in a glucose-lessand nitrogen-rich medium—the effect of mitomycin C onthe recovery process was investigated. It was found that theantibiotic suppressed completely the cell division without affectingthe re-generation of chloroplasts. De novo formation of RNAand protein which has been observed to occur during the recoveryprocess was not affected by the antibiotic to any significantextent. It thus became clear that the re-generation of chloroplasts,accompanied by the formation of chlorophyll, RNA and protein,occurring under the said condition is not a phenomenon causedby the formation of new "normal" cells from previously degeneratedcells. As was expected, the antibiotic suppressed strongly theDNA synthesis, indicating that the new formation of DNA is nota necessary condition for the re-generation of chloroplastsin "glucose-bleached" algal cells. (Received March 1, 1965; )  相似文献   

Using Chinese hamster cells in culture, we have measured the effectiveness of actinomycin D to suppress division as a function of the position, or age, of a cell in its growth cycle. Cells were first exposed to millimolar concentrations of hydroxyurea in order to produce a synchronized population just before the onset of DNA synthesis. Thereafter, the survival response after 30 min exposures to actinomycin D was measured. Cells become resistant as they enter the S phase and then sensitive again in the latter part of S. When they reach G2 (or G2-mitosis) they are maximally resistant; at 1.0 µg/ml, for example, the survival in G2 is 30-fold greater than it is in G1. These results, plus measurements reported earlier on the interaction of damage in S cells due to actinomycin D and X-irradiation, suggest that the age-response pattern of the toxic effects of this drug probably reflects both the functional capacity of DNA-actinomycin complexes and the ability of this antibiotic to penetrate chromatin and bind to DNA.  相似文献   

Actinomycin D (AMD) at concentrations up to 0,25 µg/ml shows a differential effect on cell RNA synthesis and on the replication of an influenza virus in normal and virally transformed cells, both functions being more resistant to AMD in the transformed cell. A possible explanation for these differences in AMD sensitivity is provided by the observation that isotopically labeled AMD is maintained at a lower concentration in transformed BHK 21/13 (BHK) cells. There is evidence that the decreased sensitivity of the transformed cells to AMD is a result of maintenance of a lower internal concentration of the drug, since a correlation exists for a number of polyoma virus-transformed clones between sensitivity to and uptake of AMD.  相似文献   

The electrokinetic potential of fertilized sea-urchin eggs, without the fertilization membrane and hyaline layer, was investigated by measuring the electrophoretic mobility of the eggs from fertilization to the second cleavage. A cyclic change in mobility was found to accompany the division cycle: the peak of the change was observed about 15 min before the appearance of both the first and second cleavage furrows.
A smaller peak was observed at 20–30 min after fertilization, but such a peak was not repeated between the first and the second cleavage.
Fertilized eggs with the fertilization membrane intact did not show a significant change in electrophoretic mobility throughout the division cycle.  相似文献   

热休克蛋白代谢过程中Hela细胞热耐受性的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
HeLa细胞受热应激后,可产生一组热休克蛋白(HSP),其中HSP73/70产量最高,其合成呈现一定的规律性,受热后4h为其合成速率高峰,10h后明显减少,24h恢复正常。随着HSP合成的消失,正常蛋白质合成逐渐恢复。HSP73/70在细胞内分解遵循指数规律,其半衰期为49.9h。HSP合成及分解规律与细胞热耐受性的增加与消退基本吻合,提示二者之间存在着伴随关系,但是否存在量效关系乃至因果关系有待今后进一步探讨。  相似文献   

The distribution of cellular and nuclear volume in synchronous populations of NHIK 3025 cells, which derive from a cervix carcinoma, have been measured by electronic sizing during the first cell cycle after mitotic selection. Cells given an X-ray dose of 580 rad in G1, were also studied. During the entire cell cycle the volume distribution of both cells and nuclei is an approximately Gaussian peak with a relative width at half maximum of about 30%. About half of this width is due to imperfect synchrony whereas the rest is associated with various time invariant factors. During S the mean volume of the cells grows exponentially whereas the nuclear volume increases faster than for exponential kinetics. Hence, although cellular and nuclear volumes are closely correlated, their ratio does not remain constant during the cell cycle. Volume growth during the first half of G1 is negligible especially for nuclei where the growth appears to be closely associated with DNA-synthesis. For unirradiated cells the growth of cellular and nuclear volume is negligible also during G2+ M. In contrast, the X-irradiated cells continue to grow during the 6 hr mitotic delay with a rate that is constant and about half of that observed in late S. Hence, radiation induced mitotic delay does not appear merely as a lengthening of an otherwise normal G2. During G1 and S the irradiated cells were identical to unirradiated ones with respect to all the parameters measured.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the mitochondria of the cultured cortical cells of rat adrenals was studied. In vivo it was found that the zona fasciculata mitochondria have vesicular internal structure. 600-A vesicles appear free in the matrix or as protrusions of the inner mitochondrial membrane. In tissue cultures of the fetal and newborn rat adrenal cortex it was seen that ACTH induces transformation of the tubulo-vesicular internal structure of the mitochondria to 600-A vesicles. Actinomycin D and puromycin inhibited this transformation if they were added with ACTH. When added alone, these inhibitors of protein synthesis induced no change in the ultrastructure of the mitochondria in cultured cortical cells of rat adrenals.  相似文献   

Cells were isolated from the somite mesoderm and from the unsegmented (presomite) mesoderm of early chick embryos and exposed to actinomycin D in single cell culture. Actinomycin D inhibited proliferation in cell cultures derived from the unsegmented mesoderm, although the same concentrations of this antibiotic did not inhibit cultures derived from the somite mesoderm. This differential sensitivity parallels the regionally specific necrosis and degeneration observed in the unsegmented mesoderm of intact chick embryos exposed to actinomycin D. In culture, both cell types exhibited approximately the same permeability to labeled actinomycin D and showed comparable inhibition of RNA, DNA, and protein syntheses in the presence of the antibiotic. However, freshly isolated mesodermal cells from the somite region had a higher content of RNA than did cells from the unsegmented region, and the somite cells maintained a higher rate of macromolecular synthesis in untreated cultures.  相似文献   

The mechanism of coordination between DNA replication and cell division was studied in Tetrahymena pyriformis GL-C by manipulation of the timing of these events with heat shocks and inhibition of DNA synthesis. Preliminary experiments showed that the inhibitor combination methotrexate and uridine (M + U) was an effective inhibitor of DNA synthesis. Inhibition of the progression of DNA synthesis with M + U in exponentially growing cells, in which one S period usually occurs between two successive divisions, or in heat-shocked cells, when successive S periods are known to occur between divisions, resulted in the complete suppression of the following division. In further experiments in which the division activities were reassociated with the DNA synthetic cycle by premature termination of the heat-shock treatment, it was shown that (a) the completion of one S period during the treatment was sufficient for cell division, (b) the beginning of division events suppressed the initiation of further S periods, and (c) if further S periods were initiated while the heat-shock treatment was continued, division preparations could not begin until the necessary portion of the S period was completed, even though DNA had previously been duplicated. It was concluded that a temporal incompatibility exists between DNA synthesis and division which may reflect a coupling mechanism which insures their coordination during the normal cell cycle.  相似文献   

The increase in alkaline phosphatase in asynchronous cultures of HeLa S3 cells grown in medium supplemented with hydrocortisone is characterized by a lag period of 10–12 hr. Present studies utilizing synchronous cell populations indicate: (a) a minimum of 8–10 hr of incubation with hydrocortisone is necessary for maximum induction of alkaline phosphatase; (b) the increase in enzyme activity produced by hydrocortisone is initiated exclusively in the synthetic phase of the cell cycle; (c) alkaline phosphatase activity does not vary appreciably over a normal control cell cycle. Radioactive hydrocortisone is rapidly distributed into HeLa cells irrespective of their position in the cell cycle, indicating that inductive effects are not governed by selective permeability during the cell cycle. Hydrocortisone-1,2-[3H] diffuses back from the cell into the medium when the cells are incubated in fresh medium containing no hydrocortisone, and the alkaline phosphatase induction, under these conditions, is completely reversible.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural study of the nucleolus of embryos of Paracentrotus lividus was carried out after treatment with Actinomycin D. It was shown that the fibrillar component of the nucleolus persists in the embryos treated with Actinomycin D in the mesenchyme blastula stage and fixed 24 and 48 hr after fertilization. The results are discussed in relation to the synthesis of RNA.  相似文献   

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