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The presence of repetitive elements can create serious problems for sequence analysis, especially in the case of homology searches in nucleotide sequence databases. Repetitive elements should be treated carefully by using special programs and databases. In this paper, various aspects of SINE (short interspersed repetitive element) identification, analysis and evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

Short interspersed elements (SINEs) are important nuclear molecular markers of the evolution of many eukaryotes. However, the SINEs of squamate reptile genomes have been little studied. We first identified two families of SINEs, termed Squam1 and Squam2, in the DNA of meadow lizard Darevskia praticola (Lacertidae) by performing DNA hybridization and PCR. Later, the same families of retrotransposons were found using the same methods in members of another 25 lizard families (from Iguania, Scincomorpha, Gekkota, Varanoidea, and Diploglossa infraorders) and two snake families, but their abundances in these taxa varied greatly. Both SINEs were Squamata-specific and were absent from mammals, birds, crocodiles, turtles, amphibians, and fish. Squam1 possessed some characteristics common to tRNA-related SINEs from fish and mammals, while Squam2 belonged to the tRNA(Ala) group of SINEs and had a more unusual and divergent structure. Squam2-related sequences were found in several unannotated GenBank sequences of squamate reptiles. Squam1 abundance in the Polychrotidae, Agamidae, Leiolepididae, Chamaeleonidae, Scincidae, Lacertidae, Gekkonidae, Varanidae, Helodermatidae, and two snake families were 10(2) -10(4) times higher than those in other taxa (Corytophanidae, Iguanidae, Anguidae, Cordylidae, Gerrhosauridae, Pygopodidae, and Eublepharidae). A less dramatic degree of copy number variation was observed for Squam2 in different taxa. Several Squam1 copies from Lacertidae, Chamaeleonidae, Gekkonidae, Varanidae, and Colubridae were sequenced and found to have evident orthologous features, as well as taxa-specific autapomorphies. Squam1 from Lacertidae and Chamaeleonidae could be divided into several subgroups based on sequence differences. Possible applications of these SINEs as Squamata phylogeny markers are discussed.  相似文献   

Much of the eukaryotic genome is composed of a variety of repetitive sequences. Amongst these, there are two kinds of retroposons (sequence elements derived from nonviral cellular RNA): SINEs (short interspersed elements) and LINEs (long interspersed elements). Amplification of SINEs occurs in a single germ cell, and the members of SINEs spread and become fixed in populations through genetic drift. SINEs can be regarded as phylogenetic landmarks: they are specific to one species, a few species, a genus or in some cases a family, indicating a specific time of amplification during evolution. Recent studies concerning the structure and origin of many SINEs revealed that retroposons are more widespread in animal genomes than was previously thought.  相似文献   

Short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs) are highly abundant non‐autonomous retrotransposons that are widespread in plants. They are short in size, non‐coding, show high sequence diversity, and are therefore mostly not or not correctly annotated in plant genome sequences. Hence, comparative studies on genomic SINE populations are rare. To explore the structural organization and impact of SINEs, we comparatively investigated the genome sequences of the Solanaceae species potato (Solanum tuberosum), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), wild tomato (Solanum pennellii), and two pepper cultivars (Capsicum annuum). Based on 8.5 Gbp sequence data, we annotated 82 983 SINE copies belonging to 10 families and subfamilies on a base pair level. Solanaceae SINEs are dispersed over all chromosomes with enrichments in distal regions. Depending on the genome assemblies and gene predictions, 30% of all SINE copies are associated with genes, particularly frequent in introns and untranslated regions (UTRs). The close association with genes is family specific. More than 10% of all genes annotated in the Solanaceae species investigated contain at least one SINE insertion, and we found genes harbouring up to 16 SINE copies. We demonstrate the involvement of SINEs in gene and genome evolution including the donation of splice sites, start and stop codons and exons to genes, enlargement of introns and UTRs, generation of tandem‐like duplications and transduction of adjacent sequence regions.  相似文献   

Repetitive sequences are ubiquitous components of eukaryotic genomes affecting genome size and evolution as well as gene regulation. Among them, short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs) are non‐coding retrotransposons usually shorter than 1000 bp. They contain only few short conserved structural motifs, in particular an internal promoter derived from cellular RNAs and a mostly AT‐rich 3′ tail, whereas the remaining regions are highly variable. SINEs emerge and vanish during evolution, and often diversify into numerous families and subfamilies that are usually specific for only a limited number of species. In contrast, at the 3′ end of multiple plant SINEs we detected the highly conserved ‘Angio‐domain’. This 37 bp segment defines the Angio‐SINE superfamily, which encompasses 24 plant SINE families widely distributed across 13 orders within the plant kingdom. We retrieved 28 433 full‐length Angio‐SINE copies from genome assemblies of 46 plant species, frequently located in genes. Compensatory mutations in and adjacent to the Angio‐domain imply selective restraints maintaining its RNA structure. Angio‐SINE families share segmental sequence similarities, indicating a modular evolution with strong Angio‐domain preservation. We suggest that the conserved domain contributes to the evolutionary success of Angio‐SINEs through either structural interactions between SINE RNA and proteins increasing their transpositional efficiency, or by enhancing their accumulation in genes.  相似文献   

M F Singer 《Cell》1982,28(3):433-434

Genomic DNA libraries were prepared from two endemic species of Lake Victoria haplochromine (cichlid) fish and used to isolate and characterize a set of short interspersed elements (SINEs). The distribution and sequences of the SINEs were used to infer phylogenetic relationships among East African haplochromines. The SINE-based classification divides the fish into four groups, which, in order of their divergence from a stem lineage, are the endemic Lake Tanganyika flock (group 1); fish of the nonendemic, monotypic, widely distributed genus Astatoreochromis (group 2); the endemic Lake Malawi flock (group 3); and group 4, which contains fish from widely dispersed East African localities including Lakes Victoria, Edward, George, Albert, and Rukwa, as well as many rivers. The group 4 haplochromines are characterized by a subset of polymorphic SINEs, each of which is present in some individuals and absent in others of the same population at a given locality, the same morphologically defined species, and the same mtDNA-defined haplogroup. SINE-defined group 4 contains six of the seven previously described mtDNA haplogroups. One of the polymorphic SINEs appears to be fixed in the endemic Lake Victoria flock; four others display the presence-or-absence polymorphism within the species of this flock. These findings have implications for the origin of Lake Victoria cichlids and for their founding population sizes.  相似文献   

Short interspersed repetitive elements (SINEs) have been shown to be excellent markers of molecular phylogeny, since the integration of a SINE at a particular position in a genome can be considered an unambiguous derived homologous character. In the present study, we isolated a new family of SINEs from cichlids in Lake Tanganyika, whose speciation and diversification have been regarded as prime examples of explosive adaptive radiation. Members of this new SINE family, which we named the AFC family, are about 320 bp in length, and each has a tRNA- related region in its 5' region, as do most of the members of SINE families reported to date. A dot blot hybridization experiment showed that this family is distributed extensively in the genomes of cichlids in Africa, with estimated copy numbers of 2 x 10(3)-2 x 10(4) per haploid genome. Our investigations of the patterns of insertion of members of this family at six orthologous loci demonstrated clearly that four previously identified tribes, namely, the Lamprologini, Ectodini, Tropheini, and Perissodini, each form a monophyletic group. These results provide a basis for the elucidation of the phylogenetic framework of the cichlid fishes in Lake Tanganyika.   相似文献   

Of 310 random cosmid clones, 216 were positive for PRE-1 sequences by Southern hybridization. Thirty nine sub-fragments positive for the PRE-1 sequences were cloned from independent cosmid clones, and sequenced, with 17 complete PRE-1 elements found. Seven PRE-1 loci were amplified by polymerase chain reaction using genomic DNA of 12 unrelated pigs as template. The amplified fragments were then subjected to an analysis of single strand conformation polymorphism, with all the loci being polymorphic.  相似文献   

Short interspersed elements (SINEs) are nonautonomous non-LTR retrotransposons that populate eukaryotic genomes. Numerous SINE families have been identified in animals, whereas only a few have been described in plants. Here we describe a new family of SINEs, named BoS, that is widespread in Brassicaceae and present at ∼2000 copies in Brassica oleracea. In addition to sharing a modular structure and target site preference with previously described SINEs, BoS elements have several unusual features. First, the head regions of BoS RNAs can adopt a distinct hairpin-like secondary structure. Second, with 15 distinct subfamilies, BoS represents one of the most diverse SINE families described to date. Third, several of the subfamilies have a mosaic structure that has arisen through the exchange of sequences between existing subfamilies, possibly during retrotransposition. Analysis of BoS subfamilies indicate that they were active during various time periods through the evolution of Brassicaceae and that active elements may still reside in some Brassica species. As such, BoS elements may be a valuable tool as phylogenetic makers for resolving outstanding issues in the evolution of species in the Brassicaceae family.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic analyses of Macaronesian Lotus and related genera were conducted to assess their biogeographic history and taxonomy. Macaronesian Lotus, which are typically classified within one of two subgenera, Lotus subgenus Pedrosia or L. subg. Rhyncholotus, are diagnosed by the presence of a forked or toothed style and differences in corolla morphology. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses of internal transcribed spacer sequences identify a well-supported northwest African-Cape Verde Island clade that includes all members of Lotus subgenus Pedrosia+L. subg. Rhyncholotus. There is modest support for two independently nested clades containing the Canary Island species and two non-Canarian species, Lotus assakensis from Africa and Lotus azoricus endemic to the Azores. Biogeographic reconstruction based on a parsimony topology unequivocally identifies an African origin for the Canary Island group with subsequent back dispersal to the African continent and a single dispersal event to the Azores. A phylogeographic assessment of colonization and diversification patterns suggests that geographic isolation via interisland colonization of ecologically similar habitats is the primary mode of species diversification in Canary Island Lotus.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting is a form of gene dosage regulation in which a gene is expressed from only one of the alleles, in a manner dependent on the parent of origin. The mechanisms governing imprinted gene expression have been investigated in detail and have greatly contributed to our understanding of genome regulation in general. Both DNA sequence features, such as CpG islands, and epigenetic features, such as DNA methylation and non-coding RNAs, play important roles in achieving imprinted expression. However, the relative importance of these factors varies depending on the locus in question. Defining the minimal features that are absolutely required for imprinting would help us to understand how imprinting has evolved mechanistically. Imprinted retrogenes are a subset of imprinted loci that are relatively simple in their genomic organisation, being distinct from large imprinting clusters, and have the potential to be used as tools to address this question. Here, we compare the repeat element content of imprinted retrogene loci with non-imprinted controls that have a similar locus organisation. We observe no significant differences that are conserved between mouse and human, suggesting that the paucity of SINEs and relative abundance of LINEs at imprinted loci reported by others is not a sequence feature universally required for imprinting.  相似文献   

Palindromic units (PU or REP) were defined as 40-nucleotide DNA sequences which are highly repeated in the genome of several members of the Enterobacteriaceae. They were shown to be a constituent of the bacterial interspersed mosaic element (BIME), in which they are associated with other repetitive sequences. We report here that Escherichia coli PU sequences contain three motifs (Y, Z1 and Z2), leading to the definition of two BIME families. The BIME-1 family, highly conserved over 145 nucleotides, contains two PUs (motifs Y and Z1). The BIME-2 family contains a variable number of PUs (motifs Y and Z2). We present evidence, using band shift experiments, that each PU motif binds DNA gyrase with a different affinity. This suggests that the two families are functionally distinct.  相似文献   

We reconstruct the evolutionary changes in different anatomical markers in order to understand the evolution and functional aspects of growth rings during the diversification of seed plants (spermatophytes), one of the largest and most diverse lineages of the tree of life. We carried out a wide revision of the anatomy of secondary xylem in spermatophytes and reconstructed the evolution of the different anatomical markers in a time-calibrated phylogeny. By embodying a functionally and evolutionarily significant concept in growth rings we reveal a new panorama for their frequency and show how common they are in diverse lineages of tropical plants. In this context, the principal anatomical markers of growth rings are identified in the evolutionary history of plants and their association with climate-related ecological characteristics. We discuss the function of these anatomical markers, especially for thick-walled and/or radially flattened latewood fibres, fibre zone and dilated rays. Despite the high evolutionary lability of the anatomical markers evidenced by our analyses, they appear to represent deep homologies.  相似文献   

Short, interspersed, and repetitive DNA sequences in Spiroplasma species   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
I Nur  D J LeBlanc  J G Tully 《Plasmid》1987,17(2):110-116
Small fragments of DNA from an 8-kbp plasmid, pRA1, from a plant pathogenic strain of Spiroplasma citri were shown previously to be present in the chromosomal DNA of at least two species of Spiroplasma. We describe here the shot-gun cloning of chromosomal DNA from S. citri Maroc and the identification of two distinct sequences exhibiting homology to pRA1. Further subcloning experiments provided specific molecular probes for the identification of these two sequences in chromosomal DNA from three distinct plant pathogenic species of Spiroplasma. The results of Southern blot hybridization indicated that each of the pRA1-associated sequences is present as multiple copies in short, dispersed, and repetitive sequences in the chromosomes of these three strains. None of the sequences was detectable in chromosomal DNA from an additional nine Spiroplasma strains examined.  相似文献   

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