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Summary The behavioural time budgets of two non-aggressive slugs and one aggreessive species were evaluated in monocultures or in 2-way combinations in field cages. The seasonal time budgets ofL. maximus, A. ater andA. columbianus in monoculture were remarkably similar despite their strong differences in physiological resource allocation. Similarity in physical design and resource utilization appeared to be more important determinants of behaviour. The time budgets showed distinct seasonal patterns associated with underlying physiological demands for reserve accumulation, sperm acquisition and oviposition.A. ater andL. maximus displayed a definite dispersal phase associated with femalephase maturation. In combination,A. ater andA. columbianus had no detectable effect on one another’s time budgets.L. maximus disrupted nearly every category of behaviour in these non-aggressive species, but its own time budget was not significantly different in the monoculture or in the two combinations, except for minor effects on resting and sexual behaviour.L. maximus appeared to be adapted to maximize behavioural disturbance of interspecific competitors while minimizing intraspecific effects.  相似文献   

Activity (to food, water and shelter) and resource allocation (mass budget, and size of various body components) were examined in populations of adult Periplaneta americana subjected to periods of starvation or sugar feeding. Following 13 days of starvation, roaches ate 5 times their normal daily ration and feeding required about 20 days to return to pre-starvation levels. When sucrose was substituted for the usual dog-food diet for 13 days, there was also a large increase in feeding initially. When the dog food was re-established, however, there was very little feeding for about one week. Although reproduction was markedly curtailed by starvation, females fed sucrose continued reproducing for at least 59 days. The results suggested that the roaches were mainly energy limited. Although the consumption of roaches was strongly affected by reserve depletion, eating was a small component of the time budget, and overall activity was relatively unchanged by starvation or sugar-feeding. There was a slight decrease in activity during starvation, but the circadian pattern remained unchanged. Females carrying oöthecae were highly active and were apparently attracted to food (even though they ate little). Thus the activity of the population was dominated by circadian rhythmicity and the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

As one of the largest extreme acidic environments in the world the Río Tinto (Spain) constitutes a useful case to study the vegetation resistant to waters, sediments and soils with pH < 3 and high concentrations of S, Fe, Cu and other metals. In this territory two types of water courses coexist: the extreme acidic waters, with a low pH and high amounts of S and Fe, usually of a red color, and those that are not extremely acid, which include colorless acid, neutral and basic waters with much less S and Fe. An exhaustive study of the riparian vegetation present along the two first sections of the Río Tinto and in less extreme, neighboring water courses was carried out (61 inventories). Some water quality variables (pH, redox, Fe, Cu and O2) were measured in sampled points. Correspondence between plant community composition and water quality was analyzed through hierarchical classification, detrended correspondence analysis and canonical correspondence analysis.Results indicate clear differences in vegetation between extremely acidic and less extreme water courses. A total of 50 emergent plant species have been found in extremely acidic waters. Among them the most frequent were Erica andevalensis Cabezudo and J. Rivera, Scirpoides holoschoenus (L.) Soják and Nerium oleander L. Additionally, pH, redox, Fe and O2 concentrations were significantly related to the floristic data.  相似文献   

Taxing unhealthy foods has been proposed as a means to improve diet and health by reducing calorie intake and raising funds to combat obesity, particularly sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs). A growing number of studies have examined the effects of such food taxes, but few have estimated the weight-loss effects. Typically, a static model of 3500 calories for one pound of body weight is used, and the main objective of the study is to demonstrate its bias. To accomplish the objective, we estimate income-segmented beverage demand systems to examine the potential effects of a SSB tax. Elasticity estimates and a hypothetical 20 percent effective tax rate (or about 0.5 cent per ounce) are applied to beverage intake data from a nationally representative survey, and we find an average daily reduction of 34–47 calories among adults and 40–51 calories among children. The tax-induced energy reductions are translated into weight loss using both static and dynamic calorie-to-weight models. Results demonstrate that the static model significantly overestimates the weight loss from reduced energy intake by 63 percent in year one, 346 percent in year five, and 764 percent in year 10, which leads to unrealistic expectations for obesity intervention strategies. The tax is estimated to generate $5.8 billion a year in revenue and is found to be regressive, although it represents about 1 percent of household food and beverage spending.  相似文献   

Aim A current debate in microbial biogeography contrasts two views concerning the distribution of free‐living microorganisms. The first view assumes a ubiquitous distribution, while the second assumes that at least some species have limited geographical distributions. We tested for limited geographical distributions by identifying testate amoebae morphospecies from an extremely remote oceanic island where the potential for endemism is high. Location Amsterdam Island, Indian Ocean. Methods Sixty moss and water samples collected from the top of the volcano to the lowland were investigated for their testate amoeba content. Due to taxonomic uncertainties among the Argynnia (Nebela) dentistoma species complex (including A. antarctica), we also performed light and scanning electron microscopy investigations on the shell ultrastructure and biometric analyses on several specimens of this taxon. Results We identified a total of 43 testate amoeba taxa belonging to 15 genera. Only four testate amoeba taxa had previously been recorded on this island. Testate amoeba communities of Amsterdam Island are dominated by cosmopolitan ubiquitous euglyphid taxa such as Trinema lineare, Assulina muscorum and Corythion dubium. The length and width ranges for Argynnia dentistoma on Amsterdam Island overlap with other records of this species and of A. antarctica, suggesting that A. antarctica is not a distinct taxon. Main conclusions Although Amsterdam Island is among the most remote islands in the world, an extensive inventory of testate amoeba morphospecies provided no clear evidence for endemism. On the one hand, our detailed morphometric analysis of the A. dentistoma complex revealed that A. antarctica, a morphospecies previously suggested to display endemism, cannot be confidently distinguished from the cosmopolitan morphospecies A. dentistoma. On the other hand, five morphotaxa could not be identified with certainty and might represent new species, potentially with limited distribution. These examples illustrate how taxonomic uncertainties undermine biogeographical studies of testate amoebae. In order to allow better interpretation of morphology‐based testate amoeba distribution data, an assessment of genetic diversity among and within morphotaxa in relation to geographical distance for some common testate amoebae should be given high priority.  相似文献   

Aim A number of terrestrial invertebrates are known to have distributions limited to the immediate coastal zone, but the factors controlling their distributions are not well understood. This study was planned to correlate the distribution of a coastal terrestrial amphipod, Austrotroides maritimus Friend 1987, which is only found within 100 m of the high tide mark, with soil characteristics and salt deposition. Location South Cape Rivulet Bay on the south coast of Tasmania (146°47′ E, 43°36′ S). Methods Abundance of the amphipods was examined at four sites c. 200 m apart that varied in their exposure to onshore westerly winds. At each site four replicate transect lines were established 3 m apart, with pitfall traps set at 2‐m intervals. The lines were at right angles to the high water mark and extended beyond the inland limit of A. maritimus. Amphipods were trapped at three times of the year, in winter, spring and summer (1993–94), and the sodium content, organic content and moisture content of the soil at each trap site were measured. The sodium content of rain falling on the transects, was also measured, and lysimeters were used to assess the concentration of sodium in water penetrating the soil profile. Results The inland penetration of A. maritimus varied between 18 and 44 m from the seaward edge of woody terrestrial vegetation (itself <10 m horizontally from the high tide mark). Inland penetration increased from west to east around the bay, following an apparent gradient of increased exposure to onshore winds. At the most easterly and apparently most exposed site, however, the species penetrated only 18 m, but this site differed markedly from the others in its topography, caused by erosion of the dunes, with an 8‐m cliff at its seaward end. The soils at this site were also unusually clayey and waterlogged. Amphipod abundance did not correlate strongly with any of the soil parameters. The salt content of rainfall generally declined inland, as did the concentration of lysimeter leachate, but the inland declines were not all smooth, and both rainfall and lysimeter leachate concentration showed some tendency to increase inland at the most sheltered site. Main conclusions Austrotroides maritimus is strongly restricted to the immediate coastal zone. The extent of its inland penetration correlates with exposure to onshore winds, and circumstantial evidence supports the hypothesis that this may be due to differences in the amount of salts deposited.  相似文献   

中国建立国家公园的目的是保护自然生态系统的完整性和原真性, 促进生物多样性保护。国家公园的完整性和原真性评价是国家公园的布局规划、边界范围确定以及功能区划等研究的前提条件。为了评估国家公园自然生态系统完整性和原真性状态, 本文基于陆地自然生态系统的结构和功能, 通过指标筛选、专家咨询、指标量化和建立综合评价模型, 构建了陆地自然生态系统完整性与原真性的评价指标体系及其量化评价方法。该评价方法包括5个自然生态系统完整性指标、5个自然生态系统原真性指标和2个综合评价指标。以浙江省钱江源国家公园体制试点为例, 本文初步评估了其生态系统完整性与原真性状态, 并对评价结果进行了分级。按照本研究的评价方法, 钱江源国家公园体制试点的自然生态系统完整性评价结果为52.83%, 评价等级为较差; 自然生态系统原真性评价结果为87.06%, 评价等级为好。钱江源国家公园体制试点有待关注和提升的指标有保护区域完整性指数(27.00%)和旗舰种适宜生境完整性指数(53.04%)。最后, 本文结合研究区域评价结果对生态系统完整性和原真性领域应关注的问题进行了讨论。该自然生态系统完整性和原真性评价方法可提供一种评价指标覆盖较全面、数据易获取, 且评价结果易被决策者和管理者理解的评价思路。  相似文献   

王亚茹  赵雪雁  张钦  雒丽  薛冰 《生态学报》2017,37(7):2392-2402
气候变化加剧了高寒生态脆弱区农户的生计脆弱性,为应对气候变化,农户已采取了各种响应措施,当前急需评估农户所采取适应策略的效果,以便选择更有效的适应策略。以甘南高原为研究区,基于入户调查数据分析了农户所采取适应策略的特征,采用模糊综合评价法分析现行适应策略的效果,并利用多准则决策模型确定了最优的气候变化适应策略。结果显示:(1)甘南高原农户多采取组合型策略应对气候变化,尤以调整+扩张型策略为主;(2)甘南高原农户所采取气候变化适应策略的效果较好,效益指数为3.43。其中,农区农户的适应策略效果最好、半农半牧区次之、纯牧区最差;(3)甘南高原不同区域农户筛选的最优策略存在差异。其中,纯牧区和半农半牧区农户筛选的最优策略为调整农牧业结构,而农区农户为完善农牧业基础设施。最后,提出了提高农户适应策略效果的对策建议及未来研究中需进一步关注的问题。  相似文献   

Many researchers have commented on the remarkable ability of African shifting cultivators to adjust their agricultural methods to available resources. In northern Zambia, where the shifting cultivators depend on woodlands as an agricultural fallow crop, deforestation is prevalent under the increasing population pressure. Adaptations to the less vigorous forest cover have taken various forms, but all of them can be described as succession to a common system of shifting cultivation. In many respects, these can be regarded as part of a process of agricultural adaptive radiation as the affected populations were pushed into new environments as a result of warfare and/or population pressure.  相似文献   

Birds of agricultural systems are one of the most threatened groups of birds in Europe mainly due to their sharp population decline in recent decades. Habitat intensification resulting from more productive agricultural practices has been proposed as a major cause for these declines. However, especially in some regions such as Eastern European and Mediterranean countries, little is known about the ultimate factors linked to habitat intensification that drive population declines for different species. The Lesser Grey Shrike is a good study species for a better understanding of such processes since it is closely related to agricultural habitats in Europe and has suffered a strong decline in range and population size across the western half of the continent. In this study, we explored variations in breeding parameters of this shrike related to habitat composition and food supply at the territory level. We found that fledgling success of early breeders was related to the presence of natural (shrub lands) and semi-natural (fallows) habitats in the predominantly agricultural matrix that dominated breeding territories. Their influence on fledgling success appeared to be mediated by a higher arthropod availability on these habitats. Indeed, Lesser Grey Shrike showed a strong preference for these habitats as hunting locations. Our results highlight the importance of natural habitats in intensified agricultural land mosaics for the conservation of bird species. We suggest that management plans should pay special attention to the availability of habitats which serve as high quality food reservoirs and can potentially contribute to enhance the species population viability in an area. Finally, we discuss the possible link between agricultural intensification and Lesser Grey Shrike population declines in Western Europe.  相似文献   

The community of Gamboa is located on Itacuruçá Island, Sepetiba Bay (State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and includes 26 families, mostly of artisanal fishermen who use paddled or motor canoes, and encircling nets for fishing. In this study, predictions from optimal foraging theory (patch model), in particular of patch residence time, are compared to the observed behavior of fishermen on fishing trips. Fishermen's strategies differ depending on their intended prey. They spend more time in patches and use fewer patches for shrimp than for fish. Gamboa's fishermen tend to leave a patch later than predicted by the model. The difficulty in evaluating stock availability, the comparatively few patches available for shrimp, and the competitive aspects of fishing contribute to the explanation of this behavior.  相似文献   

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