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Analysis based on the integration of differential inequalities is employed to derive upper and lower bounds on the total populationN(t) = ∫ R θ(x 1,x 2,t) dx 1 dx 2 of a biological species with an area-density distribution function θ=θ(x 1,x 2,t) (≥0) governed by a reaction-diffusion equation of the form ∂θ/∂t =D2θ +fθ −gθ n+1 whereD (>0),n (>0),f andg are constant parameters, θ=0 at all points on the boundary ∂R of an (arbitrary) two-dimensional regionR, and the initial distribution (θ(x 1,x 2, 0) is such thatN(0) is finite. Forg≥0 withR the entire two-dimensional Euclidean space, a lower bound onN(t) is obtained, showing in particular thatN(∞) is bounded below by a finite positive quantity forf≥0 andn>1. An upper bound onN(t) is obtained for arbitrary bounded or unbounded)R withn=1,f andg negative, and ∫ R θ(x 1,x 2, 0)2 dx 1 dx 2 sufficiently small in magnitude, implying that the population goes to extinction with increasing values of the time,N(∞)=0. Forg≥0 andR of finite area, the analysis yields upper bounds onN(t), predicting eventual extinction of the population if eitherf≤0 or if the area ofR is less than a certain grouping of the parameters in cases for whichf is positive. These results are directly applicable to biological species with distributions satisfying the Fisher equation in two spatial dimensions and to species governed by certain specialized population models.  相似文献   

The heritability, the number of segregating genes and the type of gene interaction of nine agronomic traits were analysed based on F2 populations of synthetic oilseedBrassica napus produced from interspecific hybridization ofB. campestris andB. oleracea through ovary culture. The nine traits—plant height, stem width, number of branches, length of main raceme, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, length of pod, seed weight per plant and 1000-seed weight—had heritabilities of 0.927, 0.215, 0.172, 0.381, 0.360, 0.972, 0.952, 0.516 and 0.987 respectively, while the mean numbers of controlling genes for these characters were 7.4, 10.4, 9.9, 12.9, 11.5, 21.7, 20.5, 19.8 and 6.4 respectively. According to estimated coefficients of skewness and kurtosis of the traits tested, no significant gene interaction was found for plant height, stem width, number of branches, length of main raceme, number of seeds per pod and 1000-seed weight. Seed yield per plant is an important target for oilseed production. In partial correlation analysis, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and 1000-seed weight were positively correlated with seed yield per plant. On the other hand, length of pod was negatively correlated (r = -0.69) with seed yield per plant. Other agronomic characters had no significant correlation to seed yield per plant. In this experiment, the linear regressions of seed yield per plant and other agronomic traits were also analysed. The linear regression equation wasy = 0.074x8 + 1.819x9 + 6.72x12 -60.78 (R 2 = 0.993), wherex 8, x9 and x12 represent number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and 1000-seed weight respectively. The experiment also showed that erucic acid and oil contents of seeds from F2 plants were lower than those of their maternal parents. However, glucosinolate content was higher than that of the maternal plants. As for protein content, similar results were found in the F2 plants and their maternal parents. It was shown that the four quality traits, i.e. erucic acid, glucosinolate, oil content, and protein content, had heritability values of 0.614, 0.405, 0.153 and 0.680 respectively.  相似文献   

Different factors (e.g., light, humidity, and temperature) including exposure to static magnetic fields (SMFs), referred here as critical factors, can significantly affect horticultural seed performance. However, the link between magnetic field parameters and other interdependent factors affecting seed viability is unclear. The importance of these critical factors affecting tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) var. MST/32 seed performance was assessed after performing several treatments based on a L9 (34) (four factors at three levels) orthogonal array (OA) design. The variable factors in the design were magnetic flux density (R1 = 332.1 ± 37.8 mT; R2 = 108.7 ± 26.9 mT; and R3 = 50.6 ± 10.5 mT), exposure time (1, 2, and 24 h), seed orientation (North polarity, South polarity, and control – no magnetic field), and relative humidity (RH) (7.0, 25.5, and 75.5%). After seed moisture content stabilisation at the different chosen RH, seeds were exposed in dark under laboratory conditions to several treatments based on the OA design before performance evaluation. Treatments not employing magnetic field exposure were used as controls. Results indicate that electrolyte leakage rate was reduced by a factor of 1.62 times during seed imbibition when non-uniform SMFs were employed. Higher germination (∼11.0%) was observed in magnetically-exposed seeds than in non-exposed ones, although seedlings emerging from SMF treatments did not show a consistent increase in biomass accumulation. The respective influence of the four critical factors tested on seed performance was ranked (in decreasing order) as seed orientation to external magnetic fields, magnetic field strength, RH, and exposure time. This study suggests a significant effect of non-uniform SMFs on seed performance with respect to RH, and more pronounced effects are observed during seed imbibition rather than during later developmental stages.  相似文献   

Hyadaphis foeniculi (Passerini) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is a cosmopolitan species and the main pest of fennel in northeastern Brazil. Understanding the relationship between temperature variations and the population growth rates of H. foeniculi is essential to predict the population dynamics of this aphid in the fennel crop. The aim of this study was to measure the effect of constant temperature on the adult prereproductive period and the life table fertility parameters (infinitesimal increase ratio (rm), gross reproduction rate (GRR), net reproduction rate (R0), finite increase ratio (λ), generation time (GT), the time required for the population to double in the number of individuals (DT), and the reproduction value (RVx)) of the fennel pest H. foeniculi. The values of lx (survival of nymphs at age x) increased as the temperature rose from 15 to 28°C and fell at 30°C, whereas mx (number of nymphs produced by each nymph of age x) increased from 15 to 25°C and fell at 28 and 30°C. The net reproduction rates (R0) of populations of H. foeniculi increased with temperature and ranged from 1.9 at 15°C to 12.23 at 28°C for each generation. The highest population increase occurred with the apterous aphids at 28°C. The rate of population increase per unit time (rm) (day) ranged from 0.0033 (15°C) to 0.1995 (28°C). The highest values of rm were recorded at temperatures of 28°C and 30°C. The rm values were a good fit to the models tested, with R2 > 0.91 and R2 adj > 0.88. The models tested (Davidson, Sharpe and DeMichele modified by Schoolfield et al., Logan et al., Lamb, and Briere et al.) were very good fits for the rm values observed, with R2 > 0.91 and R2 adj > 0.88. The only exception was the Davidson model. Of the parameters studied, the reproductive capacity was higher in the apterous aphids, with the unique exception of daily fecundity at 28°C, which was higher in the alate aphids of H. foeniculi. Parameters relating to the age-specific fertility table for H. foeniculi were heavily influenced by temperature, with the highest biotic potential and population growth capacity found at 34°C. Therefore, the results obtained in this study could be of practical significance for predicting outbreaks of fennel aphids and improving the management of this aphid in fennel crops.  相似文献   

The quantities,Y, of nitrogen taken up, and dry matter produced, at various times during the growth of six winter wheat crops at Rothamsted were shown to be related to thermal time,x, based on soil temperature, by a simple equation $$Y = (A^{ - 1/n} + \exp ( - kx))^{ - n} $$ whereA is the ultimate maximum ofY, n a shape factor andk a rate constant that is related toA andn throughx′, the inflexion point of the function. The value ofn was 1.5 for both N uptake and dry matter. The value ofA for N uptake,A N , was well described by a multiple regression on sowing data,t s , expressed as the number of days after August 31st, and rainfall,R Apr , in the April before harvest, but no such regression could be found for the value ofA for dry matter,A D . The rate constants,k N andk D , for N-uptake and dry-matter production respectively, could be related to the date of sowing and the weather through the corresponding inflexion points,x′ N andx′ D . Highly significant regressions were found, forx′ N on the time,t sf , between sowing and the return of the soil to field capacity and forx′ D on the reciprocal oft s . The function was used to generate N uptake curves from values ofA N andk N (obtained fromx′ N ) given by inserting the appropriate values ofR Apr ,t s andt sf in the regressions. These fitted measured N uptakes satisfactorily for the six crops used to obtain the regressions, and four grown subsequently, at Rothamsted, and also for six crops at Woburn. Values ofA D had to be set arbitrarily because no regression had been found to predict them, but using these arbitrary values in the function gave dry matter curves that fitted the measurements satisfactorily for all ten Rothamsted crops and two of the Woburn crops. Tests for seasonal and site effects showed thatA N was influenced more by differences between the two sites than by seasonal differences other than those inR Apr , whereasA D was strongly influenced by these seasonal differencess and very little by those between the sites.  相似文献   

Correlation and path-coefficient analyses have been successful tools in developing selection criteria. Since increased seed yield is an important goal in our pearl millet x elephantgrass [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br. x P. purpureum Schum.] hexaploid breeding program, we used correlation and path-coefficient analyses on seed data. This study was conducted to develop appropriate selection criteria by determining the direct and indirect effects of seed-yield components on seed yield plant-1. Number of tillers plant-1, panicles tiller-1, seeds panicle-1, 100-seed weight, and seed yield plant-1, were estimated for individual plants in seven families. Phenotypic (rp) and genetic correlations (rg) were calculated, and path analyses (phenotypic and genetic) were carried out according to predetermined causal relationships. Phenotypic and genetic correlations differed in several cases due to large environmental variance and covariance. Phenotypically, all components were positively and significantly associated with seed yield plant-1. Genotypically, only seeds panicle-1 and 100-seed weight were significantly correlated. These two components were also positively correlated (r p=0.55, r g=0.63), so simultaneous improvement for both components would be feasible. Panicles tiller-1 and seeds panicle-1 were negatively correlated (r g=-0.97). In the path analyses, all direct effects of the components on seed yield plant-1 were positive. Phenotypic indirect effects were not as important as genetic indirect effects. The components seeds panicle-1 and 100-seed weight influenced seed yield plant-1 the greatest, both directly and indirectly.Florida Agricultural Experimental Station Journal Series No. R-03339  相似文献   

A revised key-factor analysis was presented for analyzing the temporal changes in the ratio of insect absolute number to plant resource. Ten data sets for 5 insect species were then analyzed. In this key-factor analysis, the key factor is defined as the factor contributing highly to between-year variation inR r , the log rate of the inter-year change of the insect-plant ratio. The yearly change of plant resource was handled as a separate factor, expressed byr pl , log ratio of plant resource in yearn to plant resource in yearn+1. The following was revealed: 1) In 7 of the 10 data sets examined,r pl influenced variations ofR r ; in particular in 3 casesr pl was the main key factor. 2) Generation-to-generation fluctuations of absolute insect densities showed density dependence in 4 cases, while those of insect-plant ratios, in 8 cases. 3) The Royama model or a linear model, explained well the relationship between log insect-plant ratio (X r ) andR r and the relationship betweenX r and log yearly change rate of absolute insect density (R abs ). However, in the 7 cases in whichr pl was a critical factor for variations ofR r , with, increase ofX r ,R r showed a steeper, decrease around the equilibrium point (the point for whichR r is 0) thanR abs . This occurred becauser pl tended to be negatively correlated withX r . Consequently, in two casesX r fluctuated cyclicly or chaotically although without the changes in plant resource, fluctuations ofX r would be damped oscillations approaching equilibrium.  相似文献   

The growth dynamics of shoot populations and the mode of competition between intra-clonal shoots of two rhizomatous species,Polygonum cuspidatum andPolygonum weyrichii, were investigated at the Houei crater (c. 2380 m a.s.l.) of Mt. Fuji. Three genetic individuals ofP. cuspidatum (large, medium and small) and five genetic individuals ofP. weyrichii were selected for this research. The growth dynamics of shoot populations were analysed using the diffusion model. InP. cuspidatum, linearG(t,x) functions (mean of absolute growth rates of shoots of sizex at timet in the diffusion model) with positive slopes were found in terms of shoot weight in three genetic individuals. The linearG(t,x) functions suggest that smaller-sized shoots were supported by means of physiological integration and not suppressed by larger-sized shoots. As in other clonal plant species, size-independentD(t,x) functions (variance of absolute growth rates of shoots of sizex at timet in the diffusion model) were found inP. cuspidatum. A similar tendency was also found in the five genetic individuals ofP. weyrichii. There was large variance of RGR in terms of shoot weight irrespective of values ofC r(t,x), defined as (total leaf area of shoots larger thanx at timet/total leaf area of all shoots), in both thePolygonum species. This means that there was a higher probability of growth for smaller shoots, suggesting that competition between shoots was symmetric (two-sided) in bothP. cuspidatum andP. weyrichii.  相似文献   

A thrombocyte-specific antigen was identified in two closely related catfish,Ictalurus punctatusandIctalurus furcatus,by monoclonal antibodies 4-20 and 7-2. The antibodies immunoprecipitate two noncovalently associated glycoprotein chains ofMr180,000 andMr95,000. Under reducing conditions theMr180,000 chain is resolved intoMr150,000 and 32,000 subcomponents. Analysis of N-terminal amino acid sequences indicates homology of theMr95,000 chain with the β3integrin subunit and homology of theMr150,000 chain with the αIIbintegrin subunit. These antibodies induce catfish thrombocyte aggregation and alteration of cell shape. The data indicate conservation of the megakaryocyte/platelet-restricted CD41/CD61 complex in bony fish.  相似文献   

Summary An optimal age-structured life history is perturbed by increasing the mortality factors specific to an agek. These can be density dependent (DD) or independent (DI), avoidable or unavoidable. The last two refer to whether their effect on any individual depends or not on how much energy it devotes to defence. Agespecific trade-offs between the allocation of energy to defence and fecundity exist: survival probabilities through each agex, P x, are concave decreasing functions of the fecundity per unit size at that age,b x. These are constraints for the optimal life history. The changes induced by perturbation are evaluated by equations that predict whether some extra energy is diverted towards survivorship at the expense of fecundity or vice versa. The model predicts that for DI environments the degree of avoidability of the mortality source perturbed, is a decisive factor for the strategy selected at agek, but not for any other age class. DD environments are more complex since all ages are simultaneously embedded in density effects. The perturbations not only act directly — as in the DI situation — but also indirectly through their effect on equilibrium density,N *. When any kind of mortality source becomes more intense at agek, N * always decreases and all ages react in consequence according to the effect of density on each age-specific trade-off. Either coincidental or opposing reactions can be expected from direct and indirect effects. The resultant strategy for any age would be a matter of magnitude comparisons. Some possible general patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Seed morphology was studied in 15 species of four subgenera ofJuncus occurring in Kansas, to determine if seeds provide traits useful in assessing systematic relations within the genus. In this study seed size and shape were of limited value, while surface ornamentation of the hard inner seed coat provided encouraging results. SubgenusPoiophylli showed little variation in surface ornamentation among taxa; similar ornamentation was observed in subgenusGenuini. SubgeneraGraminifolii andSeptati were separately distinct with the taxa in theSeptati forming a continuum of variation.  相似文献   

Germination of certain dry seeds (achenes) of Lactuca sativa L. cv. Grand Rapids was increased to ca. 75% after irradiation with 665 nm red light (R; 1x103 J m-2); this response was eliminated by far-red light (FR) following the R. The response of dry seeds required an order of magnitude more light than that of wetted seeds, and was not maximal until 48 h after irradiation. Other seeds, which could not be stimulated by R in dry state, showed a partial response after 10 min hydration. Irradiation of dry seeds (or seeds wetted 1 h) with FR (1x103 J m-2) reduced dark germination from 26% to 2%. Seeds dehydrated in an oven (60°C, 90 min) showed a decrease in germination if irradiated with R (1x105 J m-2) before wetting. The results show that phytochrome is present in dry lettuce seeds (and functional in some seed lots) prior to wetting; and that in other seed lots the molecule becomes functional within minutes after wetting the seeds. Transformation of the FR absorbing from of phytochrome (PFR) to the inactive from (PR) occurs at lower seed moisture content than the reverse reaction. It appears that dormancy in seeds ripened in sunlight might be assured during seed drying and maturation by the more effective transformation of PFR to PR than vice versa as phytochrome is dehydrated.Abbreviations FR far-red - R red - CAL seeds from California - NC seeds from North Carolina (see text)  相似文献   

The time evolution of slowly evolving discrete dynamical systems x i + 1 = T(r i ,x i ), defined on an interval [0, L], where a parameter r ichanges slowly with respect to i is considered. For certain transformations T, once r i reaches a critical value the system faces a non-zero probability of extinction because some x j [0, L]. Recent ergodic theory results of Ruelle, Pianigiani, and Lasota and Yorke are used to derive a simple expression for the probability of survival of these systems. The extinction process is illustrated with two examples. One is the quadratic map, T(r, x) = rx(1 – x), and the second is a simple model for the growth of a cellular population. The survival statistics for chronic myelogenous leukemia patients are discussed in light of these extinction processes. Two other dynamical processes of biological importance, to which our results are applicable, are mentioned.  相似文献   

The frequency distribution of trunk diameter was analyzed for forest stands of various developmental stages and for each tree species population in primary warm-temperate evergreen rain forests, dominated byDistylium racemosum, on Yakushima Island of southern Kyushu, Japan. Trunk diameter distribution in stands showed the inverse J shape. A regression model, lnf(x)=b+b 1x+b2 lnx, expressed the distribution well, wherex is diameter andf(x) trunk density atx. Three coefficients of the model, calculated from the data in 20 stands, clearly showed linear relations to each other and they had high correlations with the basal area per stands. The result suggests thatb andb 1 increase andb 2 decreases with stand age. Fourteen populations of abundant tree species also showed inverse J-shaped diameter distribution, which can be well expressed by the above model. In both open sites (gaps) and closed stands, these species were abundant and their characteristics in diameter distribution were persistent.  相似文献   

In an age-structured population that grows exponentially, each age groupP i(t) at periodt is asymptotically equivalent tox 0 t for some positive number x0. In this paper we show that the speed at which the ith age group reaches its exponential state of equilibrium can be measured by the rate at which the ratio vi(t)=Pi(t)/pi(t–1) converges tox 0. The age specific rate of convergence is determined by considering a quantityr satisfyingv i(t)-x 0 ¦ r t whent is large;R i=Infr (over all initial populations,r satisfying the above inequality) is the R-factor used in numerical analysis to measure the rate at which the sequencev i (t) converges tox 0;S i =- In Ri is then defined as the rate of convergence to stability of the ith age group. The case of constant net maternity rates is studied in detail; in this contextS 0 is compared to the population entropyH, which was proposed by Tuljapurkar (1982) as a measure of the rate of convergence to stability.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Serotiny is common in the genus Banksia, so any seed collection is likely to be comprised of seeds that were produced in many different years. This study aimed to determine the impact of cone age and degree of serotiny on longevity in ex situ storage.


Cones of identifiable age classes were collected from three species of Banksia. Seeds were extracted from cones and the degree of serotiny calculated. An estimate of initial viability (Ki), the time for viability to fall by one probit (σ) and the relative longevity of seeds (p50) for each species and cone age class was determined using a comparative longevity test (50 °C, 63 % relative humidity).

Key Results

The degree of serotiny ranged from moderate (7·9) for Banksia attenuata to strong (40·4) for B. hookeriana. Survival curves for all seed age classes within each species could be described by regressions with a common slope (1/σ), but with different values for Ki. The time taken for viability to fall by one probit (σ) could be described by a common value (29·1 d) for all three species.


Differences in seed longevity between cone age classes and species was related to variation in initial viability (Ki) rather than to differences in σ. While targeting the youngest mature seed cohort on a plant will maximize the viability of seeds collected, a wide range of age classes should be collected (but stored as separate cohorts if possible) for quality conservation/restoration seed collections where genetic diversity is important.  相似文献   

Summary Plants were regenerated from adventitious buds and somatic embryos (R0) of melon (Cucumis melo L.), the cultivar Andes. Somaclonal variants of melon with low temperature germinability were selected from the progenies (R1) of R0 plants. Among 5,618 R1 seeds harvested from 23 R0 plants that were regenerated from adventitious buds 4 seeds germinated after 5 days of culture at 15 °C (selection rate; 0.07%). However, among 374 R2 seeds harvested from 2 R1 plants no seed germinated after 7 days of culture at 14 °C. Among 9,181 R1 seeds harvested from 50 R0 plants regenerated from somatic embryos 110 seeds germinated after 5 days of culture at 15 °C (selection rate; 1.20%). Among 3,717 R2 seeds harvested from 17 R1 plants 113 seeds germinated after 7 days of culture at 14 °C (selection rate; 3.04%). R3 seeds were collected from these R2 plants following self-pollination. Forty-five of the 47 lines (R3) originated from 10 R0 plants showed higher germination rates than that of the original cultivar. Selected lines with low-temperature germinability showed greater fruit growth rate than the original cultivar during the middle stage when they were cultivated in a greenhouse under low-temperature conditions. Of fruits harvested from 31 lines, 15 lines showed greater fruit volume than the original cultivar.  相似文献   

CO2 uptake (P N ) and water vapour efflux (E) through adaxial and abaxial surfaces were measured separately and the corresponding diffusive resistances for water vapour (r 1) were calculated in leaves of different insertion levels during vegetative growth of tobacco plants. Relatively higher values of the abaxialP N/E ratio in comparison with the adaxial one were found in agreement with relatively higherE ad/E ab coefficients and the distribution of the gas exchange in plants in all measurements carried out. Because of the more rapid decrease of theP N rates as compared with theE rates theP N/E ratios of both surfaces decreased gradually from young to old leaves. The decreasing values ofE ad/E ab andP N,ab/P N,ab coefficients showed thatr 1,ab increased with the age of the leaves more quickly thanr 1,ab.  相似文献   

The effect of pH onBrachionus calyciflorus Pallas (Rotifera)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Cohorts of the rotiferBrachionus calyciflorus were grown in media with pH of between 2.5 and 11.5 in increments of 1 unit. pH was shown to exert a major influence on the growth rate and reproductive capacity of theB. calyciflorus. At pH 2.5 theB. calyciflorus showed a negative capacity for population increase (r c). Ther c values of the cohorts reared at pH 3.5 and 4.5 were positive and these cohorts showed high net reproductive rates (R0). Ther c's of cohorts reared at pH of 5.5 and 6.5 were negative, while those of cohorts reared at pH 7.5 to 10.5 were positive with a peak in theR 0 and cohort generation time (T c) at pH 8.5 and 9.5. Total mortality occurred in less that 24 h at pH 11.5.Successive generations of the progeny from the cohort held at pH 3.5 were reared under the same conditions. Although ther c of the F1 and F2 cohorts increased, the organism was unable to maintain the increased population growth rate, and the F4 generation showed anr c of almost 0.  相似文献   

Frugivorous animals frequently generate clumped distributions of seeds away from source trees, but genetic consequences of this phenomenon remain poorly resolved. Seed dispersal of the palm Oenocarpus bataua by long-wattled umbrellabirds Cephalopterus penduliger generates high seed densities in leks (i.e., multi-male display sites), providing a suitable venue to investigate how dispersal by this frugivore may influence seed source diversity and genetic structure at local and landscape levels. We found moderate levels of maternal seed source diversity in primary seed rain across five leks in northwest Ecuador (unweighted mean alpha diversity α = 9.52, weighted mean αr = 3.52), with considerable variation among leks (αr range: 1.81–24.55). Qualitatively similar findings were obtained for allelic diversity and heterozygosity. Higher densities of O. bataua adults around leks were associated with higher values of αr and heterozygosity (non-significant trends) and allelic diversity (significant correlation). Seed source overlap between different leks was not common but did occur at low frequency, providing evidence for long-distance seed dispersal by umbrellabirds into leks. Our findings are consistent with the idea that seed pool diversity within leks may be shaped by the interaction between density of local trees, which can vary considerably between leks, and umbrellabird foraging ecology, particularly a lack of territorial defense of fruiting trees. Taken as a whole, this work adds to our growing appreciation of the ways resource distribution and associated frugivore foraging behaviors mechanistically shape seed dispersal outcomes and the distribution of plant genotypes across the landscape.  相似文献   

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